Groton Avery Clan
Vol. I.
Groton Avery Clan
Elroy McKendree Avery
Catharine Hitchcock (Tilden) Avery
(No. 3112)
Vol. I.
'Honor thy Jather ond thy mother '
' 1 ■ >
9 }
vdI. I
"I am one of those who hold to the safety
which flows from honest ancestors and the
purity of blood." — Henry Clay.
"A people which takes no pride in the noble
achievements of remote ancestors will never
achieve anything to be remembered with pride
by remote descendants." — Lord Macaulay.
"These sought their register among those
that were reckoned by genealogy, but it was
not found; therefore were they, as polluted, put
from the priesthood." — Nehemiah, vii, 64-
K 41
• ' « • ' ; ' * c "
I dedicate these volumes to the memory of
who was born into the Dedham Avery Clan, who married into
the Groton Avery Clan, and who did more than her share in the
preparation of these records. E. M. A.
Cleveland, 1912.
iv Introductory
Introductory : Dedication, Preface, Explanatory.
I. The Avery Family in France and England 1
II. Avery Coats of Arms 21
III. American Avery Clans 24
IV. The First Generation 27
V. The Second Generation 43
VI. The Third Generation 79
VII. The Fourth Generation 116
VIII. The Fifth Generation 159
IX. The Sixth Generation 240
X. The Seventh Generation 372
XI. The Eighth Generation 630
XII. The Ninth Generation 991
XIII. The Tenth Generation 1309
XIV. The Eleventh Generation 1424
Appendix 1432
Index 1465
In 1881, John Denison Baldwin and the Rev. William Clift
published A Record of the Descendants of Capt. George Denison
of Stonington, Connecticut, the culmination of labors begun
many years before. Meantime, Mr. Clift, whose mother was
Nanc}'" Avery (No. 1257), had been collecting material relating
to the genealogy of the Averys of Groton, as stated on page 530
of this volume. This material he turned over to Mr. Homer
D. L. Sweet, whose mother was Candace" Avery (No, 1583).
For thirty years, Mr. Sweet was engaged in the compilation of
The Averys of Groton; on the eve of its publication in 1894, he
died. The first twenty-six pages of that work were written by
me and bear my signature. On the fourth page of the preface,
appears this statement : "More than to any other person except
Mr. Sweet, the existence of this book is due to Dr. Elroy M.
Avery, of Cleveland, Ohio, who assisted materially in its design
and character with both pen and purse." Similar credit was
given by Mr. Sweet on pages 484, 485, and 502 of his work. For
Mr. Sweet's patient and persistent labors, the members of the
Groton Avery clan are under lasting obligation.
For various reasons, there was soon a desire for a revision
of the family history and, with rare unanimity, the interested
members of the clan were willing to have me undertake the
work. In short, no one else seemed willing to take up a task
that necessarily involved much labor without any possibility of
pecuniary remuneration. Mr. Sweet's executor sent me all of
his genealogical material, much of which was unused, and gradu-
ally my wife and I slid under the big load. Blanks and circulars
were printed and distributed as widely as possible among the
descendants of Christopher^ Avery. For several years, a quar-
terly magazine, The Avery Notes and Queries, was printed and
sent to every living member of the clan whose post-office address
was known to the editors.
vi Introductory
In addition to this systematic work and a very extensive
correspondence, repeated pilgrimages were made by Mrs. Avery
and myself to Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York, where
town, church, probate, and other records, vital statistics, town
histories, old burying-grounds, published histories of other fami-
lies, etc., etc., were studiously searched. The greater part of
this work was performed by Mrs. Avery; as an expert genealo-
gist, she was decidedly my superior. Her familiarity with New
England local and family history was unequalled by that of any
other person that I ever knew. After the printing of our family
record (No. 3112), she suddenly died on the morning of Decem-
ber 22, 1911.
While this search was going on, the editors were fortunate
in finding the manuscript genealogy of the Rev. David Avery,
the first historian of the Groton Avery clan, as stated on page
331 of this volume. Mr. Clift and Mr. Sweet had no opportunity
to examine this manuscript which has solved many genealogical
problems and pointed the way to much valuable information.
This present edition is based upon the work prepared by
Mr. Sweet, amplified and corrected according to the best of
our ability. From the necessities of the case, the record as
printed by him has been accepted by us as correct except in the
cases where we found contradictory evidence that seemed con-
clusive. Still the variations from his work doubtless number
several thousand. Most of these variations fall into one of two
classes — additions or eliminations. Concerning additions, no ex-
planation is necessary; they have come from almost countless
sources. Concerning eliminations, a more careful explanation
seems proper.
The present editors gradually came to the conclusion that
Mr. Sweet, with a natural desire to enroll in the Groton Avery
clan every Avery that he could find, was somewhat too much
inclined to assign the more or less remote ancestor of some
Avery correspondent to the position in the Groton line that
seemed to him the only place into which such ancestor could be
made to fit, and that, in some such cases, his assignments were
erroneous. One such instance is here cited by way of illustra-
tion. On page 331 of The Averys of Groton is the record of a
Introductory vii
William Avery (Sweet's No. 54), the alleged seventh child of
Abraham Avery (Sweet's No. 18), the list of whose children
appears on page 327 of that book. This Abraham Avery is.
identical with the Abraham* Avery (No. 26) of this volume. In
the list of the children of this Abraham* Avery we give, at the
bottom of page 137, conclusive evidence that the seventh child,
William-', died unmarried. Our discovery of the will of this
William-', the son of Abraham*, made it necessary for us to cut
out the record of Mr. Sweet's William (Sweet's No. 54) and,
with him, all of the descendants of William's son, Benjamin
(Sweet's No. 105). Fortunately, Mr. Sweet did not assign wife
or child to either of the other two alleged children of his Will-
iam. It is possible that this Benjamin, the progenitor of a very
worthy line of descendants, may, in reality, be one of the Groton
Avery clan, but, as w^e have not been able to prove it, we have
been obliged, with profound regret, to leave him and all of his.
descendants out of the fold.
After years of preliminary work, and after offering to give
all of our genealogical material to any one who would carry out
our plans, and to pay a bonus of several hundred dollars, I
announced, in August, 1900, that I would begin printing the
family history when I had received orders for five hundred sets.
of the work at $10.00 per set. That was" more than a dozen
years ago ; I have not yet that number of subscriptions. But,
owing to a campaign for subscribers made by Trueman Gardner
Avery (No. 2301) of Buffalo, N. Y., I was sufficiently encouraged
to take my chances, and the work was begun. This history, as
delivered to subscribers, contains nearly twice as many pages as
we estimated when the price was fixed. When the books have
been delivered, and all collections on account thereof have been
made, The Groton Avery Clan will represent a money loss to me of
more than twenty thousand dollars. I do not regret the contri-
bution ; my compensation lies in the freely expressed appreciation
of many of my subscribers, whose patience in long waiting I
cannot sufficiently admire. Of course, there have been much
indifference on the part of those who ought to be interested, and
a few cases of rudeness that illustrate the fact that one may
have descended from a noble ancestor. Of course, there have
viii Introductory
been many answers long delayed and some that were contradic-
tory of each other. Of course, the compilation is not satisfactory
even to the compiler; in the nature of things as they are, such
a work never can be satisfactory to the head workers. I have,
in the case of every living member of the clan whose post-office
address was known to me, sent, for examination and correction,
a typewritten copy of his or her family record, with explanatory
circulars and a self-addressed return envelope. In most cases,
I sent a similar copy of the family record of the father or mother
to some of the living children. After allowing ample time for the
return of such copies, the necessary corrections were made before
the matter was sent to the printer. As an added precaution,
printed proof-slips were sent out with enclosures as before — the
final opportunity for additions and corrections. After taking
such unusual pains to secure complete and accurate records, I
feel that they who failed to return their proof-slips to me have no
case against me if the record as printed shows error or omission.
In spite of our best efforts, however, this history has many errors
and defects ; I am glad that no one else will find as many of them
as I have found.
While I live, I shall be glad to act as a genealogical clearing-
house for the Groton Avery clan. Items sent to me should refer
as directly as possible and by number to some record printed in
this edition. For example :
No. 5175. Born to Ralph Whittledge and Edna May
(Wright) Avery, June 7, 1912, at Rocky Hill, N. J., a son, Ralph
Reginald Avery.
No. 5392. Kenneth Mordecai Gilbert was b. May 9, 1877.
No. 3285, iii. Charles Jacob Avery Masten m. June 26, 1912,
at Denver, Colo., Helen Adreon Kirkland, dau, etc.
I will file such items in numerical order and save them for
the use of the editor of the next edition of The Groton Avery
With thanks to all who have lent a helping hand, I welcome
the laying down of the labor that my wife and I took up nearly
twenty years ago.
Cleveland, Dec. 31, 1912.
Introductory ix
In this work, the following abbreviations are used :
b. for born. s. for son.
d. for died. dau. for daughter,
d. y. for died young. m. for married,
unm. for unmarried.
As a general thing, when the name of a town is not followed
by the name of a state, Connecticut is to be understood, unless
both town and state are mentioned in the same family record.
Thus, in reading record No. 43, on page 153, it will be under-
stood that New London and Groton are in Connecticut, while
Oyster Bay is in New York as stated in the seventh line of the
paragraph. Such omissions of the state name are frequent in
the earlier chapters of the book — before the dispersion of the
clan became wide and general.
The family records are arranged in numerical order, be-
ginning on page 27, with 1. Christopher^ Avery, the first genera-
tion of the clan. The record of this first generation constitutes
Chapter IV; the record of the only child, 2. Captain James -
Avery, the second generation, constitutes Chapter V. The names
of his nine children, the third generation, appear on page 78.
The name of each of these ivho became the head of a family is
preceded by an Arabic figure, and the records of such children
follow in numerical order, constituting Chapter VI. Thence,
to the end of the genealogy, the records of each successive
generation constitute a separate chapter.
If, in a list of children, a name is preceded by an Arabic
numeral, it is probable that a fuller record appears in the
chapter next following; look for it in its numerical order. If
such Arabic numeral is not prefixed to the name, it may be
understood that the record of that child ends at that place.
Thus, on page 137, the only record of Mary% the second child
of Abraham* Avery, is given in that place, while the fuller
record of Thomas", the third child, appears as No. 120 and may
l3e found in its proper place on page 197. The names of the
children of the daughters of the clan are not thus numbered ; if
the records of such children (who do not bear the Avery name)
were included, these volumes would have to be multiplied and
the work would be, not an Avery genealogy, but an incomplete
record of the descendants of Christopher^ Avery. Of course,
some limit must be fixed, but special pains have been taken to
make it easy for such descendants as do not bear the name to
"catch on" to the Groton Avery line. In a few cases, a number
in Arabic figures has been given in the list of children and the
further record not given — for the reason that our expectations
of getting the information needed for such fuller record were
not realized. See No. 803. In each family record, the name
thus numbered and the name of husband or wife are printed
in black-face type that easily catch the eye. In the first line of
each record, the names printed in parentheses and in italic type,
indicate the ancestral line back to Christopher^ The small
figures following a given name and raised above the line indicate
the number of the generation as counted down from Christo-
In some cases, defective or erroneous information furnished
by one correspondent was amplified or corrected by another
<;orrespondent after the printing of the record first sent to us.
To make, under such conditions, the best possible use of such
later information, we have accepted certain irregularities, illus-
trated by records No. 1714a and No. 1715a, on page 643 (com-
pare with record No. 688 on page 386), and by "Editorial
Notes" like those on pages 830 and 999. See the "Memoranda"
on p. 1455.
There is a single alphabetical index to the names (Mr.
Sweet had a dozen). We have taken great care to make the list
as full and accurate as possible. Little difficulty will be ex-
perienced in finding the record of Aaron Alonzo Avery or of
Elizabeth Avery Meriwether, or of any other one whose name
is complete and not too common. It may not be so easy to find
Introductory xi
the record of a desired Albert Avery or of a Charles H. Avery.
But if you know that you want the record of Albert Brewster
Avery or of Charles Hedding Avery, the search will not be long.
Even if you want a certain John Avery or a certain William
Avery, the generation numbers given with the names will assist,
if you have some idea of the time when the person lived. If you
know the name of the wife or of the husband of the person whose
record you are seeking, you may, in such cases, save time by
looking for that name in the index. For instance, if you want
to find the record of William Avery who married Martha
Stewart, the index, which contains the name of only one Martha
Stewart, will refer you to page 358 for her record which is
identical with her husband's. Similarly, if you want the record
of Elizabeth Avery who married John Owen Miner, you will
find her record most easily by looking for his name in the index,
for we have many Elizabeth Averys recorded and few John
Owen Miners. In other cases, you may have to examine numer-
ous records before you find the one you desire. When once found,
the line of ancestors or of descendants may be easily traced by
means of the associated Arabic numerals.
"There is no better heritage than
a good name that a father can be-
queath to his children; nor is there
in a family any richer heirloom than
the memory of a noble ancestor."
James Hamilton.
The origin of the name Avery has been much discussed.
According to the Patronymica Britannica it may come from any
of the following:
Aviarius—A keeper of birds, as "avyries of sparrow-hawks,
falcons, eagles and herons, ' ' mentioned in the Forest Charter.
Avery — A place where forage for the king's horses was kept,
derived either from Aveyia, oats (Lat.), or Haver, oats (Anglo-
Norman), or Aver, a northern provincialism for a working horse.
Yet aft a ragged cowte's been known
To mak a noble aiver.— Burns.
Alberic—A German personal name. Latinized Albericus, and
softened in Norman times to Aubray.
It has been claimed that the name Avery came from Averum,
derived from the French avoir, to have or to hold. Avares is the
name of a shepherd tribe of India. Avereland is the land of the
rustics. The French Avarie, the Italian Averie, the Arabic Aivar,
and the Persian Angaria, all mean forced * * commandeering of
horses for government purposes," later applied to a tax on
freight. Every Avery is at least equal to the average, both words
having a common origin.
H. Barber, in British Family Names, derives Avery, Every,
Ivory, from the same word, Ivry, a locality in Normandy.
" Hurrah! Hurrah! for Ivry and Henry of Navarre."
The name has been spelled in many ways, Avery, Avrey,
Auvrey, Auerey, Auvray, Auery, Averie, Avyrie, Averye, Avaray,
Avere, and possibly Auray and Aurey. The letters v and ii
were used interchangeably until the sixteenth century. The
initial E has also been used for A in nearly every form, as Every,
The Groton Avery Clan
De Magny, in his history of Nobiliare de Normmidy, men-
tions a family of Auvrays of Avranches and, in another place,
gives an account of the Aurays of the same locality and assigns
to each the same coat of arms, "a lozenge of gold and azure."
The Aurays originated in Brittany (Bretagne), in the town of
Auray, and were illustrious before the days of William the Con-
queror. According to Norman history, members of the family
accompanied William into England in 1066 and, in 1364, other
members took part in the battle of Auray which put an end to
the struggle for the succession to the dukedom of Brittany. The
Aurays have played an important part in the history of France
and have been honored with many titles and emoluments. The
Avaray family was an ancient one known in Beam from the thir-
teenth century. They served Louis X. and Philip the Good. The
title of due de Beziade was conferred on the eldest son. Claude-
Theophile Avaray, due de Beziade, born in 1655, was lieutenant-
general in the French army and died in 1745. Claude-Antoine
Avaray, born in 1740, was deputy to the states-general from
Orleans in 1789 when he defended the monarchy. He was obliged
to emigrate but returned after the revolution. On the accession
of Louis XVIIL, he received high honors and a fine estate. He
died in 3829. His son Antoine-Louis-Francis was a near friend of
King Louis.
Ralph Ivorie was in the duchy of Normandy, 1180; Tuston
Everie was there, 1198 ; Prinet Everie had safe conduct from
Henry V. Ralph, Nicholas, and Walter Avery were in England
in 1272. (See The Norman People, published by Henry King and
Co., London, p. 237.)
The Auvrays were and are numerous in Normandy. William
Auvray was at Vaux in 1463. John Auvray was living at Monti-
villiers in 1570. Cyprien Avray was alderman at Caen in 1589
and left a son James. John Auvray of Coutances, lord of Vivier,
ennobled in 1576, had a son Francis who left sons, Francis,
Phillipe, John, and Robert. In 1666, all the rights, titles and the
coat of arms of this John Auvray of Coutances were confirmed to
Adam and Michael Auvray. Marin Auvray, lord of Villy Bayeux,
ennobled in 1543, had descendants confirmed in all his rights in
1666. In 1667, Peter Auvray was confirmed in all the rights of
his ancestor, Nicholas, who was ennobled in 1597. There were
also Auvrays in Carentan, Lisieux and many other Norman towns.
In France and England
(See NobiUare de Normandie, by E. De Magny; also French bio-
graphical dictionaries. )
The name Avere first appears in England in the Domesday
Book, on pages 45 and 46. This book contains a list of all the
estates in England with their values and was prepared by the
authority of William the Conqueror. It was completed about
1084. From the translation of the Domesday Book for Exeter we
learn that "Baldwin has a manor called Avera. . . , William
holds of Baldwin, Avra. . . . There are ten acres of meadow and
ten acres of wood."
From the twelfth century to the present time, Averys have
been numerous in the southwestern counties of England. In
Cornwall, Thomas Avery was connected with a suit in Bodmin,
in 1310. William Avery was defendant in one at same place in
1333. John Avery, of Bodmin, married Isoult Barry, whose
father, of Wynscote, died in 1538. This John Avery is supposed
to be the ancestor of the Everys of Wycroft Castle, Devon.
Michael Avery was mayor of Bodmin in 1544; Thomas Avery had
Johan baptized in 1560, and Thomas in 1563; Walter Avery mar-
ried Orige Williams in 1569 and Michael Avery died the same
year. John Avery was in the parish of St. Endillion in 1465.
Richard Avery owned a messuage in Trewigget in 1543. Thomas
Avery, a royalist, was mayor of Liskeard in 1659. The "Lay
Subsidy" tax in Tintagel, in 1543-4, show the following Averys
assessed "pro bonis": Agnes Auery, ij d (i.e., two pence);
Johannes Auery, viii s; David Auery, iiij d; Thomas Auery, ij d;
Ricardus ; Johannes Avery, ij d. In the long list of Tintagel
mayors who bore the name of Avery were: John, 1407, 1630, 1812;
Thomas. 1605; Richard, 1711, 1714, 1784, 1788, 1791, 1794, 1801;
William, 1746. Argent, widow of Clement Avery, owned a farm
there in 1679 and, at the same time, Christopher Avery had a
meadow nearby. Thomas R. Avery was lord of the manor at
Minster and J. R. Avery of that at Farrabury. Richard Avery
owned "Honour Manor," in Boscastle in 1844.
In St. Stephen's Church, Saltash, on the borders of Devon, a
mural tablet was placed in memory of the Avery family "long
seated and widely spread in the south of Devon." The arms
were: ''Three water bougets." A similar inscription is found at
St. Mary's Church, Plymouth, Devon.
The Groton Avery Clan
Gerard Avery of Lostwythiel, Cornwall, and
brook, covenanted concerning the building of a wing between
their houses in North street, 1345. (See Sir Edward Bering's
Collection of Deeds. )
The proceedings in chancery in 1560 give the names of Thomas
Averye and Robert Avery in a dispute over land in the manor of
Cuttenbeke, St. Germans, Cornwall; in 1563, the name of Henry
Avery appears in a dispute with William Matthews concerning
houses and lands at Bossiney, Cornwall.
The History of the Deanery of Trigg Minor by Sir John
McLean, and Notes and Queries (particularly volume 7) contain
many references to the Averys, some of which are given above.
Jenephor, dau. of Michael Averie, Truro, Cornwall, m.
Everard Edmondes, before 1613. Eward Kestle married Johanna
Avery, 16 Sept., 1599, Truro. William Avery, gent., m. Love-
day Courtenoy, 19 Feb., 1609, St. Michaels, Penkivel. William
Avery was burgess of Truro, Cornwall, Oct. 9, 1620. (See
Visitation of Cormvall, 1620.)
Johes Avery, Guithian, Cornwall, m. Emea Randall, 28 Sept.,
Below is given the result of the search made for us in the
parish of Tintagel, Cornwall, England. As will be seen, the
name Christopher occurs. This search was made possible by the
generosity of Miss Carrie M. Powers, of Decatur, Illinois.
When Baptized
Octr. 7
Feb. 7
Octr. 18
August 7
(?) Sept. 10
Deer. 9
Mar. 29
Nov. 26
May 8
Octr. 30
Nov. 8
May 25
Nov. 17
Nov. 8
May 6
Sept. 7
Octr. 12
Nov. 18
Aug. 20
Sept. 18
Deer. 8
Parent's Name
Richard Avery
John Avery
Jane (base)
Annie Avery
Richard Avery
John Avery of
Richard Avery
Parcew Avery
WiUiam Avery
John Avery
William Avery
Richard Avery
Pascew Avery
John Avery
Pascew Avery
Thomas Avery
Theophilus Avery
Thomas Avery
Argent (?)
Edward Avery
Francis Avery
Clement Avery
Clement Avery
Clement Avery
In France and England
The following is a list of the Avery marriages in Tintagel
down to about 1630. There are many of a later date:
William Avery married Willmet Jeast, 11 July, 1588.
Margary Avery
Annis Avery
Thomas Avery
Clemence Avery
Tomsin Avery
Margaret Avery
William Avery
Nicholas Simons, 23 Jan., 1588.
Clemence Battyn, 14 Oct., 1591.
Katharine Brown, 12 Feb., 1594.
Elizabeth, dau. Laurence Locke, 4 May, 1607.
John Martin, 10 July, 1609.
Robert Danger, 25 April, 1613.
Honor Abel, 29 April, 1628.
Our Christopher Avery, the first of the Groton clan, was
found in Devon, the county next to Cornwall. An account of
him will be found in Chapter IV. Averys were very numerous
in that seaside shire and it is probable that thence many of the
name came to America. William Avery held the manor of Coreham
in 1270. Walter Avery's name appears on the list of clergymen
of Bishop Stapelden, diocese of Exeter, who were present at a
meeting at Totnes, near Ipplepen, December 22, 1313. A daughter
of Thomas Avery married William Tighman in 1399, In the
year 1582, Phillis, daughter of Richard Avery of Barnstaple,
married Richard Roberts. She died December 30, 1630. Her
sister, Joane, married Thomas Stephens and her sister, Katherine,
married, first John Andrews, second Bartholomew Chichester.
In Dowland, North Devon, Robert Avery, gent. , buried his mother,
the "weif of Thomas Stoffard in 1600," his wife Thamasine in
1601, and wife Johanna, 1612. The arms used were those of the
Averys of Dedham (see Chapter III.). December 21, 1613, Robert
Avery of Dowland and Ann Chamberlyn of Dowland were mar-
ried. In Idysleigh, John Avery married Elizabeth Copplestone in
1756. Lady Elizabeth Avery of Devonshire was buried in West-
minster Abbey in the fifteenth century.
Among the marriage licenses, diocese of Exeter, Devon, in
the Bishop's registry at the cathedral, is found the following:
"1615, Sept. 26. Richard Englishe of Collompton & Joanna Everye of
Totnes, widow."
This Joanna Everye was the widow of Thomas Everye of Totnes.
Richard EngHshe's will was exhibited at Exeter, 13 Sept., 1623.
After making several legacies, he left the residue of his estate to
his wife, Joanna, who was made executor.
6 The Groton Avery Clan
The Rev. David Avery, in his valuable manuscript history of
the Avery family in America, written in 1800, stated that
Christopher Avery was a kersey weaver from Devon. Thus
guided, and at the expense of Trueman G. Avery, of Buffalo, a
search was made in Devon, a region in which kersey weaving was
the great industry in the seventeenth century. Besides items
relating to Christopher Avery, the emigrant, many records relat-
ing to the family in general were obtained by the genealogist
employed, Mr. C. A. Hoppin, Jr. They are given here to help
other Avery clans and in the hope that their connection with the
Groton Averys, if they have any, may sometime be proved. The
index to the wills, inventories, and administrations of the Averys
in the courts of Devon are herewith copied to about 1650:
Archdeaconry Court, Exeter . — Chrlstiane Avery, Kenton, 1586, will; Robert
Averie, 1593, adm. ; William Averie, Powderham, 1613, will; Joane
Averie, Powderham, 1620, will; John Averie, Westogwell, 1626, adm.;
Edith Avery, Kenton, 1636, adm.; John Avery, Exeter, 1652, adm.
Principal Registry of Bishop of Exeter.— John Averye, Cheritan Bishop,
1579, will; John Avery, Tintagel, 1601, adm.; Lawrence Avery, Hart-
land, 1607, will; Mary Avery, Tintagel, 1634, will; George Avery,
Petrockstow, 1634, will; Marquesse Avery, Hatherly, 1639, will; Peter
Avery, Hartland, 1648, will; Alexander Avery, Berinarber, 1650, adm.;
Lawrence Avery, Hartland, 1648, adm.
Consistory Court, Bishop of Exeter. — Richard Avery, Tetcott, 1568, will;
Thomas Avery, Morchard Bishop, 1577, will; Agnes Averye, St. Ger-
mains, Cornwall, 1586, will; Alice Avery, Sandford, 1594, will; Law-
rence Avery, Hartland, 1606, will; Nicholas Avery, Sandford, 1621,
will; Thomas Avery, St. Germains, Cornwall, 1646, will; Edward Avery,
Swimbridge, 1633, inv. ; Margaret Avery, Sandford, 1640, adm.
Peculiar Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter. ^Thomas Averye, Daw-
hshe, 1551; Henry Avery, St. Mary's Church, 1559; Gilbert Averie,
Topsham, 1606, will; John Averie, Heavetree, 1606, adm.; Mary
Averie, St. Mary's Church, 1606, will; John Averie, Heavetree, 1610,
adm.; Elizabeth Avery, Topsham, 1613, adm. ; Daniel Avery, St. Mary's
Church, 1616, will; John Avery, Topsham, 1639, adm.; Christopher
Avery, St. Mary's Church, 1705, adm.
Archdeaconry of Totnes.—Crispian Everie, 1555; Richard Avery, Jacob-
stowe, 1555; John Avery, Brodworthie, 1558; Elizabeth Avery, Brod-
worthie, 1559; Helinora Avery, Jacobstowe; Robert Avery, Sanford
Courtney, 1567; Stephen Avery, Hatherleigh, 1578; Joane Avery, Ipple-
pen, 1593; Joane Avery, Sanford Courtney, 1597; Paveras Everie,
Brodhampton, 1593; John Averie, 1624; Elizabeth Everie, Totnes, 1605;
John Avery, Totnes, 1610; Christopher Avery, Torbrian, 1613, adm.;
William Avery, Buckland-in-the-moor, 1619, will; William Avery, Brod-
hempton, 1615, will; Richard Avery, Brodhempton, 1623, will; Simon
In France and England
Avery, Jacobstone, 1626; Philip Avery, Hatherleigh, 1626; Mather
Avery, Brodworthie, 1629, will; John Avery, Jacobstone, 1629; John
Avery, Vigsboro, 1630; Mai'gereta Avery, Tolton, 1636; William Avery,
Brodhempton, 1645.
Archdeaconry Court of Barnstaple. — William Averie, Dolton, 1565, will;
Thomas Averye, Hartland, 1572, will; Elizabeth Averie, North Taw-
ton, 1573, adm. ; Matilda Avei'ie, Dolton, 1574, will; Elizabeth Averie,
Hai-tland, 1574, will; John Averie, Hartland, 1577, will; Marye Avery,
Hartland, 1580, will; Walter Avery, North Tawton, 1587, will; Robert
Avery, Great Torrington, 1594; Joan Avery, Westle, 1597; John Avery,
Nymettracy, 1601, will; Jane Avery, Torrington Magna, 1602, will;
Avery, 1608; Avery, 1610; Avery, 1613; Mabel
Avery, Torrington Parva, 1620; Edith Avery, 1625; Sylvester Avery,
1626; Robbins Avery, 1626; Richard Avery, Northlands, 1631; Elizabeth
Avery, Dolton, 1631; Hugh Avery, 1632; Avecia Avery, Stanpolu,
1640; John Avery, Dolton, 1643, will; Jane Avery, Torrington Parva,
1643; Robert Avery, South Molton, 1645.
Abstracts of Devon Wills.—
William Averie, Brodhempston, weaver, will dated 27 Dec, 1615; pro-
bated Newton Abbott, April 23, 1615; mentions "Poore of Brod-
hempston," wife, sons, William, Richard, dau. Elizabeth, and John
Richard Averye, Brodhempston, weaver; will dated March 1, 1622;
probated Newton Abbott, April 22, 1623; mentions "pore of Brod-
hempston," Cousin Paveras Averye and his fower children, brother
William Averye, Sister Elizabeth Avery, Cousin Joan Whitbread and
her three children, Goddaughter Philip Pearce his child, Christopher
Holmes his "twoe children."
Benjamin Avery administered the estate of William Avery, Brod-
hempston, weaver, April 17, 1645.
Lyman Avery, Jacobstowe, husbandman, will made April 26, 1625; he
died April 27, 1625; mentions wife Jane, son James, grandchildren
Edward, Richard, Robert and Joanne Avery, dau. Anne Avery, son-
in-law John Small, poor of Jacobstowe.
Jane Avery, Jacobstowe, widow, will dated March 28, 1659; probated
Oakhampton, July 10, 1661; mentions son Maurice Smale, grand-
children Joane, Anne, John and Simon Smale, son John Smale and
Mary Speare.
John Avery, Jacobstowe, husbandman, will dated Sept. 2, 1629; pro-
bated Nov. 24, 1629, Totnes; mentions eldest son Edward, William
Van's three children, Robin Avery, my son John Lounsford, cousin
Jane Smalle, Mary Avery, John Splat, godson Simon Smale; my
John Averie, Ugborough, husbandman, will dated Aug. 20, 1630; pro-
bated Dec. 30, 1630; mentions wife Johane, dau. Mary Avery, sons,
Edmund, Richard, and William Averie, sister Agnes Mayner, Elynor,
wife of Thomas Rocke and their four children.
8 The Groton Avery Clan
Mathew Avery, Broadworthy, will probated April 4, 1629; mentions
brothers Robert and John Avery; sister Edith Avery, Richard Avery
and his son John, Richard Courtes and Precilla, Robert and Thomas
Courtes, John Courtes, Joanne Taylder, Agnes Avery, Thomas flfutts,
poor of Brodworthy, William Gouldes children, Thomas Penwarden.
John Avery, Brodworthy, yeoman, will dated Oct., 1665; probated Nov.
7, 1665, Totnes; mentions wife Margery, son John, dau. Mary, Rich-
ard Dobell, John Coutis.
Richard Avery, Highampton, yeoman, will dated June 1, 22 Charles II.
Probated Jan. 17, 1670, Totnes. Mentions sons, James, Richard,
John and Edward Avery, daus. Prudence, Elizabeth and Mary; god-
sons Thomas and James Avery, goddau. Joan, son Francis deceased.
Marie Avery, widow, St. Marie Church, will dated March 18, 1607;
probated March 30, 1608, Exeter; mentions John Philpe, son-in-law,
and his two children, John and Maria; Susan Melton and Maria Cole.
Gilbert Averie, Topsham, tailor, will dated Dec. 23, 1606; probated
Feb. 8, 1606, Exeter; mentions wife Joane, son Richard; dau. Marie,
son-in-law Jesse Colleter, brother John Avery and Cousin Thomas
Willym Avery, Powderham, Jan. 23, 1613; nuncupative will; probated
Feb., 1613; mentions wife Elizabeth, dau. Mary, Humfry fforde and
dau. Hester fforde, Philip Turner.
Joane Avery, Powderham, widow, 19 May, 1620. Probated at Exeter,
June 21, 1620. Mentions brother George Pillaphing, sister Dunes,
brother John, brother Thomas Pillaphing, Alice Stribbling, wife of
Robert, sister-in-law Tauseon, aunt Tauseon Harris, George Moles
children, Elizabeth Glanfill, Thomas Kenwood, Hester Ford.
Daniell Averie, St. Mary's Church, sealer and fisherman, March 20,
1615. Probated March, 1616. To wife Marie Avery; sons Daniell
and WiUiam; daus. Margaret and Elizabeth; son-in-law Oliver
Brown; Henry and John, sons of John Brown; Richard, son of
Richard Webber; John and Mary, children of Stephen Langworthy.
There are many wills of a later date, not here mentioned as
they probably have no bearing on the American Averys. One
exception is made on account of the name:
Agnes Hutchins, alias Avery, adm., Jan. 8, 1705-6, on estate of her
son Christopher Avery of St. Mary's Church.
The search in the prerogative court of Canterbury, London,
revealed but three wills of the period in which we are interested:
Richard Avery, Newton, 1571.
Richard Avery, the elder, Totnes, 1585.
Catharine Every, 1654.
The following list of Devonshire deeds was taken from the
record office, Chancery Lane, London:
In France and England 9
William Everye, Esq., buyer; John Burnard, gent., seller, premises in
Hemyoke, 1605.
William Everie, Esq., and others to Henry Skilbrowe and wife, premises in
Combesachesfield, Silverton and Bradninche, 1606.
Robert Averye to Richard Webber and wife Dorothy, premises in Garland
and Chulmeleighe, 1606.
Humphrey Evry and Jane his wife bought of Richard Estchwiche, gent.,
premises in Chudleigh, 1608.
George Everie and Mary his wife bought of Thomas Marwood, sen., prem-
ises in Honyton, 1613.
John Averye, seller, buyer not mentioned, premises in Upcotte, 1612.
A few more Devon items remain to be noticed. The church at
Crewys-morchard contains tombs of the Avery family. At
Witheridge, Robert Avery and wife Anne had children, Robert,
John, Joan, Elizabeth, and Mary who married John Tristam.
According to the "Admission Register" of Gray's Inn, Robert
Avery, son of Robert Avery, gent., Witheridge, was admitted
April 6, 1657. He was probably the same Robert Avery, gent.,
son and heir of Robert Avery, gent., Witheridge, who matricu-
lated at Exeter College, Oxford, Dec. 9, 1653.
Baptisms in the parish church, Barnstaple.—
Year Child's Name Parent's Name
1602, Dec. 24 Rychard Edwarde Averye
1605, July 27 Alse Edwarde Averye
1607, Nov. 18 George Edwarde Averye
1609, Nov. 18 Francis Edwarde Averie
1630, Feb. 20 Valentyn Richard Avery
Burials in the parish church, Barnstaple. —
1606, July 18, Alse, daughter of Edwarde Averye.
1606, July 10, Mr. Richard Averye.
Marriages in the parish church, Barnstaple. —
1582, January 17, Thomas Palmer and Agnes Avery.
1582, July 29, Richard Roberts and Phillis Avery (see p. 5).
1589, April 21, Richard Avery and Elizabeth Bartrain.
Going north into County Somerset, we find the Avery family
still numerous and important. We know that one branch from
that county found a home in the New World. The following pedi-
gree is prepared from the "Herald's Visitations," wills, deeds,
and the history of the Dedham Averys:
The Groton Avery Clan
William Avery, = Ann, dau.
of Congresbury, and heir
Co. Somerset, of
d. 1585. Irish of
Robert Avery=
of Pill,
d. 1575.
(See p. 11)
Prudence Avery
m. John
Jacob Avery, of=
Mell, Somerset,
1623; m. Dorothy
dau. Hugh Whit-
combe, Dorset,
Giles. Thomas.
William= Richard. John=
Sarah. John.
William. Joane.
Samuel Avery, =
and London,
merchant, m.
dau. Benjamin
Joseph Avery, =
Huwish, Co.
Somerset, Esq.
eldest son
m. Frances,
Derds, London.
They had a son
Joseph, who
was a merchant
in London.
of Froome,
m. Edw.
m. John Irish.
Dudley Avery, Esq.
eldest son
Streatly, Berks,
m. Jane Large;
2d, Anna, dau. of
John Allen,
Streatly, Berks.
William Avery=
second son,
Enfield and
Middlesex ;
m. Susan, dau
of Giles Eyre,
White Parish,
Barsheba, m. William
Knipe, Kendall,
Catharine, m. William Lare,
Cowley, Middlesex, Esq.
Christian, m. Joshua
Warren, Colchester.
Mariabella, m. John Locke,
Bristol, Esq.
Dudley. Allen. Samuel. William. Catharine.
Barsheba. Christian.
In France and England 11
Robert Avery of Pill, who died in 1575, is the progenitor of
one clan of the American Averys.
Robert Avery, Pill, d. 1575 =
William Avery^ Richard Avery. Thomas Avery.
Robert Avery= William Avery. Frances Avery.
William Avery, eldest son, came to Dedham, New England,
about 1650. See The Dedham Avery Genealogy for his
Samuel Avery, of Enfield and London, was sheriff of London
in 1647, alderman in 1649, and joined in the act of May 30, 1649,
abolishing kingly power. The following relates to his son Dudley:
Dudley Avery, merchant taylor, bach. , 23, with consent of his father, the
right worshipful Samuel Avery, alderman of London, and Jane Large
above 16, daughter of Thomas Large, with the consent of her mother,
Elizabeth Whorwood, Feb. 28, 1647. {London Marriage Licenses,
Harliean Society, 2^ : 38.
In the prerogative court of Canterbury many wills were
proved from Somerset County:
Alice Avery, Yatton, 1572.
John Avery, Westhuyake, 1571.
William Avery, Congresbury, Barnwell and Yatton, 1580.
John Everye; Donyett, 1568.
Alexander Every, citizen and clothmaker of London, Bradwaye, Somerset;
Axminster, Devon; St Michaell, Cornwall; Bredstreete, London, 1589.
John Every, Gent, and Sergeaunt at Armes, Chaffcomb, 1585.
Richard Everye, Pitminster, 1587.
Thomas Everie, Hatche Beacham, 1592.
William Every, Chard, Somerset and Devon, 1587.
The wills of the above Somerset Averys or Everys seem to
indicate a close relationship, as the following will show:—
John Every, Broadway, Somerset; in will administered, March
21, 1576, mention is made of a son Alexander.
John Every, Chaffcombe, Somerset, gent, and sergeant-at-
arms; will made January 31, 1584; proved May 1, 1585. He men-
tioned wife Madelen; sons Thomas and John; daus. Elizabeth,
Ellenor, Madelen, Agnes, and Mary; cousins, William Avery of
Chard and Alexander Avery.
12 The Groton Avery Clan
Mary, daughter of John Every of Chaff combe, married Wil-
liam, the son of Arthur Raymond. Mary Raymond of Illchester,
widow, in will made Aug. 26, 1639, proved Nov. 15, 1639, men-
tioned "my cousin Simon Every and his eldest son."
In Illchester Church is this monumental inscription:—
"Near this place lyeth the body of Mary Raymond, etc., dau. of John
Every, Esq., servant to Henry VIII, & servant to Edward VI, Queen
Mary, and serjant at arms to Queen Elizabeth."
John Barnarde of Downside, Somerset, in will made Sept. 9,
1622, mentioned Mary and William Raymond and "my brother
Jacob Averie. "
William Every of Chard, merchant; will made January 10,
1587; proved March 7, 1587-8 by Alexander Everie; adm. granted
May 5, 1591, to John Every, brother of the deceased. He left his
wife, Agnes, an annuity of £80 and various goods; to his brother,
Alexander Every, cloth maker of London, all his lands; to his
brother, John Every of Broadway, £20; to Thomas Every of Hatch
Beauchamp, £20; to his sister, Katharine Standerwick, £50; to
sister Elizabeth Bowdige, £30; to children and grandchildren of
brother-in-law, John Bowdige, various sums; to William, son of
John Every of Broadway, £10; to Katharine, dau. of Thomas
Everie of Hatch Beauchamp, £50; and to each of his other
children, £10.
Alexander Every, London, Broadway, Axminster, St. Michael,
Cornwall, cloth maker; will made Dec. 25, 1588; proved March 27,
1589, by William Every, son of his brother; left money for the
erection of almshouses in Broadway; mentioned brothers John
Every and Thomas Every; John Every, son of Sergeant Every
and "my aunt Everie, the Sergeant's wife;" children of "my
brother, Thomas Every."
John Every, Wootens Abbott, Dorset, gent. ; will dated Dec.
16, 1616; proved April 25, 1617, by William Every; to "my wife
Fridsinde, £40 per annum out of my annuity going out of Kings-
ton Hall, Dorset; " to "John Every, my son," £50 per annum out
of the same; to "Alexander Every, my son," £50 per annum out
of the same when 21; to "my son John," my lease of Staymore in
Axminster, he paying to son, Alexander, £20 per annum; to son
Alexander, household stuff in Wootens Abbott, with exceptions;
mentioned daughter-in-law, Barbara Every; to daughter, Sarah,
In France and England 13
wife of Henry Skibbow, £100; to their son, William Skibbow, a
house in Calliforcl; to their daughter, Joan Skibbow, £10; to chil-
dren of son, William Everie, £100; to second son, John, £100; to
his son, John, a colt; to daughter, Johane, wife of Worthington
Brice, £100; mentioned also beloved sister, Elizabeth Bowdige;
brother-in-law, John Fowler; brother-in-law, Mark Cross; residue
to William Every, my son.
Thomas Evrie, Hatch Beauchamp, will dated Aug. 31, 1592;
proved Oct. 27, 1592; manor of Storwell; mentioned wife, Joane;
Richard Evrie, eldest son; Thomas Evrie, son; daughter Edith,
wife of Rowens Kewer; daus., Katharine, Joane, Alice, Freeseed,
Elizabeth, Mary; to each daughter, £80.
There are wills of this family of Somerset Averys of later
generations not here given. In the will of John Barnarde above
mentioned, we find a suggestion that, through Jacob Avery, the
Averys of Dedham (Massachusetts) were related to this Somerset
From the Visitation of Dorset, 1623, we learn that a family
under the name of Every was seated at Wycroft Castle. They
bore arms— Or, four chevronels gules. John Every, Esq., married
Fredeswith, dau. of William Jervice of Hemioke. They had—
1. Joan, m. Worthington Brice of Somerset County.
2. Sara, m. Henry Skibbow [Skilbrowe], Silverton, Devon.
3. William of Cothay, Somerset; m. Margaret, dau. of Robert Haydon,
Devon, and had
(a) John, aged 17, in 1623.
(b) Margaret, aged 15, in 1623.
(c) William, aged 12, in 1623.
(d) Joan, aged 11, in 1623.
(e) Ann, aged 9, in 1623.
(f) Frideswid, aged 3, in 1623.
Also an older daughter, Sara, who married John Gould of Dor-
4. John of Hemiok; m. Barbara, dau. of John Bennet of Dorset,
and had
(a) Barbara, aged 7, in 1623.
(b) Ann, aged 6, in 1623.
(c) John, aged 3, in 1623.
5. Alexander of Whitchurch, Dorset.
John Every, sergeant-at-arms in the reign of Queen Elizabeth,
bore the same arms as the Everys of Wycroft Castle. Of his
14 The Groton Avery Clan
1. Thomas left two daughters.
2. John left sons, John and George.
i. John, the first son, married Elizabeth, dau. of William Lambert, of
Oxford. He died in 1618 and left his estate, Chardstock, to his
only son—
(a) Sir Simon Every, created baronet of Chardstock, May 26,
1641; suffered for loyalty to Charles I.
Branches of this stock settled in Derbyshire.
In the registry of wills at Bristol, Gloucestershire, are pre-
served the wills of Edward Avery, 1601 ; John Avery, 1603.
Alice Avery's will, Aveling, was proved, 1574; William Avery's,
same place, 1625; Ann Avery of Sisten, 1615.
Richard Avery m. Ann Alleredge Jan. 28, 1590, at Betton.
Ann Avery was buried Nov. 15, 1614, at same place.
From the Visitation of Dorset, 1623, we learn that Jacob, third
son of Robert Ryeres, married Frances, dau. of Thomas Auerie of
County Wilts.
The Somerset Averys sent branches into Berkshire, Middle-
sex, and up to London, but there were Averys in Berkshire,
apparently of other origin. Amos Avery was commissioner for
Berkshire in 1656. Arnold Avery was a justice of the peace in
1650. Henry Avery was a soldier serving in Ireland in 1654.
Joseph Avery was deputy-governor of the Merchant Adventurers'
Company in Holland, in 1660. Robert Avery was a royalist officer
in the civil war. Benjamin, Richard and Timothy Avery were
Presbyterians in Berkshire, in 1697. The Averys were in the
clothing trade in Newbury; a branch of this family settled in
Marlboro, Wiltshire; and Dr. Avery, the second treasurer of Guy's
Hospital, also belonged to the Newbury Averys. They used the
same coat of arms as the Filongley Averys. It is possible that a
branch of this family came to America.
The following contains all that I have been able to learn con-
cerning the Filongley Averys, in the county of Warwick. A family
of Averys now living in Virginia are descended from an ancestor
who had this coat of arms on his silver plate. In the late civil
war, it disappeared.
A Grant of these Armes and Crest by Rob. Cook, Esq., Clar-
enc'x, to Will. Averey, of Felongley in y'^ County of Warwick,
In France and England
Gent. , viz. : On a Palle Engrayled azure three Lyons heads coupey
gold, And to his Crest on a Wreath gold and azure, an Ownce
Couchant Silver besantyd, mantelled Gules doubled sylver.
Habend: to him and his posterity, dated 25 Junii, 1579: 21 Eliz.
Produced at Coleshill 30 Mar.. 1682.
Mem'^""\— The Ownce is gorged with a Coronet in the Paint-
ing but not mentioned in the blazon.
Willimus Auerey=
=Katherina fi 1 i a
de Com. Somerset.
Elizabeth filia=Willimus Auerey=Amphili filia
Thomae Harby de Filongley in Nicholai Fox-
de Adston in Com War. obiit ley de Blake-
Com. Northton 7 May Ac 1618 sley in Com.
vxor prima. Northt. obiit
Elizabetha vxor
Willimus Auerey=Mabilia filia 2
de Filongly in Willimi B e 1-
Com. Warr. fil et cherdeGuilles-
haeres superstes burgh in Com.
Ao. 1619, Northt. Armi-
Thomas filius2
cselebs Ao.
Richardus obiit
in puerili aetate,
vxor Hen-
rici Agard
d e Dun-
Willimus Auerey Johannes fil. 2.
filius primogeni-
tus ataetis 7 ann.
Ao. 1619.
Knightleyus fil.
3 obiit infans.
Willia. Avery
Among the Berkshire wills as given by the British Record
Society are found: — Richard Avery, Rememham, 1559; Richard
Avery, Rememham, 1620; John Avery, Wargrove, 1605,
There was a Sir John Avery, vicar of the church of Hag-
bourne, Berkshire, as is shown by deeds in the Record Office,
Chancery Lane, London, The name of his clerk was Robert
The Litchfield wills given are:— John Avery, 1541; John Avery,
Filongley, 1544; Henry Avery, 1610,
Parochial endowments by the Avery family are found in Fil-
ongley. Robert Bucke, draper of London, in his will made Nov,
17, 1620, mentions " Newe Marsh als Greene Marsh," in Barking,
Essex, which he bought of William Avery, son of William Avery,
16 The Groton Avery Clan
late of Filongley, Warwick, Dec. 30, 1618. He also mentions
Mary and Clare Avery, daughters of John Avery, of Walden,
As we get further away from Cornwall and Devon, the name
of Avery grows less and less frequent.
John Day, of Chiddinglighe, Essex, in a will dated July 20,
1620, speaks of his daughter Anna, wife of Lawrence Avery of
Lewes, and their daughters, Thomasine and Elizabeth. William
Avery had land in this shire in 1565.
Thomas Avery was witness to a deed in Southwick, Surrey,
in 1466. Alice Avery married John Beard in Cowfield, in 1485.
The parish church, St. Mary's, Cray, Kent contains tombs of
the Avery family.
Mr. H. Hatcher, the antiquarian, in 1842, copied the follow-
ing from the church records at Salisbury, Wiltshire:
1591. Buriel, Mary, wife to Christopher Avery.
and adds: "there were Averys in the town within my recollec-
tion." (See Mass. Hist Col, 3d series, vol. 10, p. 139.)
Mr. W. L Brigham Tyler, of Chicago, a genealogist of repute
who was in England, was employed to make a careful study of
the various parishes of Salisbury, notably. The Close, St. Ed-
munds, St. Martins and Fisherton, the four oldest. Nothing was
found. Mr. Tyler also examined the records of the exchequer
and prerogative court of York, which has a general jurisdiction
over the north of England as Canterbury has over the south.
Avery does not seem to have been a common north-country name,
though a few records were found in Nottinghamshire.
The Worcester wills and administrations as shown by the
British Record Society have the following:
Thomas Avery, Ffylleme, 1539.
John Avery, Amesbury, 1539.
The marriage bond of George Avery and Anne Rowley, 1572.
The marriage bond of William Avery, Warwick, and Dorothy Childermes,
John Avery, taylor, Bodey, inventory, 1592.
Richard Avery, will, inventory, 1597.
The following baptismal records were taken from the parish
register of Broadway, Worcester:
In France and England 17
William, son of John Averie, Aug. 16, 1603.
Anne, daughter of John Averell, October, 1605.
Elizabeth, daughter of John Averyes, Feb., 1609.
Richard, son of John Avery, 1611.
Thomas, son of John Averell, 1618.
John, son of William Averell, 1631.
Jane, dau. of William and Joyce Averell, 1637.
Thomas, son of William Averell, 1644.
Isaac, son of William Averell, 1646.
There were Averys there at a later date, evidently of the
same family.
Agnes Arden, grandmother of William Shakespeare, in a will
dated 1584, gives two sheep to Avery Fulwood.
In the registry of Lewis, Sussex County, are to be found pro-
bate records relating to Adam Avery, Portslade, May 7, 1546;
Robert Avery, Hastings, All Saints, husbandman, Aug. 11, 1547;
John Avery, Hastings, Dec. 17, 1560; John Avery, Crowhurst,
Dec. 30, 1552; John Avery, Guesttin, Dec. 30, 1552; John Avery,
Guesttin, yeoman, Feb. 8, 1554; Alice Averye, Sedlescombe, April
28, 1557; Martin Avery, Boxhill, Jan. 4, 1557; Thomas Avery,
Boxhill, June 2, 1575; Nicholas Avery, Brighton, Feb. 3, 1560;
Nicholas Avery, Southwick, yeoman. May 18, 1560; John Avery,
South wick, March 28, 1582; William Avery, Trant, March, 1571;
Alexander Avery, Salehurst, Nov. 9, 1576; Abraham Avery, Sale-
hurst, April 15, 1618; James Avery, cordwainer, Salehurst, Jan.
29, 1629; Robert Avery, Ashburnham, yeoman, July 11, 1598; John
Avery, Westfield, Dec. 20, 1599; Thomas Avery, Westfield, yeo-
man, Sept. 4, 1623; William Avery, Wabbleton, yeoman, Jan. 14,
1607; Richard Avery, Hailsham, March 31, 1609; John Avery,
Winchelsea, May 3, 1609; Henry Avery, Hove, yeoman, Jan. 9,
1609; Barbara Avery, Hove, widow, March 2, 1629; John Avery,
Dallington, yeoman, April 1, 1626; Sarah Avery, Rotherfeed,
spinster, Sept. 15, 1629; and Henry Avery, Tilscombe, March
13, 1629. Thomas Avery was there in 1466, and William Avery
in 1565. Richard Avery, Chichester, Sussex, had his will proved
in the prerogative court of Canterbury, 1593.
Among the Canterbury wills we find that of Thomas Avery,
Berden, Essex, 1576, and of Richard Avery, gent., town of New
Haven, France, 1563.
Among the graduates of Oxford University (Alumni Ox-
onienses) we find :
18 The Groton Avery Clan
John Avery, D.D., Vice Chancellor, 1507.
William Avery, Chaplain, B.A., 1541; M.A., June 14, 1544.
Thomas Avery, B.A., March 31, 1452.
Thomas Avery, Co. Leicester, matriculated 1589, aged 20.
Joseph Avery, Berks, Queens College, matriculated 1615, aet. 15. Vicar
of Romsey, Hants, 1626.
William Avery, son of Edward Avery, Kingston, Surrey, matriculated 1638,
aet. 16.
The name is also found in Oxford records of a later period.
May 6, 1646, William Avery, son of Samuel Avery, citizen and
alderman of London, was admitted to Gray's Inn, and about the
same time, William Avery, son of Mr. Avery, late of Itchington
Bishops, Warwick, gent, was admitted.
In the chancery rolls for the reign of James I., we read:
"Avery contra Woodford " ; "Avery conti'a Lashmere"; "Avery contra
Dummal "; "Avery contra Reinal "; "Avery contra Harrys ".
The index to the chancery proceedings for the reign of
Charles I. shows:
"Averie vs. Oriel Col., Oxford; Averys vs. Knight; Avery vs. Tolson;
Averys vs. Wheatlee; Avery vs. Pellett; Avery vs. Tighe; Avery vs.
Winter; Avery vs. Morley; Avery vs. Dyer; Averie vs. Gratwink;
Avery vs. Hunsdon; Avery vs. Atkin; Avery vs. Forward.
To-day there is an Avery lane in London and an Avery street
in Birmingham.
London, the great metropolis, draws tribute from all England,
and thither went many Averys to better their fortunes. The
early records only are given here, but the name appears all down
the years and is not uncommon even to-day.
London Marriage Licenses :
William Avery and Elizabeth Harbye, Dec. 13, 1573, St. Michael, Cornhill.
William Avery, silk weaver, and Christian Slater, widow, of city of Lon-
don, Jan. 18, 1580, at St. Alphage, London.
Thomas Averye, St. OUives, in Silver Street, and Anne Goodriche, St.
Peters, in Cheape, June 18, 1583, St. Dionis, Backchurch Parish,
Christopher Everye (or Averye), St. James Garlike Hittie, London,
and Mary Harryson, spinster, St. Mary, Woolnoth, dau. of William
Harryson, late of St. Magnus, London, merchant taylor, deceased, at
St. Marys, Woolnoth, June 24, 1584.
Richard Avery and Katharine Harmon, July 3, 1603, St. James, Clerken-
In France and England 19
William Smith, Westminster, joiner, and Joyce Avery, spinster, July 3,
John Berley, St Catherine, and Mary Averye, St. Andrews, Undershaft,
London, dau. of John Averye, Ipswich, Suffolk, gent., Sept. 11, 1621.
Edward Avery, St. Peters, Paul's Wharf, London, dyer, and Mary Edgley,
widow of John Edgley, St. Bartholomew-the-less, West Smithfield,
London, at Horsney, Middlesex, Sept. 9, 1626.
Richard Avery and Ann Bai'ber, by bans. Oct. 22, 1626.
William Avery and Joane Cooper, St. James, Clerkenwell, Nov. 1, 1635.
Parish Register, St. Thomas, the Apostle :
Jane, dau. of Edward Avery, christened Jan 6, 1560.
Margaret, dau. of Edward Avery, died Jan. 16, 1561.
Jane, dau. of Edward Avery, buried Sept. 6, 1561.
Maxy, dau. of Edward Avery, buried Sept. 14, 1561.
Garret, dau. of Edward Avery, buried Sept. 29, 1562,
John, son of Edward Avery, buried Oct. 1, 1561.
Edward Avery, clothmaker, buried March 30, 1580.
Thomas Fletcher and Luce Avery, married Dec. 8, 1567.
Robert Brinklow and Elizabeth Avery, married Nov. 17, 1588.
Register of St. Peters, Cornhill, London :
Richard Avery, buried August 20, 1554.
Roger Avery, buried Feb. 18, 1556.
Edward Avery, buried July 12, 1557.
Alice Avery, buried July 16, 1557.
Register of St. James, Clerkenwell, London :
Thomas, son of John and Alice Avery, christened Nov. 30, 1642.
Elizabeth, dau. of Arthur and Alice Avery, christened May 11, 1642.
Mary, dau. of Arthur and Alice Avery, christened Oct. 24, 1630.
Arthur, son of Arthur and Alice Avery, christened Nov. 10, 1639.
Ehzabeth, dau. of Arthur and Alice Avery, christened March 15, 1643.
Katherine, wife of Richard Avery, buried Dec. 8, 1615.
Register of Kensington Parish:
Margaret Avery of Hillindon and John Gobone, married May 6, 1560.
Thomas Avery buried January 18, 1573.
In 1546, Thomas Avery, gent. , held a messuage, shop, cellars,
etc., in the parish of St. Peter's le Poore, London.
Matthew Avery of Wapping, Parish of St. Mary, at White-
chapel, Middlesex, England, in will made April 22, 1642, left land in
Charlestown, N. E. , to wife Anna and son John. Oct. 2, 1656, Anna
Roberts, (widow of William Roberts, and before that of Matthew
Avery of Wapping) and John Avery, citizen, barber, chirurgion,
20 The Groton Avery Clan
of London, son and heir of Matthew Avery, sold to Jonathan
Wade, of Ipswich, N. E., in parts beyond the sea, messuage and
house in Charlestown, N. E., for one hundred pounds. See
Middlesex Deeds, Cambridge, Mass., vol. 2, pages 70, 92.
Mr. Benjamin Avery was the English resident in Hamburg in
the reign of Charles I. His official correspondence is in the Public
Record Office at London. See Hamburg Correspondence, 16Ji.5-16J^8.
In the valuation of the estates of the Bishopricks of England
and Wales, 1647, Bath and Wells, Ben Avery is mentioned as
North of London, in Leicestershire and Lincolnshire, are
found a few items relating to the family:
In Leicestershire, the will of Richard Avery, Enderby, was
proved in 1537; Peter Avery's of the same place, 1614; William
Avery of Easton, 1583; Francis Avery of Wicherley, 1587.
In Lincolnshire, the will of Margery Avery, of Beckingham,
was proved, 1532; John, Richard, and Robert Avery had wills
proved, 1600, 1541, and 1520, respectively. The name Robert
Avery seems to have persisted in that county, for Robert Avery,
Stubton, had will proved, 1557; Robert Avery, Gosburton, 1594;
and Robert Avery, Normanton, 1597.
Turn now to a good map of France and England (e.g.. Maps
74, 75, and 80 of the Century Atlas) . Remember that most of the
early English members of the Avery family lived in the extreme
southwest of the "tight little isle," and that there they were very
numerous. In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, all of
whom we now have any trace, lived in Cornwall and Devon.
Notice that these counties are directly north of that part of
Brittany in which is the ancestral town of Auray and that the dis-
tance between them is not great. Geography, heraldry, etymology,
and history join hands and suggest, with common voice, that all
the Averys of England and France were of the same stock.
Glossary of Heraldic Terms. — Ajf routes, face to face; argent,
silver (represented by white) ; azure, blue (represented by hori-
zontal lines); besant, a gold coin; besantee, sprinkled with small
besants; chevron, bands meeting like the rafters of a house; chief,
the upper third of the shield; couchant, crouching; croisette, a little
cross; fesse, a horizontal band; ganibs, paws; gorged, bearing a
crown about the neck; gules, red (represented by vertical lines);
lozenge, rhomb shaped; or, gold (represented by dots); jmle, a
vertical band; paly, divided into four or more pales of alternating
colors; sable, black; water-bouget, figure of a vessel for carrying
Avery of Haddon, County Warwick, England:— (See Figure
1. ) Argent, six annulets gides, three, tivo and one.
Avery of Huish, County Somerset; and Enfield, County Mid-
dlesex:—(See Figure 2.) Gules, a fesse or between three besants.
Crest— Two lion gamhs or, siipjDorting a besant.
Avery of Filongley, County Warwick:— (See Figure 3.) Er-
mine, on a pale engrailed azure three lion heads couped or.
Crest— A leopard conchant argent besantee, ducally gorged or.
Avery, coat of arms brought over by Dr. William Avery
about 1650, to Dedham, Mass. :—( See Figure 4). Gvles, a chev-
ron or between three besants. Crest — Two lion gambs or sup-
porting a besant.
Avery of Enfield, County Middlesex: — Gz^^es, a chevron or
between three besants, a crescent for difference. Crest— Ttuo lion
gambs issuant and emboived supp)orting a besant.
Kyqyy of South Devon:— Three ivater-bougets.
Every of Wycroft Castle, Axminster, Devon: — 0?^, four chev-
ronels, gules. Crest— A demi-unicorn couped, gules unguled, and
maned or.
G-.T.HQ.Y\ckett, iol.
The Groton Avery Clan 23
Colored copies of the first three, with full descriptions, were
obtained from Henry Gray of London, England; the fourth was
copied from the original coat of arms in the possession of Mrs.
Grace Avery Steele, a descendant of William Avery of Dedham;
the fifth was taken from the ' ' Visitation of Middlesex. " The last
is found on a mural tablet in St. Stephen's church at Saltash,
Cornwall, and on another in St. Mary's church at Plymouth, Devon.
This coat of arms is recorded as belonging to the Avery family
"long seated and widely spread in the South of Devon." No
further description of it has been found; it is not included in any
known list of coats of arms, nor is it known to what Avery family
it was granted.
Auvray of Car entan:— Azure, three escallops argent.
Auvray, lord of Monts, of Mainteville; — Argent, three fleur-
de-lis or on a chevron azure, betiveen three fir cones sable.
Auvray, lord of Roque:— Paly of six azure and or, on a chief
gules a leopard or.
Auvray, lord of Gondoniere:— Gz^^es, fesse or, in chief two
roses, in base tivo lions affrontes or.
Auvray, lord of Dymanville:— Git^es, chevron or betiveen three
croisettes or.
Auvray of Bayeaux: — Gules, three escallops argent border of
Auvray of Avranches: — Lozenge or and azure.
Auray of Avranches:— Lo2:e?igfe or and azure. (Originated in
the town of Auray, in Brittany. )
(See "Nobiliare de Normandie" by R. De Magny, and a book
of the same name by G. Ogilvy. )
The Groton Averys have no established claim to any coat
of arms.
In the seventeenth century, many Averys sought the shores
of the New World. These may be roughly divided into the fol-
lowing clans:
The Groton Branch (descendants of Christopher and James
Avery, Groton, Conn.) This book contains the history of this
The Dedham Branch (descendants of Dr. William Avery) . Dr.
William Avery of Barkham, Berkshire, England, came to New
England about 1650. He brought with him his wife and three
children; they had four more born at Dedham, Mass. His de-
scendants are to be found especially in Massachusetts and Maine.
His record has been traced back for four generations into Eng-
land. The history of this family was published by Winslow W.
Avery of Plymouth, Mass. , in 1893.
The Portsmouth Branch (descendants of Thomas Avery).
Thomas Avery, blacksmith, came to America in the "John and
Mary" in 1633. He was first at Salem, Mass., and afterwards at
Portsmouth, N. H. His descendants are numerous in New Hamp-
shire. Some of his descendants are supposed to have been at
Townsend, Mass. One of these, Robert, left a large family. No
history of this family has been written, though much material has
been collected in searching for records of other Averys.
The Ipswich Branch (descendants of William Averell or Aver-
ill, called Avery). This William Avery first appears in Ipswich,
Mass., in 1637. His will, signed Will Averell, is dated 1653. His
wife's name was Abigail; they had seven children. His son Wil-
liam had ten sons. Much diflficulty has been experienced in tracing
this family owing to the various spellings of the name by descend-
ants. Many Averys of Maine and New York and nearly all the
Averells and Averills of the United States are descendants of this
William. There has been a tradition among the Groton Averys
that their Christopher Avery had a brother William in Massachu-
American Avery Clans 25
setts. It was easily proved that William Avery of Dedhani could
not have been a brother, but it is possible that Christopher of
Groton and William of Ipswich were akin. Miss Clara A. Avery,
47 Eliot street, Detroit, Mich., has a history of this clan nearly
ready for publication. She would like to hear from Averills, Aver-
ells, Everells, and Averitts.
The Edward Avery Branch.— The Rev. David Avery, in his
diary, mentions an Edward Avery, brother of Christopher, who
settled near Boston and was "the progenitor of a large and re-
spectable progeny." In the list of original proprietors of Brook-
haven, Long Island, begun in 1655 by "a good number of emi-
grants mostly from the neighborhood of Boston," we find the
name of Edward Avery. He left descendants in western Connec-
ticut and along the Hudson River; they have gradually extended to
every state in the Union. Great difficulty has been experienced
in separating this clan from the Groton clan, owing partly to the
great similarity of names. Mr. Morris H. Avery, Woonsocket,
R. I., is collecting all possible data relating to the descendants of
this Edward Avery.
Myer Avery Branch.— Myer and Dorcas (Frederick) Avery
had a son Peter baptized at Poughkeepsie, May 26, 1739, and a
daughter two years later. The descendants of this Peter Avery
are scattered through Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri. Myer
Avery may belong to the Edward Avery clan.
Enoch Avery Branch.— Another line (called the Cross River
line) claims descent from Enoch Avery, whose son Enoch married
Dorcas Woolsey in 1765. No connection has been established be-
tween this branch and the Groton clan. The descendants of the
three clans last mentioned are very numerous and elusive.
The Delaware Averys (descendants of Captain John Avery).
Captain John Avery was in Maryland in 1665. Later he was at
the Whorekill, Delaware Bay, where he was president-judge. His
wife's name was Sarah. His only son died without issue. The
record of the descendants in the female line may be found in the
genealogy of the Kollock family prepared by Edwin Jacquett
Sellers of Philadelphia. The history of Captain John Avery,
president- judge of the Whorekill, has been prepared by Mr. Sel-
lers for private circulation.
The Virginia Averys, Averetts, Aviretts, Averitts, Avritts. —
It is believed that many of the Virginia families under the above
26 The Groton Avery Clan
names had a common origin. The Maryland and Virginia records
show that the following Averys were in that region before 1700;
Jacob, George, John, Edward, Henry, William, Arthur, Robert
and Joseph. E. C. Averett, Danville, Virginia, is investigating
the genealogy and history of these families.
Dorchester, Maryland, John Avery : One John Avery was at
Dorchester, Maryland, as early as 1658. From his will and other
sources, it would appear that he had a wife Anne and a daughter
of the same name; also a grandchild, John Granger. He seems
not to have left any descendants of his name.
Dorchester, Mass., John Avery : Another John Avery ap-
peared at Dorchester, Massachusetts, as early as 1642, and his will
was proved in 1654. He seems to have had a brother Lawrence
and a wife Anne in England. There is no record of any descend-
■• ants in this country.
Avery-Everett : The descendants of Josiah Avered, who was
the son of Israel and Abigail (Morse) Everett, spell their names
in various ways. One branch, the descendants of Abner Avered,
now spell the name Avery. This spelling has been followed for
more than a hundred and fifty years. Much diflficulty has been
experienced in separating these twigs from the Groton branch.
The late Edward F. Everett, Boston, Mass. , prepared a history of
the Everett family which includes this Avery branch.
We have collected much material relating to these Avery clans.
Any competent person who will undertake the preparation and
publication of a history of any of these branches will be welcome
to all the information that we have relating thereto.
1. Christopher Avery was born in England; m. about August
26, 1616, at Ipplepen, Devonshire, Margery Stephens.
In the opening chapter of Homer D. L. Sweet's history of
The Averys of Ch'oton (Syracuse, 1894) , it is stated that ' ' Chris-
topher Avery, a weaver, was born in England about 1590, ' ' that
he came to New England bringing with him his only son, James,
and leaving his wife in the mother country. Further than this,
nothing certain was known concerning him prior to his migra-
tion. For ten years after the publication of Mr. Sweet's book,
w^e spent much time and money in a search for some trace of the
founder of our family. Of the money thus spent, one hundred
dollars was given for the purpose by Miss Carrie M. Powers of
Decatur, Illinois. The chief result of these investigations, made
by expert genealogists in England, was to disprove certain tradi-
tions as to the locality of Christopher Avery's English home (as at
Salisbury, etc.), and thus to narrow the field of search and to
increase the probability of the success of some later effort.
Some time after the publication of Mr. Sw^eet's book, we re-
ceived the manuscript of an Avery genealogy, written in 1800 by
the Rev. David Avery (No. 511), our first family historian. This
document said that Christopher Avery, a kersey weaver, came
from Devon. Our attention was thus turned toward Devon, w^hich,
in the early part of the seventeenth century, was the center of
the kersey industry in England. In 1903, Mr. Charles A. Hoppin
Jr., a well known genealogist who was making an investigation
in England at the expense of Trueman G. Avery of Buffalo, found
the record of Christopher Avery's marriage license and thus
opened the door for the discovery of further facts concerning him
and his wife. See map facing page 6.
August 6, 1613, at Newton Abbott, Devon, the inventory of
the estate of a Christopher Avery was exhibited. It was dated
The Groton Avery Clan
July 26, 1613, and made mention of "Too pare of loums and cer-
tayne Implements to his trade belongeing." Thus we know that
the testator was a weaver. His "relicte", Johann Avery, was
made administrator of the estate. This Christopher Avery, the
father of Christopher the emigrant, was of Torbrian, in the arch-
deaconry of Totnes. One of the witnesses to the above mentioned
inventory was Hugh Sweete, whose name later appears on two
other documents which may relate to our Christopher Avery.
Among the marriage licenses, diocese of Exeter, Devon, Eng-
land, Bishop's registry, city of Exeter, at the cathedral, is found
the following, of great interest to us:
"1616, Aug. 26. Christopher Avery e of Iplepen and Margery Stephens
of Abbotts Kersivell."
This Christopher Avery of Ipplepen is he who later left Devon
with his only son to become the founder of a great family in the
New World. Ipplepen and Torbrian are but a few miles apart. It
is probable that the marriage took place in the church still stand-
ing at the former place. The register of that church for that
period is sadly mutilated but it seems to show that our Christopher
had a brother John, who had a son John, who was baptized on the
fourth of June, 1616. Other members of the Avery and Stephens
First Generation— Christopher Avery 29
families lived in that vicinity. Mr. Hoppin seems to think that
Edward and Margaret Stephens of Kingswear were the parents of
the wife of Christopher Avery. Edward Stephens was a mariner
who died in 1626. His inventory was exhibited at Totnes in
December of that year. The witness thereto was Hugh Sweete
whose name it will be remembered was appended to the inventory
of Christopher Avery's estate. Margaret Stephens died in 1643,
at which time she was called of Brixham.
One William Avery, of Buckland, tanner, transferred to his
son John, December 14, 1623, all of his goods for 10s. and an in-
terest in certain parcels of land, "ye medow and rake hey." One
of the witnesses to this document was Christopher Avert, probably
Avery, as the original paper might show. Thomasine, the "relick "
of William Avery, administered his estate, Feb. 15, 1624-25, when
he was called ''of Sampford." The witness to the administration
was Hugh Sweete who had witnessed the inventories of the estates
of Christopher Avery and of Edward Stephens. If Hugh Sweete
knew these persons, they probably knew each other. Others of
that name in Ipplepen were Theophilus and Richard Stephens,
weavers, Agnes, Johann, Jeffrey, John, Ebbott, and Thomas
Stephens. The earliest known Avery will from Ipplepen is that of
Johann Avery, made in 1597, but there were Averys in that town
before that time.
We have no certain information as to the time when Christo-
pher Avery left England for America. In the opening chapter
of Mr. Sweet's book, to which reference has already been made,
I mentioned two traditions relating to the matter. ' ' One is that
he came from Salisbury, Wilts County, England, in the ' Arbella '
with [Gov.] Winthrop, and landed at Salem, Mass., June 12, 1630.
Another tradition is that he came over with the younger Winthrop
in 1631, and that, on the voyage, the subsequent governor of Con-
necticut formed a strong and life-long attachment for Christopher
Avery's young son, James." For a dozen years, we have been
looking for some confirmation of either of these traditions, but
without success. We know that he left Devon ; we do not know
when. We know that his wife Margery did not accompany him;
we do not know why. We know that his only son James did come
with him. It is possible that he sailed from Plymouth or from
Dartmouth, the chief ports of Devon, Out of Devon had gone
Drake and Hawkins and Ralegh and many lesser adventurers to
30 The Groton Avery Clan
seek fame and fortune in the New World. Devon men were ever
longing to tempt the dangers of the deep.
We next find Christopher Avery at the fishing establishment
at Cape Ann in the colony of Massachusetts Bay. He may have
come over sea with some fishermen on some summer voyage and
remained. Tor Bay in Devon, is the great trawling region of
England, and Brixham, only a few miles from Ipplepen, bears the
same relation to England that Gloucester (Cape Ann) does to New
England. The administration of her estate shows that Margaret
Stephens, the mother of Christopher Avery's wife, was living
at Brixham in 1642.
"Who would not, will not, if he can,
Bathe in the breezes of fair Cape Ann-
Rest in the bowers her bays enfold.
Loved by the sachems and squaws of old ?
Home where the white magnolias bloom.
Sweet with the bayberry's chaste perfume,
Hugged by the woods and kissed by the sea—
Where is the Eden like to thee ? "
In his History of the Town of Gloucester (Gloucester, 1860),
Mr. Babson says (page 50) :
"At a General Court, October, 1641, commissioners were appointed to view
and settle the bounds of Ipswich, Cape Ann and Jeffi'ies' Creek (now
Manchester) ; and the Deputy-governor (Mr. Endicott) and Messrs
Downing and Hathome, deputies from Salem, or any two of them,
were appointed to dispose of all lands and other things at Cape Ann.
Pursuant to this authority, as the town records declare, 'the first
ordering, settling, and disposing of lots was made by Mr. Endicott
and Mr. Downing, commissioners, 2d month, 1642.' "
At the time of this disposal of lots, Christopher Avery was at
Cape Ann as appears in the record of ' ' Lands given and disposed
of and to whom," written in the town-book of Gloucester:
2 mo 42. "Hugh Calkins hath given . . .
Item 2 acres of marsh in Anesquam bought of Thomas Cornish lying
betwixt Goodman Wakeley and Christopher Averie by the sea beach
This is the first trace of Christopher Avery in America that we
have found. How long he had been at Cape Ann, prior to this
date, April, 1642, we do not know. In the following May, the set-
tlement was established as a plantation and called Gloucester.
From the same old town record, we copy the following entries:
First Generation— Christopher Avery 31
9 mo 45. "William Hough . . . has 6 acres of the 19th Lott of upland on
planters neck lying between Christopher Averie and that lot which was
Mr. [WiUiam] Stevens, the 18th lott."
Query. — Was this Mr. Stevens from Devon and was he of the
family of Christopher Avery's wife ?
7 mo 47. "3 acres of marsh lying by the Island now in the hands of Cap-
tain Perkins at the southwest end lyeing by that pee of marsh left for
the teaching elders and next to the two pscUs of marsh one acre of
Captain Perkins" to Christopher Avery.
1 mo 49. "Walter Tybott is given 4 akers of upland with the marsh be-
fore next to Christopher Averie. ..."
5 mo 49. "Christopher Averie hath given him 4 akers of upland and half
a house lott lying between Edward Rouse and Walter Tybott that
now is.
Item 3 akers of marsh running up to the beach and lying between Mr.
Stevens and Hugh Calkins at the higher end of Annesquam River
Item 3 akers of marsh at Chebacco. ' '
25:6:51. "Christopher Avery bought of James Avery his sonne all his
rights or possessions, as well houses as lands, marshes as uplands,
abroad as well as at home, lying within ye bounds of Gloster, and
being in ye possession of ye said James Avery, sonne to the said
Christopher, together with all the appurtenances or privileges thereto
belonging ye 25, ye 6, 1651."
4. 8. 1651. "Cristofer Averie hath given a parcle of land to him to make
his fences goe strait from the corner of his fences which was formerly
Jeames Smiths and so to be carried strait to the end of the marsh at
the head of the cove so far as his marsh goeth."
29 10 mo. 51. "Given unto William Stevens by the Town eight acres of
marsh the northern end butting to that which was Christopher Averies
at the sea beach in Annesquam River."
27:4:52. "John Harding bought of William Sargent ... 4 akers of up-
land lying on the south side of Philip Stainwood's land.
3 acres of salt marsh in Anesquam running along the beach.
3 acres of marsh in Chebacco— all of which land was given by the
town to Christopher Avery."
12:12:1652. "William Walker sould to Christofer Avery 2 akers of upland
lying in the harbor at the head of the house lots."
12:12:1652. "Christopher Avery sould to William Walker 3 acres of marsh
in Chebacco bounded with Goodman Evelyn's marsh on the north and
Thomas Skelin his marsh on the east and a beach on the southwest.
This was formerly given to James Avery.
Item to acres which was given to Christopher Avery which is the 2 lott
in number bounded with Zebulon Hills marsh on the northeast and James
Babcock's marsh on the southeast and butts northerly upon an island."
32 The Groton Avery Clan
Query.— Does not the fact that Christopher Avery had been
given lot No. 2 also indicate that he was one of the original set-
tlers of Gloucester ?
5th of 8th mo. 1653. ' ' Christo Avery have sould to Thorn Bray 3 acres of
salt marsh lying near Bisker Island." . . .
As already shown, Christopher Avery had land adjoining the
land of Hugh Calkins. He also had, on Fisherman's field, land
that he sold to Elias Parkman, as will subsequently appear.
The fact that Christopher Avery was ' ' living absent from his
wife" was not to be overlooked in a community that was under
the domination of the Massachusetts theocracy of that period.
The orthodox clergy ruled in things secular as well as in things
spiritual and, under their guidance, courts and town meetings
regulated the daily life of each member of the community and
interfered in the management of his domestic affairs in a way
that would not be tolerated now. Nothing was too trival for grave
consideration by even the highest authority in the colony. For
example, the records and files of the Salem court show:
30:10:1647. "Richard Windrow of Gloster fined for cursing, saying, 'There
are the brethren, the Devil scald them.' "
26:10:1649. " Mathew Stanley for drawing away the affections of the
daughter of John Tarboxx his wife without liberty first obteyned of her
30:4:1653. "Theophilus Salter fined five pounds for making love to Mary
Smith and seeking to marry her without the consent of her friends."
26:10:1649. " Mary Oliver for speaking against the Governor saying he
was unjust. Sentenced to be whipped not exceeding twenty lashes.
10 mo. 1652. "Mrs. Holgrave of Gloster presented for reproachful and
unbecoming speeches against Mr. William Perkins, an officer of the
church, viz: 'yt it were not ffor the law she would never come to the
meeting the Teacher was soe dead & accordinglye she did seldome come
& withall pswaded Goodwife Vincent to come to her house on the Sab-
bath daye & reade good bookes affirming that the Teacher was flSter
to be a Ladyes chamberman than to be in ye pulpit.' Fined and to
confess it at Gloster pubHckly."
10 mo. 1652. "Alice, daughter of william flflint of Salem, presented for
wearing silk hood. He was proved to be worth over £200 and she was
29:4:1652. "John Brackenbury of Salem presented for wearing point and
30:9:1652. " Marke Hoskall of Salem fined for excess in his apparel, wear-
ing broad lace."
First Generation— Christopher Avery 33
^>-^.A:-\ ^,
34 The Groton Avery Clan
30:9:1652. "Henry Bullocke of Salem fined for excess in his apparel in
boots, ribbons, gold and silver lace."
30:9:1652. " Richard Greene of Lynn fined for wearing silver lace."
30:4:1653. "John Tompkins wife fined for wearing a silk hood."
Many such entries appear in the records.
27:9:1655. "John Beall fined for absence from meeting."
The above is only one of many such.
"Constable of Salem to have two shiUings and sixpence for those they
whip." (29:9:1653.)
29:9:1656. "William Everton presented for drinking tobacco near a barn
without a door. He is at sea."
Many were fined for drinking tobacco (i.e., smoking) on the
In the Ipswich court records we read:
24:7:1650. "Thomas Scott did not come to make known that he had
learned Mr. Norton's catechism."
From the Essex quarterly records and files one may learn:
27:10:1642. "Christopher Avery was presented for living absent from his
13:6:1647. "Christopher Avery and Richard Windrow presented for living
from their wives. Witness, WiUiam Vincent, Andrew Lester."
1653. ' ' Christopher Avery of Gloster presented for many years for living
from his wife, she living in England. Witness Robert Brooks of Glos-
ter and his wife."
Fortunately, the defendant's culpability in this matter was
determined by the highest authority in the colony.
Oct. 19. 1654. "Christopher Auery being fined 20 H, at Ipswich Court for
liuing from his wife, vppon his pet to this Court, being aged & poore
& havinge vsed meanes to pcure his wife hither, his fine is remitted."
(Mass. Rec, 3:361^.)
"In ansr to the peticon of Christopher Awerey, the Court, vnderstanding
the peticoner is very poore and aged, having nothing to pay, and that
he has vsed his endeavor to have his wife brought ouer to him, judge
meete to remitt his fine and that his peticon is receaved freely."
{Mass. Rec, A:210.)
This seems to have put an end to the official consideration of the
' ' absence. ' ' We have found no further allusion to it. In 1648, the
above mentioned Richard Windrow was again presented for living
from his wife. He proved that she was dead and was discharged.
First Generation — Christopher Avery 35
Under the conditions then existing, public policy demanded the
presence of wives in the new plantation, public sentiment was in
accord therewith, and nearly every inhabitant was ready to act
as public prosecutor in such cases. In consequence, we find a
great many records of men presented for living from their wives;
often as many as nine or ten in one short session; often as many
as five or six in one group.
Additional to the offense above mentioned was his evident
lack of sympathy with the ministers. The Salem quarterly court
records show —
"11:7:1649. Christopher Avery presented for speaking scoffingly of Mr.
BHnman. The return of the constable says the defendant has gone
to Boston to Hve. "
We do not know what authority the constable had for such a
return, for we have abundant evidence that Christopher Avery
lived at Gloucester several years after that. Mr. Blinman, the
minister in question, was a not altogether amiable character. His
record at New Plymouth and Gloucester shows that, at each place,
he had trouble with members of his flock more serious than that
above recorded. John Winthrop writes concerning Mr. Blinman
at Green Harbor: "But ere the yere was expired there fell out
differences among them, which could by no means be reconciled,
so they agreed to part. " Jonathan Brewster, writing from Pequot
(New London) in 1657, says of Mr. Blinman: "but his perverse
will, who can endure noe opposition or contradiction, but in a way
episcopall & tiranicall, if he had power to his will, both in Church
& Towne, that I professe he is not very qualifyed for a pastor
in way of government ". (See New England Historical and Gene-
alogical Register, vol. 54, p. 41.) It seems that in some matter
under discussion Brewster had opposed the minister's judgment,
and the town had declared that except the latter ' ' would practice
that conclusion, the[y] would not paie his maintenance." The
matter was adjusted and Blinman was asked to stay. "After in
his publick teachings," says Brewster, "he throwed balles of fyer
against particular persons & espetially against myself, thoughe
not named, that gave great offence. ' ' Matters grew from bad to
worse and the angry pastor left New London.
But there was evidently something the matter with Christopher
Avery more serious than his personal dislike for Pastor Blin-
ddJ^'^ f^^^ t
36 The Groton Avery Clan
man. The same court records show the bond of Christopher
Avery and Richard Beford to Robert Lord, marshal, conditioned
that said Avery shall appear at the Ipswich court to answer Mr.
William Perkins, 17:7:1653. His signature to this bond is here
given in facsimile. He is charged
dth speaking in town meeting against
person and ministry of Mr.
William Perkins, their teacher, i.e.,
assistant minister. Witnesses: William Evans, Richard Beford,
William Vincent, Edward Mils.
After much investigation and deliberation, we have come to the
conclusion that Christopher Avery was more in sympathy with
the church established in England than he was with the church
established in Massachusetts. The number of persons in the col-
ony at this time who were similarily disaffected is much larger
than is generally understood— thanks to the biased writings of
New England's school of filio-pietistic historians.*
In 1631, this theocracy had excluded all but members of the
established church from the right of full and free suffrage. At
that time, the Massachusetts general court set up this religious
"To the end that the body of the commons may be preserved of honest
and good men, it was likewise ordered and decreed that for time to
come no man shall be admitted to the freedom of this body polliticke but
such as are members of some of the [recognized, i.e., Congregational]
churches within the lymitts of the same. ' '
This limited active colonial citizenship to church members. In
1660, the general court declared that only those who were in
full communion with the ' ' orthodox ' ' churches could be freemen.
In 1664, under pressure from the government of England, this
rule was slightly modified, but practically there was no change in
the system until the overthrow of the Massachusetts charter in
1668. It should be understood that town-meeting suffrage was
not strictly limited to freemen. The "Inhabitants" of the town
constituted a larger class that included the "Freemen". On
*As I am a member of a Congregational church and have lineal descent
from some of the most prominent members of the early Massachusetts theo-
cratic government, I probably feel a greater freedom in speaking of the Con-
gregational hierarchy than I otherwise should. —E. M. A.
First Generation— Christopher Avery 37
many purely local questions all inhabitants might vote, but on
matters of more general application, such as the election of magis-
trates and deputies to the general court, the admission of ' ' inhabi-
tants ' ' to the town, the laying out of lands, and the like, only
freemen were permitted to vote. Thus was the great majority
of the men of Massachusetts excluded from the higher rights
of active citizenship — a significant illustration of the aristocratic
tendency of the Puritan church-state system.
In 1646, Robert Child, Samuel Maverick, David Yale (the
father of the founder of a great American university) and others,
sent to the Massachusetts general court a remonstrance and peti-
tion setting forth:
" There are many thousands in these plantations of the English nation,
freeborne, quiett, and peaceable men, righteous in their dealings, for-
ward with heart, hand and purse to advance the public good . . . who
are debarred from all civil employments (without any just cause that
we know) not being permitted to bear the least office (though it can-
not be denyed that some are well qualified) , no not so much as to have
any votes in chooseing magistrates, captains, or other civill and mili-
tary officers, and that there are divers sober, righteous and godly men,
eminent for knowledge and their gracious gifts of the holy spirit, noe
wayes scandalous in their lives and conversation, members of the
church of England (in all ages famous for piety and learning) not dis-
senting from the latest and best reformation in England, Scotland, &c.
yet they and their posterity are deteined from the seales of the cove-
nant of free grace because as it is supposed, they will not take these
churches covenants, for which as yet they see no light in God's word
. . . we therefore humbly entreat you ... to give liberty to the
members of the church of England, not scandalous in their lives and
conversations to be taken into your congregation and enjoy with you
all those liberties and ordinances Christ hath purchased for them and
into whose name they are baptized; ... if not, we and they shall be
necessitated to apply our humble desires to the honorable Houses of
A few years before this, the Long Parliament had abolished
episcopacy in England, and the authors of this apparently reason-
able petition were charged with going about ' ' to set up the same
things according to Presbytery." Moreover, these petitioners,
who urged that they were required, under penalty, to go to the
Congregational church every Lord's day, often to linger there to
see administered to other men's children baptism that was denied
to their own, and to contribute to the maintenance of ministers
38 The Groton Avery Clan
' ' who vouchsafed not to take them into their flock though desir-
ous of the ordinances of God," these men saw their petition dis-
missed as httle less than treason, and were subjected to repeated
fines, and some of them to six months' imprisonment. It is better
here to pass over in silence the treatment that the Massachusetts
theocracy measured out to such "heretics" as the Anabaptists
and the Quakers, In such an atmostphere as this, we need little
wonder that a man like Christopher Avery, probably not over
"spiritually minded" and yet, possibly like Roger Williams,
somewhat "conscientiously contentious," would, now and then,
let slip an injudicious expression of an honest opinion that got
him into trouble, or that, until 1652, he refused to submit himself
to church fellowship and discipline in order to become a freeman
of the colony.
Whether the foregoing is or is not an accurate exposition of
the causes of his scoffing and of his digression from the Puritan
path, the Gloucester town records plainly show that Christopher
Avery had the esteem and confidence of the majority of the in-
habitants, as witnesseth the following from the Gloucester town
records, vol. 1:
"Upon the 4th day of the 10th month 1646, Thomas Wakeley, Hugh Cal-
kins, will Vinson, John Collins, and Christopher Averie were chosen
by the Towne for ordering of all Towne affaires."
"27 November, 1650, Mr. Stevens and Christopher Avery were at a Towne
meeting chosen by ye Towne to supply ye places which were voyd by
ye death of Walter Tybott and departure of Mr. Hough."
"28:8:1651. Christopher Averie is chosen to be a measurer to lay out
Lottes granted by the Townsmen."
"1652. William Stevens, Robert Tucker, Robert Elwell, Christer Averie,
George IngersoU are chosen by the Towne for the ordering of the
Towne affaires."
" 3 :2 :1653. Christopher Averie and John Collins measure the meeting house
"1654. Christopher Avery, John Hardin, Robert Elwell, Richard Wind-
row, Samuel Dolliver, are chosen to take charge of the Towne
In the Essex County court records and files we find this:
"28:10:1647. Christopher Avery sworn constable of Gloucester."
In the Salem quarterly court records and files we note some of
the other offices held by Christopher Avery:
C^y^^y^/^ cfi^^
First Generation — Christopher Avery 39
"Court 29:4:1652.
"Christopher Avery and Silvester Everly of Gloster sworn freemen."
"Christopher Avery chosen and sworn clerk of the band of Gloster."
"Christopher Avery chosen and sworn clerk of the market of Gloster. "
The original inventory of the estate of William Southmead,
taken 16:12:1648, by William Adies and Christopher Avery is on
file in the Salem
court. The signa-
ture of Christo-
pher Avery, taken
from that docu-
ment, is here given in facsimile; the "first scratch of his pen"
that has ever been known to his living descendants.
Prior to this, the son, James Avery, had left Gloucester and
settled at Pequot Plantation on the Thames River, Connecticut.
About 1655, Christopher Avery left Gloucester for Boston, where
the town records show:
"30:5:55. Christopher Avery is admitted an inhabitant."
About this time, Christopher Avery disposed of his lands at
Gloucester, as the following records show:
1 mo. 56-57. Christopher Avery sold to Elias Parkman "... 4 pole of
Ground which the towne gave to Christopher Avery lyinge at Mr. Hol-
graves house end in which he bilded a littell house."
With this he sold to the same Elias Parkman,
' ' 2 acres of land in ffishermans ffield and 2 acres of land lying at the head
of the house lotts in the head of the harbour at the end of Thomas
Princes lots northwest and 6 rods square lyinge betwist Phineas Rider
and goodman Jones his land to him and his eares forever."
"the 5th of the 3 month, 1658." Christopher Avery doth
sell and record unto Nicholas Marshall,
"my house and land lying in Gloucester near Thomas Skellians containing
in marsh 11 or 12 acres more or less with the house and land belonging
to it 2 acres of the land being at the head of Thomas Skellians house
On the 18th of March, 1659, Christopher Avery, weaver,
bought of John and Luce Samuell, for the sum of forty pounds,
a home in what is now the business center of Boston. The lot
was twenty-six by forty-six feet and was located at what is now
the center of the post-office building that faces on Devonshire
40 The Groton Avery Clan
street. The famous old spring that gave the name Spring Lane
and that is now preserved under the post-ofRce was near. Chris-
topher Avery did not retain this property a great while for, on the
"two and twentieth day of march one thousand Sixe hundred
Sixty & three," he sold the place to Ambrose Dew for forty
pounds. There had evidently been no increase in the value of the
property during the time that he held it.
The property is thus described:
" The one moyty or halfe part of theire dwelling house scittuate and being
in Boston aforesaid videljzt the North end thereof conteyning one Un-
der roome a chamber ouer the same and a vane roofe ouer that wth.
a seller vnder sajd Roome according as is marked and layd out by
Leftennant Richard Cooke and Peter Oliuer wth all the Chimneys be-
longing to the North end of sajd house so farre as by the sajd Cooke
and Oliuer is marked out with so much of the Leanto as extends to
the sajd dividing marke of the sajd chimmeys wth the Ground on sajd
North end of the sajd house also the Ground on both sides the sajd
house to extend so farre vpon a square from the sajd North end as the
sajd dividing marke of the sajd chimneys which Ground was likewise
lajd out by the sajd Cooke & oliuer which ground so marked out as
aforesaid for the sajd Avery is bounded & fronts next the streete west
likewise bounded with the land of Mathew Coy north wth the orchard
of Henry Bridgeham east and wth the residew or rest of the land
belonging to the other half of the sajd house remayning in the hands
and possession of them the sajd John Samuell and Luce his sajd wife
South which sajd house wth the appurtenances they the sajd John
Samuell and Luce his sajd wife purchased of Captaine James Johnson
as in the deede by the sajd Johnson vnto them sealed bearing date the
thirtieth day of January in the yeare of our Lord one thousand sixe
hundred fiff ty sixe appeareth. ' ' (Siijffolk Deeds, 3:2H. )
Christopher Avery soon followed his son James to Pequot on the
Thames, now New London. August 8, 1665, he there purchased
a house, orchard, and lot of Robert Burrows. This land after-
wards passed into possession of his only child, James Avery, who,
in turn, deeded it to his four sons, James, Thomas, John, and
Samuel. Some of this land, if not all of it, was situated on the
"Great Neck." On the sixth of June, 1666, the county court
freed Christopher Avery from training on account of his age.
The name of Christopher Avery is found on the jury list for the
county court under date of June 5, 1667. On the fourteenth of
October, 1669, Christopher Avery, and his grandson, James
Avery, were made freemen of the colony, by the general court of
42 The Groton Avery Clan
Christopher Avery brought with him from the old country a
Bible, known as the Breeches Bible, the seventh verse of the
third chapter of Genesis reading as follows:
" Then the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were
naked, and they sewed figge tree leaves together and made themselves
This Bible has descended from father to son and is now the prop-
erty of the widow of James Oliver Avery of San Francisco.
The town clerk of New London, Charles Hill, made this record:
"Christopher Avery's death, vide near the death of Mother
Brewster, ' ' but the date of her death does not appear. Thomas
Minor's diary records that Christopher Avery was buried March
12, 1679.
Child of Christopher and Margery (Stephens) Avery:
2. i. James' Avery, b. about 1620, in England.
2. Captain James' Avery {Christopher^) was b. about 1620, in
England; m. 1st, November 10, 1643, at Boston, Joanna Green-
slade ; m. 2d, July 4, 1698, Abigail, widow of Joshua Holmes.
Captain James Avery is often spoken of as the founder of the
family or clan that we call the Groton Averys. That he was the
only child of Christopher Avery is plainly seen by the following
entry on the books of the county court of New London, Connec-
ticut, November 24, 1683:
"Capt. James Avery appearing in this Court and there Declaring himself
the only sonn & heir of his Father Mr. Christopher Avery deceased
and that there was neither sonn or Daughter but himself was sole heir
and he desiring this court would so constitute him and give him power
of administration upon the said estate of his father deceased. This
Court having duly considered what hath been alleadged do approve of
the same and judge the said Capt. James Avery to be the right and
full heir to the said estate and do give him power of administrator to
the estate of Mr. Christopher Avery his deceased father.
Attest Charles Hill Rec."
James Avery came to America with his father and lived at
Gloucester for several years. He was married November 10, 1643,
as appears by the records of Gloucester:
''James Avery married to Joane November 10, 1643."
That her name was Joane Greenslade is learned from her letter of
dismissal from the church at Boston to the one at Gloucester in
1644. The first volume of admissions of the First Church of
Boston contains what little information we have been able to glean
concerning Joane Greenslade. On page 63 is a list of six names
of whicli hers stands third among the admissions as follows:
"The 18th day of ye 4th Moneth 1643
Joan Greenslade, a single woman."
On page 66 of the same volume is an entry showing her dis-
missal to the church of Gloucester:
44 The Groton Avery Clan
"The 17th day of ye 1st Moneth 1644 Our Sister Joan Greenslade now ye
wife of one James Averill of Gloster had granted hir by ye Churches
silence Ires of Recomend to ye Church at Gloster. ' '
She, however, seems to have retained her connection with the
First Church at Boston, for on page 97 of the book of admissions
is the record:
"oe Sister Joan Avery wth ye Consent of ye whole church was dismist
unto ye church of christ at Pekot on ye 31 of ye 6th mo 1651."
This is the earliest reference to the Church of Christ at Pe-
quot (New London) that has been found, and shows that there
was a regularly organized church there before August 31, 1651.
The earliest date that the Rev. S. Leroy Blake, in his chapter
on the origin of this church, was able to quote is August 28, 1654.
The probabilities are that the church emigrated in a body from
Gloucester, as Mr. Blake suggests, but the first member of the
church at New London of whom we have positive and document-
ary evidence is Joane Avery. Nothing is known of her ancestry.
A petition with the following heading:
"1663, July 4, A Declaration of ye Townes of Scarborow & Tfalmouth
Black point & Casco to be Presented to ye Hond Court att York,"
carries numerous signatures, including that of Thomas Greenslad.
At that time the province of Maine was claimed by the heirs of Sir
Ferdinando Gorges and by the colony of Massachusetts Bay, the
struggle for jurisdiction ending in favor of the Bay Colony in 1677.
A possible relationship between Thomas Greenslad and Joane
Greenslade is suggested by the fact that the first born son of the
latter was named James (for the husband) and that the second
born was named Thomas. Hotton's List of Early Emigrants has
the following:
_ " Samuel Greensilde aged 27 and Barbary his wife aged 35, with 2 children,
Mary and Barbara came over in 1637. A weaver from Norwich. ' '
Among those who were granted permission to go from the Barba-
does to Antigua, Hotton records the following:
"Greenslatt Thomas [October 7, 1679] in the Sloop true friendship for
Charles Kallahane, Comandr. "
It has also been stated that Joane's father was an Edward Green-
slade of Boston, but of him nothing has been learned. The
Second Generation— James Avery 45
Greenslades of England are a distinctively Devon family and very
numerous there, anciently and at present.
James Avery was early a land owner at Gloucester as is
shown by extracts from the town book containing an account of
"Land laid out and to whom: "
9 mo. [16]45. "Andrew Listei- had 8 acres of upland upon Planter's Neck,
running from Lobster Cove to the sea, the 24th lott next to James
Averies. "
1 mo. [16]47. "James Averie Given 6 acres of upland at the hed of
Little River to be laide out."
26. 3. [16]5L "Also the said Richard Beefor bought of James Avery
three acres of upland."
15. 10. [16] 53. James Avery had marsh at Chebacco.
The following items are from the Salem quarterly court records
and files:
1:11; 1645. James Avery of Gloucester took the oath of freeman.
25: 10; 1649. James Averey grand juryman from Gloster.
24: 4; 1650. James Averey grand juryman.
About this time James Avery determined to join those who
were seeking homes at Pequot (New London, Conn.). Miss Caul-
kins's History of Netv London, p. 67, says:
' ' On the nineteenth of October, 1650, grants were made by the townsmen
to ' Mr. Blynman, Obadiah Bruen, Hughe Calkin, Hughe Roberts, John
Coite, Andrew Lester, James Averye, Robert Isbell. ' "
"These were all from Gloucester, a town on the eastern coast of Massa-
chusetts, situated upon the peninsula of Cape Ann. Mr. Richard
Blinman had been the minister of Gloucester for eight years, and was
now engaged to become the minister of the Pequot plantation. The
others were a party of his friends who purposed to move with him,
and came to make preparatory arrangements."
It appears that James Avery went back to Gloucester, sold his
possessions there to his father, and, in 1651, returned to New
London. In March of that year, the main body of these eastern
emigrants arrived.
"Early in 1651, New Street, in the rear of the town plot, was opened for
the accommodation of the Cape Ann company. This position was
designated as ' beyond the brook and the ministry lot. ' It was carved
into house lots and took the name of Cape Ann Lane. The lots on
this street were nine in number, of six acres each, extending both
sides of the narrow street, from the alder swamp in front to Cedar
Swamp on the west. Beginning at the lower end, Hugh Calkins had
the first lot by the Lyme road, or highway to Nahantick, as it was
then called, and next to him was his son-in-law, Hugh Roberts; then
Coite, Lester, Avery, AUyn, Meades, Hough, Isbell." (Hist, of Neiv
London, p. 71.)
46 The Groton Avery Clan
The lots on Cape Ann Lane were inconvenient and dreary and
the soil was hard to cultivate. The settlers soon abandoned the
land to pasturage or waste and found other homesteads. In the
New London book of grants is a record of the various parcels
given to James Avery. The following are some of the grants:
"March 15, 1650-51. James Avery hath given him by ye Townsmen of
Pequot two acres of meadow lying in Quaganapoxet bounded toward
the north by Ralph Parkers and toward ye southwest by Robert Allen
the length being 28 poles from ye upland and twelve poles in breadth
more or less laid out by ye measurers.
Also he hath given him six acres of upland for a hous-lot toward ye south-
west side of ye brook that runns into ye coave called close coave and
toward ye northwest side of Andrew Lester's lott and toward ye south-
east side of Robert Allen's house lott forty poles long and twenty-four
poles broad being the fifth lot in new street.
April 20, 1651. Also he hath given him by ye Townsmen two acres of up-
land more to his house lot and adjoining to it.
Nov. 9, 1651. Also he hath given him by ye Townsmen twenty acres of
upland upon ye east side of ye greate river the westerly end of his
lott butting upon it and from . . . lying betwixt the lotts Andrew
Lester on ye south and Robert Allen on ye north.
Dec. 2, 1651. He has also given him eight acres of the ground from the
common fields lying towards the south side of Richard Houghton's lott.
He hath also given him twenty acres of upland upon ye Skull plaine lying upon
the southward of Robert Allen's lott bounded toward ye east with a run
of water and toward the west by a brook twenty acres more or less.
He hath also given him twenty acres of upland more or less at Nahantic by
ye southward and butting upon Andrew Lester's lott and ye northward
end upon John Stevens lott bounded by ye river on ye eastward side
and with ye common on ye westward side twenty acres more or less.
1652, February 14. James Avery hath given him two hundred and fifty
acres of upland more or less lying at Mistick bounded toward the east
by land given to Mr. Winthrop twenty poles from the river and toward
the west by land given to George Harwood towards the south by the
foot path which goes from Mistick river toward the sound and toward
the north bounded by ye common.
1652, September 28. He hath also given him a grant of meadow called
little owl meadow upon ye northward of ye mill brook.
At the same time he had given him sixteen acres of upland.
1652, December 15. There was also given to him and to James
Morgan, Andrew Lester, Will Header, Will Hough, Robert Allen,
and Robert Deball, part of a swamp at "ye westward of weaver
Smith's lot in ye said swamp out of which weaver Smith has his
land out. " In 1661, he received twenty acres of upland. In 1653,
he sold his land in the first division to Mr. Blinman. About this
time he was granted a farm in South Groton. He however contin-
ued to live with his family on the west side of the great river.
The Groton Avery Clan
Early in 1653, he secured another farm, one of the Pocketannock
grants, further up the river and in what is now the town of Led-
yard. About 1656, he built and occupied the ' ' Hive of the Averys, ' '
at the head of Poquonock Plain, in the present town of Groton, a
mile and a half from the River Thames,
In June, 1684, the old Blinman edifice at New London, "the
unadorned church and watch-tower of the wilderness, was sold to
Captain James Avery for six pounds, with the condition that he
should remove it in one month's time." According to tradition,
it was taken down and its materials were carried by river and sound
and added to the house he had already built at the head of Poquo-
nock Cove. In spite of this analytic and synthetic process, the
house seems to have retained something of its sacred character.
A century later, "the same timbers, the same boards, joyfully re-
sounded once more to the ancient but well remembered voices
of exhortation and praise." (See frontispiece. )
With its charming situation, the old time combination consti-
tuted one of the most interesting and picturesque residences in
Second Generation — James Avery
the country. This historic home never passed into alien hands,
being- continously occupied by James Avery or some of his de-
scendants until it was destroyed by fire on the night of the twen-
tieth of July, 1894.
Soon after the destruction of the "Old Hive," the Avery
Memorial Association was incorporated. It received the old home-
stead site by deed of gift from the owner, James Denison Avery,
and there erected a granite memorial in what is now known as
the Avery Memorial Park. The shaft is surmounted by a bronze
bust, representing the builder of the "Old Hive." The bust is of
heroic size and represents the founder as a typical Puritan, magis-
trate, and Indian fighter. It was designed by the noted sculptor,
Bela Lyon Pratt, an Avery descendant. The shaft rises from the
middle of the outline of the old house, which outline has been care-
fully preserved; the old fireplaces have been rebuilt; the old
hearthstones are in their places; the old thresholds are marked by
the stone steps which the feet of the founder of the race first trod.
50 The Groton Avery Clan
Here once an ancient homestead stood,
Gray with long years, of fashion old.
From stately oak, from hallowed wood.
Were hewn its beams, and strong and good
Uprose its walls, a race to hold.
Here round the hearth sat sires and sons.
Mothers and babes, a charming throng ;
Eight times renewed the long line runs.
The youths became the aged ones.
The children grew to manhood strong.
Honor and virtue here held sway.
And courage high in word and deed.
Forth went the statesman on his way.
Forth marched the soldier to his fray,
A sturdy race from sturdy seed.
Gone are the walls that stood so long,
Mossed roof and chimney, all are gone,
Where sheltered happy lives were passed
Now blows at will the winter blast,
There is no home, the spot is lone.
Yet stay, what wonders love hath wrought!
Here is the hearthstone of a race.
The threshold that their feet have sought.
Here to our view the bounds are brought.
And ivies the old chimneys grace.
Oh! rooms unseen by mortal eyes.
Wherein may move the friendly guest,
Oh! walls invisible that rise
With household gods in unknown guise.
What is there to meet our quest ?
Behold, the vanished home uprears
This granite shaft whereon today
Wrought in enduring bronze appears
One who shall greet the coming years.
Chief of his race, who seems to say:
Here once an ancient homestead stood,
Gray with long years, «f fashion old.
From stately oak, from hallowed wood
Were hewn its beams, and strong and good
Uprose its walls, a race to hold.
Second Generation — James Avery 51
52 The Groton Avery Clan
This monument was dedicated July 20, 1900. Six hundred
members of the clan gathered to do honor to the founder of the
tribe, who had been dead two hundred years. Dr. Elroy M.
Avery, the president of the association, presided; Helen Morgan
Avery unveiled the bust; Frank Montgomery Avery delivered the
oration, opening with these impressive words:
"We have assembled here today to join in the dedication of a memorial;
not of a monument erected to the memory of any one man; not of a
shaft or tablet to commemorate the happening of a great historical
event or the accomplishment of some illustrious personal achievement;
but of a memorial designed to designate the spot where the roots of a
family tree struck deep and strong enough to take permanent hold in
the soil of New England, and whence its branches have spread out far
and wide and lusty with the strength of the parent stock. It is to
honor the place of our forefathers' refuge and abode, of their
struggles and triumphs, their birthplace and their death place through
the early generations, that this shaft has been erected on the site of
the first of their homesteads, and that we are here today."
The oration was given in full in the report of the dedicatory
exercises printed in Avery Notes and Queries, No. 11 (August,
From the "Old Book of Grants" at Pequot, we learn that
James Avery bought and sold many parcels of land. Sales were
recorded in 1655; July 14, 1656; November 30, 1656; May and De-
cember, 1657, to Nehemiah Smith; September 20, 1660, of part of
swamp to Will Hough; May 10 and November 1, 1664; December
29, 1665; and many of later dates. December 26, 1667, Joane
Avery signed a deed with her husband, James Avery, giving to
their son, James", fifty acres that James' Avery had bought of
Amos Richardson. James' Avery also deeded 100 acres of land to
his son James', March 28, 1679; the same day he deeded to the
same son another hundred acres of land that had been given to
him by the general court. If James" Avery wished to sell this
land he must first offer it to his brothers. The same day, March
28, 1679, James' Avery sold to Thomas Wheeler land east of the
great river which land he bought of Abel Moore. December 22,
1671, he sold to Thomas Parks, two hundred acres of land that
had been given to him by the town of New London on account of
money he had paid to Uncas. It was on the east side of the Mohe-
gan River, near the head of the pond joining to Goodman Minor's.
(Preston Deeds, 1:77).
Second Generation— James Avery 53
In the following deed he disposed of his father's estate:
"To all Christian people to whom these Instruments shall come Know ye
that I James Avery senior of New London in the Colony of Connecti-
cut, have for in consideration of that natural and good affection that I
bear unto my four sons viz James Avery junior, Thomas Avery, John
Avery & Samuel Avery, ffully, ffreely, and ffirmly Give, Grant, Alli-
nate Enfeoffe and pass over unto my four sons aforesaid to be equal
proportions in my lands house and housings orchards and ... in the
Town of New London with all the land upon the neck on the West side
of the Greate River which was my father's deceased also all the land
upon the General neck which I bought of Mr. Thomas Park sen. as by
record may or doth appear to have and to hold the aforesaid land house
& housings orchard and ... in ye Towne of New London which was
my said fathers upon the General neck also all the land in the General
neck which I bought of Mr. Thomas Park senior as aforesaid unto my
four sons James, Thomas, John & Samuel, their heirs, executors, admin-
istrators, assigns forever, and I do hereby promise and engage that my
four sons afresaid shall quietly and peaceably enjoy and possess im-
prove sell and dispose the said land and appurtenances that thereunto
belong without hindrance, molestatation from me or any other person
from or under me or by my means ffor confirmation thereof I have set
my hand & seale this first day of April in the year of our Lord one
thousand six hundred and eighty-five.
James Avery
In the presence of
Edward Okes
Mary Braday
Recorded April 1, 1685"
At Pequot, Captain Avery seems to have taken at once an
active part in private business and public affairs. For many years
his name was signed to deeds and grants of land, as commissioner
for New London. On the twelfth of October, 1667, he petitioned
the general court as follows:
"The request of James Avery of New London to this Honord Assembly is,
that whereas the Country have putt me upon some publique imploy-
ment, and haue done what seruice I am capeable of, that this As-
sembly would please to grant me, as they have done to divers others, a
parcell of land wch belongs to the Country, soe much as they shall
think meet, where it may be found; wch I shall thankfully accept;
and ever pray for yr prosperity. ' '
In May of the following year, the general court made the
following record:
54 The Groton Avery Clan
"Lnt James Auery hath hkewise by this Court granted to him a Hundred
Acres of land for a farme, in which there may not be aboue twenty
acres of meadow."
This grant was laid out October 12, 1669, adjoining the land of
Thomas Stanton, on Pachaug River. {Col. Rec. Lands, 1:278.)
A like reward for public service was made by the colony in 1675.
He soon became active in military affairs and is generally
spoken of by the title of ensign, lieutenant, or captain. The
region in which he lived was formerly the chief seat of the formid-
able Pequot tribe that, a few years before, had been almost
exterminated by the English. The Pequot Fort, taken in 1637 by
Captain John Mason in command of the Connecticut troops and
their Mohegan and Narragansett allies, was on the Mystic River,
on the eastern line of Groton. After the Pequot War, a few sur-
vivors of that once dreaded tribe still lived in the haunts of their
fathers, with the Narragansetts on the east and the Mohegans
under their sachem, Uncas, near by on the west. In 1657, the
Narragansetts made a wild foray and Uncas fled from the blood
and fire that marked their course. He took refuge in a fort and
was besieged by his unrelenting foes. But, just in time, "Lieu-
tenant James Avery, Mr. Brewster, Richard Haughton, Samuel
Lothrop, and others well armed, succeeded in throwing them-
selves into the fort; and the Narragansetts, fearing to engage in
a conflict with the English, broke up the siege and returned
home." The legislature approved the measures that had been
taken for the protection of the faithful ally of the English.
Great Britain proclaimed war with the States General (Hol-
land) in February, 1665, and, in June, America received tidings
that the Dutch admiral, De Ruyter, had orders to visit New York
with a large force. The northern colonies were alarmed at the
approach of so formidable an enemy and began preparations for
defense. The following item appears in the record of a session
of the Connecticut general court, held at Hartford, July 6, 1665:
"This Court haueing by his Matie's order bene informed that DeRuiter is
likely to assult his Matie's Colonies in these parts of the world and that
it is his royall pleasure that his subjects here should put themselves in
a posture of defence agaynst the comon adversary, In pursuance
thereof, doe order that each plantatn in this Colony should considr of
some way for the discouery of the approach of the enemy: And that
vpon the discovery of the enemy they presently giue notice thereof to
ye Comittee appointed by the Court, who are to act therein according
to the power comitted to them by this Assembly."
Second Generation — James Avery 55
The committee in charge from Southerton to Guilford was
"Maior Mason, Ens: Avery, Thomas Minor, Robt Chapman, or
any three of them, ' '
"Wch said Comittees being mett in their respectiue limits are hereby im-
powred to order and appoint how and in what way the order estab-
lished for aid and relief e in such cases may be effectually attended."
In this same year (1665), the general court confirmed Ensign
James Avery as "lieutenant to ye train band at New London."
In 1667, the Pequot remnant was transferred to a reservation,
although as the historian informs us, ' ' Mr. Winthrop, Capt. Deni-
son, Captain James Avery and some other men of influence, dis-
sented from these views and labored for the accommodation of
thePequots. " The fair disposition and judicial temperament of
James Avery are here clearly shown — qualities that doubtless
gave him much of the great influence that we know he possessed
with the friendly Indians of that region. For several years,
before and after this, the commissioners of the United Colonies of
New England referred almost everything relating to the Pequots
to Messrs. Denison, Stanton, and Avery for adjustment, and the
Connecticut general-court records contain many references, of
which the following are examples:
April 20, 1665. "This court doth appoynt Ensigne James Auery ensigne
Thomas Tracy and John Gallop, Thomas Minor or any three of them to
lay out a convenient parcell of land for Robin and his company to plant
upon." {Conn. Pub. Rec, vol. 1, p. HO.)
May 11, 1666. " Lt. Avery and James Morgan are appointed and required
by this court to lay out the land for Coassatuck Indians according to ye
determination of ye comittee; and likewise to lay out the northern
bounds of Stonington, and also ye land granted to Thomas Minor and
John Gallop respectiuely. " {Conn. Pub. Rec, vol. 2, p. 36.)
"Robin Cussinamo is appointed Goumr ouer the Pequots on this side Mis-
tick Riuer, and Cushaunakim and Yoiomatimo are appointed as Assist-
ants to ye said Cusinemo in gouerneing the said Indians. And Lt. James
Avery, Gary Latham and John Gallop are desired to assist by advice
and counsell to these Goumrs as occasion or necessity may present."
{Conn. Pub. Rec, vol. 2, p. 39.)
In 1668, James Avery and Cary Latham were chosen by the
town to settle the boundary line with the sachem, Uncas. The
£15 that secured the desired formal deed was paid by James
Avery and two others in consideration of which each received 200
acres of land from the town. Captain Avery's services seem to
56 The Groton Avery Clan
have been often called for by the town and by individuals in the
settling of such controversies. In 1678, the commissioners granted
Captain Avery five pounds "for his good service in assisting in
the government of the Pequots for sundry years." (See Plymouth
Colony Records, Vol. 10. )
"May 13, 1678. This Court doth nominate and appoynt Capt. James
Avery, Capt. George Denison and Livetenant to be a committee to
consider where may be a suitable tract of land for Mamahowe and the
Pequits wth him to plant in, and to contrive that the same may be as
convenient as may be, and near the sea if it be to be procured on rea-
sonable tearmes. "
"Oct. 16, 1679. This Court being informed that much damage hath been
done to the Mohegan Indians in theire corne this yeare planted in their
field between Norwich and New London by horses and cattell, doe
order that fowerscore bushells of Indian Corn be payd them at the
discression of Mr. James Fitch Junr for Norwich and Captn Avery and
Mr. Charles Hill for New London." {Conn. Col. Rec, vol. 3, p. iS.)
" May 13, 1680. " As to Cassacinamon's complaynt of his people remove-
ing from him into some small parties, whereby they are not so capable
to defend themselves. This Court orders Captn Avery and Lnt Mason
and Mr. Minor or any two of them, to acquaint the sayd Pequot
Indians under Robert's government, to return to his town as soon as
planting and weeding is over, and continue to be under Robert's gov-
ernment as formerly." (Conn. Col. Rec, 3 :55.)
May 10, 1683. " This Court doth appoynt Captn James Fitch, Captn James
Avery and Lnt Tho. Leffingwell to be a committee in behalfe of this
Court to move the people of Stoneington to lay out to the Pequots under
Mawmahoe's government a suitable tract of land that may be sufficient
for them to plant upon; and if they neglect to doe it, the sayd com-
mittee are hereby ordered to use utmost endeavoures to suit them with
a sufficient tract of land, . . . the law requireing every towne to pro-
vide for their own Indians." {Conn. Col. Rec, 3 : 117.)
The ' ' utmost endeavoures ' ' of this committee were crowned
with success, and the miserable remnant of the Pequots and east-
ern Nianticks, under Momoho's government, at last found a rest-
ing place:
October 11, 1683. "Capt. Fitch, Captn James Avery and Lnt Tho. Lef-
fingwell being appoynted to procure some lands for Mamohoe and his
company, by this Court, May last, returned a writeing or deed of two
hundred and eighty acres of land which they bought of Isaak Wheeler
for the use of Mamohoe and his company . . . and this Court doth
aprove of the sayd deed, and grant that the land shall be for the use of
Mamohoe and his company during the Courts pleasure." {Toivns &
Lands, 1:210.)
Second Generation— James Avery 57
The land was conveyed to ' ' Capt. James Avery and Lieut. Thomas
Leffingwell, a committee on behalf of the general court, it being
for the use of Momoho and the Indians under him," May 24, 1683.
May 14, 1685. "This Court appoynt Lnt. Tho. Leffingwell and Capt.
James Avery and Nehemiah Palmer they or any two of them to lay out
and bownd the sundry parcells of land given to the Pequots, in New
London or Stoneington bownds or lands adjacent;" {Conn. Col. Rec, 3.)
There were rumors of an Indian plot in 1669 of which Ninigret,
sachem of the eastern Nianticks, was supposed to be the head.
Capt. Wait Winthrop, Lieut. James Avery and others were com-
missioned to inquire into the reality of the suspected plot and to
summon Ninigret before them for examination. The messengers
that they sent to Ninigret (who lived east of the Pawcatuck river)
returned with answer inviting them to come to him. The com-
missioners accordingly made ready to "goe to him," but as they
were setting out, July 19, 1669, they received word from Rhode
Island that that colony protested "against such eleagall and
unlawfull proseedings, " and if there was anything against Nini-
gret ' ' he shall be forth coming to answer before the government
under which his Majesty haue put him." Captain Winthrop and
his party, thirteen in number, disregarding this protest, crossed
the river and ' ' though a company of f ellowes stood in the com-
mon roade," some with clubs, they were not forcibly opposed and
rode their way and obtained a conference with Ninigret. Their
report is missing, but it was probably satisfactory as no further
action was taken at that time.
In June, 1672, the general court ordered that Captain John
Winthrop should be the ' ' chief e millitary officer ' ' for the county
of New^ London, and Lieutenant James Avery his second. In
1673, danger was again apprehended from the Dutch, and each
county was ordered to prepare for defense. New London County
was to add a hundred "dragoones" to her trainbands, and for
' ' such forces as shall be called out of that county, James Avery
[was] appoynted Captain."
"It was ordered that each dragoone be provided with a good sword and
belt, and serviceable muskitt or kirbine, with a shott powch and powder
and bullitts, viz : one pownd of powder made into cartridges fitt for his
gunn, and three pownd of bullitts fitt for their gunns, or pistol bulletts,
and a hoi-se to expedite their march." {Conn. Colonial Records,
2:207, 208).
58 The Groton Avery Clan
New England's long continued freedom from the horrors of
Indian war was abruptly ended in 1675. The name of King Philip
became a terror to the English settlers from Connecticut to Casco
Bay. In the summer months, Massachusetts suffered untold
agony and Connecticut became much alarmed. In answer to
letters from Mr. Fitch of Norwich, "the Councill writt to Mr.
Fitch, L'nt Mason and L'nt Auery, [Aug. 5, 1675] to encourage
the Moheagans to goe forthwith out after the Indians of Phillip's
company;" and that Robin Cassacinamon and Mawmohoe repair
to those English that are in the pursuit of the Indians and assist
them what they can. In October, the general court at Hartford
practically put Connecticut under martial law.
"It is therefore hereby ordered, that each county doe speedly rayse out of
their several! townes in their respective countyes, sixty souldiers, well
fitted with hors armes and ammunition, as dragoones, who shall be im-
bodyed for motion in their severall respectiue countyes for the defence
of the Colony against any sudden assault of the enemie. And because
of the difficulty and danger of moueing ouer the riuer at Saybrooke,
this Court orders Saybrooke and Kenilworth to fall in with New
Haven, as part thereof in this undertakeing. The proportioning of
each plantation and all other things necessary for the well ordering of
the severall companyes is left to the ciuill authority in each county to
order as they shall judg most conduceable to the end afoarsayd ; and
that they be ready for the reliefe of each other upon notice as any
exigence may call for. And because there are the Moheags and
Pequots dwelling amongst those fower townes of New London County,
it is ordered that Captain James Auery take command of forty Eng-
lish from the three townes of New London, Stoneington and Lyme, to
be raysed together with such of the Pequots as he likes, and Captain
John Mason shall take twenty English from Norwich with the Mo-
heags ; each party to quarter and lye where they may be of best vse
for the end afoarsd, and to joyne together as there may be any occas-
ion or exigence, vpon notice from Major John Winthrop ; they to
appoynt such inferior officers as they shall thinke most meet. " {Conn.
Col. Rec, 2:267.)
November 25, 1675. Captain Avery was appointed by the council
fifth in command of the united army which is to go against the
Indians. {Conn. Col. Rec, 2:386.)
The commissioners of the United Colonies of New England
put a force of a thousand men in the field under the command of
Governor Josiah Winslow of Plymouth. In the early winter, he
was in the hostile country where a great battle was fought on
Second Generation— James Avery 59
Sunday, December 19, 1675. The Narragansett fort was in what
is South Kingston, Rhode Island. It included five or six acres of
dry land, was surrounded by a swamp, and was defended by pali-
sades and felled trees. The only entrance was by a bridge made
by a felled tree and commanded by a block house. Within, were
not fewer than 3,500 warriors. The fight was desperate, for, on
either side, it was a clear case of conquer or die. The final vic-
tory was with the English. It is said that 700 Indians were killed
that day and that 300 of their wounded died. The power of the
Narragansett tribe was broken. Captain John Gallup, who com-
manded the Mohegans, was slain. The Pequot allies were under
the command of James Avery.
The Narragansett fight enraged the Indians and made them
desperate. The English plantations were in greater danger than
before. In the following February (1675-6), at a meeting of the
council of Connecticut, "there was order to Capt. Avery, Capt.
Denison and Ln't Minor to rayse some forces to surpriz or destroy
the enemie; as more at large by the letter on file may appeare. "
From said letter, we clip the following sentence:
' ' The Council considering the difficulty of collecting any considerable body
of the enlisted souldiers from the several townes, for an immediate
march against the enemy, order that Captains Avery and Denison, and
Lieut. Minor, should forthwith gather as many men as possible, from
the three nearest towns (New London, Norwich and Stonington), and,
taking with them the Mohegan and Pequot Indians, march against the
enemy. ' '
Then began that ' ' series of forays into the Indian territory, which,
issuing at short intervals from New London county, and led by
those Indian fighters, Denison and Avery, contributed in no small
degree to the favorable result."
At a meeting of the Council of Connecticut, March 16, 1675-6,
it was written in the record that:
" For the encouragement of such as shall goe forth volunteers against our
Indian enemies in the Narrogancett Countrey and to prevent their
gathering and setleing there, we have thought meet to declare, that
whosoueuer shall imploy themselves in this seruice, whether Indians or
English, and goe forth under the command of Capt. George Denison
or Capt. James Avery or Lnt. Thomas Minor or Ens. Tho. Leffingwell,
shall haue all such plunder as they shall seize both of persons and corn
or other estate to be disposed by them in way of sale, so as they may
best advantage themseules, provided Authority haue had the first ten-
60 The Groton Avery Clan
der of their dispose of Captiues, alloweing them the market prices;
to be diuied amongst them, to the priuate souldiers, each man alike,
and to the commanders so much a better part according as there is dif-
ference in their wages; and all wounded men to be healed at the
Country's charge." {Conn. Col. Rec, 2: il8).
Two letters from Major Palmes, dated March 30, were re-
ceived by the council before their meeting of April 4th. The first,
written from Norwich, acknowledges the receipt of a letter from
the council, of March 27, with their reasons for detaining Major
Treat and his forces, "so much to the dissatisfaction & expecta-
tion of our soldiery." He (Major Palmes) stated that he could
not possibly go forth in the proposed expedition, but had listed all
the volunteers under Capt, Denison and Lieut. Leffingwell and the
pressed soldiers under Capt. Avery and Lieut. Minor to march
' ' towards Egunck and so to Coessett. ' ' There were thirty-seven
pressed men and forty-two volunteers, with about one hundred
Pequots and Mohegans, with some of Ninigret's daughter's men.
The writer was doubtful of the ' ' well accord ' ' of the English, in
their march and fight, observing many ' ' inconveniences with this
mixture of pressed men and volunteers." Major Palmes desired
' ' that for future the manadgmt bee left to whome you shall see
cause to intrust, and not every man to be his own carver."
{Conn. Col Rec, 2:^27.)
Ten days before this (March 20), Capt. Denison and Capt.
Avery, with their volunteers and pressed men and Indians, had
marched from Norwich. Before their return on April 5th, they
had killed or captured forty-four Indians. Among the captives
was the chief surviving sachem of the Narragansetts, Canonchet,
the son of Miantonomo— " one of the great exploits of the war."
On April 7, 1676, the council, having heard from the front,
expressed themselves as follows:
"Vpon accot of Cap. Denison and Lnt Minor of their expedition against
the Indian enemies neer those parts, which accot was to good sattis-
faction, but they findeing the encouragment allowed not sufficient,
The Council see meet to declare and order that the sayd Capt. Denison
and Capt. Auery, wth their Lieutenants and officers, may proceed on
in the like service, with such companies of Volunteers as they can pre-
vayle withall to be listed under them, and shall for their encourage-
ment be allowed just pay for their necessary provission and wages for
their time while they are out on service . . . and hire for the
officer's horses (with allowance for a chirurgion, if he goeth forth with
Second Generation — James Avery 61
them) on the country's accot, and their wounded men to be taken care
of, as other prest men; they to be suited wth ammunition on the
Country's acet . . . The sayd Captaines are to order the distribu-
tion of what shall be taken, proportionably amongst the English, and
according to agreement amongst the Indians: and all are to carry
themselves orderly and in the fear of God." (Conn. Col. Rec, 2:^29.)
On the same day (April 7, 1676) , the Council wrote to the Hon.
Major Palmes:
"We have seen cause to encourage Capt. Denison & Capt. Avery to rays
volunteers & prosecute the enemie with all vigor."
Capt. Denison and Capt. Avery evidently prosecuted ''the enemie
with all vigor" for, in July, they followed the Indians into a
swamp in the Narragansett country and killed or took prisoners
eighty and, on the march back, sixty more fell into their hands.
Hutchinson, in his History of Massachusetts Bay, says "the brave
action of the Connecticut volunteers have not been enough ap-
plauded" and adds that this successful hunting of the Indians
"sunk and broke their spirits, and seems to have determined the
fate of English and Indians, which until then was doubtful and
Hubbard, the early historian of the Indian wars, writes thus:
"The inhabitants of New London, Norwich and Stonington, apprehensive
of their danger, by reason of the near bordering of the enemy, and
upon other prudent considerations, voluntarily listed themselves under
some able gentlemen and resolute soldiers among themselves. Major
Palmes, Capt. George Denison, Capt. Avery, with whom or under
whom, within the compass of 1676, they made ten or more several
expeditions, in all of which at those several times, they killed and took
two hundred and thirty-nine of the enemy by the help and assistance
of the Pequots, Mohegans, and a few friendly Narragansetts; besides
thirty taken in their long march homewards, after the fort fight, Decem-
ber 19, '75; and besides sixteen captivated in the second expedition, not
reckoned within the compass of the said number; together with fifty
guns and spoiling the enemy of an hundred bushels of corn."
The question of the. spoils of war came up often for discussion.
In August, 1675:
"The Councill agreed and ordered that the rigt and division of the captives
be left to the decission and determination of Capt. John Mason, Capt.
James Avery and Mr. Daniel Witherell, whoe are desired and empow-
ered to disspose the said captiues, whither in hands of the Pequots,
Moheags or Naragancetts, to such persons to whome of right they doe
belong, according to the severall agreements as the claymers shall
make their demands by."
62 The Groton Avery Clan
In January, 1675-6, it was ordered that:
" Whateuer captiues or plunder shall be taken is to be tryed and condemned
by a Court Marshall, that so no wrong may be done. The Court Mar-
shall for New London County are appoynted to be Major Ed: Palmes,
Capt James Auery, Lnt. Samuel Mason and Lnt. Tho: Minor, or any
three of them."
March 20, of the same year, the council ordered that:
"Such things to be taken up and done to the satisfaction of sayde mr.
Fitch, and Capt. Auery, as respecting wampum and other goods that
was taken as plundei', yet is said to belong to innocent persons not
September 28, 1669, a Hst of the names of the freemen of
New London was made by order of the general court by James
Auerye and Daniell Witherell, townsmen, and Alexander Piggon,
constable. On this list the name of James Auerye stands first.
Originally, the Connecticut general court not only enacted the
laws of the colony, but also administered them, criminally as well
as civilly. As it was difficult to try all these cases at Hartford,
the general court, May 17, 1660,
"doe order for ye present that there shall be an assistant and 3 Comrs in
that Towne [New London] who shall have ful power to issue small
causes, and ye punishing smal crimes and offences according to law,
provided the cases of debts and fines doe not amount to the sum of
£2. Is."
James Avery soon became one of the commissioners in this court
as the following appointment shows:
"Oct. 8, 1663. This Court doth desire and appoynt the Major and John
Allyn and Mr. Bruen to keep a Court at New London for the issuing of
such matters as shall be presented for their consideration; they to
appoint the time."
"This court appoints Ens. James Avery a Commissioner to joyne with Mr.
Bruen at New London."
May 12, 1664, James Avery was again appointed commissioner
and. May 11, 1665, he seems to have been especially honored. On
that date, he was deputy to the general court, was made commis-
sioner for New London, and received his commission as lieutenant
of the train band:
"James Avery is confirmed Lieutenant to ye Train Band at N. London
and Gabirell Harris Ensigne in ye said Train Band."
Second Generation — James Avery 63
His appointment as commissioner reads as follows:
"Mr. Thomas Stanton, Thomas Miner, Ens: Avery, Mr. Bruen, Mr. Chap-
man, are chosen Comrs for and within their respective towns where
they inhabit; any three of them wth ye Dep: Gournr are hereby em-
powered to keep court at N. London twice this present year, that is to
say on ye third Wednesday of June and on ye third Wednesday in
The following is a sample of the cases which came before this
"June 30, 1664. Mrs. Houghton summons Mrs. Skillinger before the Com-
missioners to answer for abusing her daughter in the meeting house;
we not finding legal proofs hereof, judge it meet that Mrs. Houghton
tutor her daughter better and not occasion disturbance by any unmeet
carriage to her betters hereafter, and this being the first time, we
enforce no further. ' '
Another case was against "a person belonging to Seabrook for
uttering contumelious speeches against his Majesty when in liquor;
to be whipt immediately at New" London and a quarter of a year
hence at Seabrook; Mr. Chapman to see it done."
May 10, 1666, the general court constituted New London
County with its county court:
"It is ordered that from Paukatuck-River wth Norridge to ye west bounds
of Momonoset Plantation shall be for future one County called the
County of N. London, and it is ordered that the County Court shalbe
held at N. London the first Wednesday in June and the third Thursday
in September yearly. "
"It is ordered that each County Court shall consist at least of one Assist-
ant and two comrs to be the judges thereof."
On the same day, Mr. Edward Palmes, Lieutenant James Avery,
Mr. Daniel Witherell, and Mr. William Douglass were chosen com-
missioners for New London County. From that time until 1695,
James Avery served almost continuously as one of the judges of
the county court as the records of the general court and of the
county court (now at Norwich) show. The years 1671 and 1673
were the only ones in which he did not serve.
Before this court came actions for debts and complaints of
evil-speaking and of disorderly conduct. Wills were proved, estates
settled, and marriages performed the same as in the higher courts.
A few of the examples cited by Miss Caulkins may serve to illus-
trate the manners and customs of those days:
64 The Groton Avery Clan
' ' 1667. Goodwif e Willey presented for not attending public worship and
bringing her children thither; fined 5s."
"George Tongue and wife were solemnly reprimanded for their many
offences against God and man and each other. On their submission
and promise of reformation, and engaging to keep up the solemn duty
of prayer and the service of God in the family, they were released by
paying a fine of £3."
"John Lewis and Sarah Chapman presented for sitting together on the
Lord's day under an apple tree in Goodman Chapman's orchard."
"1673. James Rogers, Jr., for sailing in a vessel on the Lord's day,
fined 20s."
"Edward Stallyon for sailing his vessel from New London to Norwich on
the Sabbath, 40s."
"1682. New London was presented for not having a grammar-school;
fined £10; also for not having an English school for reading and
writing, £5."
That the county court had admiralty powers appears from the
"1680. Thomas Dymond vs. barque Pi'ovidence, stranded on Fisher's
Island, for salvage of goods."
James Avery was as prominent in the civil matters of the
towm and colony as he was in military affairs. He was chosen
townsman (i.e., selectman) in 1660 and held that office twenty-
three years. What seems to have been one of his earliest acts in
this official capacity shows a laudable desire to preserve the public
documents and is thus recorded:
"Feb. 6, 1660. —For the setthng, perfecting and fairly recording of all
records, for the town's use and good of after posterity, wee agreed
that there shall be a towne booke, with an Alphabet in it, wherein all
acts passed, orders or agreements, shall hereafter be fairly recorded,
whether past or to come, for the affecting hereof, we agree that all the
old bookes of records shall be searched into for what is matei'ial con-
cerning the public good, to be drawn out into a booke provided and
paid for by the Recorder, who shall have 6d, paid him out of the town
rate for every act, law or order recorded. ' '
This is signed by the townsmen, Obadiah Bruen (who was re-
corder), Hugh Caulkins, James Rogers, James Avery, and William
Nichols. Unfortunately, the full measure of the advantages that
these wise townsmen intended to confer upon "after posterity"
was made scant by the performance.
The townsmen were desirous "to know of the town what
their duties were." In answer to this application, on Feb. 25,
1659-60, at the annual town meeting a paper of instruction and
advice was prepared for their use ' ' and sanctioned by the public
Second Generation — James Avery 65
voice. It furnishes a clear summary of the various duties of
those unsalaried officers called townsmen or selectmen, so essential
in the organization of our New England towns." {Hist, of Neiu
London: 92.) In substance it is as follows:
"1. To keep up the town bounds, and see that the fence-viewers discharge
their duty with respect to individual property.
2. To take care that children are educated, servants well ordered and
instructed, and no person suffered to live in idleness.
3. That the laws of the jurisdiction be maintained;— no inmates harbored
above two or three weeks without consent of the town; and the
magazine kept supplied with arms and ammunition.
4. That the streets, lanes, highways and commons be preserved free
from all encroachments and that they appoint some equal way for
the clearing of the streets in the town from trees, shrubs, bushes
and underwood, and call forth the inhabitants in convenient time and
manner for effecting the same.
5. That they take care of the meeting-house and provide glass windows
for it, with all convenient speed.
6. That they consider of some absolute and perfect way and course to be
taken for a perfect platforme of settling and maintaining of the
recordes respecting the towne, that they be fully clearly and fairly
kept, for the use, benefit and peaceful state of the town, and after
7. That they consult together and with the moderator, of all matters to
be propounded at town meetings, so as better to effect needful things
and prevent needless questions and cogitations.
8. That they determine all matters concerning the Indians that inhabit
amongst us.
9. That they regulate the felling, sawing and transporting of timber;
masts, boards, planks, pipe-staves, &c.
10. That they see the ferries well kept.
11. That they determine all complaints respecting land grants; except
the difficult and doubtful cases, which must be referred to the town.
12. That they have regular meetings for business and give notice of the
time and place thereof, by a paper upon the meeting house."
For the next few years, the records contain frequent refer-
ences to James Avery in connection with such matters as the col-
lection of tax rates, arbitrations like that between "Goodman
Packer and the Indians," the killing of wolves for which he
claimed the bounty of twenty shillings each, the naming of a day
for the cutting of wood for the minister, etc., the laying out of the
king's highways, the adjustment of the bounds between New
London and Lyme:
"An agreement dated May 21st, 1668, signed by Mathew Griswold, Wm
Waller, .James Auery & Gary Latham, delivered in presence of James
66 The Groton Avery Clan
Rogers and Francis Griswold, concerning the bounds between New
London & Lyme is approued by this Court, and so it is certified under
the sayd agreement and attested, May 22nd '68, pr John Allyn, Secre-
tary," (which adjustment proved to be unsatisfactory to his fellow-
citizens) .
In February, 1665-'66, it was
"Voted by ye Towne that Leifft. Avery and James Morgan have power to
agree with any person that hath a serviceable horse to be emploied in
fetching up Mr. Bradstreet and what agreement they make the towne
to allowe and make good the same. "
The next year, and as a consequence of this carte blanche, Good-
man Prentice received ten shillings for the use of his horse and
Goodman Royce fifteen pounds "for ye minister's dyet." On
June 1, 1666, it was
"Voted by a Vnanimous consent that Mr. Bradstreet is acepted to ye
worke of ye ministry amongst us, and that he have 80 lb. pr. yeare to
encourage him in the worke, to be gathered by way of rate. ' '
The general court appointed "Lnt. James Aurey and James
Morgan to lay out Mr. Symon Bradstreet his grant of land, accord-
ing to his grant." The town also voted to build a girt house
' * 36 f oote in length, and 25 in breadth and 13 studd betwixt ye
joynts with a stack of stone chimneys in the midst," all at a cost
of a hundred pounds, with an extra appropriation to "paye ye
masons for building a stone chimney and glaze ye house win-
dowes." At a town meeting held Feb., 1677-8, it was voted to
build a new meeting house to take the place of the out-grown
Blinman edifice. The building committee consisted of Captain
Avery and two others. "It was to be forty feet square; the
studs twenty feet high with a turret answerable; two galleries,
fourteen windows, three doors; and to set up on all four gables of
the house, pyramids comely and fit for the work. ' '
In 1683, Capt. James Avery was a member of a committee, of
which Major John Winthrop was chairman, to send a letter to the
Rev. Mr. Mather and the Rev. Samuel Willard at Boston, for
advice concerning a successor for the Rev. Mr. Bradstreet,
deceased. In the following June, they reported in favor of the
Rev. Edward Oakes. These records give us an interesting peep
into the old New England town-meeting and throw an instructive
side light on the character of our fathers.
Second Generation — James Avery 67
There were numerous presentations of James Rogers for
profanation of the Sabbath and kindred offenses. He had exten-
sive lands and a greater interest in the trade of the port than any
other person in the place. He and his family became dissenters
from the established Congregational church and allied themselves
to the Sabbatarians or Seventh-day Baptists of Rhode Island.
After 1677, his son, John Rogers, drew off from the Sabbatarians,
assumed the ministerial offices of preaching and baptizing, and
organized a new sect called the Rogerenes. Miss Caulkins says
that ' * a great and predominant trait of the founder of the sect,
and of his immediate followers, was their determination to be
persecuted. They were aggressive and never better pleased than
when, by shaking the pillars, they had brought down the edifice
upon thdr own heads. They esteemed it a matter of duty, not
only to suffer fines, distrainment, degradation, imprisonment, and
felonious penalties with patience, but to obtrude themselves upon
the law, and challenge its power, and in fact to persecute others,
by interrupting their worship, and vehemently denouncing what
they esteemed sacred." These offences were promptly met by
penalties. ' * Fines were many times repeated and the estates of
the offenders melted under the seizures of the constables as snow
melts before the sun." "It is probable that all the penalties
would have been silently dropped had they not kept up the
aggressive system of testifying, as it was called; that is, present-
ing themselves in the religious assemblies of their neighbors to
utter their testimony against the worship. John Rogers and the
elder sister were the principal offenders, they often carrying
their work into meeting and interrupting the service with expla-
nations and protests against what was said or done." The fore-
going is intended to illuminate the following from the records of
the county court.
"April 14, 1685. Judges upon the bench, Fitch, Avery and Wetherell.
John Rogers, James Rogers, Jr., Samuel Beebee, Jr., and Joanna Way,
are complained of for profaning God's holy day by servile work, and
are grown to the height of impiety as to come at several times into the
town to re-baptize several persons; and when God's people were met
together on the Lord's day to worship God, several of them came and
made great disturbance, behaving themselves in such a frantic manner
as if possessed with a diabolical spirit, so affrighting and amazing that
several women swooned and fainted away. John Rogers to be whipped
fifteen lashes, and for unlawfulling re-baptizing to pay £5. The others
to be whipped."
68 The Groton Avery Clan
James Avery represented New London as deputy to the gen-
eral court for many years. The record runs as follows: May,
1659; Oct., 1660; Oct., 1661; Oct., 1664; May and July, 1665; May
and Oct., 1667; April and May, 1668; May and Oct., 1669; May,
1675. October, 1675, he was reported as absent. He was serving
his country elsewhere — raising troops for the Indian war that ter-
minated in the great swamp fight of December 19, 1675. We find
him again a member of the general court, 1676; also May and
Oct., 1677; May, 1678; Oct., 1679; Oct., 1680; Oct., 1682; 'May,
1683; May and July, 1684; May and Oct., 1685; Oct., 1686.
In 1687, Andros usurped the government of Connecticut and,
in 1688, there was no session of the general court. After the
accession of William and Mary in 1688, Connecticut called her
general court together without waiting for instructions from the
home government. Among the few determined men who responded
and served through 1689 was Capt. James Avery of New London.
In the thirty years above indicated, for twenty of which James
Avery was deputy, the general court passed many wise and help-
ful laws. The Indians were defeated or pacified and Connecticut
grew from weakness into strength. Her foundations were well
laid and among her master workmen was James Avery.
James Avery was prominent in matters relating to the church,
and the references to him in such connection are numerous, many
of which have been noted in previous pages. The church record
kept by the Rev. Mr. Bradstreet begins October 5, 1670, the day
of his ordination. It opens with the following:
Lieutenant James Avery and wife,
Thomas Miner and wife,
James Morgan, senior and wife,''
and eighteen others.
In his famous diary, Thomas Minor makes frequent reference
to James Avery with whom he was to be connected by the mar-
riage of three of his children. The following shows that
James Avery was expected to watch the spiritual interests of
the church:
Second Generation — James Avery 69
"These are to signifie to all such whome it may concerne that we whose
names are under written being members of the Church of Christe of
New London doe owne Thomas minor of stoneington and his wife
members with us and under our Care and watch and they doe live ffor
ought wee know or heare as doe become Christians
James Averie
new london william Douglass
June 30, 1669
In the name and with the Consent of the Cch ' '
There was then a close union between church and state, each
being part of the other. The Congregational church was fully
"established," wholly "orthodox", and the only one recognized
by law. The minister's salary was raised by public tax and a
few of the old rate-lists for this purpose are still preserved. In
that for 1664, the names of 105 property holders appear. The
name of "John Winthrop, Squire," heads the list. He was then
a non-resident; his property was set down at £185. The estate of
James Rogers is set down at £548— nearly double that of any other
taxpayer. The next highest are John Pickett, £299, 10s; James
Morgan, £252; Robert Burrows, £246; James Avery, £236; and
Gary Latham, £217. At that time, land was hardly taken into
account in the estimate of the value of a man's estate.
As early as 1678, the people on the east side of the gi'eat
river (the Thames), through James Avery, petitioned the general
court for a church and a minister of their own.
"To the Honord General Assembly now sitting at Hartford.
The Humble petition of James Avery in Behalf the Inhabitants that
live on the east side new London River.
Showing that whereas we that now live at that place and besought the
blessing of God Increased to about twenty eight families and are so
seated from new London to which worship we at present pertain that
neither ourselves or families can without great hazzard and trouble
get to new London to attend the public worship of God on the Lords
day to our great hindrance there being a very Great ferry of about
a mile over besides six or seven miles that many of us must travel!
by Land we have in consideration of the good we hope to attain and
the insuitable harm that otherwise we cannot but expect have
thought it our duty to present to this honored court our condition
and grievances in the foresaid respect and that we have humbly
requested of our neighbors of new London their willingness that we
might have a minister on our side of the river at our own cost who
seem to be very unwilling thereunto. Requesting this court serious
consideration thereof and that we may have liberty of procuring
and settling a ministry on our side of the river to be at our charges
70 The Groton Avery Clan
and that when the same is attained that we may be free from pay-
ing to the ministry at new London we hope this honored court will
find the less difficulty to grant in that the like has been granted to
sundry other places whose beginnings were not more able to afford
maintenance than we hope ours are and to some as at Lyme on the
same reason as the difficult passage by water and that the welfare
of your petitioners will bee much advantaged thus waiting the
Courts pleasure therein we shall for this honored court ever
pray &c
James Avery in the name of the rest
May 9, 1678"
(From Ecclesiastical Documents, vol. 1, doc. 47, in the State Library,
Hartford. See facsimile on opposite page. )
To this, the general court made answer thus:
"May 15, 1678. This Court haueing considered the petition of Captn Avery,
in behalfe of the people on the east side of New London River, peti-
tioning that they might have liberty to provide themselves of a minister
to dispense the word of God to them, &c. as p. the petition on file may
appeare, the Court haueing heard and considered the case and what
hath been objected against it by agents of the Towne of New London,
doe declar that they cannot but compassionate the condition of the
people of London that have such troublesome passage to the worship
of God, and yet they cannot see reason to answer the desires of the
petitioners at present, but advise them cheerfully to a carrying on of
the works of God in their present state vnite, and when God shall have
blessed and increased their numbers and states so as that there may be
a likelyhood of their comfortable and honourable mayntayning of two
ministers in that towne, and in such case when they are soe accom-
plished to the sattisfaction of this Court, they may have a minister on
I that side, but not to be a distinct township without the free consent
of the people on the west side of the river and approbation of this Court. ' '
(Conn. Col. Rec, vol. 3, p. 13.)
In 1687, after persistent petitionings in which James Avery was
prominent, it was ordered that for the future they should have
liberty to invite the minister of the town to preach on their side
of the river every third Sabbath during the four most inclement
months of the year.
The good work that he had thus begun was continued by his
sons and, in 1702, the church on the east side of the river for
which he had so long labored became a reality. Although he did
not live to see the happy termination of his earnest endeavor, he
is justly considered one of the founders of the First Church of
Groton as he was of the First Church of New London. In the
two hundred years since then four buildings have housed the
Second Generation— James Avery 71
.tu^ o fCj^Cr'"^''^^
The Groton Avery Clan
organization. Unfortunately, we have no picture of the first;
pictures of the other three are given in this chapter. The fourth
was completed in 1902. Its walls are built of field stone gathered
from the many Avery and other farms in Groton, and few of
them have felt the hammer. The memorial window in the front
of the church, is dedicated, by his descendants, to Captain James
Avery, in whose active brain originated the idea of a church
organization east of the "Greate River."
Second Generation — James Avery
In 1693 James Avery made preparation for a comfortable old
age. He had previously deeded land to each of his sons, but he
then made a final provision as the following deed shows:
"To all Christian people to whom this present Deed of sale shall come
James Avery, senior of New London in the Colonie of Connecticut in
New England sendeth Greeting. Know ye that I the sd James Avery,
senior for and in consideration of that natural affection and love which
I give and bear unto my beloved sonn Samuel Avery of the Towne and
Colonie aforesaid as also for other considerations payments and Reser-
vations hereby and herein specified to be allowed and performed by my
said sonn Samuel Avery with the which I doe acknowledge myself to be
fully Satisfied and Contented and upon performance of the same Doe
Aquit and Discharge my sayed son Samuel Avery, his heirs, Executors,
Administrators, and Assigns forever by these present. Have given,
Granted Bargained, Sold, Alliened, Enfeofed and Confirmed and by
74 The Groton Avery Clan
these present Doe fully and Absolutely Give, Grant, bargain, Sell,
Allien, Enfeof and Confirme unto my sayde sonn Samuel Avery his
heirs. Executors, Administrators, Assigns forever all that my ffarme
whereon I dwell with the parcel of land and meadow thereunto belong-
ing situate and being on the east side of New London River at New
London containing in estimation two hundred and twelve acres to the
James Morgan lott the parcel being butted and bounded viz. Impremis
the home lott containing fifty Akers bounded on the west and partly on
the south with the Brook or river and part of the salt [blot] and
which the Brook empties into and partly on the south by the lane that
parts this land and the ffarme in the possession of Major-General John
Winthrop on the north with the land of Nehemiah Smith and on the
east with land in the possession of my sonne Thomas Avery. More
sixty Akers of land lying in Paqunotk bounded on the west with the
greate swamp and on the east with Paquanotk coave or River on the
north and south with the lands of Mr. Richard Lord and Mr. John
Daugs. More one hundred Akers of land with meadow on it lying to
the northward of Mr. Richard Smith's house bounded on the south with
sd Smith's land and on the east with Ledges of Rock and Comon and
on the west with a cart way that leadds to the woods and on the north
with land formerly given to my sonn James Avery now layde Down
Comon. More two Acres of meadof lying at (?) plaine (?) bounded on
the north with a swamp on the east with land of James Avery junior
and the other bounds as by records of said meadow together with all
housings Buildings and housings, Barns Stables or chatels ffruit trees
all herds profits, privileges comonages and all other Appurtenances as
with sd ffarm and grants of land belonging or in any way appertaining
to have and to hold the sd ffarm and parcels of land butted and
bounded as aforesaid with all other the above granted premises unto
my sd sonn Samuel Avery his heirs. Executors, Administrators, Assigns.
. . . Provided always and it is nevertheless agreed and conceded by
and between the said parties these presents, that I the said James
Avery senior, do reserve the north end of the dwelling house during my
life and the life of my wife Johanna Avery and also the full moyity or
one half part of the neat product or increase of all the land above
aliened during my own life and the life of my beloved wife Johanna
Avery which sd lands are to be improved by my sd son Samuel Avery
to an best advantage the charges thereof are to be equally borne or
boarne betwixt us and satisfied out of the produce what remaining to
be equally shared betwixted us. Likewise it is agreed by the parties
to these p/esent that the stock of neat cattle which now are on the
ffarm being two oxen, 16 cows, 4 steers 4 ys old, 8 steers 3 y old, 16
steers and heifers 2 ys old, 11 steers and heifers 1 yr old, 50 sheep,
7 swine, 4 mares, 2 young horses, 1 bull are at this time belonging the
one half share to me the sd James Avery senior and the other half at
this time belonging to my sonn Samuel Avery all of which stock is to
Runn and be Maintayned with the hay gott out of the sd ffarm and
lands agreed on about the cows & the charges to be equally borne by
Second Generation— James Avery
76 The Groton Avery Clan
each party and the one half of its produce to accrew yearly to me the
sd James Avery senior the other half of its produce to be and belong
to my sonn Samuel Avery. It is likewise agreed by and between the
Said parties to these presents that at the death and decease of the said
James Avery senior and my loving wife Johanna Avery or at the
decease of my sd sonn Samuel Avery the afore mentioned stock of neat
cattle, sheep swine & the increase thereof shall be equally divided the
one half to be at the disposal of me the sd James Avery senior
and my loving wife Johanna Avery by our last will and testament
and the other half to be and belong to my sd son Samuel Avery and his
It is also agreed between the parties by these present that if my sd sonn
Samuel Avery decease before me James Avery senior or before my
loving wife Johanna Avery then provision is made by these presents
that his heirs, Executors, Administrators, Assigns are to perform what
is obliged to Doe by these presents, Relating to the improving of the
sd ffarme And providing for the Stock that Remains and belongs to me
the sd James Avery senior or to Johanna Avery my wife during both
our natural lives otherwise to be at the ordering and in the possession
of me the sd James Avery senior or Johanna Avery my wife During
our life time and no longer but then to Revert and Return to the heirs,
executors or administrators of my sd son Samuel Avery. In witness
whereof I the sayde James Avery senior have put to my hand & seale
in New London this seventeenth day of ifebry one thousand six hundred
ninety two three.
James Avery.
Signed sealed returned in the presence of
Edward Palmes Capt. James Avery acknowledges the
Sarah Palmes above written to be his act and deed the
the mark of 22 Feb. 1692-3 that the whole deed before
Mary (M.) Roberts me Rivhard Christopher Commoner.
Extracted out of the original and recorded by me Daniel Witherell Re-
corder, May 6, 1693.
Thus we see that the wife, Joanna, was Hving in 1693. The date
of her death is not known. She was the mother of all the chil-
dren of James Avery.
About 1655, a certain Abigail, surname unknown (the late
Judge Richard A. Wheeler of Stonington said it was Ingraham),
was married to Samuel, the son of William Cheeseboro, the
founder of Stonington. Their daughter, Abigail Cheeseboro, mar-
ried John", the son of Captain James' Avery. Samuel Cheeseboro
was buried July 31, 1673, and, on June 15, 1675, his widow was
married to Mr. Joshua Holmes. Mr. Holmes died in 1694 and, on
July 4, 1698, his widow was married to the widowed Captain James
Second Generation— James Avery
The two middle panels at the bottom of the window contain
the following inscription :
This window is erected in memory of
of this Church and Town by his
"Well done good and faithful servant:
James Avery, one of the founders
descendants — A. D. 1902
enter thou into the joys of thy Lord."
78 The Groton Avery Clan
Avery. Captain James Avery died April 18, 1700; his widow was
living September 9, 1715, at which date she states that she has
received full satisfaction from her two sons for her right of
dower in the estate of Samuel Cheeseborough. {Stonington Deeds,
hook 2:292. )
In studying the record of those days, the careful student is
strongly impressed with the fact that Capt. James Avery was a
very remarkable man. Living as he did in stirring times, he was
a leader among strong men, enjoying their confidence and respect
because he deserved them. Especially is it to be noted that,
although the state took cognizance of affairs that we now call
private and interfered in the details of family life and personal
relations in a way that would not now be tolerated, he was never
censured or "presented" for any shortcoming or alleged derelic-
tion of duty or propriety. Eminent in all the relations of life, his
descendants look upon him with pride and affection as one sans
peur et sans reproche.
Children of James and Joanna (Greenslade) Avery:
Hannah', b. Oct. 11, 1644, at Gloucester, Mass.
James", b. Dec. 16, 1646, at Gloucester, Mass.
Mary% b. Feb. 29, 1647-8, at Gloucester, Mass.
Thomas', b. May 6, 1651, at New London, Conn.
John', b. Feb. 10, 1653-4, at New London, Conn.
Rebecca', b. Oct. 6, 1656, at New London, Conn.
Jonathan', b. Jan. 5, 1658, at New London; bu. Sept. 15, 1681, at
New London; unm.
Christopher', b. April 30, 1661, at New London; d. Dec. 8, 1683,
at New London; unm.
Samuel', b. Aug. 14, 1664, at New London, Conn.
vii. ,
73 15
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Also Published Ind
Style of lettering indicates the cl
FROM GREAT Cities do
Villages, to Little TiUocK (tni wiert Bt-
COPYRIGHT, 1903, BY THE J. N. MATTHEWS CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. *^^>v~'.'''~~», ,
8}4 Ml
4°3' Longitui
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3. Hannah" Avery (James', Christopher^) was b. Oct. 11,
1644, at Gloucester, Mass. ; m. June 20, 1666, at New London,
Conn., Ephraim Minor, s. of Thomas and Grace (Palmer) Minor,*
of Stonington, Conn. He was bap. May 1, 1642, at Hingham,
Mass. He lived at Stonington, Conn.; was a farmer; freeman,
1669; deputy to the general court, 1676, 1677, 1681, 1690-1693,
1699, 1701-1705, 1713; lieutenant of train band. He served in the
King Philip war and for his services received arable land and
cedar swamp in Voluntown.
Thomas Minor, the father of Ephraim, in his famous diary,
April, 1666: "The 11th day wensday The macth was made up between
Ephraim and hanah Averie I gave the 2 horses to Ephraim and Josepth
to buy Their weding suts sabath day the 15th Sabath day 22 Ephraim
and hanah Averie was put over the meeting house dore. "
In June of the same year he writes: ''wensday the 20, our
Ephraim was married. ' '
"Ephraim sonn of Thomas Minor and Hanah daughter of James Averie
were married ye 20 day of June 1666 by me Obediah Bruen. ' ' (Stoning-
ton Records.)
From Minor's diary we learn that Ephraim was one of the
nine who "begun the Church at Stonington in June 1674."
Feb. 1674-5. "the 28 day was sabath day Ephraim's wife was ppounded
to the Church.
"The 14. of March 1675. Hanah minor Ephraim's wife was admitted."
(Minor's Diary.)
The records often read: "Church met at Ephraim Minor's
house. ' '
* The name is now commonly written Miner. We here follow the original
autograph authority.
80 The Groton Avery Clan
Mrs. Hannah Minor died Aug. 22, 1721; Mr. Ephraim Minor
d. May 19, 1724, both at Stonington.
Children of Ephraim and Hannah (Avery) Minor (all b. in
Stonington) :
i. Hannah*, b. April 5, d. May 25, 1667.
ii. Ephraim", b. June 22, 1668; bap. June 16, 1672; m. May 24, 1694, Mary
Stevens, of Taunton, Mass.; deputy to general court many terms;
justice of peace; selectman; captain of train band; member of
Church of England; d. Feb. 19, 1739-40, at Stonington.
iii. Thomas*, b. Dec. 17, 1669; bap. June 16, 1672; d. Sept. 8, 1688, at
Stonington; unm.
iv. Hannah', b. April 20, 1671; bap. June 16, 1672; m. Jan. 6, 1692, at
Stonington, Samuel Frink.
V. Rebecca*, b. Sept. 17, 1672; bap. Nov 15, 1674; m. July 8, 1696, at
Stonington, Josiah Grant; d. Jan. 15, 1746-7, at Stonington.
vi. Elizabeth', b. April 30, bap. Nov. 15, 1674; m. John Brown.
vii. Samuel*, b. Dec. 9, 1675; d. before 1680.
viii. Deborah*, b. April 15, bap. June 3, 1677; d. Aug., 1678.
ix. Deborah', b. April, bap. March 30, 1679; m. July 8, 1696, at Stoning-
ton, Joseph Pendleton; d. Sept. 8, 1698, at Stonington. Joseph
Pendleton subsequently married her cousin. Patience Potts (No. 8,
X. Samuel*, b. Aug. 28, 1680; bap. March 13, 1680-81; m. April 7, 1702,
at Stonington, Ann Denison; ensign in train band; d. Dec. 8, 1717, at
Stonington; s.p.
xi. James*, bap. April 9, 1682; m. Feb. 2, 1704-05, at Stonington, Abigail
Eldridge; m. 2d, May 4, 1721, at Stonington, Sarah Ayers; deputy
to general court; lieutenant of train band; selectman; d. June 3,
1726, at Stonington.
xii. Grace*, b. Sept. 1683; bap. Nov. 14, 1683; m. Jan. 10, 1701, at Ston-
ington, William Palmer; lived at Pun-hun-gue-nuck Hill, North
xiii. John*, b. April 19, 1685; bap. June 7, 1685; m. May 5, 1709, at Stoning-
ton, Mary Eldridge; justice of peace; d. 1717, at Stonington.
^,^ " .- Sons, twins, b. and d. May 22, 1687.
Ephraim, Thomas, and Hannah were bap. at the First Church,
New London; the other children at the First Church, Stonington.
4. James" Avery {James', Christopher') was b. Dec. 16, 1646,
at Gloucester, Mass.; m. Feb. 20, 1669, at New London, Conn.,
Deborah Stallyon, dau. of Edward and Margaret Stallyon. The
New London town records for 1669 contain the following entry:
"James Avery jun. sonn of James Avery was marryed unto Deborah ye
daughter of Edward Stallyon— 20 of February."
The Third Generation 81
Feb. 12. 1670, James Avery's wife Deborah was bap. in the First
Church, New London.
Jan. 12, 1670-71, Edward Stallyon and Margaret, his wife,
deeded land to their son-in-law, James Avery, jun., which land
they gave him with their daughter, "Debora, his now wife;"
also a farm, upland and meadow, in or about Birch Playne on both
sides of the river or creek which Stoney Brook runs into, with
house and barn, &c. ; provided it is agreed James Avery is to keep
for the use of the said Edward Stallyon and Margaret his wife
during their life 12 head of cattle which he is to keep and look to
both summer and winter. This document is signed by Edward
Stallyon and James Avery. {New London Deeds, 5:18.)
He also received numerous tracts of land from his father, one
(March 28, 1679) being enough to make up a hundred acres "near
the cart path that goes to John Morgans, near the county road."
May 29, 1702, Capt. James ' and Capt. John ' Avery, Ephraim and
Joseph Myner sold three hundred acres of land in Preston called
James' Avery early disposed of his land on the General Neck,
land that came to him from his father and grandfather, and lived
on the east side of the river. Like his father, he took an important
part in the affairs of the colony. He took the oath of freeman,
Oct. 14, 1669. He was several times selectman of Groton, also
justice of the peace; he was deputy from New London to the
general court seven times (1690-1702), and from Groton nine times
(1707-12) ; he was made sergeant of the train band. New London,
June 5, 1683; he was commissioned lieutenant in May, 1690, and
later became captain; he was counselor and advisor of the Pequot
tribe and, in 1720, became their guardian; in 1723, he instituted
suits to recover lands of which they had been deprived; he several
times acted as interpreter to the council; he was often on com-
mittees to settle boundary disputes and the location of public
lands, and often served on the grand jury. (See Conn. Col. Rec.)
Captain James' Avery took part in various expeditions against
the Indians of Massachusetts and Connecticut. Under date of
Sept. 13, 1703, Fitz-John Winthrop, then governor of Connecticut,
wrote from New London to Capt. Avery, who was near Woodstock,
"My letters fi*om Boston give me acct. that a marching-party of 600 men
are moveing to finde the enemye's head-quarters, and therefore, till I
82 The Groton Avery Clan
heare farther, it is necessary that you attend to my former instruc-
tions to you & farther, that you send one of your Company to me &
to be here every Wedensday night, that I may have opportunely to
give you orders pursuant to the acct. I may receive by post."
Winthrop wrote again from New London, Sept. 22, 1703, telling
Capt. Avery to march his English and Indians home, to dismiss
them, and to come directly to New London,
"that I may have full acct. of your proceedings and what has occurred to
your observation relateing to the approach of ye enemy."
In closing his letter, he said:
"I have only to add my thankes to yourself & Company for their good ser-
vice and am
Yor. very loving f reind, J : Winthrop. ' '
Feb. 22, 1703-4, Joseph Dudley, then the royal governor of Massa-
chusetts, wrote from Boston to Governor Winthrop thanking him
for his care in the public service and saying:
"That which I would have is 100 Indians and about twenty Englishmen
well known to them, and Mr. Avery is recomended to mee as a sutable
officer for them, to live abroad in a hut at a sutable place, to govern
the western part of the Eastern Indians upon Lake Winepesioco [Lake
Winnepesaukee], which is better known to us than to your people; . . .
And therefore I have sent two hundred men well appointed, who
marched this day fortnight, under our joynt kinsman Major Winthrop
Hilton, to Pegwockit [Pigwacket], an Indian fort on the eastern side
of the said lake to destroy or dislodge the Indians, and by no means to
destroy the fort, which I hope they will report to be a good reception
for your party. ' '
June 24, 1704, Gov. Winthrop wrote from New London to the
committee of war calling attention to the condition of affairs at
Northampton and vicinity and recommending that they give orders
"yt that part of ye country may not be left naked & ye inhabitants of ye
frontier towns there discouraged I am very sensible of our
extraordinary charge, and have considered the proposal of drawing off
ye garrison at Deerfield and calling home our forces to ye eastward.
As to ye latter I wrote to Capt. Avery by Mr. Eliot, (who went from
hence to Boston yesterday) to return with the forces under his com-
Aug. 4, 1704, Capt. Avery with his Moheags was ordered to Groton
to abide there for a time and to scour the woods thereabouts. He
was unable to obey his command as, before the letter arrived, the
Indians had gone into the Northern woods with a design to come
The Third Generation
84 The Groton Avery Clan
upon the enemy's tracks on their return from Lancaster. ''So yt
Capt. Avery cant march to Groton with them, as yr Honr men-
tions," wrote Daniel Wetherell. (Winthrop Papers, in Mass.
Hist. Collections, series 6, vol. 3: 154, 155, 172, 229, 252, 253, and
Avery's History of the United States and Its People, vol. 3: 291.)
Capt. James" Avery was in the ill-fated expedition to Canada
in 1709. His command included Indians, as the following- items
July 6, 1715. "Ordered that Wednesday next, or as soon as may be, the
Indians under command of Capt. James Avery and Capt. Manassah
Miner, in the expedition against Canada in the year 1709, who are pre-
sented by said captains as deserting from that service, with his Majes-
ties arms, and several things belonging to his Majesties stores, be
brought before the Gouvernour and Council to give an account of the
arms, &c., which they deserted with: and that a warrant be drawn to
said captains or either of them accordingly. " {Conn. Col. Rec, 5:515.)
October 3, 1720. "Upon the motion of Capt. James Avery in behalf of
Menobscus a Pequod Indian, who was one of his men, (and lost a brass
kettle apprized at twelve shillings, when the scout was routed at the
Crown Point) in the first expedition to Wood Creek: Resolved, that the
clerk of the Council do make out an order to the treasurer, for the pay-
ment of the sum of twelve shillings out of the publick treasury, to the
aforesaid Indian, in full satisfaction of his kettle." {Conn. Col. Rec,
6:205, and Avery's History of the United States and Its People, vol. 3:
273, 293.)
In 1696, the general court was petitioned for a grant of land
to the volunteers in the Narragansett war. The court granted
them a tract six miles square to be taken up in the conquered
territory. In 1697, Lieutenant James ' Avery was one of a com-
mittee to view said tract. In 1700, the tract was confirmed to the
volunteers. In 1701, Lieutenant James" Avery was one of a com-
mittee of five to receive and to decide on the correctness of the
claims presented. Captain James' Avery and his three sons,
James", Thomas ', and John ', were found to be entitled to grants in
the new township. In addition to the first grant, the cedar swamp
was divided and each of them, Capt. James ' and his three sons,
received grants of "Cedar Swamp Lots." Captain James' Avery
did not live to receive his Voluntown grants. Neither Indians nor
the white men who were pressed into service received lands in
Voluntown. James" Avery received lot No. 8 (arable) and lot No.
178 (cedar swamp). See Boge's "Soldiers of King Philip's War,"
pp. 441, 442, 446.
The Third Generation 85
At the first town meeting of Groton, March 22, 1704 05, James'
Avery was chosen to appear at Hartford to secure the approbation
of the general court for a town east of the river. In 1705, he was
chosen one of the surveyors of Groton. May 11, 1706, he was one
of a committee to allot lands in that town. He was townsman in
1706, 1708-1711, and justice of the peace in 1712. In December,
1705, he and his brother, Samuel, were on a committee to settle
the accounts with New London. July 15, 1708, he and his brother
John were members of a committee to lay out 100 acres of land to
Mr. Woodbridge. April 26, 1709, he was one of the committee
whose duty it was to perambulate the bounds between the North
Parish and Groton. In 1712, he was a member of the commission
to divide the common lands. When the lands of Nowayunck
(Noank) were allotted, he was given lot No. 18. See Minutes of
Selectmen of Groton.
James' Avery was early a member of the First Church at
New London. He took up the work that his father had begun in
1678 and, with Mr. Crary, appeared before the general court at its
May session, 1696, in behalf of the inhabitants on the east side of
New London River for liberty to embody themselves into a church,
which application was refused, as the following shows:
"Mr. James Averie and Mr. Crery inhabitants on the east side of New-
London River, moved this court on behalf of the people there inhabit-
ing, to grant the said people liberty to embody themselves into church
state in order to their comfortable enjoyment of the ordinances of God.
This court having considered the matter doe refer it to the Genrl Court
on October next and doe advise the sd inhabitants to treat with their
neighbors the inhabitants of the towne of New London in the mean
time and to endeavore their concurrence with them in their desire."
(Conn. Col. Rec, 4:164.)
They again applied and were again refused:
"May, 1697. Lieut. Averie and Mr. Burrows appeared in the Court to
prosecute their application to this Court in behalf of the inhabitants of
New London living on the east side of the river that this Court would
grant them liberty to embody in a ch. way and to call a minister &c.
This Court having considered their circumstances doe not see cause to
grant their desire, there not being clear evidence of good agreement
among them nor of their ability to afford a minister honorable mainte-
nance." {Conn. Col. Rec, 4:210.)
By their persistence in this matter. Lieutenant Avery and
others brought upon themselves the censure of the New London
The Groton Avery Clan
On the ninth of May, 1700, more than three score of the
inhabitants of New London, most of whom lived on the east side
of the river, lodged with the general assembly a complaint or
"remonstrance" against their minister, the Reverend Gurdon Sal-
tonstall. They claimed that the rates were illegally collected; that
they were not allowed to choose their own collectors; that he had
been absent about twenty Sundays in two years; that his favorites
got the best pews and the best of the common lands; that, when
the people called a town-meeting and elected new officers to
redress their wrongs, Mr. Saltonstall got the governor and council
to call a new election; that he objected to some voting on the
ground that they were no "inhabitants," etc. From beginning
to end, the remonstrance plainly shows the intensity of the feeling
under which it was written; the electric charge crackles in every
paragraph and in almost every sentence. Every one who signed
it came under the censure of the church and more than one of
them had to have his children
baptized "in right of his wife. "
To show that this discipline did
not imply disorderly conduct or
guiltiness of gross sins, it is
worth while to give careful
study to the hitherto obscure
history of this remonstrance.
He upon whose head these
vials of wrath were poured out
was no ordinary country pas-
tor, meek and mild. Gurdon
Saltonstall's was a powerful
personality. Naturally of the
strenuous type, his combative-
ness had been called into sharp
action by the growing heresy
known as the half-way cove-
nant. He was learned and elo-
quent, and distinguished for
his knowledge of men and af-
fairs and for his elegance of
manners. He was ordained
The Third Generation 87
as pastor of the New London church in 1691. In the "Early
History" of that church, its late pastor, Dr. Blake, says (page
218) that Saltonstall ' ' magnified his oflfice. He loved synods and
was inclined to the more rigorous forms of ecclesiastical govern-
ment." He also says (page 216) that Saltonstall "had the reputa-
tion of being imperious; perhaps not altogether without reason."
That the preacher was also a successful, practical politician ap-
pears from the fact that from the first day of January, 1708, to
his death in September, 1724, he was the governor of the colony
of Connecticut.
As already intimated, the true story of the remonstrance of
1700 has never been written. Even as careful a historian as Dr.
Blake did not find the key that opens the door of the long closed
chamber. In his "Early History of the First Church " (page 220)
he says: "What the complaints were, which were made against
Mr. Saltonstall, we are not told, nor has any copy of them been
preserved." But a copy of them was preserved. Unfortunately,
Dr. Blake did not find it; we had better luck. The original docu-
ment is on file in the state library at Hartford. The following is a
true copy:
To the Honorable General Assembly Sitting at Hartford The Ninth day of
May, one thousand & Seven Hundred
We the Subscribers being Inhabitants and for the most part freeholders,
within the Town & Limits of New London. In this his Majesties
Colony of Connecticut, have for divers years last past, found our Selves
oppressed by ye unwarrantable and unjust actions of some of our
Neighbors, who are kept in places & offices, by a party of kindred,
or neer Relations, to our great damage, which we do here under humbly
offer to lay before this Honorable Assembly, a brief account of part
thereof for their information, & in order to our Reliefe therein.
1st. That at Mr. Saltanstals (our present minister) Coming to this Town,
his Annual allowance was stated by persons voluntary Subscriptions,
to what they would pay him, which he accepted of. It amounting to
betwixt fifty seven & fifty eight pounds money — if it is Objected that
Some did not pay what they Subscribed for. It may be answered that
it was then proposed by Majr Palmes, that four or six persons might
then have been Chosen to goe to Contribution, and the Rest to have
Accounted with the Deacon, which proposal was then Rejected by Capt.
2ndly. That the vote or agreement entered in the Moderator's book the 26th
of february, 1690-91 for paying one hundred & forty pounds by Rate
for Maintanance of the Minister & for his wood was Either misunderstood
88 The Groton Avery Clan
or Entered wrong by the Moderator— For the agreement or vote was
Seventy pounds money, and such as could not pay money were to allow
Double in pay, this may be plentifully testified by Divers of the Church,
and other honest men present at Said Meeting. Yet hath said minister
taken the advantage of said Entry, and not minded the votes, or those
that Informed him of it but hath Required and taken two thirds of 140
lbs pay, which is ninety three pounds six shillings and eight pence
money To the great oppression of our Selves & others, which we can
neither prevent nor Remedy, because most of the Raters and Listers
are his favorites and are still kept in places by his Influence & ye above
said parties numerous Relations.
3dly. Whereas it is entered in the Moderators book the said 26th of f ebruary
1690-91, that what shall be procured of Mr Livins Estate, shall be part
of ye 140 lb and so much of the Rate abated— yet at a Town meeting
holdin July 2d 1694, Is Entry made in the moderators book, and said to
be voted, that Mr Saltanstal shall (for his Encouragement in setling
amongst us, and for purchasing some Lands to build on) have by vote
given him ye Interest of the three hundred pounds money, in the hands
of Majr Winthrop (which money was formerly given to the Town by
the said Mr. Liven) for the term of three years— This was Contrived &
Entered by that party untill others Appeared and objected, which caused
it to be null, as the moderator also owns, yet is there no enterry made
of its being vacated, but stands as fair as the enterry said to be voted
ye 26th of february 1690-91 of 140 lbs for maintainance of the minister
and may as justly be demanded of us.
4thly. Mr. Saltenstal Procured a Law or order, of the (called) General Court
at hartford January 22, 1697 (when there was none to Defend) for the
place of New London in particular: that ye Constables shall collect ye
Ministers Rate which thing is Contrary to a General & Established Law
of this Colony, and unrepealed, which says that ye Towns, have liberty
to Chuse Collectors, and what soever Complaints he made in Order to
his Obtaining the same, he well knows the main Obstruction was his
Demanding more than his Due, by which it appears that what we could
not grant or allow, he will make it his business to Obtain power to force,
contrary to all rules of justice or honesty. Likewise the false complaint
to the said Court that the List was detained by Mr. Edgcomb &c by
means whereof the Country Rate Could not be made. When it appears
the Country Rate was then made, and only wanted Subscribing by some
of the Rate makers, which Complaint procured an order also of the said
Court, for the officer to break open Dores &c for obtaining said List,
out of the persons Custody to whom it did justly belong, meerly on pur-
pose to put into such hands, as would be Influenced to make the Minis-
ters Rate as would best suit his Interest, Though Contrary to the
declared minde of Sundry Substantial Inhabitants.
5thly. That although Mr. Saltanstal is so Eager and Craving, after more
than was ever allowed him by vote of ye People yet takes he the Liberty
to be absent severall Sabbaths (esteemed to be about 20 & od Sabbaths
The Third Generation 89
in two years) About Law affairs as Attorney and about Country Ser-
vice &c. for which he hath Considerable allowance (as is said) that it
seemeth very hard for us, not only to pay more than would be justly
due to him if he performed his Duty punctually towards us, but also
to pay for Service he performeth not, and moreover to pay our Shares
of what the Country allows him besides.
6thly. It is entered as above mentioned in the ToMm order of ye 26th of
february 1690-91, that what Shall be procured of Mr. Livens Estate
shall be part of ye 140 lb, and so much of the Rate, abated, which we
finde was never allowed the Town but one year— yet Capt. Witherell &
Nehemiah Smith, give under their hands that they have perused the
particulars of Mr. Saltanstals accounts, and do finde in them,^ that the
Town have Credit by the Interest of Mr. Livens money, in the years
92: 93: 94: 95: & 96 the Sum of ninety & one pounds as money— from
which grounds And on what Account this money hath been Received
and paid to him we are kept Ignorant of —for the.Rate is made generally
more than the sum of 140 lb pay, or two thirds money, and if the
Collectors gather it not, are sued and Lyable to pay it themselves— If
they Shall Say it is for old Arreares before Rating it is Answered each
person then Subscribed for himselfe, and not to pay more than his own
share nor did the Town Agree then for any sum Certaine but what each
would freely subscribe & pay— If they pretend it a gift of the Town
Towards Building his house &c. It is answered above in the third
7thly. As the Claym for the said Ministers Rates for the Reasons above
mentioned is unjust & oppressive, so the method of Rending from us
what is so unjustly Claymed with out tryall and Selling the same at an
Outcry, Doth greatly aggrievate our Oppression. Neither Do we
approve of the Dissenters being so dealt with, whose Estates Are
generally Sold for less than halfe the value & Seldom any overplus
Returned, —which Methods are Contrary to the Principles and practices
of our former Ministers, who would not suffer any persons to be dis-
trained on for their Rates, Their principle Aymes being to promote the
free progress of the Gospell (the work to which they were called) and
the preserving of peace and Amity amongst their People.
8thly. That the Town have often Endeavored to pay their just debts to all
persons to whom they owed for any Service done &c And have Ordered
Rates proportionable for discharging the same yet have that pay or
money So ordered, been drawn out of the Collector's hands, by some of
the above hinted party or family, and Converted to Other uses without
ye Towns knowledge or assent, And thereby divers unpaid when due,
much not gathered, to the great prejudice of such as do pay, who are
also Constrained to pay againe what hath been so drawn from the
Collector, or ungathered, as is too Evident.
9thly. That we have been and are greatly damaged by the above said
party or Relations, in their Selling or other wayes Disposing to their
favorites our Common Lands (as they please Contrary to an order made
90 The Groton Avery Clan
and allowed by the Town for neer 40 years which Order hath Reserved
such Lands for Commonage) which hath been denyed to Old Setlers
when they have Desired it— Their manner hath been to Call Town
Meetings when neer two thirds of the Town have no notice or knowl-
edge thereof, or what is there Intended to be done by them— The
Laudable practice of other places of Convening ye people by due Warn-
ing being wholly Rejected by them, and no other notice generally given,
but a paper set on ye meeting house on ye Lords Day, where only such
as go in at that door Can have sight thereof, And few that will or can
Read what is there written. The generality of the people. Especially
those on ye East side seldom getting knowledge thereof, by Reason of
their going elsewhere to meeting and of their Remoteness of living —
Nor have we any account what use the money is put to for such lands
as are sold by them, without Order or power.
lOthly. Our people generally have been very forward & unanimous, to pro-
mote and pay for the building of our new meeting house, Tho at a very
hard Rate (viz at 12d in ye pound) And in so Dificalt a Season, when
many wanted bread for their families And now it is Built, we finde the
said party or Relations very Ambitious & predominate, in promoting
themselves and Favourites Into the Chiefest places thereof. Whilst
Others of Equall or better degree, are put by the places they Enjoyed
In the former Meeting-house, Contrary to an agreement of the present
Committy, which was that all Should be Seated as in the former
Meeting-house, northward of ye East and West doors— Also the Body
of ye Meeting-house (by their Influence) Is so Cumbered with Pews for
advancing their said favorites (Tho many of them young, of Ordinary
Estates, Extract & Education) That the more Substantial, more
Ancient & more Numerous persons are Crowded into those few short
seats, Conteening scearce one third part of the Said Room— Also we
have no account how our money is Expended, or what is ungathered,
or in whose hands. Only it is Rumored that the Carpenters are unpaid,
whose allowance for building much Exceeds the former house by pro-
portion—Also the Rate for Seating said house &c is unaccounted for.
However we are made sensible that said Carpenters have allowed them
for Seating Said Meeting-house, Pulpit, &c 70 lb Money, being a third
part more than Ought to be allowed as by ye judgment of Other
workmen, but more especially Considering they take upon them to Croud
the house so fully of Pews, And dispose of them for their own private
proffeit to whom they please, without the Approbation of the Town, so
that they have but little seating work to doe for so great a sum of
money, of the publick. Because the privat Pew purchasers, pay over
again for their partition and seatings of much that should have been
the Publicks Room.
llthly. For Removal of these and other Greviances, we were desirous In a
Legal way to provide a Remedy & Accordingly Did meet on our stated
day for electing Town officers, being the last Thursday of february
past, at ye usual place where Capt. Daniel Witherel moderator for the
The Third Generation 91
Last year, Ordered the People to bring in their votes for first Towns-
man (who by a late order of the Town had power when chosen to stand
moderator at that present meeting) The Choyce fell upon Majr Edwd
Palmes & was so declared by said Capt. Witherel, who Ordered the
Constable to proclaim it, & call for their votes for ye Second Towns-
man, which was attended, and the Choyce fell upon said Capt. Witherel,
After which some Dispute arose, about some persons that had voted
(as Mr. Samuel Rogers & some others that stood by.) Majr Palmes
coming up to the meeting Enquired of the Constable & others how the
Choyce went & was Informed That himself was chosen first Townsman
(and consequently moderator) & Capt. Witherel the second upon which
Information said Palmes took his place as moderator, And Ordered the
Constable to call for their votes for third Townsman which Choyce fell
on Mr. Thomas Boles, 28 votes the 4th Mr. John Edgcomb, 30 votes,
the 5th, Lieut. James Avery, 31 votes, the 6th Lieut. John Morgan, 31
votes, the 7th, Serg. PhiHp Bill, 27 votes. Then it was voted with full
Consent that the present Townsmen, (viz) Majr. Edward Palmes, Capt.
Daniel Witherel, Mr. Thomas Boles, Mr. Jno Edgcomb, Lieut. James
Avery, Lieut. Jno. Morgan & Sergeant Philip Bill should be List
makers and Rate makers for the ensuing year. That John Chapman,
John Rogers Senior, William Douglas, Jun., Mr. George Denison, &
Nathaniel Chappell should be surveyors on high wayes, on the Town or
West side of the River, And that Sergeant Stark, John Fanning & John
Morgan, Jr. should be surveyors of high ways on the East side of the
River. Fence viewers then chosen were Jno Chappell, Jno Richards,
& James Morgan Jr., & so ye said meeting broke up.
12thly. Some party (the minor part) being unsatisfied at this Choyce, In
that themselves were Laid by and their former actions like to be
enquired into. Contrived a Groundless pretense Complaining to ye
Gouvenour and Councill, that their Surveyors for high wayes (whom
they had chosen in a corner) would not be Obeyed for mending the high
wayes— That it was a Groundless pretence, calculated only to make
their Complaint Seem Reasonable, most plainly appears: Because: If
their pretended Surveyor had been never so Legally chosen, yet no
men of sense would have called men out to that work at so unseason-
able a time, it being the first week in March, and the Ground Hard
frozen— However this pretended Complaint Procured an order of the
Governour and Councill of the 6th of March (but not in the Kings name)
Directed to the Constable for warning The Inhabitants to Convene the
18th of said March, to make Choyce of Selectman, Surveyors & Other
Town oflficers. At which time the Generality of the Inhabitants mett
at the Meeting-house. Partly to Defend the Choice that was made on
their stated Day for such election, being the Last thursday of february :
And partly to hear what would be Object against their Being Inhabi-
tants, For such an notion (in Order to Cause obstruction) had been
Started, Tho no Law or president, to Render the Greater part of the
people no Inhabitants can be produced as practised, at Least not since
92 The Groton Avery Clan
the Revolution. But all that shall come to such meeting have the liberty
to vote both in ours and in Other Towns, Thorrought the Whole Colony,
as it was practised, in the voting for the present Govenour to goe
agient [against]. Also the charter gives power to Assemble Marchall
array, and List in warlike posture ye Inhabitants of said Colony.
Moreover, the treasuries warrant Runs to the Constables to collect of
the Inhabitants From whome (as we conceive) It is demonstratively
implied without all peradventure, that all persons, so Trained or Rated
are without object Lawfully Accounted to be Inhabitants: Otherwise
there hath been Divers Illegal meetings, and many acts passed that call
for Repealing both in this Town and elsewhere. Or at Leastwise, if on
the Other hand they are not to be Accounted Inhabitants Then are they
not the persons According to Charter, that can Lawfully be Trained or
Rated: which thing would be of a very fatall Ruinous consequence.
However before the said meeting broke up, the names of such then
present, as were not entered in the List of the Ancent Inhabitants,
were taken And an agreement made that the said names should be
Read over for the old inhabitants to make objection against such as
they saw cause (which was done.) They only Objecting against two
persons, and one under age. The rest to be esteemed Inhabitants (as
most of those in the old List were Accepted of one another without
voting) . This being done such was our Condesention Once again to put
the Choice of such officers to the vote. An order was given to the
Constable to call for the votes for the first Townsman, which was
attended the Choyce again faUing on Majr Palmes, 51 votes. But by
Reason of Obstructions Raised by the Dissatisfied (minor) party, And
it being late in the day nothing more was Done but the meeting broke up.
ISthly. We have Imployed and Impowered Maj Edwd Palmes, Lieut. James
Avery, & Lieut. Jno. Morgan to present this our Remonstrance to the
Honorable the General Assembly (as it first directed) also to make
application thereof and to Receive & Embrace such Orders for our
Reliefe, as the verity of our Aggrievances, And the justness of our
Complaints Shall move the Said Honorable Court to Appoint.
Subscribed by us in behalfe of our Selves, & several Others, who with us
are highly Sensible of these our Aggrievances in Generall & mostly
of Each particular thereof.
The Third Generation
i^rh I
y^£^ ^S^.f ^^^^y l^^^Jorr
<^. /?»^9
<3^^Tj"if '^^s^^^c
(CownecticMf Ecclesiastical Documents. Book 1. No. 145)
94 The Groton Avery Clan
In his "Early History of the First Church " (pages 218, 219),
Dr. Blake says that this list of ' ' Complaints against the Elder of
the Church of Christ in New London" was "signed by five
members of said church, viz., Lieut. James Avery, John Morgan,
Sam'l Bill, John Fox, and John Morgan, Jr., and presented to and
published in the last general assembly sitting at Hartford, May 9,
1700, by James Avery, John Morgan, and Edward Palmes." The
general court referred the remonstrance to an ecclesiastical council
that met June 12, 1700, and reported to the New London church
at a meeting of the brethren held June 19, 1700. Dr. Blake's
statements are based upon the records of that church meeting.
Never having seen the document in question, he did not imagine
that the list of more than sixty signers had been cut down to five.
Dr. Blake tells us (page 219) that the original report of the
ecclesiastical council ' ' has been lost and was never entered upon
the minutes of the Church. We are not informed as to the details
of the findings of the council. But we know that by its advice,
the offenders were censured and suspended from the privileges of
the Church, which, as we have seen, was done in the case of
James Avery, Jr., and others." But in two places in his book
(pages 207 and 217) , Dr. Blake gives the date of this discipline of
the church as May 26, 1700, James Avery's child being baptized
"in right of his wife, he being under offence." At that time, the
remonstrance had been presented to the general court at Hartford,
but it had not even been considered by the ecclesiastical council
which did not convene until June 12, and did not report to the
New London church until a week later. It is impossible that the
penalty imposed upon James Avery, as above mentioned, was by
the advice of the Killingly council; it is more likely that it was
the arbitrary act of the able and "imperious" pastor.
A man like Gurdon Saltonstall was not likely to let such a
matter rest without further notice. He was the pastor and chief
adviser of Fitz-John V/inthrop, the governor, and had great influ-
ence with the council and their representatives at Hartford. The
colonial records show that the general court demanded that the
remonstrants appear before it to answer the said Saltonstall; the
warrant was duly served and return thereof was made on Sep-
tember 30, 1700.
To the Honbl, the Gov & Councill; & the Representatives of his
Majties Colony of Connecticut, convened in Generall Assembly, at
Hartford, Octob ye 10: 1700.
The Third Generation 95
The humble Petition of Gurdon Saltonstall, Minister of the
Gospell, in New London, within ye Colony aforesd.
That y Petitioner sometime in May last past, had a Paper comprehend-
ing severall Articcles of Accusation, in which are contained Severall
particulars, false and of a Nature highly Scandalous, tending to the
great Defamation of yr Petitioner, presented agt him, in both Houses of
the Honbl Generall Assembly, then sitting in Hartford, by Majer Edward
Palmes Esq Leiv James Avery, & Leivt John Morgan all of New Lon-
don, in the Colony aforesd: Of Which Injury Your Petitioner neither
hath, or can obtain of the sd Persons any manner of Satisfaction; Yr
Petitioner therefore being fixed in the Ministeriall Office, within this
Colony, & under the Protection of his Majties Government established
in the Same, humbly moves Yr Honrs to take Cognizance of the sd
defamatory Accusation; that if the aforesd Persons presenting the
same before the aforesd Genii Assembly are able to make good the
sd Slanderous Accusation, & to justifie before this Honbl Court
(where they themselves have laid it & pray Sd Judghment) the Charge
therein made, in those defamatory Parts of it agt Yr Petitioner, they may
be obliged thereunto: But if they shall not be able to justifie the same,
that then Yr Petitioner may obtain such Judghment agt the sd Accus-
ers, for ye sd Publique Slander, as the meritt of the Cause shall require,
& this Honbl Assembly shall judge meet— Yr Petitioner having for that
End, procured a Citation of ye sd Persons so falsely & Slanderously [?]
accusing him, to appear before this Honbl Court, and given them a Copy
of this Petition as the Law in Such Cases provides; And also most wil-
lingly referring himself (as the sd Accusers do pretend for them-
selves) to the Judghment or Determination of this Honbl Court, in
all the matter of Complaint, contained in any of the sd Articles of
Accusation against him.
And Yr Petitioner
shall ever pray &c:
Originall Writ and
Petition Coppy
The above is a copy of Connecticut Ecclesiastical Document,
No. 148, State Library, Hartford.
To Majer Edward Palmes Esq Lt James Avery Lievt:
John Morgan, all of New London, within his Majties
Colony of Connecticut.
Whereas You, and each of You, did, (sometime in the month of May last
past, at Hartford, in the Colony aforesd, & in the Honbl Genii Court
then Setting there) in Yr own Names, (& as was also alledged by You,
in the Name of severall other Persons,) present & make Publication, of
a certain Paper, conteining Severall Articles of Accusation, agt the
96 The Groton Avery Clan
Revd Mr Gurdon Saltonstall Minister of the Gospell, in ye sd Town of
New London, comprehending severall Particulars false & of a nature
highly Slanderous and tending to his great Defamation; Whereof the
sd Saltonstall doth Complaine, to the next Genii Assembly to be
holden at Hartford on the tenth day of October next ensuing the date
hereof, by a Petition, the Copy of Which for Your more full informa-
tion, is annexed hereunto.
These are therefore in his Majties Name, to require You the sd Majer Edwd
Palmes Esq Lt James Avery, & Lievt John Morgan, & each of You, to
appear at the sd Genii Court, to be holden at Hartford, on the tenth day
of sd October to answer the sd Complaint of ye sd Revd Mr Gurdon
Saltonstall; for Yr aforesd defamatory Accusation, and to respond to
ye sd Complaint in such Damages as ye sd Honbl Court shall award or
judge meet; and hereof faile not, as You will answer the Contrary-
Given under my hand in New London, Sept: ye 16th 1700.
To the Sheriff of the County or Constable of the Town of New London or
either of them; to serve and return to the next Genii Court; or to ye
Secrty of the Colony
before Sd Court. Daniell Wetherell
The abovewritten Warrant was read to Majer Edwd Palmes & served ac-
cording to law, and a Copy of the Petition annexed was given to him:
Sept: ye 27th: 1700. The Same Warrant was read to Lt James Avery,
& Lt. John Morgan, abovenamed and served according to Law & a copy
of ye Sd Petition, given to Lt John Morgan, & another Copy of the
Same offered to Leivt James Avery, but refused by him,
Sept: 28: 1700
N Lond: Sept: 30th: 1700 by mee.
John Prentts Sh
The above was copied from the Connecticut Ecclesiastical
Documents in the State Library at Hartford. It is not numbered.
Document No. 149 is the sheriff's "A bill of Charge for the Surv-
ing the within [ ] ac Cording too Law." The charge for
service on Major Palmes was 6d. ; for service on Lieutenant Avery,
Is. , 3d. ; for service on Lieutenant Morgan, 3s. ; total 4s. , 9d.
To the Honbl House of Representatives
Setting at Hartford. October ye 10th: 1700.
The Reasons for hearing the Case laid before this Honbl House by Gurdon
Saltonstall Minister of ye Gospell, in his Petition now before this House,
relating to a Paper Of Articles exhibited agt him before this House in
May last, by Majr Edwrd Palmes Lt James Avery & Leivt: John
Morgan, of New London.
The Third Generation 97
1. Bee: The Defamation wh yr Petitioner supposes to be contained in those
Articles agt him, being made in the Generall Assembly of the whole
Country, Yr Petitioners Good name so injured cannot possibly be justly
vindicated by any private [illegible] which is consonant to the Judgh-
ment & Advice of many unbiassed Judicious Persons; without which I
should not have moved in this matter;
2. Bee : The af oresd Persons so injuring Ye Petitioner, have since May last,
openly professed & frequently, that they were able to make out &
would prove before this Honbl House, the whole matter charged by
them agt Ye Petiter: and Severall Persons who have been drawn in to
sign ye aforesd Papers, have hitherto delayed attendance on their
necessary Duty, ecclesiastically considered; in Confidence of the Sd
Accusation being here proved and made out;
3. Bee: Yr Petitioner doth certainly know that it is the desire of the most
of the Inhabitants of the Sd Town of New London, who wish the Peace
& weall of the Same that all matters of Controversy complained of in
the aforesd Paper relating to Yr Pettionr should be determined by this
Court; as the only likely expedient to satisfie all.
4. Bee: If wt is alledged agt Yr Petitioner should be true it will be not only
proper but necessary for this Honbl Court to reflect thereupon; and on
the other hand Yr Petitioner humbly conceives, (especially in respect
of the office He sustains within this Government) that he may claime
the priviledge of being vindicated from those Aspersions by the Judgh-
ment of this Honbl Court; which is the only thing He Craves agt the Sd
Persons so complaining agt him.
And Nevertheless, He doth hereby, publiquely and in the Presence of this
Honbl House, offer to the aforesd Persons to obligd himself with them,
in Sufficient Bonds, to abide by the Judghment of Such Arbitrators, as
shall be chosen; or shall be appointed by the Genii Court now Setting,
to issue finally & determine all matters of difference, complained of by
them in ye f oresd Paper, agt Yr Petitioner: so far as they come under
a civill consideration, and are issuable by Law & Evidence or according
to Justice & Equity: which He hereby declares himself ready to do;
notwithstanding the aforesd Judghment & Vindication of this Honbl
House, humbly and as He hopes, not inconsistent with the well known
principles of Religion & Equity, sought for by Yr Petitioner.
G: Saltonstall.
(Conn. Ecclesiastical Doc, No. 146.)
To the Honed Generall Court now Assembled at Hartford the 10th
of October 1700;— the Reply or Answer of Edward Palmes and
James Avery Sen Both of New London, (in behalfe of themselves
and Lieuts John morgan of Sd New London) to a draught or prayer
styled a Petition under the name of mr Gurdon Saltonstall of Said
New London —
98 The Groton Avery Clan
That whereas, the Said Palmes, Avery and Morgan, —did in beehalfe of
themselves and a great number of Substantial! Inhabitants of the towne
aforesd Present to the honed Generall Court (Assembled at Hartford
on the 9th of may last past) A Certayne Information and Complaints
of Publick grievances by which they were oppressed in Said towne; —
Expecting A matter soe Important and Proper to be by their Authorety
Redressed:— would have bin Considered And Such offycers and offend-
ers, Complayned of as foully to have bin Cytid and Examined, Con-
cerneing what was AUedged — Butt in stead thereof; — the said writeing
wherein Sd Complaints & Information was Contayned, — (which was left
with the Secretary of Said Court) was Caryed to New London: and
there Impoured by the abouesd Saltonstall, — to Rayse Agreat deal of
trouble in Church & towne. And now one under the name of Salton-
stall hath Summoned the Said Palmes Avery & morgan, to answer
before this honed Court, for a Pretended false and Slanderouse accusa-
tion of him the Said Saltonstall; — which is Exceedingly Injuriouse and
absolutely Illegall upon the following Grounds, —
lly the Draught styled a Petition,— under the name of sd Saltonstall, is
Really a Scandellouse Libell, — Because Said Saltonstall, (or others in
his name.) had not signed it, — (yf that be atrue Coppey that the offycer
hath Attested & deliuered) whereby Said Palmes Avery & morgan; —
knowes not of whome to Recover damages for the accusation alledged, —
or Cost for their trouble &c.
2dly Yf Said Saltonstall hath Cause of action for afalse & Slanderouse
accusation he ought to assigne the matter of Said Slander, —or what
word it did Consist in otherwaies Said Palmes &c. Cannot Know
what to Answerto, — or what Evidence to bring to vindicate them-
3dly Yf Said Saltonstall have Cause of action for Slander, — he may have
his Remedy at the Comon law,— for it is a knowne Rule & Presedent
in this Court that where any person may have his Remedy at the Comon
law, —he Cannot nor ought not be Admitted in the Court,— because none
ought to be denyed ajury:— wherefore Said Palmes &c. desyred that
they may have the priuelledge of Subjects,— and the Libertie of the
Law;— to be tryed by a Jury of their Equalls, —whose oath will obleidge
them, to give verdiff according to law & Eudience and that the Said
Saltonstalls Case Soe Illegallay Brought before this Court may be dis-
Edwd= Palmes:
Oct 1700 James Avery
{Conn. Ecclesiastical Doc. No. 147)
On the tenth of October, the lower house declared Mr.
Saltonstall not guilty as charged; the upper house concurred in
the action four days later.
The Third Generation 99
October: 10th: 1700
Whereas Majer Palmes, Lieut James Averye and Lieut John Morgan all of
Newlondon did present a paper in the Generall Assembly Sitting at
Hartford May Last: Conteining Severall Articles, alledging divers
things against the Reverent Mr. Gurdon Saltonstall, with Reference to
his Settlmt in the office of the ministry in Newlondon which they desired
the Generall Court to take order about And the said Gurdon Saltonstall
having by petition Complained to their General Court As being Iniured
and defamed by the Said Persons And also laid before this Court the
whole State of his Settlement in the ministry at Newlondon, by pre-
senting the votes of Said town relating thereunto, and prayed the
Judgmt of this Court thereupon. The Court in Compliance with those
Requests Having given opportunitye to the Said persons to offer (in the
Said premises) what they See cause Bee Soe good to declare; And doe
hereby declare that the Said Mr. Gurdon Saltonstall free from [illegible]
those Iniurious and wrongs Charged upon him in the Said paper: And
undeserving of the Same. And doe approve of the votes of the towne
of Newlondon Relating to the a foresaid Settlement of the Reverent
Mr. Gurdon Saltonstall as agreeable to the Lawes of this Colonie:
passd in the lower house
attester Eleazer Stent Clerk
Past in the upper house October 14, 1700
Test Eleazar Kimberly Secery
(Conn. Ecclesiastical Doc, No. 150. Also see Conn. Col. Rec, 4:338).
It will be remembered that this remonstrance was closely-
related to the agitation for a separate church on the east side of
the river, a movement that was begun in 1678 by James' Avery,
as recorded on page 69 of this volume. The remonstrance quickly
forced the issue and ended in the ecclesiastical independence de-
sired. In 1702, the town voted that the people east of the river
should be permitted to organize a church and to have a minister of
their own. The minister was to have a salary of seventy pounds
a year and the meeting-house was to be thirty-five feet square — all
at the joint expense of the two sides. The Rev. Ephraim Wood-
bridge was ordained as the first minister of the new church, Nov-
ember 8, 1704. A few months later (February 20, 1704 05) the
inhabitants of the west side amicably consented that the people of
the east side be released from watch and ward and left to their own
management as a separate town. That year, the general court
passed an act incorporating the town of Groton; the name was
that of the ancestral home of the Winthrops in Suffolk, England.
This new Groton had an area of about seventy-two square miles of
farms, forests, and waste lands with nothing like a hamlet.
Avery airectea tne paymenr oi v
100 The Groton Avery Clan
In 1714, it would seem that there was a new church building
in Groton and that Captain James' Avery was one of the commit-
tee to seat it. The first names on the list of those in full commun-
ion with the church are those of Captain James' Avery and his
wife. They lived at the head of Poquonock plain. He is generally
spoken of as James Avery, Jr.
March 15, 1717, in a deed of lands to his oldest son, James'
Avery directed the payment of ten pounds money to each of "my
five daughters," Deborah Allyn,
Margaret Morgan, Hannah
Morgan, Sarah Latham, and
Mary Morgan. In many deeds,
Facsimile Signature ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^j^-g ^j^^ ^^^ ^^^
James Avery
From a deed dated March 15. 1717 entered on the books Until his
death, he provided liberally for his sons. March 15, 1717, he
mentioned sons James, Edward, Ebenezer, Christopher, Jonathan,
Joseph and Benjamin, and left each a seventh part of his "arms
as guns and swords" also land in "Pawgounck." (New London
Wills, C:373).
When the Rev. Thomas Prince was collecting material for his
History of New England, he received the following from Groton :
Groton, April 22, 1728.
An account of the Age, Death and Posterity of Capt. James Avery.
He died in the 83d year of his age, leaving 12 children alive, 11 of whom
attended his funeral with their mother who was in the 78th year of her
age. They lived together in the married state 61 years and 6 mos.
Three score and five of his family attended his funeral. His children
living at the time of his death were 7 sons and 5 daughters; the poster-
ity arising from them 114 souls, 41 grandsons, 14 great grandsons, 47
grand daughters, 12 great grand daughters— 114. {Conn. Hist. Society
Publications, 3:317.)
The date of this document is not correct. James Avery Jr., died
August 22, 1728, at Groton {Groton Records). Joshua Hemp-
stead, in his diary which has been published, writes under date of
August 24, 1728: "Capt. Ja. Avery & Dea. Manasseh Minor of
Stonington both buried & upwards of 80 years" (p. 201). Mrs.
Deborah Avery died March 27, 1729 {Groton Records). Wednes-
day, March 26, 1729. "Mrs. Avery died aged 78 years, widow of
Capt. James" {Hempstead's Diary).
The Third Generation
'■J'^Ji -dd^ IM^Z.^
-Chi '/iW /7>-^-M''-^''^ <^.
■^■^ ^.— -/— ^-.— J'-^-'-.^i.^-
102 The Groton Avery Clan
Children of James' and Deborah (Stallyon) Avery, b. at
Groton :
Deborah*, b. August 1, 1671.
James', b. April 20, 1673.
Margarets b. Feb. 4, 1674.
Edward*, b. March 20, 1676.
Ebenezer', b. May 1, 1677.
Christopher', b. Jan. 23, 1679.
Jonathan*, b. Nov. 9, 1681.
Mercy*, b. Feb. 4, 1683; bap. July 19, 1685, First Church of
Christ, Stonington; d. y.
Hannah*, b. March 4, 1685.
Sarah*, b. May 10, 1688.
Joseph*, bap. April 17, 1692, First Church of New London.
Mary*, bap. July 2, 1693, First Church of New London.
Benjamin*, b. 1696.
5. Marie' Avery* {James-, Christopher') was b. Feb. 19, 1648,
at Gloucester, Mass.; m. Oct. 23, 1668, at New London, Conn.,
Joseph Minor, s. of Thomas and Grace (Palmer) Minor, of Ston-
ington, Conn. He was bap. Aug. 25, 1644, at Hingham, Mass.
He lived at Stonington; was a farmer and physician; freeman,
1669; deputy to the general court, 1696, 1706; selectman, 1694-98,
1704, 1709, 1710. He served in the King Philip war and for his
services received arable land and cedar swamp in Voluntown.
Thomas Minor records in his diary, March, 1667-8:
"wensday the 18, we made an End between Jossepth & Marie Averie. "
On the Stonington town books is the following:
Joseph, son of Thomas Minor and Marie, daughter of James Averie of
New London, married the 23d of October [1668] by Lieut. James
Joseph Minor and his wife, Marie, were admitted to the
church at Stonington, April 11, 1675. She died Feb. 2, 1708, at
Stonington. Dec. 7, 1709, he married Bridget Chesebrough,
widow of William Thompson, by whom he had a daughter,
Bridget, who was bap. in March, 1711, and m. Nov. 4, 1730, at
Stonington, Jonathan Chesebrough. Joseph Minor died Feb. 1,
1711-2, at Stonington. He was buried beside his wife, Marie, at
* On the New London record of births, the name is spelled Mary; on the
later records, the name is spelled Marie.
The Third Generation 103
Children of Joseph and Marie (Avery) Minor, b. at Stoning-
ton, and bap. in the First Church there:
i. Joseph', b. Sept. 19, 1669; bap. April 18, 1675; m. June 18, 1700, at
Stonington, Sarah Tracy; deputy to the general court; selectman;
d. Feb. 8, 1739-40, at Stonington.
ii. Marie% b. Oct. 6, 1671; bap. April 18, 1675; m. Jan. 27, 1692, at Ston-
ington, Elisha Chesebrough; d. Nov. 29, 1704, at Stonington.
Elisha Chesebrough was brother of Abigail Chesebrough who mar-
ried John Avery (No. 7), the uncle of Marie.
iii. Mercie', b. Aug. 21, 1673; bap. April 18, 1675; m. Dec. 20, 1696, at
Preston, Francis West; they moved to Tolland, Conn., where he
was a large land owner, first deacon of the church and selectman,
1720, 1722. They both died at Tolland.
iv. Benjamin*, bap. June 25, 1676; m. Nov. 15, 1697, at Stonington, Mary
Saxton; d. Feb. 28, 1710, at Stonington.
V. Sarah', bap. March 30, 1679; m. May 21, 1706, Nathaniel Tracy,
brother of Sarah who m. Joseph Minor as recorded above. She d.
Nov. 24, 1753, at Preston and is buried with her husband in the
"Old Palmer burying ground." He d. March 12, 1751, at Preston.
vi. Joanna', b. Dec. 12, 1680 (Minor's Diary); bap. March 13, 1681; m.
Stephen Richardson; admitted to First Church of Stonington, April
26, 1702; d. Jan. 15, 1726 {tombstone).
vii. Christopher', b. Dec. 28, 1683 {Minor's Diary); bap. June 13, 1684;
m. March 9, 1704, MaryLaye; d. before April 12, 1709, at Stoning-
ton, at which time his brother, Joseph, administered his estate.
{Neiv London Probate Court Journal., 1:80.)
viii. Prudence^ bap. May 6, 1688; m. Feb. 17, 1707, at Stonington, Joseph
Denison; d. May 26, 1726, at Stonington.
6. Thomas'' Avery {James', Christopher') was b. May 6, 1651,
at New London, Conn. ; m. Oct. 22, 1677, at Stonington, Hannah
Minor, dau. of Lieut. Thomas and Grace (Palmer) Minor. She
was b. Sept. 15, 1655, at Stonington; d. about 1692. He m., 2d,
March 13, 1693, at Wethersfield, Conn., Mrs. Hannah (Raymond)
Bulkley, dau. of Joshua and Elizabeth (Smith) Raymond, and
widow of Dr. Charles Bulkley. She was b. Aug. 8, 1668, at Nor-
wich, Conn.
Wethersfield, March 13, [1693]
This may certify whome it may concerne that Mr. Thomas Avery & Mrs.
Hannah Bulkley both of New London in their Majesties Colony of Conn
in New England married at Weathersfield, afor'sd on the said day of
the date of these presents
By or before me—
John Chester
Justice of Peace.
104 The Groton Avery Clan
Thomas' Avery may have lived for a short time at Stonington,
but most of his life was spent at New London, first on the east
side of the river in what is now Groton, and later in the North
Parish, now called Montville. May 12, 1681, he was made a free-
man of New London; May, 1693, he was commissioned captain of
the train band on the east side of the river, New London; in 1694,
he was deputy to the general court.
It is evident that James" Avery and Thomas Minor had a clear
understanding concerning the marriage portions to be given to
their children. On the twenty-sixth of December, 1677, Captain
James Avery and his wife, Joanna, executed a deed which was
owned and subscribed before Thomas Minor as commissioner.
The deed ran as follows:
This prsnt writing witnesseth to all it doe or may conceme that I James
Avery of the county of New London, in ye Collony of Connecticott for
divers good reasons & considerations known to myself and with my
wife Joane Avery's consent fully give to my sonn Thomas Avery
and his wife Hannah Avery my whole right of my parcell of land that
I bought of Amos Richardson of Stonington be it more or less wh for-
merly was laide out and bounded to Mr. Obadiah Bruen of New London
and also thirtie acres of upland upon Poquanys Plaine as it was formerly
bounded to me from the swamp to the river, moreover one half e of one
hundred acres of upland and meadow as it was carried out and bounded
and recorded to me at Pachauge next to Mr. Thomas Stanton, sen.,
his land. Also a piece of land joyning to Mr. Nehemiah Smith his
playne lying betwixt Nehemiah Smiths land & ye comon I say all and
every of these tracts and parcels of Land I doe give grant pass over
alyeanate & confirm all my whole right and title to my sonn Thomas
Avery & his wife Hannah Avery with all the privilledges & appur-
tenances to them belonging to them their heirs, executors and assigns
forever to have & to hold possess & enjoy to use & improve for their
best advatage provided that if either he or she shall have occasion to
sell any one or more of these particular tracts or parcells of land they
shall first make tender of it to the said Thomas Avery's Brothers and
if they accept of the profer to give a rational price for it to sell it to
no other person I doe hereby bind my other sonnes to make him or her
the like tender upon the same terms and to the true performance of
and to every particular hereof we set our hands & seals this 26th of
December, 1677.
Signed sealed and delivered
in the the presence of James Avery
William Mead Joane Avery
Jonathan Avery
{New London Deeds. )
The Third Generation 105
Thomas Minor and Grace his wife had already deeded, Dec.
17, 1677, 150 acres of land to their daughter Hannah and her
husband, Thomas Avery:
To daughter Hannah Avery, during her natural life and to her husband
Thomas Avery during his natural life although my said daughter
should die before him and in case my daughter shall have any child or
children at the time of her departure then living it shall be theirs for-
ever to have and to hold possess and enjoy to use and improve with all
the meadows joining to it, I say all the one hundred and fifty acres of
upland and meadow as it was laid out to me with all the privileges &
appurtenances belonging thereunto. And in case my daughter should
die without any child than she shall have by deed full power to dispose
of it to any one or two of my son Clement Minor, his sonnes as she
shall see meet Provided it shall not prevent her husband of it during
his natural life if she die before her husband. I say my one hundred
and fifty acres of upland and meadow lying at Anagomenacunuck as it
was laid out to me and bounded and recorded at Hartford and in Ston-
ington books of records. And hereinto we set our hands and seals this
seventeenth day of December one thousand six hundred and seventy
and seven.
James Noyes Thomas Minor
Samuel Avery Grace Minor
Acknowledged before James Avery Commissioner.
{New London Deeds, 5:3Jt)
Thomas Avery probably built upon one of these plots of land,
as the following would indicate:
March, 1667-8. "the 23. Thomas Averys house was raysed. "
June, 1668. Tuesday 25, Hannah went to her owne house. ' '
{Minor's Diary.)
Thomas' Avery received his share of his grandfather's estate
by deed from his father, James Avery, April 1, 1685, and three
weeks later sold it to his brother, Samuel. He also owned other
land in New London. He was in the King Philip war of 1675,
and, for his services, had lot No. 10 of arable land and lot No. 154
of cedar swamp allotted to him in Voluntown. He was in the ill-
fated Fitz-John Winthrop expedition of 1690 which was to advance
from Albany by way of Lake Champlain to Montreal. In his
diary, Winthrop gives an account of the difficulties that they en-
countered. Under the date of Aug. 4, 1690, is found the follow-
ing :
' 'I consulted with the oflftcers & twas concluded to march forwards, & then
devided our provition, wch was about 35 cakes of bread for each souldr.
The Groton Avery Clan
The Third Generation 107
besides pork, which was scarce eateable. At this post [Saratoga] I
left Liut The. Avery with some souldrs to gaurd our provition to us
wch was coming vp the river" {The Winthrop Papers, Massachusetts
Hist. Col., Fifth Series, 8:3U).
For an account of this expedition, see Avery's History of the
United States and Its People, vol. 3, pages 263, 264.
The latter part of his life he lived near the Mohegan Indian
reservation. On the 22d of June, 1720, Capt. Thomas Avery
and his brother Capt. James Avery were appointed interpreters
for the Mohegans in a suit then pending before the governor and
council. In 1721, Caezer, the sachem of the Mohegans, conveyed
to Thomas Avery 160 acres of land in consideration of the kind-
ness shown them by Captain Avery and his family. Upon this
land Thomas Avery lived; the house he built there is still standing.
About ten years before his death, in consideration of love and
good will and on account of the infirmities of age, he conveyed
this land to his son, Abraham.
The last entry of accessions to the church of New London
during Mr. Bradstreet's ministry reads: "Sept. 10, 1682, Thomas
Avery and wife were added to the Church." They were among
the organizers of the church of the North Parish, afterward
called Montville. Their names appear first on the list of original
covenanters. Before the North Parish could enjoy religious ser-
vices, a long-standing quarrel had to be settled. October, 1721,
the parish petitioned the general court for liberty to form a sepa-
rate church. The first name on the petition was that of Thomas'
Avery, the third was that of Abraham' Avery. (Connecticut
Ecclesiastical Archives, 2:251.) Finally, Jan. 17, 1721, it was agreed
that the meeting-house
should stand on Raymond
Hill, land being given for
the purpose. In his church
Facsimile Signature ~ reCOrd, Mr. JameS Hill-
Ecclesiastical Archives. Hartford. 2:252 j^Q^gg^ ^^^ ^^g^ minister,
says :
"I was installed October the 3d day, 1722.
Mr. Adams preached from Acts 16:9. There were seven that belonged to
the Church at my installment— Capt. Avery, Capt. Denison, Mr. Nathl
Otis, Mr. Allen, Mr. Vibber, Charles Campbell and one Deacon."
Thomas' Avery died at Montville, Jan. 5, 1736. His widow
died Jan. 28, 1742, at Norwich.
X'^^yUpPtiyiS (4?i
108 The Groton Avery Clan
It has been found very difficult to arrange the record of the
children of Thomas Avery by his two wives. Thomas Minor died
Oct. 23, 1690. The following items are taken from his diary:
1655, Oct. "Satterday the 15 my wife was delivered of hana"
"Tho: Averie and Hanah Minor was maried the 22 of October 1677."
1679, April. "20 day Hanah son was borne."
1680, Nov. "Monday the 15. hanahs second sonn was borne."
The second of October 1682 Tho: Averys daughter was borne."
1684, Aug. "Tusday the 12, Thomas Avery his childe was buried."
Hanah Avery her children.
Tho Avery
Samuell Avery
Ephraim Avery
Hanah Avery."
This last item has no date but must have been written shortly be-
fore his death. The births of Thomas and Samuel are recorded on
the New London town-books. The baptisms of Thomas, Samuel,
Abraham, Joshua, and a "child" (Oct. 25, 1704) are recorded on
on the books of the First Church of New London; the baptisms of
Hannah and Ephraim are found on the books of the First Church
of Stonington; those of Charles, Isaac and Peter appear on the
books of the First Church of Norwich. Mr, Baker, in his history
of Montville, says that Jonathan was b. Dec. 9, 1691, but he was
not able to give any satisfactory authority for that statement and
it is hardly possible that Jonathan could have been born in Decem-
ber, 1691, and Abraham baptized March 6, 1692.
Dec. 2, 1736, Samuel Avery, Abraham Avery and Hannah
(Avery) Minor seem to be the only surviving children of Thomas'
and Hannah (Minor) Avery. At that time, in connection with
Thomas Minor, the husband of Hannah (Avery) Minor, they sold
the 150 acres of land that came to them from their honored grand-
father and his wife, Grace. This land had been given by Thomas
Minor and his wife, Grace, to his daughter, Hannah Minor Avery,
and her husband Thomas' Avery for their life. When both were
dead, the land was to revert to Hannah Minor Avery's surviving
children. (See deed, p. 105). The children, Ephraim and Thomas,
were dead. Samuel, Abraham and Hannah, as heirs-at-law, sold
the land. Jonathan Avery was, at this time, very much alive, but
he did not join in the sale. It seems improbable that he was the
son of Hannah (Minor) Avery. {Preston Land Rec, 5:7.)
Thomas' Avery had a daughter Mary by his second wife Han-
nah Raymond. Mary (Smith) Raymond, widow of Samuel Ray-
The Third Generation 109
mond, and daughter of Nehemiah Smith, made a will May 8, 1705.
This was probated at New London. She mentioned cousin Han-
nah Avery, Elizabeth Avery, daughter of cousin Martha Ransford
deceased, and cousin Mary Avery. She was the aunt of Hannah
Raymond Avery. Thomas and Hannah (Raymond) Avery proba-
bly had a daughter Elizabeth, as an Elizabeth Avery was married
to Sylvester Baldwin, at Montville, May 9, 1724, by the Rev. Mr.
For these reasons, we give the names of the children as be-
Children of Thomas and Hannah (Minor) Avery :
22. i. Thomas', b. April 20, 1679.
23. ii. Samuel , b. Nov. 15, 1680.
iii. A Daughter', b. Oct. 2, 1682; bu. Aug. 12, 1684 {Minor's Diary).
24. iv. Ephraim', bap. Oct. 18, 1685.
25. V. Hannah', b. May 4, 1686.
26. vi. Abraham', bap. March 6, 1691-2.
Children of Thomas and Hannah (Raymond-Bulkley) Avery:
27. i. Joshua', bap. Aug. 25, 1695.
28. ii. Mary',
29. iii. Elizabeth'.
30. iv. Jonathan', bap. Oct. 25, 1704 (?).
31. V. Charles', bap. Oct. 27, 1706.
32. vi. Isaac', bap. July 17, 1709.
33. vii. Peter', bap. Aug. 5, 1711; nothing further known.
7. John* Avery {James' Christopher^) was b. February 10,
1654, at New London, Conn.; m. Nov. 29, 1675, at Stonington,
Abigail Chesebrough, dau. of Samuel and Abigail Chesebrough of
Stonington, Conn. The marriage is recorded both at Stonington
and New London. She was b. at Stonington, Sept. 30, 1656. We
are not able to give the date of his death, but he deeded land to
his son Nathaniel, April 17, 1724. His wife was living as late as
Jan. 5, 1713-14. At that date, Abigail Chesebrough, relict of
Samuel Chesebrough, but now Abigail Avery (No. 2), made a
deposition relating to a gift of land by Samuel Chesebrough to
"my daughter, Abigail Chesebrough, now Abigail Avery."
John' Avery was an extensive land owner, holding, in addi-
tion to the place upon which he lived, land in several other towns.
February 16, 1688, Capt. James' Avery, "out of love," gave to
his son, John" Avery, the land that he had bought of Thomas
110 The Groton Avery Clan
Hungerford at the head of "poqeuannock plaine, " also the land
that was originally Jacob Waterhouse's; also a parcel of meadow
on a brook commonly called Stony Brook; and "all that meadow
each side that I bought of William Meader." {New London
Deeds.) John' Avery probably lived and died upon the farm at
the head of Poquonock Plain, in the vicinity of which each of his
brothers received land from his father. April 23, 1685, he sold
the land that was given him by his father and that was his honor-
ed grandfather's to his brother Samuel. July 6, 1691, he sold the
land and dwelling on the Pawtucket river that came from his
wife's father, Samuel Chesebrough. August 3, 1691, he bought
200 acres in Preston of John Plumb. January 1, 1695, he bought
100 acres bounded north by Pachauge, of John Morgan. May 29,
1702, he, in connection with the other proprietors of Preston, of
whom his brother James was one, sold 300 acres of land in Pres-
ton, commonly called Pachauge. May 11, 1709, he sold to John
Benit land that had formerly belonged to his wife's father. In
1710, he bought, of John Plume, for twenty-eight pounds, land in
Preston Farms, and other land of John Morgan for eight pounds
in hand and eleven pounds well secured. In 1700, he was one of
the original proprietors of Lebanon, and May 10, 1705, the general
court confirmed him and his associates in possession of lands in
that town. Beginning with 1705, when his oldest son married, he
deeded land with a free and open hand "out of love" to his sons
for their livelihood. In the allotment of public lands, January 31,
1712, he calls himself a carpenter. In 1715, he was given lot No.
57 of the common land.
John ■ Avery became a freeman of New London, May 12, 1681.
His name appears on the patent for New London, Oct. 14, 1704.
In the list of the inhabitants of Groton in 1708 and 1712 are found
the names of Capt. John' Avery and his son, John Avery.
Capt. John' Avery was townsman of Groton, 1706. He was
chosen with his brother, James, member of a committee to lay out
100 acres of land to Mr. Woodbridge, July 15, 1708. He was a
member of the church of Groton, Nov. 22, 1727; as his wife is not
mentioned, it is probable that she was then dead.
In the general court, Hartford, May 12, 1692, it was recorded
"This Court doe not sea reason to confirm those nominated for officers on
the east side of the riuer at New London, at present, but doe appoynt
The Third Generation 111
Capt. James Aurey to be Captn of sayd Company, and James Moi'jjan
Lnt, and John Aurey to be Ensign of sayd Company untill the Honour-
ed Major Generall and Mr. Witherell shall see cause to lead them to a
new choyse of officers. {Conn. Col. Rec, U:7U-)
The record of the general court of May 11, for the following
year has:
"Thomas Aurey is approued to be Captn of the traine band of New London
on the east side of the riuer, and John Morgan Lnt., and John Aurey
Ensigne. of sayd Company and are to be commissionated accordingly."
{Conn. Col. Rec, 4 : H.)
From a similar record of the general court. May 13, 1697, we
learn that
"John Aurey [was] appointed Captain of the train band at New London
on the east side of the riuer." (Conn. Col. Rec, 4.: 212.)
For his services in the Narragansett war, John Avery received
lots in Voluntown, No. 9 for arable land and No. 76 for cedar
The accompanying autograph of John ' Avery is copied from a
deed made by his brother, James Avery. The deed was acknowl-
edged June 10, 1717, before Willi-
/f ^P /I P/wlf ^"^ Clarke, a justice of the peace
U^^niTly CVV^'U in New London, witnessed by
y^/ ^ John Avery and Samuel Avery,
entered on the Groton records,
August 27, 1728, by Christopher Avery (No. 47), recorder. The
document is now, 1907, in the possession of Miss Elizabeth Miner
Avery of Groton.
The names of the children of Capt. John Avery have been ar-
ranged as below for the following reasons:
The first four are recorded by name in the list of baptisms of
the First Church of New London. From 1683 until 1692 there is
a break in the records of the church. In 1692, (June 19) , Capt.
John' Avery presented four children for baptism; unfortunately
their names are not given. They probably were Nathaniel, Joseph,
William, and Anna. The Rev. David Avery (No. 511) mentions
these children of Capt. John ' Avery repeatedly and always places
them in this order. He says several times that William and Anna
were twins; we know from William's tombstone that he was born
about 1692. We know that Joseph was married, had two children,
112 The Groton Avery Clan
and was dead by 1714, as will be shown later. Elisha, Desire, and
Daniel were baptized at New London. Three children mentioned
by Mr. Sweet still remain unaccounted for. Mr. Sweet did not
have David Avery to guide or to correct his surmises. David
Avery nowhere mentions the Benjamin, Elizabeth, or Josiah given
by Mr. Sweet. It will be shown that this Josiah belongs to an-
other family and there is no evidence to show that Benjamin or
Elizabeth ever existed. Upon the town records of New London,
the date of the birth of Elizabeth Keeney, daughter of John, is
given as Oct. 27, 1690, the date that Mr. Sweet gives for the birth
of Elizabeth Avery, but no Elizabeth Avery is there recorded. It
is possible that the copyist employed by Mr. Sweet made a mis-
take. That leaves one child— Thomas, whom, in his list of Capt.
John' Avery's children, David Avery mentions once:
"John, Nathaniel, Joseph, William, Elisha, Daniel, Thomas; daus., Abi-
gail, Mary, Anna, Desire."
For these reasons and others that will be given later, we have ar-
ranged the list as printed here.
Children of Capt. John and Abigail (Chesebrough) Avery,
all born on the east side of river at New London and all but
Thomas bap. at the First Church of New London:
i. Abigail% b. Jan. 15, 1676-7; bap. May 13, 1677; d. July 18, 1677,
at New London.
Abigails b. Jan. 18, 1679.
Mary*, bap. Nov. 14, 1680.
John*, bap. April 1, 1683.
Nathaniel*, bap. June 19, 1692.
Joseph*, bap. June 19, 1692.
William*, bap. June 19, 1692.
Anna*, (twin to William), bap. June 19, 1692.
Elisha*, bap. May 9, 1697.
Desire*, bap. May 9, 1697.
Daniel*, bap. Nov. 5, 1699.
Thomas*, mentioned once by David Avery in his list of John's
children; no further record. He may have been baptized in
the church established on the east side of the river in 1704.
Capt. John Avery and wife belonged to this church the early
records of which are lost.
8. Rebecca^ Avery (James-, Christopher') was b. Oct. 6, 1656,
at New London, Conn. ; m. Aug. 5, 1678, at New London, Mr.
William Potts, of New Castle, England, a constable. Minor, in
The Third Generation 113
his diary, records: "The 5th day of Agust, 1678, wilHam pots and
Rebeckah Avery was maried." Mr. Potts was one of the Narra-
gansett volunteers and received land in Voluntown for his services.
His name appears on the list of freemen in Groton in 1708 and
1711. He was surveyor of highways in 1705. He and his wife
were members of the First Church of Groton ' at the ordination, ' '
Nov. 22, 1727.
Sept. 19, 1717, Capt. James Avery, Capt. Thomas Avery,
Capt. John Avery, and Samuel Avery, "out of love," deeded land
to their sister Rebecca Potts, and to her husband, William Potts
{Groton Deeds, 1:830). Jan. 4, 1727, William and Rebecca Potts
deeded land to their loving son-in-law, Joshua Bill, husband of
their daughter, Joanna, deceased and to their heirs. They re-
served the right to cut firewood on this land during their natural
lives {Groton Deeds, 2:297).
April 24, 1729, Humphrey Avery spoke of William Potts, ' 'late
of Groton;" Mr. Potts probably died about this time. According
to the Voluntown records, land was confirmed to his heirs in 1730.
April 8, 1732, Joshua Bill, jun., sold land that was his honored
father's, William Potts deceased {Groton Deeds, 3:63,64).
No baptisms are recorded in the First Church of New London
from 1684 to 1691. During this period, William and Rebecca
Potts undoubtedly had a son Jonathan. This Jonathan m. Mary
Geer, Nov. 10, 1713, at Groton. They had Mary, Abigail, Rebecca,
William, Joanna, Elizabeth — the last four names are suggestive.
Jonathan was living at Smithfield, Penn., in 1742 {Groton Land
Records, 2:411).
William and Rebecca Potts may have had a daughter Mary.
A Mary Potts m. Jan. 1, 1718, at New London, Jonathan Daniels,
son of John and Mary (Chappell) Daniels, b. Oct. 15, 1682, and had
a son William the next year.
Children of William and Rebecca (Avery) Potts :
i. JoANNA% b. May 20, 1679, at New London; bap. June 29, 1679, at the
First Church of New London; m. Nov. 1, 1699, at Groton, Joshua
Bill; d. Nov. 3, 1718, at Groton.
ii. WlLLlAM% b. March 13, 1680, at New London; bap. April 17, 1681, at
the First Church of New London; no further information.
iii. Patience*, bap. Aug. 12, 1683, at the First Church of New Lon-
don; m. 1st, Dec. 11, 1700, at Groton, Joseph Pendleton, who had
previously married her cousin, Deborah Minor (No. 3, ix). He d.
114 The Groton Avery Clan
Sept. 18, 1706, at Westerly, R. I. She m. 2d, April 28, 1707, at
Groton, Samuel Rogers,
iv. Jonathan', b. ; m. Nov. 10, 1713, Mary Geer,
V. Hannah^, bap. May 5, 1695, at New London.
vi. Abigail^, bap. May 5, 1695, at New London,
vii. Mary', (?) m. Jan. 1, 1718, at New London, Jonathan Daniels.
9. Samuel" Avery {James,- Christopher^) wasb. Aug. 14, 1664,
at New London, Conn.; m. Oct. 25, 1686, at Swanzey, Mass.,
Susannah Palmes, dau. of William and Ann (Humphrey) Palmes.
She was b. about 1665, and was of royal lineage. (See Appendix. )
Like his three brothers, Samuel Avery was an extensive land
owner. He bought the rights of his brothers, Thomas and John,
in their grandfather's land on the General Neck, in 1685. In
1693, he received from his father, James' Avery, the homestead
farm on which his father was then living. (See p. 73. ) Uncas,
the Indian chief, deeded to him several hundred acres of land, the
consideration being an Indian woman, Betty, who was one of the
captives taken by James' Avery in the King Philip war. Samuel
Avery spent most of his life on his farm in Groton and there his
children were born. He calls himself husbandman and merchant.
He early took a leading part in Groton affairs. In December,
1705, he and his brother James were members of a committee to
make up the accounts with New London. Upon the legal organi-
zation of the town, December 1, 1705, he was made first townsman
and moderator; he held that office until his death. He was one of
the committee authorized in 1706 to sell two hundred acres of the
town's land to pay its debts. When the schoolmaster was engaged.
May 28, 1706, to teach the children in the different houses until the
school-house was built, he was to teach first in Mr. Samuel Avery's
house. April 12, 1710, Samuel Avery was one of the commission
to allot lands. March 20, 1715-16, he was a member of a com-
mittee to seat the meeting-house. He was town clerk from 1718
until his death, and justice of the peace from 1719 to 1722 inclusive.
In the division of the Nawayunk (Noank) lands, he received lot
No. 35.
He also took an important part in the affairs of state, being
deputy to the general court from New London in 1693, and from
Groton in 1709, 1716, 1718, and 1719. He possessed the same mili-
tary spirit as his brothers, being commissioned ensign by the
general court in May, 1705, lieutenant in May, 1710, and captain
in May, 1716.
The Third Generation 115
May 15, 1717, he was witness to a deed given by his father to
his brother James. The accom-
y^ panying facsimile is copied from
^^^h^yVU,^^ ClAr^Sy^ that document.
y Samuel Avery, the youngest
of four brothers, was the first of
them to die, May 1, 1723. He was buried in Ledyard, then the
northern part of Groton. His widow, Susannah Avery, was in
full communion ''at the ordination" of the First Church of Gro-
ton, Nov. 22, 1727. She died Oct. 2, 1747, at Groton.
Children of Samuel and Susannah (Palmes) Avery, b. at
Groton :
i. Samuel*, b. Aug. 11, 1687; bap. March 13, 1691, First Church
of New London; d. Aug. 7, 1714, at Groton; unm.
Jonathan^ b. Jan. 18, 1689.
WiLLiAM\ b. Aug. 25, 1692; bap. Oct. 30, 1692, First Church
of New London; d. Feb. 20, 1718; unm.
Mary', b. Jan. 10, 1695.
CHRrsTOPHER^ b. Feb. 10, 1697. ^
Humphrey\ b. July 4, 1699.
Nathan*, b. Jan. 30, 1702.
viii. Lucy*, b. April 17, 1703; bap. Sept. 5, 1703, First Church of New
Waitstill*, b. March 27, 1708.
Grace*, b. June 2, 1712.
This list corresponds to the one printed by Mr. Sweet, with
one exception. The "John" given by him is omitted. All the
other children are found recorded on the Groton books, but there
is no "John" among them. Mr. Sweet himself was in doubt in
regard to the matter. Investigation shows that the John men-
tioned by Mr. Sweet belongs to the line known as the Thomas
Avery line of Portsmouth, N. H. (see p. 24) , and that he and all
of his descendants must be transferred to that clan.
10. Deborah^ Avery (James ', James-, Christopher') was b.
Aug-. 1, 1671, at Groton; m. June 29, 1691, at New London, Conn.,
Robert AUyn, s. of John and Elizabeth (Gager) Allyn. According
to the New London records, "Robert Allyn ye sonn of John &
Elizabeth Allen was borne about ye middle of September [1671]."
He lived at Allyn's Point, about six miles below Norwich, was a
man of property, and was held in high esteem in the colony.
Robert Allyn and his wife were in full communion with the First
Church of Groton before the ordination of the Rev. John Owen,
Nov. 22, 1727. The records of the church prior to this date are
lost. Robert Allyn died December 28, 1729, about nine o'clock in
the morning {Hempstead's Diary, p. 216). His will was probated
Jan. 27, 1730, at New London (New London Wills, vol. C). By
numerous deeds he had provided well for his children, and most
of his remaining property he left to his wife. Deborah (Avery)
Allyn made her will May 22, 1734, and it was proved Dec. 17,
1739, at New London (New London Wills, D, p. 427) . She men-
tioned her daughters, Elizabeth Williams and Deborah Lester, and
all her sons.
The records of the First Church of New London show the
baptisms of the children as given below. The younger ones were
probably baptized at Groton and recorded in the lost book. The
births are here recorded as they appear on the original town book
of Groton. The copy that was made in 1861 and that has been in
general use since that time, recorded Elizabeth as b. Nov. 20,
1694, and omitted Deborah. A careful comparison of church and
town records had forced the conviction that the town book was
wrong. This occasioned much loss of time and money. In 1905,
through the kindness of the town clerk, we were permitted to
consult the original book and there discovered that a mistake had
been made in copying not only that but other entries.
Children of Robert and Deborah (Avery) Allyn, b. at
The Fourth Generation 117
i. Elizabeth', b. March 25, 1691-2; bap. July 17, 1692; m. Jonathan
ii. Deborah'', b. Nov. 20, 1694; bap. Feb. 9, 1694-5 (?) ; m. Sept. 22,
1724, at Groton, Jonathan Lester. "Deborah, wife of Jonathan
Lester, died March, 1770, aged 76" {Tombstone, Stan- cemetery,
Groton) .
iii. JOHN% b. Jan. 11, 1695-6; bap. March 29, 1696; m. July 28, 1726, at
Groton, Joanna Minor; d. Sept., 1786, at Ledyard.
iv. R0BERT% b. Jan. 25, 1697-8; bap. May 29, 1698; m. Abigail Avery
(No. 75).
V. James% b. Feb. 29, 1699-1700; bap. Junel, 1701, "in right of wife;"
m. Alethea Avery (No. 112).
vi. Ebenezer", twin with James; bap. same time; m. April 27, 1726, at
Groton, Mary Thurber; ensign, second Groton company, 1741;
lieut., 1744 (Conn. Col. Rec, 8:369 &9:47); d. April 21, 1769, at
Allyn's Point, Conn,
vii. Christopher", b. April 12, 1702; d. March 26, 1703, at Groton.
viii. Samuel', b. May 26, 1704; m. Hannah Avery (No. 113).
ix. Christopher", b. July 21, 1706; m. Ann .
X. LucY% b. July 29, 1708; not mentioned in her father's or her mother's
will. Her name is not found on any of the many deeds that the
other children signed together. She probably died young.
xi. Nathan', b. Oct. 5, 1711; m. Jane Pearl.
11. James' Avery {James\ James', Christopher^) was b.
April 20, 1673, at Groton; bap. Junel, 1673, First Church of New
London; m. Mary Griswold, daughter of John and Mary (Bemas)
Griswold. She was b. Feb., 1673, at East Windsor, Conn.
John Griswold, in his will made June 6, 1713 and on file in the probate court
at New London, mentioned his daughter, Mary Avery. He was the
son of Edward Griswold, who m. for his second wife the widow Mary
Bemas. She had a daughter, Mary Bemas, who is supposed to have
married her mother's stepson, John Griswold. John and Mary Griswold
had a dau. Mary, b. Feb., 1673. John Griswold m., for his second wife,
Bathsheba Smith.
James* Avery and his wife were members of the church at
Groton before the ordination, Nov. 22, 1727. He was brander of
horses for Groton, 1705; constable, 1707-8; on list of freemen,
1708-11. He was selectman from 1731 to 1742 inclusive, and
moderator most of th?t time. He was deputy to the general court
for fifteen terms (l'^15-1731) ; justice for New London County,
1726 1735; guardian jf the Pequot Indians after his father's death;
commissioned ensig n of the first company of the Groton train
band, 1716; heut.,: 721; capt, 1728 {Conn. Col. Rec, 5:489,548,
^sSlx^^T^ 0JU^
118 The Groton Avery Clan
572 & 6 :2, 42, 270, 439, 514 & 7:2, 88, 124, 149, 152, 191, 250, 293,
311, 346) . He was often called James Avery, 3d. In 1730, he was
one of the committee to take care of the town guns. He was
given lot No. 18, in the division of the common lands.
He received many gifts of land from his father. March 15,
1717, James Avery,
sen. , out of love for his
son James and for his
"more Comfortable
May 10. 1730. ' subslstance and Lively
hood " made over to him divers parcels: sixty acres of land lying
in Sheinerset Neck bought of Samuel Chapman; twenty acres
bought of the widow Hannah Bushnell; the salt meadow bought
of Joseph Latham, deceased; another salt meadow of two acres;
a hundred acres of land bought of William Denison; nine acres
bought of Samuel Raymond; three lots containing seventy-seven
acres more or less; thirty acres also bought of Samuel Chapman.
The witnesses were John Avery and Samuel Avery (Groton Deeds,
James^ Avery made his will March 28, 1749; it was proved
Sept. 21, 1754 {New London Wills, F:535). He mentioned wife;
sons, James Avery, 2d, John Avery, jun., Ebenezer Avery, jun. ;
and daughter, Hannah Hall. He divided his movable estate into
four parts, one for each child. His son, Elihu, and his dau., Pru-
dence, were dead. He made no mention of Mary. Possibly an
undecipherable stone that stands beside that of Prudence in the
Avery-Morgan burying-ground, * and of the same style and size,
may mark the resting place of Mary. She was alive June 17,
1731, at which time, Hannah, Mary and Pi-udence were admitted
to full communion in the First Church of Groton. The first three
children were bap. in the First Church of New London, the second
in the name of his wife (May 26, 1700), he being under discipline
for signing the remonstrance (See p. &V), The other baptisms
were probably recorded in the lost book of the Groton church.
His wife died Nov. 26, 1750, at Groton, aged 76 {Tombstone). He
died Sept. 18, 1754, at Groton; both were buried in the Avery-Mor-
gan burying-ground.
* This Avery-Morgan burying-ground is near Poquc lock Bridge in the town
of Groton.
The Fourth Generation 119
Children of James and Mary (Griswold) Avery, b. at
Groton :
James'-, b. May 27, 1697.
JOHN% b. Feb. 4, 1700.
Ebenezer', b. March 29, 1704.
Elihu', b. July 29, 1707; d. Nov. 28, 1748, at Groton; unm.
Mary\ b. Feb. 23, 1710.
Hannah% b. April 7, 1712.
Prudence', b. March 21, 1715. "Prudence Avery, daughter of
James and Mary Avery, died Sept. 17, 1731, in her 17th year"
In the Hst of children, as printed in Sweet's Averys of
Groton, appears the name of a " Thomas, born as is supposed in
1717, but no further record." Careful search has revealed no
trace of this apocryphal Thomas.
12. Margaret* Avery {James\ James', Christopher'^) was b.
Feb. 4, 1674, at Groton; bap. March 28, 1675, First Church of New
London; m. July 17, 1696, at New London, William Morgan, s. of
James and Mary (Vine) Morgan. He was b. March 4, 1669, at
Groton. He was the first deacon of the First Church of Groton.
He was made ensign of the train band, Oct., 1721 {Conn. Col. Rec.,
6:270). Mrs. Margaret (Avery) Morgan made her will May 9,
1754; it was proved Aug. 12, 1755, at New London. She mentioned
her sons, William, Joseph, and Solomon; dau., Jerusha Avery;
granddau., Lucy Avery; grandsons, Elijah Avery, Caleb Avery,
and Amos Avery were to have their mother's share of the estate;
granddau., Mary Belton, was to have her mother's share. As
there were several marriages into the Avery family, her will
makes many points clear. The first four children were bap. at
the First Church of New London; the names of the others were
probably on the lost book of the Groton church.
"Mr. Ensign William Morgan deceased Dec. 25, 1750, in the
82d year of his age. Mrs. Margaret Morgan relict of Ensign
William Morgan deceased July 28, 1755, aged 82 yesirs" (Tombstones,
Avery-Morgan hiirying-ground) .
Children of William and Margaret (Avery) Morgan, b.
at Groton:
i. William-, b. April 7, 1697; bap. July 25, 1697; m. Sept. 21, 1721, at
Groton, Hannah Stanton; m. 2d, Sept. 24, 1747, at Groton, Sarah
Seabury; deputy, 1737; d. May 14, 1778, at Stonington.
120 The Groton Avery Clan
ii. Margaret", b. Sept. 10, 1698; bap. Nov. 6, 1698; m. Jan. 29, 1719, at
Groton, Samuel Davis; d. Aug. 15, 1724, at Groton. They had dau.
Lucy, b. June 15, 1724, at Groton; m. Ebenezer Avery (No. 70).
iii. Deborah', bap. July 14, 1700; probably died young.
iv. Hannah% bap. June 14, 1702; probably died young.
v. Jerusha% b. July 14, 1704; m. Humphrey Avery (No. 48).
vi. Joseph', b. Aug. 10, 1706; m. Dorothy Avery (No. 69).
vii. Solomon', b. Oct. 5, 1708; m. Mary Walsworth, July 1, 1742, at
Groton. She was the dau. of William and Mary (Avery) Walsworth
(No. 46). He was deacon of the First Church of Groton; d. Nov.
22, 1791, at Groton.
viii. Elizabeth', b. July 10, 1710; m. John Avery (No. 54).
ix. Mary', b. Jan. 5, 1714; m. Aug. 7, 1737, at Groton, Jonas Belton.
13. Edward' Avery (James', James'^, Christophey^^ ) was b,
March 20, 1675-6, at Groton; bap. July 2, 1676, First Church of
New London; m. June 3, 1699, at Preston, Joanna Rose, dau. of
Thomas and Hannah (Allyn) Rose. Hannah Allyn was the aunt
of Robert Allyn who m. Deborah Avery (No. 10) . Thomas Rose
mentioned his dau,, Johanna Avery, in his will. Edward Avery
was on the list of freemen of Groton, 1708 and 1712; surveyor,
1707; surveyor and lister, 1713; surveyor, 1714; on the school com-
mittee, 1712. He lived in the northwest part of Groton, now
Ledyard, on land that his father bought, Jan. 6, 1694, of the heirs
of John Coit. On March 18, 1728, James Avery deeded this land
to his sons, Edward and Christopher. Jan. 4, 1731, the sons
divided the land, Edward taking the west side adjoining the
Thames River and Poquetannock Cove. Here he lived and died.
He and his wife were in full communion with the church at Gro-
ton, before Nov. 22, 1727. In 1724, he and his brother, Christopher,
asked that North Groton be set off and they be allowed to have
their own minister {Ecclesiastical Docs., Hartford, 3:218). They
Q asked again in 1725. Lot No. 23,
^It/^ 0L|/^.W/ bounded on the west by the cove
/ and on the east by the sea, was
^y^ ^""v— s^ assigned to him in the division of
common land, and later lot No. 60.
Edward Avery made his will Feb. 1, 1751-2; it was proved
May 9, 1759. He called himself yeoman. He provided for his
wife, Joanna, during her natural life. He mentioned that he had
already given his son, Theophilus, lands and buildings, but further
gave him "my Buccaneer Gunn Sword and Belt: my wearing
The Fourth Generation 121
Sword and Cane." Theophilus was to pay thirty pounds to Eu-
nice, the daughter of his brother Ichabod. The testator stated
that he had given to his beloved son, Asa, his homestead farm and
buildings and improvements and bequeathed to him furniture,
live stock, and money and made him executor. He ordered him
to pay one hundred pounds to his son, Gideon, and thirty pounds
to his granddau., Mary Avery. He gave to his dau., Hannah
Pelton. forty pounds, and the same sum to his dau., Mary Pelton.
He remembered his granddaughters, Joanna Allyn and Hannah
Allyn, the first with fifteen pounds and the second with five pounds.
His two granddaughters, Sarah Chapman and Deborah Stoddard,
were each to have three pounds. The witnesses were Nathan
Aveiy, Jacob Avery, and Samuel Hutchenson (Neiv London
Wills, G:355).
He was buried on his own farm. His wife and many of their
descendants were buried on the same lot. His plainly lettered
gravestone bears this inscription:
Mr. Edward Avery of Groton, who died March 14, 1759, aged 84 years and
24 days.
The age at time of death does not correspond to the date of
death thus noted, but does agree with the date of death as re-
corded by Mr. Sweet, April 14, 1759. The wife, Joanna, died
Jan. 3, 1761, aged 82.
His children who were born before the organization of the
church in Groton were bap. in the First Church, New London.
Children of Edward and Joanna (Rose) Avery, b. at
58. i. Joanna'', b. Nov. 21, 1700 (according to the Groton vital
statistics) .
Elizabeth', bap. June 29, 1701, "he having given satisfaction
for his offense in signing the remonstrance" (according to
the books of the First Church of New London) . This name does
not appear again. According to the church records, Richard
Dart had a child Johanna, bap. the same day. In recording
them, the names were probably changed. Richard Dart's
child was EHzabeth, Edward Avery's was "Johanna." There
is little doubt that No. 58 was bap. Johanna.
Thomas', b. June 15, 1702; d. May 3, 1703, at Groton.
Edward', b. May 22, 1704; d. June 7, 1705, at Groton.
Deborah', b. May 6, 1706.
Theophilus% b. Sept. 6, 1708.
Benajah', b. Oct. 12, 1710.
122 The Groton Avery Clan
vii. James% b. Oct. 27, 1712; d. Nov. 25, 1715, at Groton.
62. viii. Gideon', b. June 1, 1715.
63. ix. Hannah', b. July 30, 1717.
64. X. ICHABOD', b. May 7, 1719.
65. xi. ASA\ b. July 21, 1721.
66. xii. Mary% b. Nov. 3, 1723.
Lydia, who is mentioned in Sweet's Avery s of Groton, page
30, as born about 1725, was not dau. of Edward\ She was dau.
of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Lane) Avery, and belonged to the
Dedham family {Averys of Dedham, p. 82). Benajah is not men-
tioned in his father's will and probably died before 1751.
14. Ebenezer* Avery (James\ James', Christopher') was
b. May 1,1678, at Groton; bap. June 16, 1678, First Church of New
London; m. June 16, 1708, at Preston, Dorothy Parke, dau, of
Capt. John and Mary (Witter) Parke. She was bap. Nov. 27,
1692, at First Church of Stonington. The Hon. Richard A. Wheeler,
in his history of Stonington, states that the wife of Capt. John
Parke was Mary, dau. of Josiah Witter, b. Feb, 20, 1665. Certain
deeds corroborate this. January 23, 1753, John Avery, Robert
and Abigail (Avery) Allyn, Christopher Avery, Ebenezer Witter,
Jonathan Witter, John Richards, Abigail Richards, and Hannah
Parke deeded certain parcels of land which were laid out ' 'to the legal
representatives of Josiah Witter, May 17, 1736, by Ebenezer Searles
and Thomas Minor, Proprietor's committee of Stoneington. " We
know that four of these are descendants of Josiah Witter; John,
Abigail, and Christopher Avery could be such only through Mary
Ebenezer' Avery was on the list of freemen of Groton,
1708; collector of rates, 1716; selectman, several terms; and, in
1734, was appointed to take charge of the town's ammunition.
He received a hundred acres of public land in 1720. He was
deputy to the general court, 1720, 1726, 1738; was commissioned
lieutenant of the first company of Groton, 1728; captain, 1733;
colonel of the eighth militia regiment, 1739. {Conn. Col. Rec,
6: 173 & 7: 54, 152, 465 & 8: 155, 280),
Sept. 25, 1738.
The Fourth Generation 123
March 16, 1717, James' and Deborah Avery deeded certain
land to their loving son, Ebenezer, as follows :
To all Christian people to whom this present deed of gift shall come James
Avery, sen., of Groton, &c., ... in consideration of the natural love
and affection I do bear my beloved son Ebenezer, and for his more com-
fortable subsistance & livlihood . . . Three certain tracts or parcels
of land situate and being in the township of Groton aforesaid. One
tract being the farm on which I now dwell with all the Housings Build-
ings Out housings erected and standing on said Farm, with the orchard
and all other fruit trees on said farm. . . containing by estimation two
hundred fifty aci-es more or less, . . . bounded on the east partly with
the Great swamp that parts this farm from Poquannock Plain to the
south end of said swamp and from thence with the Creek that parts
Birch Plain which is a part of this farm from Poquannock Plain, and
with the Creek to the mouth thereof and from thence to the cove or
creek that parts this farm from Shinacosset Neck on the west side by
the head fence by Stoney brook. North with the comon. Another
tract of land . . . lyeth in Poquannock Plain, containing by estimation
twenty acres, bounded on the west by great swamp, on the north with
the land of John Avery, jun., on the east with Poquannock Cove or
River and on the south with land belonging to the estate of Richard
Lord . . . Third tract . . . meadow and swampy ground . . . bounded
with land that belonged to Lawrence Codner, partly with land belong-
ing to Samuel & Joshua Bill . . . To be by him and them enjoyed and
improved /o?-eve?-, and not to be sold by my said son nor any of his heirs
or passed away to any other person forever to continue and Remain to
hint and them and in the name of the Avery s forever . . .
James Avery
March 16, 1717. Deborah Avery
{Groton Deeds, 2:508.)
Dorothy (Parke) Avery died Nov. 6, 1732, at Groton. Ebe-
nezer Avery made his will March 24, 1746-7; it was proved Aug.
19, 1752. In it he mentioned his son, Parke, to whom he gave a
grist-mill with dwelling house and lands adjoining, north of the
county road, land near the New London ferry, and several
other parcels. To his son, Ebenezer, he gave land adjoining the
farm that he had already given him; also
"my cloak & my Laced hat, with my smallest Silver hilted sword, & my
new great Bible and my watch and my old carbine."
To his son, Simeon, he gave certain lands and
"my Brass gun & speckled Stork gun & brass hilted sword, my silver head
«ain & oldest great Bible, my Druoy Coat & Silk Jacket & briches,
my Scarlet Jacket with plate buttons."
He also gave money and household goods to his daughters, Mary
124 The Groton Avery Clan
Latham, Dorothy Morgan, Amy, and Unis. No mention is made
of a wife; he probably did not marry a second time {New London
Wills, F:321).
In his Averys of Gt^oton, page 31, Mr. Sweet states that
Ebenezer Avery had a second wife, Lucy Morgan. This is a mis-
take. William Morgan, in his will, stated that his granddaughter,
Lucy, married Ebenezer Avery, but this granddaughter was Lucy
Davis, the daughter of his daughter, Margaret. This Lucy Davis
married Ebenezer Avery, No. 70, below mentioned. Ebe-
nezer^ Avery d. July 19, 1752, at Groton.
Children of Ebenezer and Dorothy (Parke) Avery, b. in
Groton :
Parke% b. Dec. 9, 1710.
Mary% b. Feb, 17, 1713.
DoROTHY% b. Jan. 10, 1716.
Lucy', b. Oct. 14, 1718; d. Jan. 9, 1719, at Groton.
Ebenezer', b. April 3, 1721.
Amie\ b. Sept. 14, 1724.
EUNICE% b. March 2, 1725-6.
SlMEON% b. April 25, 1730.
15. Christopher' Avery {James\ James' Christopher') was
b. Jan. 23, 1679-80, at Groton; bap. Feb. 28, 1679-80, First Church of
New London; m. Dec. 19, 1704, at Preston, Abigail Parke, eldest
dau. of Capt. John and Mary (Witter) Parke, of Preston, and sis-
ter of his brother Ebenezer' s wife. She was bap. Nov. 7, 1686,
at First Church of Stonington with her mother Mary Parke; she d.
Feb. 12, 1713, at Groton. Christopher* Avery m. 2d, April 1,
1714, Mrs. Prudence (Payson) Wheeler, dau. of John and Bath-
sheba (Tilestone) Payson, and widow of Richard Wheeler. She
was b. Feb. 1, 1681. She was the granddau, of Edward and
Mary (Eliot) Payson. Mary Eliot was the sister of the Rev. John
Eliot, "the Indian Apostle. " Christopher' Avery m. 3d, Jan. 1,
1735, Mrs. Esther (Hammond) Prentice, dau. of Nathaniel and
Mary (Hyde) Hammond, of Newton, Mass. , and widow of Samuel
Prentice, of North Stonington, Conn. Christopher' Avery m.
4th, Susanna (Baker) Elderkin, widow of John Elderkin.
I, John Elderkin of Norwich, in the county of New London, have received
of my honored mother Susanna Avery of Groton in said county, as she
is administrator on the estate of my honored father John Elderkin late
of said Norwich, deceased, the sum of Fifty Two Pounds in personal
The Fourth Generation 125
estate which is in full my part in the movable estate of my sd Father,
Groton, the 13 of March, 1753.
John Elderkin.
(New London Wills, G:119.)
Christopher* Avery was selectman, 1731, 1735, 1737; surveyor,
1736, and served as one of the justices for New London County.
He was clerk of the North Society (Groton) church. In 1724 and
1725, he was deputy to the general court; he was successively en-
sign, lieutenant (1714), and captain (1730). {Conn. Col. Rec, 6:426,
^^ 483, 553 & 7:303). In the division of
/A^h7y^U:> ^2a^ Y^ '^ ^^^ northwest part of Groton
\ 4 £ (now Ledyard), as described m the re-
^ m cord of Edward Avery (No. 13),
Christopher took the eastern part, and there he lived, died, and
was buried.
"Captain Christopher Avery deceased, January 20, 1753, in the 73d year of
his age" (Groton Records).
His will was dated March 18, 1752; he mentioned wife, Susanna;
sons, John, Christopher, Nathan, and Jacob; daughters, Abigail
Allyn, Priscilla Breed, Hannah Gallup, and Temperance Morgan;
granddau., Prudence, dau. of son, Isaac, deceased; Susanna Stodd-
ard, mother of Prudence. His property was appraised thus:
Homestead farm, £10,000 (old tenor)
Brewster's Neck farm 2,500
Negroes-Jube 500
Jeune 250
Nero 530
Lydia 260
Sarah 240
Tom 210
In 1888, some of his descendants set up a brown-stone obelisk
on the east side of Avery Hill, Ledyard (formerly the North
Parish of Groton) not far from his former home. The front bears
this inscription:
Christopher Avery,
His Four Wives.
His daughter, Temperance, and her husband, William Morgan,
were buried in the same lot.
Children of Christopher and Abigail (Parke) Avery, b. at
126 The Groton Avery Clan
74. i. John", b. Oct. 26, 1705.
75. ii. Abigail', b. July 16, 1707.
76. iii. Christopher', b. Nov. 16, 1709.
77. iv. Nathan', b, March 10, 1712.
Children of Christopher and Prudence (Payson- Wheeler)
Avery, b. at Groton:
Priscilla', b. April 29, 1715.
Isaac', born March 26, 1717.
Hannah', b. Feb. 10, 1719. ^
Jacob% b. Aug. 26, 1721.
Temperance', b. Sept. 14, 1725.
16. Jonathan' Avery {James^, James'^, Christopher^) was b.
Nov. 9, 1681, at Groton; bap. March 29, 1682, First Church of New
London; m. April 11, 1703, at Groton, Elizabeth Bill, dau. of
Philip and Elizabeth (Lester) Bill of Groton. She was bap. Dec.
27, 1691, at the First Church of New London. Jonathan Avery was
a farmer and trader; lived near the ferry in Groton and traded in
horses to the West Indies. He was on the list of Groton freemen,
1708; and with his wife was in full communion with the First
Church of Groton, Nov. 22, 1727. He had lot No. 15 in the assign-
ment of lots on the cove. He died in Cuba, of yellow fever,
about 1741.
Children of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Bill) Avery, b. at
83. i. Jonathan', b. Dec. 30, 1703.
84. ii. Elizabeth'; b. Jan. 18, 1705.
85. iii. Mary', b. Dec. 3, 1707.
86. iv. Lucy', b. March 20, 1709.
87. V. Abner% b. May 28, 1712.
88. vi. Samuel', b. July 7, 1715; not mentioned in division of his brother
Abel's estate in 1747; probably d. unm.
89. vii. Abel% b. Sept. 17, 1717.
90. viii. Temperance', b. Feb. 3, 1719.
91. ix. Freelove', b. March 16, 1722.
92. X. Experience', b. Nov. 6, 1724.
The above differs greatly from the record as given in Sweet's
The Averys of Groton. There were two Jonathan Averys, each
with a son Jonathan. One was a son of James"; it is sup-
posed that the other was a son of Thomas. (See No. 30.) One
married Elizabeth Bill ; the other married Elizabeth Waterman.
Mr. Sweet says (page 31) that Jonathan the son of James married
The Fourth Generation 127
Elizabeth Waterman; he also says (page 325) that Jonathan the
son of Thomas married Elizabeth Bill. Both statements are wrong;
the two Jonathans must exchange places. The following reasons
have forced the change:
(1). The Rev. David Avery, in his manuscript history of the
family, says that Jonathan, the son of James Avery, and his son,
Jonathan, "went in the expedition to take Cartagena and Cuba
and they both died in the expedition at Cuba." Jonathan Avery,
son of Abner (No. 87 above), says in his diary that his grand-
father, Jonathan Avery, traded in horses to the West Indies and
died there of yellow fever. Evidently, both these records refer
to the same Jonathan, and so the father of Abner must have been
Jonathan the son of James.
(2). The following deed shows that the Jonathan Avery who
had a son, Jonathan, living and old enough to hold property in
1728, was the son of James. The Jonathan Avery who married
Elizabeth Bill had a son, Jonathan, born 1703, who married in 1724,
and was living on a farm in Groton in 1728. The Jonathan Avery
who married Elizabeth Waterman did not have a son, Jonathan,
until 1743 and so, according to this deed, could not have been the
son of James. -
To all people to whom these presents James Avery the Eldest of Groton
in the County of New London & Colony of Connecticut in New England
Gentl Sendeth Greeting Know ye that I the sd James Avery for and in
consideration of the good will & natural affection that I have and do
bare to my Dutifull grand Son Jonathan Avery jun of sd Groton House
carpenter and for Divers other valuable considerations me hereunto
moving Have Given granted Aliened Enfeoffed Conveyed & confirmed
and by these presents I the sd James Avery do for me my heirs execu-
tors & Administrators fully freely clearly and absolutely give grant
alien enfeoffe convey and confirm unto the sd Jonathan Avery jun his
heirs executors Administrators and assyns for ever a certain tract or
parcel of Land Situate lying and being in sd Groton at a place called
Shincoset Neck containing by estimation Fifty acres be the same more
or less and is all the land that my son Jonathan Avery sen hath in his
impowerment Butted and bounded as followeth (viz) West with the
New London Run on the North with Capt. William Lathams Land, on
the East with a fence partly in a swamp which fence is the bound be-
twixt sd land and land in the power of my son James Avery Esq of sd
Groton and on the south bounded with land now in the possession of the
sd Jonathan Avery jun To have and to hold the sd Given & granted
premises unto the sd Jonathan Avery jun his heirs executors Adms &
Assigns forever Together with the House thereon & all appurten-
128 The Groton Avery Clan
ances thereunto belonging only I do hereby reserve to my above named
son Jonathan Avery sen, the sole and full use of each and every part
of the Premises during his natural life. In witness & in confirmation
of the above written I the said James Avery have hereunto set my
hand and Seal in Groton this Sixteenth day of August in the Second
year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second of Great
Britain & King Annoque Dominie 1728.
Groton, Aug. 16, 1728.
(See Groton Deeds, Book 1, p. 392)
(3). In addition to the three children assigned by Mr. Sweet
(page 31) to Jonathan Avery and his second wife Dorothy (Den-
ison) Copp were Uriah, born Aug. 23, 1760, and Olive, who was
baptized at Norwich, May 29, 1763. If the father of this Olive
was Jonathan the son of James, he must have been 82 years old
at the time of her baptism, and could not have died in Cuba about
1741, as stated by the Rev. David Avery, an unimpeached and
wholly trustworthy witness.
(4). The Jonathan Avery who married Elizabeth Waterman
made his will in July 29, 1783, at which time, if he was the son of
James, he must have been 102 years old. Further, his estate was
inventoried July 28, 1792, his will having been probated only four
days before. The remarkable age of 111 years would not have
passed unnoted.
For these sufficient reasons we give the record as above.
17. Hannah* Avery {James\ James', Christopher^) was b.
March 24, 1685, at Groton; bap. June 13, 1686, First Church of
Stonington; m. Dec. 30, 1708, at Groton, Samuel Morgan, s. of
John and Rachel (Deming) Morgan, of Groton. He was b. Sept.
9, 1669, at Groton. They were living in the North Parish (now
Ledyard ) in 1727, at which time they were in full communion with
the First Church of Groton. An inventory of the estate of Samuel
Morgan, late of Groton, was taken May 31, 1734. Samuel Morgan
was administrator and his brother, Elijah, signed the bond {New
London Wills, D:7 5).
Children of Samuel and Hannah (Avery) Morgan, b. at
Groton :
i. Samuel', b. March 9, 1710; m. Sept. 30, 1741, at Groton, Abigail
Heath; d. at Preston.
iL Elijah', b. April 13, 1712; m. Nov. 13, 1735, at Groton, Eunice
Williams. He was one of the grantees of Littleton and Lemps-
ter, N. H., about 1761 {New Hampshire State Papers, vol. 25,
p. 221).
The Fourth Generation 129
iii. Hannah', b. Feb. 14, 1714.
iv. Abijah", b. July 6, 1715. He was in the campaigns of 1758 and of
1762 {French and Indian War Rolls, 2:167, 317).
V. LuCY% b. March 9, 1717.
vi. Theophilus', (?).
vii. Experience", (?).
viii. Timothy", m. Deborah ; d. Oct. 13, 1795, aged 73.
January 21, 1744, Timothy Morgan, of Groton, deeded to his
brothers, Samuel and Elijah, land that had belonged to his honored
father, Samuel Morgan. Jan. 25, 1739-40, Abijah, Hannah, and
Lucy Morgan deeded to their brothers, Samuel and Elijah, land
inherited from their father. April 18, 1734, Samuel Morgan
deeded land to his brother Elijah. In the deed he mentioned his
brother, Abijah, and called his honored father "deceased"
( Groton Deeds, 3: 142, 4: 29, & 5: 14) . I can find no trace of Theo-
philus and Experience except the record given in the Morgan
18. Sarah* Avery {James\ James', Christopher'') was b.
May 10, 1688, at Groton; m. Carey Latham, s. of Carey and Sus-
anna (Forster) Latham. He was b. Sept. 13, 1690, at Groton.
His wife died April 20, 1732, at Groton, and was buried in the
"ancientest" burying-ground at New London, where her tomb-
stone is still standing. He m. 2d, Sarah Waterhouse, who died
Feb. 8, 1734. By her he had a son, Carey. He m. 3d, Dorothy
(Otis) McLaren. He was drowned in the Connecticut River by
overturning of his canoe, July 11, 1735, and was buried in the
"ancientest" burying-ground, where his tombstone is still stand-
Children of Carey and Sarah (Avery) Latham, b. at Groton:
i. Joseph', b. April 8, 1714; m. Rebecca Green, of Groton.
ii. Susannah', b. Sept. 1, 1717, at Groton; m. John Williams; d. July
23, 1799, at Groton.
iii. Emblem", b. March 14, 1720; m. Moses Hood {Groton Deeds, 5:57) .
iv. Sarah\ b. Sept. 25, 1723; m. John Fish {Groton Deeds, 7:180).
V. Mary", b ; m. Jonathan Pratt and moved to Hartford. Her
name does not appear in the list of Groton births, but numerous
deeds prove there was such a daughter {Groton Deeds, 5: 189,
& 7:180, &8:24).
The above record of the family of Sarah' Avery does not ap-
pear in Sweet's Averys of Groton. It is possible that it is not
correct. The reasons for thinking that it is correct are as follows:
130 The Groton Avery Clan
(1). James Avery, the father of this Sarah Avery, referred
to her in 1717 as Sarah Latham, in 1727, he called her Sarah
Latham. From this it is evident that his daughter, Sarah, was
married to a Mr. Latham as early as 1717 and that she was alive
in 1727 {Groto7i Deeds, 2:394).
(2), A careful search among the Latham records reveals
only one Latham of that period who married a Sarah. Earlier
than 1714, Carey Latham married Sarah . . . The last name
has not been ascertained. Mrs. Sarah Latham's tombstone shows
that she died in 1732, aged 44; Sarah Avery was born in 1688;
the age agrees with the dates.
19. Joseph' Avery (James\ James', Christopher'^) was bap.
April 17, 1692, at New London; m. Tabitha Gardiner. The Rev.
David Avery says that Joseph Avery, son of James, married
Tabitha Gardiner of South Kingston. Mr. Sweet says that they
were married in South Kingston and that her father's name was
William. William Gardiner of Kingston, R. I., had a daughter
Tabitha. He died in 1711, his will mentioned his wife, Elizabeth,
and a daughter, Tabitha, then apparently unmarried. This Tabitha
was probably born in Kingston, R. I., between 1685 and 1690.
On the records of the Second Congregational Church of Griswold,
Conn., is found the marriage of Henry Skilton of South Kingston
to Tabitha Avery of North Kingston. As this Tabitha was the
daughter of Joseph Avery, the marriage record strengthens the
theory that her mother, the wife of Joseph Avery, came from King-
ston. A story has been handed down in the Skilton family to the
effect that Joseph Avery owned an outlying farm, where he had
cattle and hay. This farm he offered to his eldest son if he would
occupy the small house upon it during the coming winter and feed
and care for the stock. When the son declined the offer, the sister,
Tabitha, accepted it. It was during this winter on the farm that
she met Henry Skilton whom she soon married. Possibly this
farm was in North Kingston and came to Joseph Avery through
his wife. If this is so, old deeds may reveal the parentage of the
wife of Joseph Avery.
Norwich, Jan. 10, 1717, James Avery through love deeded to
his son Joseph land that he bought of Isaac Harrington. This
land was east of the River Quinabauge at a place called Paba-
quamsque; 60 acres bounded by the common, River Quinabauge
1 ,
The Fourth Generation 131
and Pachog-ue Brook. March 16, 1717, he deeded him two tracts
of land, through "love he bears his dutiful son Joseph." Sept. 1,
1729, Ebenezer Avery deeded to his brother Joseph Avery,
through love, "land in Norwich, on which the said Joseph now
dwells" (Norwich Deeds, 1:65, & 6:467).
June 27, 1753, at Norwich, "Old Joseph Avery was drowned"
is an entry in Jabez Fitch's diary (Mayfloiuer Descendants, 1:38).
His estate was inventoried at Norwich, Nov. 6, 1753, but was not
wholly divided until May 5, 1755. The heirs were the widow, Ta-
bitha Avery; sons, Joseph and Benjamin; dau., Tabitha (Avery)
Skilton; and the heirs of dau., Lucy, deceased, wife of Jonathan
Tracy {Norwich Wills, 1:454).
Children of Joseph and Tabitha (Gardiner) Avery, b. at
Joseph", b. Sept. 26, 1715; d. latei' than 1755.
Tabitha"; b. Feb. 25, 1717.
Elizabeth', b. Aug. 24, 1719; d. Aug. 6, 1743, at Norwich, unm.
Benjamin', b. Sept. 4, 1721.
LuCY% b. May 2, 1723.
20. Mary' Avery (James", James-, Christopher^) was bap.
July 2, 1693, First Church of New London; m. July 3, 1716, at
Groton, William Morgan, son of Capt. John Morgan by his second
wife, the widow Elizabeth Williams, dau. of Lieutenant-governor
William Jones {Morgan Genealogy, p. 25) . He died in Oct. 1729,
aged 36, at Groton. He made his will Oct. 3, 1729; it was proved
Dec. 7, 1729. He mentioned wife; all the children named below;
beloved brother, Christopher Avery, executor {New London Wills,
January 22, 1742-3, Samuel Killum, son-in-law; Prudence Mor-
gan; Margery Morgan; and Jedediah Leeds, son-in-law; receipted to
their mother, Mary Morgan, for their share in the estate of their
father, William Morgan {Neic London Wills, F:448). Mary
(Avery) Morgan died April, 1780, at Groton.
Children of William and Mary (Avery) Morgan, b. at
i. Mary', b. May 9, 1717; m. Joseph Allyn.
ii. Elizabeth', b. Feb. 1, 1719; may have m. Jedediah Leeds.
iii. Margaret', b. Feb. 26, 1721.
iv. William', b. June 17, 1723; m. Temperance Avery (No. 82).
V. Deborah', b. June 26, 1726; m. Samuel Killum.
132 The Groton Avery Clan
vi. Prudence'', b. Feb. 29, 1728; m. John Morgan; d. April 16, 1815, at
21. Benjamin^ Avery (James\ James\ Christopher^) was
b. 1696, at Groton; m. Thankful Avery (No. 177), daughter of
John and Sarah (Denison) Avery. She was b. April 15, 1718, at
Groton, Conn., and d. Jan. 1813, at the same place. She is re-
corded as No. 28 on page 406 of Sweet's The Averys of Gt^oton.
Mr. Sweet said that this Thankful Avery was born in 1712, the
daughter of Benjamin Avery, whose record appears as No. 14 on
page 406 of his book. But careful search has failed to show that
there was any such Benjamin, son of John Avery. The whole re-
cord that appears as No. 14, on the page in question, should be
cancelled. The family 'historian has taken care of the children;
the alleged father is a myth. According to the Rev. David Avery
(whose aunt she was and whom he often visited), this Thankful
Avery was a daughter of John\ the son of John".
When fifteen years of age, Thankful Avery was married in a
lemon-colored, brocaded, silk dress, one of three patterns brought
from Paris by the captain of a merchant vessel. Two of the pat-
terns were lemon and one was lavender in color. The captain's
wife chose one of the lemon-colored ones, to the disappointment
of Thankful' s father who wished his two daughters to be married
in gowns of the same color. The older daughter chose lavender,
so Thankful had the lemon-colored one. It is supposed that the
two sisters were married at the same time and that the older
sister was the Sarah who mar-
^-^ ,,— --TS 1^^^- ^^ Thankful is said to
(_^_^y have been about fifteen years
old when married and as her first child was born September 9,
1735, she also probably was married January 10, 1734. Her
daughter, Thankful, wore the dress when she married Elihu
Avery, and in turn, her daughter, Cynthia, wore it when she
married Ebenezer Lester. At that time, the dress was altered to
conform to the fashion of that day. From that time to this, the
dress has been unchanged; it is now in the possession of Cynthia's
g-randdaughter, who guards it with great care.
Benjamin* Avery was given the right to build a pew in the
gallery, July 4, 1720. He was lister, 1731, 1732; fence viewer,
1733, 1735, 1737, 1749; surveyor, 1737, 1745; selectman, 1755-1758.
The Fourth Generation 133
March 16, 1617, James Avery deeded land at the head of Po-
quonock Cove to his loving son, Benjamin. This land had be-
longed to his honored father, Capt. James Avery, and "butted"
on his brother Samuel's land {Gh^oton Deeds, 2:391). Benjamin
Avery owned (Dec. 6, 1754) two shares in the Wyoming company
that claimed land in Pennsylvania on the Susquehanna.
Benjamin^ Avery's will, made Jan. 9, 1769, and probated Jan.
4, 1773, mentioned his wife Thankful; sons, Benjamin, Daniel,
Solomon, Denison; daughters, Abigail Smith, Anna Avery; two
oldest unmarried daughters, Sarah and Mary; two other
daughters, Lucy and Thankful; two youngest daughters, Deborah
and Hannah; daughter, Mercy, to be cared for during her natural
life {Stonington Wills, 2:38). His tombstone is standing in the
Avery-Morgan burying-ground: "In memory of Benjamin Avery,
who died Dec. 5, 1772, in ye 76 year of his age." This determines
the year of his birth and makes him the youngest child. His
wife. Thankful, was buried by his side.
Children of Benjamin and Thankful (Avery) Avery, b. at
Groton :
Benjamin', b. Sept. 9, 1735.
Abigail', b. Dec. 12, 1737.
Deborah', b. Oct. 6, 1738; d. Oct. 29, 1738, at Groton.
Daniel', b. Nov. 14, 1740.
Sarah', b. July 29, 1742.
Anna', b. Jan. 15, 1743-4; m. Griswold Avery (No. 275).
Mary', b. Jan. 1748.
Solomon', bap. June 4, 1749, First Church of Groton; was a
sergeant of militia; d. Sept. 6, 1781, at Fort Griswold,
Denison', b. June 11, 1749.
Thankful', bap. Aug. 1, 1755; m. Elihu Avery (No. 278).
Mercy', bap. July 5, 1757; d. unm.
Deborah', b. Oct. 2, 1758.
Hannah', bap. May 30, 1762.
22. Thomas* Avery {Thomas^, James', Christopher^) was b.
April 20, 1679, at Groton ; bap. June 29, 1679, First Church of
New London; m. July 12, 1704, at New London, Ann Shapley,
dau. of Benjamin and Mary (Picket) Shapley. She was b. Aug.
31, 1685, at New London.
134 The Groton Avery Clan
Thomas* Avery owned land in Saybrook. A controversy be-
tween him and Thomas Lord relating to certain lands there
was settled Dec. 8, 1704. September 11, 1703, he sold land in
Saybrook, called Pochange, and styled himself yeoman of Say-
brook. June 5, 1706, he and his brother Samuel sold land in Po-
change to Samuel Chapman. October 24, 1706, he called himself
of New London, gent. , and deeded to Samuel Chapman land that
should have been included in a deed given him, June 5, 1706, at
Pochange, Oyster River tract (Saybrook Deeds). He died before
Nov. 25, 1711, at which time his widow married Jonathan Roff
(Ross?). In the inventory of the estate taken at New London,
Dec. 11, 1711, the widow is called Ann Ruff and the children are
Thomas, aged 6, and Ann, aged 4. She married 3d, James Mor-
gan, June 24, 1729, at New London, and died June 17, 1751, at
June 17, 1751. "Ann Morgan, relic of Dea. James Morgan, deceased aged
abt. 68. Her first husband was Thomas Avery, her second Jonathan
Roff {Hempstead's Diary, p. 570).
Children of Thomas and Ann (Shapley) Avery, b. at New
i. Thomas'", b. March 31, 1705; drowned while swimming, July 3,
1712. at New London.
108. ii. Ann'', b. May 12, 1707.
23. Samuer Avery {Thomas', James', Christopher') was
b. Nov. 15, 1680, at Groton; bap. Jan. 2, 1681, First Church of
New London; m. June 23, 1702, at New London, Elizabeth Rans-
ford, dau. of Jonathan and Martha Ransford, late of Boston.
Mary (Smith) Raymond, in her will before referred to (page
108) , made May 8, 1705, mentioned Elizabeth Avery, dau. of ' ' my
cousin Martha Ransford deceased." Jonathan Ransford was b.
July 26, 1661, at Boston, the child of Jonathan and Mary (Sunder-
land) Ransford. On April 2, 1698, John Sunderland deeded to
Elizabeth Ransford, only child of Jonathan Ransford, late of Bos-
ton, mariner, certain lands "when she shall be 21 or marry"
(Suffolk Deeds, 16:182). February 16, 1702, Samuel Avery, cord-
wainer, and Elizabeth, his wife, only child of Jonathan Ransford,
sold her right in land owned by Jonathan Ransford for £125 to
John Sunderland (Suffolk Deeds, 21:171).
Samuel' Avery called himself husbandman when, in conjunc-
tion with his brother Thomas, he sold land in Pochange, Oyster
The Fourth Generation 135
River quarter, to Samuel Chapman, June 5, 1706 {Sayhrook Deeds) .
In 1710, he bought of Jonathan Rogers, twenty acres of land,
house and orchard, on the north side of Saw-mill Brook, in Mohe-
gan (Montville) (Henry Baker's i^Tistony o/ Motif vi/^e, p. 93). He
probably lived and died on this place. He and Adonijah Fitch
owned pew No. 8, in the original church erected in Montville.
In his will dated Feb. 22, 1749 50, New London, North
Parish, Samuel Avery mentioned wife, Elizabeth; sons, John and
Ephraim; daughters, Martha, Elizabeth, Alethea, Hannah, Anna,
and Mary; "children of my son Ransford deceased, five shillings
to each of them and to his son Samuel who now lives with me I
give fifty pounds money old tenor" (New London Wills, F: 56).
He died Feb. 25, 1749-50, at Montville. His widow died
Sept. 9, 1761, at Montville.
Children of Samuel and Elizabeth (Ransford) Avery:
Ransford', b. June 26, 1703, at Saybrook, Conn.
Samuel', bap. March 27, 1709, First Church of Norwich; d.
July 15, 1712, at Montville.
Elizabeth^ bap. Sept. 16, 1711, First Church of Norwich.
Alethea', bap. July 25, 1714, First Church of Norwich.
Hannah", bap. June 29, 1718, First Church of New London.
Thomas', bap. June 29, 1718, First Church of New London;
nothing further known; died before 1750.
Ann", bap. May 22, 1719, First Church of New London.
John", b. Feb. 14, 1723, at Montville.
Mary", bap. Aug. 21, 1725, First Church of Montville.
Ephraim", bap. June 25, 1727, First Church of Montville.
24. Ephraim^ Avery (Thomas-, James-, Christopher^) was
bap. Oct. 18, 1685, First Church of Stonington; m. Abigail . . .
She died Aug. 25, 1717, and was buried in the Mason burying-
ground at Mystic.
"Here lyeth ye body of Abigal ye wife of Ephraim Avery, who died 25th
August, 1717, in ye 29th year of her age."
On the foot stone are the words:
"Abigal Avery, 1717, with their child one day old."
She was probably Abigail Mason, dau. of Daniel and Rebecca
(Hobart) Mason, b. Feb. 3, 1689, at Stonington. In the same small
lot are buried Daniel and Rebecca Mason, her supposed father
and mother.
136 The Groton Avery Clan
Ephraim^ Avery was a mariner and sailed in the sloop "Sea
Flower," Capt. King. The sloop arrived from Saltudus, April 17,
1719, with smallpox aboard.
Saturday, May 9, 1719, " Ephraim Avery was buried on Powder Island,
he died with Small Pox on Bord of Capt. King-" {Hempstead's
Diary, p. 88).
June 3, 1719, the general court ordered that the doctor's fees and
certain other charges be paid out of his estate (Conn. Col. Rec,
6: 137). His estate was inventoried, Oct. 19, 1719. His brother,
Samuel Avery, administered it June 3, 1720; no mention was
made of wife or child. Hannah Minor, his sister, accounted for
certain things left in her care when he went to sea {New Lon-
don Wills, B: 372).
25. Hannah* Avery {Thomas', James', Christopher^) was b.
May 4, 1686; bap. April 16, 1688, at Stonington; m. Dec. 26, 1706,
at Stonington, Conn. , Thomas Minor, son of Manasseh and Lydia
(More) Minor. He was b. Sept. 20, 1683, at Stonington, and bap.
Nov. 14, of same year. First Church of Stonington. He was also
deacon of this church. In his will, made Dec. 6, 1734, he men-
tioned children, Thomas, Sylvanus, Jonathan, Manasseh, Hannah,
Prudence, and Lydia. He died April 9, 1739, at Stonington. His
widow, Hannah, in her will, dated Nov. 21, 1762, mentioned son,
Jonathan; daus., Hannah Grant, Prudence Avery, Lydia Minor;
and son-in-law, John Avery, who was to buy and set her grave-
stone and the gravestones of her deceased sons, Thomas Minor
and Manasseh Minor. She died Dec. 9, 1762, at Stonington.
Children of Thomas and Hannah (Avery) Miner, b. at
i. Thomas', b. Oct. 4, 1707; m. Jan. 5, 1745, Sarah Watson; d. Nov. 22,
1760, at Stonington.
ii. Sylvanus", b. March 3, 1709; m. the widow, Ann (Avery) Griffing
(No. 108) ; d. March 15, 1786, at Stonington.
iii. Hannah% b. Nov. 23, 1710; m. Jan. 25, 1744-5, at Stonington, Noah
Grant. He was a son of Josiah and Rebecca (Minor) Grant.
His mother was the dau. of Hannah (Avery) Minor (No. 3).
iv. Jonathan", b. Feb. 25, 1714; m. Ann Avery (No. 115).
V. Lydia", b. Jan. 12, 1716, d. Jan. 22, 1716, at Stonington.
vi. Prudence", b. Dec. 6, 1719; m. John Avery (No. 116).
vii. Manasseh", b. Feb. 25, 1723; d. unm. before Oct. 5, 1754, at Ston-
ington, when his estate was divided among his brothers and sis-
ters (New London Wills, F: 619).
The Fourth Generation 137
viii. Ephraim"', twin to Manasseh, d. aged one year and two months.
ix. Lydia", b. April 26, 1727; d. June 26, 1788, at Stonington, unm.
26. Abraham' Avery {Thomas', James', Christopher') was
bap. March 6, 1692, First Church of New London; m. March 14,
1727, at Montville, Jane Hill, dau. of Jonathan and Mary (Shars-
wood) Hill of Montville. She was bap. March 8, 1701-2, First Church
of New London. Abraham Avery and his wife were members of
the church at Montville. In
1724, he was one of the com-
mittee to lay out the minister's
^/iCZ^a^Tl^ OfWiyXzxi^; in 1737, he was one of
^.^ the society's committee; in
1750, he was chosen elder of
the church. He was prominent in affairs connected with the In-
dians, being, in 1733, one of the grand jurors whose duty it was
to look after all derelictions of the Mohegan Indians. In 1746, he
was one of the committee to arrange that the Indians attend the
parish church.
He lived and died on his homestead which was on the Nor-
wich road. North Parish, and was given him by his father, about
March 20, 1722, on condition that he care for him and his ' ' now
spouse ' ' during their natural lives {New London Deeds) . His
wife d. July 26, 1744, at Montville. October 1, 1751, he m. at
Montville, Sarah Copp, dau. of Jonathan and Catharine (Lay)
Copp, of Montville. She was b. Dec. 3, 1712, at Montville.
Abraham Avery d. June 23, 1761, at Montville.
Children of Abraham and Jane (Hill) Avery, b. at Mont-
Jane% b. Dec. 3, 1727.
Mary% b. Sept. 15; d. Oct. 3, 1729.
Thomas% b. Oct. 16, 1730.
Hannah% b. Oct. 31, 1732.
RUTH% b. July 1, 1735.
Jonathan', b. June 27, 1737.
William % b. March 7, 1739, died unm. He made his will March
28, 1770; it was probated Oct. 9, 1770, at Willimantic. He
divided his estate among sister Jane, wife of James Chap-
pel; sister Hannah, wife of Daniel Smith; sister Ruth,
wife of Abel Griswold; Thomas William, son of brother
Nathan deceased; brothers, Thomas, Jonathan, and Abra-
ham {Probate Records, Willimantic, Conn. ) .
138 The Groton Avery Clan
124. viii. Nathan', b. May 6, 1741.
125. ix. Abraham', b. July 18, 1744.
27. Joshua' Avery {Thomas\ James', Christopher^) was bap.
Aug. 25, 1695, First Church of New London; m. Aug. 17, 1722,
at Norwich, Conn., Jerusha Rockwell, dau. of Josiah and Ann
(Bhss) Rockwell, of Norwich. She was b. March 6, 1694-5, at
December 20, 1722, Josiah Rockwell deeded 19 acres of land
east on the Sheutucket (?) River to his beloved daughter, Jerusha,
wife of Joshua Avery, late of Norwich. They sold this land,
March 26, 1728, to Jonathan Brewster {Norwich Deeds, 4: 3 & 5:
214). He was a member of First Church, Norwich, Feb. 6, 1743.
Children of Joshua and Jerusha (Rockwell) Avery, b. at Nor-
126. i. LuCY% b. Sept. 12, 1728.
127. ii. J0SHUA% b. Dec. 11, 1730; bap. Dec. 13, 1730, First Church
of Norwich.
28. Mary^ Avery {Thomas', James', Christopher^) m, Ben-
jamin Baker, s. of Joshua and Hannah (Tongue-Minter) Baker.
He was bap. May 6, 1711, First Church of New London.
" Benja. Baker & Mary Avery" were published Sunday, Aug, 3, 1718
(Hempstead's Diary, p. 78) .
Benjamin Baker deeded land that he had of his father, Joshua
Baker, to Samuel Avery, April 1, 1719. Abraham Avery was one
of the witnesses {Neiv London Deeds, 7:306). Benjamin Baker
conveyed his interest in the common lands to John Bolles, Feb.
24, 1742-3, "being four-tenths part of land allotted to Joshua
Baker, the elder, deceased, by the proprietors of New London ' '
(Baker's History of Montville, p. 89).
29. Elizabeth* Avery {Thomas', James', Christopher^) m.
May 19, 1724, at Montville, Conn., Sylvester Baldwin, s, of John
and Rebecca (Palmer) Baldwin. His first wife was Lydia Minor,
whose brother, Thomas, married Hannah Avery (No. 25), sister
of Elizabeth. He was b. March 4, 1677, at Stonington. She was
his second wife. They lived in Stonington, north part. She d.
July 17, 1728. He d. about 1732, leaving a large estate.
Children of Sylvester and Elizabeth (Avery) Baldwin, b. at
The Fourth Generation 139
i. Elizabeth', b. July 6, 1725; m. Feb. 1, 1744, Capt. Thomas Prentice,
s. of Samuel and Esther (Hammond) Prentice; d. Dec. 21, 1777,
at Stonington. (See No. 15).
ii. Mary'-, b. Sept. 14, 1726; m. Humphrey Avery (No. 233).
30. Jonathan' Avery {Thomas\ James', Christopher^) m.
April 16, 1724, at New London, Conn. , Elizabeth Waterman, dau.
of John and Elizabeth (Lathrop) Waterman. She was b. Oct. 5,
1702, at Norwich. Jonathan Avery was an extensive land owner
at Norwich and Lisbon (Cf. No. 16, ante). John Waterman, out
of love, deeded to his beloved son-in-law, Jonathan Avery, * 'cord-
wayner," twenty rods of land, Jan. 14, 1725-6. At the court held
at Norwich, June 2, 1724, Christopher Christophers, judge, Jona-
than Avery of Norwich * ' hath lysence granted him to set up and
use the art or mistery of tanning leather," December 20, 1726,
Jonathan Avery was granted liberty ' 'to set his tan vatts in the
hollow near his house, between ye path and Joseph Waterman's
little orchard fense" {Town Meeting Book, 3). He was fence-
viewer in 1735; keeper of the town poor the same year; lister in
1746. He gave to each of his sons, daughters, and sons-in-law, a
liberal amount of land. Elizabeth, his wife, died Jan. 4, 1750, at
Norwich. He m. 2d, Oct 18, 1752, Mrs. Dorothy Copp, widow of
Deacon David Copp. Her first husband was Ebenezer Rogers. She
was the daughter of Capt. Robert and Dorothy (Stanton) Denison,
and was bap. Dec. 30, 1722, at Norwich. She survived her third
Jonathan' Avery made his will July 28, 1783; he called himself
of Lisbon; mentioned wife, Dorothy, and dau., Ann, who lived
with them; Elizabeth, Hannah, Charles, Elisha, and Jonathan,
living and dead, had had their shares; sons, David and Uriah, to
have the lands that he died possessed of; David to pay to daughter
Lucy six pounds, and Uriah to pay to daughter Olive six pounds;
son-in-law, Charles Guilkey is mentioned. The inventory of the
estate of Jonathan Avery, late of Lisbon, was made Sept. 28,
1792, the will having been probated July 24, 1792, at Norwich
(Noricich Wills, 8: 441).
We are not sure that Thomas^ Avery had a son Jonathan; the
foregoing is inserted here in accordance with the common belief,
hoping that the facts in regard to the matter may in time be
140 The Groton Avery Clan
Children of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Waterman) Avery, b.
at Norwich:
138. i. Elizabeth% b. Jan. 7, 1725.
139. ii. Hannah% b. Oct. 1, 1727.
140. iii. Charles', b. March 30, 1730.
141. iv. ELISHA^ b. April 8, 1735.
142. V. Jonathan", b. June 6, 1743.
Children of Jonathan and Dorothy (Denison) Avery, b. at
143. i. Ann% b. July 10, 1753.
144. ii. LuCY% b. July 16, 1755.
145. iii. David% b. Dec. 27, 1757.
146. iv. Uriah% b. Aug. 23, 1760.
147. V. Olive% bap. May 29, 1763, First Church of Norwich.
31. Charles ' Avery (Thomas', James', Christopher') was bap.
Oct. 27, 1706, First Church of Norwich. He is supposed to have
died young. The town of Norwich owed Charles Avery 2s, for
plank, Jan. 4, 1726-7 (Town Meeting Book, 3).
32. Isaac* Avery (Thomas', James~, Christopher') was bap.
July 17, 1709, First Church of Norwich; m. 1731, Elizabeth Fox,
dau. of Samuel and Margaret (Brintnell) Fox. She was b. 1709.
March 6, 1755, Isaac Avery receipted for his wife's share of the
estate of her father, Samuel Fox (New London Wills, G: 100).
February 1, 1736-7, Hannah Avery deeded all the land that she
had had of her honored father, Joshua Raymond, to her son, Isaac
Avery (Neiu London Deeds) .
Isaac' Avery d. April 3, 1777, at West Stafford, Conn. His
widow d. Oct. 27, 1803, at West Stafford. She was bap. after her
marriage, June 29, 1732, at First Church of Norwich.
Children of Isaac and Elizabeth (Fox) Avery:
Margaret", bap. June 29, 1732, First Church of Norwich.
Zervia\ bap. April 8, 1733, First Church of Norwich.
Daniel% b. April 19, 1748.
34. Abigail' Avery, (John\ James', Christopher') was b.
Jan. 18, 1679, at Groton; bap. March 30, 1679, First Church of New
London; m. James Packer, s. of Thomas and Rebecca (Wells)
Packer. Rebecca Wells was the widow of Thomas Latham.
The Fourth Generation 141
James Packer was bap. Sept. 11, 1681, First Church of New Lon-
don. Mrs. Abigail (Avery) Packer d. Nov. 10, 1722, at Groton,
and James Packer m. 2d, Elizabeth Springer, and 3d, Thankful
Fanning. He was deputy, 1717, 1732, 1733, 1734, 1735; was com-
missioned captain, 1735 (Conn. Col. Rec, 6:2 & 7:363, 403, 424, 464
&5:17 & 8:4). He d. April 24, 1765, from a fire that burned his
barn. His will was probated May 10, 1765, at New London. He
mentioned his wife, Thankful; sons, Ichabod, John, and Joseph;
family of son, James, deceased; dau., Abigail Eldridge; dau.. De-
sire, wife of Capt. John Burrows; dau., Freelove, wife of Lemuel
Burrows; children of deceased daughter, Lucretia Fish; dau.,
Anna, wife of William Havens of Long Island; and the children
of his later marriage. He left each son a good farm.
Children of James and Abigail (Avery) Packer, b. at
Groton :
i. IcHABOD% b. Jan. 15, 1707; m. Abigail Eldridge; d. May 10, 1768, at
ii. Abigail', b. Oct. 23. 1708; m. Thomas Eldridge.
iii. James', b. Nov. 2, 1710; m. Zervia Eldridge.
iv. Desire", b. Sept. 11, 1712; m. Capt. John Burrows.
V. Freelove', b. Jan. 20, 1715; m. Lemuel Burrows,
vi. Lucretia', b. Aug. 2, 1717; m. John Fish; d. Sept. 6, 1747, at Groton.
vii. Anna% b. Feb. 9, 1719; m. William Havens,
viii. John', b. Sept. 16, 1720, m. Hannah Avery (No. 269).
ix. Joseph'; b. Nov. 2, 1722; m. Eleanor Ashley; 2d, Esther Morgan; d.
Nov. 28, 1804, at Groton.
35. Mary' Avery {John\ James', Christopher^) was bap.
Nov. 14, 1680, First Church of New London; m. March, 1698,
William Denison, s. of John and Phebe (Lay) Denison of Stoning-
ton. He was b. April 7, 1677, at Stonington, and d. Jan. 30, 1730,
at Stonington. His widow m. 2d, Jan. 12, 1732, at Stonington.
Daniel Palmer, s. of Nehemiah and Hannah (Stanton) Palmer.
He was b. Nov. 12, 1672, at Stonington. His widow outlived him
and d. Feb. 30, 1762, at Stonington.
Children of William and Mary (Avery) Denison, b. at Ston-
i. Mary', bap. Sep. 3, 1699; d. same year.
ii. Mary', bap. June 6, 1701, First Church of Stonington; m. Edward
Herrick; she d. Jan. 9. 1735; he m. 2d, the widow, Margaret
Avery (No. 51).
iii. Phebe', bap. June 6, 1701, First Church of Stonington; m. Benj. Gile;
2d, Stephen Herrick; she died before 1738.
142 The Groton Avery Clan
iv. Ann% bap. Dec. 2, 1710; m. John Denison, Nov. 9, 1720; she d. Sept.
15, 1721.
V. William", bap. Dec. 2, 1710; m. Hannah Burrows; 2d, Hannah Tyler;
d. Jan. 29, 1760, at Stonington.
vi. Abigail', bap. Dec. 2, 1710; m. Roger Billings.
vii. Lucy", bap. Dec. 2, 1710; m. John Swan, Jr.
viii. Avery", bap. Jan. 29, 1727, First Church of Preston; m. Thankful Wil-
liams; d. April 3, 1775, at Stonington.
ix. Thankful", bap. Jan. 29, 1727, First Church of Preston; m. Joseph
X. Desire", bap. Jan. 29, 1727, First Church of Preston; m. John Stanton
of Preston.
xi. Christopher", bap. Dec. 7, 1729, First Church of Preston; m. Abigail
xii. John", b. Feb. 23, 1722; m. Martha Wheeler.
36. John' Avery, {John'', James', Christopher^) was bap.
April 1, 1683, First Church of New London; m. Aug. 23, 1705, at
Groton, Sarah Denison, dau. of William and Sarah (Stanton)
Denison {David Avery ms. ) . She was b. April 14, 1689, at Ston-
ington. In the deeds recorded at Groton, this John Avery is
called sergeant. His father gave him several tracts of land "out
of love" and "for his livelihood." On July 17, 1705, just before
his marriage, Capt. John 'Avery gave to his "loving son John
Avery" 80 acres of land lying upon the north end of Poquonock
Plain, bounded north by James Morgan's land and some part of the
brook that enters into Poquonock Cove, west by the lands of John
Daws, southerly ' 'with land of my own, ' ' together with house,
orchard, fruit-trees, &c. ; also a grass meadow, both sides of
Stony Brook on the east side of the great river, ' 'which was given
me by my honored father, Capt. James Avery, deceased. ' ' All
the waterways were included in the gift {Groton Deeds, 2:148).
John Avery bought various parcels of land from his brothers and
from others. His name appears on the lists of freemen of Groton,
1708, 1712; as selectman in 1724 and 1732; and as surveyor several
terms. He had the right to build a pew in the meeting-house
gallery in 1720, and, with his wife, was a member of the First
Church of Groton before the ordination of 1727. Lot No. 17, in
the division of the common lands, was set off to him. He d. in
October, 1762 {David Avery ms. ) ; his will was probated Dec. 7,
1762, at New London, He mentioned wife; eldest son, John; dau.,
Sarah, widow of Adam Denison; dau., Abigail, wife of John Deni-
The Fourth Generation 143
son; dau.. Thankful, wife of Benjamin Avery; son, William; and
son, George. His wife d. Aug., 1774 {David Avery ms.).
Children of John and Sarah (Denison) Avery, b. at Groton :
JoHN% b. May 14, 1706.
Anna', b. June 13, 1711; d. Sept. 25, 1720, at Groton.
Sarah'', b. Oct. 10, 1713.
Abigail', b. Dec. 25, 1715.
Thankful', b. April 15, 1718; m. Benjamin Avery (No. 21).
George", b. Sept. 2, 1724; "was killed at 7 years of age by a
servant boy, by discharge of a gun with grape shot through
a door" {David Avery ms.).
William"', b. April 1, 1726 (David Avery ms.).
LucY% bap. June 23, 1732, First Church of Groton.
George ', bap. March 20, 1737, First Church of Groton. "George
was ten years younger than William, he was born when his
mother was 48 years old ' ' (David Avery ms. ) .
37. Nathaniel' Avery, (John\ James', Christopher^) was
bap. June 19, 1692, First Church of New London. He probably
married before 1721, Rachel Yeomans, dau. of Edward and Mary
Yeomans. David Avery wrote that Nathaniel Avery m. Desire
Yeomans and moved to Walnut Hill, Lyme. September 26, 1721,
Edward Yeomans, in a deed, mentioned his loving son-in-law, Na-
thaniel Avery. Nathaniel Avery, in a deed dated Dec. 3, 1724,
spoke of land that he had bought of his father-in-law, Edward
Yeomans, late of Groton (Groton Deeds, 2:280). Edward Yeo-
mans, late of Groton, called himself of Grinage (Greenwich), Fair-
field Co., Conn., and, in 1725, spoke of himself as then living in
Elizabeth, Essex Co. , Province of East Jersey. These, and other
deeds, make it plain that the last name of Nathaniel Avery's wife
was Yeomans. David Avery said the first name was Desire, but
the birth of his son, Elisha, is recorded at Lyme, Conn., as the
son of Nathaniel and Rachel Avery. Edward and Mary Yeomans
had a daughter, Rachel, bap. in the First Church of Stonington,
July 31, 1692. Although Nathaniel Avery had a dau. Desire, the
most careful search fails to show that Edward Yeomans had a
dau. of that name. We think, that, for once, David Avery was
mistaken, and that Nathaniel Avery married Rachel Yeomans.
We have before given reasons for believing that Nathaniel was
born before his brother William. Nathaniel Avery was a freeman
of Groton, 1712; hence he was at least twenty-one years old.
144 The Groton Avery Clan
Several times, John^ Avery, the father, deeded land to his dutiful
sons, Nathaniel\ William', andElisha\ invariably mentioning them
in that order {Groton Deeds, 1:329). April 17, 1724, Capt. John
Avery of Groton, "out of love," deeded to his dutiful son, Na-
thaniel Avery of Groton, "my dwelling house and land," 30 acres
bounded "on the west side with the land of my brother Capt.
James Avery," north by Nehemiah Smith's land, easterly by the
common, westerly by Poquonock lane. March 6, 1726-7, Nathaniel
Avery deeded land that he had of his honored father, Capt.
John Avery, to Lawrence Stagors, except the part he had already
sold to his brother, John Avery {Groton Deeds, 2:90, 379). April
1, 1746, Nathaniel Avery deeded to his eldest son, Nathaniel, "he
being of law^ful age, " forty acres of land on Walnut Hill. Decem-
ber 20, 1747, William Avery, son of Nathaniel, bought land of
Henry Rowland; so he must have been, at that time, at least twen-
ty-one years old. Nathaniel Avery called himself of Groton, in
deeds, 1716, 1721,
J r^^"^^ 1726. He was
y^ when ( April 10 )
^^ he bought land of
Moses Huntley. In 1737, he bought 70 acres on Walnut Hill; in
1745, he bought of Joshua Bill, of South Kingston, 50 acres more
on Walnut Hill, and still more of Thomas Lord, in 1750 {Lyme
Deeds, 6:34, 369 & 8:180, 535 & 12:169).
Nathaniel Avery's will was made July 1, 1769, and proved
June 28, 1770. In it he mentioned wife, Abigail; son, William,
deceased; sons, Andrew and Amos; grandson, Elisha, eldest son
of deceased son, Nathaniel, late of Lyme; dau.. Desire Whitney,
wife of John Whitney; granddau., Abigail, wife of Joseph Sweet;
granddaus., Abigail and Hannah, daus. of dau., Mary Huntley,
deceased; grandson, Amos, son of dau., Mary Merriot, deceased
{New London Wills, J:94).
The children of Nathaniel Avery were born in several places;
some of their names were obtained only from the settlement of
their father's estate. We cannot determine the order of birth,
nor do we know whether they were all the children of Rachel.
Children of Nathaniel Avery:
181. i. Nathaniel'.
The Fourth Generation 145
Elisha', b. Nov. 16, 1726, at Lyme.
Mary'-, bap. May 4th, 1729, at First Church of Groton.
Andrew, bap. April 16, 1732, at First Church of Groton.
38. Joseph" Avery, {John', James', Christopher'') was bap.
June 19, 1682, First Church of New London. He died before May
1, 1714, leaving a widow, Mary. According to David Avery, he
also left two children, Amos and Jerusha; Amos died in Antigua
"heirless" and Jerusha married Ezekiel Yarrington of Stonington.
In the Groton land-book (1:263) is a deed, much defaced and some
of it destroyed. Enough remains to show that it was given by
Mary, widow of Joseph Avery, May 1, 1714; the name of James
Packer occurs on the deed, but in what connection can not be as-
certained. The record of the marriage of Jerusha Avery to Ezek-
iel Yarrington has been found; further, the name Joseph Avery
Yarrington has been handed down in that family.
Children of Joseph and Mary Avery:
190. i. Amos'.
191. ii. Jerusha".
39. William' Avery {John\ James', Christopher^) was bap.
June 19, 1692, at First Church of New London; m. March 27,
1715, at Stonington, Anne Richardson, dau. of Samuel and Anne
(Chesebrough) Richardson. She was b. Nov. 12, 1688, at Ston-
ington. September 18, 1714, Capt. John Avery deeded to his
sons, Nathaniel, William, and Elisha, lands for their livelihood
{Groton Deeds, 1:329). December 27, 1714, William Avery w^as
voted to be an inhabitant of Groton. About this time, he prob-
ably moved to Stonington. September 10, 1716, William Avery
deeded land that he had of his honored father to his brother,
John {Groton Deeds, 1: 324). April 16, 1717, with his brother,
Elisha, he deeded to his brother, Nathaniel, land that he had by
gift "from my honored father, Capt. John Avery" {Groton Deeds,
1: 381). May 25, 1718, William Avery and his wife owned the
covenant of the First Church of Stonington and had their son.
Richardson, baptized. ' 'Anne, wife of William Avery, died July
5, 1729" {Stonington Records) .
146 The Groton Avery Clan
"June ye 3d, 1731, Lieutenant William Avery and Mrs. Sarah Walker
were joyned in marriage at his house in Stonington, North Society, by
me, J. Hempstead, Justice of Peace" {Stonington Records) .
"Saturday June 5, 1731. I maried Lt. Wm. Avery to Sarah Walker ye 3d
Instant" (Hempstead's Diary, p. 235).
The title Mrs, indicated good social position and not widowhood.
Sarah Walker was the dau. of William and Eleanor (Pendleton)
Walker. She was born about 1709 and, being left an orphan be-
fore 1712, was brought up by her grandmother, Hannah (Goode-
now) Pendleton. December 28, 1731, William Avery and Sarah,
his wife, quitclaimed to Caleb Pendleton of Westerly, R. I. , for a
hundred and sixty pounds, current money, a certain tract of land
that was * ' Given to our Honored Mother, Eleanor Pendleton, by
her father, Mr. James Pendleton, Both Deceased." Novembers,
1733, William Avery and Sarah, his wife, quitclaimed to Joseph
Pendleton of Westerly, R. I., for ten pounds, all right in the
estate of their great grandfather, Brian Pendleton, late of Saco,
deceased (Rockingham Co. Records, 20: 232). The following from
the Middlesex Deeds, Mass., vol. 37, p. 220, shows the further an-
cestry of Sarah Walker:
Know ye etc. that We, William Avery and Sarah, his wife, of Stonington,
in County of New London, Colony of Connecticut, yeoman, considera-
tion £30 "paid by our Uncle Thomas Walker of Sudbury in the County
of Middlesex, Mass. Bay, N. E., yeoman, aquit, etc. . . . grant to
said Thomas Walker, all right we have in real and personal estate of
our honored grandfather, William Walker, late of Sudbury, deceased,
died seized of in his own proper right, etc. Habendem in fee. Full
Warrenty. Dated Nov. 17, 1735.
Samuel and Sarah Browne.
Ack. Nov. 17, 1735 by both, before
Hopestill Browne, J. P.
Recorded Jan. 22, 1735. [The date is written in old style, of course.]
William' Avery seems to have transferred his membership
from the First to the Second Church of Stonington. Sarah, his
wife, and Amos, their son, were bap.
there Sept. 23, 1733. In 1721,
he and his brother, Elisha, with
others, petitioned the general court
that the meeting-house might be located on Granoly Hill {Eccles,
Docs., Hartford, 2: 210).
October 1, 1727, Sergt. William Avery was chosen lieuten-
ant by the people of Stonington {Co7in. Military Archives, Doc.
The Fourth Generation 147
368). In the record of the gen-
eral assembly is found the fol-
lowing :
14th of May, 1730, "This assembly
do establish and confirm Mr,
William Avery, of Stoningtown,
to be Lieutenant of the South
part of the Second Company in
Stonington aforesaid, and order
that he be commissioned ac-
cordingly " {Conn. Col. Records,
7: 276).
There was much trouble be-
tween Capt. Ephraim Minor (No.
3, ii) , captain of this company, and
his command. October 12, 1727,
William Avery wrote a letter,
signed by himself and two others,
exonerating Ephraim Minor from
swearing {Conn. Military Ar-
chives, 1: 374). A letter from
"J. Talcott, governor, to Lieut.
William Avery, greeting," asked
the latter to lead the train-band
to a choice of officers. On the
back of the document is an
endorsement by Lieut. William
Avery stating that he had done
"7^ so {Conn. Military Archives,
^ ^gk 2:71).
The next document in the
archives states that they chose
Capt. Ephraim Miner captain of
second company train-band, Sept.
. _^ 23, 1731, at the house of Lieut.
»cJ ^ ^ *** «*^ William Avery, Stonington, and
nT^ r^ T*^^ r\ asked that he be commissioned
accordingly by the general court,
which was done.
November, 1720. Mr. William
Avery was appointed by the gen-
148 The Groton Avery Clan
eral court to give notice to the qualified voters of Stonington to
meet and to choose their clerk and men to manage their society
or parish. The next year, October, 1721, he was one of the com-
mittee to collect the taxes.
Feb. 17, 1745, William Avery bought land of William and
Catharine Thompson for 80 pounds {Stonington Deeds, 5:521).
Catharine Thompson was the sister of his first wife and the land
probably adjoined land that he had received from Samuel Rich-
ardson, his wife's father. Here, near the center of North Ston-
ington, Lieutenant William' Avery lived and died. His original
will is on file in the probate office at New London.
May ye 25th, Anno Domino, 1754.
In the name of God, Amen, I William Avery of Stonington in ye County
of New London, in the Colony of Connecticut, in New England, being
sick and weak in body but of Perfect Mind and memory, Thanks be
given unto God, and knowing yt is appointed unto me once to Dye,
Do make and Ordain this my last will and Testament, and first of all I
recommend my soul to God who gave it and my Body to be Buried in a
decent manner, at ye direction of my executors, and as touching such
worldly estate as it hath pleased God to Give me. I Give and dispose
of ye same in the following manner: Imprimis, I give to Sarah, my
beloved Wife, all my land which I have bought, that is to say, all my
land besides yt came to me by my former wife, to be hers forever. I
will that my just Debts and Funeral charges be paid and Discharged
in convenient time after my decease, and further, I give to my Wife,
Sarah, all my movable estate which shall remain after my Funeral
expenses and Legacies are discharged and paid; I also give unto her,
my said wife, one half of my Dwelling House, to wit: The east part
of it, that is to say, the cellar, the Room above it, and the Chamber
and Garret above them and the east part of the Kitchen, to be hers
forever. Item, I give to my sons, Richardson and William, all my land
which was their mothers (to wit: Anne, my former wife), and the
same to be equally divided between them.
Item, I give to my son John four hundred pounds in money.
Item, I give to my daughter Anne, one hundred and fifty pounds in money,
she having had part of her portion before, in Goods and Chattels, &c.
And it is my will that my sons Richardson and William do pay unto my
son John and my daughter Anne the portions that I have given them.
Item, I give to my son Richardson thirty pounds, and it is my will that my
son William should pay it to him.
Item, to my sons Amos, Christopher, Elias, David, Daniel, Benoni, James,
Nathaniel, Abraham, and to my daughter Abigail, I give seven pounds
apiece. And it is my will yt my sons yt are young and have not Trades,
be timely put to Learn such trades as they shall Choose, at the Discre-
tion of my executors.
The Fourth Generation 149
And I do hereby Constitute and Ordain my beloved Wife and my sons Will-
iam and Amos (if Amos come again from sea; if not, then in his room,
my son Christopher) to be my executors of this my last will and
In witness wherof I have here unto set my hand and seal, ye day and date
above said.
Signed, Sealed, Pronounced and Declared by ye said William Avery, to be
his last will and Testament in ye presence of witnesses.
Walter Howit,
Ephraim Fellows,
Hannah Fellows.
This will shows that he was a just man. He left all the pro-
perty that he had received with his first wife to her grown-up
children. The property that he had made himself or received at
his second marriage, was given to his widow, who was left with
ten children, the youngest being five days old at the time the will
was made. He desired that his boys become useful men and, to
that end, made provision that they be timely put to learn trades.
He appointed as his executors a son by each marriage, they to act
in conjunction with his wife. The inventory was taken "February
ye 18, anno Dom: 1755," and accepted by the court, April 26,
1755. The amount of the estate was 1288 pounds and nine shill-
ings, old tenor. Among the things inventoried were ' 1 old Bibble
and Psalmbook," "1 hour glass," looms, wheels, etc.
Upon his death-bed, William* Avery gave his son, Benoni, to
his cousin, Benoni Smith, for whom he was named. March 13,
1759, William' Avery and Abigail, his wife, testified that they
often heard
"Their Honned Father, Lieutenant William Avery, of Stonington, Say in
the time of his Life & When he Lay upon his Death-bed, That he
Gave His Son Benoni Avery to his Uncle Benoni Smith, Esquire, of
Westerly, in Kings County, and Believed he Would Do for him as his
own Child."
Benoni Smith was a cousin by marriage, having married Ruth
Pendleton. In a deed, Sarah Walker calls him ' 'my loving bro-
ther, Benoni Smith."
William' Avery was buried in the Old Plain burying-ground,
in North Stonington. His tombstone is still standing and reads
as follows:
"In memory of Liev William Avery who died Febry ye 8 A. D. 1755 in ye
62d year of his age. ' '
150 The Groton Avery Clan
His son Daniel is buried near by. On the same lot are several un-
decipherable gravestones.
The widow, Sarah Avery, lived many years after the death of
her husband. May 5, 1755, her step-children quitclaimed to her
their rights in certain lands (Stonington Deeds, 6: 431.) Novem-
ber 2, 1768, Oliver and Anne Babcock testified that
"at the time we gave a deed of a certain tract of land lying in said Ston-
ington to Capt. Amos Avery, late of said Stonington, deceased, that
the said Amos promised that his mother, Mrs. Sarah Avery, should
have the use & improvement of said land during her life, for the con-
sideration that the said Sarah had paid to us about the one-half of the
price of said land, & further say not."
February 8, 1780, Sarah Avery of Stonington, in considera-
tion of ten pounds, quit-claimed to Thomas Swan all of her right
in a certain parcel of land that Amos Avery, late of Stonington,
bought of Oliver and Anne Babcock. Sarah Avery testified that
she had from Amos Avery a lease of this land for her natural life.
The deed was not placed on record until April 16, 1792 {Stonington
Deeds, 12, 321). This is the last mention that we have of
Sarah (Walker) Avery.
Children of William and Anne (Richardson) Avery, b. at
i. WiLLlAM% b. Feb. 6, 1716; d. Feb. 15, 1716.
Richardson", b. Jan. 25, 1718.
William', bap. April 5, 1724, First Church of Stonington.
Anne% b. April 5, 1721.
JOHN% b. April 29, 1727.
Children of William and Sarah (Walker) Avery, b. at Stoning-
196. i. Amos% b. Jan. 30, 1732-3.
ii. Christopher', b. April 1, 1734; bap. May 19, 1735, Second
Church of Stonington; was in Major Robert Denison's com-
pany, and was killed at Johnson's fight. Lake George, Sept.
8, 1755 {French and Indian War Rolls, ] :10, and Avery's
History of the United States and its People, 4 :86-89) ; unm.
197. iii. Elias% b. July 5, 1736.
iv. David', b. Oct. 30, 1738; bap. Nov. 5, 1738, Second Church
of Stonington; d. Nov. 10, 1762, in the expedition to Havana
(Avery's History of the United States and its People, 4:330) ;
V, Daniel% b. Oct. 29, 1741; d. May 14, 1759; unm; buried in Old
Plain burying-ground.
The Fourth Generation 151
vi. Benoni', b. Jan. 29, 1744; d. Nov. 7, 1762, in the expedition to
Havana; unm.
198. vii. Abigail', b. April 25, 1746.
199. viii. James', b. Dec. 27, 1748; went to Liverpool, England, and be-
came a ship carpenter (David Avery ms.).
200. ix, Nathaniel', b. Aug. 28, 1751.
201. X. Abraham ', b. May 20, 1754.
40. Anne^ Avery {John\ James', Christopher') was bap. June
19, 1692, First Church of New London; twin to WilHam (No. 39)
{David Avery ms.) . She m. Sept. 6, 1711, at Groton, William
Satterlee. David Avery says that he was the son of William Sat-
terlee and of his wife who had been the widow Weeks of Long
Island. Many of his descendants claim that he was the son of
Benedict and Rebecca (Bemas) Satterlee. Rebecca Bemas m. 1st,
Tobias Minter; 2d, John Dymond; 3d, Benedict Satterlee.
Benedict Satterlee is said to have been a captain in the British
navy. His father, the Rev. William Satterlee, M. A., Pembroke
college, was vicar of St. Ides, near Exeter. William Satterlee
was a farmer. His estate was inventoried Sept. 12, 1733, at New
London. His widow m. 2d, Judge John Crary of Plainfield
{David Avery ms.) who d. May 29, 1759, aged 74 years. The
date of her death has not been found.
Children of William and Anne (Avery) Satterlee:
1. William', b. Nov. 7, 1712; m. Mary Powers of Stonington; d. March,
1752, at Stonington.
ii. Benedict', b. Aug. 10, 1714; m. 1st, Elizabeth, dau. of Judge John
Crary of Plainfield; 2d, Rachel Park. He served as serg't in the
French and Indian War, 1755, 1756; as 2d lieut., 1758; as 1st heut.,
1759 (French and Indian War Rolls, 1:15, 101 & 2:63, 69, 170 and
Conn. Colonial Records, 11:98, 229). He was one of the first forty
settlers of Wyoming, Penn., and was lieutenant of militia there.
His son, Samuel, succeeded to that office, Dec. 5, 1772.
iii. John', b. May 1, 1716; d. Aug. 23, 1758 in the campaign, on duty
(French & Indian War Rolls, 2:64).
iv. Anne% b. May 16, 1718; m. Sylvester Baldwin (David Avery ms.);
d., s. p., Oct., 1754, at Stonington.
v. Abigail', b. April 12, 1720; m. Nathan, s. of Capt. Zeptha Clark of
Norwich (David Avery ms.).
vi. Mary', b. June 6, 1722; m. Dr. Benjamin Blodget, s. of WilHam
Blodget of Stonington; d. Aug. 26, 1754, at Stonington.
vii. Rebecca', b. March 1, 1724; m. Wareham, s. of Isaac Williams; d.
March 29, 1806, at Stonington.
viii. Lucy', b. Jan. 6, 1725-6.
152 The Groton Avery Clan
ix. Elisha% m. Mary, dau. of Capt. James Geer of Stonington {David
Avery vis.); d. Dec, 1785, at Stonington.
X. Freelove', m. Samuel, s. of Capt. James Packer of Groton.
xi. Gaton', moved to Rutland, Vermont {David Avery vis.).
41. Elisha* Avery {John\ James', Christopher^) was bap. May
9, 1697, First Church of New London; m. Nov. 3, 1714, at Stoning-
ton, Elizabeth Babcock, dau. of Joseph and Dorothy (Key) Babcock.
She was b. Jan. 29, 1698, at Stonington. He was a member of
the First Church of Stonington,
^cV^'f/ /n^ I y^ 1/ May 30, 1716 (C/2Mrc/i i?eco?-ds).
r/^/y^n^X^ CA^l/^-Chy Eiisha Avery died July 14, 1726,
^ -^ of a blow on the head accidentally
given {Hempstead's Diary, p. 172) .
Children of Elisha and Elizabeth (Babcock) Avery, b. at
Stonington and bap. in the First Church there:
202. i. Joseph Babcock% b. Dec. 19, 1715; bap. June 3, 1716. A Jos-
eph Avery died abroad; in his will probated in the Prerogative
Court, Canterbury, England, and noted in New London, in
December, 1746, he was called of Bristol, Great Britain, but
formerly of Stonington, Conn. {New London Probate Court
Journal, 5:48). His will was dated March 13, 1744. In it he
called himself a mariner. He left a suit of half mourning each
to James Vincent and to Betty Stone, spinster; the rest of his
estate, to his friend, Jane Day, who proved the will at Canter-
bury, July 7, 1746 (A^. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg., Jan., 1908, p.
93). We know that Joseph Babcock Avery died before the
division of his brother's estate, March 10, 1752.
203. ii. Elisha% b, March 30, 1717.
204. iii. Abigail", b. July 26, 1720; m. 2d, William Avery (No. 193).
iv. Samuel\ b. Dec. 8, 1723; d. before March 10, 1752. The estate
of Samuel Avery, late of Stonington, was divided, March 10,
1752, between Elisha and Abigail, the only surviving brother
and sister {New London Probate Court Journal, 6:113).
205. V. Elizabeth', b. March 25, 1725; m. Jacob Avery (No. 81); d.
before March 10, 1752.
42. Desire* Avery {John\ James', Christopher^) \Y3.shd.i).MsLy
9, 1697, at the First Church of New London. David Avery says
that she m. Jeremiah Burrows. Jeremiah Burrows, son of John
and Hannah (Culver) Burrows, was bap. at the First Church of
Stonington, June 22, 1690. Jeremiah Burrows spoke of his loving
brother, Ens. John Avery, June 17, 1721 {Groton Deeds, 1:578).
Ensign John Avery was the brother of Desire Avery. Jeremiah
The Fourth Generation 153
Burrows 's name is found in deeds as late as Jan. 17, 1739. No
record of any children has been found.
43. Daniel' Avery {John\ James', Christopher^) was bap. Nov.
5, 1699, at the First Church of New London. David Avery says
that he moved to Oyster Bay; that he left a son, Joseph, who lived
at East Chester, and a son, Jordan, who lived at Rye. In book 4,
page 93, of the Groton land records, is recorded a deed, dated Dec.
26, 1732, and personally acknowledged before James Morgan, in
which Daniel Avery of Oyster Bay, Queens County, New York,
deeds all his right in a certain wood-lot to his loving brother, John
Avery, of Groton, for ten pounds.
Children of Daniel Avery:
206. i. Joseph".
207. ii. Jordan'.
46. Mary' Avery {SamiieV, James' , Christopher') was b. Jan.
10, 1695, at Groton; bap. March 5, 1695, at the First Church
of New London ; m. June 16, 1720, at Groton, William Wals-
worth, son of William and Mary (Seaton) Walsworth. He was
b. Jan., 1694, at Fisher's Island. She d. May, 1739, at Gro-
ton. He m. 2d, Sept. 23, 1742, Elizabeth Hinckley. His will
was made Nov. 30, 1773; a codicil was added Dec. 2, 1773, at Gro-
ton; it was probated June 14, 1774, at Stonington. It mentioned
wife, Elizabeth; dau., Mary, wife of Solomon Morgan ; son, Nathan;
son, Elijah; dau., Lucy, wife of Veach Williams; dau., Susannah
Starke; sons, Amos, James, and Charles; dau., Eunice Smith.
The last two children mentioned were by his second wife.
Children of William and Mary (Avery) Walsworth, b. at Groton:
i. Mary', b. Sept. 29, 1721; m. Solomon Morgan (No. 12, vii).
ii. Nathan', b. Oct. 17, 1724; m. Amy Starke.
iii. Susannah', b. Oct. 22, 1726; m. Obadiah Starke.
iv. Amos', b. Jan. 30, 1728; m. Elizabeth Harris.
V. Elizabeth', b. 1730; d. unm.
vi. Lucy', b. Dec. 3, 1732; m. Veach Williams, son of Ebenezer and Mary
(Veach) Williams; d. Aug. 10, 1795, at Lebanon, Conn. He was a
captain in the Revolution,
vii. James', b. Sept. 2, 1734; m. Eunice, dau. of Ichabod and Abigail
(Eldridge) Packer (No. 34, i); d. 1795, at Rome, N. Y.
viii. Abigail', b. Nov. 29, 1736.
ix. Elijah', b. 1738; m. Desire, dau. of Ichabod and Abigail (Eldridge)
Packer (No. 34, i).
154 The Groton Avery Clan
47. Christopher * Avery {SamueV, James', Christopher^) was
b. Feb. 10, 1697, at Groton; bap. May 2, 1697, at First Church of
New London; m. June 25, 1719, at Groton, Mary Latham, dau. of
William and Hannah (Morgan) Latham. She was b. Feb. 18,
1698-9, at Groton.
Christopher^ Avery was an important man in the colony.
He became town clerk after the death of his father and held
the office over forty years, until his own death in 1768. April
27, 1736, he was one of a committee to prepare a memorial to
the general assembly asking for a more commodious ferry.
In October, 1736, he and his brother, Humphrey, with others,
petitioned against the officers chosen for the northeast com-
pany of Groton. Among the reasons given for their objection
were that some of the officers were young men; that some be-
longed to the church of England ; that the church at Groton
was having trouble about the church of England. The general
assembly, however, confirmed the officers {Military Docs., 2:269).
The general assembly commissioned him captain of the second
company of the Groton train-band, 1735 ; lieutenant-colonel of
the eighth militia, 1739, and colonel of the same regiment, 1746,
(Conn. Col. Rec, 8:3, 280 & 9:256), succeeding Ebenezer Avery
(No. 14) . In 1739, he was appointed on a committee to get ten
good cannons, guns for a sloop, and gunpowder for New London,
for coast defense; they were authorized to spend 1100 pounds for
that purpose. In October, 1755, he was on a committee to get new
carriages for the New London cannons; in March, 1756, he was
one of the committee to receive and transport all warlike supplies
to Lake George in the war against the French. We find the fol-
lowing document relating to the campaign of 1757:
Dr. of the Colony of Connecticut to Nathan Leonard Capt. of ye company
under his command in Colol Christopher Avry's Ridgment for their
sarvis at ye time of ye alarm for ye Reliefe of fort william Henry and
The Fourth Generation 155
places adjisent &c — August, 1757 {French and Indian War Rolls,
He was equally prominent in other lines. He was deputy
from Groton, 1736 to 1764 inclusive, and was speaker in 1751. He
was justice of the peace from 1732 to 1768 and, during many of
the terms, made one of the quorum. He was a member of the
committee to audit the books of the colony in 1744 and 1746. He
had some modern ideas concerning taxation for, in conjunction
with his brother, Humphrey, and Christopher Avery of the North
Parish, he petitioned the general assembly that the unimproved
lands should be taxed. He was one of the first proprietors of the
Susquehanna company, having become one in 1754.
In his will, made Nov. 3, 1767, he mentioned wife, Margaret;
son, William; dau., Deborah, wife of Jasper Latham; dau., Mar-
garet, wife of David Lester; dau., Rebecca, wife of Nathan Lester;
children of dau., Susannah, deceased, wife of Oliver Woodbridge,
viz., Mary, Ebenezer, Christopher, and Oliver Woodbridge; grand-
children, Lucy, Peter, and William Bulkley, children of dau., Lucy,
deceased {Stonington Wills, 1:34). From this will it appears that
he had a second wife who outlived him, but her name has not
been recovered.
The tombstones of Christopher Avery and his first wife are
standing in the Starr cemetery, Groton.
Mary, wife of Christopher Avery, died August 14, 1754, in the 56 year of
her age.
Christopher Avery, Esq. , Colonel of the 8th regiment of militia, departed
this life, Jan'y 17, 1768, aged 71 years.
Children of Christopher and Mary (Latham) Avery, b. at
Samuel% b. March 1, 1720; d. Feb. 13, 1749; unm.
LUCY% b. April 13, 1722.
WlLLlAM% b. Nov. 25, 1724.
Mary', b. Feb. 6, 1726; d. Aug. 22, 1727, at Groton.
Susannah', b. Oct. 14, 1728.
Deborah', b. June 5, 1731.
Sarah% b. Feb. 28, 1733; "Sarah Avery, daughter of Christo-
pher and Mary Avery, deceased August 2, 1759, aged 25"
(Groton Records).
viii. Hannah"', b. March 19, 1735; "Hannah Avery, daughter of
Christopher and Mary Avery, deceased March 5, 1761, aged 25"
(Groton Records).
156 The Groton Avery Clan
231. ix. Margaret', b. March 12, 1738.
232. X. Rebecca", b. Dec. 24, 1741.
xi. Mary", b. Nov. 1, 1744; d. Aug. 10, 1754, at Groton.
48. Humphrey' Axery (Samuer, James', Christopher^) wash.
July 4, 1699, at Groton; bap. Aug. 20, 1699, First Church of New
London; m. Feb. 5, 1724, at Groton, Jerusha Morgan, dau. of
WiHiam and Margaret (Avery) Morgan (No. 12). She was b.
July 14, 1704, at Groton. Humphrey Avery was a freeman of
Groton. In deeds given and received, he called himself a carpen-
ter. He was justice of the peace for New London County, 1733,
1737, 1740, 1742, and as such was ordered, with others, ' ' To per-
ambulate the dividend boundary line" between Connecticut and
Rhode Island and to set up the monuments. He was deputy from
Groton from 1733 to 1735 inclusive, 1738, 1740, 1741, 1743 (Conn.
Col. Rec., 7:403, 420, 424, 464, 482, 545 & 8 : 28, 81, 159. 188,
224, 551). He was deacon, 1730; tythingman, 1730; lister, 1732;
selectman, 1736. February 12, 1738, he was appointed to defend
Groton' s rights at the ferry. May 5, 1741, he and Christopher
Avery were members of a committee to collect money from the
M ^ y y/ sale of western lands
>^/-i^'^<^7^^^>^^^^^ 6^^nlU,M^^ belonging to the
^ I was deputy from
May 10. 1722. Prestou, to whlch
place he had moved about 1745. He called himself of Preston,
Feb. 4, 1750, at which time he sold land in a new township north
of Wendellstown, Mass., to Bartholomew Arthur; Feb. 13, 1751,
he sold land in the same township to John Maclewean; also to
Daniel Lothrop and to Obadiah Gore {Spynngfield Deeds, U: 150,
337 & X; 542, 544). He was one of the Susquehanna company.
Wyoming Valley, on the Susquehanna River, was purchased by
the Connecticut Susquehanna Company from the Six Nations in
1754. In 1769, a body of forty Connecticut pioneers came to this
region, but found the Pennsylvanians on the ground, the Indians
having sold them the same tract the year before. From that time
until the Revolution the conflicts between the two parties were
numerous and bitter. Humphrey Avery and all of his sons owned
shares in this company.
Humphrey^ Avery bought a large tract of land in Winthrop's
Patent, Long Island, stretching four miles along South Bay and
The Fourth Generation 157
extending seven miles back into the interior. Becoming involved
in debt by fire and sickness, he procured the passage of an act by
the New York legislature in 1756, authorizing him to dispose of
his lands by lottery to pay his debts. The estate was appraised
at £6.900. There were in the lottery 1,616 prizes to 6,384 blanks,
making 8,000 tickets sold at 30 shillings each. There were 1,580
cash prizes at £3 each; the land was cut into thirty-six parts, each
of which was a land prize. The tract abounded in pine timber
with a fine range for sheep and cattle; was divided by creeks into
seven necks. Pine Neck, Swan Creek Neck, Pachoug Neck, Short
Neck, Smith Neck, Tooker's Neck, and Blue Point Neck. It had
on it four houses, a grist mill, and a saw mill.
In 1762, Humphrey Avery bought of Col. John Henry Lydius
one seventy-sixth part of township 16, at Otter Creek, where it
empties itself into Lake Champlain. The price was one shilling
in hand, and annually, for twenty years, one pepper corn; the im-
provement of the land within the twenty years; and after that
five shillings for each hundred acres of arable land to be paid to
Lydius or his heirs or assigns annually forever.
Humphrey Avery's wife died Sept. 20, 1763, at Groton. He
married 2d, Martha Coil, dau. of the Rev. Joseph and Experience
(Wheeler) Coit, b. about 1713. At the time of his second marriage
he was living in Windham. He was one of the grantees of Chis-
wick, 1764 (Netv Hampshire State Papers, vol. 25; 260). His wife
becam.e a member of the Separatist Church of Preston, April 13.
Humphrey" Avery, in his will, dated Nov. 17, 1768, mentioned
wife, Martha; his son Christopher, who was to pay to each of the
other children five York shillings, and receive the estate which
was large. Among other lands, the estate included land lying in
the colony of Connecticut; the Otter Creek patent near Lake
Champlain; "at the Susquehannah;" "at Delaware;" "at Lacka-
wack;" "inevery part of the Nova Scotia;" "in the Ohio Country;"
and "in any part of North America that belongs to me." His
son, Palmes, of weak mind, was to be cared for by Christopher.
Humphrey Avery died March 28, 1788, at Groton; his will was
proved at Norwich, May 20, 1788 (Norwich Wills, 6; 245).
Children of Humphrey and Jerusha (Morgan) Avery, all ex-
cepting Nathan, b. at Groton;
233. i. Humphrey', b. March 10, 1725.
158 The Groton Avery Clan
William , b. Sept. 13, 1726.
Solomon", b. July 17, 1728; d. Aug., 1728.
Solomon', b. June 17, 1729.
Samuel% b. Oct. 17, 1731.
James% b. Aug. 13, 1733.
Jerusha', b. June 7, 1735; m. Latham Avery (No. 273).
Palmes% b. April 3, 1737; d. after 1795; unm.
Christopher', b. May 3, 1739.
Waightstill', b. May 10, 1741.
ISAAC\ b. Oct. 27, 1743.
Nathan', b. Nov. 20, 1746, at Preston; d. July, 1747,
50. Lucy' Avery, (Samuer, James', Christopher^) wasb. April
17, 1703; bap. Sept. 5, 1703, First Church of New London. She
deeded land in Groton, June 6, 1721.
51. Waitstiir Avery, (Samuer, James', Christopher^) was b.
March 27, 1708, at Groton; m. Sept. 18, 1729, at Groton, Deborah
Williams, dau. of Richard and Sarah Williams. She d. March
15, 1729-30, at Groton. In his will, made June 29, 1733, Richard
Williams mentioned wife, Sarah, and his son, Waitstill Avery
(Netv London Wills, 0:678). Waitstill Avery m. 2d, Dec, 1730,
Margaret Childs.
Waitstill Avery, joiner, deeded to his brother, Christopher,
land that he inherited from his brother, Samuel, Sept. 10, 1729
(Groton Deeds, 2:438). In the record of the baptism of his daugh-
ter, Mary, he is called of the North Society. He d. before Nov.
7, 1737, when the inventory of his estate was taken at New Lon-
don. November 8, 1737, his widow gave bond, with Edward Her-
rick, for two hundred pounds for the proper administration of his
estate (New London Wills, D: 299). December 9, 1737, she m.
Edward Herrick; they lived in the part of Preston now called
Griswold. They had a large family of children. Edward Herrick
had previously m. Mary Denison, dau. of William and Mary
(Avery) Denison (No. 35, ii).
Children of Waitstill and Margaret (Childs) Avery, b. at Gro-
250. i. Charles% b. Oct. 22, 1731.
251. ii. Mary% b. Nov. 6, 1733; bap. June 9, 1734, First Church of Groton.
53. James Avery (Ja?7ies\ James\ James', Christopher^) was
b. May 27, 1697, at Groton ; bap. Aug. 29, 1697, First Church of
of New London; m. Dec. 13, 1719, at Groton, Elizabeth Smith,
dau. of Nehemiah and Dorothy (Wheeler) Smith. She was b.
Nov. 17, 1700, at Groton. He was tythingman, 1730; constable,
1733; justice of the peace from 1736 to 1741; deputy to the gen-
^ r) eral court, 1736, 1737;
/a.r^ ^Of%^ f: r "ofthrtstlm:
C^''^ tary company of Gro_
ton, Oct., 1738 {Conn. Col. Rec, 8: 195). His commission, signed
by Gov. Talcott, is in the possession of the family. He was a
member of the school committee, 1745; deacon of the First
Church of Groton, 1748. In his will, dated April 30, 1759, he men_
tioned wife, Elizabeth; sons, James, David, Peter, John, and
Aaron, to each of whom he gave a farm, and among whom he di-
vided his swords and arms, giving to James his "Silvered Helted
Swoard;" daus., Elizabeth Starr, Prudence Avery, and Hannah
Avery {Neiv London Wills, G:367). He died May 2, 1759, at
Groton; his wife died April 17, 1761, at Groton.
Children of James and Elizabeth (Smith) Avery, b. at Groton:
James% b. July 27, 1724.
Elizabeth", b. Jan. 13, 1725-6.
David' , b. Feb. 11, 1728.
Peter", b. Feb. 22, 1730.
Prudence", b. March 16, 1732; m. 2d, Elijah Avery (No. 266).
Hannah", b. Dec. 15, 1735; d. May 27, 1822, at Groton; unm.
John", b. Jan. 24, 1738.
Aaron", b. Jan, 16, 1741; served in Hubbard Burrows's com-
pany of militia {Conn. Men in the Revolution, p. 451); d.
March 10, 1777, at Groton; unm.
54. John" Avery (James\ James\ James', Christopher^) was
b. Feb. 4, 1700, at Groton; bap. May 26, 1700, First Church of
160 The Groton Avery Clan
New London, "in right of his mother," his father having signed
the remonstrance (p. 87) ; m. Elizabeth Morgan, dau. of William
and Margaret (Avery) Morgan (No. 12). She was b. July 10,
1710, at Groton; she d. May 18, 1749, at Groton. John Avery m.
2d, Mary Dennis.
"Mr. John Avery jr. and Miss Mary Dennis of Stonington were married
June 13, 1751, by Nath. Eells, minister of the gospel" {Groton Records,
She was the daughter of Ebenezer and Sarah (Hough) Den-
nis, and was b, April 5, 1713, at New London. Mr. Sweet's sup-
position that the John Avery who married Mary Dennis had, for
his second wife, Anne Miner (No. 195) is not correct. John
Avery (No. 195) who married Anne Miner lived many years and
left a large family; according to the Groton records, the John
Avery who married Mary Dennis d. July 11, 1759; this John
Avery, the son of James (No. 11) did die at that time. The
David Avery ms. and the New London probate records confirm
this statement; the descendants of the other John Avery (No.
195) disclaim any Mary Dennis.
John' Avery was several times selectman of Groton and
several times surveyor. January 8, 1751, he was made guardian
of his children, Elijah, Amos, and Caleb, who inherited property
through their mother {New London Court Journal, 6:100). He
died July 11, 1759, at Groton. March 1, 1760, his estate was di-
vided among his heirs — the widow, Mary Avery, receiving her
right in the homestead farm; Elijah, her "son-in-law," "the
oldest son of John Avery, deceased," a part of the homestead
farm; Amos Avery, second son, a share; Mary Avery, only
daughter, a share; Jabez Avery, minor, third son, a share {Neiv
London Court Journal). Mary (Dennis) Avery was made
guardian of Mary and Jabez Avery, children of John Avery, late
of Groton, Sept. 11, 1759. Jabez Avery, son of John Avery, late
of Groton, aged 16, chose Ebenezer Witter for his guardian. May
1, 1772. Mrs. Mary (Dennis) Avery m. 2d, Joseph Witter of Pres-
ton, Nov. 6, 1760 {Preston Reco7'ds) .
Children of John and Elizabeth (Morgan) Avery, bap. First
Church of Groton:
i. John", bap. April 15, 1731; died young,
ii. Griswold", bap. July 30, 1732; d. before 1750.
266. iii. Elijah", bap. Sept. 15, 1734.
The Fifth Generation 161
iv. John", bap. Aug. 21, 1737; d. before 1750.
V. Caleb", bap. April 13, 1740; d. between 1756 and 1760.
267. vi. Amos", bap. March 6, 1743.
Children of John and Mary (Dennis) Avery, b. at Groton:
268. i. Mary", b. June 21, 1753; m. Jonas Avery (No. 326) ; m. 2d, Sam-
uel Avery (No. 560).
ii. Jabez", b. Aug. 12, 1756; d. before March 26, 1777, when his
sister, Mary Avery, administered his estate; he d. unm.,
and his estate was divided among his brothers, Elijah and
Amos, and his sister, Mary, except "his right in the thirds
of the lands and buildings of his father's estate, set off to
his mother, Mrs. Witter of Preston" {Stonington Wills, 3:
55. Ebenezer' Avery (James^, James\ James', Christopher^)
was b. March 29, 1704, at Groton; bap. July 9, 1704, First Church
of New London; m. Jan. 16, 1726, at Groton, Lucy Latham, dau.
of William and Hannah (Morgan) Latham. She was b. May 21,
1709, at Groton. Her father gave her a negro girl, Phebe, to be
a "perpetual slave to her forever" {Groton Deeds, 3: 5). Ebe-
nezer' Avery was juryman, 1736; constable, 1737; selectman,
1744, 1748 to 1753 inclusive; moderator, 1744, 1753. He was com-
missioned ensign of the first Groton company, May, 1741 ; lieuten-
ant, Oct., 1748; captain, May, 1749; major of the eighth regi-
ment. May, 1768; lieutenant-colonel, Oct. 1770, succeeding Chris-
topher Avery (No. 47); resigned command of the regiment,
Oct. 1776, being too old to leave the state on active service
(Conn. Col. Rec., 8: 369 & 9: 389, 424 & 13: 9, 372). He was
deputy to the general court many times, 1746, 1748, 1750, 1752,
1754, 1763, 1764, 1768 {Conn. Col. Rec., 9: 238, 261, 384, 546 &
10: 120, 241 & 12: 189, 231, 295 & 13:3). He was justice of
the peace from May, 1754, to May, 1759, inclusive, and from
May, 1762, to May, 1772, inclusive. He owned a large tract
of land in South Groton adjoining that of his father. He was
one of the grantees of Stowe, New Hampshire, 1763. He served
on many important committees connected with the First Church
of Groton, being often chosen moderator of the church meetings.
Year after year, he was one of the "Society's Committee."
He was chosen deacon, Aug. 2, 1759, succeeding his deceased
brother, James. When the new meeting-house was built 1771,
"Col. Ebenezer Avery" was given pew No. 1, on the east side
of the broad alley, for which he paid seven pounds.
162 The Groton Avery Clan
His first wife died May 2, 1758, at Groton. He m. 2d, Nov.
21, 1759, at New London, Mrs. Rachel Denison, dau. of Thomas
and Mary (Morgan) Starr, and widow of Daniel Denison. She
was b. Sept. 15, 1705. Two of her children, Daniel and Phebe
Denison, m. two of the children of her second husband, Ebenezer
Avery. Ebenezer' Avery d. July 11, 1780, at Groton.
Groton, July 25, 1780.
Mr. Green,
Please to give the following a place in your next paper:
On Tuesday the 11th Instant departed this Life, Col. Ebenezer Avery, in
the 77th year of his Age. A Gentleman possessed of a sensible and
judicious Mind which furnished him for uncommon Usefullness in his
Day and early introduced him to public Employment. For many years
he served the Town in various Capacities, frequently representing it to
the general Assembly, from which he received a Commission for the
Peace, which he used to suppress Vice, and promote Peace and good
Order. His Genius so peculiarly fitted him for the Service of his
Country, that he was employed in Military Offices 'till he was honored
with the Rank of Colonel of the Regiment to which he belonged; all of
which he filled up with Integrity and Honor; his Wisdom, Fidelity and
Generosity procuring him universal Veneration and Esteem. Yet he
excelled in the devout and religious Life, being a faithful Servant of
God, a cordial Friend of Christ and Mankind and honoring Religion.
From the New London Gazette, Friday, Aug. 4, 1780.
Printed by Timothy Green, near the Court House.
Ebenezer ■ Avery, in his will made Feb. 22, 1775, mentioned
sons, Ebenezer, Latham, Griswold, Elihu; daus., Hannah Parke,
Lucy Colfax, Mary Billings, Katharine Denison, Deborah Avery,
Rachel Eldridge (Stonington Wills, 3: 225). His second wife d.
Feb. 4, 1791, at Groton.
Children of Ebenezer and Lucy (Latham) Avery, b. at
Hannah", b. Jan. 10, 1727.
Lucy", b. Jan. 27, 1729.
Mary% b. Nov. 30, 1730.
Ebenezer", b. March 7, 1732.
Latham", b. April 15, 1735.
Katherine", b. June 9, 1737.
Griswold , b. Sept. 15, 1739.
Deborah", b. Feb. 1, 1742; m. Daniel Avery (No. 99).
Rachel", b. Sept. 8, 1745.
Elizabeth", b. Jan. 22, 1747; d. Oct. 15, 1765.
Abigail", b. Feb. 24, 1752; d. Oct. 13, 1753.
Elihu", b. April 6, 1755.
The Fifth Generation 163
57. Hannah' Avery {James', James', James', Christopher^)
was b. April 7, 1712, at Groton; m. May 22, 1734, the Rev.
Theophilus Hall, son of Samuel and Love (Royce) Hall of Wall-
ingford, Conn. He was b. April, 1707, at Wallingford. He was
of Yale College, 1727; ordained at Meriden, Conn., 1729; minister
of that place for thirty-seven years.
Several Hannah Averys have been mentioned as the wife of
the Rev. Theophilus Hall but that it was this Hannah is proved by
the following:
James Avery (No. 11), in his will dated March 28, 1749, men-
tioned his daughter, Hannah Hall {New London Wills, F:535).
Joshua Hempstead, in his diary (p. 613), has the following
notice under date of Aug. 15, 1753:
' ' 2 young woemen Died 1 belonging to Colchester Named Sarah Church
and ye other to Wallingford Daughter of the Revd Mr. Hall & Grand-
daughter of Capt James Avery of Groton."
This, the oldest daughter of Theophilus and Hannah (Avery)
Hall, was buried in the "Ancientiest burying-ground" of New
London. Theophilus Hall died March 25, 1767, at Meriden, Conn.
Children of Theophilus and Hannah (Avery) Hall, b. at Mer-
i. Hannah", b. March 11, 1735; d. Aug. 15, 1753, at Meriden; unm.
ii. Theophilus", b. Aug. 5, 1736; d. May 9, 1739, at Meriden.
iii. Avery", b. Dec. 2, 1737; Yale, 1759; minister in Rochester, N. H.,
1766 to 1775; signed the "Association Test" in Rochester, 1776;
selectman of Wakefield, N. H., 1779, 1781, 1785; justice of the peace
for Stafford County, 1786; d. 1820.
iv. Samuel", b. July 16, 1739; m. Eunice Lee.
V. Theophilus", b. Aug. 26, 1741; m. Elizabeth Couch; served in Capt.
Wales's company, 1777 (Conn. Men in the Revolution, p. 508) ; d.
May 17, 1804, at Meriden.
vi. Lucy", twin to Theophilus.
vii. Mary", b. June 24, 1743.
viii. Elisha", d. young.
ix. Elisha", b. March 3, 1745; m. Ann Hopkins; d. March 13, 1779.
X. Mehitabel", b. 1751; d. Sept. 11, 1767, at Meriden,
58. Joanna' Avery {Edtvard*, James', James', Christopher^)
was b. Nov. 21, 1700, at Groton; m. Feb. 13, 1724, at Groton,
Mark Stoddard, s. of Ralph and Mary (Ames) Stoddard. He was
b. Feb. 11, 1702, at Groton. He was a farmer. He d. Jan. 27,
1725, at Groton. She m. 2d, 1726, Joshua Allen, s. of John and
164 The Groton Avery Clan
Anne Allen. The marriage record appears on the New London
church book between Jan. and March, 1726, but neither day nor
month is given. He was b. Feb. 14, 1703, at Groton. He was
bap. with his oldest child, at First Church of Groton, Feb. 11,
In his will, dated 1751, Edward^ Avery, father of Joanna, men-
tioned granddaughters, Joanna Allyn and Hannah Allyn, but did
not mention his granddaughter, Mary Stoddard.
Children of Mark and Joanna (Avery) Stoddard, b. at Groton:
i. Mary% b. Aug. 4, 1725. May 2, 1728, in the distribution of the estate
of Mark Stoddard, Mary was called the only child. Dec. 10, 1734,
Edward Avery was made guardian of Mary, only child of Mark
Stoddard, deceased (Netv London Wills, C). April 6, 1747, Mary
Stoddard, only surviving child of Mark Stoddard, deceased, sold a
parcel of land that came to her from her father {Groton Deeds,
Children of Joshua and Joanna (Avery) Allen, b. at Groton:
i. Joanna', bap. Feb. 11, 1727, First Church of Groton; m. Thomas
Fatton, Oct. 9, 1753.
ii. Hannah% m. Needham; receipts under that name for her part
in her grandfather's estate "as aterne for my husband," but his
name is not given {Neiv London Wills, G:370) .
iii. Lucy", bap. March 4, 1734, First Church of Groton; not mentioned in
her grandfather's will.
59. Deborah ' Avery {Edward\ James', James", Christopher^)
was b. May 6, 1706, at Groton; m. Feb. 17, 1726-7, at Groton,
Nathan Williams, s. of John and Martha (Wheeler) Williams.
He was b. Dec. 11, 1698, at Stonington; date of death unknown.
She d. May 8, 1732, at Groton.
Children of Nathan and Deborah (Avery) Williams, b. at
i. Sarah", b. Dec. 29, 1729; m. Amos Chapman; d. May, 1779, at Led-
yard; Amos Chapman receipts with his wife, Sarah, for a share in
Edward Avery's estate,
ii. Deborah", b. Feb. 14, 1731-2; m. Stoddard; receipts alone for
her share of her grandfather's estate, husband probably dead; she
d. April, 1804, at Groton.
60. Theophilus Avery (Edward*, James\ James\ Christo-
pher') was b. Sept. 6, 1708, at Groton; m. July 16, 1733, at Groton,
Elizabeth Billings, dau. of William and Hannah (Sterry) Billings.
The Fifth Generation 165
She was b. Jan. 5, 1713, at Preston. William Billings of Preston, in
a will made June 4, 1737, mentioned his daughter, Elizabeth Avery
(New London Wills, D:335). Theophilus' Avery was ensign of
the second Groton company, 1746; lieutenant, 1749 {Conn. Col.
Rec, 9:242, 419). He was tythingman, 1740; surveyor, 1760; a
member of the town committee to supply the soldiers with cloth-
ing, 1777, 1778 {Groton Toivn Minutes). He was a farmer and
lived and died in the part of Groton now called Ledyard; his wife
died there, Aug. 25, 1791; he d. Sept. 30, 1799. His will, made
June 2, 1798, was proved Oct. , 1799, at Stonington. He mentioned
sons, Theophilus and James; daus., Deborah Parke, Abigail Leon-
ard, and Elizabeth Williams; grandchildren, Benjamin Brewster,
Samuel Avery, Ichabod Avery, Erastus Avery {Stonington Wills,
Children of Theophilus and Elizabeth (Billings) Avery, b. at
Elizabeth", b. Dec. 22, 1733.
Deborah", b. May 27, 1735.
James", b. Feb. 28, 1737.
Content", b. Jan. 24, 1739; d. Nov. 16, 1760, at Groton.
Desire", b. May 15, 1741; d. April 16, 1748, at Groton.
Edward", b. Dec. 23, 1743; d. 1764, at sea; unm.
William", b. May 7, 1746; d. Jan. 28, 1773, at Gaudaloupe;
viii. Abigail", b. Oct. 11, 1748,
Sarah", b. Dec. 2, 1750.
Theophilus", b. June 22, 1753.
62. Gideon" Avery {Edward"^, James", James', Christopher^)
was b. June 1, 1715, at Groton; m. Nov. 9, 1752, New North
Church of Boston, Mehitabel Harper, probably daughter of Ed-
ward and Mehitabel (Wood) Harper, of Boston. Gideon" Avery
was a mariner and did not return from a voyage taken in 1763,
His estate was settled by his widow and John Lambert, of Boston.
December 5, 1765, the widow, Mehitabel Avery, m. John Lambert,
by whom she had a large family. She probably died Nov. 28,
1796, at Boston. From the will of Edward Avery, father of
Gideon, it might be inferred that Gideon Avery had a daughter,
Mary. If so, Gideon must have been married before.
Child of Gideon Avery:
288. i. Mary", (?).
166 The Groton Avery Clan
Children of Gideon and Mehitabel (Harper) Avery:
289. i. Rebecca", bap. Sept. 23, 1753, New North Church of Boston.
290. ii. GlDEON% bap. Feb. 22, 1756, New North Church of Boston. A
Gideon Avery (possibly this one) was in Col. Richard Grid-
ley's artillery, Jan. 13, 1776; seaman on the brigantine
"Massachusetts," Jan. 20, 1777; was one of the prisoners
set ashore at Sheepscott, from the British ship, "Rain-
bow," Sept. 12, 1777 (Mass. Soldiers and Sailors in the
Revolution, 1 : 366) .
63. Hannah' Avery {EdwarcV, James', James', Christopher^)
was b. July 30, 1717, at Groton; m. July 9, 1740, at Groton, her
cousin, Thomas Pelton, s. of Henry and Mary (Rose) Pelton. He
was b. July 22, 1717, at Groton. He was a farmer; deacon and
elder in Elder Avery's Baptist church; sergeant of the second
Groton company, 1749. He and his wife moved to Mount Hope,
N. Y., where hed. in 1807; she d. in 1809.
Children of Thomas and Hannah (Avery) Pelton, b. at Led-
i. Henry", b. July 2, 1742.
ii. RoswELL", b. April 4, 1744; d. 1763, at Groton.
iii. Hannah', b. May 7, 1746; m. Benjamin Kinsman.
iv. Gideon", b. Feb. 23, 1748; m. Margaret Crawford; a soldier of the
Revolution; in battle of Fort Montgomery, near West Point; second
reg't, Ulster County mihtia {N. Y. Men in the Revohition, p. 193);
d. March, 1824, at Montgomery, N. Y.
V. Elkanah% b. Dec. 14, 1749; d. 1752.
vi. JoHN% b. Aug. 26, 1751; d. 1752.
vii. Simeon'', b. Sept. 18, 1753; d. 1771.
viii. Amos% b. July 15, 1755; d. 1756.
ix. RuFUS", b. April 22, 1757; m. Ann ; d. before 1808, at Groton.
X. Peleg% b. Aug. 9, 1759; m. Anna Stoddard ; fifer in Capt. Hewet's
CO. of militia at Saratoga, 1777 {Conn. Men in the Rev'n, p. 504);
d. Jan. 27, 1829, at Mount Hope, N. Y.
xi. Wealthy', b. May 5, 1761; m. WiUiam Holdridge.
64. Ichabod' Avery (Edivard*, James\ James', Christopher^)
was b. May 7, 1719, at Groton; m. Mary Forsythe, dau. of James
and Hannah (Lester) Forsythe, of Groton. She was b. April 28,
1722, at Groton. Ichabod' Avery d. before June 16, 1751, at
which time his widow m. John Bishop.
Child of Ichabod and Mary (Forsythe) Avery:
291. i. Eunice", mentioned in her grandfather's will.
The Fifth Generation 167
65. Asa Avery {Edwm^d\ James', James\ Christopher^') was
b. July 21, 1721, at Groton; m. Dec. 22, 1742, at Groton, Lucretia
Williams, dau. of David and Experience (Bailey) Williams. She
was b. Nov. 29, 1723, at Groton. In his will, made Feb. 3, 1762,
David Williams mentioned wife. Experience, and dau., Lucretia
Avery (Neiu London Wills, H:238). Asa' Avery was lister, 1745;
grand juryman, 1748; surveyor, 1755, 1762. He was commissioned
captain of the fifth company of the eighth regiment, Oct. , 1765
{Conn. Col. Rec, 12, 416). During the Revolutionary war, he was
several times on a committee to procure clothing and other sup-
plies for the soldiers (Selectmen's Minutes, Ch^oton). In his will,
made Sept. 19, 1789, and proved Oct. 21, 1789, he mentioned wife,
Lucretia ; sons, Benajah, Daniel, David ; daughters, Zipporah
Bailey, Esther Swan, and Mary Wightman (Stonington Wills,
4:168). He d. Sept. 27, 1789, at Groton; she d. March 15, 1790,
at Groton; they are buried in the Edward Avery burying-ground,
at Ledyard.
Children of Asa and Lucretia (Williams) Avery, b. at Groton:
292. i. Benajah% b. Dec. 15, 1743.
293. ii. Zipporah", b. May 22, 1746.
iii. Lucretia", b. Oct. 29, 1748; d. May 6, 1751, at Groton.
iv. Eunice", b. Nov. 17, 1750; d. Jan. 12, 1752, at Groton.
V. Asa", b. Nov. 21, 1752; d. Jan. 4, 1753, at Groton.
vi. Asa", b. Jan. 21, 1754; d. Aug. 24, 1754, at Groton.
294. vii. Esther,,, b. Feb. 4, 1756.
295. viii. Daniel,, b. Feb. 25, 1758.
296. ix. Mary", b. April 6, 1760.
297. X. David", b. Sept. 5, 1762.
xi. Edward", b. Dec. 13, 1764; served in Revolutionary war in
Capt. Hungerford's co. of militia, Nov., 1780- J an. 1781; on a
tour of duty in New London Co. {Conn. Men in Rev., p. 580) ;
d. May 28, 1786; unm.
66. Mary' Avery {Edivard*, James\ James'', Christopher^)
was b. Nov. 3, 1723, at Groton; m. Aug. 20, 1743, at Groton, Paul
Pelton, s. of Henry and Mary (Rose) Pelton and brother of
Thomas Pelton who m. his wife's sister, Hannah. Paul Pelton
was b. May 14, 1720, at Groton, He was living at Groton in 1770.
Children of Paul and Mary (Avery) Pelton, b. at Groton:
i. Prudence", b. Aug. 2, 1744.
ii. Eunice", b. Nov. 24, 1745.
iii. Lucy", b. Oct. 1, 1747.
168 The Groton Avery Clan
iv. Mary% b. Oct. 23, 1749.
V. Samuel", b. Aug. 20, 1751.
vi. Paul", b. Feb. 10, 1754.
vii. Hannah", b. May 6, 1756.
viii. EUNICE% b. Sept. 15, 1758.
67. Parke' Avery (Ebenezer*, James\ James', Christopher^)
was b. Dec. 9, 1710, at Groton; m. Mary Latham. She was prob-
ably the dau. of Jasper and Abigail Latham. Jasper Latham, in
a will dated Aug. 15, 1749, mentioned wife, Abigail; son, Jasper;
dau., Mary Avery, with other children {Netu London Wills).
Parke' Avery was called "Elder," because he separated from the
"standing order" and preached every Sunday to the people of
Groton in the "great room" in the Hive of the Averys. This
room had been a part of the New London church building in
which Pastor Blinman had held forth more than a hundred years
before. He was one of the committee of inspection in 1775 to
represent to the general court the necessity of fortifying Groton
heights. As a result Fort Griswold was built.
July 3, 1776, "An account of Ebr Ledyard, Esq. and Mr. Park Avery, a
committee who built the fort at Groton, laid in, examined and adjusted,
and allowed therein the sum of £265 7s. 9d. in discharge thereof and
voted that an order be drawn for that sum" {Conn. Col. Rec, 15:462).
He was deputy to the general court in 1776, during the long and
anxious session that began with the approval of the declaration of
independence and enacted laws for the protection of our interests
{Conn. State Rec., 1:2, 61, 90). He was moderator of the town
of Groton, 1780, 1781. He was too old to take the field in defense
of his country, but he sent his six sons, two of whom died in
battle. In 1779, he and his son, Parke, were both on a committee
"to attend to the business of inoculation. " He was constable and
surveyor for Groton, 1748.
His wife, Mary, died June 11, 1773, at Groton. He m. 2d,
Grace Denison, as the following record shows:
"Parke Avery of Groton and Grace Denison, daughter of Witherell Den-
ison, in the house where Jno. Prentiss lived, Dec. 10, 1778, mar, by me
— Joshua Hempstead" {Groton Records).
She was b. May 8, 1728, at New London; dau. of Wetherell and
Lydia (Moore) Denison. In his will, dated May 2, 1797, proved
May 22, 1797, Parke Avery mentioned wife, Grace; sons, Parke,
Ebenezer, Stephen, Simeon; grandsons, Cyrus and Jasper, sons of
The Fifth Generation 169
son, Jasper, * Vho gave his life for his country;" daus., Abigail
Niles, Dorothy Morgan, Eunice Morgan; granddaughter, "Eliza-
beth Avery, v^ho lives with me" {Stonington Wills, 6:125). He
d. May 4, 1797, at Groton; she d. Aug. 13, 1809, at Groton.
Children of Parke and Mary (Latham) Avery, b. at Groton:
Abigail", bap. May 15, 1737, First Church of Groton.
Dorothy", bap. Aug. 26, 1739, First Church of Groton.
Parke", bap. May 3, 1741, First Church of Groton.
Jasper", bap. Oct. 21, 1744, First Church of Preston.
Ebenezer". bap. Aug. 17, 1746, First Church of Preston.
Eunice", bap. Nov. 13, 1748, First Church of Groton.
Stephen", b. May 10, 1751.
Simeon", b. Oct. 20, 1753.
Elisha", private in Capt. Abel Spicer's company, May to Dec,
1775; killed at Fort Griswold, Sept. 6, 1781; captain (Conn. Men in
Rev'n, 78:577); unm.
68. Mary' Avery (Ebenezer*, James\ James', Christopher^)
was b. Feb. 17, 1713, at Groton; m. Deacon Jonathan Latham, s.
of William and Hannah (Morgan) Latham. He was b. Sept. 28,
1716, at Groton. He was commissioned ensign, first company,
eighth regiment, Groton, Oct., 1754 {Conn. Col. Rec., 10:316).
Jonathan and Mary Latham, Joseph and Dorothy Morgan,
Jabez and Amy Smith, deeded, March 18, 1745, to Ebenezer Avery,
land that came to them from Capt. John Park, their grandfather
{Preston Deeds, 6:54). In his will, made Oct. 29, 1796, Jonathan
Latham mentioned wife, Mary; granddaughter. Experience, dau.
of son, James, deceased; grandsons, Ebenezer and Jonathan, sons
of son, Jonathan, deceased; widow of son, Jonathan, as long as
she remains his widow; daughter-in-law, Eunice Latham {Ston-
ington Wills, 6:106). He d. Dec. 22, 1796; she d. Sept. 2, 1799,
both at Groton; their tombstones are standing in the cemetery at
Children of Jonathan and Mary (Avery) Latham, bap. at
First Church of Groton :
1. Mary", bap. March 18, 1739; m. Ebenezer Ledyard.
ii. William", bap. May 10, 1741; m. Eunice Forsythe; was ensign, 10th
CO., 6th reg't, 1775; 2d lieut., 1776; capt., 1780; wounded at Fort
Griswold {Conn. Men in the Rev'n, pp. 78, 558, 578, 617) ; d. Jan.
27, 1792.
iii. Ebenezer Avery", bap. Dec. 18, 1743; lost at sea, mate to a brig at
West Indies.
The Groton Avery Clan
iv. Jonathan", bap. June 29, 1746; m. Lucy Niles; will made June 3,
1790; proved Oct. 4, 1790.
V. James", bap. July 2, 1749; m. Lucy Turner; d. before 1796.
vi. David", bap. Nov. 17, 1751; lived in France; d. unm.
vii. GlLES% bap. Aug., 1755; m. Betsy Coleman; mariner; d. July 4,
1788; buried in Ledyard cemetery, Groton; wid. m. 2d, Ebenezer
Avery (No. 302).
69. Dorothy" Avery (Ebenezer \ James", James-, Christopher^)
was b. Jan. 10, 1716, at Groton; m. Dec. 4, 1735, at Groton,
Joseph Morgan, s. of William and Margaret (Avery) Morgan (No.
12) . He was b. Aug. 10, 1706, at Groton. He was commissioned
ensign, 1744; lieutenant, 1746; captain, 1749 {Conn, Col. Rec,
9:47, 242, 419). As captain of the mihtia company of Groton, he
marched to the relief
of Fort William Henry,
August, 1756 ; was in
the campaign of 1757
{French and Indian
War Rolls, 1:197). So
many members of the
clan mentioned in this
chapter took part in
these campaigns of
1756 and 1757 that it
seems desirable to re-
fer the reader of these
pages to Avery's His-
tory of the United States
and Rs People, volume
4, chapters 6 and 7, for
an account of these
martial doings.
In his will, made Nov.
25, 1785, Joseph Mor-
gan mentioned wife,
Dorothy; son, Joseph;
grandson, Joseph Mor-
gan ; granddaughters,
Susannah Allyn and
Map of the Country between Crown Point and Fort Edward- pT.ii(Jpvi/2P M O r 2" a n '
The Fifth Generation 171
g-randchildren, Dorothy, William, Mary, and Avery Morgan; dau.,
Elizabeth Allyn; dau., Dorothy Lester; dau., Margaret, wife of
William Chadsey (Stonington Wills, 4:15). In her will, made
Jan. 7, 1788, she mentioned dau., Dorothy Lester; Elizabeth, wife
of Amos Allen; dau., Margaret Chadsey; son, Joseph Morgan;
his daughters, Susannah Allyn and Prudence Morgan; great-
grandson. Simeon, son of grandson, Joseph Morgan ; grand-
daughter, Mary Morgan Allyn, dau. of daughter, Elizabeth Allyn;
grandsons, William and Avery Allyn; granddaughters, Dorothy
and Polly Allyn, daughters to my daughter, Mary Allyn, deceased
(Stonington With, 4:110). He d. Dec. 1, 1785; she d. April 5, 1788,
both at Groton.
Children of Joseph and Dorothy (Avery) Morgan, b. at
Groton :
i. JosEPH% b. Jan. 31, 1737-8; m. Pi-udence Avery (No. 264).
ii. Dorothy", b. Jan. 1, 1741-2; m. Ensign John Lester, who was killed
at Fort Griswold, Sept. 6, 1781 (Conn. Men in Rev'n, p. 577).
iii. Mary% b. Jan. 6, 1744-5; m. Allyn; d. Aug. 23, 1785, at
iv. William", b. May 25, 1746; d. Feb. 25, 1772, at Groton; unm.
V. Elizabeth", b. Nov. 10, 1748; m. Amos Allen; d. Nov. 7, 1804, at
vi. Margaret", b. Aug. 23, 1750; m. William Chadsey; d. Dec, 1797, at
vii. Ebenezer", b. Oct. 17, 1752; d. March 14, 1773, at Groton; unm.
viii. Simeon", b. Sept. 23, 1755; killed at Fort Griswold, Sept. 6, 1781
(Conn. Men in Rev'n., p. 577); unm.
70. Ebenezer ■ Avery {Ebenezer\ James', James', Christopher^)
was b. April 3, 1721, at Groton; m. May 3, 1744, at Groton, Lucy
Davis, dau. of Samuel and Margaret (Morgan) Davis and grand-
daughter of William and Margaret (Avery) Morgan (No. 12).
She was b, June 15, 1724, at Groton. She is mentioned in the will
of her grandmother, Margaret (Avery) Morgan. She died Oct.
27, 1757. Ebenezer Avery m. 2d, Nov. 9, 1758, at Preston,
Eunice Parke, dau. of Eleazur and Eliphel (Button) Parke. She
was b. Feb. 19, 1727-8, at Preston. Ebenezer' Avery probably
lived at Preston; the baptisms of some of his children are recorded
there. In 1771, he and his wife, Eunice, signed receipts relating
to the estate of Eleazur Parke {Norwich Wills, 4:1). The dates
of the deaths of Ebenezer" Avery and his second wife are not
172 The Groton Avery Clan
Children of Ebenezer and Lucy (Davis) Avery:
i. LucY% b. May 28, 1745; bap. July 2, 1745, First Church of
Groton; died young.
306. ii. Margaret", b. April 15, 1748.
307. iii. Dorothy", b. Sept. 13, 1750.
iv. Abigail", b. March, 1752; d. Oct. 10, 1753.
308. V. Amy", b. Sept. 22, 1754.
Child of Ebenezer and Eunice (Parke) Avery :
309. i. Ebenezer", b. Oct. 10, 1760, at Preston.
71. Amie' Avery (Ebenezer \ James', James', Christopher')
was b. Sept. 14, 1724, at Groton; m. May 26, 1742, at Groton, as
his second wife, Jabez Smith, s. of Nehemiah and Dorothy
(Wheeler) Smith. He was b. Feb. 7, 1715, at Groton. He was
ensign in the first company of the train-band, 1748; lieutenant,
1749; captain, 1754 (Conn. Col. Rec., 9:389 & 10: 40, 316). He d.
Aug. 11, 1782, at Groton; she d. June 30, 1801, at Groton.
Children of Jabez and Amie (Avery) Smith, b. at Groton and
bap. in First Church of Groton:
i. Amie", b. Jan. 18, 1746-7; m. Jonas Prentice; d. March 11, 1814.
ii. Eunice", b. Feb. 25, 1748-9.
iii. Jabez", b. Aug. 31, 1751.
iv. Anna", b. Dec. 4, 1754.
V. John", b. April 11, 1757; d. Feb. 17, 1759, at Groton.
vi. Mary", b. Oct. 31, 1759.
vii. John", b. April 10, 1762.
viii. Perez Swan", b. July 15, 1766.
72. Eunice' Avery (Ebenezer'\ James\ James', Christopher')
was b. March 2, 1725, at Groton; m. Nov. 13, 1748, at Groton,
George Williams, s. of John and Desire (Denison) Williams of
Stonington. He was b. July 9, 1726, at Stonington. He d. Aug.
11, 1775, at Montville. In his will, proved Sept. 12, 1775, he
called himself of Montville. She d. June 24, 1812.
Children of George and Eunice (Avery) Williams:
i. Prudence", b. July 25, 1749; m. Amos Avery (No. 267).
ii. George", b. Nov. 2, 1751; m. Nancy Hewitt; d. June 30, 1830, at
Waterford, Conn.
iii. Eunice", b. Dec. 14, 1753.
iv. Solomon", b. Sept. 19, 1756; m. Elizabeth Ayer.
V. Welthea", b. Sept. 6, 1758; d. y.
vi. Bridget", twin to Welthea; m. William Sheffield,
vii. Amos", b. Aug. 23, 1760; d. Jan. 14, 1763
The Fifth Generation 173
viii. Desire% b. Oct. 23, 1763.
ix. Dudley", b. Sept. 30, 1765; m. Catharine -.
X. Robert", b. Jan, 30, 1768; d. June 15, 1787.
xi. Ebenezer", b. Nov. 11, 1771, at New London.
xii. Jesse", b. July 4, 1774, at Stonington; m. Abigail Bailey; d. July
12, 1822.
73. Simeon' Avery {Ebenezer\ James'', James', Christopher '^)
was b. April 25, 1730, at Groton; bap. July 25, 1730, First Church
of Groton; m. Oct. 25, 1750, at Groton, Sarah Niles, dau. of Na-
thaniel and Mary (Northrop) Niles. She was b. Oct. 23, 1732, at
Groton. Simeon ' Avery served in Capt. Joseph Morgan's company
that marched to the relief of Fort William Henry, Aug., 1757
(French and Indian War Rolls, 1:197). He moved to Orford,
N. H. , where he was a deacon of the Congregational church and
an innkeeper for many years. He kept the first ferry across the
Connecticut River there. His wife d. April 12, 1783, at Orford.
According to the record in Sweet's The Averys of Groton, he m.
2d, Sept. 11, 1783, Mrs. Hannah (Smallee) Loomis; she was prob-
ably Mrs. Hannah (Loomis) Smallee, dau. of Benoni and Hannah
(Woodward) Loomis. She was b. March 27, 1745, at Lebanon,
Conn. (Loomis Genealogy, p. 58). He d. Sept. 18, 1790, at Or-
ford; she d. Nov., 1814.
Children of Simeon and Sarah (Niles) Avery:
i. Simeon", b. July 1, 1751; d. Aug, 3, 1754.
ii. Mary", b, Jan, 5, 1753; d, Feb, 26, 1753.
310. iii. Sarah", b. Feb. 4, 1754.
311. iv. Lucy", b. March 24, 1756.
312. V. Nathan", b. March 31, 1759.
313. vi. Catharine , b. Sept. 24, 1761.
314. vii. Mary", b. March 10, 1764.
viii. Zerviah", b. April 14, 1765; d. April 22, 1767.
315. ix. Hannah", b. May 16, 1768.
316. X. Jesse", b. Oct. 22, 1771,
317. xi, Silas", b. Sept, 11, 1773,
318. xii. Joshua", b. March 16, 1777.
Child of Simeon and Hannah (Smallee) Avery:
319. i. Simeon Hyde", b, Jan, 13, 1787,
74. John'' Avery (Christopher*, James\ James', Christopher' )
was b. Oct, 26, 1705, at Groton; m. Feb, 19, 1732, at Stonington,
Anne Stanton, dau. of Joseph and Margaret (Chesebrough)
174 The Groton Avery Clan
Stanton. She was b. Aug. 6, 1708, at Stonington. John Avery
was received into the Congregational church at Preston by letter
from the Groton church, June 23, 1734, and his wife, Anne, July
28, same year. The strict Congregational (or Separatist) church
was organized March 17, 1747, with six members of whom John'
Avery was one. He was chosen deacon Aug. 5, and ordained
Aug. 16, 1747. He refused to pay rates to the regular church and
was once imprisoned for that offense, an imprisonment that he
felt was honorable. He was made lieutenant of the Preston train
band, 1739; captain, 1741; resigned May 7, 1750. He was deputy
to the general court, 1743 {Con7i. Col. Rec, 8:227, 372, 552). He
Hved at Avery's Pond, in the southeast part of Preston. He had
a keen black eye, was of commanding presence, and was physically
strong. His wife d. Oct. 6, 1750, at Preston. He m. 2d,
Rachel Parish, widow of Joshua Parke. She d. Aug. 6, 1755, at
Preston. About 1756, he m. 3d, Mrs. Phebe (Burrows) More,
dau. of Samuel Burrows {Groton Deeds, 5:160). In his will, Jan.
5, 1788, he mentioned wife, Phebe; sons, John, Amos, and Isaac;
grandchildren, Jabez Avery and Margaret Avery, children of
deceased son, Jonas; daus., Abigail, widow of John Hurlbut;
Anna, wife of Thomas N. Niles; Hannah, wife of Ebenezer
Brewster; Phebe, wife of Hezekiah Parke. He gave his negro
man, York, his freedom and provided for his support when he
could no longer support himself (Noriuich Wills, 8:228).
The tombstone in the Avery burying-ground, at Preston,
Dea. John Avery,
Died March 11, 1789,
Aged 84.
The righteous shall be in
everlasting remembrance.
Children of John and Anne (Stanton) Avery, b. at Preston:
John", b. Dec. 6, 1732.
Abigail% b. April 1, 1735.
Amos% b. April 16, 1737.
Anna", b. May 28, 1739.
Margaret", b. April 19, 1741.
Isaac", b. March 24, 1743.
vii. Jonas", b. July 15, 1745.
viii. Hannah", b. Oct. 9, 1747.
Child of John and Phebe (Burrows) Avery, b. at Preston:
The Fifth Generation 175
328. i. Phebe' . b. March 8, 1757.
75. Abigail' Avery {Christopher', James', James', Christo-
pher') was b. July 16, 1707, at Groton; m. May 13, 1725, at
Groton, Robert Allyn, s. of Robert and Deborah (Avery) Allyn
(No. 10). He was b. Jan. 25, 1697-8, at Allyn's Point, Groton.
He was ensign of the second company of Groton militia, 1735;
captain. 1739 (Conn. Col. Rec, 8:3, 260) ; he was selectman in 1745.
He and his wife were members of the First Church of Groton, at
the ordination, Nov. 22, 1727. He d. April 1, 1760; she d. Oct.
21, 1780, both at Allyn's Point.
Children of Robert and Abigail (Avery) Allyn, b. at Groton:
i. Abigail", b. Feb. 2, 1726; m. Nehemiah Williams; d. July 24, 1767, at
ii. Robert", b. Sept. 8, 1728; m. Hannah Gallop; was lieutenant, from
Groton, May 1775 to 1783 {Conn. Men in Rev'n, p. 375) ; was a mem-
ber of the Order of the Cincinnati; d. Nov. 11, 1811; his wife d. Oct,
13, 1820.
iii. Elizabeth", b. April 27, 1731; m. James Avery (No. 260).
iv. Parke", b. June 15, 1733; m. Sarah Gallop; d. Feb. 13, 1805, at Allyn's
V. JoSEPH% b. Feb. 14, 1736; m. Mary Belton; d. June 13, 1813, at
vi. Prudence", b. April 9, 1738; m. Thomas Prentice Gallop; d. 1813, at
vii. Nathan", b. June 5, 1740; m. Sarah Freeman; d. June 2, 1814, at
viii. Jacob", b. March 27, 1743; m. Ednah Lothrop; d. Feb. 16, 1773, at
ix. Simeon", b. May 27, 1745; m. Esther Gallop, dau. of Benadam and
Hannah (Avery) Gallop (No. 80) ; a captain in the Revolutionary
war; killed at Fort Griswold (Conn. Men in the Rev'n, pp. 561, 577).
X. Timothy", b. June 12, 1748; m. Prudence Gallop, dau. of Benadam
and Hannah (Avery) Gallop (No. 80) ; captain in the Revolutionary
war, 1776 to 1783; member of the Order of the Cincinnati (Conn.
Men in the Rev'n, pp. 246, 333, 375).
76. Christopher' Avery (Christopher^ James\ James', Christo-
pher') was b. Nov. 16, 1709, at Groton; m. Sept. 10, 1735, at Gro-
ton, Eunice Prentice, dau. of Samuel and Esther (Hammond)
Prentice. Esther (Hammond) Prentice m. 2d, Christopher Avery
(No. 15). Eunice Prentice was b. Dec. 8, 1717, at Groton. In
his will, made June 10, 1778, Christopher Avery mentioned his
wife, Eunice; his five sons, Christopher, Nathan, Thomas, Samuel,
176 The Groton Avery Clan
and Oliver; his "three oldest daughters," Esther Williams, Eu-
nice Avery, and Lucy Allyn; his "three youngest daughters,"
Abigail Avery, Sarah Avery, and Hannah Avery. The will was
probated Sept. 30, 1778 (Stonington Wills, 3:192). He d. July 2,
1778, at Ledyard; she d. March 22, 1796, at Ledyard.
Children of Christopher and Eunice (Prentice) Avery, b. at
Groton, except Hannah, who was b. at Preston:
Esther", b. April 14, 1736.
Christopher", b. Jan. 23, 1738.
Eunice', b. Dec. 19, 1739; m. George Avery (No. 180).
LUCY% b. Dec. 20, 1741.
Nathan", b. April 30, 1744.
Thomas", b. Feb. 10, 1746.
Anna", b. Feb. 2, 1748; d. before June 10, 1778; unm.
335. viii. Samuel", b. Nov. 15, 1752.
ix. Prentice", b. Feb. 10, 1755; marched on the Lexington Alarm
from Preston; corporal, seventh co., sixth regt., 1776 (Conn.
Men in the Rev'n, pp. 20, 76) ; d. before June 10, 1778; unm.
336. X. Oliver", b. Feb. 8, 1757.
337. xi. Abigail", b. Feb. 22, 1759.
338. xii. Sarah", b. Aug. 7, 1761.
339. xiii. Hannah", b. June 20, 1763; m. David Avery (No. 297).
77. Nathan'' Avery {Christopher^, James\ James^, Christo-
pher') was b. March 10, 1712, at Groton; m. March 21, 1746, at
Groton, Hannah Stoddard, dau. of Ralph and Hannah (Lester)
Stoddard. She was b. May 4, 1727, at Groton. November 10,
1750, Nathan Avery and Hannah, his wife, receipted to her
mother, Hannah Stoddard, for £150 from the estate of her hon-
ored father, Ralph Stoddard {Neiv London Wills, G:135). He was
ordained pastor of the strict Congregational (Separatist) church,
at Stonington, April 25, 1759, He lived on a farm just south of
North Stonington. He d. Feb. 7, 1780, at Stonington; she d.
Oct. 10, 1810; both are buried in the "Old Plain" burying-
March 5, 1792, the following named persons receipted to
Isaac and Stephen Avery, the sons and executors of Elder Nathan
Avery: widow, Hannah, for herself and daughters, Hannah M. and
Wealthy; daughter, Phebe, wife of Roswell Randall; son, Luther
{Stonington Wills, 6:289).
Children of Nathan and Hannah (Stoddard) Avery:
340. i. Isaac", b. Aug. 23, 1747, at Groton.
341. ii. Nathan", b. Dec. 21, 1749, at Groton.
The Fifth Generation 177
342. iii. Hannah Mary", b. Feb. 28, 1752, at Stonington.
343. iv. Luther", b. 1754.
344. V. Stephen", b. Jan. 13, 1756, at Stonington.
345. vi. Phebe", b. Jan. 10, 1758, at Stonington.
346. vii. Wealthy", b. Oct. 5, 1762, at Stonington.
78. Priscilla' Avery [Christopher^ James\ James', Christo-
pher^) was b. April 29, 1715, at Groton; m. June 2, 1737, at Gro-
ton, Joseph Breed, s. of John and Mercy (Palmer) Breed. He
was b. Oct. 4, 1708, at Stonington. Joseph and Priscilla (Avery)
Breed were living" in Frederick County, Virginia, April 19, 1754,
at which time they deeded property in Groton {Grotoji Deeds, 5:171) .
Children of Joseph and Priscilla (Avery) Breed, b. at Ston-
ington :
i. Joseph", b. April 8, 1738.
ii. Avery", b. Nov. 31, 1739.
iii. Priscilla", b. Oct. 14, 1742.
iv. Prudence", b. Dec. 7, 1744.
V. Hebe" (Phebe?), b. Aug. 11, 1746.
79. Isaac' Avery {Christopher*, James"", James^', Christopher'^)
b. March 26, 1717, at Groton; m. March 31, 1742, at Groton,
Susanna Elderkin, dau. of John and Susanna (Baker) Elderkin.
She was b. Aug. 12, 1722, at Norwich. November 8, 1744, Sus-
anna Avery, widow of Isaac Avery, lately deceased, of Groton,
for £300 from her brother, John Elderkin, sold to him land be-
ginning at Elderkin bridge, which land she had of her honored
father, Isaac Elderkin, late of Norwich {Norwich Deeds, 10:74).
Child of Isaac and Susanna (Elderkin) Avery:
347. i. Prudence", b. 1743, at Groton.
80. Hannah' Avery {Christopher^^ , James"", James', Christo-
pher') was b. Feb. 10, 1719, at Groton; m. Aug. 11, 1740, at Gro-
ton, Benadam Gallop, s. of Benadam and Eunice (Cobb) Gallop.
He was b. Oct. 26, 1716, at Groton. He w^as deputy to the gen-
eral court from Groton, Oct., 1753 {Conn. Col. Rec., 10: 196). He
acquired the title of colonel in the old French wars.
In Feb., 1757, the Connecticut general assembly resolved to raise 1400
men for the next campaign. They were to form one regiment of
fourteen companies and act in conjunction with the regular troops
under the command of the earl of Loudoun. Col. Phineas Lyman was
given command of the regiment. The 12th company was mostly from
178 The Groton Avery Clan
Groton and Preston, and was under the command of Capt. Benadam
Gallop, of Groton. Many of his men had served before and were to
serve again. Serg't Elias Avery (No. 197) and Serg't Charles Avery
(No. 250) were in this company. Robert Niles (No. 298) was his
clerk. The time of service was from Feb. to Dec. {Collections of the
Conn. Hist. Soc, 9:166, 190).
She d. July 28, 1799, at Groton; he d. May 29, 1800, at Groton.
Children of Benadam and Hannah (Avery) Gallop, b. at
i. Benadam", b. June 29, 1741; m. Bridget Palmer, a descendant of John
and Priscilla Alden of the "Mayflower" (Wheeler's Hist, of Ston-
ington,-p. 515). He served with the militia, Wadsworth's brigade,
raised June, 1776; at the Brooklyn front, battle of Long Island; at
White Plains; comm.issioned lieutenant-colonel, Dec. 2, 1776; his
commission signed by Jonathan Trumbull is in the possession of the
family; d. April 12, 1818, at Groton (Conn. Men in the Rev'n,
p. 395).
ii. Isaac", b. Dec. 22, 1742; m. Anna Smith, dau. of Nehemiah and
Abigail (Avery) Smith (No. 98, iii). He was in the sixth Conn,
reg't; first lieutenant. May 1, 1775; captain, 1776; captain in Col.
Samuel McClellan's reg't, appointed Sept. 25, 1777 {Conn Men in the
Rev'n, pp. 78, 99, 618). He d. Aug. 3, 1814, at Ledyard.
iii. Hannah", b. Nov. 4, 1744; d. Jan. 10, 1771, at Groton; unm.
iv. Esther", b. Dec. 9, 1746; m. 1st, Ralph Stoddard; 2d, Simeon Allyn
(No. 75, ix) ; 3d, Isaac Geer.
V. James", b. May 1, 1749; d. Dec. 19, 1770, at Groton; unm.
vi. Jesse", b. Feb. 2, 1751; m. Catharine Fish. He was corporal, eighth
Conn, reg't, 1776, Capt. Morgan's company {Conn. Men in the Rev'n,
p. 451) .
vii. John", b. Jan. 13, 1753; d. Dec. 9, 1770, at Groton.
viii. Prudence", b. Jan. 30, 1755; m. Timothy Allyn (No. 75, x).
ix. Susan", b. June 8, 1756; m. Nathan Lester; d. Aug. 16, 1840.
x. JosiAH", b. 1760; m. 1st, Sarah Fish; 2d, Mary Randall; d. June 29,
xi. Abigail", b. 1762; d. Nov. 24, 1770, at Groton.
81. Jacob ' Avery ( Christopher*, James\ James', Christo-
pher^) was b. Aug-. 26, 1721, at Groton; according to Sweet's The
Averys of Groton, he m. Elizabeth Avery, dau. of Elisha and
Elizabeth (Babcock) Avery (No. 205), who was b. March 25, 1725,
at Groton and d. soon after her marriage. We have not been able
to find proof of such marriage. It is certain that he did marry
Sylvia Eddy.
" Jacob Avery of Groton, Sylva Eddy of Swanzey was married June the 4,
1753, by me Russel Mason, Elder of a church of Christ in Swanzey"
{Sivanzey Rec. and Groton, Mass., Historical Series, No. 13, p. 55).
The Fifth Generation 179
Sylvia Eddy, dau. of Constant and Mary (Winslow) Eddy, was b.
Feb. 27, 1738. It has been found difficult to determine the list of
children; the list given below may be incomplete. March 23, 1793,
Frederick Avery, of Groton, deeded to his brother. Constant
Avery, land that had belonged to his honored father, Jacob Avery.
March 26, 1796, Jacob Avery, Jr. and Cyrus Avery agreed to take
the homestead and care for their father and mother, Jacob and
Sylvia Avery, during the rest of their natural lives; witnessed by
Constant Avery and Polly Avery (Groton Deeds).
Children of Jacob and Sylvia (Eddy) Avery:
Jacob", b. April 6, 1757, at Groton.
. Polly", b. May 10, 1775. at Groton.
Of the last two daughters, one is supposed to have married a
Chapman, and the other one a Thurber.
82. Temperance ' Avery (Christopher\ James\ James", Chris-
topher') was b. Sept. 14, 1725, at Groton; m. July 4, 1744, at Gro-
ton, William Morgan, s. of William and Mary (Avery) Morgan
(No. 20, iv) . He was b. June 17, 1723, at Groton. He was a
sergeant in Joseph Morgan's company that marched to the relief
of Fort William Henry in 1757 {French and Indian War Rolls,
1:197). He was first lieutenant of the train band, 6th company,
New London, 1759; commissioned captain of the same company,
May, 1760 {Conn. Col. Rec, 10:415 & 11:374). She was a matron
of the Revolution. Her name has been found on various old town
lists that are preserved with care, showing, as contributions to
the soldiers in the field, the work of her own hands, stockings
and "Rifel frocks" being among her gifts. {American Monthly
Magazine, 27:781). He d. April 11, 1777, at Groton; she d. Oct.
7, 1801, at Groton.
Children of William and Temperance (Avery) Morgan, b. at
180 The Groton Avery Clan
i. William", b. Sept. 28, 1745; d. Sept. 29, 1753, at Groton.
ii. Christopher", b. Oct. 27, 1747; m. 1st, Deborah Ledyard (No. 271, i) ;
2d, Margaret Gates; ensign in Capt. John Morgan's company, 8th
reg't of miUtia in the Rev'n {Conn. Men in the Rev'n, p. 451) ; d.
July 5, 1831, at Groton.
iii. Temperance'', b. May 5, 1752; m. Ephraim Allyn, s. of James and
Alethea (Avery) Allyn (No. 112) ; she d. Oct. 3, 1799, at Ledyard; he
m. 2d, her sister, Rebecca (See below).
iv. William Avery", b. Nov. 24, 1754; m. Lydia Smith; their son, Jasper,
m. Catharine (Copp) Avery, widow of Jasper Avery (No. 751).
Their son, Edwin D. Morgan, b. Feb. 8, 1811, at Washington, Mass.,
became governor of New York, major-general of volunteers, and
United States senator from New York. William Avery Morgan was
serg't in the war of the Revolution {Conn. Men in the Rev'n, pp. 656,
661). His second wife was Sarah Harris. He d. March 22, 1842, at
Lebanon, Conn.
v. Israel'', b. July 22, 1757; m. Elizabeth Brewster {Elijah", Joseph'%
Jonathan*, Benjamin^ , Jonathan- , Elder William'); served in the
Rev'n; serg't in Capt. Hewett's reg't of militia; was in the cam-
paign against Burgoyne, 1777 {Conn. Men in the Rev'n, p. 504) ; d.
June 4, 1816, at Ledyard.
vi. Mary", b. Jan. 8, 1760; m. Peter WilHams.
vii. Simeon", b. April 1, 1762; m. Phebe Allyn; d. May 7, 1813, at Berne,
N. Y.
viii. Prudence", b. Oct. 27, 1764; m. Increase Stoddard.
ix. Rebecca", b. April 9, 1766; m. 1st, Jacob Gallop; 2d, Ephraim Allyn
who had previously m. her sister, Temperance. He d. Dec. 28, 1816,
at Groton; she d. July 3, 1834, at Goshen, Conn.
X. Jacob", b. Sept. 18, 1768; m. Lois Gallop; d. March 15, 1855, at Berne,
N. Y.
83. Jonathan' Avery {Jonathan*, James\ James', Christo-
pher') was b. Dec. 30, 1703, at Groton; m. Dec. 12, 1724, at Gro-
ton, Mary Latham. He was a house carpenter. His father sold
to him, Jan. 5, 1728, land which he, in turn, sold to James Avery,
Jr., Jan. 6, 1728 {Gi^oton Deeds, 2:329, 341). The Rev. David
Avery (No. 511) says that Jonathan' Avery died in the expedition
to Cartagena, about 1742. His widow m. Nathan Barnes before
Children of Jonathan and Mary (Latham) Avery:
358. i. Mary", bap. March 24, 1728, First Church of Groton.
359. ii. Oliver", bap. March 23, 1729, First Church of Groton.
360. iii. Jonathan", bap. March 21, 1731, First Church of Groton.
361. iv. Lemuel", bap. April 1, 1733, First Church of Groton.
362. V. Samuel", "Samuel Avery, s. of Jonathan Avery, late of Groton,
upwards of 16 years, chose his father-in-law, Nathan Barnes,
guardian, April 25, 1753' ' {New London Probate Court Journal,
The Fifth Generation 181
84. Elizabeth" Avery {Jonathan', James', James', Christo-
pher^) was b. Jan. 18, 1705, at Groton ; m. Daniel Tennant (New
London Court Journal, 5:111). "Elizabeth Avery m. Daniel Ten-
ant of Colchester" (David Avery ms.). Daniel Tennant, adult,
was bap. April 2, 1732, First Church of Groton.
Children of Daniel and Elizabeth (Avery) Tennant, bap. First
Church of Groton:
i. Daniel% bap. April 27, 1732']
ii. Abigail% bap. April 27, 1732.
iii. Mary", bap. April 27, 1732.
iv. Sarah'', bap. April 27, 1732; probably m. Joshua Rathbone of Col-
V. Lucy", bap. April 27, 1732; probably m. Jonathan Chapel of Col-
vi. Samuel", bap. May 3, 1734.
85. Mary' Avery (Jonathan*, James"^, James^, Christopher^)
was b. Dec. 3, 1707, at Groton; m. March 11, 1730, at Groton,
Josiah Haines, s. of Josiah and Elizabeth (Lambert) Haines. He
was b. Jan. 8, 1699, at Preston (Preston Rec., 1:31). Josiah
Haines, in a will made June 4, 1719, mentioned son, Josiah, and
gave him ' ' all my lands in Consuggamug in the province of
Machune, near Molbary " (New London Wills, B:347). The name
was often spelled Haynes.
Children of Josiah and Mary (Avery) Haines, bap. First
Church of Groton:
i. Joshua", b. Dec. 31, 1731; bap. June 9, 1734.
ii. Amy", bap. June 13, 1736.
iii. HuLDAH", bap. Aug. 7, 1737.
86. Lucy' Avery (Jonathan*, James"", James', Christopher^)
was b. March 20, 1709, at Groton; m. Jonathan Leffingwell, s. of
Daniel and Sarah (Bill) LefRngwell, of Norwich. He was b. May
21, 1715, at Norwich; date of death not known. She m. 2d, Feb.
2, 1748-49, at Groton, John Wood, s. of John and Mary Wood of
Groton. In writing of the children of Jonathan Avery, the Rev.
David Avery (No. 511) said:
"Lucy m. Jona Leffingwell son of Danl L. of Norwich & John Wood, bro.
of Wm. W. of Groton."
In the settlement of the estate of Abel Avery (No. 89) , Dec. 10,
1751, Lucy was called the wife of John Wood. John Wood had a
182 The Groton Avery Clan
share in the Susquehanna company for the settlement of Wyo-
ming, in Pennsylvania, under the Connecticut claim. Oct. 8, 1776,
Benjamin Bailey, "late of Groton, now of Susquehanna," for a
consideration, quitclaimed to John Wood of Groton, all right in six
acres of land belonging to the heirs of the late Abel Avery of
Children of Jonathan and Lucy (Avery) Leffingwell, b. at
Groton :
i. Sarah''', b. Aug. 24, 1737; m. Joshua Chapman,
ii. Nathaniel'', b. Oct. 7, 1739.
iii. Jonathan'% b. Feb. 11, 1742.
iv. LucY^, b. Nov. 9, 1745; m. Joseph Yarrington, s. of Ezekiel and Jerusha
(Avery) Yarrington (No. 191, vi) .
Children of John and Lucy (Avery-Leffingwell) Wood, b. at
Groton :
i. RUTH% b. Dec. 3, 1749.
ii. Mary«, b. Aug. 29, 1751.
87. Abner'' Avery {Jonathan*, James\ James', Christopher^)
was b. May 28, 1712, at Groton; m. May 22, 1740, at Montville,
Amy Fox, probably dau. of Samuel and Zipporah Fox of Mont-
ville. Samuel Fox, North Parish, New London, in a will made
May 22, 1753, mentioned wife, Zipporah; children, Bathshua, Mar-
garet, Content, Amy, Caron, Ezekiel, and Samuel, but did not
mention the names of the husbands of his daughters {Neiv London
Wills, F:368).
Abner^ Avery purchased an interest in the Susquehanna com-
pany, Nov. 20, 1754. Abner Avery, of the North Parish, made
his will June 18, 1771; it was proved Aug. 13, 1771 {Neiu London
Wills, 1:178), In it he mentioned wife. Amy; dau., Caron, de-
ceased; her children. Humility and Amy, by her first husband,
Charles Randall, and her dau., Lydia, by her second husband,
Stephen Chappell; son, Abel; dau., Amy; son, Elihu; dau., Mar-
garet; sons, Jonathan and Amos; "the little children," Eliza-
beth, Freelove, and Lucy.
Children of Abner and Amy (Fox) Avery, b. at Montville :
i. Caron% b. July 3, 1743.
ii. Abel% b. May 29, 1745.
iii. Amy", b. July 25, 1747.
iv. Elihu% b. March 25, 1749.
V. Margaret", b. Dec. 15, 1750
The Fifth Generation 183
Samuel", b. Sept. 11, 1753; not mentioned in father's will;
probably d. before 1771; unm.
Jonathan", b. Sept. 10, 1755.
Amos", b. March 10, 1758.
89. Abel"' Avery (Jonathan*, James', James', Christopher')
was b. Sept. 17, 1717, at Groton.
"Abel Avery was an officer in the army and was killed by the accidental
discharge of a gun." (Extract from a letter from his nephew, Jona-
than Avery, No. 369).
Monday, Oct. 20, 1746. "Abel Avery, of Groton, was accidently Shott
to death att Collins's in the house Exercising the freelock which hap-
ened to be Loaden. he was giving the word of Command to a Saylor
who shott him thro the head & Died immediately in a few minutes.
Never spake a word" {Hempstead's Diary, p. 469).
Abner Avery presented the inventory of the estate of his brother,
Abel Avery, Jan. 13, 1747, at the New London court. December
10, 1751, the estate was divided among the brother and sisters of
Abel Avery:— Abner Avery; Elizabeth, wife of Daniel Tennant;
Mary, wife of Josiah Haines; Lucy, wife of John Wood; Freelove,
wife of Benjamin Bailey; Experience, wife of Peter Brown (New
London Court Journal, 5:111).
90. Temperance' Avery (Jonathan*, James\ James\ Christo-
pher') was b. Feb. 3, 1719, at Groton; m. Sept. 29, 1743, at Gro-
ton, John Heath, son of John and Dorothy Heath of Groton. He
was b. March 10, 1717, at Groton. He was second lieutenant,
March, 1756, in the first reg't, 8th company, Ebenezer Billings,
capt, Nathan Avery, first lieutenant (Conn. Col. Rec, 10:472 and
11:97); first lieutenant in Capt. Stanton's company, 1758 (French
and Indian War Rolls, 2:45). He was called captain by the Rev.
David Avery (No. 511).
Children of John and Temperance (Avery) Heath, b. at Groton:
i. Dorothy", b. June 10, 1744; m. Christopher Avery (No. 330).
ii. Abigail", b. May 2, 1746.
iii. John", b. Jan. 5, 1747. There was a John Heath on the privateer
"OUver Cromwell," Capt. Coit, 1777 (Collections of Conn. Hist. Soc,
8:245, 250).
iv. Hannah", b. Oct. 21, 1749.
184 The Groton Avery Clan
V. AvERY% b. Nov. 23, 1750; m. Hannah Brooks, Feb. 14, 1773, at Col-
vi. Jonathan", b. Nov. 3, 1753.
vii. Samuel", b. Aug. 31, 1755.
91. Freelove' Avery {Jonathan^, James'', James', Christo-
pher') was b. March 16, 1722, at Groton; m. Benjamin Bailey,
s. of Joseph and Mary (Chapman) Bailey. He was b. Oct. 25,
1721, at Groton. In a will made April 12, 1771, Benjamin Bailey
mentioned wife, Freelove; sons, Joseph and Benjamin; daus.,
Hannah Bailey, Freelove Starr, Mary Bailey, Lydia Bailey. The
will was probated June 29, 1771 (Stonington Wills, 1:288). His
widow d. Feb. 8, 1779, at Groton.
Children of Benjamin and Freelove (Avery) Bailey, bap.
First Church of Groton:
i. Hannah", bap. Dec. 18, 1743.
ii. Joseph", bap. Oct. 13, 1745; m. Hannah . A Joseph Bailey
was a seaman on the privateer "Ohver Cromwell," 1111 {Collec-
tions of Conn. Hist. Soc, 8:246).
iii. Freelove'% bap. April 3, 1748; m. William Starr who was a lieut.
in the 8th militia at Fort Griswold; he was a pensioner.
iv. Benjamin", bap. July 14, 1751.
V. Elizabeth", bap. March 28, 1756.
vi. Mary".
vii. Lydia". A Lydia Bailey of Groton was m. to William Lester of
Norwich by the Rev. Aaron Kinne, July 6, 1777 {Norwich Records,
92. Experience' Avery (Jonathan*, James\ James-, Christo-
pher') was b. Nov. 6, 1724, at Groton; m. Peter Brown, s. of
Gershom and Ann (Foot) Brown. He was b. March 15, 1721, at
Groton. He served in the expedition of 1755, under Capt. Joseph
Wooster; also in Capt. Morgan's company, in 1756 (French and
Indian War Rolls, 1:37, 197).
94. Tabitha' Avery (Joseph\ James\ James', Christopher^)
was b. Feb. 25, 1717, at Norwich; m. July 9, 1741, Second Church
of Griswold, Henry Skilton of South Kingston, Rhode Island.
She was called of North Kingston. He was the s. of John and
Mary (Bennett) Skilton, and was b. in Coventry, England, Nov.
19, 1718. He emigrated to America and settled in Rhode Island
where he studied medicine. Later, he moved to Preston, Conn.,
where he was a practising physician. Joseph' Avery deeded land
The Fifth Generation 185
to Henry Skilton and wife, Tabitha, "my beloved daughter,"
March 20, 1745. In a deed of land, Feb. 8, 1754, Henry Skilton
called himself of Farmington, Conn. He lived in Southington,
Woodbury, and Watertown. He was a man of enterprise, owning
a store, hotel, mill, and two or three farms at the same time. He
was one of the organizers of the "strict " Congregational church
of Chester. He d. in Watertown, Conn., June 7, 1802; his wife d.
at the same place, Oct. 25, 1797.
Children of Henry and Tabitha (Avery) Skilton:
i. LuCY% b. April 5, 1742; d. April 17, 1758, at Woodbury, Conn.; unm.
ii. Elizabeth% b. Feb. 11, 1743; d. Sept. 1, 1749, at Woodbury.
iii. Mary% b. Feb. 12, 1746; m. Elisha Atwood; d. June, 1830, at Wood-
iv. AvERY% b. April 30, 1748; m. Parthenia Judd; d. Aug. 27, 1832, at
V. James", b. June 1, 1749; d. Nov., 1755, at Southington.
vi. Tabitha% b. Aug. 26, 1752; d. July, 1753, at Southington.
vii. Tabitha", b. Nov. 20, 1755; d. Dec, 1755, at Southington.
viii. Sarah", b. April 11, 1757; m. Richards; she was a minister
in the fraternity of the " Universal Friends " and a capable business
woman; d. Nov. 30, 1793, Yates County, N. Y.
95. Benjamin' Avery {Joseph^, James'' , James' , Christopher^)
wasb. Sept. 4, 1721, at Norwich; m. Elizabeth . From various
documents we learn that he hved at Norwich and at Preston, in
that part now called Griswold. October 24, 1750, his father
deeded to him certain land, through love {Norwich Deeds, 12:112).
Feb. 8, 1754, Benjamin' Avery, with his sisters, Tabitha and
Lucy, and their husbands, deeded land to their brother, Joseph
Avery {Norwich Deeds, 13:1). Benjamin' Avery served in Capt.
Ebenezer Billing's company from April 9th to Dec. 10th, 1756, at
Fort William Henry; also in Capt. John Perkins's reg't which was
raised in 1757 for the relief of Fort William Henry and marched
from Norwich {French and Indian War Rolls, 1:107, 236).
In his will, made May 27, 1776, he mentioned wife, Elizabeth;
sons, Roger, Benjamin, and Gardner; daughters, Hannah Mills
and Lucy Avery. The will was probated July 1, 1776; a partial
settlement was made May 10, 1779 {Norwich Wills, 6:383). May
4, 1781, Elizabeth Avery, widow of Benjamin' Avery, made appli-
cation to the probate court that ' * Freeholders may be appointed
to divide & set out her dower or Thirds." Feb. 11, 1783, Eliza-
186 The Groton Avery Clan
beth Avery, widow, and Roger, her son, sold certain lands in
Pachaug (Griswold) to Nathan Taylor {Norwich Deeds, 20:335).
Children of Benjamin and Elizabeth Avery:
383. i. Elizabeth% bap. Sept. 23, 1750, Second Church of Griswold.
384. ii. Gardner", bap. Sept. 22; 1751, Second Church of Griswold.
385. iii. Hannah% bap. April 14, 1754, Second Church of Griswold.
386. iv. LuCY% bap. Aug. 29, 1756, Second Church of Griswold.
387. V. Benjamin", b. March 4, 1758, at Griswold, Conn.
388. vi. Rogers b. April 14, 1761, at Griswold, Conn.
96. Lucy' Avery {Joseph^, James'', James', Christopher^) was
b. May 2, 1723, at Norwich; m. May 19, 1747, at Preston, as his
second wife, Jonathan Tracy, s, of Jonathan and Anna (Palmer)
Tracy. He was b. Nov. 20, 1702, at Preston. She was alive Feb.
4, 1754, at which time she and her husband deeded certain land
which came to them from her father, Joseph Avery, lately de-
ceased. At the time of the final division of Joseph Avery's estate,
May 5, 1755, she was not living, as the heirs of the * ' daughter
Lucy deceased, wife of Jonathan Tracy," inherited their mother's
In his will, made March 18, and proved March 31, 1777, Jona-
than Tracy mentioned his children by his first wife; children,
Israel, and Submit Hartshorn; grandchildren by the name of
Wilmot {Noriuich Wills, 4:131).
Children of Jonathan and Lucy (Avery) Tracy, bap. in First
Church of Preston:
i. Lucy", bap. Dec. 17, 1749.
ii. Hannah', bap. Nov. 27, 1750.
iii. Israel", bap. April 26, 1752; m. Mary Petegal.
iv. Submit", bap. April 28, 1754; m. Joseph Hartshorn; d. Jan. 16, 1806,
at Mansfield.
97. Benjamin" Avery (Benjamin*, James^, James', Christo-
pher') was b. Sept. 9, 1735, at Groton; bap. Aug. 9, 1741, First
Church of Groton; m. May 8, 1774, at Groton, Mary Burrows, dau.
of Hubbard and Mercy (Denison) Burrows. She was b. Oct. 7,
1749, at Groton. In 1800, Benjamin Avery was living at Scipio,
N. Y., where he was visited by David Avery (No. 511). He d.
Jan. 27, 1816; she d. April 19, 1823.
Children of Benjamin and Mary (Burrows) Avery, b. at
Groton :
389. i. Mary", b. March 31, 1775; m. Hezekiah Avery (No. 696).
390. ii. Benjamin", b. Nov. 25, 1776.
The Fifth Generation
391. iii. David% b. May 8, 1779.
iv. Anna% b. Jan. 30, 1782; d. March 4, 1804; unm,
392. V. Thankful", b. Jan. 31, 1784.
393. vi. Lydia", b. June 7, 1786.
vii. Solomon", b. Jan. 2, 1789; d. Aug. 24, 1792.
viii. Hubbard% b. May 25, 1792; d. April 16, 1813; unm.
98. Abigail' Avery {Benjamin^, James', James' , Christopher^)
was b. Dec. 12, 1737, at Groton; bap. Aug. 9, 1741, First Church
of Groton; m. May 3, 1758, at Groton, Nehemiah Smith, s. of John
and Temperance (Holmes) Smith. He was b. at Groton, Oct. 30,
1733; lived in the part now called Ledyard; served under Capt.
Robert Denison, third company, first regiment, Conn, troops, in
Johnson's fight at Lake George in 1755 (French and Indiayi War
Rolls, 1:10). For an account of this fight, see Avery's History of
the United States and Its
People, volume 4, pages 80
to 90. The picture of the
monument commemorative
of this battle of Lake
George, herewith given,
is reproduced from that
work through the courtesy
of its publishers. The Bur-
rows Brothers Company of
Cleveland. Nehemiah Smith
also served in the Revolu-
tionary war as lieutenant
in Samuel McClellan's reg't
(Conn. Men in the Rev'n, p.
543). His wife d. Aug. 8,
1797; he d. May 4, 1810,
Lake George Battle Monument, 1755. both at Ledyard.
Children of Nehemiah and Abigail (Avery) Smith, b. at
i. Abigail", b. Aug. 10, 1759; m. 1st, Peleg Lewis; 2d, Noah Bailey; d.
Sept. 16, 1842, at Groton.
ii. Sarah% b. Aug. 9, 1761; m. Nathan Bellows; had a dau., Elizabeth,
b. Aug. 16, 1794, who m. Frederick Allyn Avery (No. 764); d. March
10, 1827, at Ledyard.
188 The Groton Avery Clan
iii. Anna", b. Dec. 8, 1765; m. Isaac Gallop (No. 80, ii.); he d. Aug. 3,
1814, at Ledyard; she m. 2d, Seth Williams; d. Dec. 21, 1848, at
iv. Nehemiah% b. April 21, 1767; m. Abigail Geer; d. Aug. 13, 1803, at
V. Temperance% b. Jan. 1, 1769; m. Park Allyn; 2d; Packer; d.
Feb. 6, 1859, at Ledyard.
vi. Thankful% b. Jan. 1, 1769; d. Sept. 6, 1770. at Ledyard.
vii. John% b. April 9, 1771: m. 1st, Martha Brown; 2d, Abigail Palmer;
d. April 3, 1856, at Salem, Conn,
viii. Thankful", b. Jan. 21, 1775; m. Ezra Geer; d. July 1, 1864, at
99. Daniel" Avery (Benjamin*, James\ James', Christopher^)
was b. Nov. 14, 1740; bap. Aug. 9, 1741, First Church of Groton;
m. Nov. 14, 1765, at Groton, Deborah Avery (No. 276), dau. of
Ebenezer and Lucy (Latham) Avery. She was b. Feb. 1, 1742,
at Groton. He was ensign in Capt. Gallop's company, in 1776
{Conn. Men in the Rev' n, p. 452), and was killed at Fort Gris-
wold. In the Avery-Morgan burying-ground, his tombstone is
still standing. It has the following inscription:
In Memory of Ensign
Daniel Avery who
nobly Sa-
crificed his Life
in Defence of fort
Griswould & the
Liberties of America
sept 6 1781 in ye
41st year of his Age.
His widow, Deborah; sons, Daniel, Elias, Dudley, Isaac,
Latham, Abel; daus., Deborah and Rachel, each received a share
of his estate which was divided Oct. 2, 1792 (Stonington Wills,
6:463). Deborah Avery was a woman of energy and ability, and
her eight children were carefully brought up.
Children of Daniel and Deborah (Avery) Avery, b. at Groton:
394. i. Daniel% b. Sept. 18, 1766.
395. ii. Elias% b. April 6, 1768.
396. iii. Dudley% b. March 19, 1770.
397. iv. Isaac", b. March 30, 1772.
398. V. Deborah", b. Jan. 12, 1774; m. Ebenezer Avery (No. 755).
399. vi. Latham", b. Dec. 19, 1775.
400. vii. Rachel", b. Aug. 10, 1777.
viii. Abel", b. July 17, 1779; d. in Demerara; unm.
The Fifth Generation 189
100. Sarah Avery {Benjamin^ James', James', Christopher^)
was b. July 29, 1742, at Groton; bap. Dec. 19, 1742, First Church
of Groton; m. Hubbard Burrows, s. of Hubbard and Mercy (Den-
ison) Burrows. He was b. June 26, 1739, at Groton. He was a
private in Capt. John Stanton's company, 4th reg't, campaign of
1759 {French and Indian War Rolls, 2:167); was a captain of
mihtia in the Revolutionary war; was in the siege around New
York, 1776 (Comi. Men in the Rev'n, pp. 333, 451, 577); was in
Capt. Walker's company and marched under Lafayette, 1780
{Collections of the Conn. Hist. Soc, 8:122); was killed at the
massacre of Fort Griswold, Sept. 6, 1781. His first wife was
Prisciila Baldwin. October 3, 1775, Mr. Hubbard Burrows of
Groton complained to the court, for his wife, she being one of the
heirs, that the estate of her father, Benjamin Avery, had not been
settled. The court ordered Benjamin Avery, the executor, to
appear and explain {Stonington Wills). Sarah' Avery m. 2d,
John Hicks after 1784 {Groton Deeds, 9:88). According to their
gravestones in the Mystic burying-ground, he d. May 3, 1818, at
Groton, aged 87; "his wife Sarah" d. same place, Sept. 3, 1834,
aged 92.
Children of Hubbard and Sarah (Avery) Burrows:
i. Sarah", b. July 2, 1770; m. Caleb Haley; d. Feb. 21, 1862, at Groton.
ii. Elisha% m. Rebecca Turner; d. June 10, 1836.
iii. Perez% b. May 18, 1778; m. Deborah Wightman; d. Dec, 1838.
iv. Priscilla", b. May 18, 1778; m. Daniel Morgan; d. July 23, 1843, at
V. Benjamin", died young.
vii. Daniel", died young.
viii. Denison", m. Nancy Burrows.
Child of John and Sarah (Avery) Hicks, b. at Groton:
i. Daniel Avery", m. Fanny Chesebrough; he was lost at sea, Sept. 25,
1815; no children.
102. Mary' Avery {Benjamin^, James', James', Christopher')
was b. Jan., 1748, at Groton; m. Youngs Morgan, s. of James and
Mary (Morgan) Morgan. He was b. about 1741, at Groton. He
was in Capt. Joseph Gallop's company, 1776 {Conn. Men in the
Rev'n, p. 452). He d. May 19, 1809, at Groton; she d. Jan. 3,
190 The Groton Avery Clan
Children of Youngs and Mary (Avery) Morgan, b. at Groton:
i. YouNGS'S b. Feb. 11, 1774; d. May 12, 1776.
ii. Avery", b. Oct. 7, 1779; m. Betsy Hicks, his cousin, (No. 107, iii);
d. March 18, 1846, at Groton.
iii. Y0UNGS% b. about 1782; m. 1st, Mary Mitchell; 2d, Phebe Avery;
moved to Cranston, R. I. ; no issue by second marriage,
iv. Mary", d. April 26, 1816, at Groton, aged 30; unm.
103. Denison' Avery {Benjamin\ James\ James\ Christo-
pher') was b. June 11, 1749, at Groton; bap. Sept. 22, 1751, First
Church of Groton; m. Hannah Babcock, dau. of Isaac and Hannah
(Worden) Babcock of Westerly. She was b. June 28, 1770, at
Westerly, R. I. He served in the Revolutionary war, Capt. Gal-
lop's company, Sthreg't, 1776; was a pensioner in Tolland county,
1832 {Conn. Men in the Rev'n, pp. 452, 656). He d. Oct. 11, 1846;
she d. May 21, 1851, at Salina, N. Y.
Children of Denison and Hannah (Babcock) Avery, b. at
401. i. Alfred Anson% b. Sept. 12, 1794.
402. ii. Hannah", b. July 2, 1797.
iii. Phebe% b. Jan. 29, 1799; d. Jan. 16, 1880, at Syracuse; unm.
403. iv. Denison% b. June 14, 1801.
404. V. Benjamin Gilson% b. May 6, 1804.
405. vi. Dudley Bailey% b. June 28, 1806.
406. vii. Rhoda Emeline% b. June 22, 1809; m. William Randall Avery
(No. 860).
104. Lucy' Avery {Benjamin\ James', James-, Christopher')
was b. about 1751, at Groton; m. Jonathan Burrows, s. of Hub-
bard and Mercy (Denison) Burrows. He was b. May 13, 1752, at
Groton. He served in the Revolutionary war in the company of
his brother, Hubbard Burrows {Conn. Men in the Rev'n, p. 452).
Jonathan Burrows and his wife are buried in the old Brown bury-
ing-ground, Noank, Conn. She d. Aug., 1844, 93 years old.
Children of Jonathan and Lucy (Avery) Burrows, b. at Groton:
i. Sally% m. Daniel Searles.
ii. Nancy", m. 1st, Richard Potter; 2d, Daniel Searles; his second wife.
iii. Cynthia", m. Coville; settled in Chenango County, N. Y.
iv. Maria% b. May 7, 1784; m. Moses Wilbur at Noank; d. Nov. 19, 1876.
V. Caroline", m. Elam Wilbur; d. Nov. 12, 1871.
vi. Jonathan", b. Sept. 9, 1788; m. Sally Potter; was in war of 1812; d.
July 27, 1860, at Noank.
vii. Mercy , b. June 10, 1791; m. Joseph Potter; d. March 25, 1872.
The Fifth Generation 191
105. Thankful' Avery (Benjamin', James\ James', Christo-
pher') was bap. Aug. 1, 1755, First Church of Groton; m. 1st,
Elihu Avery (No. 278, q. v.), by whom she had two children.
After his death, she m. Ebenezer Rogers, s. of Ebenezer and
Naomi (Fox) Rogers, and moved to Cayuga County, N. Y. He
was b. Sept. 5, 1758, at Groton. He d June 22, 1816, in Cayuga
County; she d. 1837, at Moravia, N. Y.
Children of Ebenezer and Thankful (Avery) Rogers:
i. Ebenezer".
ii. Nancy", m. Peleg Gallop.
iii. Solomon-.
iv. Elias", m. Matilda Skinner.
V. Gordon".
vi. HENRY^
vii. David".
viii. Betsey% d. unm.
The above record is taken from the David Avery ms. and
from family tradition.
106. Deborah' Avery (Benjamin*, James\ James', Christo-
pher') was b. Oct. 2, 1758, at Groton; bap. Sept. 2, 1759, First
Church of Groton; m. Nov. 20, 1784, at Norwich, James Story.
Children of James and Deborah (Avery) Story:
1. James", b. Jan. 17, 1786.
ii. Avery", b. Sept. 6, 1789; d. Sept. 13, 1789.
iii. Nancy% b. April 11, 1791.
iv. Polly", b. Nov. 22, 1793.
V. Betsey", b. Nov. 27, 1795; d. Dec. 25, 1795.
vi. Henry", b. Feb. 15, 1799; d. Feb. 17, 1799.
107. Hannah' Avery (Benjamin^, James"", James\ Christo-
pher') was bap. May 30, 1762, First Church of Groton; m. John
Hicks. She d. Sept. 21, 1853, at Long Island, N. Y. ; was buried
in Avery-Morgan burying-ground at Groton.
Children of John and Hannah (Avery) Hicks, b. at Groton:
i. John", b. Aug. 12, 1785.
ii. Sylvanus", m. Mary Hedden.
iii. Betsey", b. June 17, 1789; m. Avery Morgan (No. 102, ii) ; d. May 9,
1857, at Groton.
108. Ann' Avery (Thomas', Thomas'', James', Christopher')
was b. May 12, 1707, at Montville; bap. May 25, 1707, First Church
of New London; m. Nov. 16, 1727, at New London, Samuel Grif-
fing, s. of Serg't Ebenezer and Mary (Harris) GrifRng. The
192 The Groton Avery Clan
name is often spelled GrifRn. He was b. June 8, 1705, at New
London. July 26, 1727, Ann Avery called herself the only child
of Thomas Avery, deceased. Samuel Griffing d. before Jan. 27,
1737, at which time his widow, Ann, administered his estate
{Stonington Probate Records). She m. 2d, Oct. 6, 1737, at Ston-
ington, Sylvanus Miner, s. of Thomas and Hannah (Avery) Minor
(No. 25, ii) and her own cousin. He was b. March 3, 1709, at
Stonington. They lived in Voluntown in 1754. He d. March 15,
1786, at Stonington.
Children of Samuel and Ann (Avery) Griffing, b. at New
i. Samuel", b. Sept. 27, 1728; m. Desire Crary, at Stonington; was in
Capt. Lattimore's company of militia, 1757 {French and Indian War
Rolls. 1:238).
ii. Thomas% b. Nov. 27, 1730; m. Mrs. Jerusha Chapman, at Stonington.
Children of Sylvanus and Ann (Avery) Miner, b. at Stoning-
i. Ann% b. Oct. 27, 1738.
ii. Thomas", b. June 23, 1740.
iii. Sylvanus", b. Oct. 5, 1742.
iv. Hannah", b. Jan. 2, 1745.
V. James", b. Nov. 12, 1747.
109. Ransford" Avery (Sajnuel*, Thomas', James", Christo-
pher^) was b. June 26, 1703, at Saybrook, Conn.; m. Sept. 23,
1723, at New London, Elizabeth Rogers, dau. of James and Eliza-
beth Rogers. She was b. June 14, 1706, at New London; date of
death unknown. He m. 2d, Dec. 22, 1742, at New London, Annis
Strickland. Hansford Avery sailed April 14, 1745, on one of the
seven ships of the fleet sent by Connecticut against Cape Breton.
He died in the harbor of Louisburg, Aug. 18, 1745. His widow,
Annis, administered his estate, Nov. 14, 1745. She m. 2d, Aug.
28, 1748, at New London, John Davis.
Children of Ransford and Elizabeth (Rogers) Avery:
407. i. Samuel". Samuel Avery, minor, upwards of 14, s. of Ransford
Avery, late of New London, chose his uncle, Ephraim Avery,
for his guardian, April 3, 1752 (New London Probate Journal,
There were other children, for SamueP Avery, the father of
Ransford Avery, in his will, dated Feb. 22, 1749, said: "I give to
the children of my son Ransford deceased five shillings to each
The Fifth Generation 193
of them and to his son Samuel who now lives with me I give fifty
pounds money old tenor" (Netv London Wills, F:56).
110. Martha' Avery (Samuel*, Thomas\ James\ Christo-
pher^) was mentioned in her father's will; m. Peter Comstock, s.
of Daniel and Elizabeth (Prentice) Comstock. He was b. March
4, 1701, at New London; bap. June 8, 1701, First Church of New
London; d. at sea about 1742.
April 24, 1737. "a Child of Peter Comstock 's Baptized Ransford, & 1 of
Daniels son Daniel. Baptized Daniel, the fathers are Brothers, the
mothers that brot them are Sisters" (Hempstead's Diary, p. 319).
It has been said that Martha Avery m. 2d, Pelatiah Bliss,
s. of Samuel and Anne (Elderkin) Bliss, b. Nov. 17, 1697, at Nor-
wich, but we have not been able to find proof thereof. January
11, 1743, Martha Comstock was made administrator of the estate
of Peter Comstock. March 21, 1753, the estate was divided among
the widow, Martha; sons, Peter, Daniel, Ransford, and Thomas;
daughters, Elizabeth and Jemima (New London Wills, E:92 &
Children of Peter and Martha (Avery) Comstock:
i. Elizabeth*, m. Jonathan Chapel.
ii. Jemima% bap. April 5, 1724, at Montville; m. Richard Chapel; d. July
29, 1809, aged 86.
iii. Peter', b. July 11, 1731, at Montville; m. 1st, Elizabeth Fitch; 2d, Esther
Merrick; d. April 3, 1803, at Montville.
iv. Ransford% b. March 6, 1737; m. 1st, Catharine Vibber; 2d, Azuba Davis;
served under Capt. Lattimore "att the Time of Alarm for Fort Wil-
liam Henry and parts Adjacent, Aug., 1757" {French and Indian
War Rolls, 1 :233) . He d. Feb. 8, 1814, at Exeter, N. Y.
v. Thomas% bap. June 3, 1739, First Church of New London; m. Sarah
Comstock. He was a captain of militia in Sunderland, Vermont ;
killed at the Battle of Bennington, Aug. 16, 1777.
vi. Daniel', b. July, 1742; m. Mary Bishop; d. Jan. 11, 1816, at Shel-
burne, Vt.
111. Elizabeth"' Avery [SamueV, Thomas'", James', Christo-
pher^) was bap. Sept. 16, 1711, First Church of Norwich; m. Dec.
30, 1731, at New London, Daniel Comstock, s. of Daniel and Eliza-
beth (Prentice) Comstock. He was b. Sept. 22, 1703, at New
London; he was the brother of Peter Comstock, who m. Martha
Avery, No. 110, above. Daniel Comstock made his will, March
17, 1768, at New London. He mentioned his wife, Elizabeth; son,
194 The Groton Avery Clan
Daniel; "my two daughters Prudence Maples and Elizabeth Dar-
te;" proved April 12, 1768 {New London Wills, H:642).
Children of Daniel and Elizabeth (Avery) Comstock:
i. Daniel", bap. April 24, 1737, First Church of New London.
ii. WiLLlAM% bap. April 29, 1739, First Church of New London.
iii. Elizabeth% bap. June 21, 1741, First Church of New London; m.
iv. Prudence*, m. William Maples; d. before 1781, when William Maples
m. a second wife.
112. Alethea' Avery {Samuel*, Thomas', James\ Christo-
pher') was bap. July 25, 1714, First Church of Norwich; m. Dec.
17, 1729, at Groton, James Allyn, s. of Robert and Deborah
(Avery) Allyn (No. 10). He was b. Feb. 29, 1700, at Groton.
In his will, made Dec. 14, 1775, and proved Dec. 22, 1777, he men-
tioned wife, Alethea; sons, James, Ephraim, David; daus., Alethea
Spicer, Lois Williams, Sarah Spicer, Lydia Geer, Elizabeth Mor-
gan, Jerusha Allyn, Hannah Allyn {Stonington Wills, 4:62).
She d. Feb., 1776; he d. Nov., 1776; both at Ledyard.
Children of James and Alethea (Avery) Allyn, b. at Groton:
i. Alethea% b. April 4, 1731; m. Capt. Oliver Spicer.
ii. Deborah", b. Feb. 18, 1733; d. Jan., 1734.
iii. Deborah", b. Dec. 23, 1735; d. Feb. 23, 1755, at Groton.
iv. Lois", b. March 20, 1737; m. Samuel Williams.
V. James", b. July 17, 1739; m. Ann Stanton; d. Oct. 13, 1825, at Groton
(Allyn's Point).
vi. Sarah", b. March 20, 1741; m. Abel Spicer.
vii. Lydia", b. Jan. 15, 1744; m. Geer.
viii. Ephraim", b. June 18, 1747; m. Temperance Morgan (No. 82, iii),
dau. of William and Temperance (Avery) Morgan; m. 2d, her
sister, Rebecca Morgan Gallop. He d. Dec, 1816, at Groton.
ix. Elizabeth", b. Nov. 9, 1749; m. Isaac Morgan; d. Sept. 20, 1833, at
Hartland, Vt.
X. Jerusha", b. July 5, 1752.
xi. Hannah", b. Feb. 14, 1755.
xii. David", b. Oct. 23, 1759; m. Desire Taylor; was a soldier in the Rev'n
{Collections Conn. Hist. Soc, 8:216); d. March 17, 1841, at Mont-
gomery, Mass.
113. Hannah' Avery {SamueV, Thomas\ James', Christo-
pher') was bap. June 29, 1718, First Church of New London; m.
May 27, 1731, at Groton, Samuel Allyn, s. of Robert and Deborah
(Avery) Allyn (No. 10). He was b. May 26, 1704, at Groton; he
The Fifth Generation 195
d. Feb. . 1762, at Groton ; the date of her death has not been ascer-
Children of Samuel and Hannah (Avery) Allyn, b. at Groton:
i. Hannah", b. Nov. 25, 1732; m. James Lamb.
ii. Samuel", b. Nov. 21, 1734; m. Mary Wood; served in campaign for
the relief of Fort William Henry, 1757 {French and Indian War
Rolls, 1:197); ensign, 1769 {Conn. Col. Rec, 13:239); captain; killed
Sept. 6, 1781, at Fort Griswold {Conn. Men in the Rev'n, 556, 577).
iii. Eunices b. March 29, 1737; m. John Wood; d. Feb. 24, 1832, at
iv. Esther*, b. April 19, 1739; m. Jonathan Ransford Miner (No. 115, i).
V. Stephen", b. May 3, 1741; m. French.
vi. Tryal", b. April 14, 1744; m. Mary Morgan; was in 8th reg't of
miHtia, 1776 {Conn. Men in the Rev'n, 618); d. March, 1814, at
vii. Thomas", b. Nov. 27, 1746; m. Bathsheba Stoddard; d. April 7, 1828,
at Ledyard.
viii. Lucy", b. Jan. 30, 1748; m. Mark Stoddard; d. July 29, 1831, at
ix. Prudence", b. May 19, 1751; m. Amos Turner; d. Sept. 27, 1834, at
X. Elizabeth", b. Jan. 13, 1753; m. Richard Smith.
xi. Deborah", b. May 3, 1755; m. 1st, John Wiley; 2d, Spring.
xii. Thankful", b. Feb. 14, 1762; m. Amos Turner, nephew of the above
Amos Turner; d. May 19, 1839, at Groton.
115. Ann' Avery (Samuel*, Thomas', James'', Christopher')
was bap. May 22, 1719, First Church of New London; m. April 22,
1739, at Stonington, Jonathan Miner, s. of Thomas and Hannah
(Avery) Minor (No. 25). He was b. Feb. 25, 1714, at Stoning-
ton. Ann, wife of Jonathan Miner, was admitted to the First
Church of Stonington, Jan. 6, 1740.
Children of Jonathan and Ann (Avery) Miner, b. at Stoning-
ton; bap. in the First Church of Stonington:
i. Jonathan Ransford", b. Feb. 23, 1740; bap. Feb. 24, 1740; m. Esther
Allyn (No. 113, iv) ; served in the campaigns of 1758 and 1759
{French and Indian War Rolls, 2:64, 170); d. Dec. 24, 1793, at
Stephenson, N. Y.
ii. Elizabeth", b. Nov. 14, 1741; bap. Nov. 15, 1741.
iii. Christopher", b. Jan. 11, 1744; bap. Jan. 22, 1744; m. Lucy Avery,
whose parentage has not been ascertained. They had a son, Na-
than, b. March 4, 1771, at Tolland, Conn., who m. 1st, Dorothy
Foote; 2d, Affa Worthington. Christopher Miner served in the
campaign of 1758 {French and Indian War Rolls, 2:61); he d.
Sept. 24, 1815, at Peru, Mass. ; shed. March 6, 1825, at Peru, aged 81.
196 The Groton Avery Clan
iv. Lydia% b. Jan. 15, 1749; bap. May 20, 1750.
V. Samuel% b. June 27, 1752; bap. Aug. 16, 1752.
vi. Ephraim", b. Aug. 10, 1754; m. Elizabeth Goodsell; d. April 3, 1813,
at Windsor, Mass.
vii. WiLLiAM% b. 1756.
116. John' Avery (Samuel*, Thomas\ James\ Christopher^)
was b. Feb. 14, 1723, at Montville; m. March 27, 1745, at Stoning-
ton, Prudence Miner, dau. of Thomas and Hannah (Avery) Minor
(No, 25). She was b. Dec. 6, 1719, at Stonington. The date of
the birth of John' Avery is given as above in accordance with the
record printed in Sweet's The Averys of Groton, p. 325, but the
records of the Second Church of the North Parish (Montville)
show the baptism of a Jonathan, son of Samuel, Jan. 20, 1722-23.
It is very possible that this Jonathan was identical with John'
Avery, and that he was b. Feb. 14, 1722, and bap. Jan. 20, 1723.
He d. Aug. 21, 1790. In his will, dated at Groton, June 30, 1790,
he mentioned wife, Prudence; sons, John, Amos, and Samuel;
dau., Hannah. She d. Dec. 8, 1790. In her will, made Sept. 16,
1790, she mentioned dau., Hannah Avery; son, John and his wife,
Mary; son, Amos, and his wife, Mary; son, Samuel.
Children of John and Prudence (Miner) Avery, b. at Groton:
418. i. John", b. Dec. 23, 1745.
ii. Prudence", b. Oct. 3, 1747; d. March 20, 1753.
iii. Lydia% b. Aug. 10, 1749; d. March 8, 1753.
419. iv. Hannah% b. July 17, 1751.
420. V. Amos% b. Feb. 1, 1754.
vi. Lydia", b. July 5, 1756; d. Nov. 19, 1782; unm.
vii. Samuel", b. July 13, 1759; d. July 25, 1792, at Groton; in his
will, dated July 16, 1792, he left his property to his brothers,
John and Amos, and his sister, Hannah Woodworth.
viii. Thomas", b. Aug. 27, 1761; d. Oct. 30, 1782, at Groton; unm.
117. Mary' Avery {Samuel\ Thomas', James^, Christopher')
was b. April 22, 1725, at Montville; bap. Aug. 21, 1725, First
Church of Montville; m. John Williams, jun., b. July 14, 1714, at
Groton. He d. Nov. 13, 1798, at Groton; she d. Oct. 5, 1805, at
Groton. (Family Bible of John Williams) .
Children of John and Mary (Avery) Williams:
i. John", b. June 19, 1746.
ii. RoswELL", b. Jan. 31, 1748 ; d. April 10, 1758, at Groton.
iii. Christopher", b. March 6, 1750.
iv. Elizabeth", b. Nov. 24, 1752 ; d. March" 12, 1753, at Groton.
The Fifth Generation 197
V. Amos", b. May 19, 1754 ; m. Mabel Newton ; d. June 25, 1838, at
118. Ephraim' Avery (SamueV, Thomas\ James', Christo-
pher') was bap. June 25, 1727, First Church of Montville; m.
Abigail Bill. Various deeds show that he was of Southampton,
Mass., in 1773; of Montgomery, Mass., 1786. In his will, made
Jan. 1, 1790, he called himself of Montague, Mass.; mentioned
wife, Abigail; daus., Elizabeth, wife of William French; Pru-
dence; wife of Stephen Root; Bathsheba, wife of Peter Bundy;
sons, Ransford, William, Ephraim, Abel, youngest son, Samuel;
executors, Jabez Bill of Norwich, and Sylvester Squiers of Mont-
gomery (Northampton, Mass., Wills, 18:26). He d. April 1, 1792,
at Montgomery, Mass. ; she d. Dec. 25, 1811, at Montgomery.
Children of Ephraim and Abigail (Bill) Avery:
421. i. Ransford*.
422. ii. Elizabeth".
423. iii. Prudence'.
424. iv. WlLLiAM% b. Sept. 2, 1757, at Montgomery, Mass.
425. V. Ephraim'.
426. vi. Abel\
427. vii. Bathsheba\
428. viii. Samuel", b. July 24, 1771.
119. Jane' Avery (Abraham*, Thomas\ James\ Christopher^)
was b. Dec. 3, 1727, at Montville; m. James Chappell.
120. Thomas' Avery (Abraham*, Thomas", James\ Christo-
pher') wash. Oct. 16, 1730, at Montville; said to havem. 1st, Sarah
Miner or Sarah Mason, and 2d, Ruth Houghton. August 27, 1757,
Thomas Avery bought land of his sister, Hannah Avery, North
Parish, New London, which land she had inherited from her
mother. This land was by the side of land belonging to her hon-
ored father, Abraham Avery (Norwich Deeds, 16:188). He d.
Dec. 15, 1815.
Children of Thomas and Sarah Avery, b. at Montville:
i. Samuel', b. Feb. 20, 1763 ; d. unm.
ii. Hannah% b. Sept. 20, 1764 ; d. unm.
iii. Thomas', b. March 4, 1767; d. unm.
429. iv. Sarah', b. Sept. 26, 1769.
Child of Thomas and Ruth (Houghton) Avery, b. at Mont-
430. i. Ruth', b. Jan. 23, 1772.
198 The Groton Avery Clan
121. Hannah'' Avery (Abraham*, Thomas\ James^, Christo-
pher') was b. Oct. 31, 1732, at Montville; m. Sept. 1, 1758, as his
second wife, Daniel Smith, s. of Samuel and Elizabeth Smith.
He was b. at East Lyme; a farmer. She d. before 1783, when he
m. his third wife. He d. about 1800, at East Lyme.
Children of Daniel and Hannah (Avery) Smith, b. at East
Lyme, Conn.:
i. Daniel% b. July 30, 1759 ; m. Hannah Wightman ; d. April 7, 1809, at
East Lyme,
ii. Betsey% b. Feb. 11, 1761 ; m. Daniel Ayer.
iii. Hannah', b. June 10, 1763 ; m. David Strong ; d. Nov. 11, 1835, at
East Hampton, Conn,
iv. Eunice', b. May 1, 1765 ; d. July 3, 1828 ; unm.
V. SiMON% b. March 7, 1767 ; m. Mary Burr ; capt. of militia, 1798, second
company, 33d Conn, reg't ; d. April 22, 1851, at East Lyme,
vi. RuAMA% b. Feb. 3, 1769 ; m. Lay Ayer ; d. Jan. 3, 1835, at East Lyme.
vii. Nathan% b. Aug. 21, 1771 ; d. March 24, 1840 ; unm.
122. Ruth'' Avery (Abraham*, Thomas\ James', Christopher')
was b. July 1, 1735, at Montville; m. Dec. 4, 1757, at Montville,
Abel Griswold, s. of Francis and Abigail (Bingham) Griswold.
He was b. March 12, 1731, at Norwich. She d. Feb. 1, 1772, and
was buried in the old cemetery at Norwich Town. In his will,
dated May 22, 1803, Abel Griswold mentioned son, Abel; daus.,
Lucy, wife of Simeon Edgerton; Lydia, wife of Eliab Hyde (Nor-
wich Wills, 10:343). He d. May 8, 1804, at Norwich.
Children of Abel and Ruth (Avery) Griswold, b. at Norwich,
and bap. in First Church of Norwich:
i. LucY«, b. Sept. 15, 1758 ; d. Aug. 24, 1759, at Norwich.
ii. Daniel% b. Oct. 26, 1760 ; d. Jan. 14, 1782, at Norwich ; unm.
iii, Abel% b. Sept. 26, 1762 ; m. Esther .
iv. LucY% b. Feb. 26, 1765 ; m. Simeon Edgerton.
V. RUTH% b. May 6, 1767 ; d. July 5, 1770, at Norwich.
vi. Lydia% b. Oct. 22, 1768 ; m. Eliab Hyde ; d. 1833, at Norwich.
vii. Francis% b. Sept. 20, 1771 ; d. Jan. 9, 1773, at Norwich.
123. Jonathan' Avery (Abraham* , Thomas', James\ Christo-
pher') was b. June 27; 1737, at Montville; m. Dec. 9, 1760, Pre-
served Smith, dau. of Simon and Dorothy (Beckwith) Smith.
They lived at East Lyme. Jonathan Avery d. Feb. 7, 1805, at
East Lyme. May 10, 1810, Preserved Avery, widow, entered into
a pre-nuptial contract with Noah Beebe (Lyme Deeds, 27:15).
The Fifth Generation 199
She d. Feb. 9, 1833, at East Lyme. Jonathan Avery and his wife
were buried side by side at East Lyme, in the old ' ' Stone Church "
cemetery. There is nothing on her tombstone to show that she
was married a second time.
Child of Jonathan and Preserved (Smith) Avery, b. at East
Lyme, Conn. :
431. i. Abraham% b. Sept. 12, 1764.
124. Nathan' Avery {Abraham*, Thomas', James\ Christo-
pher') was b. May 6, 1741, at Montville; m. Deborah Thomas, dau.
of John and Hannah (Spofford) Thomas of Lebanon. She was b.
April 7, 1739, at Lebanon. The estate of Nathan Avery was pro-
bated in Windham, Conn., May 5, 1766. April 24, 1771, John
Thomas of Lebanon, for the "natural love and affection I bear
my grandson, William Thomas Avery," deeded to his use certain
lands (Lebanon Land Rec, 14:392). April 29, 1785, at Lebanon,
William Thomas Avery, only surviving heir of Nathan Avery, de-
ceased, received £130 from Peleg Thomas, executor, by the hand
of Capt. Elihu Thomas {Windham County Wills, 12:267). Peleg
and Elihu Thomas were his uncles.
Child of Nathan and Deborah (Thomas) Avery, b. at Lebanon:
432. i. William Thomas", b. Jan. 19, 1764.
125. Abraham"' Avery {Abraham*, Thomas', James'', Christo-
pher') was b. July 18, 1744, at Montville; m. Nov. 27, 1771, Re-
becca Stevens. Her descendants say that she was a granddaughter
of the Rev. Timothy Stevens of Glastonbury. Abraham Avery
lived first at Montville, later at Bolton, and finally at Glastonbury.
He was a member of the church at Montville, and its collector in
1779. He was a tanner and saddler. She d. Sept. 4, 1792; he d.
May 24, 1817; both are buried at Glastonbury.
Children of Abraham and Rebecca (Stevens) Avery:
William Stevens", b. 1773 ; d. about 1830 ; unm.
AsHBEL Stevens", b. May 8, 1775, at Montville.
Nathan", b. Jan. 23, 1777, at Montville.
Anna", b. June 24, 1780, at Montville.
Abraham", b. June 22, 1782, at Montville.
Rebecca", bap. Jan. 3, 1784, at Bolton, Conn.
Samuel", bap. Jan. 7, 1786, at Bolton.
Thomas", d. Feb. 14, 1819 ; probably unm.
200 The Groton Avery Clan
126. Lucy' Avery {Joshua*, Thomas\ James', Christopher^)
was b. Sept. 12, 1728, at Norwich; m. Dec. 24, 1747, at Norwich,
Rufus Hartshorn, s. of David and Abigail (Hebard) Hartshorn.
He was b. Sept. 17, 1728, at Norwich. He was in the campaign
of 1758 (French and Indian War Rolls, 2:66). She d. April 28,
1780, at Norwich; date of his death is not known.
Children of Rufus and Lucy (Avery) Hartshorn, b. at Nor-
wich and bap. at First Church of Norwich:
i. Joshua", b. Oct. 17, 1748 ; served in second regiment, Conn, line, 1778
to 1780 {Conn. Men in the Rev'n, pp. 166, 211).
ii. Anna% b. Aug. 14, 1750 ; m. Thomas Gary.
iii. Amy', b. July 26, 1752.
iv. Andrew", b. Jan. 14, 1755; m. Sarah Abbe; was in "Lexington
Alarm" from Mansfield, Conn.; in the third reg't, Conn, troops,
1776 {Conn. Men in the Rev'n, pp. 16, 54). He d. Aug. 27, 1809,
aged 55 years, at Mansfield, Conn.
V. Beriah", b. Jan. 1, 1757; served in Capt. Mott's company, Conn, troops,
1776 {Conn. Men in the Rev'n, p. 617).
vi. RUFUS% b. Sept. 28, 1759.
vii. LucY% b. Sept. 19, 1761.
viii. Ezra', b. April 18, 1763.
ix. Jerusha", b. March 1, 1765 ; m. Jeremiah Capron.
X. David", b. Nov. 14, 1767 ; died young.
xi. Deborah', b. March 2, 1770 ; died young.
138. Elizabeth^ Avery {Jonathan*, Thomas', James*, Christo-
pher^) was b. Jan. 7, 1725, at Norwich; bap. July 4, 1725, First
Church of Norwich; m. Nov. 15, 1766, at Norwich, William Arm-
strong, s. of Joseph and Lydia (Worth) Armstrong. He was b.
Oct. 12, 1718, at Norwich. January 1, 1783, Jonathan Avery (No.
142) deeded land which came to him from his deceased sister,
Elizabeth Armstrong {Norwich Deeds, 24:214). She probably left
no children.
139. Hannah' Avery {Jonathan*, Thomas\ James', Christo-
pher^) was b. Oct. 1, 1727; bap. in First Church of Norwich; m.
March 26, 1744, Benjamin Brooks of Norwich. July 29, 1746, Jona-
than Avery deeded certain land to his daughter, Hannah and her
husband, Benjamin Brooks; January 7, 1750, Benjamin Brooks
deeded back to Jonathan Avery the land that he had given to
Hannah, his daughter, deceased, the wife of Benjamin Brooks;
Jonathan Avery then deeded this land to his beloved grand-
The Fifth Generation 201
daughter, Eunice, child of his daughter, Hannah Brooks (Nor-
ivich Deeds, 10:50. 420).
A Benjamin Brooks served in the war from May to Dec,
1755; also from April to Dec, 1756; also in the campaigns of 1759
and 1760 {French and Indian War Rolls, 1:69, 70 & 2:127, 136,
194). Hannah, wife of Benjamin Brooks, d. June 5, 1748, at
Children of Benjamin and Hannah (Avery) Brooks:
i. Eunice", bap. Feb. 3, 1745, First Church of Norwich.
ii. Phineas", bap. Jan. 31, 1748, First Church of Norwich.
140. Charles' Avery (Jonathan*, Thomas\ James\ Christo-
pher') was b. March 30, 1730, at Norwich; bap. April 12, 1730,
First Church of Norwich; m. April 5, 1750, at Norwich, Abigail
Post, dau. of Nathaniel and Abigail (Burchard) Post. She was b.
April 1, 1733, at Norwich. Jonathan Avery deeded land to his
beloved son, Charles, at Norwich, July 8, 1752, and May 15, 1760
(Norwich Deeds, 12:4, & 15:195). Charles' Avery d. April 3, 1774,
at Norwich. In his will, made Jan. 5 and proved April 20, 1774,
he mentioned wife, Abigail; sons, Charles, Stephen, Simeon,
Samuel, Daniel, Elijah; daus., Abigail, Hannah, Elizabeth, Ruth
(Norwich Wills, 5:65). His widow m. David Hawley and the
family moved to Brandon, Vermont. February 27, 1788, Simeon
Avery, Hannah Cross, Ruth Avery, Daniel Avery, all of Brandon,
Vermont, sold to Abigail Avery, of Brandon, land in Norwich,
Conn., that was "our honored Dadda Charles Avery's" (Nor-
wich Deeds, 27:97).
Children of Charles and Abigail (Post) Avery, b. at Norwich:
i. Hannah% b. Jan. 25, 1751 ; d. May 26, 1755.
450. ii. J0HN% b. Oct. 9, 1752.
451. iii. Charles% b. Aug. 16, 1754.
452. iv. Stephen% b. July 17, 1756.
453. V. Abigail% b. Dec. 7, 1758.
454. vi. SlMEON% b. Sept. 17, 1759.
455. vii. Hannah% b. May 26, 1761.
viii. Samuel% b. Feb. 4, 1763 ; d. at Kingston, Jamaica ; unm.
456. ix. Elizabeth", b. Oct. 8, 1764.
457. X. Ruth", b. June 26, 1766.
458. xi. Daniel", b. March 26, 1768.
459. xii. Elijah", b. June 17, 1770.
xiii. Jesse", b. Oct. 10, 1772 ; d. May 25, 1773, at Norwich.
141. Elisha' Avery (Jonathan*, Thomas', James', Christo-
pher') was b. April 8, 1735, at Norwich; bap. April 13, 1735,
202 The Groton Avery Clan
First Church of Norwich; m. Nov. 13, 1754, at Scotland, Conn.,
Sarah Manning, dau. of John and Abigail (Winship) Manning.
She was b. Oct. 28, 1737, at Windham, Conn. August 14, 1757,
Jonathan Avery deeded to beloved son, Elisha, the land on which
Elisha was then living {Norwich Deeds, 13:432). The date of
Elisha's death is unknown. His widow m. Dec. 11, 1765, at Nor-
wich, Stephen Gifford. She d. Oct. 20, 1825, at Norwich.
Children of Elisha and Sarah (Manning) Avery, b. at Nor-
460. i. Sarah Manning", b. Sept. 20, 1755.
461. ii. Elisha", b. Dec. 30, 1756.
142. Jonathan Avery {Jonathan* , Thomas', James', Christo-
pher^) was b. June 6, 1743, at Norwich; bap. June 12, 1743, First
Church of Norwich. According to Mr. Sweet's record in The
Averys of Groton, he m. a Mary Gardner, supposed to be the dau.
of Oliver Gardner, but we can find no other proof of such a mar-
riage. A Jonathan Avery m. Aug. 25, 1761, at Norwich, Jerusha
Davis. January 1, 1783, Jonathan Avery, Jr., called himself of
"Susquehannah, in the county of Westmoreland, state of Con-
necticut" {Norwich Deeds, 24:214). His name often appears on
the rate bills of Wilkesbarre, Penn. , in 1776, 1777, where he seems
to have had a large property. The record of his children is very
Children of Jonathan Avery:
144. Lucy' Avery {Jonathan*, Thomas\ James', Christo-
pher') was b. July 16, 1755, at Norwich; bap, Aug. 31, 1755,
First Church of Norwich; m. Oct. 15, 1780, at Lisbon, Conn.,
Charles Gilkey. March 5, 1782, Jonathan Avery deeded land to
his dau. Lucy and her husband, Charles Gilkey {Norwich Deeds,
24:167). He also mentioned his son-in-law, Charles Gilkey, in his
will, July 29, 1783. Capt. Charles Gilkey served in the Revolu-
tionary war, 1776 {Conn. Men in the Rev'n, p. 174).
The Fifth Generation 203
Children of Charles and Lucy (Avery) Gilkey, b. at Lisbon:
i. Jonathan", b. Feb. 1, 1782.
ii. William' , b. April 17, 1783.
iii. Charles', b. May 29, 1785.
iv. John", b. Nov. 24, 1787.
V. James'", b. Sept. 14, 1790.
145. David' Avery (Jonathan*, Thomas\ James', Christo-
pher') was b. Dec. 27, 1757, at Norwich; bap. July 30, 1758, First
Church of Norwich; m. Jan. 11, 1781, at Lisbon. Conn., Sarah
Palmer, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Bottom) Palmer. May 24,
1780, his father, Jonathan Avery, deeded him land in Norwich;
Feb. 27, 1778, he bought of Abigail Avery, widow of his brother,
Charles, house and lands in Canterbury (Norivich Deeds, 24:164 &
27:98). David' Avery moved to East Hamilton, Madison county,
N. Y., where he died.
Children of David and Sarah (Palmer) Avery:
Guerdon% b. Sept. 5, 1793, at Lisbon, Conn.
LucY% b. Aug. 10, 1795, at New Lebanon, N. Y.
Charles% b. Sept. 12, 1802, at Hamilton, N. Y.
Palmer% d. unm.
146. Uriah'' Avery (Jonathan*, Thomas\ James'' , Christopher^)
wash. Aug. 23, 1760, at Norwich; bap. Nov. 2, 1760, First Church of
Norwich; m. Jan. 28, 1783, at Lebanon, Conn., Sybil Little. Sept.
4, 1790, Uriah Avery of Hampton deeded to David Avery of Can-
terbury, land that he had of his honored father, Jonathan Avery.
The census report of that year showed that his family consisted
of six persons besides himself, but we have not been able to get
any further information on this subject. Feb. 11, 1834, he was
Kving at Norwich, Chenango County, N. Y., from which place he
applied for a pension which was allowed. He was in the battle of
White Plains; served on the ship ''Warren" that cruised to the
West Indies and took two prizes (Application for Pension, No. 32,
627, Inv.).
There was a Uriah Avery in the French and Indian war, 1756,
who has not been identified.
204 The Groton Avery Clan
147. Olive' Avery {Jonathan^, Thomas\ James', Christopher^)
was bap. May 29, 1763, First Church of Norwich; m. Asahel Adams,
s. of Phineas and Susannah (Woodward) Adams. He was b. Sept.
13, 1754, at Canterbury. Asahel Adams of Canterbury, and David
Avery of Brooklyn, executors of the estate of Jonathan Avery,
late of Norwich, now Lisbon, sold land belonging to the estate,
July 24, 1796 (Lisbon Deeds, 1 :442) . Asahel Adams went on the
"Lexington Alarm;" enlisted in the Revolutionary army. May 5,
1777, from Canterbury; was discharged May 5, 1780 (Conn. Men in
the Rev'n, pp. 19, 220). He was Excellent Scribe of the Franklin
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, Norwich, Conn., 1801. He moved
to Ohio in 1802. His wife d. April 21, 1813, at Liberty, Ohio; he
d. there May 25, 1825.
Children of Asahel and Olive (Avery) Adams, b. at Canter-
i. Betsey', b. Dec. 22, 1780; m. Camden Cleaveland; d. Aug. 15, 1867, at
Warren, 0.
ii. David Augustus", b. Feb. 10, 1784; m. Nancy Tylee; d. Oct. 3, 1855.
iii. Asahel", b. July 9, 1786; m. Lucy Mygatt; d. Oct. 9, 1852.
iv. Frances Ursula", b. July 9, 1789; m. Joseph Coit.
V. Susan", b. Sept. 5, 1791; m. 1st, John Patterson; 2d, Warham Gates;
d. Jan. 8, 1871, at Mesopotamia, 0.
vi. Mason", b. March 24, 1793; a soldier of 1812; d. April 11, 1813, at Lib-
erty, 0.
vii. Olive", b. April 5, 1795; d. April .11, 1813, at Liberty, O.
viii. Jay", b. June 30, 1797; m. Sarah Simmons; d. Nov. 28, 1848, at Liber-
ty, Ohio.
ix. Adaline", b. Feb. 24, 1799; m. George Hapgood; d. Oct. 26, 1871.
160. Samuel' Avery (Isaac*, Thomas\ James', Christopher^)
had a daughter, Lydia, who m. Josiah Denison and lived in West
Stafford, Conn., we know nothing more of him.
Child of Samuel Avery:
486. i. Lydia".
161. Elizabeth^ Avery (Isaac*, Thomas\ James', Christopher^)
m. Oct. 27, 1757, Samuel Caulkins. On this date, Joshua Hemp-
stead wrote in his diary:
"I was att home foren & towd night I rid out with Isaac Avery to his
House & Married his Daughter Elizabeth to Samll Caulking the Adopted
son of Samuel Williams."
Samuel Caulkins was probably the son of Thomas and Mary (Rog-
ers) Caulkins, bap. March 26, 1739, First Church of New London.
The Fifth Generation 205
He probably served in Capt. Lattimore's company, in the French
and Indian war, 1757 {French and Indian War Rolls, 2:233).
Children of Samuel and Elizabeth (Avery) Caulkins:
ii. Elizabeth*.
162. Daniel' Avery (Isaac\ Thomas', James', Christopher')
was b. April 19, 1748; m. Feb. 5, 1775, at Tolland, Conn., Thank-
ful Benton, dau. of Samuel and Jane (Bradley) Benton of Tolland.
She was b. Aug. 22, 1752, at Tolland. He was a farmer and lived
and died at West Stafford. She d. Oct. 4, 1824, at West Stafford;
he d. April 24, 1831.
Children of Daniel and Thankful (Benton) Avery, b. at West
Charles% b. Nov. 12, 1775.
Henry% b. Aug. 25, 1777.
Charlotte% b. Dec. 26, 1779.
LoviNA% b. Sept. 6, 1781.
Elihu Benton% b. Nov. 26, 1784.
SoPHiA% b. Aug. 31, 1787; d. Oct. 29, 1791.
AZUBA% b. Feb. 6, 1790.
LiLLY% b. Nov. 22, 1793.
163. Abigrail' Avery (Isaac*, Thomas\ James', Christopher')
m. Jonah Bradley. He was a farmer of Tolland and West Staf-
ford. He d. March 19, 1825; she d. Nov. 24, 1837, both at West
Child of Jonah and Abigail (Avery) Bradley:
i. Sallie".
174. John' Avery (John*, John', James\ Christopher') was b.
May 14, 1706, at Groton; m. Lydia Smith, dau. of Nehemiah and
Dorothy (Wheeler) Smith, and sister of James Avery's wife, Eliz-
abeth (No. 53). She was b. Jan. 24, 1712-13, at Groton. She in-
herited land from her father's estate, April 14, 1737. John Avery
and his wife were in full communion with the First Church of
Groton, Nov. 22, 1727. He later moved to Franklin, Conn. , where
he died. He made a will, April 15, 1762; it was proved at Nor-
wich, Feb. 4, 1766. He mentioned wife, Lydia; sons, John, Jabez,
Amos, Nathan, Nehemiah, David, Roswell; daus., Lydia Gager
and Sarah Avery (Norwich Wills, 3:326).
206 The Groton Avery Clan
Children of John and Lydia (Smith) Avery:
Amos", d. at 3 mo. of age of whooping cough, unchristened {The
David Avery ms. ) .
JoHN% bap. Jan. 2, 1731, First Church of Groton.
Jabez% bap. April 14, 1734, First Church of Groton.
Amos% bap. April 18, 1736, First Church of Groton.
Lydia", bap. July 23, 1738, First Church of Colchester.
Nathan% b. Nov. 22, 1737.
David", b. April 5, 1746.
RoswELL", b. Dec. 17, 1748.
175. Sarah' Avery {John\ John'', James', Christopher^ ) was b.
Oct. 10, 1713, at Groton; m. 1st, Jan. 10, 1734, Beebe Denison, s. of
Daniel and Mary (Stanton) Denison. He was b. Jan. 27, 1708-9,
and d. March 24, 1745, at Stonington. She m. 2d, Oct. 18, 1752,
Benadam Denison, s. of William and Mercy (Gallop) Denison. He
was b. Feb. 6, 1721; d. before Oct., 1762, at which time, in her
father's will, Sarah is called his widow.
Children of Beebe and Sarah (Avery) Denison, b. at Stoning-
i. Mary', b. Jan. 24, 1735; m. William Hilliard.
ii. Daniel", b. Feb. 9, 1737; died young,
iii. Sarah", b. Sept. 11, 1739; m. William Latham.
iv. Daniel", b. Nov. 9, 1742; m. Dorothy Denison; d. Jan. 17, 1808, at Ston-
176. Abigail Avery {John\ John\ James', Christopher^) was
b. Dec. 25, 1715, at Groton ; m. John Denison, s. of Daniel and
Mary (Stanton) Denison. He was b. Oct. 21, 1716, at Stonington;
d. March 18, 1808, aged 92 {David Avery ms.). The date of her
death is not known.
Children of John and Abigail (Avery) Denison, b. at Stoning-
i. Abigail", m. Zebulon Elliot.
ii. Desire", d. Dec. 2, 1824, aged 82; unm.
iii. Avery".
iv. Anna", m. Nehemiah Avery (No. 510).
V. Lucy", d. May 1, 1812, aged 64; unm.
vi. Mary", m. Stephen Avery (No. 304).
vii. Sarah", b. May 2, 1752; m. John Baldwin; d. June 19, 1813, at Ston-
The Fifth Generation 207
viii. Nathan", m. Elizabeth Conklin.
ix. Julia", m. Pierre LaRoche.
X. Andrew% b. Dec. 3, 1761; m. Sally Williams; d. March 25, 1813, at
Burlington, Vermont.
178. William' Avery {John*, John', James', Christopher^) was
b. April 1, 1726, at Groton; m. Dec. 4, 1746, at Stonington, Phebe
Denison, dau. of Daniel and Mary (Stanton) Denison. She was
b. April 24, 1723, at Stonington. He d. Oct. 26, 1805, at Groton
{David Avery 7ns.). She d. July 11, 1807, at Groton. No children.
180. George' Avery {John\ John\ James-, Christopher^) was
bap. March 20, 1737, First Church of Groton; m. March 29, 1758,
at Groton, Eunice Avery, dau. of Christopher and Eunice (Pren-
tice) Avery (No. 331). She was b. Dec. 19, 1739, at Groton. John
Avery deeded land to his dutiful son, George Avery, Sept. 19, 1758
{Groton Deeds, 4:217). George ' Avery held an interest in the Wy-
oming company, Dec. 6, 1754. He was in Abel Spicer's company,
1775; in Isaac Gallop's company, 1776; in the first regiment of Conn,
line, 1777, and served three years {Conn. Men in the Rev'n, pp.
77, 100, 148). He d. Feb. 16, 1785, at Groton; his widow d. Dec.
28, 1807, at Groton; buried in the Avery-Morgan burying-ground.
Children of George and Eunice (Avery) Avery, b. at Groton:
George", b. April 24, 1759.
Christopher", b. Sept. 6, 1760; killed at Fort Griswold; unm.
William", b. Jan. 26, 1764.
Eunice", b. Sept. 25, 1767.
Abel", b. April 2, 1769.
Phebe", b. Dec. 25, 1771.
John", b. Oct. 22. 1774.
viii. Cyrus", b. March 23, 1778.
Sarah", b. Nov. 14, 1781.
181. Nathaniel' Avery {Nathaniel', John\ James', Christo-
pher^) m. Mary Wickwire, dau. of Christopher and Elizabeth
(Swaddle) Wickwire. She was bap. Sept. 21, 1724, First Church
of Montville. Christopher Wickwire of Groton, in a will made Feb.
10, 1746, mentioned his daughter, Mary, wife of Nathaniel Avery
of Lyme. Nathaniel Avery owned much land in Lyme, on Walnut
Hill, as many deeds show. He d. before Dec. 27, 1756, at which
time Nathaniel ' Avery gave bonds for the administration of his
estate {Neiv London Wills, G:87). His widow m. a man by the
208 The Groton Avery Clan
name of Stocker. Sanford Avery sold to Jesse Beckwith, Sept. 9,
1775, land that had been set out to his honored mother, Mary
Stocker, as her third of the estate of his honored father, Nathan-
iel Avery; Elisha Avery and Nathan Avery deeded land in the
same way to the same person {Lyme Deeds, 13:279, 340). The
names of the children have been determined by the settlement of
the estate.
Children of Nathaniel and Mary (Wickwire) Avery:
522. i. Elisha\
523. ii. Sanford\
524. iii. Nathan\
525. iv. ANN^
526. V. Margery', b. Jan. 11, 1757.
182. William'' Avery (Nathaniel'^, John\ James', Christopher'^)
m. Mary . In his will, made July 16, 1761, he called him-
self of Lyme; mentioned wife, Mary; sons, John, William, Daniel,
Silvanus; daus., Betsey, Temperance, Anne. His widow m. 2d, a
Dailey {Lyme Deeds, 16:423-5).
Children of John and Mary Avery:
185. Andrew- Avery {Nathaniel*, John\ James', Christopher^)
was bap. April 16, 1732, First Church of Groton; m. Martha .
He served in the French and Indian War, 1755, and 1758 {French
and Indian War Rolls, 1:41 & 2:61). A powder-horn, marked
"Andrew Avery, his horn. Lake Georg, 1758," was in the posses-
sion of his grandson, Josiah Avery, a hundred years later. His
will, made Sept. 19, 1774, was proved at New London, Nov. 8,
1774 {Neiv London Wills, 1:374). In it he mentioned wife, Martha,
and the children named below. After his death, the family moved
to Corinth, Vermont.
Children of Andrew and Martha Avery:
543. i. Amos".
544. ii. Nathaniel", b. May, 1764, at Lyme.
545. iii. Abigail".
The Fifth Generation 209
546. iv. Andrew".
547. V. Christopher", b. Oct. 15, 1773.
186. Amos' Avery {NatlimiicV, J ohn-^, James'-, Christopher^)
m. Phebe Crocker, dau. of John and Jerusha (Larrabee) Crocker.
She was b. Feb. 16, 1741-2, at Montville. Amos Avery of Lyme,
and wife, Phebe, deeded to "our honored mother," Jerusha
Johnson. April 15, 1765, land that came to them from their
"honored father," John Crocker (Neiv London Deeds). Amos"
Avery made a will May 25, 1789, that was witnessed by Sylvanus
Avery, and proved Sept. 13, 1790 (New London Court Journal,
7:131). He mentioned wife, Phebe, and children named in the
order given below.
Children of Amos and Phebe (Crocker) Avery:
Amos", b. Feb. 18, 1781, at Lyme, Conn
187. Desire'^ Avery (Nathaniel*, John'\ James'-, Christopher'^)
m. John Whitney (see her father's will).
188. Ann^ Avery (Nathaniel*, John^, James-, Christopher^)
m. Jan., 1759, at Lyme, Thomas Merrill (Lyme Records, 1:101).
She d. Feb. 27, 1760, at Lyme.
Child of Thomas and Ann (Avery) Merrill, b. at Lyme:
i. Amos", b. Feb. 18, 1760.
191. Jerusha^ Avery (Joseph*. Johw% James", Christopher^)
m. March 8, 1731, at Stonington, Ezekiel Harrington, s. of Peter
and Abiah Yarrington. He was bap. March 25, 1704-5, at Bev-
erly, Mass. Ezekiel Yarrington, with his mother, Abiah, admin-
istered the estate of Peter Yarrington, Dec. 15, 1725. He was in
Capt. Robert Denison's company in the campaign of 1755 ; was in
Johnson's fight of Sept. 8 (French and Indian War Rolls, 1:10).
He made a will July 2, 1759 ; proved Dec. 3, 1759. He mentioned
wife, Jerusha ; sons, Amos and Joseph ; grandson, Ezekiel, s. of
210 The Groton Avery Clan
son, Ezekiel, deceased; dau., Desire, wife of Benjamin Thatcher.
Lebanon ; dans., Laiirej^ Jerusha, Deborah, and Phebe.
Children of Ezekiel and Jerusha (Avery) Yarrington, b. at
Stonington :
Desire'', b. April 6, 1732; m. Benjamin Thatcher of Lebanon,
i. Ezekiel', b. Oct. 20, 1733; d. before 1759.
ii. Laurey", b. Aug. 7, 1735.
V. Jerusha'', b. Dec. 10, 1737; m. Daniel Peck of Lyme.
V. Amos", b. Oct. 27, 1740.
vi. Joseph", b. March 10, 1743; m. Lucy Leffingwell, dau. of Jonathan
and Lucy (Avery) Leffingwell (No. 86, iv) ; 2d, Anna (Witter)
Park, widow of Jonathan Park,
vii. Deborah'', b. May 10, 1746.
viii. Phebe", b. April 8, 1748.
192. Richardson'^ Avery {Williani\ JoJm', James", Christo-
pher^) was b. Jan. 25, 1718, at Stonington; bap. May 25, 1718,
First Church of Stonington ; m. Nov. 3, 1740, at Stonington, Sarah
Plumb, dau. of Samuel Plumb. About 1770, he removed to the
Wyoming Valley of Pennsylvania. In the battle that preceded
the massacre of July 3, 1778, he, with many others, sought refuge
in Forty Fort, where they were imprisoned several days. After
their escape, they walked to Connecticut, nearly two hundred
miles. His name appears on the rate-bills of Wilkesbarre, Penn.,
in 1776, 1777. His will was dated Feb. 11, 1784 ; probated Feb. 3,
1786, at Stonington {Sto7iington Wills, 5:26). He mentioned
wife, Sarah ; sons, Samuel, Richardson, Christopher ; daus., Anna
Gore, Catherine Brown, Elizabeth Gore.
Children of Richardson and Sarah (Plumb) Avery, born at
Stonington :
Samuel'', b. Feb. 11, 1741.
Richardson", b. Oct. 6, 1742.
Anna", b. Dec. 18, 1744.
SARAH^ b. Aug. 19, 1747.
Prudence", b. May 13, 1751.
Catherine", b. Feb. 12, 1754.
Elizabeth", b. July 31, 1756.
viii. Christopher", b. Nov. 6, 1758; served in the Revolutionary
war, under Capt. Williams, Col. Webb's reg't, from 1781 to
close of war; drew a pension; went to Sheshequin, Penn.,
where he d. May 3, 1830 ; unm.
The Fifth Generation 211
193. William'^ Avery {William\ Jo1m'^, James'-, Christopher^)
was bap. April 5, 1724, First Church of Stonington ; m. Dec. 13,
1750, at Stonington, Abigail (Avery) Williams (No. 204), dau.
of EHsha and Elizabeth (Babcock) Avery, and the widow of
Henry Williams. She was b. July 26, 1720, at Stonington.
Children of William and Abigail (Avery) Avery, b, at Ston-
ington :
568. i. William*' (David Avery ms.) .
569. ii. Mary', b. May 25, 1753.
570. iii. Abigail", b. Aug. 17, 1755.
571. iv. Elias" {David Avery ms.) .
194. Anne'^ Avery (William*, John^, James", Christopher')
was b. April 5, 1721, at Stonington; bap. April 5, 1724, First
Church of Stonington; m. March 6, 1740, at Stonington, Oliver
Babcock, s. of James and Sarah (Vose) Babcock. He was b.
July 27, 1720, at Stonington ; was a farmer ; was in the campaign
of 1759 {Frc7ich and Indian War Rolls, 2 :167, 173) . He d. Sept.
25, 1771, at Stonington ; she d. Feb. 7, 1803, at Stonington.
Children of Oliver and Anne (Avery) Babcock, b. at Ston-
ington :
i. Oliver", b. Jan. 22, 1741; m. Mercy Keeney; was a lieutenant in the
Revolution (Conn. Meyi in the Rev'n, pp. 73, 99, 122) ; d. Jan. 25,
1777, at Stonington.
ii. Joshua", b. June 25, 1743; m. Elizabeth Palmer; d. Oct. 1, 1810, at
iii. Nana', b. July 15, 1745; m. Sanford Langworthy; 2d, Anthony
Rhodes; d. Oct. 12, 1839.
iv. William", b. March 19, 1747; m. Lucretia Davis; d. Sept. 21, 1829,
at Chatham, N. Y.
V. RuFUS", b. Sept. 10, 1748; died young.
vi. Gershom", b. Nov. 9, 1752; m. Chloe Davis.
vii. Altana", b. Jan. 14, 1755; m. John Langworthy; d. April 7, 1840,
at Stonington.
viii. Christopher", b. Jan. 26, 1757; m. Polly Benedict; was a surgeon
in the Revolution (Conn. Men in the Rev'n, p. 143); d. in the
army, Nov. 2, 1780.
ix. Elizabeth", b. Jan. 15, 1759; m. John Foote; d. April 10, 1832.
X. Daniel", b. Aug. 5, 1762; m. Content Potter; lived at Hopkinton,
R. I.; justice of the peace, 46 years; representative; state sena-
tor, 9 years; judge of county court, 8 years; deacon of the Bap-
tist church, 50 years; d. Sept. 18, 1846.
212 The Groton Avery Clan
195. John' Avery (William*, John^, James-, Christopher^)
was b. April 29, 1727, at Stonington ; m. Feb. 9, 1757, at Stoning-
ton,Anna Miner, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth (Brown) Miner.
She was b. June 26, 1735, at Stonington. John"' Avery was in
Robert Denison's company, at Crown Point, 1775; was in John-
son's fight, Sept. 8, 1755, where his brother Christopher was
killed ; was serg't in the campaign of 1756, in Ebenezer Billings's
company (French and Indian War Rolls, 1 :10, 107) . He d. Sept.
11, 1815, at Stonington.
Children of John and Anna (Miner) Avery, b. at Stonington :
Anna", b. Nov., 1757; d. Feb. 10, 1759.
Anna", b. Nov. 9, 1760; m. Sparks (?).
John', b. .July 2, 1762.
Robert', b. March 5, 1765.
Daniel', b. April 23, 1767.
Betsey', b. Oct. 31, 1769.
196. Amos'' Avery (William*, John^, James-, Christopher^)
was b. Jan. 30, 1732-3, at Stonington ; bap. Sept. 23, 1733, Second
Church of Stonington; m. Patience Sparhawk(Z)ai"/f/Ave7'i/ ms.),
dau. of Simeon and Borodel (Stanton) Sparhawk. He served in
Col. Christopher Avery's (No. 47) reg't, for the relief of Fort
William Henry, 1757 (French and Indian War Rolls, 1 :232) . He
d. before Nov. 2, 1768.
Children of Amos and Patience (Sparhawk) Avery:
577. i. Borodel', bap. Aug. 1, 1762, First Church of Stonington.
578. ii. Amos' (David Avery ms.) .
197. Elias^ Avery (William*, John^, James", Christopher'^)
was b. July 5, 1736, at Stonington; m. Mary Miner (David
Avery ms.) . "He was an ensign under Major Rogers and was
killed near Misiski Bay, up near Colerain" (David Avery ms.) .
Major Robert Rogers spoke of Ensign Avery in a letter dated
Nov, 5, 1759. Ensign Avery was with him when he reconnoitered
the Indian town of St. Francis, and at Cohase Intervales. They
expected to find provisions at Misisquey Bay. Elias Avery is
spoken of as being "of Fitches" (Rogers's Journal, F. B. Hough,
editor, p. 141).
New York regiment. Eliezer Fitch, major. Three companies were allowed
by the Conn, general assembly to be enlisted in Conn., "on the pay and
encouragement" of New York, to be commanded by their own com-
The Fifth Generation 213
pany officers and in a regiment having a Conn, major. Elias Avery
was in Capt. John Shxpp's company, May, 1755. They were sent to
the northward of Albany to remove encroachments on his Majestie's
lands. In Col. Phineas Lyman's regiment, raised in 1757, and sent to
the northward of Albany, was Sei'g't Elias Avery. In Col. Eliezer
Fitch's reg't, in the campaigns of 1758 and 1759, was Ensign Elias
Avery (Frotcli and Indian War Rolls, 1:190 & 2:71, 166. See also
Pavkman's Mont calni and Wolfe, 2:255; Avery's History of the United
States and Its People, 4: chap. 13; and Benadam Gallop, No. 80, supra.)
198. Abigail^ Avery (Williavi*, John'\ James'-, Christopher'^)
was b. April 25, 1746, at Stonington; m. March 23, 1766, at Ston-
ington, Elijah Jones, s. of Elijah and Mary (Main) Jones. He
was b. March 2, 1737, at Stonington. Elizabeth Sinkler, Stoning-
ton, made a will Feb. 1, 1774, that had the following:
"I give and bequeath to Abigail Jones, youngest daughter of Mrs. Elijah
Jones, and granddaughter of the widow Sarah Avery of Stonington,
second society, my blue persian gown to be to her for her own."
(Stonington Wills, 2:123).
Elijah Jones served as private in the campaign of 1756, under
Capt. Ebenezer Billings {Frcyich and Indian War Rolls, 1:107).
Abigail Avery Jones died before 1774, as Elijah Jones married a
second wife, Deborah York, that year (Stonington Records).
Children of Elijah and Abigail (Avery) Jones, b. at Ston-
ington :
i. Prudence", b. March 18, 1767.
ii. Abigail", b. Feb. 28, 1770.
200. 'Nathaniel'^ Avery ( William*, John", James-, Christopher^ )
was b. Aug. 28, 1751, at Stonington ; m. Oct. 14, 1781, Desire
Clark. She d. Dec. 24, 1782, at Leyden, Mass., without children.
He m. 2d, Oct. 12, 1783, at Leyden, Anna Littlefield. She was
the mother of all his children ; she d. July 26, 1815, at Leyden.
He m. 3d, Feb. 29, 1816, at Leyden, Amy Denison, dau. of David
and Keziah (Smith) Denison. Nathaniel^ Avery was corporal in
the third company from Stonington, Samuel H. Parson's reg't,
1775; was a pensioner living in Leyden, Mass., 1818 {Co7in. Men
in the Rev'n, pp. 74, 640). He d. Aug. 30, 1839, at Leyden; his
widow d. March 24, 1858, at Leyden.
Children of Nathaniel and Anna (Littlefield) Avery, b. at
Leyden, Mass. :
214 The Groton Avery Clan
James", b. July 6, 1784.
Josiah', b. March 10, 1786; d. May 1, 1869, at Leyden; unm.
Desire", b. March 5, 1788.
Daniel", b. Nov. 16, 1790.
Sarah", b. May 6, 1794.
Nathaniel", b. Jan. 18, 1797; d. Nov. 3, 1871, at Leyden; unm.
Nancy", b. June 6, 1800; d. Jan. 22, 1808, at Leyden.
201. Abraham'^ Avery {William\ John--, James'-, Christo-
pher^) was b. May 20, 1754, at Stonington; m. about 1780, at
Guilford, Vermont, Mercy Packer, dau. of Ichabod and Esther
(Burrows) Packer. She was bap. July 5, 1761, First Church of
Abraham' Avery was a blacksmith and armorer, July 1,
1775, he enlisted at Stonington, as a corporal in the company com-
manded by Nathan Hale, Washington's martyr spy, a part of the
seventh Connecticut regiment, Col. Charles Webb. After a few
weeks' service on the Sound, they marched to Boston, where they
were assigned to General Sullivan's brigade on Winter Hill. He
was discharged Dec. 18, at Cambridge. January 1, 1776, he en-
listed at Stonington in the Continental line, Capt. James Eldridge,
Col. S. H. Parson's regiment. When he reached Boston, he was
transferred to a company of artificers under Capt. Bacon. After
the British evacuated Boston, the artificers went to New London
and took shipping to New York. Here the armorers were reor-
ganized under Capt. John Hilliard. Soon after the lieutenants of
this company were sent to the Northern army and, thereafter,
Abraham Avery, being orderly sergeant, acted as lieutenant. They
were at King's Yards until the Americans left Long Island, when
they went to White Plains and afterwards to Peekskill, where
Abraham Avery was discharged at the end of his term of service.
He returned to Stonington and, December, 1778, went to Boston
and enlisted as gunsmith on the brig "Eagle," a privateer under
Capt. Elijah Luce, commissioned by Massachusetts. The brig
sailed to Surinam, thence to the West Indies, where. May 1, 1779,
they captured a British sloop. The same day they were, after a
fight of an hour and a half, captured by the tender of a British
50-gun ship, commanded by Admiral Young. They were taken
to Antigua, where Abraham Avery and ten of his companions
were transferred to the "Renown," another British war-ship of
The Fifth Generation 215
fifty guns, and obliged to aid in working the vessel. They con-
voyed a sugar fleet to the British Channel and then sailed to New
York, where Abraham Avery and his companions petitioned to be
placed on the prison ship, preferring confinement to forced ser-
vice against their country. After much sufi'ering in the fever-
stricken hulk as it floated at its moorings in the North River (the
Hudson), they were finally paroled. Abraham Avery reached
home in a starving state and without hat or shoes or clothing
suflJicient to cover his nakedness. He soon moved to Guilford,
During the Revolutionary war, the territory now known as
Vermont was claimed by the state of New York. In 1777, many
of the settlers in that region were in favor of organizing a new
state. A convention adopted a declaration of the rights and inde-
pendence of what had been called the New Hampshire Grants,
and proclaimed the commonwealth of "New Connecticut, alias
Vermont." Congress was petitioned that New Connecticut might
be ranked "among the free and independent American States
and delegates therefrom admitted to seats in the grand Conti-
nental Congress." New York took measures to bring the disaf-
fected back to their allegiance and to secure congressional inter-
ference in her behalf. Meantime, there were many in the
"Grants" who were favorable to the government of New York.
"In Brattleborough they were more numerous than the Vermont
adherents, and were not afraid to act as their convictions dic-
tated." Thus sprang up two factions, the "Vermonters" and
the "Yorkers." By 1783, there was, especially in Windham
County, a condition of mutual terror and distrust.
"Houses were divided — the father upholding the jurisdiction of New
York, the sons maintaining the supremacy of Vermont. Friendships
the most intimate were disturbed. The word neighbor carried no
meaning with it beyond the idea of contiguity. The physician could
not visit his patient in safety unless protected with a pass. The min-
ister of the gospel failed to enforce the doctrine of Christian charity
on the hearts of men who knew none for one another."
In Guilford, the Yorkers held the power and prevented the
Vermonters from executing their laws and collecting taxes.
The new government took active measures that tended only to
unite the opposition in their determination to withstandthe execu-
tion of laws originating in an authority that they did not acknowl-
216 The Groton Avery Clan
edge, and to follow such a course as seemed to them best fitted
"to promote the interests of New York and of the United States."
In Hall's History of Eastern Vermont (page 505), is told the
story of the capture of a staunch Vermonter by the name of Ben-
jamin Carpenter, He was carried away by the Yorkers, "to his
great damage," but lived many years thereafter and left a quaint
epitaph to declare to the coming generation that his "Stature
was about six feet. Weight 200. Death had no terror." The
most prominent actors in this seizure were Abraham Avery, Cyril
Carpenter, Nathaniel Carpenter [and others], all of Guilford.
The seizure was made Dec. 1, 1783. In the following February,
twenty-five of the Yorkers were arraigned at the bar of the
sup*erior court. Abraham Avery was among the number. He
pleaded not guilty and the case against him seems to have been
dismissed upon payment of the costs.
There were many indictments on account of the current hos-
tilities, and many of the Yorkers in the southern part of Wind-
ham County endured countless inconveniences and losses. In
1786, the New York legislature took action on the subject of the
sufferings of their friends who, led partly by the resolutions of
congress, and especially those of December 5, 1782, and "by
their attachment, zeal and activity in endeavoring to support the
just and lawful authority of New York," had brought upon them-
selves confiscations and imprisonments, and had suffered "such
exquisite tortures." It was shown that their losses amounted
to £16,663, 13s., 8d., and it was deemed proper for the state
to grant them "a quantity of vacant land equivalent to a town-
ship of eight miles square." The land was divided into one
hundred lots of 640 acres each. Lot No. 50 was appropriated
to the use of "Gospel and Schools," and lot No. 51 "For pro-
moting Literature." Lot No. 87 was given to Abraham Avery
and William Gault, the former receiving 430 acres. The grant
was dated July 11, 1786. At the same time, 214 acres in lot No.
62 was granted to Ichabod Packer, and 132 acres in lot No. 42 to
Nathan Avery.
April 29,1783, Abraham"' Avery was elected one of the assess-
ors of Guilford. In 1784, he sold his house and blacksmith shop
in Guilford to Nathaniel Avery and moved to Colerain, Massachu-
setts. May 11, 1798, a committee reported on the building of a
bridge in Colerain, over the North River "just below Abraham
The Fifth Generation 217
Avery's." The man who built the bridge was to have the worth
of £15, lawful money ; one barrel of new rum by June 15, "bought
as cheap as they can at Greenfield," and the rest in grain or suit-
able neat stock.
About 1800, Abraham Avery settled on the land given him by
the state of New York, two and a half miles from Preston, Che-
nango County, on the Norwich road. Here he lived for many
3'ears, an influential and well-to-do farmer. He was ensign of the
company of light infantry, Jeremiah Butts, captain, 1804.
October 16, 1818, he was placed on the pension roll for mili-
tary service, but was dropped May 1, 1820, under the act that
debarred those having more than three hundred dollars worth of
property. He was reinstated under the act of June 1, 1832.
The accompanying facsimile of his autograph is copied from his
application for a
Jl y J ^^ pension, now on
^^^m^tZ^^ZM^ LMH^HJ^^ fil^ ^" the "Old
War and Navy
Ofl^ce" of the
Pension Bureau
at Washington. He moved to Earlville, Madison County, about
1840, and died there in February, 1843, about six months after
the death of his wife.
He was a tall man, with a large frame, grey eyes, and hair
that he wore pompadour and that was thick even in his old age.
He was well informed, a great student of the Bible, and a devoted
Baptist. His descendants honor and revere him.
Children of Abraham and Mercy (Packer) Avery:
Elias Packer', b. Aug. 16, 1781, at Guilford, Vt.
Hubbard Burrows", b. Dec. 29, 1784, at Colerain, Mass.
Amos Walker", b. May 24, 1787, at Colerain.
Ichabod Denison", m. late in life; wife unknown; no children.
Abigail', died unm.
Elisha^ Avery {ElisJia\ John\ James'-, Christopher^)
was b. March 30, 1717, at Stonington ; m. Jan. 20, 1742, at Ston-
ington, Rebecca Miner, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth (Brown)
Miner, and sister of Anna Miner who m. John Avery (No. 195).
She was b. Aug. 18, 1720, at Stonington. The family is supposed
to have moved to New York state.
ington :
218 The Groton Avery Clan
Children of Elisha and Rebecca (Miner) Avery, b. at Ston-
Elisha'', b. Jan. 7, 1743.
Joseph'', b. April 13, 1747.
Rebecca', b. Sept. 20, 1752.
Samuel", b. March 20, 1755.
204. Abigail^ Avery (Elisha\ John-\ James'-, Christopher^)
was b. July 26, 1720, at Stonington ; m. Nov. 3, 1738, at Stoning-
ton, Henry Williams. He d. before Dec. 13, 1750, at which time
she m. William Avery (No. 193).
Children of Henry and Abigail (Avery) Williams, b. at Ston-
ington :
i. Desire", b. Feb. 9, 1740.
ii. Avery", b. July 19, 1741.
iii. Elizabeth", b. Nov. 10, 1743.
iv. Henry", b. Nov. 21, 1745. This may be the Henry Williams who
was preaching in Guilford, Vermont, 1779. He was a violent
Yorker and left Guilford. He later preached in Leverett, Mass.
His son, Avery, b. in Guilford, was of Dartmouth College, 1804.
206. Joseph^ Avery {Daniel*, John', James'-, Christopher'^)
m. Mary Honeywell, dau. of Gilbert and Mary Honeywell. The
line is given as recorded here for the following reasons :
(1) Daniel Avery, son of John, lived at Oyster Bay, Long
Island; had a son, Joseph, who moved to East Chester, West-
chester County, N. Y. {David Avery ms.) .
(2) Joshua Townsend, Oyster Bay, Long Island, made a
will Jan. 4, 1742, that was witnessed by Joseph Avery {New
York Wills, 18:376).
(3) Gilbert Honeywell, Westchester Borough, Westchester
County, N. Y., in a will made April 23, 1764, and proved April 23,
1776, mentioned wife, Mary; son, Gilbert; daus., Elizabeth and
Mary ; Mary, wife of Joseph Avery ; Thaddeus and Alpheus, sons
of Joseph Avery {Calendar of Wills, Albany, N. Y.).
(4) Tradition in the family of the descendants of Thad-
deus Avery.
Children of Joseph and Mary (Honeywell) Avery:
600. i. Thaddeus", b. Oct. 30, 1749.
601. ii. Alpheus".
The Fifth Generation 219
227. Lucy' Avery {Christopher^ Samuel'-, James'-, Christo-
pher') was b. April 13, 1722, at Groton; m. Jan. 13, 1742, at
Groton, Peter Bulkley, s.of the Rev. John and Patience (Prentice)
Bulkley {David Avenj ms.) . He was b. Nov. 21, 1712, at Groton.
Christopher^ Avery, in his will, dated Nov. 3, 1767, mentioned his
grandchildren, Peter, William, and Lucy Bulkley, children of his
daughter, Lucy, deceased {Sfoningto7i Wills, 1:34). She d. Aug.
21, 1754 ; Peter Bulkley married a second wife and d. after 1761.
Children of Peter and Lucy (Avery) Bulkley, b. at Groton:
i. Peter", b. Feb. 4, 1744; m. Hannah Breed,
ii. William".
iii. Lucy'', m. John Breed.
228. William' Avery {Christopher^ SamueP, James', Chris-
topher') was b. Nov. 25, 1724, at Groton; m. Sept. 16, 1761, at
Groton, Mary Dolbeare, dau. of George and Mary (Sharswood)
Dolbeare. She was b. Aug. 19, 1740, at New London. A stone
in the Starr cemetery, Groton, has the following: "In Memory
of Mrs. Mary, wife of William Avery, Esq., who departed this
hfe, Oct. 4, A. D., 1774, in the 33d year of her age." William
Avery m. 2d, March 16, 1775, at Groton, Hannah Walsworth, dau.
of Paul and Sarah (Goodrich) Woodbridge, and widow of Sam-
uel Walsworth. She was b. March 19, 1743, at Groton. William''
Avery was town clerk and treasurer of Groton from Jan. 27,
1768, until his death in 1787. During the Revolution he served
on many war committees. The following are copies of documents
found on the town-books in his hand writing:
"At a town meeting legally warned and held in Groton on Monday the
20th day of June, 1774, William Williams, Esq., moderator.
"This Town taking into their Sereous consideration the Dangerous Situ-
ation of the British Colonies in North America Respecting Sundry
late Acts of the Brittish Parliament Particularly those for Shutting
up the Port of Boston the metropolis of the Province of the Massa-
chusetts Bay and abridging their Chai'ter Rights &c which if carried
into Execution not only Deprive us of all our Privileges but Render
life and property very precarious; and as we esteem the Inhabitants
of Boston now suffering under the Tyranny of said Acts of Parlia-
ment and in the common cause of America —
"Voted That we will join with the other Towns in the colony in Such
Reasonable measures as shall be judged best for the General Good
and most likely to obtain Redress of our Greviances.
"Voted That we esteem a General Congress of all the Colonies the only
220 The Groton Avery Clan
Probable meathod to adopt a uniform Plan for the Preservation of
the whole —
"Voted That if it shall be judged best by said Congress to stop all Ex-
ports to Great Britain and the West India Islands, and imports from
thence, we will most chearfully acqiuese in their Determination
Estimating the Benefits Arising therefrom mear Triffles compared
with the Rights and Privileges of America —
"Voted That Capt. William Ledyard, Thomas Mumford, Benadam Gal-
lop, Esq., Amos Prentice, Messrs. Charles Eldridge, Jr., Dea. John
Hurlburt and Amos Geer be a committee to correspond with the sev-
eral Towns of this and the other Brittish Colonies —
"Voted That the above Resolves be published in the New London Ga-
In the following December, the town held another meeting,
with this result :
"Dec. 12, 1774. The inhabitants of this town being sensible that a strict
adherence and observance of all the Resolves of the Continental Con-
gress held at Philadelphia in September last is of the most Import-
ance for the preservation of American Rights and Liberties to effect
which agreeable to the 11th article of said Congress Association
Agreement they chose the following Gentlemen Committee of Inspec-
tion for that purpose therein contained."
The committee consisted of fourteen, among whom were
William Avery, the town clerk, David Avery, and Ebenezer
Avery (Toum Minutes) .
September 21, 1779, William' Avery was chosen to represent
the town at a general convention to be held at Hartford. He was
also on a committee that year to obtain soldiers for the town's
quota. In 1780, he was one of the committee to raise a bounty
for the soldiers. He was also on a committee to see if Groton
possessed any public lands that could be sold for that purpose.
In 1781, he and four others were appointed to assess the estates
of the town and to raise 198 pounds, "solid money," for bounties
for the soldiers.
On a stone in the Starr cemetery is the following:
"This monument, sacred to the memory of William Avery,
Esq., who departed this life. May 4, A Dom., 1787, in the
63rd year of his age.
The Fifth Generation 221
The wise, the just, the pious and the brave.
Live in their death and flourish in their grave,
Grain laid in eai'th repays the pleasant care.
And evening suns but set to rise more fair."
His widow, Mrs. Hannah Avery, m. 3d, Peter Avery (No.
263) . She d. Apr. 13, 1831, at Groton.
Children of William and Mary (Dolbeare) Avery, b. at Gro-
610. i. George Dolbeare', b. Aug. 19, 1763.
611. ii. MARY^ b. Nov. 23, 1764.
iii. Abigail", b. Aug. 21, 1766; d. July 8, 1768.
612. iv. Hannah", b. July 20, 1772.
613. V. Samuel'', b. May 12, 1774.
Child of William and Hannah (Woodbridge) Avery, b. at
Groton :
614. i. Sarah", b. Jan. 16, 1776.
229. Susannah ^ Avery (Chiistopher*, Samuel^, James-, Chris-
topher') was b. Oct. 14, 1728, at Groton ; bap. Nov. 17,1728, First
Church of Groton; m. Dec. 28, 1749, at Groton, Oliver Woodbridge,
s. of Ephriam and Hannah (Morgan) Woodbridge. He was b.
Dec. 3, 1723, at Groton. She d. Jan. 4, 1767-8, at Groton.
Children of Oliver and Susannah (Avery) Woodbridge, b. at
Groton :
i. Henry", b. Oct. 25, 1750; m. Michael ; killed at Fort Griswold,
Sept. 6, 1781.
ii. Lucy", b. April 14, 1753.
iii. Christopher", b. July 4, 1756; m. Sarah ; killed at Fort Gris-
wold, Sept. 6, 1781.
iv. Mary", b. Sept. 20, 1760.
V. Oliver", b. Sept. 3, 1763.
230. Deborah^ Avery (Christopher*, Samuel^, James-, Chris-
topher^) was b. June 5, 1731, at Groton; bap. July 11, 1731, First
Church of Groton ; m. July 25, 1752, at Groton, Jasper Latham, s.
of Jasper and Abigail Latham. He was lieutenant, first company,
eighth regiment, 1754; captain, fifth company, 1757 (Co7in. Col.
Rec, 10:264, 316 & 11 :69). In a will made Aug. 14, 1797, and
proved Feb, 4, 1798-9, he mentioned wife, Deborah ; dau., Rebecca;
sons, Amos and George; children of deceased son, Jasper (Ston-
ington Wills, 6:115). He d. Jan. 11, 1798, in his 85th year; she
d. July 3, 1808 {Tombstones in Starr burying-ground) .
222 The Groton Avery Clan
Children of Jasper and Deborah (Avery) Latham, b. at
Groton :
i. Mary", b. July 7, 1753.
ii. Jasper', b. Aug. 30, 1755; m. Lydia ; d. May 4, 1789, at Groton.
iii. Amos'', b. July 16, 1759.
iv. Deborah", b. Feb. 24, 1762.
V. Lucy", bap. Sept. 16, 1765, First Church of Groton.
vi. Rebecca', b. Sept. 26, 1766.
vii. George'', b. Nov. 6, 1769; m. Rebecca Babcock; d. Oct. 30, 1849, at
viii. Hannah'', b. Oct. 6, 1774; d. Aug. 4, 1797, at Groton; unm.
231. Margaret'^ Averv (Christopher*, Samuel^-, James-, Chris-
topher') was b. March 12, 1738, at Groton; bap. April 29, 1739,
First Church of Groton; m. Jan. 14, 1760, at Groton, David Lester,
son of Jonathan and Deborah (Allyn) Lester (No. 10, ii ; David
Avery ms.) . He was bap. Nov. 7, 1736, First Church of Groton.
She d. Feb. 19, 1771, at Groton. He m. 2d. Elizabeth . In
February, 1776, the court appointed William Avery guardian of
Christopher Lester; Thomas Lester guardian of Peter Lester;
Mrs. Jasper Latham guardian of Margaret Lester, minor children
of David Lester, lately deceased (Stonington Probate Records).
Children of David and Margaret (Avery) Lester, b. at Gro-
ton :
i. Daniel", b. Sept. 15, 1760.
ii. Christopher", b. Sept. 10, 1763; m. Mary Fish.
iii. Margaret", b. Oct. 23, 1765.
iv. Peter", b. Sept. 25, 1767.
232. Rebecca' Avery {Christopher*, Samuel'^, James-, Chris-
topher') was b. Dec. 24, 1741, at Groton; bap. March 21, 1742,
First Church of Groton; m. Jan. 4, 1764, at Preston, Nathan
Lester, s. of John and Mary (Herrick) Lester (David Avery ms.) .
He was b. Sept. 8, 1743, at Preston. Christopher Avery, in a will
dated Nov. 3, 1767, mentioned his daughter, Rebecca, wife of
Nathan Lester. She d. March 17, 1771, at Preston. He m. 2d,
Elizabeth Averill.
Child of Nathan and Rebecca (Avery) Lester, b. at Preston:
i. Mary', b. Jan. 29, 1768.
233. Humphrey' Avery (Humphrey*, Samuel'', James-, Chris-
topher') was b. March 10, 1725, at Groton; m. July 19, 1745, at
Groton, Mary Baldwin, dau. of Sylvester and Elizabeth (Avery)
The Fifth Generation 223
Baldwin (No. 29, ii). She was b. Sept. 14, 1726, at Groton ; d.
April 11, 1759. Humphrey Avery, by the purchase of four lottery
tickets, came into possession of Pine Neck, Swan Creek Neck,
Short Neck, and a lot called No. 15, all in Winthrop's Patent,
Long Island. These lots were some of the prizes in his father's
lottery, an account of which appears on page 156. The drawing
was conducted by sworn officials appointed by the commissioners
of New York. Later, Humphrey Avery purchased more of the
land in Winthrop's Patent, the last deed bearing date of Aug. 15,
1789 (Siilfolk Deeds, B:352, 385). Many of the original deeds
are in the possession of Charles W. Avery (No. 6549) , Patchogue,
L. L, a descendant.
Humphrey"' Avery was one of the proprietors of Chiswick,
N. H., in 1764. He was also a member of the Susquehanna land
company. February 23, 1772, he and associates petitioned New
York for 23,000 acres of land between Lake Champlain and the
Connecticut River {NewYorkLandPapers, 30:142). In Septem-
ber, 1774, the commissioners of the New York land office granted
to him and his associates 28,000 acres of land. They conveyed
this land to Samuel Avery (No. 236), September 29.
Humphrey' Avery, in his will made Sept. 9, 1789, called him-
self of Brookhaven, Long Island. He bequeathed to his eldest
son, Thomas Avery, one half of his lands, meadows and buildings
at Pine Neck; to his fourth son, Roger, the other half; to his
second son, Humphrey, he bequeathed his lands, meadows, and
buildings, at Blue Point; to these three sons, he also gave his
dwelling house, grist-mill, saw-mill, and all his lands in Win-
throp's Patent not otherwise disposed of and all his lands else-
where, to be equally divided among them ; his son, Nathan,
"being in a state of lunacy," was to be cared for by his brothers ;
he gave to his eldest daughter, Mary Avery, a silver tankard and
a hundred and twenty pounds in lawful money ; his second
daughter, Susanna Avery, was to have a hundred and twenty
pounds on her marriage. The will was proved Jan. 29, 1790. It
is recorded at Smithtown, Suffolk County, Long Island.
The record of the children as given below was furnished by
Charles Z. Gillette, Sayville, L. I., and Charles W. Avery, Pat-
chogue, L. I., descendants.
Children of Humphrey and Mary (Baldwin) Avery, b. at
Brookhaven, Long Island :
224 The Groton Avery Clan
Thomas'', b. July 15, 1746.
Mary', b. April 19, 1748; m. Amos Avery (No. 420).
Humphrey", b. July 12, 1750.
Nathan'"', b. Oct. 24, 1751; d. after 1789, unm.
Sylvester", b. June 3, 1753; d. Oct. 10, 1753.
Roger", b. April 2, 1755.
Susanna", b. July 22, 1758.
234. William-^ Avery (Humphrey*, Samuel^, James-, Christo-
pher^) was b. Sept. 13, 1726, at Groton; m. Sept. 27, 1749, at
Preston, Hannah Meech, dau. of Daniel andAmy (Wilcox) Meech.
She was b. Sept. 3, 1730, at North Stonington. She was called
Hannah Avery in her father's will. William^ Avery probably
moved to Vermont. He was one of the grantees of Lempster,
1761 ; of Chiswick, 1764 ; of Lisbon, 1764, all of New Hampshire.
He was one of the proprietors of the Susquehanna land company.
The Rev. David Avery, in his manuscript, said that William
Avery, son of Humphrey Avery, married Jerusha Meech and had
Cynthia, Jerusha, William, and Humphrey. The Preston records
and Daniel Meech's will say that her name was Hannah. Family
tradition says that Elisha w^as the son of William Avery, but we
have no documentary proof. William' Avery is supposed to have
gone with his son, William^ to North Stukeley, Canada. He was
accidentally drowned in the winter of 1800.
Children of William and Hannah (Meech) Avery:
Cynthia", b. Dec. 12, 1750, at Preston.
Elisha". b. July, 1761.
William", b. Oct. 8, 1770, at Brattleboro
235. Solomon^ Avery (Humphrey*, Samuel", James'-, Christo-
pher^) was b. June 17, 1729, at Groton; bap. July 27, 1729, First
Church of Groton; m. Feb. 18, 1751, atGroton, Hannah Punderson,
dau. of the Rev. Ebenezer and Hannah (Miner) Punderson, and
great-granddaughter of Hannah Avery (No, 3) . She was b. June
16, 1733, at Groton. Solomon Avery was one of the grantees of
Chiswick, N. H., and one of the proprietors of the Susquehanna
land company. The Boston Gazette and County Journal, July
27, 1778, contained a letter from Mr. Samuel Avery, of July 15,
1778, "giving the disagreeable intelligence brought by Mr. Solo-
mon Avery this moment returned from Wyoming on the Sus-
The Fifth Generation
quehanna River, which says 'the infoimant conceives that of
about five thousand inhabitants one half are killed and taken by
the enemy prisoneis and the others fleeing away naked and dis-
tressed !' " (Winsor's Narrative and Critical History of America,
6:662). April 25, 1780, Solomon Avery, Richardson Avery, and
other inhabitants of Wilkesbarre, Penn., asked for help to build a
J ^1
" T
fort and for arms and ammunition "In the name and in behalf of
themselves and the Rest of the People that are driven from their
settlements at Westmoreland on the Susquehanna River by the
savages" {Western Land Documents, Hartford, 1:118). July
11, 1783, Solomon Avery wrote from Groton to his brother. Col.
Waightstill Avery of North Carolina, telling him of the battle of
226 The Groton Avery Clan
Groton Heights, Sept. 6, 1781. He says: "Eleven Averys were
killed in the fort at Groton and seven wounded. Many Averys
have been killed in this county, but there have been no Tories
among them of our name." The letter is in the possession of a
descendant of Waightstill Avery.
Solomon"' Avery's wife d. Feb. 5, 1775, at Norwich, Conn.;
he d. Dec. 23, 1798, at Putnam township (Tunkhannock),
Luzerne County, Penn.
Children of Solomon and Hannah (Punderson) Avery:
Zipporah", b. Feb. 8, 1752, at Preston.
Esther', b. Nov. 29, 1754, at New Haven.
Solomon', b. Aug. 13, 1757, at Norwich.
Miles', b. Sept, 5, 1760, at Norwich.
Stephen', b. Aug. 13, 1762, at Groton.
Ebenezer Punderson', b. May 21, 1765, at Groton,
Henry', b. May 4, 1767, at Groton.
viii. Cyrus', b. May 12, 1771, at Norwich,
ix. Humphrey', b. Jan. 17, 1775, at Norwich; d. Feb. 8, 1776.
236. Samuel'^ Avery (Humphrey^ Samuel^, James-, Christo-
pher^) was b. Oct. 17, 1731, at Groton; m. Sybil Noyes, dau. of
William and Sybil (Whiting) Noyes. She was b. Nov. 19, 1745,
at Groton. She was a descendant of Gov. William Bradford, of
John Alden, and of Thomas Rogers of the "Mayflower" {Records
of New YorkMayfloiver Society) . SamueP Avery and Sybil Noyes
were married before Nov., 1761, at which time Sybil Avery
owned a share in the Susquehanna land company. After her
death, SamueP Avery m. Mary Ann Rose, dau. of Joseph Rose.
Samuel Avery was in Capt. Robert Denison's company in the
campaign of 1755 ; in Seth King's company, first Connecticut reg't,
1762 (French and Indian War Rolls, 1 :10 & 2 :318) . He was edu-
cated for a lawyer. He emigrated to Vermont where he thought
that he had acquired a large tract of land. Col. John Henry
Lydius, an Indian trader, had bought 14,000 square miles of land
of the Mohawk Indians in 1739. This was confirmed to him by
Gov. Shirley of Massachusetts, in 1744. He sold to Samuel Avery
and his associates, two townships, one of 28,000 acres lying north
of Otter Creek, and the other of 24,000 acres lying south of the
same. Samuel Avery had great difficulty in maintaining his
claim. In 1772, he and his associates petitioned the New York
The Fifth Generation 227
government to confirm their grant. After much delay and ex-
pense, letters patent were issued to them, Aug. 16, 1774 {New
York Land Papers, 30:142 & 60:129). But they had reckoned
without the new and growing power of Vermont, in the terri-
tory of which the land was situated. When first presented,
Vermont refused to allow the claim. February 16, 1781, Samuel
Avery of Windsor, "a friend to this and the United States of
America," petitioned the general assembly of Vermont, setting
forth the difficulties under which he had labored and humbly
asking that they would confirm him in the tract above described.
The petition did not avail ; nor was it until 1789 that he was
able to secure the passage of a resolution granting him 52,000
acres of "unlocated land to be found therein for such moderate
fees as shall be deemed just and equitable." He had to take the
land in parcels wherever he could find it. The largest tract
was in Orleans County and contained 11,080 acres; the next
was in Essex County and contained 10,685 acres of mountain-
ous land. He located 9,723 acres in Franklin County; 8,744
in Addison County; 5,970 in Chittenden County; 2,936 in Cal-
edonia County, and 1,318 in Windham County {New Hampshire
State Papers, 26:617 et seq.). Some of these lands he lost by
"squatter sovereignty;" he never received anything like an
adequate return for the time, labor, anxiety, and cash that they
had cost.
SamueP Avery served in Capt. John Petty's company, Col.
Williams's regiment of Vermont militia in 1777 {Vermont Revo-
lutionary Rolls, 36) . He was living in Cumberland County, Ver-
mont, in 1780 ; was deputy-sheriff and keeper of the jail at West*
minster in 1782 and 1784, when certain Cumberland men were
228 The Groton Avery Clan
indicted for riotous resistance to Vermont authority {Governor
and Council, Vermont, 3:239).
About 1795, SamueP Avery emigrated to the Susquehanna
Valley, near Athens. He had long been interested in this region ;
we find his name on the list of proprietors of the company claim-
ing lands in the Wyoming country, Aug. 28, 1761.
He frequentlj^ visited the Wyoming region. However, he
was living in Norwich, Conn., Oct. 12, 1779, when he deeded to
the "sons of my father — Humphrey, William, Solomon, James,
Palmes, Waitstill, Isaac," a family burial-lot "for my father's
descendants forever." Already were buried there his father and
mother, his wife, Sybil, his brother Solomon's wife, and others of
the family.
About 1796, he began improvements on his extensive estate
in the Susquehanna region, but was soon in litigation with those
who claimed from the heirs of William Penn. In the end, he
lost heavily. In 1802, he was one of a committee to settle the
difficulties between Pennsylvania and the Connecticut land com-
panies. He reviewed the whole matter in a pamphlet, entitled :
"The Susquehanna Contr^ovei'sy Examined. The Material Ob-
jections against the Connecticut Title or Claim Ansivered. With
some general reaso7iing on the whole matter. Done with Truth
and Candor. Blessed are the Peacemakers."
In 1793, he offered the state of New York two shillings an
acre for 20,000 acres of land between Lake Champlain and
Wood's Creek ; 3s. an acre for 5,000 acres of land west of the
Delaware and joining the Pennsylvania line; 3s. an acre for a
township ten miles square north of the Mohawk line (Neiv York
State Papers, 56 :40) .
About 1802, he moved to Owego, New York, purchased much
land, Imilt an elegant mansion, and at his death was one of the
most wealthy and popular men in the state. He d. Aug. 4, 1806,
at Owego.
Child of Samuel and Sybil (Noyes) Avery:
634. i. Sybil Noyes'.
Children of Samuel and Mary Ann (Rose) Avery:
635. i. Samuel William", b. June 28, 1779.
ii. Mary Ann', b. May 4, 1781; d. unm.
The Fifth Generation 229
636. iii. John Humphrey", b. Nov. 4, 1782.
637. iv, Frances', b. Sept. 9, 1785, at Westminster, Vt.
638. V. Susan', b. March 31, 1787.
639. vi. Isabella", b. June 24, 1789.
237. James'^ Avery {Humphrey*, Samuel^, James-, Christo-
pher^) was b. Aug. 13, 1733, at Groton; m. Nov. 13, 1769, at
Plainfield, Conn,, Martha Smith, dau. of a brother of Luther
Smith, of Plainfield {David Avery ms.) . He was one of the
grantees of Chiswick, Lisbon, LanderofF, and Lincoln, all in New
Hampshire. He purchased the rights of the other charter mem-
bers of Chiswick and sold them for five hundred pounds, March
13, 1769, to Israel Morey and Moses Little {History of Littleton,
N. H., 1 :155) . He was also one of the proprietors of the Susque-
hanna land company. He d. Feb. 22, 1794, at Poquetannock,
Conn., and is buried in the ground given by his brother, Samuel,
as a burial lot for the descendants of his father.
Children of James and Martha (Smith) Avery:
i. Lemuel', b. Dec. 16, 1770; d. May 22, 1796, at Grenada, West
Martha', b. Aug. 22, 1773.
James', b. April 19, 1776.
Christopher', b. Sept. 5, 1778.
Jerusha', b. March 16, 1781.
Benjamin', b. Nov. 16, 1783.
John Humphrey', b. Dec. 2, 1787; d. at sea; unm.
645. viii. Henry Clinton', b. Nov. 11, 1790.
239. Christopher'^ Avery {Humphrey^ SamueP, James^,
Christopher'^) was b. May 3, 1739, at Groton. With his brothers,
he was a grantee of Chiswick and of Lisbon, N. H., in 1764 ; he
was one of the proprietors of the Susquehanna land company.
His name is found on the list of "Yankee Prisoners" taken by the
Pennsylvanians in 1774. He moved to the Wyoming Valley as
early as 1769 ; was sent thence as a delegate to the Connecticut
legislature in 1769 and 1774. He was in the government em-
ployment in 1775, as is shown by the following pass :
"To whom it may concern:
The bearer, Christopher Avery, is employed by the Continental Congress
on business of importance, and is journeying in the protection of the
Barriers and is to have free range to Wyoming, on the East branch
of the Susquehanna River, and must not be hindered or molested.
230 The Groton Avery Clan
but all persons are requested to afford him every assistance he may
need and forward him on his journey as quickly as possible.
Given under my hand at Philadelphia, this 5th day of November, 1775.
John Hancock, President."
On June 1, 1778, he was commissioned by Governor Trumbull as
justice of the peace for the county of Westmoreland, Connecticut
(Pennsylvania). He was an ensign in the Continental army.
June 30, 1778, a body of British troops and seven hundred Indians
entered the Valley of the Wyoming, and demanded the surrender
of Forty Fort, the principal fortification. After a desperate bat-
tle, the fort surrendered; some of the survivors were massacred
and most of the others were forced to flee from the valley.
Among the killed (July 3, 1778) was Christopher^ Avery. See
Avery's History of the United States and Its Peo2)ie,vol.6,chap.8.
240. WaightstilF Avery (Humphrey*, Samuel^, James^,
Christopher^) was b. May 10, 1741, at Groton; m. October 3,
1778, at Newbern, N. C, Mrs. Leah Francks, dau. of Capt. Yel-
verton Peyton Probart of Snow Hill, Maryland, a nephew of Sir
Willam Peyton and a captain in the British navy. She was the
widow of Edward Francks.
Waightstill Avery was one of the grantees of Littleton,
N. H., Nov. 17, 1764. He and his brother, Isaac, were prepared for
college by the Rev. Samuel Seabury, a native of Groton. At his
graduation by Princeton College in 1766, he was awarded high
honor in his class and delivered a Latin salutatory. He soon went
to Maryland where he studied law with Littleton Dennis, and
then removed to North Carolina, taking with him letters to
her most prominent men. About this time he changed the
spelling of his name from Waitstill to Waightstill. He was
admitted to practice in that colony, Feb. 4, 1769, lived at Salis-
bury a year, and then went to Charlotte where he soon acquired
friends and rapid promotion. In 1772, he was a member of the
provincial assembly and was soon made attorney-general for the
crown. He was active in encouraging education and literature,
and was a devoted friend to liberty. In the dubious and danger-
ous conflict with the mother
i^aiuijttdZaO (Zutny country, he was a leader of the
' '*'*'»^ ^ •w-i^.^ ^ — ^ X ]3q1(J spirits m the patriotic
county of Mecklenburg. In May,
Q^CdUIO ^^
The Fifth Generation 231
1775, he was a member of the committee that passed the famous
"Mecklenburg Resolves," and was one of those who signed that
defiant document. (See Avery's History of the United States and
Its People, vol. 5, chap. 19) . In the same year, he was a member
of the committee of safety for Rowan county, a committee that
urged the militia captains to prepare for war, took possession of
all the powder of the county, and resolved "to rouse like one Man
in Defense of our religion from Popery, our Liberty from Slavery
and our lives from Tormenting Death" (Col. Rec. of North Caro-
lina, 10:135). In August, he was a delegate to the provincial
congress held at Hillsborough, which placed the state under a
military organization. This congress passed the following reso-
lution, to which Waightstill Avery affixed his name :
"We the Subscribers professing our Allegiance to the King and Acknowl-
edging the constitutional executive power of government, do solemnly
profess, testify and declare that we do absolutely believe that neither
the Parliament of Great Britain, nor any Member or Constituent
Branch thereof, have a right to impose Taxes upon these Colonies to
regulate the internal police thereof ; and that all attempts by fraud or
force to establish and exercise such Claims and powers are Violations
of the peace and Security of the people and ought to be resisted to the
utmost. And that the people of this province, singly and collectively,
are bound by the Acts and resolutions of the Continental and Provin-
cial Congresses, because in both they are freely represented by persons
chosen by themselves ; And we do solemnly and sincerely engage, under
the Sanction of virtue, honor and Sacred Love of Liberty, and our
Country, to maintain and support all and every the Acts, Resolutions
and Regulations of the said Continental and Provincial Congresses, to the
utmost of our power and Abilities. Intestimonywhereof,wehavehere-
to set our Hands this 23d of August 1775" (Col. Rec, N. C, 10:171).
In September, the provincial congress created a provincial
council with full power to transact all such matters as they shall
"judge expedient to strengthen, secure and defend the colony"
during the recess of the congress, provided the "same shall not
extend to altering or suspending any act or resolution of con-
gress." This provincial council numbered thirteen, of whom
Waightstill Avery w^as one. He served on many of their impor-
tant committees in this and the following year, and was sent to
South Carolina on important missions looking to the union of the
colonies. On the tenth day of May, 1776, he resigned his com-
mission as attorney-general of the province. This was undoubt-
232 The Groton Avery Clan
edly his royal commission ; by this act he severed his oificial con-
nection with the English government (Col. Rec, N. C, 13:807).
At a general conference of the inhabitants of Mecklenburg
County, Nov. 1, 1776, instructions were drawn up for their dele-
gates soon to meet at Halifax. Waightstill Avery was one of
these delegates, and the instructions that they received are, with
the exception of two sections, in his angular handwriting. The
second section, which may be taken as a sample of the whole,
reads as follows :
"That you shall endeavor to establish a free government under the
authority of the people of the State of North Carolina and that the
Government be a simple Democracy or as near it as possible" {Col.
Rec, N. C, 10:370a).
The minutes of the provincial congress that met at Halifax,
November 12, 1776, show that he carried out the instructions that
he had such a hand in making. He was one of the committee
that drafted the provisions of the constitution under which North
Carolina flourished for sixty years. More of the document was
in his handwriting than in that of any other member of the com-
mittee. He was the author of the clause requiring the legislature
to provide for the higher education of the people: "All useful
learning shall be duly encouraged and promoted in one or more
universities." "Golden words written amid storms and thunder-
ings to be made good when the sun shone on a free and united
people." The new constitution was adopted December 18, 1776.
He was also on the committee for raising and continuing the
services of the rangers for the protection of the frontier, on one
for inquiring into the best method of carrying on iron works for
the benefit of the public, and was appointed one of the signers of
the proclamation bills. After the formation of the state govern-
ment, he was elected to the first general assembly that met at
Newbern, and served the entire year {Col. Rec, N. C, 19:272,
273) . In April, 1777, he was made one of the trustees of "Liberty
Hall," an institution of learning established at Charlotte, and
later burned by Cornwallis. In May, 1777, he was appointed
one of the commissioners who, in July, concluded a treaty with
the Cherokee Indians on the Long Island of Holston — a treaty
made without an oath and that was never violated. January 12,
1777-8, he was made attorney-general for the state of North Car-
The Fifth Generation 233
olina, the first under the constitution. He resigned that office,
May 8, 1779 {State Rec, N. C, 13:752), and accepted a commis-
sion as colonel of the Jones County militia, July 3, 1779. He was
made one of the governor's council, October 26, 1779 {State Rec,
N. C, 13:855, 948). He continued in active military service
until Cornwallis went to Yorktown.
Meantime, he had bought Swans Pond of "Hunting John"
McDowell, and to this estate in Burke County his family now
removed. Colonel Avery's patriotism had called down the venge-
ance of Cornwallis who caused his office and all his books and
papers to be burned. When it became known that American in-
dependence was secured. Colonel Avery rejoined his family on his
pleasant estate. He represented his county in the North Carolina
house of representatives in 1782, 1783, 1784, 1785 and 1793, and
in the state senate in 1796. At the time of his death, he was the
patriarch of the North Carolina bar, an exemplary Christian, a
pure patriot, and an honest man. He wore knee breeches, pow-
dered wig, and the full dress of the time of Washington up to his
In 1788, when "Old Hickory" was young. Colonel Avery,
an avowed Presbyterian and a Puritan of the strictest type, ac-
cepted a challenge to fight a duel. This was in accordance with
the ethics of the times. In a criminal case before the court at
Jonesboro, Col. Avery had been severe in his comments upon
some of the legal positions taken by Andrew Jackson. The lat-
ter, deeply mortified, tore a blank leaf from a law book, wrote a
challenge on it, and gave it to his critic.
^ ' ^ Agust 12th 1788
"Sir: — When a mans feeling & character are injured he ought to seek a
speedy redress : You rec'd a few lines from me yesterday undoubtedly
you understand me. My character you have injured ; and further you
have Insulted me in the presence of a court and a larg audiance I
therefore call upon you as a gentleman to give me satisfaction for
the same; and further call upon you to give me an answer immedi-
ately without Equivocation and I hope you can do without dinner
untill the bussiniss done; for it is consistent with the character of a
gentleman when he injures a man to make a spedy reparation; there-
fore I hope you will not fail in meeting me this day from yr Hbl. St.
Andw. Jackson.
Coll. Avery.
P S This Evening after court adjourned."
The Groton Avery Clan
The Fifth Generation 235
The combatants met just after sunset. Jackson fired first,
but his bullet did not take effect. Colonel Avery then calmly-
fired in the air and, walking up to Jackson, admonished him in a
friendly manner. They left the ground very good friends.
In "Memorial Hall" of the North Carolina University is a
tablet inscribed to her distinguished sons. Waightstill Avery's
name appears thereon in connection with the provincial govern-
ment and again in connection with the state constitution, and
with the Revolutionary war.
He d. March 13, 1821, at Morganton. His wife d. Jan. 13,
Children of Waightstill and Leah (Probart) Avery, b. in
Burke County:
647. i. Polly MIRA^ b. Aug. 24, 1779.
648. ii. Elizabeth", b. Aug., 1782.
649. iii. Isaac Thomas', b. Sept. 22, 1785.
650. iv. Selina Louise", b. Oct. 27, 1788.
241. Isaac^ Avery (Humphrey*, Samuel^, James^, Christo-
pher^) was b. Oct. 27, 1743, at Groton; m. Margaret Stringer in
Accomac County, Virginia. He was one of the grantees of New-
port, N. H., Oct. 6, 1761, and of Chiswick, N. H., Nov. 17, 1764.
He went to England, after having studied under the Rev. Samuel
Seabury of Groton, and became an Episcopal minister. He was
ordained deacon and priest by Richard Yerrick, bishop of Lon-
don, England, Oct. 18, 1769. A descendant. Miss Lola Walton,
has his letters of ordination in her possession. They are written
on parchment, with great seals of the bishop of London attached
and crowned with the mitre and other insignia of the office. He
was sent from England to the ministry in Virginia, Nov. 9. 1769
(Gerald Fothergill's List of Emigrant Ministers to America).
He became rector of Bethel church, Warwick County. He was a
patriot of the Revolution, being chosen one of the committee of
safety for Northampton, Dec. 13, 1774. This committee had
many duties, one being "to observe the conduct of all persons to
the end that all such foes to the Rights of British America may
be publickly known and universally condemned as the enemies of
American liberty" (William and Mary Quarterly, 5:246). He
was also a member of the county committee on July 29, 1775. At
236 The Groton Avery Clan
this time, the committee sent a petition to the delegates assem-
bled at Richmond asking that the law permitting them to export
their grain till September 10th be not changed to August 5th as
was contemplated. Such a change would work untold hardships.
The petition reads as follows :
Northampton County Committee to the Convention, 1775:
"To the Honorable the President and Delegates of the People of Virginia
now assembled in Convention in the Town of Richmond, in the County
of Henrico, — the humble petition of the Committee of Northampton
County in behalf of themselves & their Constituents. —
Humbly sheweth
That the people of this County have ever been jealous in sup-
port of the common cause and have inviolably observed those regula-
tions established by the General Congress for maintaining the liberties
of America — fully convinced that those regulations would be strictly ad-
hered to by all ranks and orders of men our constituents have formed
many engagements and entered into various contracts in which they
have considered themselves as under the faith and protection of the
country whilst they walked within the lines presented them by the
unitedvoiceof all America — Amongst other things they have in all their
engagements had a particular eye to that very material clause which
prohibited the exportation of all merchandise from this Country to
Great Britain or the West Indies after the Tenth Day of September
next and have taken their measures in such a manner as may be as
little burthensome to themselves as possible and at the same time with
a full determination strictly to perform that clause of the Continental
Association — it is therefore with the utmost Sorrow we are informed
that the Convention of this Colony has directed that a total stop be put
to the export of Grain and provisions from and after the Fifth Day of
August next a measure which if strictly enforced will bring the great-
est distress upon many merchants and private families in this place
and which have hitherto subsisted amongst us whilst the Determina-
tions of Congress were received as an invariable rule of conduct in
those points which that very respectable Body have taken under their
consideration Your petitioners beg leave to represent to the Conven-
tion that the people of this place raise very large quantities of Indian
corn which is generally unsold late in the Summer and altho we be-
lieve there is not so much now on hand as usual at this season yet
there are such quantities as to ruin many persons who have made Con-
tracts respecting the same if the ports are immediately stopped. Your
Petitioners therefore in behalf of themselves & the other inhabitants
of this place pray that the exports to the West Indies be kept open too
the 10th of Sept next and we beg leave to assure the Convention that
the greatest care will be taken by this Committee to prevent the ex-
The Fifth Generation 237
portation of any provisions to the Northward where there may be the
least Danger of their falling into the hands of the Army and that it
will be our constant study to enforce within the limits of our appoint-
ment those regulations of the General Congress or Convention of this
Colony which are now entered into or may hereafter be adopted in
support of the Common cause.
Northampton County 29 July, 1775.
Signed by John Bowdin, chairman, Isaac Avery, and others.
{Virginia Hist. Mag., 14:54.)
Isaac^ Avery, in a letter to Governor Thomas Jefferson, re-
signed his commission as county lieutenant of Northampton,
March 16, 1781 {Calendar of Virginia State Papers, 1 :574) . We
have not been able to ascertain when he was appointed to this
high position. Hening's Statutes of Virginia shows that, in 1634,
Virginia was divided into eight shires to be governed as shires in
England. County lieutenants were to be appointed as in England
and, in a more especial manner were "to take care of the warr
against the Indians." "The lieutenant or sub-viceroy of royalty
was from its institution a man of prominence and bore the honor-
ary title of colonel." The title and prerogative continued through
the Revolution. From the Documentary History of the Dunmore
War, we learn that the Virginia county lieutenant was "the re-
sponsible local military official," upon whom "developed the com-
missioning of officers, the raising and provisioning of troops, the
location of forts, and measures for defence and offence/' North-
ampton is a peninsula situated between the Chesapeake Bay and
the Atlantic and was much exposed to the enemy.
Isaac"' Avery represented Northampton County in the legis-
lature in 1787, receiving all but seventy-six votes {William and
Mary Quarterly, 6:12).
A letter from him written from Hampton P. 0., Warwick
County, Virginia, July 30, 1794, is in the possession of a descend-
ant. Among other things he says :
"The subject of slavery has by no means escaped my reflection, or my
cordial and utter disapprobation; not from any interdiction I find in
the sacred scriptures (for it was expressly allowed to the Jews) but
from reason and philosophy — I have risked my life and property
through a long and bloody war, in defense of that liberty which is
ever dear to me and which I most ardently wish to the whole human
Race — But my dear friend and Brother, it is impossible for you to
238 The Groton Avery Clan
form an Idea, or in any manner to Judge of the embarrassment the
Southern States labor under in the business of Slavery — Tho great
numbers in Virginia join me in sentiment, and wish that some sys-
tem of policy might be adopted which would progressively and effect-
ually accomplish so happy a purpose. Yet the wisdom of this Gov-
ernment hath not been able to devise any means adequate to effect
so desirable an end; whatever can be done consisteni with the safety
and happiness of my country, in so good a cause, will always meet
with my approbation and encouragement; and whatever mode may
be hereafter fallen on, it must be a work of time — for it must be ob-
vious to everyone that a total and immediate emancipation would
reduce these States to absolute Insolvency, and defraud the federal
Government, the foreign and all other creditors of their Rights, and
at the same time, over spread the Country with blood. Rapine, Plun-
der, devastation and every misery and in short exhibit the same
scene with all its horrors which have lately been acted at Saint
CrC- t^
His remains were buried in the old church at Norfolk.
After his death, his children were taken to North Carolina and
brought up in the family of his brother, Waightstill Avery.
Children of Isaac and Margaret (Stringer) Avery b. in
Warwick County, Virginia :
Isaac", b. 1787.
i. Margaret Stringer', b. March 19, 1789.
ii. James", b. Oct. 25, 1791.
v. Elizabeth", b. 1793.
V. Samuel", d. in infancy before July 30, 1794.
250. Charles^ Avery (WaitstiW, SamneP, James-, Christo-
pher^) was b. Oct. 22, 1731, at Groton; m. Aug. 28, 1753, at Westerly,
R. L, Mary Thompson. Austin, in his Vital Records of Rhode
Island, gives the name Mary Thurston in one place and Mary
Thompson in another, but the name was probably Mary Thomp-
son. Charles Avery, minor, son of Waitstill Avery, deceased,
upwards of fourteen years, chose Henry Williams, Jr., to be his
guardian, June 23, 1746 {New London Probate Journal. 5:42).
The Fifth Generation 239
Charles'' Avery was in Ebenezer Billings's company, eighth reg't,
Col. Phineas Lyman, from April to October, 1756 ; Serg't Charles
Avery was in Benadam Gallup's company, same reg't, March to
December, 1757; Ensign Charles Avery was in Capt. Stanton's
company, second reg't. Col. Nathan Whitney, 1758; Lieutenant
Charles Avery was in Capt. Stanton's company, fourth reg't, Col.
David Wooster, March to November, 1760 (French and Indian
War Rolls, 1 :107, 190 & 2 :45, 163, 217, 218) .
Waitstill Avery and Frederick Avery, of Lee, Mass., were
brothers. Charles Avery was sealer of leather, Lee, Mass., 1781 ;
of weights, 1782 ; Charles Avery, Charles Avery, Jr., and Fred-
erick Avery worked on the meeting-house, 1788 ; they were all in
Lee in 1790. While we believe the accompanying record to be, in
the main, correct, we do not consider it fully proved.
Children of Charles and Mary (Thompson) Avery:
• • •
260. James" Avery (James% James*, James^, James-, Chris-
topher^) was b. July 27, 1724, at Groton; m. Oct. 12, 1749, at
Groton, Lucy Allyn, dau. of Ebenezer and Mary (Thurber) Al-
lyn, and granddaughter of Robert and Deborah (Avery) Allyn
(No. 10) . She was b. Feb. 14, 1732, at Groton ; d. Feb. 19, 1752,
at Groton. James Avery m. 2d, May 28, 1752, at Groton, Eliza-
beth Allyn, dau. of Robert and Abigail (Avery) Allyn (No. 75).
She was b. April 27, 1732, at Groton.
James*' Avery marched from Groton to the relief of Fort
William Henry, in Capt. Joseph^Morgan's company, Aug., 1757
{French and Indian War Rolls. 1 :197). He was several times a
member of the committee to raise supplies for the use of the sol-
diers of the American revolution {Minutes of the Selectmen,
Groton, Sept. 8, 1778, and June 15, 1779). He made a will, Nov.
16, 1796, in which he mentioned wife, Elizabeth; sons, Rufus,
Caleb, Eleazar, and George Washington ; sister, Hannah Avery ;
daughters, Abigail Sheffield and Eunice Avery. He made provi-
sion for the payment of the legacies left to his brothers and sis-
ters by his brother, David, deceased. He d. Dec. 3, 1796, at Gro-
ton. The inventory of his estate was taken by Peter Avery, June
23, 1797. His widow, Elizabeth, receipted to Caleb Avery, execu-
tor, March 24, 1798 {Stonington Wills, 6:96, 258). She made
her will, Nov. 19, 1816. She mentioned, dau., Abigail Haxey;
sons, Rufus, Caleb, Eleazar, and George Washington ; grandson,
James Avery; grandsons, David and Asa, sons of son, Rufus;
grandson, Robert Austin, son of son, Caleb; granddaughters,
Lydia Walsworth, Sally W^illiams, Eliza Allyn Avery, daus. of
son, Caleb; Rachel and Elizabeth, daus. of son, Eleazar {Ston-
ington Wills, 10 :521) . She d. Feb. 24, 1819, at Groton.
Children of James and Lucy (Allyn) Avery, b. at Groton:
i. Lucy', b. July 12, 1750; d. Sept. 27, 1752, at Groton.
ii. Elizabeth', b. Feb. 15, 1752; d. Feb. 21, 1752, at Groton.
The Sixth Generation 241
Children of James and Elizabeth (Allyn) Avery, b. at Groton:
James', b. April 21, 1753; d. April 19, 1777, at Groton; unm.
Elizabeth", b. Oct. 19, 1754; d. April 12,1792, at Groton; unm.
Robert', b. Jan. 27, 1756.
Abigail', b. July 10, 1757.
RUFUS', b. Nov. 16, 1758.
Calebs b. Feb. 25, 1760.
Anna', b. May 4, 1761; d. Sept. 14, 1763, at Groton.
viii. Lucy', b. Nov. 18, 1762; d. Sept. 30, 1764, at Groton.
ix. Freelove', b; May 26, 1764; d. April 25, 1782, at Groton.
675. X. Eunice', b. Oct. 3, 1765.
xi. David', b. April 3, 1767; d. May 19, 1790, at Groton; unm.
676. xii. Prudence', b. April 12, 1769; m. Caleb Avery (No. 685).
677. xiii. Eleazar', b. May 29, 1771.
678. xiv. George Washington', b. Oct. 9, 1776.
261. Elizabeth'^ Avery (James^, James*, James^, James^,
Christopher^) was b. Jan. 13, 1726, at Groton; m. Joseph Starr,
s. of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Morgan) Starr. He was b. July 17,
1713, at Groton. A piece of her wedding dress of heavy, blue,
brocaded satin is in the possession of Mrs. Emma J. (Avery)
Simmons. He was commissioned captain of the second company
of militia, Groton, 1766 {Conn. Col. Rec, 12:464). He lived on
"Long Hill Farm" that was given to him by his father. He d.
Oct. 13, 1795. He gave all his property, including his negro ser-
vants, Phillis, Betty, Primus, Brunetta, Brister, and Zilpah, to his
wife, excepting a few things, like his sword, which he left to other
friends. Elizabeth (Avery) Starr, in her will, made June 14,
1820, at Groton, mentioned the following: Brother, John Averj^;
nephew, Caleb Avery ; niece, Polly Avery, wife of Caleb Avery ;
sister, Hannah Avery ; niece, Abigail Hauxy ; Eliza, dau. of niece,
Polly Avery; granddaughter of niece, Polly Avery, dau. of her
son, James, deceased ; Sally Williams, dau. of niece, Polly Avery ;
niece, Elizabeth S. Lester, and her husband, Nicholas Street
Lester ; nephew, Aaron Avery, son of brother John ; John S.
Avery's dau., Bethiah ; grand-niece, Sarah B. Williams, and her
husband. Park Williams ; Matilda Avery, widow of my nephew,
James Avery; James Avery and Mary Avery, children of my
nephew, James Avery, by hiswife, Matilda, he being deceased ; each
of the children that Matilda, widow of James Avery, had by her
late husband ; grand-nephew, Robert Austin Avery, son of Caleb
242 The Groton Avery Clan
Avery. She called her slaves Brunetta, Primus, Alpheus, Brister,
and Netta, her friends and left each one something. She made
her beloved nephew, Caleb Avery, and her friend, Roswell Bur-
rows, her executors. She desired to be buried by the side of her
husband with a gravestone every way like his. She left much
gold, silver and china ware; much expensive jewelry, and an ex-
tensive and elegant wardrobe. She d. June 1, 1826, at Groton.
262. David'' Avery (James^, James*, James^, James^, Chris-
topher^) was b. Feb. 11, 1728, at Groton; bap. March 24, 1728,
First Church of Groton; m. June 29, 1763, at Bozrah, Lydia
Lord, dau. of Eleazar and Zerviah Lord. She was bap. Dec. 2,
1733, First Church of Norwich. He was a member of the first
Groton committee of inspection, Dec. 12, 1774 ; also on the com-
mittee, 1776 and 1777. He was on the committee to care for the
families of soldiers and to obtain clothing for those in the field,
1777, 1778 and 1780. He was killed at Fort Griswold, Sept. 6,
1781, and was buried in Poquonock burying-ground.
In memory of
David Avery, Esq.
who having performed the endearing
Offices of Friendship and Religion
in Social Connection
And usefully and honorably
served the Public in various Characters
Nobly risk'd his life in defence of
Fort Griswold & American Freedom
And fell a Victim to British Inhumanity
Sept. 6, 1781, in the 54th
Year of his Age.
He left no children. In his will, made Sept. 2, 1778, at Groton,
he mentioned wife, Lydia ; brothers, James and Peter ; sisters.
Prudence and Hannah ; nephew, Ruf us. October 6, 1781, Lydia
Avery receipted to James Avery for four hundred pounds left her
by her worthy husband, David Avery. She m. 2d, April 25, 1786,
Jabez Perkins, and d. without children, at Norwich, May 17, 1819
(Perkins' Genealogy, p. 42).
263. Peter'' Avery (James^, James*, James^, James-, Chris-
topher') was b. Feb. 22, 1730, at Groton; bap. March 22, 1730,
First Church of Groton ; m. Mary Niles, dau. of Nathaniel and
The Sixth Generation 243
Mary (Northrop) Niles. She d. June 10, 1800, aged 70 years. Peter
Avery m. 2d, Aug. 28, 1800, at Groton, Hannah Avery, widow of
William Avery (No. 228) and dau. of Paul and Sarah (Goodrich)
Woodbridge. She had previously been the widow of Samuel
Walsworth. Peter Avery was a missionary to the Indians in
western New York. He was a deacon of the Baptist church of
Groton for fifty years. He was surveyor of the town ; selectman,
1778 to 1782, 1787, in which period the town passed many patri-
otic measures. He was one of the committee of six who were
ordered, Dec. 22, 1775, to direct the work on Fort Griswold. In
1787, as one of the selectmen of Groton, he petitioned the legisla-
ture for the remission of a fine of £60, for being short four men
on the town's quota of soldiers in 1781, for the reason that it was
not possible, so many being absent in the service on the seas and
in the sea-coast defense, and Sept. 6, 1781, "about 70 men were
killed and many wounded and carried away prisoners." They
were "allowed only such remission of the fine as would come out of
the sufferers who have had taxes abated" (Conn. State Archives,
and Allyn's Battle of Groton Heights, p. 14). Peter Avery d.
Dec. 16, 1807, at Groton; his wife, Hannah, d. April 8, 1831,'
at Ledyard. He and wife, Mary, are buried in the Niles burying-
ground at Groton Center. In his will, made Nov. 29, 1806, he
mentioned wife, Hannah; daughter-in-law, Sally Avery (she was
the dau. of his wife by her second husband, William Avery) ; his
sisters, Elizabeth Starr, Prudence Avery, and Hannah Avery;
his brother, John; nephews, Caleb and John J., sons of Elijah
Avery, deceased (sons of his sister. Prudence) ; nephews, Peter,
Jonas, John S., and Caleb; niece, Elizabeth {Stonington Wills,
6:101). The name of the wife of Peter Avery of Greenwich,
whose record appears on page 50 of Sweet's The Avei^ys of Gro-
ton, was Rachel. The children there given belong to Peter and
Rachel Avery of Greenwich, between whom and the Groton
Averys no connection has yet been established.
264. Prudence'^ Avery {James^, James*, James^, James-,
Christopher'^) was b. March 16, 1732, at Groton; bap. April 16,
1732, First Church of Groton; m. Dec. 10, 1761, at Groton,
Joseph Morgan, son of Joseph and Dorothy (Avery) Morgan
(No. 69) . He was b. Jan. 31, 1737-8, at Groton ; d. before March
244 ■ The Groton Avery Clan
10, 1770-71, at which time his widow married Elijah Avery (No.
266). She was made guardian of the minor children of Joseph
Morgan, deceased, Oct. 5, 1773. She was a matron of the Revo-
lution. On old lists still preserved {American Monthly Maga-
zine, 27 :784) is to be found her name as contributing to the sol-
diers in the field the fruit of her own handiwork in frocks and
Children of Joseph and Prudence (Avery) Morgan, b. at
Groton : ■
i. Joseph', b. Nov. 28, 1762; m. Eunice Perkins; 2d, Widow Mary
Latham, born Perkins; d. Dec. 1, 1831, at Colchester.
ii. Isaac", b. June 23, 1764; d. Jan., 1782, at sea; unm.
iii. Susanna', b. July 25, 1766; m. Thomas Allyn.
iv. Prudence', b. April 16, 1768; m. Gilbert Smith; 2d, Vine Stoddard;
d. April 9, 1865, at Groton.
265. John" Avery (James^, James\ James^, James-, Christo-
pher') was b. Jan. 24, 1738, at Groton ; bap. April 16, 1738, First
Church of Groton ; m. Sarah Belton, dau. of Jonas and Elizabeth
(Smith) Belton. She was b. June 8, 1743, at Groton. He was a
sergeant in the eighth Conn, militia, in Capt. Hubbard Burrows's
company {Conn. Men in the Rev'n, 451). He often carried dis-
patches in the Revolutionary war. She d. Sept. 17, 1825; he
d. Jan, 5, 1826, both at Groton.
Children of John and Sarah (Belton) Avery, b. at Groton:
Peter', b. May 10, 1764.
Jonas Belton', b. July 19, 1766.
Mary', b. Dec. 25, 1769; m. Caleb Avery (No. 674).
Elizabeth Starr', b. Dec. 31, 1771.
Aaron', b. Dec. 21, 1776; d. March 3, 1826, at Groton; unm.
John Sands', b. Aug. 19, 1782.
266. Elijah" Avery (John^, James*, James^, James-, Christo-
pher') was bap. Sept. 15, 1734, First Church of Groton* m.
March 10, 1770-71, Mrs. Prudence Morgan, dau. of James and
Elizabeth (Smith) Avery, and widow of Joseph Morgan (No.
264) . He served as an ensign in Capt. Gallup's company of mili-
tia, from Sept. to Nov., 1776 ; was captain in the eighth militia,
1780 {Conn. Men in the Rev'n, 452, 561). His name appears
many times on the minutes of the town books. He was one of
The Sixth Generation 245
the committee of inspection in 1776; one of a committee that
enlisted twenty-seven men for the army, April 7, 1777; select-
man, 1779 ; was on a committee to raise the town's quota of sol-
diers, March 13, 1780; was one of the committee to supply cloth-
ing for the soldiers, Jan. 16, 1781 (Groton Town Records). He
w^as killed at Fort Griswold, Sept. 6, 1781. He left a good landed
estate, but his personal property suffered severely from the war.
The stone in the Avery-Morgan burying-ground reads :
In memory of
Capt. Elijah Avery
who having filled up
Private and Social life
with endearing expressions
of Tenderness & affection
Displayed a most bi-ave & heroic spirit
In defence of Fort Griswold
And American Liberty
& fell a sacrifice to british Barbarity
Sept. 6, 1781, in the 48th
Year of his Age.
His widow died Nov. 20, 1809, at Groton.
Children of Elijah and Prudence (Avery) Avery, b. at
Groton :
684. i. Eliza', b. Dec. 1, 1771.
685. ii. Caleb'.
686. iii. John J.', b. March 17, 1776.
267. Amos'' Avery (John^, James*, James^, James-, Christo-
Vher^) was bap. March 6, 1743, First Church of Groton; m. Pru-
dence Williams, dau. of George and Eunice (Avery) Williams
(No. 72). She was b. July 25, 1749. Amos Avery marched on
the "Lexington Alarm" from New London, under Capt. Coit;
was in Capt. Stoddard's company, 1776 ; wounded at Fort Gris-
wold, Sept. 6, 1781 ; made a prisoner and paroled ; placed on the
invalid list soon after the war {Conn. Men in the Rev'n, 18, 578,
648). David Avery (No. 511) called him "Coldwater Amos."
His wife d. Oct. 25, 1806, and was buried in the Starr burying-
ground ; he was alive in 1824.
Children of Amos and Prudence (Williams) Avery, b. at
Groton :
246 The Groton Avery Clan
Amos', b. Sept. 14, 1769.
Aaron', b. Sept. 27, 1771.
Eunice Williams', b. June 20, 1774.
Prudence', b. Sept. 18, 1777; m. Caleb Avery (No. 1243).
Elijah', b. Sept. 2, 1783.
Harriet', b. Sept. 21, 1792.
269. Hannah*^ Avery (Ebenezer^, James\ James^, James-,
Christopher^) was b. Jan. 10, 1727, at Groton; m. Sept. 18, 1746,
at Groton, John Packer, son of James and Abigail (Avery)
Packer (No. 34). He was b. Sept. 16, 1720, at Groton. She d.,
according to her tombstone, Feb. 12, 1771, in the 46th year of her
age. He d. March 4, 1797, at Groton.
Children of John and Hannah (Avery) Packer, b. at Groton :
i. Lucretia', b. May 23, 1747; m. Isaac Wightman; d. April 20, 1819,
at Groton.
ii. Hannah', b. July 26, 1748; m. Joseph Packer; d. June 15, 1818.
iii. Lucy', bap. April 15, 1750, First Church of Groton; m. Nathan
iv. Freelove', bap. Oct. 20, 1751, First Church of Groton; m. George
V. John', m. Hannah Gallup; d. Feb. 8, 1835.
vi. Molly', d. Oct. 27, 1825; unm.
vii. Abigail', m. Levi Gallup; d. July 11, 1826, at Jefferson, N. Y.
viii. Debby', d. of smallpox, aged 18.
ix. Anne', d. of smallpox, aged 16, same w^eek as Debby.
X. Ebenezer', b. Aug. 1, 1765; m. Katurah Randall; d. Sept. 17, 1826.
xi. Elizabeth', m. Benjamin Rathbone.
xii. Fanny', b. Oct. 9, 1769; m. Joseph Burrows.
270. Lucy" Avery {Ebenezer^, James*, James^, James-,
Christopher^) was b. Jan. 27, 1729, at Groton; bap. March 29,
1729, First Church of Groton; m. April 13, 1749, at Groton,
George Colfax, s. of John and Ann (Latimer) Colfax. He was b.
Dec. 5, 1727, at New London. The date of his death is unknown,
but his widow gave bonds for the settlement of his estate, June
10, 1776 (New London Wills, H:548).
Children of George and Lucy (Avery) Colfax, b. at New
London :
i. Sarah', b. July 30, 1750.
ii. George', b. Feb. 9, 1752 ; m. Mary Robbins.
The Sixth Generation 247
iii. Ebenezer", b. Sept. 15, 1753; m. Lucretia Hempstead; enlisted
July 12, 1776, in Nath. Saltonstall's co. ; was midshipman on the
"Oliver Cromwell," 1779 (Conn. Hist. Soc. Collections, 8:140,
iv. Lucy', b. March 27, 1755.
V. William', b. July 30, 1756; m. Hester Schuyler; ensign, Jan. 1,
1777; lieut., June 1, 1778; captain commandment of Washing-
ton's lifeguards, 1778, 1781-1783 {Comi. Men in the Rev'n, 146,
299, 347, 360, 368, 373). He was made major of the third reg't
of New Jersey militia, 1793; lieut.-col., 1806; brigade-general,
detached militia, 1814; commanded brigade of consolidated mili-
tia and "sea fencibles," third military district, New York, 1815
(Washington's Body Guard, 141). He was a member of the
Order of the Cincinnati. His son, Schuyler Colfax, m. Hannah
Striker, and was the father of Schuyler Colfax, congressman
and vice-president of the United States.
vi. Jonathan', b. March 12, 1758; serg't in Rev'n, 1777-1780 {Conn.
Men in the Rev'n, 147). He m. Elizabeth Wilson.
vii. Ann', b. April 12, 1760; m. Ebenezer Lester.
viii. Robert', b. Dec. 26, 1761; m. Sarah Wilson; 2d, Elizabeth, widow
of his brother, Jonathan, and sister of his first wife.
ix. John', b. Nov. 21, 1763.
X. Mary', b. Jan. 8, 1766.
271. Mary" Avery {Ehenezer\James\James\James~,Chris-
topher') was b. Nov. 30, 1730, at Groton; bap. Jan. 10, 1731,
First Church of Groton; m. June 8, 1748, at Groton, Youngs
Ledyard, s, of John and Deborah (Youngs) Ledyard. He was
b. at Groton, Jan. 25, 1731 ; traded extensively with the West
Indies, and died at sea, April 4, 1762. Benedict Arnold was a
clerk to Youngs Ledyard and much dissatisfaction was expressed
by the family because Arnold did not render a satisfactory ac-
count of Ledyard's affairs. Mary (Avery) Ledyard m. 2d, Dec.
12, 1764, at Groton, Stephen Billings, s. of Increase and Hannah
(Hewett) Billings, of Groton. She d. March 7, 1787, at Groton.
Children of Youngs and Mary (Avery) Ledyard, b. at
Groton :
i. Deborah^ b. May 19, 1749; m. Christopher Morgan, s. of William
and Temperance (Avery) Morgan (No. 82), She d. April 22,
1807, at Groton.
248 The Groton Avery Clan
ii. Youngs', b. June 24, 1751; m. Bridget ; lieutenant of mili-
tia; killed at Fort Griswold, Sept. 6, 1781; his house and its
contents were burned; he left a wife and four small children
(Conn. Men in the Rev'yi, oil).
iii. Benjamin', b. March 15, 1753; m. Catharine Forman; 2d, Ann
Rhea; was captain, first reg't New York inf'y, 1775; major,
1776; major, fourth New York inf'y, 1780; was in the war
seven years ; one of the founders of the Order of the Cincinnati
{Neiv York Men in the Rev'n, 40, 71, 140, 174, 251, 252, 527).
He d. Nov. 9, 1803, at Aurora, N. Y.
iv. Isaac', b. Nov. 5, 1754; m. Ann Mc Arthur; surgeon of the first
regiment of New York inf'y; one of the founders of the Order of
the Cincinnati {New York Men in the Rev'n, 247) . He d. Aug.
30, 1803, at Staten Island, N. Y.
V. Mary', b. Sept. 3, 1758; m. Gen. Benjamin Forman. He was a cap-
tain in the Revolution, 1776; lieutenant-colonel, 1783 {Jerseymen
in Rev'n, 66) . She d. May 30, 1806. Their dau. Mary, m. Henry
Seymour; they were the parents of Horatio Seymour, governor
of New York, and a Democratic candidate (1868) for the presi-
dency of the United States; their dau., Julia Catharine, became
the wife of U. S. Senator Roscoe Conkling.
vi. William', b. March 11, 1760; d. Jan. 30, 1761, at Groton.
vii. Lucy', b. July 5, 1761; m. Seth Phelps, a Revolutionary soldier
{Con7i. Men in the Rev'n, 106, 183, 242, 375). She d. Sept. 10,
viii. Caleb', b. Oct. 18, 1762; d. 1781, on ship "Trumbull;" an ensign.
Child of Stephen and Mary (Avery) Billings, b. at Groton :
i. Elizabeth', b. Aug. 14, 1766; m. Simeon Avery (No. 305).
272. Ebenezer''' Avery (Ebenezer^, James*, James^, James'-,
Christopher^) was b. March 7.1732-33, at Groton; bap. March 25,
1733, First Church of Groton; m. June 11, 1761, at Groton,
Phebe Denison, dau. of Daniel and Rachel (Starr) Denison. She
was b, Sept. 18, 1743, at New London. She was the daughter of
her husband's step-mother. She was descended from Elder
Brewster of the "Mayflower" through both her father and her
mother. Ebenezer^ Avery was commissioned ensign, first com-
pany of Groton, Oct., 1760; lieut., 1779 {Conn. State Rec.,
2 :295) . He was on the first committee of inspection for Groton,
1774; moderator, 1776; one of a committee to collect clothing
for the soldiers, 1781. His gravestone in Packer Rocks cemetery,
Groton, bears this inscription :
The Sixth Generation 249
In Memory of Lieut
Ebenezer Avery who
fell Gloriously in Defence
of fort Griswold and
American Freedom
Sept 6th 1781 in ye 49th
year of his Age
Exhibiting a noble Specimen
of Military Valour
and Patriotic Virtue.
His widow m. 2d, Jonathan Fish, and d. Dec. 29, 1818, at Groton.
Children of Ebenezer and Phebe (Denison) Avery, b. at
Groton :
Ebenezer', b. Aug. 8, 1762.
LucY^ b. April 24, 1766.
Elizabeth', b. Oct. 28, 1768.
Hezekiah', b. July 20, 1772.
Henry', b. Sept. 22, 1776.
Cyrus', b. July 7, 1779.
273. Latham*' Avery {Ebenezer^, James*, James^, James^,
Christopher^) was b. April 15, 1735; bap. April 20, 1735, First
Church of Groton; m. Jerusha Avery (No. 238), dau. of Hum-
phrey and Jerusha (Morgan) Avery. She was b. June 7, 1735,
at Groton; bap. Aug. 31, 1735, First Church of Groton. It is
probable that he was in Capt. Joseph Morgan's company that
marched to the relief of Fort William Henry in the summer of
1757 (French and Indian War Rolls, 1 :197) . He was one of the
proprietors of the Susquehanna company. Latham Avery and
wife owned the covenant in the First Church of Groton, Sept.
20, 1763. She d. March 6, 1810; he d. Dec. 31, 1815, both at
Groton, They were buried in the Burrows burying-ground, Fort
Children of Latham and Jerusha (Avery) Avery, b. at
Groton :
i. Latham', bap. Sept. 20, 1761, First Church of Groton.
"Latham Avery 2d died 17th day 9th month, 1773, in his
13th year, the only son of Latham and Jerusha Avery"
(Tombstone) .
699. ii. Jerusha', b. Oct. 15, 1771.
250 The Groton Avery Clan
274. Katharine'' Avery ' (Ebenezer^, James*, James^, James-,
Christopher^) was b. June 9, 1737, at Groton; bap. June 12,
1737, First Church of Groton; m. July 1, 1756, at Groton, Daniel
Denison, s. of Daniel and Rachel (Starr) Denison. He was b.
Dec. 16, 1730, at Groton. His mother, Rachel (Starr) Denison,
m. 2d, Ebenezer Avery, the father of his wire, Katharine.
Daniel and Katharine (Avery) Denison moved to Stephentown,
N. Y. He was a farmer; d. about 1793; she d. Aug. 1825, both
at Stephentown, N. Y.
Children of Daniel and Katharine (Avery) Denison :
i. Katharine', b. July 24, 1757; m. Maj. James Jones, of the Revolu-
tion; d. March 9, 1851.
ii. Daniel', b. Sept. 26, 1758; m. Hannah Jones; d. July 22, 1832.
iii. Ebenezer', b. Jan. 26, 1760; m. Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, born Spencer.
iv. Jonathan', b. May 17, 1761; m. Sarah Green; d. Sept. 19, 1833, at
Berlin, N. Y.
V. George', b. April 12, 1763.
vi. Griswold', b. Aug. 21, 1765; m. Rhoda Tifft.
vii. Asenath', b. Feb. 24, 1767; m. Roger Jones.
viii. David', b. March 19, 1769; m. Mrs. Polly Williams, born Jones.
ix. Latham', b. March 8, 1771 ; m. Elenor Tifft.
X. Samuel', b. Aug. 24, 1774, at Stephentown, N. Y.; m. Rhoda
Crandall; 2d, Nancy Burlingame; d. Dec. 11, 1849, at Floyd,
N. Y.
xi. Elihu', b. April 14, 1777; m. Thankful Stewart.
xii. Thomas', b. March 6, 1779; m. Polly Crary.
275. Griswold '^ Avery (Ebenezer^, James*, James^, James-,
Christopher') was b. Sept. 15, 1739, at Groton; bap. Sept. 16,
1739, First Church of Groton ; m. Anna Avery (No. 101) , dau. of
Benjamin and Thankful (Avery) Avery. She was b. Jan. 15,
1744, at Groton ; bap. April 1, 1744, First Church of Groton. He
lived at Waterford on a large farm called Alewife Farm. He was
a captain in the Revolutionary war. In 1839, his son, Griswold,
applied for a pension and stated that, in 1779 and 1780, he served
as a waiter under his father. Captain Griswold Avery, in Col.
Jonathan Lattimer's regiment, and that, in 1781, he was with
his father. Captain Griswold Avery, in Col. Joseph Harris's regi-
ment. It is said that Griswold^ Avery served on a privateer and
was taken prisoner, but we have found no documentary proof
thereof. He did much to promote the separation of Waterford
The Sixth Generation 251
from New London in 1801; was first selectman; was justice of
the peace and representative. In his will, made March 18, 1812,
he mentioned the children named below {New London Wills).
He d. Oct. 6, 1812, at Waterford and was buried in Harbor
Mouth cemetery. His widow d. Oct. 6, 1833, at Waterford. The
inventory of his estate, recently found in a Waterford garret,
showed that he died possessed of $11,000, a large sum for those
Children of Griswold and Anna (Avery) Avery, b. at Water-
Griswold', b. Sept. 27, 1765.
Guerdon', b. April 24, 1768.
277. Rachel'' Avery {Ehenezer^, James*, James% James^,
Christopher^) was b. Sept. 8, 1745; bap. Sept. 8, 1745, First
Church of Groton; m. Sept. 13, 1764, at Groton, Charles El-
dridge, s. of Charles and Mary (Starr) Eldridge. He was b. Aug.
28, 1743, at Groton. His wife d. Aug. 31, 1777, at Groton ; he m.
2d, Gloriana Havens. He was on the first committee of corre-
spondence of Groton ; ensign in militia ; wounded at Fort Gris-
w^old (Conn. Men in Rev'n, 649). His store and house on Main
street were burned "when Arnold burnt the town." His tomb-
stone bears the following :
"Charles Eldridge Esq., after great suffering from a wound received at
Fort Griswold, Sept. 6, 1781, died Nov. 20, 1798, aged 5.5 years."
Children of Charles and Rachel (Avery) Eldridge, b. at
Groton :
1. Charles', b. June 7, 1765.
ii. Mary', b. Sept. 25, 1767; m. Ebenezer Avery (No. 693).
iii. William', b. Dec. 14, 1769; m. Eliza Avery (No. 684).
iv. David', b. Oct. 23, 1772; d. Oct. 14, 1778.
V. Rachel', b. Aug. 28, 1777; d. Sept. 4, 1777, at Groton.
278. Elihu*^ Avery {Ebenezer^ James\ James\ James-,
Christopher^) was b. April 6, 1755, at Groton; bap. Aug., 1755,
First Church of Groton; m. Thankful Avery (No. 105), dau. of
Benjamin and Thankful (Avery) Avery. She was bap. Aug. 1,
252 The Groton Avery Clan
1755, First Church of Groton. He served in Capt. Abel Spicer's
company of militia, 1775; corporal in Capt. Gallup's militia,
1776 {Comi. Me7i in the Rev'n, 78, 452) ; was appointed "Lieut.
Fireworker" in Major William Ledyard's company of matrosses,
Oct. 3, 1777 (Co7m. State Rec, 1 :406) . He d. March 8, 1779, at
Groton ; his widow m. 2d, Ebenezer Rogers and had a large fam-
ily. February 23, 1796, his estate was divided among his widow,
Thankful, his son, Elihu, and his dau., "Syntha." Cynthia had
married Ebenezer Lester as is shown by the receipts (Stonington
Wills, 6:2).
Children of Elihu and Thankful (Avery) Avery, probably
b. at Groton :
705. i. Elihu'.
706. ii. Cynthia'.
279. Elizabeth" Avery {TJieophilus% Edward^ James^,
James\ Christopher^) was b. Dec. 22, 1733, at North Parish of
Groton (now Ledyard) ; m. Sept. 1, 1754, at Westerly, R. I.,
Benajah Williams, s. of Benajah and the Widow Deborah (Fan-
ning) WiUiams. He was b. Sept. 3, 1735, at Stonington. He
probably served as private in Joseph Morgan's company of mili-
tia, at Fort William Henry, 1757 {French and Indian War Rolls,
1:197). Both are mentioned in her father's will, 1798.
280. Deborah" Avery {Theophilus% Edward^ James\
James-, Christojoher^) was b. May 27, 1735, at North Parish of
Groton (now Ledyard) ; m. April 18, 1753, at Stonington, Ros-
well Parke, s. of Robert and Elizabeth (Benjamin) Parke. He
was bap. Sept. 26, 1731, First Church of Preston; d. in 1762, in
the expedition to Havana. Deborah Avery m. 2d, Joseph Brew-
ster; 3d, April 8, 1779, at Preston, Silas Parke, s. of Hezekiah
and Margery (Dyke) Parke. He was b. March 10, 1726, at Pres-
ton. Her father, in his will, mentioned grandson, Benjamin
Brewster, who may have been her son.
Children of Roswell and Deborah (Avery) Parke, b. at
Stonington :
i. Desire', b. June 9, 1754; m. David Edgecombe; d. Sept. 6, 1826.
ii. Asael', b. March 9, 1756; m. Prudence Stanton; d. Oct. 29, 1805,
at Steuben, N. Y.
The Sixth Generation 253
iii. Roswell', b. July 1, 1758; m. Eunice Starkweather; 2d, Mrs.
Sarah Maynard Bellows; 3d, Mabel Williams; was a Revolu-
tionary soldier, 1777 {Conn. Men in the Rev'n, 504) ; d. Nov. 13,
1847, at Preston.
iv. CoNTENr, b. Feb. 4, 1760; m, Benajah Bill.
Child of Silas and Deborah (Avery) Parke, b. at Preston:
i. Sarah', b. Jan. 1, 1780.
281. James*' Avery {Theophilus^, Edward\ James^, James-,
Christopher^) was b. Feb. 28, 1737, at North Parish of Groton
(now Ledyard) ; m. Mary Comstock, dau. of John and Mary
(Lee) Comstock. She was b. April 28, 1743; according to her
tombstone in the Edward Avery burying-ground, she d. Feb, 14,
1785. He m. 2d, Mrs. Lydia Satterlee, widow of Jonas Satterlee
and dau. of James and Sarah (Chesebrough) Geer. She was b.
Nov. 10, 1742. She is called the wife of James Avery in the
division of her father's estate in 1787. James** Avery was on the
church society committee in 1766. He d. Feb. 22, 1822; she d.
Sept. 16, 1822, both at Ledyard ; both were buried in the Edward
Avery burying-ground.
Children of James and Mary (Comstock) Avery, b. at North
Parish of Groton, now Ledyard :
i. John Lee', b. Jan. 7, 1760; served in Capt. Benajah LeflBng-
well's CO. from Norwich, 1777 {Conn. Men in the Rev'n,
620) ; d. 1783; unm.
Mary Elizabeth', b. Jan. 2, 1762; m. Jacob Avery (No. 349).
Edward', b. May 3, 1764.
Abigail', b. March 3, 1767.
James', b. Nov. 19, 1769.
William B.', b. Sept. 26, 1772; d. 1792, at Demarara; unm.
Theophilus', b. Nov. 3, 1774.
viii. Joshua', b. Aug. 10, 1776.
Polly', b. Dec. 19, 1778.
Sarah', b. March 3, 1781.
Squire', b. Sept. 10, 1783 ; d. March, 1784, at Ledyard.
282. Abigail" Avery {Theophilus^ , Edward*, James^, James",
Christopher^) was b. Oct. 11, 1748, at Groton; m. Sept. 25, 1765,
at Preston, Ebenezer Leonard, s. of Samuel and Lydia (Stanton)
Leonard. He was b. July 1, 1741, at Preston ; lived at Preston,
and at Worthington, Mass. He marched on the "Lexington
254 The Groton Avery Clan
Alarm" from Worthington in Capt. Weber's company of minute-
men, and served to Nov., 1775 ; sergeant, same company, 1777 ;
was in battle of Stillwater {Mass. Soldiers and Sailor's in the
Rev'n, 9 :686) . He d. Aug. 19, 1815, at Worthington.
Children of Ebenezer and Abigail (Avery) Leonard, b. at
Preston :
i. Benjamin", b. June 11, 1766.
ii. Sarah', b. March 20, 1768.
iii. William', b. May 16, 1770; d. April 1, 1794, in the West Indies.
283. Sarah*' Avery (Theophilus^ Edward*^, James^, James-,
Christopher^) was b. Dec. 2, 1750, at North Parish of Groton
(now Ledyard) ; m. Jabez Brewster, s, of Joseph and Dorothy
(Witter) Brewster. He was b. March 16, 1747, at Preston. She
d. June 13, 1773 ; he d. May 12, 1802, both at Preston.
Child of Jabez and Sarah (Avery) Brewster, b. at Preston:
i. Benajah', b. Nov. 19, 1771; d. Sept. 20, 1795; unm.
284. Theophilus'^ Avery {Theophilus^, Edward*, James^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. June 22, 1753, at North Parish of
Groton (now Ledyard) ; m. Sabra Andrews, dau. of Samuel
Andrews. He was in Capt. Lemuel Lamb's company, second
reg't of Conn, light horse, 1779-80 (Conn. Men in the Rev'n,
556). Mrs. Sabra Avery d. May 5, 1814, at Ledyard; he m. 2d,
Mrs. Susan Ripley, bom Kelley. He d. Feb. 10, 1839, at Led-
Children of Theophilus and Sabra (Andrews) Avery, b. at
Ledyard :
i. Samuel', b. July 2, 1781; d. Oct. 16, 1801, at Staten Island,
N. Y.; unm.
Cynthia', b. June 22, 1784,
Erastus', b. April 22, 1787.
Ichabod', b. May 16, 1789.
Lydia', b. Oct. 15, 1792.
Lucy', b. Oct. 30, 1794; d. Dec. 6, 1814, at Ledyard; unm.
vii. Peyton Randolph', b. Sept. 12, 1797; d. April 25, 1830, at
Ledyard; unm.
719. viii. Frank', b. Oct. 18, 1802.
The Sixth Generation 255
292. Benajah^' Avery {Asa% Edward\ James^ James-,
Christopher') was b. Dec. 15, 1743, at Groton; m. Sept. 23,
1773, Bridget Monroe, daii. of Hezekiah and Bridget (Cobb)
Monroe, of Stonington. He was serg't of militia in Capt. Hub-
bard Burrows's company, 1776; ensign, 1780 {Conn. Men in the
Rev'n, 451, 629). She d. Jan. 15, 1795, aged 37 years; he d.
June 26, 1811, both at Ledyard; both were buried in the Edward
Avery burying-ground.
Children of Benajah and Bridget (Monroe) Avery, probably
b. in the part of Groton that now is Ledyard :
729. i. Fanny'.
730. ii. Sabra', b. Dec. 2, 1777.
731. iii. Bridget', b. June 13, 1780.
iv. Eunice', b. 1782; d. Feb., 1861; unm.
732. V. Polly', b. 1784.
vi. Emily', b. 1794; d. June, 1794, aged 5 months.
293. Zipporah'' Avery {Aso}', Edward\ James\ James-,
Christopher') was b. May 22, 1746, at Groton; m. Nov. 5, 1764,
at Groton, Noah Bailey, s. of Jedediah and Anna Bailey. He was
b. June 20, 1743, at Groton. She d. Sept., 1804, at Groton.
294. Esther" Avery {Asa^, Edward*, James"-, James^, Chris-
topher') was b. Feb. 4, 1756, at Groton; m. March 10, 1775, at
Stonington, Nathan Swan, s. of Timothy and Mary (Smith)
Swan, of Stonington. He was b. Jan. 23, 1754, at Stonington.
Children of Nathan and Esther (Avery) Swan, b. at Ston-
ington :
i. Avery', b. July 21, 1776.
ii. Robert', b. Oct. 22, 1778.
iii. Asa', b. Oct. 17, 1780; m. Fanny Wheeler.
iv. Oliver', b. Dec. 21, 1782; m. Phebe Stewart.
V. DiMis', b. April 28, 1785.
295. Daniel** Avery {Asa\ Edward*, James^, James-, Chris-
topher') was b. Feb. 25, 1758, at Groton; m. April 27, 1778, at
Preston, Sybil Parke, dau. of Moses and Sarah (Brewster)
Parke. She was b. July 12, 1755, at Preston ; was a descendant
of Elder William Brewster of the "Mayflower." She d. March
24, 1811, and was buried in the Edward Avery burying-ground.
256 The Groton Avery Clan
He m. 2d, June 4, 1812, at Preston, Mrs. Deborah Starkweather,
born Brewster, widow of Richard Starkweather. Daniel Avery
was major in tlie Connecticut state troops. He d. Dec. 1, 1822,
at Ledyard ; was buried with his sons, Moses and Edward, in the
Edward Avery burying-ground. His widow d. Nov. 22, 1823, at
Children of Daniel and Sybil (Parke) Avery, b. in the part
of Groton that now is Ledyard :
i. Moses', b. Aug. 17, 1779; d. Dec. 13, 1799, at sea.
733. ii. Prentice', b. July 19, 1781.
iii. Lucretia', b. July 18, 1784; d. June 4, 1786, at Ledyard.
734. iv. Anson', b. Feb. 4, 1786.
V. Edward', b. Oct. 27, 1789; apprentice to Capt. Joshua Avery,
carpenter; drowned while skating, January 13, 1807
(David Avery vis.).
735. vi. Parke', b. April 7, 1791; in the militia, 1812; probably d,
736. vii. Daniel', b. Sept. 25, 1793; d. Oct. 17, 1825; probably unm.
737. viii. Asa', b. Oct. 31, 1797; d. Oct. 27, 1848; probably unm.
738. ix. Moses', b. Nov. 19, 1799.
296. Mary'' Avery (Asa', Echvard*, James^, James-, Christo-
pher^) was b. April 6, 1760, at Groton ; m. April 17, 1783, at
Groton, Timothy Wightman, of East Lyme.
Children of Timothy and Mary (Avery) Wightman:
i. Asa', b. Jan. 19, 1784; m. Mercy Smith; was a merchant and capt.
of a coasting vessel; d. May 9, 1836, at Waterford.
ii. Samuel', b. Nov. 17, 1785.
iii. Polly', b. Sept. 16, 1788.
iv. Amy', b. Feb. 26, 1795; m. Turner M. Smith; d. June 30, 1863, at
Berlin Heights, Ohio.
V. Timothy', b. July 20, 1799; m. Harriet Smith.
297. David "^ Avery (Asa% Edward*, James"^, James-, Chris-
topher^) was b. Sept. 5, 1762, at Groton; m. Nov. 12, 1783, at
Preston, Hannah Avery, dau. of Christopher and Eunice (Pren-
tice) Avery (No. 339). She was b. June 20, 1763, at Preston.
David Avery was on the Preston school committee many times.
He removed to Stockbridge, Mass., about 1800. His wife d. Feb.
4, 1814, at Patterson, N. Y.; he d. May 11, 1823.
The Sixth Generation 257
Children of David and Hannah (Avery) Avery, probably all
b. at Preston :
739. i. Oliver', b. Sept. 29, 1784,
740. ii. AsA', b. Jan. 21, 1786.
741. iii. Sophia', b. Nov. 2, 1788.
742. iv. Alfred', b. P^eb. 2, 1791.
743. v. Austin', b. Dec. 1, 1794.
744. vi. Shubael', b. Oct. 26, 1797; d. Aug. 2, 1870.
298. Abigail'' Avery (Parked Ebenezer\ James^, James^,
Christopher') was bap. May 15, 1737, First Church of Groton;
m. Robert Niles, son of Nathan and Mary (Northrop) Niles.
He was b. Sept. 2, 1734, at Groton. He served in the campaign
ag-ainst the French and Indians in 1757, in Capt. Gallup's com-
pany. Col. Lyman's reg't {French and Indian War Rolls, 1:190).
During the Revolutionary M^ar, he was a famous privateer, cap-
tain and commander of the sloops, "Spy" and "Dolphin." In
1778, as captain of the "Spy," he skillfully avoided the British
vessels that were watching for him and made the passage of the
Atlantic in the shortest time then known. He bore the news
that the American congress had ratified the treaty with France,
the only treaty of alliance ever made by the United States. On
the minutes of the Connecticut council of safety for July 20,
1779, it is recorded:
"Capt. Niles came in, having arriv'd home last Saturday after having
been twice captured &c. — gave an account of his voyage &c. — arrived
at Paris in 27 days after he sail'd, which was beginning June, 1778,
and delivered his mail to Dr. Franklin, containing the ratification by
Congress of the Treaty with France, being the first account he had
received of that event, which was greatly satisfactory to him and the
French ministry and nation in general &c." (See Conn. Men in the
Rev'n, 593 & State Records of Conn., vols. 1 and 2).
His wife d. Feb. 18, 1790. He was twice married after the death
of his wife, Abigail. He and his three wives are buried at Nor-
wich. His tombstone reads as follows :
Capt. Robert Niles
A patriot who commanded the Spy
during the Revolutionary war
He carried the treaty to France
and delivered it to Benjamin Franklin.
Capt. Niles served his Country faithfully
& died a Christian
in the year 1818, aged 83 years.
258 The Groton Avery Clan
299. Dorothy" Avery {Parke^, Ebenezer*, James^, James-,
Christovher^) was bap. Aug. 26, 1739, First Church of Groton;
m. Sept. 11, 1759, at L.roton, John Morgan, s, of James and Mary
(Morgan) Morgan. He was bap. July 11, 1736, First Church of
Groton. He d. Nov. 8, 1799, at Groton ; she d. Oct. 19, 1828, at
Groton ; both were buried in the Avery-Morgan burying-ground.
Children of John and Dorothy (Avery) Morgan, b. at Gro-
i. John', b. March 28, 1761; d. April 17, 1840, at Groton; unm.
ii. Hannah', b. Sept. 5, 1764; m. Ebenezer Avery (No. 693).
iii. David', b. April 14, 1766; d. June 10, 1805, at Groton; unm.
iv. Stephen', b. Nov. 19, 1768; m. Sally Barber, who m. 2d, Elias
Avery (No. 395) ; d. June 6, 1797, at Groton.
V. Abigail', b. Oct. 26, 1771 ; m. Elisha Morgan; d. April 22, 1796, at
vi. Amos', b. Oct. 13, 1774; m. Jemima Stoddard; d. July 19, 1845, at
vii. Experience', b. May 13, 1778; m. Elisha Stoddard; d. May 11, 1819.
viii. Jasper', b. Jan., 1784; m. Clarissa Holdridge.
300. Parke'' Avery (Parke^, Ebenezer*, James^, James",
Christopher^) was b. March 22, 1741, at Groton; bap. May 3,
1741, First Church of Groton; m. Hannah Morgan, dau. of
James and Mary (Morgan) Morgan. She was bap. Aug. 13,
1738, First Church of Groton. James Morgan of Groton, Sept.
10, 1770, left "all of the rest of my movable estate" to "my two
daughters, Mary Perkins and Hannah Avery" (Stonington Wills,
1:215). She had a "Mayflower" ancestry through her mother,
a descendant of Ruth Brewster, who m. John Picket.
Parke*' Avery served as second lieutenant in Abel Spicer's
company. Col. Selden's reg't, 1776 ; in Capt. Wheeler's company,
1778; was in the battle of Fort Griswold {Conn. Men in the
Rev% 403, 533, 578, 648). When Lieut. Parke Avery entered
Fort Griswold, Sept. 6, 1781, he took with him his eldest son,
Thomas, still in his "teens," who in the engagement fell dead at
his side. He himself was severely wounded by a bayonet thrust
that took out an eye, broke the eyebrow, and made a cavity in the
forehead ; he was left among those slain by the enemy. When,
after the massacre, they were carrying him out of the fort, his
abrupt command, "Keep step, boys, keep step; damn it, you
The Sixth Generation
260 The Groton Avery Clan I
shake me," was very startling coming as it did from a supposed
corpse. He finally recovered and lived forty years more. He
received a pension and gave it to an aged aunt, Thankful Avery..
When President Monroe, himself a colonel in the war, visited
Fort Griswold in 1817, he received the survivors of the battle in-
side the ramparts and gave them a cordial welcome. Parke
Avery and his brother, Ebenezer, were there. In honor of his
boy who had died at his side in the battle, Lieutenant Avery
changed the name of his youngest son from Silas Deane to
Thomas, that the name might be continued in the family.
February 2, 1779, Parke Avery and Parke Avery, jun., were
members of a committee to "attend to the business" of inocula-
tion for Groton. Parke** Avery was constable and surveyor, 1779 ;
he was one of a committee to purchase grain for the soldiers,
1781; he was selectman several terms (Groton Selectmen's Min-
utes) . Before the Revolutionary war, he resided on the farm
given him by his father on the old turnpike road to Mystic, near
the ancient grist-mill. A few years after the war he moved to
the old Avery mansion on Birch Plains, at the head of Poquonock
Cove, which had been occupied by his ancestors for five genera-
tions. He was a man of more than ordinary intelligence and of
genuine wit and humor. When the British fleet bombarded Ston-
ington Point in 1814, it was almost impossible to keep the old
man at home. He knew that the British would be defeated and
he wished to see it done. The sword that he used at Fort Gris-
wold is in the possession of a descendant. His wife d. Sept.
26, 1798 ; he died Dec. 20, 1821, both at Groton.
Children of Parke and Hannah (Morgan) Avery, b. at Gro-
Thomas', b. about 1765 ; killed at Fort Griswold.
Youngs', b. April 2, 1767.
Hannah', b. Sept. 9, 1770; m. Peter Avery (No. 679).
Thomas', b. Dec. 27, 1778; first named Silas Deane.
301. Jasper" Avery (Parke^, Ebenezer*, James^, James"^,.
Christopher^) was bap. Oct. 21, 1744, First Church of Preston;
m. Elizabeth Smith, dau. of Nathan and Elizabeth (Denison)
Smith. She was bap. Oct. 6, 1751, First Church of Groton. He
lived near High Rock, on a farm that his father had given him
The Sixth Generation 261
southwest of the old Avery house on Birch Plains. He was killed
at Fort Griswold, Sept. 6, 1781. His widow m. his brother,
Ebenezer Avery (No. 302) . It is difficult to determine the names
of the children of Jasper Avery. May 21, 1787, Stephen Avery
(No. 304) receipted to Mr. Parke Avery and Mrs. Elizabeth
Avery, executors of the estate of Jasper Avery, as the guardians
of Betsey [Elizabeth] Avery, dau. of Jasper Avery. Ebenezer
Avery (No. 302) receipted, as the guardian of Sally, Jasper,
Frederick, Polly [Mary], and Cyrus, children of Jasper Avery
(Stonington Wills, 5 :224) . Cyrus is called the oldest child.
Children of Jasper and Elizabeth (Smith) Avery:
Cyrus', b. Nov. 15, 1768.
Elizabeth', b. Oct. 16, 1772
302. Ebenezer" Avery {Parke'% Ebenezer^, James^, James'-,
Christopher^) was bap. Aug. 17, 1746, First Church of Preston;
m. August 17, 1768, Elizabeth Green, dau. of John Green of New
London (David Avery ms.). She was b. Sept. 16, 1749; d. Oct.
31,1784. Ebenezer Avery m. 2d, Mrs. Elizabeth (Smith) Avery,
the widow of his brother Jasper. She d. Oct. 2, 1789, aged 39
years. He m. 3d, Mrs. Elizabeth Latham, widow of Giles Latham
and dau. of John and Deborah (Ledyard) Coleman. August 19,
1791, Ebenezer Avery and Elizabeth, his wife, of Groton, dau.
and heir of Deborah Coleman, late of Hartford, deceased, in con-
sideration of £12. 15s., deeded to the Rev. Aaron Kinne of Groton
"The whole of Our Right in One third Part in Quantity and Quality of a
Certain lot or tract of Land, being Part of the Real Estate of John
Ledyard, Esq., late of Hartford Deed & laid out to the heirs of
Deborah Coleman aforesaid as Daughter & heir of John Ledyard
aforesaid, lying in Groton aforesaid & Scituate at a Place called
Long Hill. . . . Containing about Twenty Acres" {Groton
Deeds, 11:212).
She d. Jan. 21, 1797, at Groton. The graves of these three wives
are in the Ledyard burying-ground in Groton, near that of Eben-
ezer Avery. He m. 4th, Mrs. Elizabeth Elderkin, widow of John
Elderkin {David Avery ms.) . She outlived her husband.
The Groton Avery Clan
The Sixth Generation 263
Ebenezer^' Avery was ensign of the first Groton company of
militia (Conn. Me7i in the Rev'n, 578) . He lived in the house on
the ferry bank at the corner of Thames and Latham Streets, built
for him by his father. He took an active part in the Fort Gris-
wold fight ; he was severely wounded and left among the slain.
He lived many years and worked at his trade (that of tailor) in
a room in his own dwelling-house. To this house, at the foot of
Groton Heights, the wounded were taken after the battle ; there
many of the dead and dying were identified by their relatives and
friends. It is said that the blood-stains on the floors were to be
seen for years. The house now bears a commemorative tablet
placed by the Children of the American Revolution. Ebenezer
Avery died Jan. 10, 1828, at Groton, and was buried in the Led-
yard burying-ground. He was a pensioner of the Revolutionary
Children of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Green) Avery, b. at
Groton :
754. i. Elizabeth', bap. July 16, 1769, First Church of Groton.
755. ii. Ebenezer', b. March 4, 1771.
756. iii. Lydia', b. April 4, 1773; m. Daniel Avery (No. 394).
iv. John Green', d. Sept. 22, 1777, at Groton.
757. V. Elisha'. In his record of the Groton Averys, Mr. Sweet here
enters the name of a son, Elisha, but careful investiga-
tion and the discovery of new data have established the
fact that the assignment is erroneous. There was an
Elisha; we have been in correspondence with his de-
scendants, but have not yet established their connection
with the Groton Averys.
Child of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Smith) Avery, b. at Gro-
ton :
758. i. Frances', b. Aug. 4, 1787.
Children of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Coleman) Avery, b. at
Groton :
759. i. John Coleman', b. May 18, 1792.
ii. Orlando', d. Sept. 18, 1821, at Groton, aged 25; unm.
303. Eunice- Avery {Parks'^, Ebenezer*, James^, James-,
Christopher^) M^as bap. Nov. 13, 1748, First Church of Groton;
m. Solomon Morgan, s. of Solomon and Mary (Walsworth) Mor-
gan. He was b. Feb. 4, 1745, at Groton. He was a minister;
was settled over Nazareth Church at Voluntown in April, 1772 ;
264 The Groton Avery Clan
in September, 1783, he was settled over the church at Canter-
bury. His wife d. May 2, 1793, probably at Canterbury. He is
said to have gone to North Canaan in 1798, where he d. Sept. 3,
1804. In 1784, he delivered at Groton, one of the first of the
series of Fort Griswold anniversary sermons. He m. 2d, the
Widow Haskell. In his will, he mentioned the children named
below, except Lucy who was not living.
Children of Solomon and Eunice (Avery) Morgan :
i. Solomon', b. abt. 1772; at Yale College, 1791; d. unm.
ii. Parke', b. Aug. 13, 1774, at Voluntown {Voluntown Rec).
iii. William', b. June 15, 1777, at Voluntown {Voluntown Rec).
iv. Lucy', b. Dec. 6, 1778, at Voluntown {Voluntown Rec.) ; d.
Dec. 10, 1796, at Plainfield.
V. Heman'.
vi. Elisha', b. June 7, 1782, at Plainfield {Plainfield Rec).
vii. Eunice'.
viii. Mary'.
ix. Nancy'.
304. Stephen" Avery {Parke^, Ebenezer\ James\ James-,
Christopher^) was b. May 10, 1751, at Groton; m. Mary Deni-
son, dau. of John and Abigail (Avery) Denison (No. 176). She
d. Feb. 27, 1815, at Groton. He m. 2d, April 26, 1818, Fanny
Barnes. She was b. Sept. 16, 1791. He d. June 15, 1827, at Gro-
ton. She d. Sept. 16, 1874, at Groton. The Hon. Richard Anson
Wheeler of Stonington was authority for the statement that the
Stephen Avery who m. Mary Denison and the Stephen Avery
who m. Fanny Barnes was one and the same person. In spite of
the high authority, we doubt the above record and think that two
Stephens have been united as one. Was not the Stephen who m.
Fanny Barnes, s. of the one who m. Mary Denison ?
Children of Stephen and Fanny (Barnes) Avery, b. at Gro-
i. Mary', b. Feb. 19, 1819; d. Aug. 23, 1825, at Groton.
760. ii. Eliza', b. March 23, 1721.
iii. Stephen', b. Feb. 8, 1827; d. April 18, 1827, at Groton.
305. Simeon*' Avery {Parke'% Ebenezer*, James', James-,
Christopher') was b. Oct. 20, 1753, at Groton; m. Feb. 25, 1777,
at Groton, Lucy Swan, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Smith)
Swan. She was b. March 10, 1760, at Stonington and d. June 28,
The Sixth Generation 265
1794, at Groton. He m. 2d, Feb. 12, 1795, at Groton, Elizabeth
Billings, dau. of Stephen and Mary (Avery) Billings (No. 271).
She was b. Aug. 14, 1766, at Groton.
Simeon Avery enlisted in the first regiment of Conn, line,
as ensign, Jan, 1, 1777 ; was second lieutenant, Jan. 1, 1778 ; first
lieutenant, Nov. 15, 1778; later became adjutant and continued
as such until 1781. He was in the battles of White Plains, Ger-
mantown, Monmouth, and Stony Point and endured the hard-
ships of Valley Forge. The following letters are in the posses-
sion of Miss Annie M. Avery, a descendant :
Valley Forge, 23rd March, 1778.
Dear Wife,
I have one opportunity more to wright a few lines which I
gladly imbrace to inform you that I still enjoy a comfortable state
of health, which we have need to thank God for, and desire these
lines may find you injoying the same blessing and our child with
I have nothing strange to inform you of at present, the Committee is
now setting in order to regulate affairs, which I suppose will soon
be settled, as there is a number of officers more than will be needed
and I suppose there will be some of us will be discharged, and I
suppose, or intend, to be one of them. So might conclude with my
best love to you and love to all Brothers and Sisters and all friends,
and desire these lines leave me so I desire they may find my loving
Wife, this is the true desire of your Loving Husband and friend —
Simeon Avery.
P. S. Remember me to your Grandfather and G. mother and all friends.
Give my compliments to Mr. Edgecombe and tell him that Gilbert is
well and hartyer than ever I saw him in my life.
I desire you would write the first opportunity and you will oblige your
Humble Servant. S. A.
Orangetown, August 19, 1780.
Dear Partner,
1 acknowledge receipt to your letter by Mr. Billings. Should have an-
swered it before had I an opportunity of Convenience, which I am
sensible you are confident of, as My greatest happiness consists in
your welfare.
I have nothing but the old subject to write upon, just to inform you that
I have enjoyed my health perfectly since I left You, except acquaint-
ing you with my circvimstances and repeating to you my necessities,
which I am sensible it is not in your power to relieve, and which I
do not wish you to be troubled with.
The Groton Avery Clan
The Sixth Generation 267
I wrote to Dadd a few days ago asking him to help me to Lining for
Vest and Breeches, which I am entirely destitute of. If he has pro-
cured any I think he may have an opportunity to send it by Capt.
Richards, who will return in a short time.
I am very uneasy when I reflect upon your Circumstances, thinking you
might have stood in need of assistance, but it has not been in my
power to relieve your wants, as I have not drawn wages since I re-
turned to Camp.
I have only just time to Confirm my sincerity by subscribing myself
your Sincere friend and Affectionate Husband,
Sim'n Avery.
Mrs. Lucy Avery.
Please write the first opportunity.
Duty to Dadd and Mamme, Compliments to all friends Your Grand-
father and Mamme in particular. I had intended to have been at
home before this but been disappointed, think I shall not till next
Winter. S. Avery.
Simeon Avery was an important citizen of Groton in times
of peace. He was selectman and member of the school commit-
tee. He became colonel of militia and was known as CoL Simeon
Avery and is so recorded on his tombstone. April 20, 1778, he
received permission to free his slave, Joseph, aged 25; who was
"able bodied and industrious and not likely to become a charge on
the town." He d. Aug. 1, 1796 ; his wife, Elizabeth, d. Oct. 31,
1805. He and both his wives are buried in the Avery-Morgan
Children of Simeon and Lucy (Swan) Avery, b. at Groton:
i. Lucy', b. Jan. 20, 1778; d. July 16, 1791, at Groton.
761. ii. Elisha\ b. Dec. 11, 1780.
iii. Stephen', b. Nov. 13, 1783; d. Aug. 21, 1798, at Groton.
762. iv. Robert Niles', b. Sept. 1, 1785.
763. V. Joseph Swan', b. Oct., 1787.
764. vi. Frederick Allyn', b. March 5, 1789.
765. vii. Mary', b. Dec. 22, 1790.
766. viii. Lucy', b. Sept. 12, 1792; m. John Parke Avery (No. 1694).
According to Mr. Sweet's The Averys of Groton, she m.
2d, John O. Miner of Groton. We are unable to prove
this or to ascertain which John O. Miner is meant.
767. ix. Simeon', b. March 22, 1794; d. Nov. 10, 1825, at Groton.
Child of Simeon and Elizabeth (Billings) Avery, b. at Gro-
768. i. Martha Billings', b. March 17, 1796.
268 The Groton Avery Clan
306. Margaret" Avery {Ebefiezer^, Ebenezei'*, James^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. April 15, 1748, at Preston; bap.
May 6, 1748, First Church of Preston; m. March 19, 1767, at
Preston, Elisha Parke, s. of Paul and Sarah (Smith) Parke. He
was b. Oct. 2, 1746. at Preston. She d. Jan. 22, 1770; he m. 2d,
Hannah Belton. He d. July 5, 1812, at Preston.
Children of Elisha and Margaret (Avery) Parke, b. at Pres-
i. Lucy', b. Feb. 18, 1768; m. Richard Fanning; d. Sept. 19,
1793, at Preston Plains,
ii. Ephraim', b. Jan. 14, 1770; m. Sybil Kimball; 2d, Elizabeth
Davids; d. Sept. 15, 1816, in Ontario Co., N. Y.
307. Dorothy" Avery (Ebenezer^, Ebenezer*, James^,
James'-, Christophr^) was b. Sept. 13, 1750, at Preston; bap. Oct.
28, 1750, First Church of Preston ; m. Powers.
308. Amy*' Avery {Ebenezer'% Ebenezer*, James% James'-,
Christopher^) was b. Sept. 22, 1754, at Preston; bap. Oct. 29,
1754, First Church of Preston; m. Sept. 6, 1775, at Preston,
Nathaniel Stanton, s. of Nathaniel and Mary (Coit) Stanton.
He served on the galley "Shark" under his brother, Capt. Theo-
philus Stanton, in 1776, and on the ship "Oliver Trumbull" in
1779 (Conn. Men in the Rev'n, 594 & Rev. Rolls. 262). The
"Shark" was probably captured, as Nathaniel Stanton was made
prisoner and was kept two years in Canada. After the war, he
was captain of a merchant vessel and, in 1785, was lost at sea in
a hurricane in the West Indies. She m. 2d, March 20, 1794, at
Preston, Ezra Benjamin She d. Sept., 1838, at Preston.
Children of Nathaniel and Amy (Avery) Stanton, b. at
Preston :
i. AvERr, b. 1776; d. 1794.
ii. Theophilus', b. 1778; d. 1790.
iii. Nathaniel', b. 1780; died in infancy.
iv. Martha', b. Aug., 1783; ni. David Frink; 2d, Timothy Avery
of Spencer. His parentage is not known, but it is said
that he was a distant cousin. They had one child, Har-
riet, who m. Benjamin Lott of Spencer.
V. Hannah', b. March 11, 1786; m. April 28, 1808, Daniel Bald-
win; d. Mai-ch 19, 1877. Their son, John Denison Bald-
win, was b. Sept. 28, 1809, at North Stonington; was of
The Sixth Generation 269
Yale College; New Haven Theological Seminary; pastor
of Congregational church, at Woodstock; at North Bran-
ford; at Killingly; editor of the "Republican" at Hart-
ford; editor and part owner of the "Daily and Weekly
Commonwealth," Boston; owner (with his sons) of the
"Spy," W^orcester, Mass. He represented the Worcester
district in congress from 1863 to 1869. He was the
author of The Pre-Historic Nations and Ancient Amer-
ica, issued by Harper & Brothers. In connection with the
Rev. William Clift, he compiled the Denison Genealogy,
issued in 1881. He furnished much material to Homer
D. L. Sweet for The Averys of Groton.
Child of Ezra and Amy (Avery) Benjamin, b. at Preston:
i. Eunice', b. June 24, 1795; d. unm.
309. Ebenezer" Avery {Ehenezer^, Ehenezer*, James^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. Oct. 10, 1760, at Preston; m. Dec.
11, 1783, at Preston, Abigail Story, dan. of Solomon and Eliza-
beth (Thomas) Story. She was b. Aug. 5, 1762, at Preston ; d.
April 1, 1794, at Preston. He m. 2d, Dec. 13, 1795, Mary Allyn,
dau. of John Allyn, from whom she inherited land (Groton
Deeds, 14:214). She was b. Sept. 4, 1770; d. July 1, 1853, at
Preston. He enlisted in the Revolution from Preston in Capt.
Boardman's company. Col. Sherm.an; carried from Boston to
Philadelphia the specie to pay the soldiers ; applied Aug. 2, 1832,
for a pension which was granted (Pension Bureau Records &
Conn. Men in the Rev'n, 661). He represented Preston in the
state legislature. He d. June 15, 1856, at Preston.
Children of Ebenezer and Abigail (Story) Avery, b. at Pres-
ton :
AsA\ b. May 16, 1785.
Eunice', b. Aug. 14, 1786.
Solomon Story', b. Feb. 28, 1788.
Sabra', b. March 4, 1790.
Mary', b. Feb. 22, 1792.
John Stanton', b. Feb. 22, 1794.
Children of Ebenezer and Mary (Allyn) Avery, b. at Pres-
Ebenezer', b. Aug. 16, 1797.
Hannah Morgan', b. Dec. 21, 1798.
iii. Elisha', b. March 30, 1800; d. June 16, 1829; unm.
777. iv. Lucy Allyn', b. April 4, 1802.
270 The Groton Avery Clan
778. V. Benjamin Franklin', b. May 18, 1804.
vi. Allen^ b. Feb. 11, 1806; d. May 18, 1806.
779. vii. Albert G.', b. July 16, 1808.
780. viii. George S.', b. July 18, 1811.
310. Sarah" Avery (Simeon^, Ebenezer*, James^, James^,
Christopher^) was b. Feb. 4, 1754, at Groton; m. about 1774,
Elisha Perkins, s. of Elnathan and Mary (Phillips) Perkins. He
was bap. April 5, 1747, First Church of Groton. He was killed at
Fort Griswold, Sept. 6, 1781. His father was killed at the same
time. His widow m. 2d, William Wood, s. of William and Honor
(Adams) Wood. He d. Nov. 2, 1800, at Groton, "in the 51st year
of his age" {Tombstone in Wood Family burying-ground) .
"Sarah Wood, relict of William Wood, formerly the widow of Elisha
Perkins, died June 26, 1824, aged 70 years" {Tombstone in Starr
bui-ying-ground) .
Her children by her second marriage went to New Milford,
in the almost unbroken wilderness of Susquehanna County, Penn-
Children of Elisha and Sarah (Avery) Perkins, b. at Gro-
i. Elisha', died young.
ii. Mary', died young.
iii. Sarah', b. about 1779; m. Thomas Gray; d, Dec. 3, 1847, at
Groton, "aged 68 years" {Tombstone) .
iv. Catharine', b. about 1781; m. William Gray, brother of
Children of William and Sarah (Avery) Wood, b. at Gro-
i. William', b. March 28, 1784; m. Betty Darrow; d. Dec. 2,
1859, at Southport, Conn,
ii. Robertson', b. Dec. 8, 1789; m. Lucretia E. Kingsley; d.
April 15, 1843, at New Milford, Penn.
311. Lucy" Avery {Simeon°, Ehenezer*, James^, James'',
Christopher^) was b. March 24, 1756; m. Jonathan Denison.
312. Nathan''' Avery {Simeon^, Ebenezer*, James^, James^,
Christopher^) was b. March 31, 1759, at Groton; m. Feb. 20,
1782, at Hebron, Anna Ayers, dau. of John and Abigail (Cook)
Ayers. She was b. March 31, 1758, at Middletown. Nathan
The Sixth Generation 271
Avery was in Capt. Edward Mott's company, 1776; was in the
battle of White Plains; was discharged at New Castle, late in
1776; served three months in 1779, at Fort Trumbull; seived
two tours of three months each, terminating at Fort Griswold,
Sept. 6, 1781 ; applied, June, 1832, for a pension which was
granted (Pension Bureau Records, & Conn. Men in the Revolu-
tion, 617). He was a farmer, and lived at Fairlee and Orford,
N. H., and at Newbury, Vt. His wife d. May 22, 1840 ; he d. Jan.
16, 1841, both at Newbury.
Children of Nathan and Anna (Ayers) Avery:
Twins', b. and d. May, 1783, at Fairlee, N. H.
Nathan', b. March 6, 1786, at Orford, N. H.
Ann', b. March 17, 1788, at Fairlee.
George Washington', b. Dec. 12, 1789, at Newbury, Vt.
Simeon', b. July 19, 1791.
vi. Sarah Ayers', b. May 7, 1793, at Newbury; d. Aug. 21,
1814, at Newbury; unm.
785. vii. John Ayers', b. Aug. 18, 1795, at Newbury.
313. Catharine" Avery {Simeon^, Ebenezer*, James^, James-,
Christopher^) was b. Sept. 24, 1761, at Groton; m. Dec. 9, 1779,
at Preston, Elisha Witter, s. of William and Hannah (Freeman)
Witter. He was b. April 27, 1755, at Preston; d. about 1783,
leaving no children. His widow m. 2d, Jan. 18, 1785, Sluman
Lathrop, s. of Capt. Elisha and Hannah (Hough) Lathrop, He
was b. Sept. 25, 1750, at Norwich. They lived at Lebanon, N. H.,
where he d. Dec. 4, 1834 ; she d. March 17, 1846.
Children of Sluman and Catharine (Avery) Lathrop, b. at
Lebanon, N. H.
i. Amos', b. May 4, 1787; d. Nov. 20, 1798, at Lebanon.
ii. Hannah Niles', b. Feb. 15, 1789; m. Nehemiah Huntington;
d. March 24, 1863; s. p.
iii. Catharine', b. Jan. 11, 1795; d. Nov. 16, 1796, at Lebanon,
iv. George Hough', b. Aug. 17, 1796; m. Lois Waldo; d. March
23, 1878, at Lebanon.
314. Mary'' Avery (Simeon'', Ehenezer*, James'^, James^,
Christopher'^) was b. March 10, 1764, at Groton; m. Feb. 14,
1787, Isaac Miner, s. of Thomas and Desire (Denison) Miner.
He was b. June 17, 1764, at Groton. He lived at Littleton and
Whitefield, N. H. ; was a farmer; a Revolutionary soldier ; d. at
272 The Groton Avery Clan
Whitefield, July 11, 1847 ; she d. there April 27, 1843.
Children of Isaac and Mary (Avery) Miner :
i. Sarah', b. Jan. 15, 1789; m. James Badger; 2d, William
ii. Simeon Avery', b. May 12, 1791; m. Mary P. Orcott.
iii. Elisha Perkins', b. Jan. 28, 1793; m. Eliza Berry; d. Nov.
6, 1875, at Littleton.
iv. Mary', b. March 16, 1795; m. Enoch Wing; d. at Lyndon,
V. Hannah Avery', b. July 20, 1797; m. Seth Morse,
vi. Lucy', b. Oct. 4, 1799; m. Chauncey Hall,
vii. Desire Denison', b. Feb. 9, 1802; m. Bela Orcott.
viii. Catharine Lathrop', b. June 21, 1804; m. Samuel Taylor
Morse; d. June 11, 1873, at Littleton.
ix. Isaac', b. March 7, 1807; m. Sally Pearson.
X. Lodowick', b. June 19, 1809; d. unm.
315. Hannah*' Avery (Simeon^, Ebenezer*, James^, James^,
Christopher'^) was b. May 16, 1768, at Groton; m. Capt. Samuel
Morey, s. of General Israel and Martha (Palmer) Morey, of
Hebron, who moved to Orford, N. H., about 1766. He was b. Oct.
23, 1762, at Hebron, He acquired large landed estates on both
sides of the Connecticut River ; was extensively engaged in lum-
bering and had superior mechanical and scientific talents. He
built the locks at Bellows Falls; patented a revolving steam
engine in 1815 ; took out a patent for an engine to propel boats
in 1795 and, later, other patents for the same purpose, all of
which were successfully applied. His wife d. April 21, 1822, at
Orford, N. H. ; he d. April 17, 1843, at Fairlee, Vt. They are
said to have had one daughter, who m. the Hon. Leonard Wilcox,
judge and United States senator.
316. Jesse'' Avery (Simeon^, Ehenezer*, James^, James^,
Christopher^) was b. Oct. 22, 1771, at Groton; m. May, 1803, at
Orford, N. H., Elizabeth Piatt, dau. of Eben and (Ames) Piatt.
She w^as b. Sept. 26, 1782, at Ringe, N. H. He was a carpenter.
He d. Feb, 13, 1824, at Orford; she d. March 23, 1846, at the
same place.
Children of Jesse and Elizabeth (Piatt) Avery, b. at Orford,
N. H.:
786. i. Elizabeth', b. May 5, 1805.
787. ii. Marian', b. May 8, 1807.
The Sixth Generation 273
788. iii. Eben Platt', b. Sept. 14, 1809.
789. iv. Almira Morey', b. May 19, 1812.
790. V. Joshua K.', b. Oct. 22, 1815.
791. vi. Susan Colston', b. Oct. 4, 1820.
792. vii. Mahalah Platt', b. June 13, 1824.
317. Silas'' Avery {Simeon^, Ebenezer*, James^, James^,
Christopher'') was b. Sept. 11, 1773, at Groton. He lived in
Orford, N. H., and was deacon of the church there. He is sup-
posed to have married and to have left children. He d. Jan. 28,
1827, at Orford.
318. Joshua" Avery (Simeon\ Ebenezer*, James^, James^,
Christopher') was b. March 16, 1777, at Groton; m. Dec. 27,
1807, at Arlington, Mass., Mary Ann Russell, dau. of Thomas
and Anna (Whittemore) Russell. She was b. Sept. 25, 1783, at
Arlington ; d. March 1, 1823, at same place. He was "published"
Nov. 29, 1827, at Arlington, and m. Sarah Wheeler. He was a
carpenter ; member of the school committee, 1823-1826 ; select-
man, 1826-1836 ; was thanked by the town in 1837 for his long
and valuable services. He d. April 23, 1840, at Arlington ; she
d. Oct. 8, 1867, at same place.
Children of Joshua and Mary Ann (Russell) Avery, b. at
Arlington :
Thomas Russell', b. June 5, 1809.
Chakles Park', b. April 19, 1812.
Mary Ann', b. Aug. 14, 1816.
Alexander Pope', b. May 2, 1818.
319. Simeon Hyde'' Avery (Simeon^, Ebenezer*, James^,
James-, Christopher'') was b. Jan. 13, 1787; m. about 1811,
Rebecca Passmore, dau, of Henry and Martha (Busel?) Pass-
more. She w^as b. Aug. 1, 1795, near York, Penn. He was a
potter. He d. Jan. 3, 1835, near Miami, O. ; she d. April 4, 1878,
in Hancock County, 111.
Children of Simeon Hyde and Rebecca (Passmore) Avery:
i. Martha', b. Aug. 3, 1813, at Cincinnati; d. Sept. 4, 1814, at
John Leek', b. Sept. 25, 1815, at Cincinnati.
Oliver Spenser', b. April 28, 1817, at Miami, Ohio.
Henry Passmore', b. Nov. 19, 1819, at Miami.
274 The Groton Avery Clan
808. V. Simeon Hyde', b. March 6, 1824, at Miami.
809. vi. Emeline', b. Jan. 7, 1828, at Miami.
vii. Caroline', b. March 17, 1829; d. June 17, 1830.
320. John*'' Avery {John^, Christopher^ James\ James-,
Christopher^) was b. Dec. 6, 1732, at Preston; m. Jan. 22, 1752,
at Preston, Mary Parke, dau. of Robert and Elizabeth (Benja-
min) Parke. She was bap. Feb. 18, 1733, at First Church of
Preston. Her father, Robert Parke, in his will, made Sept. 13,
1777, remembered his grandchildren, John Avery, Zlpporah
Williams, Samuel, William, and Hannah Avery, heirs of his
daughter, Mary Avery. She was a member of the Separatist
Church of Preston, and the children were bap. there in her name.
She d. Jan. 14, 1769-70, at Preston. He m. 2d, April 14, 1770,
Experience Stanton, dau. of Nathaniel and Mary (Coit) Stan-
ton. John*' Avery, his second wife, and their five children were
bap. at the Separatist Church, June 27, 1781. He lived on the
east side of Avery Pond, in Ledyard. He was a farmer and gold-
smith. He also made brass-wheeled clocks, some of which are
said to be still in running order. He taught this trade to four of
his sons, John, Samuel, William, and Robert. He was justice of
the peace many years; selectman of Preston, 1774, 1775. In
May, 1774, he was commissioned ensign of the train band of
Preston; in Oct., 1774, lieutenant {Conn. Col. Rec, 14:266, 334).
From the Preston town records we copy the following :
Nov. 21, 1774. "And whereas a strict observance to the plan adopted
and agreed to by said congress [at Philadelphia] appears the best
method of maintaining our just rights and privileges, this meeting
made choice of John Avery, Jr. [and fourteen others] to be a com-
mittee to inspect the conduct of the inhabitants of said Preston and
all other persons within the same that they strictly comply with the
several articles agreed to by the said Congress."
This refers to "The Association of the United Colonies" (the
non-importation agreement) adopted by the first continental con-
gress, and signed by its members, October 20, 1774. For further
particulars, see Avery's History of the United tStates and its
People, vol. 5, page 222.
December 10, 1776, John Avery, Jr., was chosen one of the
committee of inspection for Preston for the coming year. Jan-
uary 5, 1778, he was one of a committee "chosen to make a draft
The Sixth Generation 275
to instruct our deputies to the General Assembly to be convened
at Hartford on the second Thursday of January to adopt articles
of Confederation." He was deputy from Preston, Oct., 1771
(Conn. Col. Rec, 13:511). In the Connecticut State Records
(1 :129) , under date of Dec, 1776, we read :
"Resolved by this Assembly that John Avery Jr., of Preston, be and he
is hereby appointed in addition to the committee appointed to pro-
cure and purchase fire arms in this state agreeable to the acts and
Being too frail to go into active service himself he procured and
paid a substitute who served during the war and came home
In his will, made March 28, 1793, he mentioned all his sons,
and his daus., Zipporah Cook, Hannah Avery, and Mary Avery
(Nortuich Wills, 9 :51) . He d. July 23, 1794, at Preston. In the
settlement of his estate, his son, John, is called "eldest son of
said deceased by a former venture."
Children of John and Mary (Parke) Avery, b. at Preston:
i. Elizabeth^ b. Aug. 22, 1752; died young.
810. ii. Zipporah', b. Sept. 22, 1753.
811. iii. John', b. Dec. 14, 1755.
iv. Anna', b. Dec. 3, 1757; d. Nov. 29, 1769.
812. V. Samuel', b. June 4, 1760.
vi. Robert', b. Sept. 28, 1762; d. May 21, 1764.
813. vii. William', b. March 22, 1765.
814. viii. Hannah', b. Dec. 17, 1767; m. David Avery (No. 1401).
Children of John and Experience (Stanton) Avery, b. at
Preston :
815. i. Robert Stanton', b. Feb. 25, 1771.
ii. Nathaniel', b. May 14, 1773. The inventory of his estate
was taken Dec. 9, 1846, he being "an «iged and super-
anuated person." He d. March 10, 1847, at Preston;
816. iii. Amos', b. Nov. 3, 1774.
iv. Jonas', b. March 17, 1777; d. Sept. 24, 1778.
V. Mary', b. July 14, 1779; d. Dec. 31, 1828, at Preston; unm.
817. vi. Christopher', b. Oct. 4, 1781.
321. Abigail'' Avery (John^, Christopher*, James^, James^,
Christopher'^) was b. April 1, 1735, at Preston; m. John Hurl-
but, s. of John and Mary (Stoddard) Hurlbut. He was b. March
276 The Groton Avery Clan
12, 1729-30. He was a member of the committee for Groton, just
before the war. He bought a right in the Susquehanna company
and, in 1778, emigrated to that country. He was a deputy to the
Connecticut assembly from Westmoreland, 1779, 1780, 1781
{Conn. State Rec, 2:251). He and his sons, Christopher, John,
and Naphtali, were all members of Capt. John Franklin's com-
pany of militia (American Monthly Magazine, 19 :265) . He was
deacon of the church and, in absence of the clergyman at
Wyoming, frequently read the sermon. He d. March 10, 1782, at
Hanover, Penn. ; she d. Nov. 29, 1805, at Pittston, Penn.
Children of John and Abigail (Avery) Hurlbut, b. at Gro-^
i. Christopher', b. May 30, 1757; m. Elizabeth Mann. They
were the ancestors of Henry W. Hoyt, governor of Penn.
He d. April 21, 1831, at Arkport, N. Y.
ii. John', b. Feb. 21, 1760; m. Hannah Millet; d. Feb., 1813, at.
Palmyra, N. Y.
iii. Anna', b. Jan. 5, 1763; m. Elisha Blackman; d. Jan. 6,
1828, at Hanover, Penn.
iv. Catharine', b. March 18, 1764-65; m. William Hyde; d.
Sept. 24, 1804, at Arkport, N. Y.
V. Naphtali', b. Aug. 12, 1767; m. Olive Smith; sheriff of
Luzerne County, Penn., for many years; d. March 28,
1844, at Burns, N. Y.
vi. Stephen', b. Feb. 9, 1770; d. Feb. 28, 1779, at Shawaugunk,,
N. Y., on his way to the Susquehanna country,
vii. Abigail', b. Sept., 1772; d. June 29, 1778; on her way west,
viii. Lydia', b. July 10, 1775; m. John Tiffany; d. May 17, 1852,
at Arkport, N. Y.
322. Amos'"' Avery {John^, Christopher*, James^, James^,
Christopher^) was b. April 16, 1737; m. April 14, 1762, at Pres-
ton, Hannah Niles, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary (Northrop)
Niles. She was b. Nov. 4, 1744, at Groton. He was deacon of the
Separatist Church of Preston. They had no children but brought
up several belonging to their relatives. Their tombstones, in the
Avery cemetery at Preston, bear the following inscriptions :
"Hannah Avery, the amiable wife of Deacon Amos Avery, departed this,
life May 5, 1808, aged 63 years & 6 months."
"Deacon Amos Avery died June 5, 1824, aged 87 years." ''
The Sixth Generation 277
323. Anna" Avery {Johri', Christopher^, James', James'-,
Christopher') was b. May 28, 1739, at Preston; m. June 6, 1762,
at Groton, Thomas Northrop Niles, s. of Nathaniel and Mary
(Northrop) Niles. He was b. Dec. 9, 1739, at Groton. He was a
farmer ; d. May 6, 1796 ; she d. April 10, 1816, both at Groton.
Children of Thomas Northrop and Anna (Avery) Niles, b.
at Groton :
i. Northrop', b. May 26, 1763; d. Dec. 4, 1807, at Groton,
ii, Amos Avery', b. March 19, 1766; m. Anna Allyn; d. Jan.
31, 1843, at Salem,
iii. Jonas', b. April 13, 1768; d. Feb. 6, 1769, at Groton.
iv. Phoebe', b. Feb. 11, 1770; d. Feb. 14, 1772, at Groton.
V. Paul Frederick', b. July 22, 1772; m. Sabra Avery (No.
vi. John Avery', b. Aug. 30, 1774; d. March 29, 1779, at Groton.
vii. Silas', b. Jan. 26, 1777; m. Bridget Avery (No. 731).
viii. Joseph Stanton', b. Dec. 26, 1778; d. Dec. 9, 1841, at
Salem; unm.
324. Margaret'"' Avery {John% Christopher^ James^,
James-, Christopher') was b. April 19, 1741, at Preston; m. Dec.
21, 1758, at Preston, Joshua Downer, s. of Andrew and Sarah
(Lazell) Downer. He was b. at Norwich, Aug. 6, 1735. He was
a private in the campaign of 1755 ; as a physician, he cared for
the wounded after the battle of Fort Griswold. She d. July 26,
1760, at Preston. He married a second time and had a large
family. He d. July 11, 1795, at Preston.
Child of Joshua and Margaret (Avery) Downer, b. at Pres-
i. Margaret', b. July 17, 1760; died young.
325. Isaac" Avery {John'', Christopher*, James% James-,
Christopher') was b. March 24, 1743, at Preston; m. Jan. 5,
1766, at Preston, Mercy Williams, dau. of William and Margaret
(Cook) WiHiams. She was b. Oct. 24, 1743, at Groton. He
served in the "Lexington Alarm"; sergeant in Capt. James
Morgan's co., eighth regiment, 1776 (Conn. Men in the Rev'n,
20, 453) . October 10, 1788, Capt. John Avery deeded land to his
beloved son. Major Isaac Avery (Preston Deeds, 11:18), In the
settlement of his estate, he is called colonel. His will was made
June 14, 1812; he d. June 17, 1812, at Preston; will was pro-
278 The Groton Avery Clan
bated June 24, 1812; heirs were widow, Mercy Avery; sons,
William and Isaac ; children of son, Amos ; daus., Nabby Crary,
Margaret Avery, Mercy Grant (Norivich Wills, 12 :18, 355) . His
widow d. Dec. 14, 1814, at Preston. He, his wife, and his chil-
dren, William Williams, Margaret, and Henry Alfred, are buried
in the Avery cemetery at Preston.
Children of Isaac and Mercy (Williams) Avery, t). at Pres-
i. William Williams', b. Feb. 28, 1767; called captain;
willed his property to his brothers and sisters and their
heirs (Norwich Wills, 12:164); d. March 25, 1813, at
Preston ; unm.
Amos', b. June 16, 1769.
Isaac', b. Aug. 10, 1771.
John STANTON^ b. Oct. 7, 1774; d. Feb. 15, 1792, at Pres-
Abigail', b. Oct. 13, 1776.
MARGAREr, b. Feb. 23, 1779; d. Sept. 20, 1856, at Preston;
left a long will that determined many relationships.
821. vii. Mercy', b. May 14, 1781.
viii. Henry Alfred', b. Oct. 14, 1783; d. Feb. 15, 1802, at Pres-
326. Jonas'^ Avery {Johiv', Christopher*, James^, James',
Christopher^) was b. July 15, 1745, at Preston; m. Jan. 16, 1772,
at Preston, Mary Avery (No. 268), dau. of John and Mary
(Dennis) Avery. She was b. June 21, 1753, at Groton. She m.
2d, Samuel Avery (No. 560), under which number see her will.
She d. Sept. 9, 1814, at Preston. In his will, made Dec. 16, 1776,
Jonas Avery mentioned his children, Jabez and Margaret, and
his wife, Mary. His tombstone in the Avery burying-ground at
Preston reads :
"In memory of Mr. Jonas Avery who voluntarily joined the army in ye
year 1776 and at ye White Plains contracted ye disease of which he
died Dec. 18, 1776, in ye 32d year of his age.
Stop generous mortals,
Who shall pass this way,
A debt to Patriotic virtue pay.
For liberty and all
On earth you prize,
He and ten thousand
Fell a sacrifice."
The Sixth Generation 279
Children of Jonas and Mary (Avery) Avery, recorded at
Groton :
i. Jabez', b. April 4, 1773; d. Nov. 20, 1794, at Groton; unm.
822. ii. Margaret', b. Feb. 27, 1775; m. William Avery (No. 813);
2d, Oliver Avery (No. 336).
327. Hannah*' Avery (John% Christopher*, James\ James^,
Christopher') was b. Oct. 9, 1747, at Preston; bap. March 6,
1748, Separatist Church of Preston ; m. Nov. 17, 1768, at Pres-
ton, Ebenezer Brewster, s. of Ebenezer and Susannah (Smith)
Brewster, a descendant of Elder Brewster of the "Mayflower."
He was b. April 25, 1741, at Preston. He was in the "Lexington
Alarm" from Preston ; second lieutenant, Col. Parson's regi-
ment, 1775; captain, 1776 (Co7in. Men in the Rev'n, 20, 73, 99).
They moved to Hanover, N. H., before 1784. In 1784, he was
made colonel of the 24th New Hampshire militia; March 27,
1793, he was made brigadier-general of the sixth brigade (New
Hampshire State Papers, 20:254 & 22:513).
Children of Ebenezer and Hannah (Avery) Brewster, re-
corded at Preston :
i. Anna^ b. Aug. 20, 1769.
ii. Hannah', b. June 12, 1771.
328. Phoebe" Avery (John"", Christopher*, James''', James^,
Christopher^) was b. March 8, 1757, at Preston; m. Jan. 5, 1775,
at Preston, Hezekiah Parke, s. of Paul and Sarah (Smith) Parke.
He was b. Oct. 23, 1750, at Preston ; d. Nov. 12, 1827, at Preston.
She d. June 23, 1830, at Preston. Both are buried in the Avery
burying-ground at Preston,
Children of Hezekiah and Phcebe (Avery) Parke, b. at Pres-
ton :
i. Prentice Avery', b. Jan. 23, 1776.
ii. Paul', b. Aug. 15, 1777.
iii. Russell', b. Jan. 16, 1779; m. Phoebe ; was in war
of 1812.
iv. William More', b. Aug. 18, 1782; m. Betsey Witter; d. at
Burlington, N. Y.
v. Abby Burrows', b. Oct. 10, 1784.
vi. John Gore', b. April 29, 1787; judge of supreme court of
vii. Asa', b. June 23, 1789; m. Martha Billings Avery (No,
768) ; 2d, Mrs. Abby (Williams) Lamb.
280 The Groton Avery Clan
viii. Henry Russ', b. Feb, 21, 1791.
ix. Hezekiah Ripley', b. May 24, 1794; m. Widow Persis Cook
X. Phoebe', b. Oct. 10, 1796.
xi. Jonathan Chester', b. Sept. 21, 1799.
329. Esther^ Avery (Christopher^, Christopher*, James^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. April 14, 1736, at Groton; m.
March 17, 1757, at Groton, Daniel Williams, s. of David Williams.
He was b. July 17, 1728, at Groton. They moved to Stockbridge,
Mass., where she d. Aug. 18, 1814 ; he d. there Sept. 26, 1818.
Children of Daniel and Esther (Avery) Williams ; the first
six are recorded at Groton, and bap. at First Church of Preston,
Oct. 27, 1775 :
i. Asa', b. March 17, 1758; m. Sylvia Peck; d. March 20, 1846,
at Stockbridge, Mass.
ii. Lucretia', b. Oct. 30, 1759; m. William Whelpley; d. Dec.
13, 1796, at Lenox, Mass.
iii. Daniel' ,b. April 6, 1762; m. Martha Coles; 2d, Miriam
Hickox; lived at Lenox,
iv. Esther', b. Oct. 3, 1764; m. Rice Beach; lived at Schodack,
N. Y.
v. Cyrus', b. March 22, 1767; m. Fanny West of Tolland; 2d,
Sarah Huntington; d. Oct. 20, 1841, at Hoosac, Mass.
vi. Prentice', b. June 7, 1773; m. Clarissa I. Rogers; 2d,
Amelia West; lived at Stockbridge.
vii. Sarah', b. June 3, 1777, at Stockbridge; m. Simeon Walk-
ley; lived at West Springfield, Mass.
330. Christopher'^ Avery (Christopher^, Christopher*,
James^, James'-, Christopher^) was b. Jan. 23, 1738, at Groton;
m. Dec. 16, 1763, at Groton, Dorothy Heath, dau. of Capt. John
and Temperance (Avery) Heath (No. 90). She was b. June 10,
1744, at Groton; d. June 14, 1803, at Stonington. He m, 2d,
Nov. 7, 1803, at Stonington, Mary Eldredge, said to have been
the daughter of Christopher and Mary (Hempstead) Eldredge.
She was b. April 6, 1759, according to Sweet's Averys of Groton.
Christopher*' Avery was ordained as a Separatist minister, at
North Stonington, Nov. 20, 1785, succeeding his uncle, Nathan
Avery. He preached until his death, July 5, 1819, at Stonington.
His widow, Mary, died Dec. 8, 1848, at North Stonington. They
The Sixth Generation 281
are buried at Wintechogue Hill cemetery. His first wife was
buried at (iroton.
Children of Christopher and Dorothy (Heath) Avery:
Timothy", b. May 8, 1766.
Christopher', b. Dec. 10, 1768.
Temperance', b. June 14, 1773; m. Abel Avery (No. 517).
Jonathan', b. March 5, 1775.
Henrys b. July 27, 1783; d. June 30, 1799.
332. Lucy" Avery (Christopher'^ Christopher*, James^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. Dec. 10, 1742, at Groton, recorded
at Preston and Groton; m. Nov. 30, 1762, at Groton, Thomas
Allyn s. of Ebenezer and Mary (Thurber) Allyn, and grandson
of Robert and Deborah (Avery) Allyn (No. 10). He was b.
June 23, 1742, at Groton. His wife d. Jan. 19, 1783, at Allyn's
Point, Groton. He m. 2d, Prudence Avery, possibly the daughter
of Isaac Avery (No. 79). She d. April 22, 1785, at Allyn's
Point, aged 43 years. He m. 3d, the Widow Breed. He d. June
18, 1812, at Allyn's Point.
Children of Thomas and Lucy (Avery) Allyn, b. at Groton:
i. Thomas', b. Sept. 20, 1763; m. Susannah Morgan; d. May
20, 1849.
ii. Lucy', b. March 16, 1766; m. Gilbert Edgecombe,
iii. Eunice', b. Aug. 7, 1768; m. Samuel Breed,
iv. Joshua', b. July 22, 1770; m. Hannah Hurlbut; d. March 16,
1840, at Cortland, N. Y.
V. Cyrus', b. May 22, 1772; d. Oct. 24, 1774, at Allyn's Point,
vi. Anna', b. Jan. 13, 1775; m. Mark Stoddard,
vii. Phebe', b. Oct. 17, 1777; d. June 12, 1786, at Allyn's Point.
333. Nathan" Avery {Christopher^, Christopher*, James'^,
James-, Christopher'') was b. April 30, 1744, at Groton; m. Sept.
18, 1765, Rebecca Elderkin, dau. of John and Rebecca (Allen)
Elderkin. She was b. Sept. 17, 1743. He was a corporal in Capt.
Ralph Stoddard's company of militia ; served his term at Fort
Griswold; w^as a carpenter and helped to build the barracks
there ; pens'on was refused his widow, 1837, because he had not
served six months {Widows' Pension File, 308). He d. Aug. 31,
1832; she d. Feb. 1, 1841, both at East Haddam.
Childi^en of Nathan and Rebecca (Elderkin) Avery, b. at
Groton :
282 The Groton Avery Clan
Lovisa', b. 1767.
Nathan', b. 1770; died young.
Elderkin^ b. 1772; mariner; died young in Prussia.
Vashti', b. Sept. 18, 1774.
Rebecca', b. Oct. 4, 1775.
Prentice', b. Oct. 5, 1776.
Roxcelena', b. Oct. 9, 1779.
Lucy', b. July 4, 1781; d. Nov. 12, 1876, at East Haddam;
Diascha', died in infancy.
Prudence', b. May 15, 1787.
Damaris', d. Dec. 13, 1847, at East Haddam; unm.; aged
58 years.
334. Thomas" Avery (Christophei-^, Christopher*, James^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. Feb. 10, 1746, at Groton; m. July
7, 1768, Hannah Smith, dau. of Nathan and Mary (Denison)
Smith. She was b. July 23, 1745, at Groton. He was sergeant,
1775 ; second lieutenant, 1776 ; first lieutenant, Jedediah Hunt-
ington's regiment, 1777 {Conn. Men in the Rev'n, 78, 99, 146).
He was later made a captain of militia. He was in the siege of
Boston; in the battles of Long Island, White Plains, German-
town, and Peekskill ; and was in camp at Valley Forge. He was
an armorer. He settled in Colerain, Mass., after the Revolution.
He was a congressman in Jefferson's administration. She d.
Oct. 13, 1813; he died May 4, 1825.
Children of Thomas and Hannah (Smith) Avery:
Russell', b. July IS, 1769.
Gilbert', b. Jan. 23, 1771; d. Jan. 20, 1772.
Hannah', b. Dec. 13, 1772; m. Joshua Avery (No. 712).
Gilbert', b. Jan. 18, 1775.
Anna', b. Oct. 25, 1777, at Groton.
Sabra', b. Sept. 10, 1779.
Thomas', b. Jan. 1, 1782; died unm.
viii. Lucy', b. July 3, 1784.
Mary', b. June 26, 1786.
Samuel Prentice', b. Nov. 9, 1793.
335. Samuel'' Avery (Christopher^, Christopher\ James^,.
James-, Christopher^) was b. Nov. 15, 1752, at Groton ; m. March
4, 1780, at Norwich, Candace Charlton, dau. of Richard and
Sarah (Gist) Charlton. She was b. Nov. 7, 1748, at Norwich.
In testifying in relation to the service of his brother, Nathan.
The Sixth Generation 283
Avery, in the Revolutionary war, he states that he was not in the
same company of militia {Widoivs' Pension File, 308). He was
selectman of Norwich in 1805. His wife d. Aug. 31, 1816 ; he d.
Dec. 15, 1844, both at Norwich. In 1845, the estate was divided
among the children of his son, Samuel, and the children of his
granddaughter, Ann Thomas Tracy Richards, his son, Henry,
having had his share.
Children of Samuel and Candace (Charlton) Avery, b. at
Norwich :
841. i. Elizabeth', b. June 19, 1781.
ii. Henry', b. April 7; d. June 23, 1783.
842. iii. Samuel', b. Aug. 31, 1784.
843. iv. Henry", b. Aug. 29, 1786.
V. Eunice', b. May 18, 1789; d. Oct. 17, 1792, at Norwich.
336. Oliver" Avery {Christopher^, Christopher*, James^,
James'-, Christopher'') was b. Feb. 8, 1757, at Groton ; bap. May
21, 1763, at his father's house in Preston; m, April 5, 1802, at
Stonington, Margaret Avery, (No. 822), dau. of Jonas and Mary
(Avery) Avery, and widow of William Avery (No. 813). She
was b. Feb. 27, 1775, at Groton. She is buried by her first hus-
band in the Old Plain burying-ground. Her tombstone reads :
"Margaret relict of William Avery, deceased, consort of Oliver Avery,
died May 22, 1805, aged 32."
Oliver Avery m. 2d, April 18, 1806, at Stonington, Lucy Bud-
dington. From his application for a pension, we learn that
during the Revolution he lived at Norwich ; served in the militia,
some of the time in a mustered company ; in service other than
military. His witnesses were Amos Gallup, Caleb Huntington,
and his brother, Samuel. After the Revolution, he lived in Stock-
bridge, Mass., and, about 1802, moved to Stonington {Conn. Men
in the Rev'n, 640, 661, and Pension Application, Inv. 16613).
"Lucy, wife of Oliver Avery, died Nov. 3, 1836" ; "Oliver Avery
died May 5, 1842, aged 85" {Tombstones, Old Plain burying-
ground) . It is reported that he had five children, but we cannot
find any record of them.
337. Abigail Avery {Christopher^^ Christopher"^, James^,
James-, Christopher^) w^as b. Feb. 22, 1759, at Groton; bap. May
21, 1763, at her father's house in Preston ; m. Oct. 30, 1785, at
284 The Groton Avery Clan
Groton, Vine Stoddard, s. of Ralph and Susannah (Avery) Stod-
dard. He was b. Feb. 22, 1749, at Groton; was a farmer. He
was an ensign in Capt. Ralph Stoddard's company, 1776, 1781
(Conn. Men in the Rev'n, 586, 618) . He d. Jan. 29, 1834 ; she d.
Aug. 18, 1852, both at Groton.
Children of Vine and Abigail (Avery) Stoddard, b. at Gro-
i. Eunice', b. March 2, 1787; died April 7, 1787.
it. Isaac', b. Oct. 23, 1788; m. Eleanor Taylor Wardwell; 2d,
Widow Eunice Merick; d. May 6, 1869, at Mystic.
iii. Guy C, b. May 11, 1790; m. Susannah Allyn; 2d, Abigail
Latham; was in battle of Stonington, 1814; state sena-
tor; d. March 31, 1882, at Ledyard.
iv. Benjamin Franklin', b. Jan. 26, 1792; m. Julia A. Miner;
d. Feb. 27, 1848, at Mystic.
V. Susan E.', b. Jan. 25, 1795; m. Capt. Latham Allyn; 2d,
Adam Larabee.
vi. Abigail', b. Nov. 15, 1796; m. Peter Lester; d. May 22, 1866,
at Palmer, N. Y.
338. Sarah'' Avery {Christovher^ , Christopher*, James^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. Aug. 7, 1761, at Groton; bap. May
21, 1763, at her father's house in Preston ; m. Nathaniel Hewitt,
s. of Joseph and Sarah (Babcock) Hewitt. He was b. Feb., 1763.
He d. about 1831, at Coventry, Vt. ; she d. about 1833, at the
same place.
Children of Nathaniel and Sarah (Avery) Hewitt, b. at New
London :
i. Nathaniel', b. Aug. 28, 1788; m. Rebecca W. Hillhouse; 2d,
Susan Elliot; a Congregational minister; d. Feb. 3,
1865, at Bridgeport,
ii. Sarah', b. Aug. 1, 1790; m. Angelus Harmon; d. Sept. 24,
1867, at Potsdam, N. Y.
iii. Nancy', b. July 22, 1792; m. Calvin Harmon; d. Aug. 1,
1878, at Potsdam,
iv. Joseph', b. May 5, 1794; d. at sea; unm.
V. Henry', b. Oct. 8, 1797; m. Alethea F. Brush; d. July 22,
1868, at Potsdam.
vi. Mary Prudence', b. May 16, 1800; m. Darius Webb; d.
May 17, 1886, at Potsdam.
340. Isaac" Avery {Nathan^ Christopher*, James^ James'',
Christopher^) was b. Aug. 23, 1747, at Groton; m. June 11, 1771,
The Sixth Generation 285
at Stonington, Lucy Swan, dau. of Timothy and Mary (Smith)
Swan. She was b. Jan. 17, 1749-50, at Stonington ; d. Dec. 30,
1813, at Ledyard. He d. Sept. 27, 1827, at Ledyard.
Children of Isaac and Lucy (Swan) Avery, b. at Ledyard:
i. Lucy', b. Jan. 18, 1773; d. May, 1775.
Nathan', b. Sept. 21, 1775.
Isaac', b. Jan. 14, 1777.
Mary H.', b. July 18, 1780; m. Elisha Avery (No. 761).
Phebe', b. Feb. 18, 1783; d. Sept. 12, 1795, ac Ledyard.
Wealthy', b. Sept. 19, 1785; d. May 12, 1795, at Ledyard.
Christopher Swan', b. Nov. 25, 1788.
viii. William Wheeler', b. June 20, 1791.
341. Nathan'' Avery (Nathan^, Christopher*, James^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. Dec. 21, 1749, at Groton. Mr.
Sweet said, in The Averys of Groton, that he probably died
young. A Nathan Avery is said to have married Mary Spicer,
dau. of John and Mercy (Chapman) Spicer. She was b. Jan. 27,
1753. It is possible that this Nathan may have done so, as the
families lived near each other in that part of Groton called
Poquetanuck, now Ledyard. No children. He probably died
soon after marriage.
342. Hannah Mary*' Avery (Nathan^, Christopher*, James^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. Feb. 28, 1752, at Stonington; m.
Roswell Randall, s. of John and Lucy (Brown) Randall. He was
b. July 18, 1756, at Stonington. He had previously married her
sister, Phoebe (No. 345). He d. May 1, 1815, at Stonington. She
m. 2d, May 3, 1816, at Stonington, John Randall, brother of her
first husband. He was b. March 24, 1754, at Stonington. He d.
Oct. 7, 1818, at Norwich, N. Y. She d. Oct. 9, 1838, at Norwich,
N. Y. No children.
343. Luther** Avery (Nathan-', Christopher*, James^,
James- Christopher^) was b. about 1754, at Stonington; m. Oct.
13, 1782, at Stonington, Mary Wheeler, dau. of Paul and Lucy
(Swan) Wheeler. She was b. Nov. 6, 1765, at Stonington. He
was selectman of Stonington from 1799 to 1802 inclusive. He
moved to Windham, Conn., where he lived the latter part of his
life. He d. Aug., 1833; she d. Jan. 15, 1853, probably at Wind-
286 The Groton Avery Clan
Children of Luther and Mary (Wheeler) Avery; the first
eight were b. at Stonington :
i. Llther', b. June 27, 1784; d. Aug. 4, 1853; unm.
ii. Nathans b. Dec. 19, 1786; d. April 11, 1848, at Stonington;
Paul Wheeler', b. May 18, 1789.
Polly', b. March 14, 1792.
Alfred', b. Dec. 1, 1794.
Phebe', b. March 7, 1797.
Miranda', b. Feb. 7, 1800.
viii. William Randall', b. March 18, 1802.
ix. Hannah Emeline', b. Nov. 8, 1808, probably at Windham;
d. Oct. 3, 1813.
344. Stephen" Avery {Nathan^, Christopher^ James^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. Jan. 13, 1756, at Stonington; m.
Dec. 9, 1781, at Stonington, Anna Wheeler, dau. of Paul and Lucy
(Swan) Wheeler, and sister of the wife of Luther Avery (No.
343) . She was b. June 30, 1764, at Stonington. Stephen Avery
was in the Revolutionary war ; in 1776, about New York ; 1780,
in the Conn, line {Conn. Men in the Rev'n, 191). The following
was received by him while near New York, and is preserved by
a descendant :
Stonington, the 17th of September, 1776.
Loving Son : I hope these lines will overtake you and find you well as
they leave us. God's goodness be acknowledged. We send you by
Mr. William Sisson a little ginger, salt and paper also, that you
might write to us. Be careful, my son, to presei've your health.
Don't let your mind and spirits sink under trouble. Labor to hope
in God that He will secure and save you. Send up your prayers to
Him daily. Watch against all sin and avoid it. Improve your time
more in praying for deliverence than in thinking on your troubles.
Discouragement and casting down are very detrimental to health.
We expect you to go through great hardships. Our prayers are to
God that he will preserve you, give victory and in His time restore
Let our friends and yours see this letter, for I give them the same
advice . . . [The part omitted related to the health of friends.]
Write if you are sick or want anything; and when you write, any of
you, so write that we may have news of more than one at a time.
These from your loving and tender and affectionate father and
mother and well wishers to the common cause and friend to all good
people engaged in it. Nathan Avery.
Hannah Avery.
The Sixth Generation 287
Stephen Avery was town clerk of Stonington from 1791 to
1807, when North Stonington was set off. He was town clerk of
North Stonington until his death. He was selectman in 1797;
representative in 1799. His wife d. Aug. 11, 1801; he m. 2d,
Aug. 18, 1804, at Stonington, Elizabeth Morgan, dau. of Capt.
Israel and Elizabeth (Brewster) Morgan and granddaughter of
William and Temperance (Avery) Morgan (No. 82). She was
b. Jan. 7, 1779, at Stonington. Stephen Avery died April 1,
1828, at Stonington; his widow died Aug. 11, 1841, at Stoning-
ton ; all were buried in the Old Plain burying-ground.
Children of Stephen and Anna (Wheeler) Avery, b. at
Stonington :
861. i. Nancy', b. Dec. 29, 1783.
862. ii. Stephen Lyman', b. May 12, 1786.
863. iii. Hannah Mary', b. June 18, 1789.
864. iv. RoswELL Randall', b. Nov. 5, 1791.
865. V. Charles Grandison', b. April 9, 1796.
vi. Cyrus Wheeler', b. Oct. 10, 1798; d. Feb. 12, 1884, at Ston-
ington ; unm.
Children of Stephen and Elizabeth (Morgan) Avery, b. at
Stonington :
Eliza Adeline', b. Nov. 17, 1805.
Wealthy Amira', b. Sept, 29, 1807.
Roger Griswold', b. Sept. 4, 1809; d. Dec. 31, 1885; unm.
Calvin Goddard', b. Feb. 9, 1812; d. March 20, 1833; unm.
Alexander Hamilton', b. June 28, 1814.
Ralph Hurlbut', b. April 22, 1816.
vii. Erastus Randall', b. Aug. 8, 1818; d. Nov. 16, 1861; unm.
870. viii. Frances Mary', b. Sept. 20, 1821,
345. Phoebe'' Avery (Nathan^ Christopher*, James^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. Jan.. 10, 1758, at Stonmgton; m.
March 4, 1779, at Stonington, Roswell Randall, s. of John and
Lucy (Brown) Randall. He was b. July 18, 1756, at Stonington.
She d. Dec. 18, 1787, at Stonington, without children ; he m. 2d,
her sister, Hannah Mary (No. 342) .
346. Wealthy" Avery {Natharv', Christopher"^, James^,
James-, Christopher') was b. Oct. 5, 1772, at Stonington; m.
June 23, 1793, at Stonington, Darius Hewitt, s. of Israel and
Tabitha (Wheaton) Hewitt. He was b. Oct. 28, 1771, at Ston-
288 The Groton Avery Clan
ington; died about 1802. She m, 2d, June 30, 1803, at Stoning-
ton, his second wife, William Randall, s. of John and Lucy
(Brown) Randall. He was b. March 25, 1768, at Stonington.
He was lieutenant-colonel of the 30th regiment of Connecticut
militia during the war of 1812 ; was at the battle of Stonington
(Conn. Men in the Wa7' of 1812) ; deputy to lower house of
assembly, 1812, 1813, 1816, 1818, 1825 ; member of the upper
house, 1822 ; member of the convention that framed the Con-
necticut constitution in 1818; associate county judge for sixteen
years; justice of the peace for twenty-eight years; selectman
for eighteen years ; first president of the Stonington bank. His
wife d. Dec. 29, 1805; he d. June 17, 1841, both at Stonington.
Child of Darius and Wealthy (Avery) Hewitt, b. at Stoning-
ton :
i. Wealthy', b. Dec. 29, 1794; m. William Randall, s. of her
step-father by his first wife; d. Sept. 24, 1869, at Ston-
Child of William and Wealthy (Avery) Randall, b. at Ston-
ington :
i. Eunice', b. Aug. 11, 1804; m. Ansel Coats; d. March 28,
347. Prudence'' Avery (Isaac^, Christopher^ James^,
James\ Christopher'^) was b. about 1743, at Groton. She is men-
tioned in her grandfather's will in 1751. Did she marry Thomas
AUyn in 1784 as his second wife? Thomas Allyn, s. of Ebenezer
and Mary (Thurber) Allyn, and grandson of Robert and Deb-
orah (Avery) Allyn (No. 10), m. a Prudence Avery who d. April
22, 1785, aged 43 years. No children.
348. Solomon" Avery (Jacob^, Christopher*, James^, James^,
Christopher'^). He served in the Revolutionary war with his
brothers, Jacob and Constant, in Capt. Gallup's company in 1776,
and was killed Sept, 17, 1776, in the campaign around New York
(Conn. Me7i in the Rev'n, 100).
349. Jacob*^ Avery (Jacob^, Christopher*, James^, James^,
Christopher^) was b. April 6, 1757, at Groton; m. Nov. 11, 1787,
at Brewster's Neck (Groton) Mary Elizabeth Avery (No. 707),
dau. of James and Mary (Comstock) Avery. She was b. Jan. 2,
The Sixth Generation 289
1762, at Groton. Jacob Avery served in Capt. Gallup's company,
in 1776 (Conn. Men in the Rev'n, 100). His wife d. Dec, 1805,
at Ledyard; he m. 2d, Sarah Baker, and d. July, 1810, at Led-
yard. In the distiibution of his estate, Oct. 11, 1822, the heirs
were daughter, Sylvia ; son, Luther ; daughter, Priscilla, wife of
Enoch Lamb ; daughter, Mary Avery ; daughter. Prudence, wife
of Dudley Avery ; widow, Sarah.
Children of Jacob and Mary Elizabeth (Avery) Avery, b. at
Groton :
Prudence', b. Aug. 26, 1788.
Sylvia', b. March 26, 1790.
Solomon', b. May 31, 1792; died Sept. 31, 1792.
Priscilla', b. July 17, 1793.
Luther', b. Dec. 4, 1795.
Mary', b. April 2, 1799.
350. Constant" Avery {Jacob^, Christopher*, James^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. Nov. 14, 1758, at Groton; m. April
3, 1796, at Groton, Mrs. Zipporah (Chapman) Williams, dau. of
Joshua and Sarah (LefRngwell) Chapman and granddaughter of
Jonathan and Lucy (Avery) Leffingwell (No. 86). She was b.
Jan. 25, 1773, at Groton. He was in Waterman Cliffs company,
1775; in Col. Swift's regiment, Aaron Stevens's company, from
May, 1777, to Feb., 1780; was at Germantown, Valley Forge,
Monmouth, Stony Point, and on the Hudson {Conn. Men m the
Rev'n, 75, 100, 220, and Pension Application on file at Washing-
ton). He moved to Eaton, N. Y., 1798, bringing one child,
Alfred, not living in 1840. They had at Eaton a large family of
children, whom they reared {Pension Application) . He was liv-
ing with D. Avery (probably his son) in 1840. He died Feb. 7,
1844, at Eaton. His widow was alive Oct. 5, 1848.
Children of Constant and Zipporah (Chapman) Avery:
i. Alfred, d. before 1840.
Other Children of whom we have no definite record.
351. Frederick" Avery {Jacob^, Christopher*, James^,
James-, Christopher'^) was b. at Groton; m. Elizabeth Stoddard,
dau. of Mortimer and Dorothy (Parke) Stoddard. She was b.
Jan. 26, 1769, at Groton. March 23, 1793, Fredt;rick Avery
deeded to his brother. Constant Avery, land that he had of his
290 The Groton Avery Clan
father, Jacob Avery {Groton Deeds, 12:111). In the division of
the estate of Mortimer Stoddard, Dec. 4, 1795, the heirs were the
widow, Dorothy Stoddard; children, Mortimer, Robert, Roswell,
Daniel, Bathsheba, Button, Elizabeth Avery, Dorothy Stoddard,
and Zipporah Stoddard {Norwich Wills, 10:212). March 30,
1798, Frederick and Elizabeth Avery deeded away land that they
had from father, Mortimer Stoddard {Groton Deeds, 12:490).
They moved to North Broadalbin, N. Y., about 1802.
Children of Frederick and Elizabeth (Stoddard) Avery, b.
at Groton :
890. 1. Solomon'.
891. ii. Alanson'.
892. iii. Frederick', b. Oct. 4, 1796.
893. iv. Dolly'.
352. Cyrus'' Avery {Jacob'\ Christopher^ James^, James-,
Christopher'^) was living at Groton in March 26, 1798, at which
time, he and his brother, Jacob, agreed to take care of their par-
ents, Jacob and Sylvia Avery, during their natural lives. He
moved to Eaton, N. Y. His wife's name was probably Polly.
354. Prudence" Avery {Jacob^, Christopher^ James^,
James-, Christopher^) m. Gilbert Eddy, s. of Devotion and
Mary (Sherman) Eddy. He was b. Jan. 23, 1761. He served on
his father's privateer; was captured and imprisoned at Halifax
for a year in the Revolution ; w^as at Bennington and Saratoga ;
general of a division in New York in the war of 1812 ; was a
presidential elector; lived in Rensselaer County, N. Y. He died
in 1846 {Eddy Genealogy) .
Children of Gilbert and Prudence (Avery) Eddy:
i. Russell', b. April 23, 1787, at Pittstown, N. Y.; m. Ruth
Ann Wells; 2d, Abby M. Kimball; paymaster in army,
1812; d. July 2, 1871.
ii. Eliza', m. Jacob DeForest; d. in Missouri,
iii. Sybil', m. Nathaniel Bansalt.
iv. Tisdale'.
V. Mary'.
355. Polly" Avery {Jacob^, Christopher*, James-, James-,
Christopher^) was b. May 10, 1775, at Groton; m. April 3, 1796,
at Groton, Elisha Satterlee, s. of Jonas and Lydia (Geer) Satter-
The Sixth Generation 291
lee. He was b. Oct. 29, 1772, at Groton ; was a sea captain. She
d. Sept. 29, 1846 ; he d. May 18, 1859, both at Ledyard.
Children of Elisha and Polly (Avery) Satterlee, b. at Gro-
i. Lydia Geer', b. Nov. 8, 1798; m. Samuel Geer AUyn; d. July
23, 1872.
ii. Elisha Avery" b. Nov. 10, 1800; m. Hester Stoddard; d.
March 27, 1879, at Gale's Ferry,
iii. Jonas', b. March 28, 1803; m. Caroline Tatem; d. May 18,
1840, at Ledyard.
iv. Susan', b. June 25, 1805; m. Frank Kimball; d. July 8,
1895, at Vernon,
v. Julia Ann", b. March 15, 1808; m. John Satterlee; d. Jan.
24, 1886, at Tolland.
vi. DwiGHT Alden', b. April 17, 1814; m. Charity Hibbard
Stoddard; d. Jan. 7, 1901, at Tolland.
358. Mary*^ Avery (JonatJia7i^, Jonathan*, James^, James-,
Christopher^) was bap. March 24, 1728, First Church of Groton.
We are not able to give her record. The following has been sug-
gested as the probable record, but of it we have no proof.
A Mary Avery and a William Edwards, both of Preston,
were married there May 31, 1745. They had the following chil-
dren, as recorded on the town books of Preston :
i. Jasper', b. Feb. 29, 1748.
ii. Kendall', b. Nov. 28, 1749.
iii. Mary', b. Aug. 25, 1751.
iv. Cyrus', b. Aug. 13, 1753,
v. Pelig', b. March 5, 1755.
359. Oliver'' Avery {Jonathan/', Jonathan*, James^, James-,
Christopher^) was bap. March 23, 1729, First Church of Groton;
m. March 29, 1753, at Greenfield, Mass., Sarah Corse, dau. of
James and Thankful (Munn) Corse. She was b. May 21, 1735.
He m. 2d, Abigail Sayers. He moved to Charlemont, Mass.,
about 1754, and purchased a tract of land a mile in length along
the Deerfield River. The following account of his military serv-
ice is taken from the records of Williamstown and the muster
rolls at Boston :
Oliver Avery, Oct. 31, 1748, sentinel, from Deerfield, under Lieut. Elisha
Hawley, at Fort Massachusetts; Nov. 2, 1748, April 6, 1749, Dec.
11, 1749, Jan. 13, 1750, June 3, 1750, June 2, 1751, Jan. 6, 1753, senti-
The Sixth Generation 293
nel under Capt. Ephraim Williams, at Fort Massachusetts; Nov. 11,
1754, corporal, under Elisha Chapin; 1755, corporal, under Ephraim
Williams; 1756, sentinel, under Israel Williams, Charlemont; March
9, 1757, ensign, under Capt. John Burk; Jan. 31, 1757, sergeant,
under Capt. Israel Williams, Colrain, also Dec, 1757, and 1758;
Nov. 12, 1759, private, under Capt. Samuel Wells, Charlemont; Jan.
23, 1760, sentinel, under Lieut. Seth Pomeroy, West Hoosick.
At Fort Salem, Nov. 14, 1747, he was one of ascouting party ; he
fell with a fractured thigh, but shot the Indian who attempted
to scalp him and painfully worked his way back to the fort. His
son, Walter, was carried to Canada by the Indians. His wife
with an infant daughter took refuge in a hollow log and escaped.
He drew lot No. 55 at West Hoosic, but was driven off by the
Indians. (See A. L. Perry's Origins m Williamstotvn) . On the
breaking out of the Revolution, he raised a company of minute-
men and marched to Boston. In 1780, he built the historic house
that is still standing in Charlemont in good repair.
He d. June 27, 1815; his wife, Abigail, d. Feb. 11, 1820, both
at Charlemont, Mass.
Children of Oliver and Sarah (Corse) Avery, b. at Charle-
mont :
i. Oliver^ b. June 8, 1754; drowned; unm.
ii. Sarah', b. Dec. 1, 1755; d. Aug. 5, 1757.
911. iii. Walter', b. July 7, 1757.
iv. Lucy', b. Sept. 7, 1758; d. Aug. 19, 1777.
v. Elizabeth', b. June 27, 1760; d. Aug. 7, 1777.
vi. Jonathan', b. Feb. 25, 1762; d. Aug. 11, 1777.
Children of Oliver and Abigail (Sayers) Avery, b. at Charle-
912. i. Lois', b. April 11, 1763.
ii. John', b. March 20, 1764; d. Aug. 11, 1777.
913. iii. Mary', b. July 2, 1765.
914. iv. Eunice', b. Feb. 7, 1767; m. Amos Avery (No. 370).
361. Lemuel'^ Avery (Jonathan^, Jonathan*, James^, James"^,
Christopher^) was bap. April 1, 1733, First Church of Groton.
His name appears on the muster rolls of the company commanded
by Ephraim Williams at Fort Massachusetts, 1749 ; also 1750,
1751, 1754. In the drawing of house lots at Williamstown, he
drew lot No. 25.
294 The Groton Avery Clan
363. Caron*^ Avery (Abner^, Jonathan"^, James^, James-,
Christopher^) was b. July 3, 1743, at Montville; m. Charles
Randall; 2d, Stephen Chappell. The names of the children are
taken from her father's will {Netu London Wills, 1:178). She
d. before June 18, 1771.
Children of Charles and Caron (Avery) Randall:
ii. Amy'.
Child of Stephen and Caron (Avery) Chappell :
i. Lydia'.
364. AbeP Avery (Abner\ Jonathan*, James^, James-,
Christopher^) was b. May 29, 1745, at Montville; m. Rebecca
. In his will, made Aug. 24, and proved Dec. 8, 1772, he
mentioned brothers, Elisha, Jonathan, and Amos; sisters. Amy
Randall, and Margaret Vibber; wife, Rebecca, to whom he left
her third. He had land in the Susquehanna country and at Otter
Creek. He probably left no children.
365. Amy*' Avery {Abner\ Jonathan^ James^, James-,
Christoj)her') was b. July 25, 1747, at Montville; m. Jan., 1762,
Benjamin Randall, s. of Benjamin and Ruth (Brown) Randall,
of Colchester. He was b. July 20, 1742. She d. Sept. 3, 1791 ; he
d. Sept. 9, 1828, both at Shelburne, Mass.
Children of Benjamin and Amy (Avery) Randall:
i. Avery', b. Dec. 18, 1762, at Colchester; m. Hopeful Briggs;
d. June 11, 1823, at Clayton, N. Y.
ii. Abel', b. April 18, 1765, at Colchester; m. Salome Pike; d.
Aug. 8, 1756, at Bolton.
iii. Sarah', b. Aug. 10, 1767, at Colchester; m. Church Man-
dell; d. 1794, at Shelburne, Mass.
iv. Russell', b. June 19, 1770; m. Lucy Otis; 2^, Pernal Odds;
3d, Mrs. Hannah (Cheever) Dewey; d. Aug. 28, 1847, at
Loraine, Mass.
V. Karon', b. Nov. 20, 1772, at Colchester; m. Ephraim Jen-
nings; d. Jan. 2, 1854, at Ellisburg, N. Y.
vi. Hubbard', b. May 7, 1775, at Colchester; m. Mary Jennings;
2d, Rebecca Bigelow.
vii. Jared', b. March 26, 1778, at Shelburne, Mass.; m. Mehitabel
Rogers; d. April 16, 1816, at Lenox, Mass.
The Sixth Generation 295
viii. Benjamin', b. Dec. 8, 1781, at Shelburne; m. Lydia Worden;
d. Feb. 28, 1848, at Ellisburg, N. Y.
ix. Ruel', b. Oct. 11, 1785, at Shelburne; m. Margaret Ann
Middleton; d. Oct. 2, 1810, at Rutland, N. Y.
366. Elihu'' Avery (Abner^', Jonatha^i*, James^, James^,
Christopher^) was b. March 25, 1749, at Montville; m. Dec. 15,
1774, at Bozrah, Mary Gardner, dau. of Jonathan and Mary
(Houghton) Gardner. The division of the estate of Mary, widow
of Jonathan Gardner, of Bozrah, Sept. 28, 1797, gave Mary, wife
of Elihu Avery, as one of the heirs (Nortvich Wills, 9 :351) .
367. Margaret" Avery {Ahner^, Jonathan'^, James^, James-,
Christo'pher^) was b. Dec. 15, 1750, at Montville; m.
Vibber, probably John, s. of John Vibber of New London. He
was b. June 8, 1740, at New London.
369. Jonathan'" Avery (Abner^, Jonathan*, James^, James^,
Christopher') was b. Sept. 10, 1755, at Montville; m. Dec. 11,
1782, Pamelia Fox, dau. of Elisha and Anna (Fitch) Fox. She
was b. Nov. 14, 1763, at Montville.
Jonathan Avery of Enfield and pamelia fox of New London married
Dec. 11, 1782 (Enfield Records).
Jonathan Avery was orderly sergeant in Capt. James Chap-
man's company, New London, fifth company, sixth regiment, Col.
Samuel Holden Parsons. He enlisted May 8, 1775; was in the
Boston camps; in the siege of New York, at White Plains, and
at New Castle. He was a pensioner (Conn. Men in the Rev'n,
640, and Pension Application) . The first date in his orderly book
is Aug. 13, 1776; the last, Nov. 2, 1776, at New Castle. The
book is in the possession of his granddaughter, Julia M. Avery.
After the war, he settled at Enfield and, in 1799, removed to
Charlemont, Mass. He was a hatter by trade ; a man of wit and
brilliancy. He d. June 14, 1847 ; his tombstone at East Charle-
mont bears the inscription : "A soldier of the Revolution." His
widow d. July 20, 1853, at East Charlemont.
Children of Jonathan and Pamelia (Fox) Avery:
936. i. ELISHA^ b. Nov. 14, 1783, at Enfield.
937. ii. Samuel", b. Feb. 11, 1786, at Enfield.
938. iii. Pamelia', b. Jan. 21, 1788, at Enfield.
296 The Groton Avery Clan
939. iv. Amy', b, Jan. 16, 1790, at Enfield.
940. V. Almira', b. Jan. 28, 1792, at Enfield.
941. vi. Jonathan', b. April 27, 1794, at Enfield.
942. vii. Annis', b. April 13, 1796, at Enfield.
943. viii. Amos', b. May 29, 1798, at Charlemont, Mass.
944. ix. Amanda Scoxr, b. April 13, 1800, at Charlemont.
945. X. Elihu', b. Feb. 16, 1802, at Charlemont.
946. xi. Maria', b. March 31, 1804, at Charlemont.
370. Amos'' Avery (Abner^, Jonathan^ James^, James-,
Christopher^) was b. March 10, 1758, at Montville; m. Jan. 30,
1782, Azubah Hawkes, who soon died. He m. 2d, Sept. 25, 1783,
at Charlemont, Mass., Eunice Avery, (No. 914), dau. of Oliver
and Abigail (Sayers) Avery. She was b. Feb. 7, 1767, at Charle-
mont, Mass. In a deed of land on the Deerfield River, given by
Oliver Avery, Oct. 31, 1783, Amos Avery was called cordwainer
{Springfield Deeds, 24:448). He d. June 15, 1818; she d. April
2, 1854, both at East Charlemont, Mass.
Children of Amos and Eunice (Avery) Avery, b. at East
Charlemont, Mass. :
i. Azuba', b. June 16, 1784; d. Oct. 29, 1785.
947. ii. Abner', b. Oct. 19, 1786.
948. iii. Betsey'.
949. iv. Charlotte', b. Oct. 19, 1788.
950. V. Rebecca', b. June 6, 1790; d. Dec. 14, 1879.
951. vi. Eunice', b. Feb. 25, 1792.
vii. Abigail', b. Aug. 25, 1793; d. Jan. 2, 1873.
952. viii. Lois', b. April 24, 1795.
953. ix. Oliver', b. May 3, 1797.
X. John', b. April 19, 1799; a physician; d. unm.
954. xi. Abel', b. Feb. 3, 1801.
955. xii. Freelove', b. Aug. 20, 1803.
956. xiii. David', b. Jan. 19, 1805.
957. xiv. Amos', b. Jan. 19, 1807.
958. XV. Lucretia', b. Oct. 1809.
372. Freelove" Avery (Abner^, Jonathan*, James^, James-,
Christopher'^) m. John Nichols.
373. Lucy'' Avery (Abner^, Jonathan*, James^, James-,
Christopher^) m. Daniel Denison, s. of Daniel and Elizabeth
(Andross) Denison. He was b. Jan., 1772; d. Feb. 5, 1841, at
German Flats, N. Y.
The Sixth Generation 297
Children of Daniel and Lucy (Avery) Denison, b. at German
Flats, N. Y. :
i. JoHN^ died young.
ii. Phebe', m. J. B. Martin; d. 1823.
iii. George', b. Jan. 26, 1799; m. Lucy Ford; d. Sept. 7, 1872, in
McHenry Co., 111.
iv. Lucy', m. Turner Peterson; d. 1835.
V. Sally', m. Alvin Ford,
vi. Emeline', m. Stephen Josselyn.
384. Gardner'' Avery {Beyijamhv', Joseph*, James^, James^,
Christopher^) was bap. Sept. 22, 1751, Second Church of Pres-
ton, now Griswold; m. Ama Newell, dau. of Abijah and Hepsibah
(Curtis) Newell. Ama Newell (Abijah% Benjamin^, Isaac^,
Isaac-, Abraham^) was b. June 26, 1756. Gardner Avery was a
Revolutionary soldier; marched to Roxbury, 1775, where he re-
mained until the British left Boston, when he went to New York;
re-enlisted in 1776, under Capt. Ball, Col. Larned; was in the
siege of New York; was a pensioner under the law of 1818
(Conn. Men in the Rev'n, and Pension Application). He was a
farmer at Monson, Mass., but moved to Sauquoit, N. Y., in 1810.
His wife d. Dec. 27, 1831 ; he d. Dec. 28, 1831. They were buried
in the same grave, December 29, having lived together in wedlock
fifty-nine years.
Children of Gardner and Ama (Newell) Avery, b. at Mon-
son, Mass. :
967. i. Gardner^ b. Dec. 17, 1773.
968. ii. Stephen', b. Oct. 17, 1775.
969. iii. Hannah', b. Jan. 29, 1778.
970. iv. Benjamin', b. March 19, 1780.
971. V. Betsey', b. Dec. 30, 1783.
972. vi. Calvin', b. April 24, 1785.
973. vii. Anson', b. Oct. 17, 1786.
974. viii. John', b. Dec. 7, 1788.
ix. Lyman', b. Dec. 5, 1790; d. March 23, 1809.
975. X. Amy', b. April 30, 1793.
976. xi. Charles', b. July 30, 1795.
xii. Sophia', b. Feb. 5, 1798; d. March 28, 1799.
977. xiii. Sophia', b. March 22, 1800.
978. xiv. Jared Newell', b. Feb. 26, 1803.
298 The Groton Avery Clan
385. Hannah*' Avery (Benjamin% Joseph\ James^, James'-,
Christopher^) was bap. April 14, 1754, Second Church of Pres-
ton, now Griswold; m. Dec. 24, 1772, at Griswold, Edward Mills
of Groton.
386. Lucy*' Avery (Benjamin^, Joseph*, James^, James-,
Christopher'') was bap. Aug. 29, 1756, Second Church of Pres-
ton, now Griswold ; m. June 22, 1780, at Preston, James Bennett,
s. of James and Mary Bennett. He was b. June 25, 1745, at
387. Benjamin*' Avery (Benjamin^, Joseph*, James%
James-, Christopher^) was b. March 4, 1758; bap. July 11, 1759,
Second Church of Preston, now Griswold ; m. Anna Foote, dau.
of Samuel and Mary (Lyon) Foote. She was b. Oct. 16, 1757,
After her death, he m. a Miss Lucy Dickinson. He enlisted in
1776 for the Canada campaign, under Capt. Oliver Parmelee;
May, 1777, under Capt. Nathan Stoddard, for two years; Dec,
1779, under Capt. Munson, for three years. He was at German-
town, Monmouth, and Stony Point ; received a certificate of
merit ; was pensioned in 1820. In his application for pension, he
stated that, in 1818, he lived at Bethlehem, Conn. ; that he had
wife, Lucy, aged 56 ; children, Sally, aged 28, and Julia M., aged
14 (Conn. Men in the Rev'n, 232, 346, and Pension Application) ,
He d. May 4, 1843, at Lyons, N. Y.
Children of Benjamin and Anna (Foote) Avery:
979. i. Cyrus', b. March 29,1784, at Watertown.
ii. Benjamin'; d. at sea; unm.
iii. Lucy', d. unm.
980. iv. Joseph'.
981. V. Sarah', b. July 26, 1793, at Watertown.
982. vi. Mary'.
983. vii. Ann'.
Child of Benjamin and Lucy (Dickinson) Avery:
984. i. Julia M.', m. Drake; d. 1830.
388. Roger'' Avery {Benjamhv', Joseph*, James^\ James-,
Christopher^) was b. April 14, 1761, Second Church of Pres-
ton, now Griswold ; m. at Watertown, Elizabeth Foote, dau. of
Samuel and Mary (Lyon) Foote. She was b. July 1, 1755. He
The Sixth Generation
enlisted in Capt. Sanford's company, eighth Conn, reg't, 1777,
for three years; in fifth reg't, under Capt. Richard Douglass,
Jan. 1, 1781, to Dec 1784 ; a pensioner {Conn. Men in the Rev'n,
232, 349, 354, 364). About 1784, he moved to Cornwall, Vt.
Either he was in the war of 1812 or he had a son, Roger, whose
birth does not appear of record. In 1814, Roger, John, Daniel,
and Abiram Avery, all of Cornwall, Vt., marched to Plattsburg,
under Capt. Edmund Hill. His wife d. Feb. 7, 1839, at Royalton,
N. Y. ; he d. Nov. 12, 1841, at Orangeport, N. Y.
Children of Roger and Elizabeth (Foote) Avery, b. at Corn-
wall, Vt.
Roger' (?).
Betsey', b. Jan. 26, 1785.
John", b. Sept. 4, 1786.
Lucy', b. Dec. 4, 1787.
Polly', b. Nov. 14, 1790.
Harry", b. Sept. 12, 1792; d. Feb. 28, 1813, at Cornwall, Vt.
vii. Daniel', b. April 26, 1794.
991. viii. Abiram', b. Sept, 8, 1796.
992. ix. James', b. April 5, 1798.
989. vi.
390. Benjamin'^ Avery {Benjamin^, Benjamin*, James^^
James-, Christopher^) was b. Nov. 25, 1776, at Groton; m. Dec.
27, 1807, in Cayuga County, N. Y., Mercy Capen. She was b.
Aug. 20, 1787. He was one of the party that settled Aurora,
N. Y. She d. March 29, 1836; he d. Jan. 31, 1866, at Ledyard,,
N. Y.
Children of Benjamin and Mercy (Capen) Avery:
Lucy', b. Nov. 17, 1808, at Aurora, N. Y. ; d. Jan. 13, 1836.
Alfred', b. Oct. 3, 1810, at Aurora.
Maria', b. Nov. 16, 1812, at Aurora.
Benjamin', b. Nov. 10, 1815, at Aurora; d. March 29, 1870;
William', b. Jan. 29, 1818, at Aurora; d. Jan. 13, 1819.
Edwin', b. Aug. 29, 1820, at Ledyard; d. Sept. 20, 1840;;
Edgar', b. Aug. 29, 1820, at Ledyard.
viii. Charles', b. May 23, 1823, at Ledyard.
ix. Henry,' b. Oct. 27, 1827, at Ledyard; d. Aug. 10, 1831.
391. David" Avery {Benjamin^, Benjamin*, James^, James^,.
Christopher^) was b. May 8, 1779, at Groton; m. Feb, 25, 1808,
at Groton, Fanny Avery (No. 1718), dau. of Ebenezer and Hannah.
300 The Groton Avery Clan
(Morgan) Avery. She was b. April 22, 1788, at Groton. David
Avery was one of the settlers of Auburn, N. Y., in 1795. Among
the others were Hezekiah Avery, Ebenezer Avery, Dudley Avery,
and Benjamin Avery. The party went by way of Long Island
Sound and the Hudson River, reaching Albany after a trip of
sixteen days. From Albany, they crossed the Mohawk, bought
bateaux, and worked their way up the river. At Fort Schuyler,
they found two log houses ; at Fort Stanwix, they reached the
head of canoe navigation. Thence their goods and boats were
hauled through the woods thirty miles. He returned to Groton
for a wife and brought her back in a chaise. He was made
ensign in Col. Henry Hewitt's reg't, Cayuga Co., N. Y., 1806;
lieut., 1809; quartermaster, 1811; brigade quartermaster, 1812
{Military Records of N. Y.,178Jf-1821, pp. 821, 1034, 1179, 1296).
He lived in the part of Scipio, N. Y., that since 1823 has been
called Venice. There their children were born and there they
died, he, Nov. 27, 1866, and she, March 30, 1869.
Children of David and Fanny (Avery) Avery:
. Nancy^ b. Oct. 16, 1808.
i. HAMILTON^ b. April 11, 1811.
ii. Fanny', b. March 24, 1814.
392. Thankful" Avery (Benjamin^, Benjamin*, James^,
James-, Christopher'^) was b. Jan. 31, 1784, at Groton; m. April
6, 1806, at Ledyard, N. Y., James Atwater, s. of John and Susan-
nah (Goodyear) Atwater of Hamden, Conn. He was b. Feb. 27,
1785, at Hamden. He was teacher, farmer, and store-keeper at
Ithaca, N. Y. She d. May 17, 1870, at Waverly, N. Y. ; he d. Jan.
6, 1876, at Ithaca, N. Y.
Children of James and Thankful (Avery) Atwater:
i. Nelson", b. April 8; d. April 14, 1807, at Milton, N. Y.
ii. Leonard', b. Nov. 25, 1808, at Virgil, N. Y.; m. Anna Maria
Chatterton; d. Aug. 12, 1889, at Ithaca, N. Y.
iii. Harriet', b. June 30, 1810, at Genoa, N. Y.; d. April 29,
1831, at Ithaca,
iv. Nancy', b. Sept. 8, 1811, at Aurelius, N. Y.; m. John R.
Mitchell; d. at Ludlowville, N. Y.
V. William Van Ness', b. Sept. 24, 1813, at Aurelius, N. Y.;
d. at Waverly, N. Y.
vi. Benjamin Avery', b. Sept. 9, 1815, at Genoa, N. Y.; m.
Sarah Ann Phillips; d. Nov. 5, 1883, at Ithaca.
The Sixth Generation 301
vii. Franklin', b. July 10, 1817, at Lansing, N. Y.; d. at Ithaca,
viii. Dewitt Clinton', b. July 30, 1819, at Lansing, N. Y.; m.
Sarah Tichenor; was a merchant, supervisor, alderman,
trustee of Presbyterian church; d. Oct. 19, 1899, at
Waverly, N. Y.
ix. Fanny', b. Oct. 6, 1821, at Lansing, N. Y,
X. David Denison', b. Sept. 23, 1823, at Ithaca; m. Olive S.
Simon; living at Cortland, N. Y., in 1900.
xi. Mary", b. July 25, 1825, at Ithaca; d. April 29, 1879, at
xii. Edward', b. May 10, 1828, at Ithaca,
xiii. RuFUS King', b. Feb. 26, 1830, at Ithaca; m. Sarah Ledyard
Jones; d. Dec. 6, 1887, at Riverside, Cal.
393. Lydia*^ A\ery (Benjamin^, £enjamin\ James^, James^,
Christopher'') was b. June 7, 1786, at Groton ; m. Feb. 6, 1806, at
Ledyard, N. Y., Consider King, s. of Consider and Sarah (Pal-
mer) King. He was b. May 23, 1774, at Rochester, Mass. He
was a physician. He d. Aug. 19, 1848 ; she d. Sept. 11, 1865, both
at Hartford, Wisconsin.
Children of Consider and Lydia (Avery) King, b. at Led-
yard, N. Y. :
i. Sally', b. Nov. 14, 1806; m. Gordon Hayes; d. April 29,
1876, at Rochester, N. Y.
ii. Mary Ann', b. March 4, 1808; m. John Wilcox; d. Jan. 31,
1891, at Hartford, Wis.
iii. Harriet', b. Jan. 29, 1810; m. Henry Chase,
iv. Richard Talcott', b. May 23, 1813; m. Hannah Bryant; d.
Jan. 5, 1863, at Sherwood, N. Y.
V. Benjamin Avery', b. March 14, 1815; m. Pheoe Raymond;
d. March 21, 1893, at Hillsdale, Mich,
vi. Lydia', b. July 24, 1817; m. Joseph Sisson; d. Sept. 8, 1875,
at Kings Ferry, N. Y.
vii. Maria', b. Aug. 19, 1819; unm.
viii. Eliza', b. Sept. 29, 1823; m. Lawrence B. Walls; d. March
13, 1874, at Prescott, Wis.
ix. Consider', b. June 23, 1829; m. Sally Coy; d. Oct. 21, 1888,
at Martelle, Wis.
394. Daniel" Avery {Daniel^, Benjamin*, James^, James-,
Christopher') was b. Sept. 18, 1766, at Groton ; m. Nov. 28, 1790,
at Groton, Lydia Avery (No. 756), dau. of Ebenezer and Eliza-
beth (Greene) Avery. She was b. April 4, 1773, at Groton; d.
Sept. 14, 1797, at Aurora, N. Y. Daniel Avery m. 2d, Jan. 20,
302 The Groton Avery Clan
1799, at Hartford, Abigail Smith, dau. of Moses and Mabel (Sey-
mour) Smith of Hartford. She was b. April 9, 1780 ; d. July 22,
1817, at Aurora, N. Y. He m. 3d, Sept. 22, 1823, Freelove
Mitchell, dau. of John and Ruth (Harris) Mitchell. She was b.
Jan. 4, 1808, at Ballston, N. Y. ; d. April 20, 1841, at Aurora,
N. Y. He was appointed ensign in 6th co., 8th reg't, Connecticut
militia, May, 1791; lieut., 1792; capt.. May, 1794 {Ms. State
Papers, Hartford). He was one of the party that emigrated to
Aurora in 1795 and at once took an active part in the new settle-
ment. He represented the eighth district in the twelfth con-
gress; the twentieth district in the thirteenth and fourteenth
congresses. He was the only man in the New York delegation to
vote for war with Great Britain. He was one of the commission-
ers of the land office at Albany for twenty years. He d. Jan. 30,
1842, at Aurora, N. Y.
Children of Daniel and Lydia (Avery) Avery:
Alfred", b. Aug. 12, 1791, at Groton.
Emily Caroline', b. July 2, 1793; m. Samuel William Avery
(No. 635).
Edwin', b. Aug. 22, 1795.
Daniel Lewis', b. Aug. 31, 1797.
Children of Daniel and Abigail (Smith) Avery, b. at Aurora,
N. Y.:
i. Sidney Smith', b. June 23, 1800; d. April 14, 1869, at
Aurora ; unm.
Benjamin Franklin', b. Dec. 3, 1801. i
Ashbel', b. Jan. 30, 1805. I
Lydia', b. May 24, 1810.
Abigail', b. Feb. 9, 1813; died young.
George', b. April 2, 1815.
Abigail', b. May 15, 1817.
Children of Daniel and Freelove (Mitchell) Avery, b. at
Aurora :
1010. i. James', b. Feb. 8, 1825.
ii. William', b. Sept. 29, 1829; d. Sept. 9, 1852; unm.
iii. Deborah', b. March 12, 1832; died young.
1011. iv. Maria', b. Sept. 1, 1833.
V. Byron', b. July 24, 1838; d. Dec. 17, 1841.
395. Elias*' Avery (Daniel^, Benjamin*, James\ James",
Christopher') was b. April 6, 1768, at Groton; m. Sept. 28, 1800,
The Sixth Generation 303
at Groton, Mrs. Sarah Morgan, widow of Stephen Morgan, and
dau. of John and Elizabeth (Denison) Barber. She was the
mother of Richard Morgan, who m. Eliza Wattles Avery (No.
1612). She was b. Nov. 6, 1773, at Groton; d. Jan. 8, 1837; he
d. July 31, 1837, both at Aurora, N. Y.
Children of Elias and Sarah (Barber) Avery, b. at Aurora,
:N. Y. :
Maria Barber', b. Dec. 30, 1801.
Elizabeth Denison', b. July 19, 1803.
William E.', b. July 19, 1805; d. July 14, 1826, at Aurora.
John Barber' b. Aug. 9, 1808.
Latham Noyes', b. May 19, 1811; d. Jan. 26, 1812.
Nancy Morgan', b. April 15, 1813; d. April 9, 1815.
NoYES Latham', b. Dec. 11, 1815.
396. Dudley'' Avery (Daniel^, Benjamin*, James^, James-,
Christopher^) was b. March 19, 1770, at Groton; m. Nov. 8, 1792,
Sit Groton, Hannah Morgan, dau. of Nathan and Hannah (Per-
kins) Morgan. She was b. Nov. 24, 1775, at Groton; d. March
20, 1804, at Aurora, N. Y. He m. 2d,
Mary Ann Brown, dau. of John W.
and Sarah Brown, of Bristol, Eng.
Dudley Avery was one of the Aurora
party of 1795 ; was appointed sheriff
of Onondaga County, July 5, 1798;
ensign of Onondaga County militia,
1798; promoted to lieutenant same
year; captain, 1802. He was a cabi-
net maker. About 1804, he returned
to Groton and studied medicine. He
then went to Cincinnati, and later to
Baton Rouge, La., where he became
successful in his profession. He was
a member of the state legislature and
was in the war of 1812. He had a
vessel built for trade with New York,
^nd, on her trial trip in 1816, died of
yellow fever, off the coast of Cuba. dudley avery
Children of Dudley and Hannah (Morgan) Avery:
304 The Groton Avery Clan
i. Dudley', b. Nov. 24, 1793, at Groton; d. Sept. 19, 1796, at
Aurora, N. Y.
1016. ii. Barton Frederick", b. Sept. 16, 1796, at Aurora.
1017. iii. Caroline Campuit", b. Sept. 19, 1798, at Aurora,
1018. iv. Hannah", b. March 3, 1804, at Aurora.
Children of Dudley and Mary Ann (Brown) Avery, b. at
Baton Rouge, La. :
i. John Brown", b. 1808; d. 1812.
1019. ii. Daniel Dudley', b. April 10, 1810.
iii. Latham', b. 1812; d. 1814.
* 1020. iv. Eliza Brown', b. 1815.
397. Isaac- Avery (Daniel^, Benjamin*, James^, James-,
Christopher^) was b. March 30, 1772, at Groton ; m. about 1792,
at Preston, Sarah Brooks, b. May 4, 1775. David Avery (No.
511) said that Isaac Avery m. Sally Champlin ; in the records,
she is called "Sally, the daughter of Mrs. Anne Brooks." They
lived at Aurora, N. Y., for about twelve years ; at Ulysses, N. Y.,
about five years. He was appointed lieut. in Col. Henry Hewitt's
reg't, Cayuga Co., N. Y., 1806; captain, 1809. In 1811, they
moved to North Bend, Ind., and later to Shelby County, in that
state, taking Mrs. Anne Brooks with them. Mrs. Sarah Avery
d. Dec. 29, 1834, in Shelby County; he d. Feb. 1, 1858, at the
same place. His farm of more than a thousand acres was divided
among his children.
Children of Isaac and Sarah (Brooks) Avery:
1021. i. Frances', b. July 26, 1795, at Aurora, N. Y,
Herman', b. Oct. 15, 1796, at Aurora.
Guy Carleton', b. July 7, 1798, at Aurora.
Dudley', b. June 28, 1800, at Aurora.
Charlotte Ann', b. July 21, 1803, at Aurora.
William Pitt', b. April 5, 1805, at Aurora,
vii. Isaac', b. July 5, 1807, at Aurora; d. Dec. 5, 1874, in Shelby
Co., Ind.; unm.
viii. Sally Maria', b. Nov. 23, 1808, at Aurora.
Daniel', b. March 19, 1811, at Ulysses, N. Y.
Helen', b. Nov. 11, 1812, at Ulysses,
xi. Edna', b. Aug. 25, 1817, at Ulysses; d. Nov. 28, 1901, at
Indianapolis, Ind.
399. Latham'' Avery (Daniel^, Benjamin*, James^, James-,
Christopher'^) was b. Dec. 19, 1775, at Groton; m. July 7, 1816,
at Groton, Betsey Wood Lester, dau. of Christopher and Mary
The Sixth Generation 305
(Fish) Lester. She was b. Nov. 22, 1787, at Groton. He spent
much of his early life at Demarara, West Indies. She d. Dec. 2,
1837, at Groton ; he d. Julj^ 10, 1845, at the same place.
Children of Latham and Betsey Wood (Lester) Avery, b. at
Groton :
i. Latham Burrows', b. Sept. 5, 1817; lieutenant, U. S. N.; d.
Aug. 28, 1857, at Hong Kong, China.
Betsey Ann', b. July 4, 1819.
Emily', b. Sept. 17, 1821.
Mary Jane', b. Feb. 12, 1824.
Christopher Lester', b. June 8, 1826.
Julia', b. May 9, 1828.
Deborah', b. April 2, 1830.
400. Rachel'' Avery {Daniel^ Benjamin*, James^, James-,
Christopher') was b. Aug. 10, 1777, at Groton; m. Jan. 29, 1794,
Zenas Bradley. They are said to have had one child. She m. 2d,
Jan. 29, 1797, Daniel Foote, s. of Daniel and Elizabeth Margaret
(Woodcock) Foote. He was a merchant. He d. in 1804, aged 27.
Children of Daniel and Rachel (Avery) Foote:
i. Daniel W.', b. March 17, 1799.
ii. Mary Skinner', b. May 26. 1802.
iii. Caroline Matilda', b. Aug., 1804.
431. Alfred Anson'^ Avery {Deniso'tf, Benjamin"^, James^,
James-, Christopher') was b. Sept. 12, 1794, at Groton; m. March
30, 1817, at Stonington, Martha Smith. He was a private in
Capt. Anson Avery's company :n the war of 1812 (Co7in. Meii in
War of 1812, p. 7) . He was a sea captain. She d. April 9, 1826,
at Groton ; he d. Oct. 2, 1836, at Key West, Fla.
Children of Alfred Anson and Martha (Smith) Avery, b. at
Groton :
Anson Alfred', b. Dec. 24, 1817.
Moses Edwin', b. April 14, 1819.
Charles Gilson', b. Jan. 11, 1821.
Phebe Ann', b. Oct. 14, 1822.
Martha Smith', b. April 3, 1825.
Henry Smith', b. April 6, 1826.
402. Hannah' Avery (Denison^, Benjamin*, James^, James-,
Christopher') was b. July 2, 1797, at Groton; m. Feb., 1822, at
Groton, Charles Lanmon Haley, s. of Caleb and Sarah (Burrows)
306 The Groton Avery Clan
Haley, and grandson of Hubbard and Sarah (Avery) Burrows
(No. 100). He was b. Feb. 17, 1799, at Groton; was a farmer;
d. July 8, 1865, at Ledyard.
Children of Charles Lanmon and Hannah (Avery) Haley, b.
at Groton :
i. Warren Avery', b. March 6, 1823; d. March 9, 1893, in
ii. Mary Phebe', b. April 12, 1824; m. John E. Williams,
iii. Henry Avery', b. Nov. 14, 1825.
iv. Sarah Ann', b. July 13, 1829; d. April 12, 1833.
V. Eliza', b. April 22, 1832; d. April 7, 1835.
vi. Nathan Denison', b. Dec. 21, 1838; m. Mary J. Turner; 2d,
Frances M. Thompson.
403. Denison" Avery (Denison^, Benjamin*, James^, James^,
Christopher^) was b. June 14, 1801, at Groton; m. April 3, 1836,
at Windham, Emeline Smith. She was b. Dec. 15, 1815 ; d. Sept.
11, 1884. Denison Avery, in his will made Oct. 27, 1888, and pro-
bated at Windham, Sept. 11, 1889, mentioned heirs of sister,
Hannah Haley; brother, Dudley B. Avery; Avery Smith, brother
of my wife; nephew, Nathan D. Haley; sister, Rhoda E. Avery
of Homer, N. Y. Denison*^ Avery d. Sept. 3, 1889, at Windham.
No children.
404. Benjamin Gilson'^ Avery {Denison^, Benjamin*, James^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. May 6, 1804, at Groton ; m. Feb. 24,
1829, at Preston, Eliza M. Punderson, dau. of Cyrus and Mary
(Babcock) Punderson. She was b. Feb. 24, 1804, at Preston.
He bought farms in several places near Syracuse, N. Y. ; was a
merchant, salt manufacturer, farmer, supervisor of Onondaga
County. He d. April 6, 1850, while on a trip to Sandusky, 0. In
his will, made May 19, 1849, he is called of Geddes. He gave his
wife, with other things, his pew No. 38, in St. Paul's Church,
Syracuse, his single horse, carriage, harness, and all his silver-
ware ; mentioned son, Cyrus D., and daus., Julia M. and Frances
E. His widow d. April 14, 1884, at Geddes, N. Y.
Children of Benjamin Gilson and Eliza M. (Punderson)
Avery :
i. Eliza', b. July 21; d. Aug. 3, 1830.
ii. Maria', b. April 18; d. July 24, 1832.
The Sixth Generation 307
1042. iii. C\'RUS Denison', b. Nov. 20, 1833, at Geddes, N. Y.
1043. iv. Julia Maria', b. Dec. 9, 1835.
1044. V. Frances Eliza', b. Dec, 5, 1838.
vi. Benjamin Woolcott', b. Oct. 21, 1840; d. Jan. 27, 1841.
405. Dudley Bailey" Avery {Denison^, Benjamin*, James^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. June 28, 1806, at Groton;' m. Aug.
22, 1844, Lucretia Bestor, dau. of Foronda and Lucretia (Par-
sons) Bestor. She was b. June, 1812, at East Long Meadow; d.
Dec. 24, 1884, at Columbia ; he d. Aug. 13, 1885, at Columbia.
Children of Dudley Bailey and Lucretia (Bestor) Avery, b.
at Columbia, Conn. :
1045. i. Denison', b. Oct. 1, 1845.
1046. ii. Marian', b. May 9, 1849.
418. John** Avery {John^, Samuel*, Thomas^, James-, Chris-
topher'^) was b. Dec. 23, 1745, at Groton; m. Nov. 24, 1774, at
Groton, Mary Allyn, dau. of John and Joanna (Miner) Allyn,
and granddau. of Robert and Deborah (Avery) Allyn (No. 10).
She was b. Sept. 24, 1750, at Groton. He is called "sheepskin
John" by David Avery (No. 511). He called himself John
Avery 2d. He d. Aug. 21, 1811; she d. May 21, 1824, both
at Ledyard. In his will, made May 4, 1811, and probated Aug.
31, 1811, at Stonington, he mentioned wife, Mary; son, Isaac and
his wife Clarissa; dau., Hannah; he said that he had provided
for his other two daughters.
Children of John and Mary (Allyn) Avery, b. at Groton:
1056. i. Isaac', b. Sept. 4, 1775.
1057. ii. Prudence', b. Nov. 14, 1778.
iii. John Miner', b. April 23, 1782; d. May 8, 1802, at Groton.
1058. iv. Lydia', b. March 23, 1786.
1059. V. Hannah', b. Oct. 25, 1789.
419. Hannah'' Avery {John% Samuel*, Thomas''', James-,
Christopher^) was b. July 17, 1751, at Groton; m. Nathaniel
Woodworth. She was called Hannah Avery in her mother's will
in 1790, and Hannah Woodworth in her brother Samuel's will in
420. Amos" Avery {John% Samuel*, Thomas^, James-,
Christopher') was b. Feb. 1, 1754, at Groton; m. Feb. 16, 1777,
at Groton, Mary Avery, (No. 616), dau. of Humphrey and Mary
308 The Groton Avery Clan
(Baldwin) Avery. She was b. April 19, 1748. Her parentage is
proved by a receipt given by Amos Avery in behalf of his wife,
the daughter of Humphrey Avery, in 1793, to the executors of the
estate of said Humphrey Avery. Amos Avery served for two
years in the Revolution as matross under Capt. William Latham,
and was wounded in the battle of Fort Griswold, Sept. 6, 1781.
He d. April 16, 1831. His widow applied for a pension, Oct. 22,
1836 (Widows' File 25374, Pension Office) ; it was granted. All
of the dates here given are from this pension paper.
Children of Amos and Mary (Avery) Avery, b. at Groton :
Humphrey', b. Feb. 5, 1778; d. July 22, 1779
Mary', b. June 18, 1780.
Susannah', b. Dec. 20, 1782.
Jerusha', b. May 31, 1786.
Thomas Ledyard', b. Aug. 24, 1788.
John', mentioned in Sweet's The Averys of Groton (not men-
tioned in pension paper; doubtful),
vii. Austin', b. June, 1793; d. Nov., 1794.
421. Ransford" Avery {Ephraim", Samuel% Thomas^,
James-, Christovlier^) was b. about 1754; m. .Eunice Leffingwell,
dau. of Andrew and Mercy (Nobles) Leffingwell. She was b.
Feb. 22, 1757 ; d. April 21, 1813, at Montgomery, Mass. She was
mentioned in her father's will, July 7, 1803, and in her mother's
will, July 25, 1805 {Norivich Wills). The intention of marriage
to Mary Hutchinson, widow of Israel Hutchinson, is recorded
Jan. 11, 1816, at Montgomery, Mass. They were m. Jan. 30,
1816, at Montgomery (Widoivs' Pension Applicatio7i, 8106). He
was a soldier from Westfield, Mass., 1776 ; was in Capt. Lemuel
Pomeroy's company. Col. John Dickinson's regiment, in 1777,
during a part of which time his brother, William, substituted for
him, he being sick ; marched on an expedition to Saratoga, under
Col. Ezra May ; was a pensioner (Pension Application and Co7in.
Men in the Revolution, 1 :368) . He d. March 27, 1849, at Mont-
gomery; she was alive in 1854, and applied for a pension.
Children of Ransford and Eunice (Leffingwell) Avery:
1065. i. Abigail', b. Oct. 9, 1779, at Southampton, Mass.
1066. ii. Marcy', b. Aug. 11, 1782, at Montgomery, Mass.
1C67. iii. Lovisa', b. Aug. 6, 1785, at Montgomery.
The Sixth Generation 309
1068. iv. Betsey', b. Sept. 27, 1787, at Mont<^-omery.
V. Ransford', b. July 5, 1790, at Montj^omery ; died young.
1069. vi. Eunice', b. Sept. 7, 1792, at Montgomery.
1070. vii. Ransford', b. Nov. 1, 1796, at Montgomery,
1071. viii. Richard', b. Nov. 1, 1796, at Montgomery.
422. Elizabeth" Avery (Ephraim^ Samuet, Thomas^,
James'-, Christopher^) m. William French.
423. Prudence*' Avery {Ephraim\ Samuel*, Thomas^,
James-, Christopher' ) m. Nov. 25, 1773, Stephen Root, s. of Solo-
mon and Mary (Church) Root. He was b. Aug. 14, 1747, at
Westfield, Mass. ; d. June 8, 1818, at Westfield. She d. April 3,
Children of Stephen and Prudence (Avery) Root:
i. Enoch', b. 1774; m. Lucy Buell; d. Nov. 18, 1837.
ii. Ransford', b. 1776; m. Sally Sheldon,
iii. Stephen'.
iv. Edward', d. April 8, 1856.
V. Heman', m. Anna Drake; d. Oct. 8, 1858.
vi. Polly', m. Jeremiah Searle; d. 1830.
vii. Margaret', m. Zervan Moore,
viii. Betsey', m. Elihu Clarke,
ix. Orin'.
424. William" Avery {Ephraim^, Samuel*, Thomas'", James-,
Christopher*) was b. Sept. 2, 1757, at Montgomery, Mass.; m.
Dec. 20, 1781, at Westfield, Mass., Sally Dewey, dau. of Thomas
and Sarah (Martindale) Dewey. She was b. Sept. 24, 1762, at
Westfield. He enlisted from Westfield, May 4, 1775, in Capt.
Warham Park's co., Col. Danielson's reg't ; also marched on the
Bennington alarm, 1777 {Mass. Soldiers and Sailors in the Revo-
lution, 1:369). He was a farmer. He d. Sept. 24, 1822; she d.
April 20, 1827, both at Montgomery.
Children of William and Sally (Dewey) Avery, b. at Mont-
gomery :
Rowland', b. April 21, 1782.
Charles DEVi^EY', b. Feb. 20, 1784.
Vashti', b. May 16, 1786.
Electa', b. July 11, 1788.
Sally', b. Nov. 15, 1790.
Nancy', b. Sept. 1, 1792.
310 The Groton Avery Clan
1078. vii. Olive', b. Jan. 19, 1795.
1079. viii. Thomas Bill', b. Nov. 12, 1798.
1080. ix. Abigail', b. March 10, 1801.
425. Ephraim'^ Avery (Ephraim^, Samuel*, Thomas^,
James-, Christopher'^) m. Susanna Chapman, dau. of Isaac and
Mary (Potter) Chapman. Nov. 6, 1806, Ephraim Avery and
Susanna, his wife; Samuel Avery and Mary, his wife; Isaac
Chapman, sen., Isaac Chapman, jr., and several others, made
Abner Chapman their attorney to demand and receive of Levi
Bradford their shares as heirs of Mary Chapman, wife of Isaac
Chapman, which Mary was heir-at-law of the Hon. Simon Potter,
of Swansey, Mass. {Springfield Deeds, 43:556) . Ephraim Avery
was in Capt. Joseph Cook's co., Col. Porter's Hampshire reg't,
1779 {Mass. Soldiers and Sailors in the Rev'n, 1:366). He d.
Nov. 16, 1850; she d. Dec. 2, 1852, aged 94 years, both at Mont-
gomery, Mass.
Children of Ephraim and Susanna (Chapman) Avery, b. at
Montgomery, Mass. :
Polly', b. Sept. 1, 1786.
Elisha', b. Nov. 7, 1789.
Susanna', b. June 5, 1792.
Abner', b. Aug. 2, 1796.
Horace', b. Jan. 13, 1799.
Lucinda', died March 16, 1857; unm.
Leutheur', b. Sept. 23, 1803.
426. Abel" Avery {Ephrainv', Samuel*, Thomas^, James-,
Christopher') m. Nov. 15, 1787, at Westfield, Mass., Jerusha
Sackett. His estate was administered by Samuel Avery, Feb. 11,
1812 {Northampton Wills, 28, 90).
Children of Abel and Jerusha (Sackett) Avery, b. at West-
field, Mass. :
1087. i. Olive', b. April 3, 1789.
1088. ii. Jerusha', b. Aug. 3, 1790.
1089. iii. Adnah', b. Dec. 12, 1792.
1090. iv. Walter', b. about 1795.
1091. V. Isaac', b. about 1798.
1092. vi. Solomon', b. Jan. 23, 1800.
vii. John', died young.
1093. viii. Clarissa'.
1094. ix. Polly'.
1095. X. John'.
The Sixth Generation 311
427. Bathsheba" Avery (Ephraim^, Samuel*, Thomas^,
James-, Christopher'^) m. Peter Bundy.
428. Samuel" Avery {Ephraim^, Samuel*, Thomas^, James-,
Christopher^) was b. July 24, 1771; m. Nov. 21, 1791, Mary
Chapman, dau. of Isaac and Mary (Potter) Chapman. She was
b. April 3, 1770. He made his will, June 9, 1818, at Montgomery,
Mass., and mentioned wife, Mary; youngest daughters, Mary
Ann, Eunice, and Eliza; sons, Ephraim, Harvey, and Henry;
daughters. Wealthy Wright, Asenath Avery, Lucy (Laura?)
Herrick, and Betsey Avery {Springfield Wills, case 482). He d.
June 10, 1818 ; she d. Aug. 18, 1845, at Montgomery.
Children of Samuel and Mary (Chapman) Avery, b. at
Montgomery, Mass. :
1096. i. Ephraim', b. June 15, 1792.
1097. ii. Wealthy", b. Dec. 5, 1793.
1098. iii. Asenath', b. Sept. 24, 1795.
1099. iv. Marilla', b. May 3, 1798.
1100. V. Harvey', b. June 14, 1799.
1101. vi. Laura', b. Oct. 30, 1801.
1102. vii. Elizabeth', b. Aug. 25, 1803.
1103. viii. Mary Ann', b. Dec. 25, 1805.
1104. ix. Henry', b. Aug. 15, 1807.
1105. X. Eunice', b. July 30, 1809.
1106. xi. Eliza', b. July 4, 1811.
429. Sarah'' Avery {Thomas'', Abraham*, Thomas^, James-,
Christo2-)her^) was b. Sept. 26, 1769, at Montville; m. Asahel
Adgate, s. of Thomas and Ruth (Leffingwell) Adgate. He was b.
Sept. 2, 1767, at Montville. She d. July 28, 1821 ; he d. Sept. 5,
1851, both at Montville.
Children of Asahel and Sarah (Avery) Adgate, b. at Mont-
ville :
i. Thomas Avery', b. Jan. 2, 1791; m. Lois Perkins; d. March,
ii. Mary Hart', b. May 31, 1794; m. Jedediah Willett,
iii. Anna', b. Oct. 22, 1796.
iv. Ruth L.', b. June 15, 1798.
V. Sarah M.', b. June 15, 1798; m. Marvin Baker,
vi. Caroline L.', b. June 25, 1810; m. George Bradford.
312 The Groton Avery Clan
430. Ruth''' Avery (Thomas^, Abraham*, Thomas-% James'-,
Christopher^) was b. Jan. 23, 1772, at Montville; m. Joshua
Wheeler. She lived on the old homestead that was built by the
first Thomas Avery (No. 6).
Child of Joshua and Ruth (Avery) Wheeler, b. at Montville:
i. William Avery'.
431. Abraham" Avery {Jonathan'', Abraham*, Thomas'",
James-, Christopher') was b. Sept. 12, 1764, at East Lyme; m.
Feb. 6, 1785, at Lyme, Elizabeth Noyes, dau. of Moses and Han-
nah (Selden) Noyes. She was b. Sept. 3, 1766, at Lyme. He was
a farmer at East Lyme. He d. Oct. 4, 1834 ; she d. Feb. 18, 1837,
both at East Lyme; they were buried in the Stone Church
Children of Abraham and Elizabeth (Noyes) Avery, b. at
East Lyme:
i. MosES\ b. Feb. 12, 1786; d. Aug. 8, 1788.
1107. ii. Elizabeth', b. Feb. 19, 1788.
iii. Mary^ b. Feb. 19, 1790; d. Nov. 26, 1858, at East Lyme.
1108. iv. Abraham Selden', b. March 1, 1792.
V. John Noyes', b. March 25, 1794; d. March 23, 1817, at East
vi. Hannah', b. Dec. 25, 1795; d. March 12, 1852, at East
Lyme; unm.
1109. vii. Thomas', b. Jan. 1, 1798.
viii. Enoch', b. Dec. 29, 1801; d. Oct. 13, 1802.
1110. ix. Samuel', b. Jan. 4, 1805.
X. William', b. Nov. 4 ; d. Nov. 12, 1807, at East Lyme.
432. William Thomas" Avery {Nathan;', Abraham*, Thomas\
James-, Christopher') was b. Jan. 19, 1764, at Lebanon; m. June
30, 1791, at Bozrah, Phebe Throop, dau. of William and Prudence
(Hyde) Throop. She was b. March 1, 1771, at Bozrah. They
moved from Bozrah to New Lebanon, N. Y., where he d. Nov. 10,
1820. She moved with her children to Galesburg, 111., and d.
there, Aug. 1, 1844.
Children of William Thomas and Phebe (Throop) Avery, b.
at New Lebanon, N. Y. :
1111. i. Nathan', b. May 8, 1792.
1112. ii. Clarissa', b. Oct. 31, 1793.
The Sixth Generation 313
iii. Hyde Throop', b. Nov. 13, 1797; d. Aug. 3, 1864, at Gales-
burg, 111.; unm.
iv. William Thomas', b. Aug. 17, 1800; d. Oct. 8, 1856, at
Logansport, Iowa, while on a journey; unm.
1113. V. George', b. Dec. 2, 1802.
1114. vi. Deborah', b. Aug. 31, 1806.
1115. vii. John Thomas', b. Dec. 29, 1810.
1116. viii. Cornelia', b. June 7, 1816.
433. Ashbel Stevens''' Avery {Abyaham'-, Abraham^, Thomas^,
James-, ChristopJier') was b. May 8, 1775, at Montville; m. Oct.
23, 1800, at Beckett, Mass., Eunice Allen. She was b. Nov. 23,
1776. He d. March 29, 1829 ; she d. Oct. 17, 1854.
Children of Ashbel Stevens and Eunice (Allen) Avery:
Oriza', b. Feb. 7, 1803.
Abraham', b. Dee. 19, 1805.
Fanny', b. May 20, 1809; d. Jan. 13, 1813.
Sarah Stevens', b. July 3, 1813.
William Miller', b. Feb. 5, 1818.
434. Nathan" Avery (Abraham^ Abraham*, Thomas^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. Jan. 23, 1777, at Montville; m.
about 1803, at Glastonbury, Sally Miller. She was b. Aug. 22,
.1775. He d. Dec. 30, 1834, at Hudson, N. Y. ; she d. Jan. 6, 1851.
Children of Nathan and Sally (Miller) Avery:
Susan Miller', b. May 7, 1804.
Laurette', b. May 30, 1805.
Abraham', b. May 19, 1807; d. May 20, 1807.
Sarah Maria', b. Jan. 3, 1809.
Edwin', b. April 4, 1810; d. unm.
Larmia Euphrasia', b. Dec. 7, 1811.
William Henry', b. Oct. 27, 1813, at Claverack, N. Y.
viii. Mary Sophia', b. Jan. 29, 1815.
ix. Nathan', b. April 11, 1816; d. May 6, 1816.
435. Anna*' Avery (Abraham^ Abraham*, Thomas'^, James-,
Christopher^) was b. June 24, 1780, at Montville; m. Nov. 13,
1800, Isaac Bevin. They lived at East Hampton, where the sons
became the largest manufacturers of sleighbells in the country.
She d. June 19, 1851 ; he d. May 8, 1870, both at East Hampton.
Children of Isaac and Anna (Avery) Bevin, b. at East
Hampton :
314 The Groton Avery Clan
i. Pamelia', b. Oct. 9, 1801.
ii. William", b. June 17, 1804.
iii. Chauncey', b. July 7, 1806.
iv. Isaac A.', b. April 29, 1808.
V. Abner Griswold', b. July 10, 1810.
vi. Philo', b. Aug. 12, 1813; lieu't-col. of state militia.
vii. Alice S.', b. July 3, 1815.
viii. Adaline', b. Aug. 8, 1817.
ix. Belinda', b. Jan. 17, 1820.
436. Abraham^ Avery {Abraham^, Abraham*, Thomas^,
James-, Christopher'^) was b. June 22, 1782, at Montville; m.
Oct. 20, 1808, at Wilbraham, Mass., Elizabeth Bliss, dau. of the
Hon. Abel and Elizabeth (Bartlett) Bliss. She was b. Jan. 29,
1788, at Wilbraham. She d. Dec. 27, 1851, at Wilbraham. He m.
2d, at Wilbraham, Belinda Cordelia Brewer. She was b. Aug. 5,
1805. He was a tanner and saddler ; a large land owner and a
successful business man; a devoted Methodist; one of the found-
ers of the Weslej^an Academy at Wilbraham ; also of the Wes-
leyan University at Middletown, Conn., of which he was a trus-
tee; represented his town in the state legislature many times.
He refused to pay the tax levied on all who were not members of
the Orthodox church for the support of that denomination. He
filled nearly every office in the gift of his townsmen. He d. Oct.
18, 1853, at Wilbraham ; his widow d. Nov. 15, 1877.
Children of Abraham and Elizabeth (Bliss) Avery, b. at
Wilbraham, Mass. :
1127. i. Addison', b. Feb. 20, 1810.
ii. Benjamin', b. June 16, 1813; d. Dec. 13, 1819.
iii. Simeon', b. Aug. 22, 1817; d. March 12, 1819.
iv. Elizabeth', b. Oct. 13, 1819; d. Oct. 17, 1837.
1128. V. Julia', b. April 18, 1822.
1129. vi. Abraham', b. Nov. 15, 1824.
437. Rebecca "^ Avery (Abraham^, Abraham^ Thomas^,
James-, Christopher'^) was bap. Jan. 3, 1784, at Bolton; m. Oct.
14, 1804, at Norwich, David Yale, s. of Joseph and Lydia
(Sanger) Yale. He was b. April 9, 1781, at Norwich. He re-
moved to Grey, Me., where she died July 16, 1805, and was buried
with her child. He m. 2d, Olive Woodman ; 3d, Jane Stubbs ; d.
at Leicester, N. Y., June 19, 1827.
The Sixth Generation
316 The Groton Avery Clan
439. Dolly" Avery (Abraham^, Abraham*, Thomas^, James-,
Christopher'') m. May 21, 1804, at Wilbraham, Mass., George
Sellew. He was a sea captain and died at sea returning from
New Orleans.
Children of George and Polly (Avery) Sellew:
i. Orrin\ b. Feb. 28, 1806; d. Feb., 1869.
ii. George Clinton', b. April 14, 1807; d. Sept. 1, 1831.
iii. Fidelia', b. April 13, 1808; d. July 1, 1811.
iv. Lucy', b. Sept. 25, 1810; d. Sept. 10, 1831.
V. LoviSA', b. Auo-. 25, 1812; m. Bogart.
vi. Titus", b. March 15, 1815; d. June 25, 1822.
450. John" Avery (Charles'', Jonathan*, Thomas^, James-,
Christopher'') was b. Oct. 9, 1752, at Norwich; m. April 4, 1782,
at Westport, Ann Hazard, daii. of John and Mary (Wake-
man) Hazard, She was b. about 1764, at Green Farms.
John Avery was graduated at Yale, 1777 ; pastor of the Congre-
gational church, Stamford. He d. Sept., 1791, at Stam-
ford ; his widow m. David Ripley ; she d. Dec. 26, 1830, at
Children of John and Ann (Hazard) Avery, b. at Stamford:
i. John Hazard', b. April 3, 1783; d. Jan. 30, 1867, at Wooster,
O.; unm.
1135. ii. Samuel', b. Sept. 5, 1785.
iii. Charles', b. March 25, 1788; d. Nov. 27, 1807, at Kingston,
1136. iv. Edward', b. Feb. 20, 1790.
451. Charles" Avery {Charles'' , Jonathan*, Thomas^, James-,
Christopher') was b. Aug. 16, 1754, at Norwich; m. Cordelia
. He was in the Revolutionary war, under Capt. John
Durkie, third reg't, 1775 ; under Jedediah Hyde, fourth reg't, 1777
to 1780 ; in Capt. Stillman's co., 1781 ; was at Germantown, Val-
ley Forge, Monmouth, Stony Point {Conn. Men in the Rev'n, 54,
185, 319) . He is said to have married and died at Cincinnati.
Child of Charles and Cordelia Avery :
1137. i. Lydia', b. Dec. 25, 1784.
452. Stephen'' Avery {Charles'", Jonathan*, Thomas^, James-,
Christopher*) was b. July 17, 1756, at Norwich; m. at Brandon,
Vermont, Mary Walker. She was b. July 17, 1780, at Brandon.
Stephen Avery was a soldier in the Revolution, in Capt. Lamb's
The Sixth Generation 317
CO.; later in Capt. Huntington's co. ; crossed the Delaware with
Washington and wintered at Vallej^ Forge {Conn. Men in the
Rev'n, 293, 405).
"Norwich, June 30, 1780. Note is made that Mr. Stephen Aveiy has
enlisted in the service of his country to help make up the quota of
the town" {Norwich Land Records, 23:368).
He had a gristmill and a woolen factory at Brandon. Janu-
ary 1, 1825, Stephen Avery and Mary his wife sold land in
Brookfield, Mass., as heirs of Abraham Walker, of Brandon,
latel}^ deceased {Worcester, Mass., Deeds). He d. Sept. 6, 1838;
she d. Aug., 1859, at Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
Children of Stephen and Mary (Walker) Avery, b. at Bran-
Marcia', d. young.
Stephen Waterman', b. March 7, 1800; a physician; stud-
ied abroad; settled in New York; author; d. June 22,
1833, at New York City; unm.
Mary Weld', b. about 1803.
Abigail Post', b. about 1805.
Charles', b. Nov. 16, 1806.
Perez Jones', b. March 28, 1812.
William Lovell', b. Feb. 28, 1815.
viii. Elijah Franklin', b. June 1, 1818; d. about 1842; unm.
ix. James Frederick', b. Sept. 24, 1822.
Joseph Francis', b. June 10, 1824.
453. Abigail Avery {Charles'', Jonathan*, Thomas^, James-,
Christopher^) was b. Dec. 7, 1758, at Norwich; m. Sept. 1, 1776,
at Norwich, Case Cook. They lived at Brandon, Vermont. He
was a farmer; selectman.
454. Simeon ** Avery {Charles'', Jonathan^ Thomas\ James-,
Christopher') was b. Sept. 17, 1759, at Norwich; m, Sarah
Bump, dau. of Levi and Patience Bump, of Norwich. She was
b. April 13, 1764, at Norwich. He was a farmer and blacksmith,
at Brandon, Vt. He d. Jan. 16, 1803, at Brandon ; his widow m.
Simeon Bigelow, the widower of her sister-in-law, Elizabeth
Children of Simeon and Sarah (Bump) Avery:
1151. i. Simeon Shipman', b. Feb. 14, 1784, at Rutland, Vt.
1152. ii. Elijah', d. at Pittsford, Vt.
1153. iii. Daniel F.', b. May 26, 1791.
1154. iv. Royal Augustus', b. July 7, 1800.
318 The Groton Avery Clan
1155. V. Charles'. He m. and left a family of which we have found
no further trace.
1156. vi. Stephen'. He m. and left a family in Michigan. No fur-
ther trace.
455. Hannah'' Avery {Charles^ Jonathan^ Thomas^, James-,
ChristovheV) was b. May 26, 1761, at Norwich; m.
Cross, as proved by the settlement of her father's estate. Said to
have married a Mr. King of Brandon, possibly a second hus-
band. She d. Jan. 28, 1847, at Potsdam, Ohio.
456. Elizabeth" Avery {Charles', Jonathan^ Thomas^,
James-, Christopher') was b. Oct. 8, 1764, at Norwich; m. March
14 1790, Simeon Big-elow, s. of John and Grace (Allen) Bige-
low. He was b. Apiil, 1752, at Acton, Mass. His first wife was
Sarah Foster. His second wife, Elizabeth Avery, d. April 21,
1804. He m. 3d, Sarah, widow of Simeon Avery, his brother-in-
law (No. 454). He d. June 13, 1837, at Brandon, Vt.
Children of Simeon and Elizabeth (Avery) Bigelow:
i. Elijah Avery', b. Dec. 13, 1790; m. Diantha June; 2d, Milly
ii. Daniel Post', b. March 14, 1792; m. Betsey Knight; d.
March 23, 1853, at Barre, N. Y.
iii. Thirza', b. March 12, 1794; m. Jaffrey Amherst Bogue; d.
March 25, 1850.
iv. Cli\e', b. Feb. 7, 1796; m. Samuel Arnold; d. Dec. 13, 1821,
at Brandon.
V. Augustus', b. Jan. 17, 1798; d. unm.
vi. Minerva', b. April 22, 1799; d. April 23, 1804.
vii. Eliza', b. June 28, 1801; m. William Pierce.
viii. Simeon', b. Feb. 23, 1803; m. Charity Charlotte Childs; d.
March 19, 1866, at Barre, N. Y.
458. Daniel" Avery (Charles^ Jonathan\ Thomas\ James\
Christopher') was b. March 26, 1768, at Norwich; m. Feb. 6,
1793, at Salisbury, Vt., Eunice Weeks, dau. of Holland and Han-
nah (Moseley) Weeks. She was b. Oct. 7, 1769, at Brooklyn,
Conn. She d. May 7, 1851 ; he d. Dec. 14, 1851, both at Bran-
don. All descendants have a Mayflower ancestry through Han-
nah Moseley, a descendant of John and Priscilla Alden (Weeks'
Family Meeting) .
Children of Daniel and Eunice (Weeks) Avery, b. in Bran-
The Sixth Generation 319
i. John', b. May 6, 1794; d. Dec. 13, 1821, at Brandon; unm.
1157. ii. Abigail', b. March 23, 1796.
iii. Samuel', b. Nov. 1, 1800; d. IVljarch 7, 1813, at Brandon.
1158. iv. Ebenezer Weeks', b. Nov. 23, 1802.
1159. V. Elijah', b. July 14, 1807.
460. Sarah Manning" Avery (Elisha^, Jonathan*, TJiomas^,
James", Christopher^) was b. Sept. 20, 1755, at Norwich; m.
Frederick (Abel?) Caulkins.
Child of Frederick and Sarah Manning (Avery) Caulkins,
b. at Norwich :
i. Elisha Avery', bap. July 25, 1793, First Cong'l Church of
461. Elisha'^ Avery {Elisha^', Jonathan*, Thomas^, James-,
Christopher'^) was b. Dec. 30, 1756, at Norwich; m. April 13,
1777, at Norwich, Sybil Sanger, dau. of Josiah and Lydia
Sanger. She was b. July 30, 1756, at Norwich. He served in the
Revolutionary war ; was in the Lexington Alarm from Norwich ;
private in Jedediah Huntington's co., eighth reg't, 1775; same
reg't, 1777 (Conn. Men in the Rev'n, 19, 85, 147) . He d. Feb. 10,
1807, at Norwich ; she d. Jan. 7, 1855, at Woodstock.
Children of Elisha and Sybil (Sanger) Avery, b. at Nor-
Sarah', b. Jan. 18, 1778.
Sybil', b. Jan. 28, 1780.
Sophia', b. Feb. 8, 1782.
Elisha', b. Oct. 16, 1783.
Abigail', b. Jan. 9, 1789.
Lucy', b. July 8, 1791; d. July 15, 1819; unm.
462. Oliver*' Avery (Jo7iathan% Jonathan*, Thomas^, James^,
Christopher^) m. Aug., 1802, Lois Vibber, dau. of Leonard Vib-
Children of Oliver and Lois (Vibber) Avery:
1174. i. Leonard', b. Dec. 11, 1803.
Mary H.'.
Abbie Ann'.
463. Gardiner" Avery (Jonathan^ Jonathan*, Thomas^,
James-, Christopher^) m. Jan. 10, 1802, at Bozrah, Rachel Bald-
320 The Groton Avery Clan
win. She M^as bap. Sept. 16, 1781, at Bozrah. She d. Oct.
30, 1807, at Bozrah. He m. 2d, May 25, 1813, at Bozrah, Rhoda
Abel, dau. of Simon and Mary (Crooker) Abel. She was b. June
24, 1780. He d. Dec. 4, 1852, at Bozrah. He was town clerk of
Bozrah many years; just'ce of the peace, 1818-1841 ; representa-
tive in the general court, 1815, 1817, 1820, 1827, 1832, 1833 {Ms.
State Papers, Hartford) .
Children of Gardiner and Rachel (Baldwin) Avery, b. at
Bozrah :
Jannette", b. Sept. 4, 1802.
Albert Gallatin', b. April 8, 1804.
Erastus', b. Nov. 19, 1805.
Rachel Baldwin', b. Sept. 17, 1807.
465. Polly^ Avery (Jonathan^ Jo7iathan\ Thomas^, James-,
Christopher^) m. Guerdon Leffingwell, s. of Andrew and Mary
(Nobles) Leffingwell. He was b. May 28, 1768. He d. Jan. 16,
1844; she d. Dec. 17, 1869, both at Leffingwell cov/n.
Children of Guerdon and Polly (Avery) Leffingwell, b. at
Leffingwelltown :
i. Elisha', b. Feb. 6, 1796; m. Betsey Beebe.
ii. Elihu Marvin', b. July 20, 1798; m. Abby Ann Chapman;
2d, Sarah Ann Whaley; d. March 31, 1856.
iii. Gardiner', b. Jan. 10, 1801; d. unm.
iv. Mary Ann', b. April 4, 1803; m. Reuben L. Bromley.
V. Amanda', b. Nov. 4, 1805; m. Alfred Rogers.
vi. Andrew', b. July 8, 1808; m. Sally Smith Sabin.
vii. George', b. March, 1811; d. Nov. 28, 1881, at Leffingwell-
town ; unm.
viii. Fitch Beebe', b. 1813; d. 1827.
ix. Ira', b. 1816; d. May 4, 1872, at Leffingwelltown; unm.
X. Harriet', b. Aug. 25, 1819; m. Joseph Kelso.
466. Sally'' Avery {Jonathan'', Jonat]Lan\ Thomas^, James'-,
Christopher^) married Elisha Post, s. of John and Abigail (Lef-
fingwell) Post. He was b. April 6, 1774. She died June 21,
1844, aged 62; he d. Dec. 8, 1854.
Children of Elisha and Sallj^ (Avery) Post:
i. Diantha F.', b. Sept. 2, 1807.
ii. Elisha', b. Oct. 11, 1811.
iii. Eunice E.', b. Nov. 6, 1813.
iv. Phila Gifford', b. March 14, 1S16.
The Sixth Generation 321
V. Mary Abby', b. March 31, 1818.
vi. Sally Maria", b. June 10, 1820.
vii. Jabez', b. Aug. 7, 1823.
viii. John', b. Dec. 17, 1826.
ix. Amy Avery', b. June 13, 1828.
467. A Daughter'' {Jouathmr, Jonathan^ Thomas^, James-,
Christopher^) ; m. Moses Sherman.
468. A Daughter" {Joimthaiv', Jonathan*, Thomas^, James-,
Christopher^) ; m. Henry Curtis.
470. Olive*' Avery {DavicV', Jonathan"-, Thomas^, James-,
Christopher^) ; m. Ward Risley. No children.
471. David'' Avery {DavicP, Jonathan^ Thomas^, James-,
Christopher^) ; m. Minerva Hubbard. They lived in Madison
County, N. Y., where she d. about 1840. He moved to Michigan
and d. Sept. 10, 1857, at Genesee, Mich.
Children of David and Minerva (Hubbard) Avery:
1184. i. Jane'.
1185. ii. William'.
1186. iii. Franklin^
1187. iv. Helen Minerva', b. Sept. 8, 1829, at Hamilton, N. Y.
1188. V. Theodora', b. March 30, 1834, at Hamilton, N. Y.
472. Betsey" Avery {DavicV', Jonathan^, Thomas^, James-,
Christopher'^ ) ; m. the Rev. Job Potter.
Child of Job and Betsej^ (Avery) Potter:
i. Hiram Palmer'.
473. Guerdon" Avery {DavicV, Jonathan*, Thomas^, James^,
Christopher^) was b. Sept. 5, 1793, at Lisbon. Conn.; m. about
1823, at Pittsfield, Mass., Lurinda Fuller. He was a hop grower.
He d. Sept. 10, 1757, at Waterville, N. Y.
Children of Guerdon and Lurinda (Fuller) Avery, b. at
Hamilton, N. Y. :
1189. i. Guerdon Fuller', b. Feb. 14, 1828.
1190. ii. JosEPHENE Lurinda', b. Aug. 23, 1833.
474. Lucy^ Avery {DavicV, Jonathan"^, Thomas^, James-,
Christopher'^) was b. Aug. 10, 1795, at New Lebanon, N. Y. ; m.
Dec. 3, 1814, at Watertown, N. Y., Timothy Smith. He was b.
Nov. 17, 1791, at Hartford; d. Aug. 20, 1873.
322 The Groton Avery Clan
Children of Timothy and Lucy (Avery) Smith, b. at
Augusta, N. Y. :
i. Edward', died young.
ii. Sarah Ann', b. April 2, 1817; m. John Yale; d. Jan. 25,
1899, at Watertown, N. Y.
iii. Betsey Jane', died young,
iv. Timothy Avery', b. Nov. 11, 1822; m. Lucy A. Massey; d.
Oct. 7, 1891, at Watertown.
V. Anson Palmer', b. June 14, 1825; m. Mary Ann Smith,
vi. Hiram Perry', b. March 18, 1828; m. Emma Smith; d.
March 27, 1885.
vii. Savillian Fuller', b. May 22, 1831; m. Smith; 2d,
Nellie E. Eggleston.
475. Frederick" Avery (Davicl^, Jonathan*, Thomas^, James-,
Christopher^) b. at Hubbardsville, N. Y. ; m. Hannah Stanbergh,
dau. of Adam and Rachel (Snyder) Stanbergh. He was a
painter. He d. June, 1848, at North Brookfield, N. Y. ; she d.
Jan., 1855, at Poolville, N. Y.
Children of Frederick and Hannah (Stanbergh) Avery, b.
at Hubbardsville, N. Y. :
1191. i. Sarah', b. July 5, 1832.
1192. ii. Betsey L.', b. Sept. 9, 1836.
1193. iii. Olive J.', b. June 30, 1838.
1194. iv. Palmer', b. June 9, 1840.
476. Charles^ Avery (Davicl^, Jonathan*, Thomas^, James-,
Christopher^) was b. Sept. 12, 1802, at Hamilton, N. Y. ; m.
Angeline Greene, dau. of David and Deliverance (Hatch)
Greene. She was b. Dec. 8, 1803, at South East, N. Y. ; d. May
28, 1842, at North Brookfield, N. Y. He m. 2d, Oct. 16, 1843, at
Verona, N. Y., Lois Ann Jackson, dau. of Miller and Lucinda
Hand (Gillette) Jackson. She was b. Oct. 3, 1821, at Verona,
N. Y. He was a farmer and d. at Watertown, Wis., Oct., 1882.
His widow d. April 9, 1897, at Central Lake, Mich.
Children of Charles and Lois Ann (Jackson) Avery:
i. Lois Angeline', b. July 24, 1844, at Henderson, N. Y.; d.
Dec. 27, 1845.
1195. ii. Euphemia Maria', b. Sept. 27, 1845, at Henderson.
1196. iii. Edgar Charles', b. May 22, 1847, at Verona, N. Y.
The Sixth Generation 323
1197. iv. Eugene Lewis', b. March 16, 1854, at Concord, Wis.; d.,
1878, at Portland, Ore.
V. Flora Orabella', b. Nov. 16, 1863, at Concord; d Sept. 15,
486. Lydia*^ Avery (Samuel^, Isaac*, Thomas^, James-,
Christopher^) m. Joseph Denison. He d. July 27, 1828, aged 84;
she d. March 13, 1839, aged 84, both at West Stafford.
Children of Joseph and Lydia (Avery) Denison, b. at West
Stafford :
i. Lucinda', m. Leonard Smith; d. May 24, 1836, aged 60, at
West Spi'ingfield, Mass.
ii. George', m. Phebe Beaman; lived at Warehouse Point,
iii. Lydia', m. Wardwell.
iv. Sarah', m. McKenney.
V. Amos'.
vi. Clarissa', b. Nov. 13, 1789; m. John Bi-agg; d. June 7,
1875, at Somers, Conn,
vii. Joseph', b. March 4, 1798; m. Adeline Adams; lived at
Northfield, Vt.
viii. Hannah M.', m. Absalom Cady; d. March 19, 1835, at West
ix. Ruby E.', b. Feb. 19, 1799; m. Benjamin Gold; d. Nov. 17,
1870, at West Stafford.
X. Robert', m. Mary Burpee.
491. Charles'^ Avery {DanieP, Isaac*, Thomas^, James-,
Christopher^) was b. Nov. 12, 1775, at West Stafford ; m. Oct. 23,
1800, at Ellington, Sarah King. He was a carpenter at Somers.
She d. July 27, 1840, aged 58; he d. Sept. 29, 1852, both at
Children of Charles and Sarah (King) Avery, b. at Somers:
i. Laura', b. Aug. 11, 1801; d. Nov. 9, 1803.
1206. ii. Austin King', b. Oct. 6, 1804.
iii. Sophronia', b. Oct. 30, 1809; d. Nov. 18, 1809.
1207. iv. SoPHRONA Fox', b. March 5, 1813.
1208. V. Laurana Charlotte', b. Feb. 14, 1820.
492. Henry ^ Avery (Daniel^, Isaac*, Thomas^, James-,
Christopher^) was b. Aug. 25, 1777, at West Stafford; m.
Jan. 31, 1811, at Longmeadow, Mass., Lydia Hale, dau. of
Thomas and Annie (Stebbins) Hale of Longmeadow. She was
324 The Groton Avery Clan
b. Aug. 2, 1785, at Longmeadow. He was a farmer. He d. April
12, 1872 ; she d. Oct. 25, 1872, both at West Stafford.
Children of Henry and Lydia (Hale) Avery, bo at West
Stafford :
1209. i. Daniel', b. April 18, 1812.
ii. Almira', b. April 12, 1814; d. Feb. 26, 1893, at Somers; unm..
1210. iii. Lydia', b. April 24, 1816.
1211. iv. Minerva', b. April 17, 1818.
1212. V. Charlotte', b. May 31, 1821.
vi. Flavia Anne', b. Feb. 19, 1824; d. Jan. 25, 1828.
493. Charlotte- Avery {DmiieV', lsaac\ Thomas^, James\
Christopher') was b. Dec. 26, 1779, at West Stafford; m.
Jan. 8, 1818, at West Stafford, as his second wife, Arab Adams,
s. of Zadoc and Ruth (Bush) Adams. He was a farmer and
carpenter at Suffield and West Stafford. He d. Nov. 22, 1826,
aged 50; she d. June 30, 1856, both at West Stafford. No
494. Lovina'^ Avery (Daniel% Isaac^, Thomas\ James^^
Christopher') was b. Sept. 6, 1781, at West Stafford; m. March
5, 1811, at West Stafford, Lotan Hildreth. His parentage is un^
known. He d. May 12, 1848 ; she d. Sept. 17, 1852, both at West
Stafford. No children.
495. Elihu*' Benton Avery (Daniel% Isaac\ Thomas^,
James-, Christopher') was b. Nov. 26, 1784, at West Stafford;
m. Jan., 1810, at Somers, Polly Fuller, dau. of Joseph and Polly
(Jenks) Fuller. He was a farmer. She d. June 9, 1867; he d..
June 12, 1878, both at West Stafford.
Children of Elihu Benton and Polly (Fuller) Avery, b. at
West Stafford :
Loren Fox', b. June 10, 1811; d. June 6, 1846.
LovATUS King', b. Aug. 2o, 1813; d. Dec. 3, 1814.
LovATUS King', b. May 14, 1816; d. Aug. 16, 1857; married;;
no further record received.
Lyman Wolcott', b. Jan. 7, 1818.
Theodore Morrison', b. May 20, 1820.
Horatio Delford', b. July 24, 1822.
Danford Hamilton', b. Aug. 8, 1824; d. March 13, 1828.
i218. viii. Eliza Amanda', b. Dec. 5, 1826.
The Sixth Generation 325
1219. ix. Lauraett Lorina', b. Oct. 2, 1828.
X. Lawson Hamilton', b. June 19, 18.33; d. July 11, 1857; at
West Stafford; unm.
496. Azuba*' Avery (Daniel'', Isaac^, Thomas^, James-,
Christopher') was b. Feb. 6, 1790, at West Stafford; m. Nov. 29,
1809, at West Stafford, Guerdon Woodworth, s. of Charles and
Alithea (Woodworth) Woodworth.
Children of Charles and Azuba (Avery) Woodworth :
i. Laura', m. Austin O. Bradley,
ii. Ann".
iii. Alithea', m. Daniel Dimmock.
iv. Azuba'.
497. Lilly "^ Avery (Daniel^, Isaac^, Thomas^, James", Chris-
topher') was b. Nov. 22, 1793, at West Stafford; m. March 31,
1811, at West Stafford, Charles Woodworth, s. of Charles and
Alithea (Woodworth) Woodworth. He d. Jan. 9, 1857.
Children of Charles and Lilly (Avery) Woodworth:
i. Caroline L.', b. April 22, 1815, at Somers; m. William
King; d. March 1, 1881, at Monson, Mass.
ii. Charles Lewis', b. May 2, 1820; m. 2d, Hannah Amelia
Perkins; minister; secretary of American Missionary
iii. Sherman C.', b. Feb. 10, 1822; m. Emeline Walbridge.
iv. Flavia H.', b. March 13, 1824; m. Dwight Keep, at Lock-
port, N. Y.
V. Giles W.', b. March 25, 1826; m. Jennette A. Holmes; 2d,
Lavina Goss.
vi. Dexter S.', b. Nov. 6, 1827; m. Mindwell Grant, at Mont-
gomery, Mass.
vii. Emily F.', b. March 5, 1830; m. Charles Fay; 2d, Daniel
G. Green.
viii. Maria Theresa', b. Sept., 1837; died young.
505. John** Avery (John% John*, John^, James-, Christo-
pher') was bap. in infancy, Jan. 2, 1731, First Church of
Groton ; m. about 1752, Mehitabel Buell, dau. of Lieut. Abel and
Mehitabel (Dewey) Buell (David Avery ms.) . She was b. May
8, 1735, at Lebanon. John Avery served as corporal in
Ebenezer Leech's co., 1755 ; in Capt. Bilhngs's co., as sergeant,
1757 (Freyich and hidian War Rolls). He was undoubtedly in
the Revolution. One of his letters, dated Aug. 12, 1775, and now
in the possession of a descendant, states that Gov. Trumbull had
326 The Groton Avery Clan
received word from Gen. Washington to stop the troops and
recruiting officers on the road and that he [John Avery] feared
that he would have to disband the company that he had raised ;
that he had written to Col. Sargeant on the matter ; that he was
ready to join the regiment or to go to New London. A reference
to the records shows that such an order was given, Aug. 9, 1775
{Harriet L. Eames, Bridgeport) . John Avery was buried Jan.
8, 1814, at Ellington ; the date of her death is unknown.
Children of John and Mehitabel (Buell) Avery:
Rhoda", b. Nov. 30, 1753, at Goshen.
John', b. Jan. 21, 1756, at Goshen.
Lydia', b. Dec. 28, 1757, at Goshen.
Abel', b. Aug. 30, 1760, at Norwich.
Jabez', b. Jan. 29, 1764, at Norwich.
Elizabeth', b. July 1, 1766, at Norwich.
David', bap. Sept. 18, 1768, First Church of Norwich; d. y.
Asa', b. March 12, 1770, at Norwich.
Charlotte' {David Avery ms.).
506. Jabez'' Avery (John^, John*, John^, James-, Christo-
pher-^) was bap. in infancy, April 14, 1734, First Church of
Groton ; m. Nov. 18, 1761, at Norwich, Lucy Bushnell, dau.
of Capt. Richard and Lucy (Perkins) Bushnell. She was b.
Sept. 10, 1733, at Norwich. It has been surmised that he had a
first wife, Lydia, who d, soon after marriage, but diligent search
fails to reveal such an one. He was a coachmaker at Norwich.
He was in the "Lexington Alarm" ; corporal, 1775, 7th co., 6th
reg't; in Capt. Brewster's co., Col. Huntington's reg't^ 1776; d.
in the army of smallpox, Jan. 30, 1779 (Conn. Men in the Rev'n,
7, 76, 102). His estate was not fully settled until May, 1802.
His widow d. Aug. 19, 1788, at Norwich ; she was buried by the
side of her husband in the Norwichtown burying-ground.
Children of Jabez and Lucy (Bushnell) Avery, b. at Nor-
wich, and bap. in the First Church there :
Jabez', b. April 16, 1763.
Richard', b. April 24, 1764.
Lucy', b. Jan. 1, 1766.
Hannah', b. Nov. 26, 1767.
John', b. March 4, 1769.
Guerdon', b. Jan. 14, 1771.
Caleb', b. Dec. 25, 1773.
Lydia', bap. Aug. 6, 1775; d. Oct. 30, 1775.
The Sixth Generation 327
507. Amos*^ Avery {John;', Jo]m\ John-, James-, Christo-
pher^) was bap. April 18, 1736, First Church of Groton; m.
Nov. 2, 1756, at Norwich, Irene Kingsbury, dau. of Capt.
Ephraim and Martha (Smith) Kingsbury. She was b. Dec. 15,
1737, at Norwich. He m. 2d, Anna Edg-arton, dau. of Cornet
Hezekiah and Ann (Abell) Edgarton. She was b. Oct. 9, 1738,
at Norwich, He d. Aug. 11, 1823, at North Coventry. She was
alive Sept. 8, 1715 {David Avery ms.) . It has been difficult to
determine the names and order of the children. The following,
from the David Avery ms., the Coventry records, and family
papers, is probably substantially correct.
Child of Amos and Irene (Kingsbury) Avery, b. at Nor-
wich :
1244. i. Amos', b. May 22, 1757.
Children of Amos and Anna (Edgarton) Avery:
Jabez', b. Jan. 3, 1763, at Coventry.
Asahel', b. May 6, 1765, at Coventry.
Jeduthan', b. Feb. 15, 1780, at Coventry.
508. Lydia'' Avery {Johir, John*, John^, James-, Christo-
pher^) was bap. July 23, 1738, First Church of Colchester; m.
John Gager, s. of John and Jerusha (Barstow) Gager of Frank-
lin {David Avery ms.) . He was b. Nov. 13, 1736, at Norwich.
She d. Nov. 9, 1785, at Norwich. He m. again ; d. Nov. 10, 1817,
at Norwich.
Children of John and Lydia (Avery) Gager, b. at Norwich:
i. Irene', b. April 13, 1761; d. y.
ii. Lydia', b. Dec. 24, 1762; m. Cheral Abel,
iii. John', b. Aug. 15, 1764; d. March 20, 1851, at Norwich,
iv. Asanath', b Jan. 1, 1767; m. Green Marshall McCall.
V. Bethenia'.
vi. Othniel', b. Aug. 25, 1769; m. Rebecca Rudd; was town
clerk of Norwich for forty years; d. April 18, 1841, at
vii. Amos', b. May 9, 1772; m. Sarah Throop.
viii. Alvin', b. Dec. 15, 1776; d. Sept. 25, 1778.
ix. Anna', b. May 24, 1781; d. y.
The Groton Avery Clan
509. Nathan '^ Avery {John% John\ John\ James-, Christo-
pher^) was b. Nov. 22, 1737, at Groton; m. Nov. 20, 1766, at
Preston, Mercy Burrows. He d. at Leyden, Mass., Nov. 19, 1829.
Children of Nathan and Mercy (Burrows) Avery, b. at
Preston ; all bap. in the First Church of Preston :
Mercy', b. April 12, 1768; d. unm.
Ann', b. April 29, 1770; d. April 30, 1773.
Sarah', b. Sept. 26, 1772.
Esther', b. April 22, 1775; d. unm.
Polly', b. April, 1778.
510. Nehemiah« Avery {John\ John\ John\ James-, Chris-
topher^) m. April 23, 1766, Anna Denison, dau. of John and
Abigail (Avery) Denison (No. 176). He served in Nehemiah
Waterman's co., 1779, 20th reg't of militia, detached to co-
operate with Count D'Estaing {Con7i. Me7i in the Rev'n, 555).
He d. at Norwich, Aug. 26, 1789, and his widow m. Amos Clift,
Nov., 1799.
Children of Nehemiah and Anna (Denison) Avery;
1255. i. David', b. May 4, 1768.
1256. ii. Bebee Denison', b. June 6, 1771.
iii. William', b. 1775; d. June 15, 1790.
1257. iv. Nancy', b. Sept. 12, 1785.
The Sixth Generation
511. David'' Avery {John', John\ John"^, James-, Christo-
pher') was b. April 5, 1746, at Norwich; m. Oct. 10, 1782, at
Mansfield, Hannah Chaplin, dau. of Benjamin and Mary
(Paine) Chaplin. She was b. Aug. 3, 1752, at Mansfield.
David Avery was prepared for Yale at the Rev. Eleazur Whee-
lock's school at Lebanon where he became interested in the
Indians. In 1766, he went as missionary to the Indians of west-
ern New York. After his return from Fort Stanwix, he was
graduated at Yale, in 1769. He preached for a time to the
Indians of Long Island. In 1771, he went to Hanover, N. H.,
where Dr. Wheelock had begun a college. August 29, 1771, he
330 The Groton Avery Clan
was ordained assistant to the Rev. Mr. Kirkland, at Oneida,
New York, where he spent a year among the Indians. He
finished his studies in divinity with Dr. Wheelock at Hanover
and received the honorary degree of A. M. from Dartmouth
College in 1773. The same year, he became pastor of the
Congregational church at Windsor, Mass. He marched from
Windsor on the "Lexington Alarm," w^ith about twenty of his
parishioners; w^as made chaplain of Col. Patterson's regiment,
April 22, 1775, later becoming chaplain of the fourth Massachu-
setts brigade. His diaries, extending through the w^ar, w^ere in
the possession of George Austin Clark, of Utica, New York, a
descendant. From these w^e learn that David Avery w^as at the
battle of Bunker Hill ; Noodle's Island ; the siege of New York ;
in the Canada expedition of which he has left a graphic account.
He crossed the Delaw^are with Washington and w^as in the battle
of Trenton. (See Avery's History of the United States and its
People, vol. 6, chap. 2.) The following account, taken from his
diary, will give some idea of the value of these little books, which
should be published :
25. Wednesday. Left ye charge of Majr. Sherburne's horse and mine
with Mr. C. Vanhorn, N. Town, as we expect to be gone upon an
expedition some time. Left a shirt and tenting irons in a white
Holland handkerchief, in the care of Mr. Wm. Ashburn in New
Town, a little more than half quarter mile north of the Presbyterian
Ch. Genl. St. Clare's brigade formed and marcht out of town about
sunset, on their way to Trenton, they stopt & took ammunition and
flint at Wm. Keith's, proceeded to Yarley's Ferry, about 9 miles
above Trenton — we made a halt — struck up fires, left our packs, and
all got across the Delaware by 3 oC. in the morning, when we pro-
ceeded to Trenton, & arrived there just before the action was over.
Genls. Washington, Green & Sullivan with several brigadiers, and
about 3000 men crost the river before us.
26. Thursday. Genl. Washington began his attack on ye Hessions
about sunrise, by first taking & driving in their out-guards, — in
about 20 minutes the fire on & from the town became general when
ye fieldpieces & musquetry played briskly from both sides wh con-
tinued about 25 minutes, & then the enemy left ye town, & soon
surrendered Prisoners of war. We took 6 excellent brass field
pieces, about 1400 stands of small ai-ms, a waggon load of ammuni-
tion &c &c — & about 1180 Prisoners — among wh was a Col. acting
as a brigadier. Near 60 were killed and wounded, among whom
was a Col. mortally wounded, the second in command. The lower
The Sixth Generation 331
division not being able to cross the river by reason of ice, the Genl.
ordered, us to return immediately. We were greatly distrest with a
very cold storm of rain, hail & snow, wh blew with great violence
from the N.east from four oC. 'till night. The prisoners marcht up
& crost at Yarley's Ferry — the wounded officers were left on their
parole. I had the good fortune to cross the river before night, wh
was exceeding difficult to cross by reason of the abundance of the
ice. I was extremely chilled, & came near perishing before I could
get to a fire.
David Avery was released from his pastorate in 1777, with
the best of feeling on both sides, because he felt that it was his
duty to remain in the army. From his diary we learn that he
shouldered a musket when need required. He remained in the
army until the close of the war. After the war, he preached in
several places. He again went as missionary to the New York
Indians, when, after an interval of thirty-three years, he again
met Red Jacket. They greeted each other with great affec-
tion. In 1801, he went as missionary to Maine. He has left a
delightful account of this expedition. He was the first historian
of the Groton Avery clan. He began his genealogical work about
1800 ; his manuscript pages have been of great aid in the prepa-
ration of this work. He obtained much information from his
great-aunt. Thankful Avery (No. 177), who was born in 1718
and died in 1813. It was his statement to the effect that Christo-
pher Avery was a kersey weaver from Devon that first directed
attention to that county. This resulted in finding the parentage
and the name of the wife of the emigrant, Christopher Avery.
Many of David Avery's printed sermons as well as his diaries
covering a period of forty years are still preserved. One of his
sermons in our possession is a song of exultation over the
alliance with the French. In this he reviews the war and its
causes, and points out that the truth must prevail. It was
preached before Col. Sherburne's regiment, December 18, 1777.
David Avery died Feb. 16, 1818, while preparing for a
journey to Virginia; his widow died Jan. 15, 1837, at Hampton.,
Children of the Rev. David and Hannah (Chaplin) Avery:
1258. i. Mary Chaplin', b. July 4, 1783, at Mansfield.
ii. Hannah', b. June 7, 1785; d. May 15, 1786, at Mansfield.
1259. iii. David', b. Sept. 7, 1787, at Wrentham, Mass.
1260. iv. Hannah', b. June 27, 1790, at Wrentham.
1261. V. Lydia Smith', b. April 29, 1793, at Hampton.
332 The Groton Avery Clan
512. Roswell'' Avery (John', John', John\ James-, Christo-
pher') was b. Dec. 17, 1748, at Groton; m. Dec. 13, 1770, at
Groton, Martha Fish, dau. of Capt. Jonathan and Abigail (Fish)
Fish. She was b. April 1, 1753, at Groton. He d. Dec. 1, 1781,
at Groton.
Children of Roswell and Martha (Fish) Avery, b. at Gro-
i. Lydia Fish', b. Oct. 2, 1771; d. May 25, 1848; unm.
1262. ii. Martha Fish', b. Oct. 2, 1771.
iii. MosES^ b. Aug. 10, 1773; d. Feb. 8, 1794, at Groton.
1263. iv. Abigail Fish', b. Sept. 3, 1776; d. March 28, 1855.
V. Matilda Fish', b. Aug. 8, 1780 ; d. March 13, 1802.
513. Sarah'' Avery {John\ John\ John\ James-, Christo-
pher') m. Elijah Brockway (David Avery ms.) .
Children of Elijah and Sarah (Avery) Brockway {David
Avery ms.) :
i. Charlotte'.
ii. Sarah'.
iii. Elijah'.
iv. Roswell'.
V. Nathan'.
vi. George'.
514. George" Avery {George% John\ John\ James', Chris-
topher') was b. April 24, 1759, at Groton; m. Mary Allyn, dau.
of Nathan and Sarah (Freeman) Allyn. She was b. March,
1766, at Groton. Nathan Allyn was the s. of Robert and Abigail
(Avery) Allyn (No. 75).
Children of George and Mary (Allyn) Avery:
1264. i. George'.
1265. ii. Christopher'. He d. Sept. 12, 1815.
1266. iii. Simeon', b. Oct. 9, 1794.
1267. iv. Alfred', b. March 9, 1797, at Montville.
1268. V. Cynthia'.
1269. vi. Mary'.
515. William' Avery {George^ John*, John\ James-, Chris-
topher') was b. Jan. 26, 1764, at Groton; m. Phebe Gallup, dau.
of Joseph and Mary (Gardner) Gallup. She was b. April 10,
1762. He d. July 25, 1818, at Groton ; she d. March 30, 1840, at
Groton ; both were buried in the Avery-Morgan burying-ground.
The Sixth Generation 833
Children of William and Phebe (Gallup) Avery:
1270. i. William', b. May 1, 1791, at Groton.
1271. ii. Phebe'.
1272. iii. Lucretia'.
1273. iv. Guerdon'.
The last three names are found only in the David Avery ms.
516. Eunice" Avery {George'" , John*, John^, James-, Chris-
topher') was b. Sept. 25, 1767, at Groton; m. Capt. Caleb John-
son, s. of Robert Johnson of Montville. He d. Aug. 8, 1809, in the
46th j^ear of his age. She m. 2d, Caleb Avery, whose identity has
not been determined, but he was probably No, 685.
"Eunice Avery relic of Capt. Caleb Johnson & Caleb Avery died Sept.
15, 1829, aged 62 years" {Tombstone, Avery-Morgan burying-
ground) .
She probably had children by her first husband. Eunice, daugh-
ter of Caleb Johnson, b. April 27, 1790, m. Thomas Allyn, and d.
in Buffalo, N. Y., June 18, 1861.
517. AbeF Avery {George'', John*, John^, James-, Christo-
pher^) was b. April 2, 1769, at Groton; m. Temperance Avery
(No. 825), dau. of Christopher and Dorothy (Heatn) Avery
{David Avery ms.). She was b. June 14, 1773. Abel Avery was
killed by the fall of the topmast on Capt. Amos Smith's ship, on
Long Island Sound, Dec. 30, 1806 {David Avery ms.) . David
Avery preached the funeral sermon, Jan. 6, 1807, from Isaiah
Children of Abel and Temperance (Avery) Avery, b. at
Groton :
Lucr, b. Feb. 26, 1796; d. Oct. 30, 1858, at Groton; unm.
Temperance', b. 1798; d. March 24, 1880, at Groton, aged
Abel (David Avery ms.) .
Henry^ (David Avery ms.) .
David', b. Nov., 1804.
Thomas', b. July 16, 1807.
518. Phebe'' Avery {George% John*, John\ James^, Christo-
pher') was b. Dec. 25, 1771, at Groton; m. March 15, 1790, at
Groton, Nicholas Morgan, s. of James and Catharine (Street)
Morgan. He d. April 28, 1845, at Groton, aged 83; she d. Nov.
21, 1860, at Groton.
334 The Groton Avery Clan
Children of Nicholas and Phebe (Avery) Morgan, b. at
Groton :
i. Nicholas', b. Nov. 19, 1790; d. Oct. 19, 1793.
ii. Phebe', b. Sept. 23, 1792; m. Henry Harding; d. Oct. 11,
1865, at Groton.
iii. Sally', b. March 1, 1794; d. Feb. 27, 1796.
iv. Guerdon', b. Sept. 6, 1796; m. Sarah Ann Disbrow.
V. Sanford', b. Nov. 11, 1798; m. Lavinia Avery (No. 1764);
2d,Harriet Edgcombe; 3d, Cornelia Avery (No. 1825; he
d. Aug. 17, 1888, at Groton.
vi. Calvin', b. April 11, 1801; m. Julia M. Disbrow; d. Sept.
21, 1887, at Groton.
vii. Nicholas', b. May 12, 1803; m. Mary Mahon; 2d, Pedy
Thompson Bushnell.
viii. Lydia', b. Feb. 10, 1805; m. Horatio Nelson Fish; d. Jan.
30, 1891.
ix. Jerusha', b. July 6, 1807; m. Daniel B. Meech.
X. John Avery', b. March 15, 1809; m. Almira Brown; 2d,
Susan Amelia Pendleton; d. Jan. 6, 1883, at Pawkatuck.
xi. Nancy Ann', b. Sept. 26, 1811; m. Ebenezer A. Mitchell;
d. April 28, 1888, at Groton.
xii. Youngs', b. Feb. 5, 1814; m. Abby M. Clark; 2d, her sister,
Elizabeth Ann Clark; d. July 26, 1885, at Groton.
519. John" Avery {George^, John*, Jolin^, James-, Christo-
pher^) was b. Oct. 22, 1774, at Groton ; m. Feb. 26, 1797, at New
London, Lucy Rogers, dau. of Peter and Hannah (Rogers)
Rogers. She was b. Aug. 1, 1776, at Montville. John Avery
died in New York City of cholera, August 7, 1832. The names
of the children are compiled from the manuscript of David
Avery, which gives the names of the first four children with no
dates, the history of Montville, and letters of Robert J. Avery of
San Francisco, the son of George. Robert J. Avery says that the
family Bible is in the possession of Mrs. Lucy Jones of Noank.
A letter addressed to her was returned to us.
Children of John and Lucy (Rogers) Avery:
Peter Rogers',
The Sixth Generation 335
520. Cyrus'' Avery (George", John*, John'-, James-, Chris-
topher') was b. March 23, 1778, at Groton; m. Nancy Forsyth,
daii. of Charles Forsyth of Preston. He was a shoemaker. He
died Oct., 1856, at Hudson, Mich.
Children of Cyrus and Nancy (Forsyth) Avery:
IMary Emeline', b. July 26, 1806, at Norwich.
Charles Forsyth', b. Dec. 12, 1807, at Groton.
Hannah Chapman'.
Fanny Fitch', b. Jan. 22, 1812, at Preston.
George Williams', b. June 22, 1815, at Bozrah.
vi. David', b. 1817; died young.
521. Sarah'' Avery (George^ John*, John^, James-, Chris-
topher^) was b. Nov. 14, 1781, at Groton; m. Edward Denison
Noyes, s, of James and Eunice (Denison) Noyes. He was b.
Sept. 2, 1773, at Stonington. She died Aug. 6, 1856.
Children of Edward Denison and Sarah (Avery) Noyes:
i. James', m. Eliza Denison; d. Oct. 27, 1843.
ii. Edward', d. unm.
iii. Eunice', b. Aug. 16, 1806, at Stonington; ni. Paul Noyes;
d. April 23, 1881, at Stonington.
522. Elisha'^ Avery {Nathaniel^, Nathaniel*, John-, James'-,
Christopher^) m. Mercy . He d. before 1818. Ehsha
Avery served in Col. Parson's regiment, sixth company, 1775
{Conn. Men in the Rev'n, 72) . His widow was living in 1819, at
Lyons, in Ontario County, N. Y., aged 79, and testified that her
husband was in the Revolutionary war with his brother, Nathan
Avery, but died before he was able to secure a pension. In the
settlement of the estate of Elisha Avery, Isaac Owens and John
Chambers appear as claimants {Surrogate's office, Canandaigiia,
N. Y., 139:430).
Children of Elisha and Mercy Avery :
1289. i. Nathaniel'.
1290. ii. Elisha'.
524. Nathan'^ Avery {NathayiieP, Nathaniel*, John-, James-,
Christopher^) was b. about 1754; m. April 9, 1776, at Lyme,
Alifif Pearson. He served in the Revolutionary war under Capt.
Daniel F. Sill, Col. Parson's regiment; also in same regi-
ment under Capt. James Chapman; was in the siege of Boston;
336 The Groton Avery Clan
battles around New York ; battle of White Plains ; saw his cap-
tain killed ; applied for a pension, April, 1818, that was granted
(Pensio7i Papers & Conn. Men in the Rev'n, p. 641). He moved
to Bridgewater, Vt., after the war and later to Palmyra,
N. Y., where he d. May 3, 1821. His widow went to Bridgewater,
Vt., where she applied for a pension, July, 1837, aged 81
years (Widows' Pension File, 17223),
Children of Nathan and Aliff (Pearson) Avery:
Pearson Peck', b. April 23, 1779, at Lyme, Conn.
Abijah Pearson".
Hepsibah'; m. Nathan Dimock.
Betsey', b. Jan. 18, 1786.
Polly'; m. Caleb Snow.
Aliff'; m. John Hall.
Benjamin Perkins', b. Jan. 26, 1799, at Rutland, Vt.
526. Margery*^ Avery {NathanieV', Nathaniel^ John^^
James-, Christopher'^) was b. Jan. 11, 1757, at Lyme; m. Oct. 20,
1779, at Lyme, Abner Shipman.
Children of Abner and Margery (Avery) Shipman, b. at
i. William', b. May 19, 1780.
ii. Christopher', b. June 18, 1781.
iii. Hallam', b. Sept. 19, 1782.
iv. Elijah', b. April 22, 1785.
V. Betsey', b. Sept. 20, 1786.
vi. Elisha', b. April 6, 1788.
vii. Abner', b. March 20, 1790.
viii. Nathaniel', b. March 21, 1791
ix. Josiah', b. April 7, 1793.
X. Roswell', b. Oct. 20, 1794.
xi. Sanford', b. Dec. 22, 1796.
xii. Parthena', b. Sept. 6, 1798.
xiii. Charles', b. June 6, 1802.
528. William'"' Avery {William^, NoAhaniel\ John'\ James",
Christopher'^) ; m. May 8, 1770, at Sharon, Lucy Everett,
dau. of Ebenezer and Lucy (Moulton) Everett. She was b. May
1, 1750, at Sharon. William Avery enlisted from Sharon in
Capt. Edward Rogers's company, Col. Gray's regiment, Wads-
The Sixth Generation 337
worth's brigade as sergeant ; was in battle of Long Island and
battle of White Plains {Coyui. Men in the Rev'n, 396). He was
a hatter and later moved to Duanesburg, N. Y., where he died.
Children of William and Lucy (Everett) Avery:
Anna', b. July 21, 1771, at Sharon.
Eliphalet', b. June 25, 1775, at Sharon.
Lucy'; m. Jonathan Hatch, April 3, 1794.
Amy', b. Feb. 6, 1786.
Amos', b. Oct. 15, 1790, near Duanesburg, N. Y.
530. Silvanus'" Avery (William^', Nathaniel', John^, James-,
Christopher'') ; m. June 6, 1782, at Lyme, Mary Luther.
He served in Col. Latimer's reg't, Jonathan Calkins's co., 1777
(Conn. Men in the Rev'n, 505). January 15, 1781, Daniel Avery
of Sharon deeded to his brother, Silvanus Avery, land that he
had of their honored father, William Avery, deceased (Lyme
Deeds, 16:300). July 6, 1790, Silvanus Avery, John Moor, jr.,
and Temperance Moor, his wife, heirs to the estate of William
Avery late of Lyme, quitclaimed certain lands to Mary Dailey,
of Lyme, widow of William Avery and their honored mother
(Lyme Deeds, 16:423-5). He was appointed ensign in 14th co.,
3d reg't, Oct., 1792 (Ms. State Papers, Hartford).
Children of Silvanus and Mary (Luther) Avery, b. at
Benjamin', b. March 15, 1784.
Betsey', b. April 12, 1793.
Olive', b. June 3, 1796.
Silvanus', b. Oct. 2, 1799.
Nancy', b. Aug. 31, 1801.
Lucy', b. March 4, 1805.
The above record of births, taken from the Lyme book, is all
that we have been able to learn concerning these children.
532. Temperance " Avery (William'', Nathaniel^, John^,
James-, Christopher^) ; m. April 2, 1772, at Lyme, John Moor,
s. of John Moor. She signed various deeds with her brothers as
338 The Groton Avery Clan
one of the heirs of William Avery, her father {Lyme Deeds,
16 : 423-5) . Nothing further has been found except the record of
the births of the children.
Children of John and Temperance (Avery) Moor, b. at
i. Mart, b. May 17, 1773.
ii. Elisha', b. May 21, 1775.
iii. Avery', b. Feb. 4, 1777.
iv. Richards b. Oct. 20, 1778.
V. Russell', b. Jan. 9, 1781.
vi. Lucr, b. Oct. 6, 1783.
vii. Eunice', b. Sept. 27, 1786.
viii. Abigail', b. May 29, 1788.
ix. John', b. Oct. 10, 1790.
X. Abel', b. Aug. 12, 1796.
xi. William', b. April 1, 1801.
543. Amos'^ Avery {Andrew^, Nathaniel, John-, James-,
Christopher^) ; married Arthena Rowland; she d. in 1805; he
m. 2d, June, 1811, at Topsham, Vt., Betsey Farnum, widow
of John Tucker. He was in the Revolutionary war and carried
the powder-horn that his father had carried in the old French
wars. He d. Dec. 25, 1825, at Corinth, Vt. His widow
applied for a pension in 1860. The little that we know about the
family is obtained from her pension paper.
Children of Amos and Arthena (Rowland) Avery:
i. Ezra', died single.
1340. ii. Rebecca'; m. William Cunningham; no children.
1341. iii. Josiah', b. April 10, 1800.
Children of Amos and Betsey (Farnum) Avery:
1342. i. Clarissa', b. 1812.
1343. ii. Arthena'; married; went to Maine; no children.
1344. iii. Eliza'; m. Annis and had one child. Parley; m. 2d,
Cotton Foote.
544. Nathaniel" Avery {Andrew^, Nathaniel*, John^-, James-,
Christopher'') was b. May, 1764, at Lyme; m. Jerusha Hare.
He was a pensioner. He lived in Lebanon Goshen at time
of enlistment ; served five months, 1779 ; six months in militia,
1780 ; teamster under Reuben Porter, 1781 ; moved to Bozrah
after the war ; then to Hebron ; then to Corinth. Vt. ; and then
The Sixth Generation 339
to Topsham, where he applied for pension, Dec. 13, 1833, aged
"69 years last May" (Pension Papers, Inv. 18693). His wife
died July 3, 1839.
Children of Nathaniel and Jerusha (Hare) Avery:
i. Polly', b. Jan. 13, 1788; d. March 18, 1796.
ii. Simeon', b. Aug. 9, 1791; d. July 29, 1806.
iii. Abigail', b. Feb. 4, 1795; d. Feb. 15, 1795.
iv. Celinda', b. July 2, 1797; d. May 15, 1800.
1345. V. Nathaniel', b. Oct. 4, 1804.
545. Abigail" Avery iAndreiv% Nathaniel^ John\ James-,
Christopher') ; m. Robert McCrillis.
Child of Robert and Abigail (Avery) McCrillis:
i. Robert', b. Sept. 24, 1806; m. Sally Ford.
546. Andrew*' Avery {Andreiu% Nathaniel^, John\ James-,
Christopher'') ; m. Eunice Rowland.
Children of Andrew and Eunice (Rowland) Avery:
Andrew', b. Feb. 28, 1795, at Corinth, Vt.
Richard Rowland', b. at Corinth.
John'. He m. Ruth Davis; no further record.
Eunice'; died young.
Nancy'. She is said to have m. Enos Feltch, the widower of
her sister, Belinda.
547. Christopher" Avery (Andreiv^, Nathaniel*, John^,
James-, Christopher') was b. Oct. 15, 1773; m. Dec. 15, 1794, at
Meriden, Sally Jones. She was b. Jan. 20, 1776. They lived at
Corinth, Vt., where she d. July 15, 1819. He was a soldier in the
war of 1812 (Vermont Gazetteer, 3: 883). He m. 2d, April
4, 1820, at Corinth, Sophia Lund, dau. of Noah and Betsey
(Hale) Lund. She was b. Aug. 15, 1790 ; d. Nov., 1872.
Children of Christopher and Sally (Jones) Avery, b. at
Corinth :
1356. i. Oliver', b. Sept. 17, 1795; m. Sally G. Lund; no children.
1357. ii. Alvah', b. June 30, 1798.
1358. iii. Laura', b. Aug. 24, 1800.
340 The Groton Avery Clan
1359. iv. Nathaniel', b. Jan. 13, 1803.
3 360. V. Christopher', b. April 29, 1805.
vi. Sally', b. June 24, 1807; d. July 2, 1824; unm.
1361. vii. Elias Jones', b. July 20, 1809.
1362. viii. Smith Putnam', b. Nov. 27, 1811.
1363. ix. Simeon', b. May 15, 1814.
1364. X. Philander', b. Jan. 20, 1817.
1365. xi. Harriet', b. Jan. 10, 1819.
Children of Christopher and Sophia (Lund) Avery, b. at
Corinth :
i. Caroline', b. Jan. 10, 1821; d. April 1, 1827.
1366. ii. Noah Lund', b. Nov. 7, 1822.
1367. iii. Newell T.', b. Sept. 14, 1824.
1368. iv. Leonard', b. May 9, 1826.
V. Osgood', b. Dec, 1827; died young. t
1369. vi. Melvi^ell Malcolm', b. Aug. 1, 1829.
1370. vii. Caroline R.', b. July 30, 1832.
viii. Joel', b. 1834; died young.
548. Moses*^ Avery (Amos-', Nathaniel*, John'% James-y.
Christopher^) ; m. Betsey Munsell, dau. of John and Lydia Mun-
sell, of Lyme. In settling the estate of John Munsell, late of
Lyme, Feb. 25, 1821, among the heirs were wife, Lydia, and
daughter, Betsey, wife of Moses Avery (Neiv London Wills) . He.
was a shoemaker ; moved to New York state.
Children of Moses and Betsey (Munsell) Avery:
John', b. March 4, 1798, at Lyme.
1377. vii. Horace'.
550. Amos® Avery (Amos^, Nathaniel^, John-, James-y
Christopher') was b. Feb. 18, 1781, at Lyme; m. Feb. 16, 1806,
at Lempster, N. H., Rebecca Lewis. She was b. Feb. 7, 1787, at
Lempster. He d. July 6, 1860, at Waupun, Wis. ; she d. Sept.
16, 1865, at same place.
Children of Amos and Rebecca (Lewis) Avery:
i. Dudley', b. May 28, 1807 ; d. Jan., 1809, at Lempster.
1387. ii. Guerdon', b. May 28, 1809, at Lempster; married; no chil-
dren; d. Jan. 24, 1887, at Waupun, Wis.
The Sixth Generation 341
John', b. Oct. 22, 1811, at Lyme.
Julian', b. Feb. 27, 1814, at Goshen, N. H.
Mary", b. Feb. 25, 1816; d. June 29, 1832, at Bennington,
N. Y. ; unm.
Abigail', b. July 23, 1818, at Bloomfield, N. Y.
Phebe', b. Jan. 12, 1720; d. Nov. 8, 1720, at Lester, N. Y.
viii. Oliver', b. March 30, 1822 ; d. Jan., 1826, at Lester.
Rebecca', b. March 17, 1824, at Lester.
Olive', b. Feb. 8, 1827, at Lester.
Amos', b. July 8, 1829, at Bennington; married; no children,
xii. Elvered', b. April 10, 1831, at Bennington.
551. Amy" Avery (Amos^ Nathaniel*, John''. Jaw.es-, Chris-
topher') was b. March 3, 1766, at Bozrahville; m. March 25,
1784, at Bozrahville, Nathan Woodworth, s. of Elijah Wood-
worth. He was b. Aug. 29, 1759, at Goshen. She m. 2d, the
Rev, William Fiske, We have doubts as to whether this Amy
Avery is the daughter of Amos and Phebe Avery ; it is only sug-
gested in Sweet's The Avenjs of Groton. They moved to
Wells, Vt.
Children of Nathan and Amy (Avery) Woodworth:
i. Walter', b. March 15, 1785; m. Mary Sage; d. Sept. 9, 1822.
ii. Elijah', d. 1835.
iii. Nathan', a captain in the war of 1812.
iv. Deborah'; m. Miles Bunnell.
v. Philo'; m. Lucy Gaston Hall.
vi. Eliza'.
560. Samuel" Avery {Richardson'^, William*, John"^, James-,
Christopher*) was b. Feb. 11, 1741, at Stonington ; m. Dec. 11,
1762, at Preston, Mary Barnes, dau. of Matthew and Sarah
Barnes, of Groton. David Avery (No. 511) says that Samuel
Avery m. 2d, Mary Avery (No. 268), dau. of John and Mary
(Dennis) Avery. She was b. June 21, 1753, and was the widow
of Jonas Avery (No. 326). Samuel" Avery d. Nov. 26, 1812, at
Preston. Mary, widow of Samuel Avery, d. Sept. 9, 1814, aged
60 years. In her will, Feb. 7, 1814, she mentioned her grand-
children, Zipporah Herrick, William Avery, and Mary Avery,
who were also the grandchildren of Jonas Avery (No. 327) . She
also mentioned her son, David, her daughter-in-law, Hannah
Avery, and their daughter, Polly. This David' Avery was the son
of Samuel Avery and her step-son (Norivich Wills, 12:250).
342 The Groton Avery Clan
Children of Samuel and Mary (Barnes) Avery, b. at Pres-
ton :
1400. i. Prudence', b. Oct. 23, 1763.
1401. ii. Davids b. Nov. 5, 1764.
The record of David Avery (No. 511) adds the following
names :
1402. iii. Mary'.
1403. iv. Eunice".
561. Richardson'^ Avery {Richardson^, William*, John^,
James-, Christopher'^) was b. Oct. 6, 1742, at Stonington; m.
Jan. 1, 1766, at Hopkinton, R. I., Eunice Maxson, dau. of John
and Sarah (Burdick) Maxson. She was b. Feb. 23, 1747, at
Hopkinton. His name appears on the rate bills of Wilkesbarre,
Penn., 1776, 1777. He, with his father, was at the Wyoming
massacre, and took the long march back to Connecticut. His
name appears on a petition to the Connecticut general court,
asking for aid to build a fort at Wilkesbarre, April 25, 1780
(Western Lands, 1 :118) . He was living at Preston, 1790.
Children of Richardson and Eunice (Maxson) Avery:
Joel', died young.
William', died young.
Richardson', b. Dec. 25, 1778.
Frederick', b. March 18, 1781.
Lydia', died young.
Amos', probably died Aug. 9, 1790, at Preston, aged 2 yrs
562. Anna'' Avery (Richardson^, William"^, John^, James-,
Christopher'^) was b. Dec. 18, 1744, at Stonington; m. March 22,
1764, at Norwich, Obadiah Gore, s. of Obadiah and Hannah
(Park) Gore. He was b. April 7, 1744, at NorM^ch. He moved
to the Wyoming valley, then called Westmoreland, about 1769.
He was conspicuous in the conflict between Connecticut and
Pennsylvania. He represented Westmoreland in the legislature
at Hartford ; raised a company, Aug., 1776 ; was commissioned
lieutenant by congress, Jan. 1, 1777; served until Jan., 1781;
was at the Wyoming massacre. Three of his brothers, Ralph,
The Sixth Generation 343
Silas, and George Gore, and two of his brothers-in-law, John
Murphey, and Timothy Pierce, were slain in the massacre. As
a member of Gen. Sullivan's staff, he accompanied Sullivan's
expedition against the Indians of central New York in 1779, and
kept a journal of events. In 1783, he moved to the Sheshequin
valley on the Susquehanna river. He served as associate judge
for Luzerne County for many years. He d. March 22, 1821 ; she
d. April 24, 1829, both at Sheshequin. A stately monument
erected by descendants marks their resting place.
Children of Obadiah and Anna (Avery) Gore:
i. Avery', b. Jan. 10, 1765; m. his cousin, Lucy Gore.
11. Wealthy', b. Aug. 10, 1767; m. Col. John Spaulding.
lil. Hannah', b. Sept. 8, 1769; m. Elisha Durkee.
iv. Anna', b. Feb. 8, 1772; m. John Shepard; d. Sept. 7, 1805.
V. Sally', b. Sept. 22, 1774; m. David or Isaac Cash.
563. Sarah" Avery {Richardson^, Williamr^, John^, James-,
Christopher'') was b. Aug. 19, 1747, at Stonington ; m. Jabez
Fish, s. of Capt. Thomas and Jemima (Morgan) Fish {David
Avery ms.) . He was b. July 10, 1747, at Groton. An old tomb-
stone excavated at Wilkesbarre reads "In memory of Sarah, wife
of Jabez Fish, who died in December, 1796, in her 49th year."
He d. April 16, 1814, at Wilkesbarre, Penn.
Children of Jabez and Sarah (Avery) Fish:
1. Thomas'.
ii. Jemima'; m. Zebulon Butler, s. of Col. Zebulon Butler,
iii. Anna'; m. Josiah Wright.
iv. Sarah', b. April 10, 1778, at Wilkesbarre; m. Robert Lewis;
d. March 22, 1760, at Wilkesbarre.
565. Catharine'' Avery {Richardson'', WiUiam\ John^,
James . Christopher') was b. Feb. 12, 1754, at Stonington; m.
David Brown, s. of Comfort and Temperance Brown of Groton
(David Avery ms.).
566. Elizabeth'^ Avery {Richardson'', William*, John^, James-,
Christopher') was b. July 31, 1756, at Stonington; m. Asa Gore,
s. of Obadiah and Hannah (Park) Gore {David Avery ms.) . He
was b. Feb. 28, 1750, at Norwich. He was killed in the Wyoming
massacre. She was alive in 1784.
344 The Groton Avery Clan
Child of Asa and Elizabeth (Avery) Gore:
i. Asa Avery', b. July 2, 1778; m. Ruth Yarrington; was
brought up by Amos Avery (No. 322), who left him most
of his estate; d. Dec. 2, 1859.
569. Mary*^ Avery (William^ William\ Joh'nr, James-,
Christ opher^) was b. May 25, 1753, at Stonington ; m. Nov. 14,
1771, at Stonington, Jonathan Bowers. She m. 2d, Feb. 16, 1783,
at Stonington, Moses Fish, s. of Capt. Thomas and Jemima
(Morgan) Fish. He was b. Nov. 9, 1759, at Stonington. He was
a farmer. She d. Sept. 15, 1836; he d. Oct. 6, 1836, both at
Rome, N. Y.
Children of Moses and Mary (Avery) Fish:
i. Jemima', b. Dec. 22, 1783, at Barnardstown, Mass.; m.
Thomas Henton; d. Feb. 14, 1832, at Quincy, 111.
ii. Moses', b. July 11, 1785; m. Deborah Gates; d. at St.
Joseph, Mo.
iii. Jesse', b. Aug. 11, 1786, at Groton; m. Mercy Taft; d. July
9, 1861, at Williamstown, N. Y.
iv. William Avery', b. Oct. 20, 1788; m. Lydia T. Allen.
V. Joseph', b. Oct. 20, 1789; m. Lucinda Smith; d. Sept. 18,
1866, at Spring-field, 111.
vi. Clarissa', b. July 17, 1791; m. Daniel Walsworth; d. at
Otsego, Wis.
vii. Mary', b. May 28, 1796; m. Daniel Morris; d. Feb. 1, 1845,
at Hyde Park, N. Y.
viii. Hannah', b. Oct. 18, 1799, at Fort Stanwix, N. Y.; m.
Richard Peggs; 2d, William Hawley; d. May 23, 1881,
at Flint, Mich.
570. Abigail" Avery {William^, William^, Johtr, James-,
Christopher^) was b. Aug. 17, 1755, at Stonington; m. April 26,
1781, at Guilford, Vt., Joseph Bullock, s. of Joseph Bullock. He
was b. April 8, 1755, at Guilford. He d. July 20, 1828, at Ellis-
burgh, N. Y.; she d. March 17, 1838, at Rome, N. Y.
Children of Joseph and Abigail (Avery) Bullock:
i. Richard', b. Feb. 8, 1782, at Guilford; d. Sept. 19, 1838, at
Akron, Ohio.
ii. Abigail', b. Oct. 14, 1784, at Guilford; d. Dec. 23, 1785.
iii. Joseph', b. Sept. 21, 1786, at Guilford; m. Nancy Ferguson;
d. May 14, 1861, at Ellisburgh.
iv. William Avery', b. Sept. 27, 1792, at Guilford; was gradu-
ated at Williams College; m. Lois Sanford; d. May
24, 1867, at Vernon, Ind.
The Sixth Generation 345
V. Mahala', b. April 3, 1795; m. Noah M. Green; d. at Marion,
vi. Lactania', b. May 26, 1797; m. Cooley Newcomb.
vii. Ann', b. Oct. 26, 1799; m. Seth B. Roberts; d. April, 1874.
573. John'' Avery (John^, William\ John-'-, James-, Christo-
pher^) was b. July 2, 1762, at Stonington ; m. Elizabeth Tracy,
dan. of Jabez and Zipporah (Hibbard) Tracy. She was b. June
8, 1768, at Norwich. She d. June 16, 1799, at Sturbridge, Mass.
He m. 2d, Sept. 29, 1803, at Simsbury, Roxalena Humphrey, dau.
of Capt. William Humphrey. She was b. Oct. 4, 1777, at Sims-
bury. It is said that he was a soldier in the Revolutionary war.
He was a goldsmith ; moved to Bridgewater, N. Y., about 1796.
He d., 1834, at Winfield, N. Y. ; she d. Aug. 23, 1855, at Cassville,
N. Y.
Children of John and Elizabeth (Tracy) Avery:
Zipporah', b. Nov. 2, 1787, at Plainfield.
John Franklin', b. Feb. 26, 1790, at Plainfield.
Anna', b. May 7, 1792, at Plainfield.
Gilbert M.', b. March 10, 1794, at Plainfield.
Jabez Tracy', b. Aug. 11, 1797, at Bridgewater, N. Y.
Children of John and Roxalena (Humphrey) Avery, b. at
■, N. Y. :
Robert Bruce', b. Sept. 15, 1804; d. Dec. 23, 1810.
Silas Dort', b. Dec. 4, 1805.
Charles', b. May 8, 1807.
Otis', b. Aug. 19, 1808.
Elizabeth Tracy', b. Jan. 5, 1810.
James Bruce', b. March 30, 1812.
Thomas Henry', b. Oct. 23, 1814.
Eliza Ann Frances', b. Nov. 4, 1815. ^
Zelotus William', b. April 2, 1819.
Lucius', b. Dec. 25, 1821.
574. Robert'^ Avery {John:', William*, John^, James-, Chris-
tovher^) was b. March 5, 1765, at Stonington; m., at Colerain,
Mass., Lydia White, dau. of Silas and Margaret (Cauthern)
White. She was b. Jan. 27, 1763. He d. Oct. 18, 1810; she d.
March 24, 1849.
Children of Robert and Lydia (White) Avery:
1433. i. Daniel Clark', b. Oct. 26, 1791.
1434. ii. John W.', b. April 15, 1793.
346 The Groton Avery Clan
1435. iii. Orin Smith', b. Sept. 11, 1794.
1436. iv. Robert B.', b. Feb. 20, 1796, at Shelburne, Mass.
V. Lydia', b. Nov. 13, 1797; d. Sept. 3, 1862; unm.
1437. vi. Margaret', b. March 23, 1799.
1438. vii. Amelia', b. July 16, 1802, at Morrisville, N. Y.
viii. Nancy', b. July 15, 1804; d. April 17, 1805.
1439. ix. Arvilla', b. Nov. 24, 1808.
575. Danier' Avery (John% William\ John^, James-, Chris-
topher^) was b. April 23, 1767, at Stonington; m. June
17, 1795, at Bridgewater, N. Y., Rosanna Rhodes, dau. of John
and Rosanna (Budlong) Rhodes. She was b. March 17, 1776, at
Warwick, R. I. He was a physician. He d. Nov. 2, 1848 ; she d.
July 31, 1863, both at Sweden, N. Y.
Children of Daniel and Rosanna (Rhodes) Avery, b. at
Bridgewater, N. Y. (except the oldest and youngest) :
1440. i. Daniel J.', b. Dec. 23, 1796, at Sangerfield, N. Y.
1441. ii. Gaylord', b. Feb. 3, 1799; d. March 11, 1868, at Pompeii,.
Mich.; probably unm.
1442. iii. Rosanna', b. Dec. 3, 1800.
1443. iv. Roxalena', b. March 24, 1803; d. Dec, 1875, at West Gaines,
N. Y.; probably unm.
V. Eliza', b. March 30, 1805; d. March 15, 1813.
1444. vi. Lora', b. March 13, 1807; d. June 23, 1870, at Albion;
probably unm.
1445. vii. Lucy Maria', b. Feb. 25, 1809; d. June 23, 1870, at West
Gaines; probably unm.
1446. viii. Samuel Miner', b. Aug. 3, 1812; d. Nov. 8, 1845, probably
1447. ix. John Rhodes', b. Aug. 8, 1817, at Sweden, N. Y.
576. Betsey*' Avery {Johti:', William*, John^, James-, Chris-
topher^) was b. Oct. 31, 1769, at Stonington ; m. Blodget,.
They lived at Bath, N. Y. They are said to have had a son,
577. Borodel" Avery {Amos^% WiUiam\ John\ James-,
Christopher'') was bap. Aug. 1, 1762, First Church of Stoning-
ton; m. Oct. 3, 1784, at Stonington, Thomas Franklin. He d..
before 1806.
Child of Thomas and Borodel (Avery) Franklin:
i. Amos Avery', bap. Jan. 22, 1806, First Church of Stonington,.
The Sixth Generation 347
582. James*' Avery {Natha^iieV', William*, John^, James-,
Christopher^) was b. July 6, 1784, at Leyden, Mass.; m. June
22, 1808, at Leyden, Mercy Baker, dau. of Junia Baker. She
was b. March 5, 1787. They moved to Spafford, N. Y,, about
1810. He d. Feb. 26, 1863; she d. Sept. 15, 1869.
Children of James and Mercy (Baker) Avery, b. at Spaf-
ford, N. Y. (except the oldest) :
1460. i. James Christopher', b. April 1, 1809, at Leyden, Mass.
Daniel Dake', b. Sept. 17, 1811.
Allen Arvin', b. Oct. 12, 1812.
Lauren', b. June 12, 1816.
Warren', b. June 12, 1816.
William Nathaniel', b. Aug. 26, 1726; d. April 11, 1837, at
583. Desire "^ Avery (Nathaniel^, William*, Johyr, James'-,
Christopher') was b. March 5, 1788, at Leyden, Mass.; m.
Ephraim Gates, of Leyden, Mass. He was a farmer. She d. Jan.,
1831, at Leyden.
Children of Ephraim and Desire (Avery) Gates, b. at Ley-
den, Mass. :
i. ANNA^
ii. Avery'.
iii. Peter'.
iv. John'.
V. Joseph', died unmarried.
584. Daniel*^ Avery (Nathaniel^ William*, Johtv"-, James-,
Christopher') was b. Nov. 16, 1790, at Leyden, Mass.; m. July
18, 1830, at Springfield, Mass., Abigail Simonton. She was b.
Nov. 6, 1802, at Thomaston, Me. He was a Methodist minister.
He d. Oct. 7, 1852, at Wilmington, Vt. ; she d. June 6, 1867, at
Northampton, N. Y.
Children of Daniel and Abigail (Simonton) Avery:
1465. i. William Nathaniel', b. July 24, 1831, at Columbia, N. Y.
ii. Abigail Maria', b. May 10, 1834, at Columbia; d. Sept., 1862,
at Freeport, 111.; unm.
iii. Leroy Scott', b. April 12, 1837, at Wilmington, Vt.; d.
March 12, 1839.
1466. iv. Francis Moffit', b. June 26, 1839, at Wilmington.
V. Harriet Newell', b. Dec. 28, 1841, at Wilmington; d. Nov.
18, 1864, at Freeport, 111.; unm.
348 The Groton Avery Clr.n
585. Sarah'' Avery {NathanieV', William\ Johri\ Ja7nes-,
Christopher^) was b. Maj^ 6, 1794, at Leyden, Mass.; m. June 14,
1812, at Leyden, Josiah Harrington, s. of William and Sarah
(Sherman) Harrington. He d. Nov. 10, 1869, at Smyrna, N. Y.
Children of Josiah and Sarah (Avery) Harrington:
i. Sidney'.
ii. Sarah", m. Ozias Miner,
iii. Desire'.
iv. Mariah'.
586. Elias Packer'' Avery {Abraham'^, William\ John'',
James-, Christopher^) was b. Aug. 16, 1781, at Guilford, Vt. ; m.
March 13, 1806, in Chenango County, N. Y., Sally Covill, dau. of
David and Sarah Covill. She w^as b. Oct. 20, 1783. He was a
farmer; lived at Avery, Jo Daviess County, 111. He d. Dec. 16,
1846 ; she d. May 7, 1863, both at Avery.
Children of Elias Packer and Sally (Covill) Avery:
William', b. Aug. 15, 1807, in Chenango County, N. Y.
David', b. July 30, 1809, in Chenango County.
Horace', b. June 7, 1811, in Chenango County; d. May 11,
1821, at Peoria, 111.
Azel', b. May 17, 1813, in Chenango County.
Sally Maria', b. March 24, 1815; d. March 20, 1819, at
Peoria, 111.
Julia Ann', b. Aug. 24, 1818, at St. Louis, Mo.
Marion', b. Dec. 14, 1821; d. Oct. 2, 1822.
1473. viii. Elias Covill', b. Sept. 20, 1823, in Tazev^rell County, 111.
ix. Alfred', b. April 22, 1826; d. Nov. 15, 1827.
587. Hubbard Burrows'' Avery {Abraham'', William', John'',
James-, Christopher') was b. Dec. 29, 1784, at Colerain, Mass.;
m. July 21, 1816, at Preston, N. Y., Mary Stanton Mason, dau.
of James and Abigail (Beaumont) Mason. She was b. May 7,
1788, at Lebanon. He was a farmer at Preston, N. Y. He
d. March 8, 1848, at Preston; she d. Jan. 29, 1868, at Nor-
wich, N. Y.
Children of Hubbard Burrow^s and Mary Stanton (Mason)
Avery, b. at Preston, N. Y. :
1474. i. Cordelia', b. Oct. 7, 1817.
1475. ii. Maria Lucilla', b. Aug. 15, 1820.
1476. iii. Lafayette', b. May 9, 1822.
iv. Maria Theresa', b. Dec. 29, 1825; d. Oct. 1, 1846, at Pres-
ton ; unm.
1477. V. Helen Mar', b. June 16, 1828.
The Sixth Generation
588. Amos Walker^' Avery {Abraham'', William*, John^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. May 24, 1787, at Colerain, Mass.;
m. July 5, 1808, at Preston, N. Y., Nancy McCutcheon, dau. of
Hugh and Jane (Wallace) McCutcheon, of Stowe, Vt. She was
b. May 6, 1787, at Stowe. He was a farmer. He served in
the war of 1812 and, with his father-in-law, was at the burning
of Buffalo. At the end of his second term of service, he pur-
chased a farm at Avon, now Rush, N. Y. Before his log cabin
was finished, he was again called "out on the lines," and his wife
and little ones were left alone to pass a dangerous winter. The
Indians prowled around the cabin, but Mrs. Avery was skilled
in the use of a gun and
stood ready to defend
her children. In 1833,
he, with most of his
family, moved to Mich-
igan. They went by
canal from Rochester
to Buffalo, thence by
steamer, "Uncle Sam,"
to Detroit. Here they
took the steamer,
"Brady," for Monroe,
and, on August 16,
went to their farm on
"Stony Ridge" in the
townships of Erie and
LaSalle, Monroe Coun-
ty, a farm that he had
noted when a soldier
with General Hull. It
was then a dense wil-
derness. Here, he and
his wife lived quiet,
useful lives, respected
by the entire community. His word was as good as his bond and
neither was ever discounted. He d. June 1, 1863, at LaSalle. The
local newspaper account of his death said that he had "always
been highly esteemed for his honesty of character and kindness-
The Groton Avery Clan
of heart — for his upright and benevolent deahngs with his fel-
low men." His wife d. Dec. 11, 1869, at LaSalle.
Children of Amos Walker and Nancy (McCutcheon) Avery:
Casper Hugh', b. July 25, 1809, at Preston, N. Y.
Elizabeth Jane', b. May 5, 1811, at Preston.
Hubbard Burrows', b. Jan. 21, 1815, at Rush, N. Y.
Eveline Nancy', b. Feb. 14, 1817, at Rush.
Mercy Miranda', b. June 13, 1819, at Rush.
Amos John', b. Nov. 22, 1822, at Rush.
Minerva Pratt', b. Feb. 8, 1826, at Rush.
590. Esther*' Avery {Ahraham^, William^ John^, James'-,
Christopher^) ; m. Mason Johnson.
596. Elisha'' Avery {Elisha;', Elisha*, John^, James-, Chiis-
topher'') was b. Jan. 7, 1743, at Stonington; bap. Aug. 7, 1743,
First Church of Stonington; m. Sarah Gallup, dau. of Capt.
Joseph and Mary (Gardner) Gallup {David Avery ms.) . She
was b. Nov. 10, 1752, at Groton. He d. Oct., 1776, at White
Plains, N. Y.
Children of Elisha and Sarah (Gallup) Avery {David Avery
ms.) :
1494. i. Mary'.
1495. ii. Joseph'.
1496. iii. Elisha'.
The Sixth Generation 351
597. Joseph'' Avery (Elisha^, Elisha\ John% James'-, Chris-
topher') was b. April 13, 1747, at Stonington; m. May 31, 1772,
at Amenia, N. Y., Deborah King, dau. of Samuel and Rebecca
(Mead) King, of Nine Partners, N. Y. She was b. Dec. 9, 1750,
at Nine Partners. He was a minister ; preached at Sag Harbor,
N. Y., and later at Tyringham, Mass. ; travelled through New
York under the auspices of the Berkshire Missionary Society;
founded many churches, one of w^hich, at Bloomfield, N. Y., re-
cently celebrated its hudredth anniversary ; many of his diaries
are extant. An account of his missionary labors in New York
State has been published by the Historical Society at Buffalo,
N. Y. He d. March 3, 1814, at Tyringham; she d. June 20, 1830,
at Bergen, N. Y.
Children of Joseph and Deborah (King) Avery:
Samuel', b. March 30, 1773, at Sag Harbor, N. Y.
Elisha', b. July 25, 1775, at New London; d. Dec. 17, 1795,
at Tyringham.
Rebecca', b. April 14, 1779, at New London.
Betsey', b. May 10, 1782, at Alford, Mass.
Sally', b. Sept. 13, 1784, at Alford.
Ansey', b. Oct. 16, 1788, at Alford; d. March 29, 1850, at
Barre, N. Y. ; unm.
Joseph Babcock', b. Sept. 14, 1791, at Tyringham.
Polly', b. July 20, 1794, at Tyringham.
598. Rebecca^ Avery {Elisha'', Elisha*, John^, James-,
Christopher') was b. Sept. 20, 1752, at Stonington; m. Feb. 26,
1781, Samuel Douglass, s. of Robert and Sarah (Edgecombe)
Douglass. He was b. Feb. 26, 1745, at New London. He was a
captain in the Indian trade; was captured by the British in
1814. He d. April 20, 1821, at Waterford ; she d. at Newfield,
N. Y.
Children of Samuel and Rebecca (Avery) Douglass, b. at
Waterford :
1. Elisha Avery', b. Feb. 7, 1782; m. Margaret Dart; d. Aug.
30, 1864, at Waterford.
ii. Robert', b. Dec. 19, 1785; m. Elizabeth Daniels; d. April
28, 1824.
ill. Rebecca', b. March 25, 1795; m. Daniel C. Brown; d. Aug.
30, 1876, at Waterford.
iv. Abby', b. about 1798; m. Mr. Bebee.
352 The Groton Avery Clan
599. Samuel'^ Avery {Elisha% Eliska\ John\ James-, Chris-
topher^) was b. March 20, 1755, at Stonington; m. April 26,
1780, at Stonington, Lydia Calkins. She was b. March 15, 1759.
He d. Jan. 19, 1819. The payment of a pension to Lydia, widow
of Samuel Avery, of Lowville, N. Y., was suspended for lack of
proof of Revolutionary service, Sept. 16, 1850. She d. Nov. 7,
Children of Samuel and Lydia (Calkins) Avery:
1503. 1. LydiaS b. Feb. 12, 1781; m. Dec. 23, 1798, Reuben Gillette,
ii. Betsey', b. July 26, 1782; d. Nov. 4, 1782.
1504. iii. John Snell', b. Dec. 12, 1784; m. Dec, 1820, Elizabeth
1505. Iv. Mary', b. Oct. 22, 1786; m. Oct. 23, 1812, D. Borden; d. Aug.
23, 1824.
1506. V. Joseph', b. Oct. 19, 1788.
vi. REBECCA^ b. Nov. 10, 1792; d. Feb. 21, 1796.
1507. vii. Elisha', b. May 10, 1795.
viii. Samuel", b. Aug. 12, 1799; d. June 16, 1820; unm.
1508. ix. George', b. Aug., 1803.
600. Thaddeus'' Avery {Joseph^ Daniel', John\ James-,
Christopher') was b. Oct. 30, 1749, in Westchester County, N. Y. ;
m. July 19, 1779, in Westchester County, Elizabeth Underbill,
dau. of Isaac and Abigail (Lespenard) Underbill. She was b.
Aug. 8, 1762. He was a farmer. His descendants say that he
was a captain of cavalry in the Revolutionary war. He was the
paymaster for Westchester County. His home, still standing,
has its fire-place marked with a tablet that states that "Capt.
Thaddeus Avery was branded with hot irons in this room, and
his wife threatened with death by the Hessians, when they re-
fused to divulge the hiding place of money for the Continental
army." In his will, dated Dec. 13, 1827, and recorded Dec. 9,
1836, he mentioned wife, Elizabeth ; children, Esther Lawrence,
Alpheus, Mary Davis, Charles, Israel, Phebe, William Augustus,
Abigail Lespenard Van Zandt, Caroline Scidmore, Harriet,
Lucilla Elmira Brown, EHza Ann, and Emeline Twitching {Sur-
rogate's Office, Westchester County, Liber F, p. 517). He d.
Nov. 16, 1836, at Mount Pleasant, Westchester County; she d.
May 22, 1841, at Mount Pleasant.
The Sixth Generation 353
Children of Thaddeus and Elizabeth (Underhill) Avery, b.
at Mount Pleasant (the baptisms of seven of them are recorded
in the books of the Dutch Church, at Sleepy Hollow, N. Y.) :
1509. i. Esther'; m. Laurence.
1510. ii. Alpheus'.
1511. iii. Mary'; m. Davis.
1512. iv. Charles', b. Dec. 10, 1784.
1513. V. Israel'.
vi. Phebe Hammond', b. Oct. 23, 1789; d. Aug. 24, 1851; unm.
1514. vii. William Augustus', b. Oct. 17, 1792.
1515. viii. Abigail Lespenard', b. Dec. 15, 1793; m. William Van Zandt.
1516. ix. Caroline', b. Jan. 22, 1796.
1517. X. Harriet'; probably m., April 28, 1829, Daniel Sutton.
1518. xi. Lucilla Elmira', b. Nov. 15, 1800.
1519. xii. Eliza Ann', b. March 18, 1803.
1520. xiii. Emeline', b. July 28, 1806; m. Twiching.
610. George Dolbeare" Avery {'William^, Christopher*,
Samuel"\ James-, Christopher') was b. Aug. 19, 1763, at Groton;
m. April 1, 1790, at Groton, Mary Richards, widow of Lodowic
Champlin and dau. of Guy and Elizabeth (Harris) Richards.
She was b. Dec. 3, 1752. She d. Jan. 28, 1799. He m. 2d, June
26, 1800, at Newport, R. I., Mary Hurlbut, dau. of Joseph and
Elizabeth (Christophers) Hurlbut. She was b. March 2, 1772;
d. Nov. 18, 1803. He engaged in mercantile pursuits in New
London, and later in Ohio and Virginia. He was appointed
ensign of 2d co., 3d reg't. May, 1794 ; captain of same company,
May, 1795 (Ms. State Papers, Hartford). He was an inventor
of great skill. He d. April 16, 1860, at Oxford, N. Y., at the home
of his niece. Miss Elizabeth Butler.
Children of George Dolbeare and Mary (Richards) Avery:
i. George', b. Jan. 23, 1791; midshipman in the navy; d. Nov.
22, 1815, at New York City; unm.
ii. William', b. Nov. 29, 1793; d. Nov. 30, 1794.
iii. William', b. Jan. 24, 1796; d. June 8, 1796.
611. Mary*^' Avery {William-', Christopher*, SamueP,
James-, Christopher^) was b. Nov. 23, 1764, at Groton; m. Sept.
11, 1792, at New London, Simeon Smith, s. of Simeon and Eunice
(Walworth) Smith. He was b. Oct. 14, 1762. He was a major
of militia; representative to the general court and high sheriff
354 The Groton Avery Clan
of New London County. She d. March 17, 1799 ; he d. Oct. 13,
1848, both at New London.
Children of Simeon and Mary (Avery) Smith, b. at New
London :
i. Mary Avery', b. Oct. 16, 1794; m. Dr. Rowland Sears; d.
Aug. 26, 1878, at Whitesboro, N. Y.
ii. Edwin", b. June 25, 1796; d. Feb. 12. 1798.
iii. Eliza^ b. Nov. 1, 1798; d. Feb. 2, 1799.
612. Hannah "^ Avery (Willianv', Christopher*, Samuel^,
James-, Christopher'^) was b. July 20, 1772, at Groton; m. Dec.
11, 1791, at Groton, Dr. Benjamin Butler, s, of Benjamin and
Diadama (Hj^de) Butler, of Norwich. He was b. Jan„ 30, 1764,
at Norwich. He was a shipping merchant and broker in New
London, New York City, and Oxford, N. Y. She d. Aug. 5, 1829 ;
he d. Jan. 1, 1839 ; both at Oxford.
Children of Benjamin and Hannah (Avery) Butler:
i. Julia Hyde', b. June 13, 1794, at New London; m. Sept. 24,
1815, at Oxford, N. Y., Col. James Clapp, s. of Thomas
and Hulda (Bull) Clapp. He was b. Dec. 20, 1785, at
Hartford, Conn. She d. Nov. 17, 1832, at Oxford; he d.
Jan. 8, 1854, at Oxford.
ii. Mary Dolbeare', b. Jan. 8, 1797, at New London; m. Nov.
28, 1817, at New York, Nicholas Devereux, s. of Thomas
and Catharine (Corish) Devereux, of Enniscorthy, Ire-
land. He was b. June 7, 1791, at Enniscorthy. He was
a merchant at Utica, N. Y. He d. Dec. 29, 1855, at
Utica. She d. Dec. 12, 1881, at Utica. Their oldest child,
Hannah Avery'', m. May 23, 1843, at Utica, Francis Ker-
nan, s. of William and Rosanna (Stubbs) Kernan. He
was b. Jan. 14, 1816, at Wayne, N. Y. He was a lawyer;
member of the assembly, 1860; member of congress,
1862; member of constitutional convention, 1867; U. S.
senator, 1875 to 1881. He d. Sept. 7, 1892, at Utica.
iii. Benjamin', b. March 4, 1800, at New London; d. y.
iv. Elizabeth", b. July 24, 1804, at New London; d. y.
V. Cornelia Ann', b. March 1, 1806, at New York City; m.
June 2, 1830, at Utica, William Constable Pierrepont, s.
of Hezekiah Beers and Ann Maria (Constable) Pierre-
pont. He was b. Oct. 3, 1803, at Greenwich, N. Y. They
lived at Pierrepont Manor, Jefferson County, N. Y. She
d. Dec. 10, 1871; he d. Dec. 20, 1885, both at Pierrepont
Manor. Their dau., Emily Julia!", m. Dr. S. C. Wolcott
The Sixth Generation 355
and lives at 308 Genesee St., Utica, N. Y. Another dau.,
Arina Maria'', m. William Mansfield White; d. Sept. 22,
1884, at Pierrepont Manor. Their son, William Pierre-
ponf White, m. Mary Antoinette Wheeler. Addi-ess: 75
Genesee St., Utica, N. Y.
vi. Elizabeth Hannah', b. Feb. 19, 1813, at New York City;
d. March, 1883, at Oxford, N. Y.; unm.
613. SamueF Avery {William-', Christopher*, Samuel^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. May 12, 1774, at Groton; m. June
26, 1796, at New London, Jerusha Arnold, dau. of Dr. John
Arnold. They had two children, Samuel and Jerusha. Samuel"
Avery moved to Kennebec, Maine. He and his family died there
before 1807.
614. Sarah" Avery {William'', Christopher^, Samuel', James-,
Christopher^) was b. Jan. 16, 1776, at Groton; m. after Nov. 29,
1806, Ezekiel Bailey (See Will of Peter Avery, No. 263), prob-
ably s. of Ezekiel Bailey bap. May 8, 1763, at First Church of
Groton. She d. March 29, 1808, at Groton.
615. Thomas" Avery {Humphrey'', Humphrey*, Samuel^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. July 15, 1746, at Brookhaven,
Long Island; m. Sarah . No children. His widow m.
Nathaniel Moger before 1802.
617. Humphrey^ Avery {Humphreif, Humphrey*, Samuel^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. July 12, 1750, at Brookhaven, Long
Island, N. Y. ; m., about 1787, at Swan River, Long Island, Joanna
;Smith, dau. of Ananias and Desire (Smith) Smith. She was b.
Oct. 17, 1762, at Swan River. He lived at Blue Point, Long
Island, on a farm that he received from his father. He d. Oct.
30, 1831 ; she d. Feb. 1, 1844, both at Blue Point.
Children of Humphrey and Joanna (Smith) Avery, b. at
Blue Point, Long Island:
Lucinda', b. May 11, 1788.
Joseph', b .May 8, 1790.
Humphrey', died in infancy.
William', b. March 1, 1796.
Susan', b. March, 1797.
Elizabeth', b. Jan. 27, 1799.
Joanna', b. May 18, 1802.
viii. Salem', b. 1805.
356 The Groton Avery Clan
618. Roger" Avery (Humphrey^, Humphrey^ Samuel\
James^f Christopher^) was b. April 2, 1755, at Brookhaven, Long
Island; m. Elizabeth . It is thought that her name may
have been Whay, and that she was of Colchester, Conn. In
Roger Avery's will, made Nov. 8, 1824, her name does not appear
and she was probably dead. He mentioned sons, Roger, John,
and Samuel; daus., Esther, Sebilla, and Basheba, all unmarried
and living at home.
Children of Roger and Elizabeth Avery, b. at Brookhaven:
Elizabeth', b. April 27, 1787.
Susanna', b. Nov. 23, 1789; d. Aug. 11, 1813, at Tunkhan-
nock, Penn.; unm.
John', b. Nov. 15, 1791.
Basheba', b. Sept. 13, 1794; d. Aug. 11, 1864, at Brook-
haven; unm.
Samuel', b. Aug. 18, 1796; d. July 23, 1844, at Brookhaven;
viii. Anstrus', b. May 16, 1798.
Esther' ; m. Uriah Smith, the widower of her sister, Anstrus.
No children.
X. Sebilla', d. July 29, 1870, at Sayville^ L. I.; unm.
619. Susanna*^ Avery (Humphrey'', Humphrey*, Samuel^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. July 22, 1758, at Brookhaven, Long
Island ; m. Daniel Brown, jr., and moved to Hopetown, N. Y.
620. Cynthia*' Avery {William^, Humphrey*, SamueP^
James, Christopher^) was b. Dec. 12, 1750, at Preston; m.
Josiah Arms, s. of Major John and Susanna (Willard) Arms.
He was b. March 17, 1750, at Deerfield, Mass. He moved to
Vermont and was a "Hampshire Man" during the trouble with
New York. He d. at Brattleboro, Vt., May 23, 1803. She m. 2d,
Jabez Foster. The record is largely from family tradition.
Children of Josiah and Cynthia (Avery) Arms :
i. Susanna', died young,
ii. John', b. Aug. 11, 1776; m. Clarissa Stebbins; d. July 23,
iii. Josiah', died young.
iv. Hannah', m. Zenas Metcalf ; 2d, Daniel Arms. By her sec-
ond husband, she had Sophia, b. July 11, 1823, who
married John Stewart Avery (No. 1558).
The Sixth Generation 357
V. Willard', b. Dec. 2, 1780; m. Susanna Arms; d. Sept. 25,
1863, at Brattleboro, Vt.
vi. Cynthia', m. Daniel Goodnow.
vii. Daniel', b. Aug. 31, 1786; m. Eunice Gregory; d. Sept. 8,
viii. Sibyl', b. March 7, 1788; m. William Goodnow; 2d, Solomon
ix. William', b. Oct. 15, 1790; m. Polly Frost, at Dummerston,
Vt.; d. 1876.
X. Elisha', d. about 1813.
xi. Angeline', m. Rufus Hosley.
xii. Lucinda', m. Daniel Houghton.
621. Jerusha- Avery (William^, Humphrey*, Samuel^,
James-, Christopher^) ; m. May 21, 1772, at Preston, John Plum-
mer, jr., probably the son of John and Deborah (Killam) Plum-
mer, of Preston. They moved to Brattleboro, Vt. He d. Dec. 14,
1826, aged 76 years; she d. May 17, 1842, both at Brattleboro.
Children of John and Jerusha (Avery) Plummer:
i. Avery', b. April 14, 1773, at Preston.
ii. John', m, Eleanor ; 2d, Mary ; d. Sept. 21,
iii. William', m. Eunice Stearns,
iv. Isaac, m. Susanna Harris; d. Feb. 15, 1839, at Brattleboro.
V. Jerusha', m. Salisbury.
vi. Relief', m. William Rued.
vii. David', m. Mary Howard; 2d, Hannah Carter; d. Sept. 27,
viii. Elizabeth', b. March 3, 1791, at Brattleboro; m. Elijah
Prouty; d. Jan. 24, 1851, at Brattleboro.
623. Elisha*' Avery {William^, Humphrey*, Samuel^, James^,
Christopher^) was b. July 1, 1761, at Preston; m. about 1790,
Mrs. Sibyl (Avery) Stiles, dau. of Samuel and Sibyl (Noyes)
Avery (No. 634, q. v.), and widow of Ezra Stiles. He was a
farmer near Brattleboro, Vt., and later a merchant at Boston,
Mass. His son, John Humphrey Avery, is authority for this
record. Sibyl Avery d. June 8, 1830 ; he d. June, 1835, both at
Children of Elisha and Sibyl (Avery) Avery:
1550. i. Samuel', b. about 1791, near Brattleboro, Vt.
ii. Sibyl', b. about 1793, near Brattleboro; d. y.
iii. Elisha', b. about 1795, near Brattleboro; d. y.
358 The Groton Avery Clan
1551. iv. Cynthia', b. about 1796, near Brattleboro.
1552. V. Mary', b. Aug. 6, 1798, near Brattleboro.
vi. Frances', b. about 1802.
1553. vii. Sophia', b. April 17, 1804, at Boston, Mass.
1554. viii. John Humphrey', b. July 22, 1809, at Boston.
1555. ix. Amanda', b. 1811, at Boston.
624. William^ Avery {William'^ Humphrey*, Samuel^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. Oct. 8, 1770, at Brattleboro, Vt. ;
m. Nov. 18, 1798, at Brattleboro, Martha Stewart. She was b.
August 15, 1774, at Brattleboro. About 1800, they moved to
Stukeley, Canada. He was a farmer. He d. March 19, 1835;
she d. June 12, 1850 ; both at Abbotsford, Province of Quebec.
Children of Willliam and Martha (Stewart) Avery:
1556. i. Charles', b. June 26, 1802, at Stukeley, Province of Quebec.
1557. ii. Lucinda', b. March 26, 1804, at Stukeley.
1558. iii. John Stewart', b. Oct. 14, 1806, at Stukeley.
1559. iv. Mary Ann', b, March 6, 1816, at Abbotsford.
625. Zipporah*^ Avery {Solomon"^, Humphrey*, Samuel^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. Feb. 8, 1752, at Preston; m. Daniel
Chapman, of Groton. They moved to Great Barrington, Mass.
626. Esther'' Avery (Solomon^, Humphrey*, Samuel^, James-,
Christopher'^) was b. Nov. 29, 1754, at New Haven; m. Ezra
Chapman, of Groton. They moved to Great Barrington, Mass.
627. Solomon*^ Avery {Solomo7i^, Humphrey*, Samuel^,
James-, Christopher'^) was b. Aug. 13, 1757, at Norwich; m.
Jan. 13, 1784, at New York City, Sally Buckbee, dau. of John and
Mary (Hyatt) Buckbee. She was b. April 1, 1766, at West-
chester, N. Y. ; d. May 12, 1828, at Putnam Valley, N. Y. He m.
2d, Mrs. Elizabeth Purdy. He served as private in Capt. Spicer's
CO., Col. Parson's reg't ; also in Capt. Gallup's militia ; later in
Capt. Thomas Wheeler's reg't, Col. Chapman's reg't {Co7in. Men
in the Rev'n 78) . He was a farmer of wealth and influence. He
lived at Putnam Valley, N. Y., where he died May 13, 1833. No
628. Miles*' Avery {Solomon^, Humphrey*, Samuel^, James',
Christopher') was b. Sept. 5, 1760, at Norwich; m. Nov., 1783,
at Great Barrington, Mass., Malinda Pixley, dau. of William and
The Sixth Generation 359
Rachel Pixley. She was bap. Aug. 4, 1774, with three older chil-
dren, at First Congregational Church of Great Barrington. He
served in Capt. Hyde's co., Col. John Durkie's reg't, as corporal,
1779 ; sergeant, 1780, 1781 ; was at Germantown, Valley Forge,
Monmouth, Stony Point, and on the Hudson; was pensioned as
sergeant in 1818 (Conn. Men in the Rev'n, pp. 185, 319, 640).
He was justice of the peace from 1810 to 1844, inclusive (Mass.
State Registers) . In deeds recorded at Pittsfield, Mass., he is
called "Gentleman." She d. Oct. 1, 1827; he d. June 27, 1850,
both at Great Barrington.
Children of Miles and Malinda (Pixley) Avery, b. at Great
Barrington, Mass.:
1560. i. Horace', b. Sept. 4, 1784.
Lucy', b. Feb. 11, 1786.
Isaac', b. Aug. 3, 1787.
Harry', b. July 30, 1789.
Amanda', b. April 27, 1799; m. Isaac Avery (No. 157G).
Polly', b. June 13, 1802.
629. Stephen*' Avery {Solomon^, Humphreif, Samuel"^,
James-, Christopher^) was b. Aug. 13, 1762, at Groton; m. at
Great Barrington, Mass., Sarah Bement. She d. Feb., 1816. He
was a pensioner of the Revolution, living at Herkimer, N. Y., in
1833, and at Manheim, N. Y., in 1840. He m. 2d, Mrs. Renewey
(Carpenter) Maxson, who d. about 1819; he m. 3d, Jan. 1, 1820,
Mrs. Anna (DeLapp) Reynolds; she d. in Herkimer County, in
1840 ; he d. Oct., 1842, at Manheim.
Children of Stephen and Sarah (Bement) Avery:
Jerusha'; m. Ira Shepard.
Humphrey', b. April 14, 1785, at Stockbridge, Mass.
Solomon', b. Dec. 15, 1788, at Stockbridge.
Lathen', b. Sept. 9, 1790.
Sally', b. March 12, 1792.
Hannah', b. Nov., 1793; m. Abel Hopson.
1572. vii. Stephen', b. Aug., 1795.
viii. Clarissa', b. March 12, 1798; d. Jan. 17, 1815; unm.
1573. ix. Electra', b. Jan. 17, 1800; m. Parker Dodge; 2d, Ira Barnes.
No children.
1574. X. Amelia', b. June 10, 1803, at Fairfield, N. Y.
1575. xi. Henry Beright', b. Dec. 6, 1807, at Fairfield.
1576. xii. Isaac', b. April 11, 1810, at Fairfield.
1577. xiii. John', b. Sept. 28, 1812, at Fairfield.
360 The Groton Avery Clan
630. Ebenezer Punderson' Avery {Solomon^, Humphrey*,
Samuel^, James-, Christopher^) was b. May 21, 1765, at Groton;
m. Jan. 12, 1787, at Great Barrington, Mass., Lovina Barnes,
dau. of Phineas and Phebe (Bement) Barnes. She was b. March
10, 1767, at Great Barrington. He assisted in caring for the
wounded after the massacre at Fort Griswold. He Hved at Great
Barrington; later removed to the "Royal Grants," Herkimer
County, N. Y. ; in 1796, he settled on a farm in Pompey, N. Y.
He was a skillful mechanic and was constantly engaged in build-
ing grist-, saw-, fulling-, and cider-mills, carding machines, tan-
neries, and threshing machines, and was the inventor of a
successful plow. He was captain of the 5th co., 1st reg't,
Onondaga militia, 1801, and resigned in 1805. He d. Sept. 10,
1840 ; she d. March 30, 1847, both at Pompey, N. Y.
Children of Ebenezer Punderson and Lovina (Barnes)
Avery :
1578. i. Hannah Punderson', b. Dec. 3, 1787.
1579. ii, Sally Bement", b. Sept. 1, 1789.
1580. iii. Lucy', b. March 14, 1791.
1581. iv. William', b. Aug. 16, 1793.
1582. V. Phebe', b. Oct. 31, 1795.
1583. vi. Candace', b. Nov. 9, 1797.
1584. vii. LuCETTA', b. Oct. 26, 1799.
1585. viii. Perlena', b. Dec. 10, 1802.
1586. ix. Perlina', b. Dec. 10, 1802.
1587. X. Cyrus', b. July 28, 1807.
1588. xi. Nancy', b. Sept. 8, 1809.
1589. xii. Samuel', b. Feb. 18, 1812.
631. Henry'' A\QYy {Solomon^, Humphrey^ Samuel^, James-,
Christopher^) was b. May 4, 1767, at Groton; m. May 20, 1795,
at East Taghkanic, N. Y., Hannah Rockefeller, dau. of "Jersey"
William and Christina (Rockefeller) Rockefeller, of German-
town, N. Y., and sister of Godfrey Rockefeller (No. 1561).
She was b. Aug. 5, 1780, at East Taghkanic. He was the first
supervisor of Taghkanic and held that office fourteen years ; was
justice of the peace for twenty-eight years. He d. March 25,
1853, at West Taghkanic; she d. at the same place, Feb. 4, 1865;
buried in the M. E. burying-ground, West Taghkanic.
Children of Henry and Hannah (Rockefeller) Avery, b. at
West Taghkanic :
The Sixth Generation 361
1590. i. William', b. Oct. 16, 1796.
1591. ii. Hannah', b. Jan. 24, 1800.
1592. iii. Amanda', b. July 17, 1802.
1593. iv. Henry Cyrus', b. Oct. 26, 1803.
1594. V. Sally', b. Aug. 15, 1805.
1595. vi. Peter R.', b. March 20, 1807.
1596. vii. Elizabeth', b. Oct. 16, 1808.
1597. viii. Lucinda', b. Sept. 10, 1810.
1598. ix. Solomon', b. Oct. 17, 1812.
1599. X. Caroline', b. Oct. 16, 1814.
1600. xi. Jacob', b. June 11, 1816.
1601. xii. Esther', b. Aug. 25, 1819.
1602. xiii. Stephen', b. May 10, 1822.
632. Cyrus" Avery {Solomon^, Humphrey*, Samuel^, James'-,
Christopher^) was b. May 12, 1771, at Norwich; m. May 16,
1791, at Tunkhannock, Penn., Lydia Marcy, dau. of Zebulon
and Jerusha (Conant) Marcy. She was b. Jan. 3, 1772, in the
Wyoming Valley, Pa. Cyrus Avery was an extensive land owner,
having more than a thousand acres on Tunkhannock Creek. He
was justice of the peace many years and a colonel of militia. His
commission is in the possession of the family. His wife died
June 18, 1817 ; he d. Feb. 28, 1833, both at Tunkhannock.
Children of Cyrus and Lydia (Marcy) Avery, b. at Tunk-
hannock :
1603. 1. Miles', b. Dec. 28, 1791.
ii. Zebulon', b. May 12, 1793; died same day.
1604. ill. Zebulon', b. July 7, 1794.
iv. Solomon', b. July 28, 1796; d. y.
V. Nicholas', b. Sept. 19, 1797; d. y.
1605. vi. Jerusha', b. Dec. 3, 1798.
1606. vii. Sally', b. Feb. 5, 1801; m. Wright; d. May 3, 1828,
at Tunkhannock.
1607. viii. Cyrus Henry', b. July 28, 1803.
ix. Humphrey', b. Nov. 14, 1805; d. April 9, 1820.
X. Lydia', b. March 5, 1808; d. Nov. 30, 1831; unm.
1608. xi. Abel Marcy', b. July 29, 1811.
1609. xii. Punderson', b. July 31, 1814.
1610. xiii. Joseph Conant', b. June 9, 1817.
634. Sibyl Noyes" Avery (Samuel^, Humphrey*, Samuel^,
James-, Christopher'^) was b. at Groton about 1761; m. Jan. 8,
1781, in Vermont, Ezra Stiles, s. of Ezra and Elizabeth (Hub-
bard) Stiles. He was b. March 11, 1759. He was graduated
362 The Groton Avery Clan
from Harvard in 1778. He d. Aug. 22, 1784, at Edenton, N. C.
She m. 2d, Elisha Avery (No. 623, q. v.).
Children of Ezra and Sibyl Noyes (Avery) Stiles:
i. Elizabeth Hubbard', b. April 15, 1782, at Keene, N. H.; m.
John Denio.
ii. Emelia Harriet', b. Feb. 9, 1784, at Groton; m.
Clark, of Henrietta, N. Y.
635. Samuel William" Avery (Samuel^ Humphrey*, Sam-
uel\ James-, Christopher') was b. June 28, 1779; m. Dec, 1806,
probably at Owego, N. Y., Eliza A. Wattles, dau. of Gen. Mason
Wattles of the Revolution. She d. Sept. 10, 1814. He m. 2d, Jan.
16, 1816, at Aurora, N. Y., Emily Caroline Avery, dau. of Daniel
and Lydia (Avery) Avery (No. 1002). She was b. July 2, 1793.
He was lieu't, first artillery co., sixth reg't, Tioga and Broome
counties, N. Y., in 1810 ; captain in 1812 ; resigned about 1815
(Military Records of New York, pp. 1164, 1388, 1605). She d.
Sept. 18, 1822 ; he d. Dec. 28, 1828.
Child of Samuel William and Eliza A. (Wattles) Avery:
1611. i. Samuel M.', b. Aug. 25, 1807.
Children of Samuel William and Emily Caroline (Avery)
Avery :
1612. i. Eliza Wattles', b. Dec. 30, 1816.
1613. ii. Daniel Humphrey', b. Dec. 30, 1818.
iii. Walter Oddie', b. Aug. 3, 1820; d. March 7, 1839.
iv. Emily Caroline', b. June 20, 1822; d. July, 1826.
636. John Humphrey' Avery (Samuel^ Humphrey', Sam-
uel\ James-, Christopher') was b. Nov. 4, 1782; m. Nov. 3, 1806,
Stella Seeley Hinchman dau. of Dr. Joseph and Zerviah (Seeley)
Hinchman. She was b. Oct. 25, 1788. Her father was a soldier
of the Revolution. John Humphrey Avery was a lawyer; rep-
resented his district in the state legislature in 1814. None of his
sons married.
Children of John Humphrey and Stella Seeley (Hinchman)
Avery :
i. Humphrey John', b. July 13, 1808; d. July 27, 1821.
1614. ii. Stella Hinchman', b. Feb. 12, 1810; m. Cuyler Hosmer.
iii. George Waitstill', b. Feb. 12, 1812; d. Dec. 23, 1849.
1615. iv. Susan Palmes', b. Nov. 29, 1813; m. R. D. Pieronet.
1616. V. Emily Eliza', b. Oct. 10, 1815; m. Judge Farrington.
The Sixth Generation 363
vi. Charles Pumpelly', b. July 3, 1817; d. 1872.
vii. Joseph Hinchman', b. Nov. 29, 1819; d. March 9, 1821.
viii. Mary Ann', b. May 1, 1822; single in 1888.
ix. Fannie Catharine^ b. Nov. 25, 1823; d. Oct. 16, 1825.
1617. X. Lesbia PLAxr, b. Oct. 2, 1825; m. Isaac Newton Jerome,
xi. Guy Hinchman', b. Aug. 30, 1829; d 1903, at New York.
637. Frances" Avery (Samuel^, Hiimvhreif, Samuel^, James-,
Christopher') was b. Sept. 9, 1785, at Westminster, Vt. ; m. Sept.
3, 1803, at Owego, N. Y., Charles Pumpelly, s. of John and
Hannah (Bushnell) Pumpelly. He was b. Dec. 8, 1789, at Salis-
bury, Conn. He was in the war of 1812 ; was one of the founders
of Owego; had a large landed estate; was supervisor many
years ; represented his district in the New York assembly. She
d. Oct. 21, 1848; he d. March 9, 1855, both at Owego.
Children of Charles and Fiances (Avery) Pumpelly, b. at
Owego :
i. John Charles', b. Oct. 28, 1804; d. March 9, 1830, at
Owego ; unm.
ii. Mary Ann', b. Dec. 31, 1806; m. George Bacon; d. Feb. 11,
1845, at Owego.
iii, Susan Isabella', b. April 24, 1809; m. George James Pum-
pelly; d. July 30, 1864, at Owego.
iv. Frances Eliza', b. March 19, 1811; m. Joseph S. Bosworth;
d. March 30, 1879, at New York City.
V. Catharine Ann', b. Feb. 28, 1813; m. John Mason Parker,
judge of the supreme court; d. Dec. 30, 1845, at Owego.
vi. Harriet Amelia', b. June 27, 1815; m. Theodore Freling-
huysen, president of Princeton College; d. Feb. 8, 1876,
at Owego.
vii. Stella Avery', b. Sept. 19, 1817; m. John Mason Parker,
widower of her sister, Catharine Ann; d. Sept. 28, 1894,
at Owego.
viii. Caroline Augusta', b. Feb. 6, 1820; died unm.
ix. James', b. Sept. 23, 1822; d. Dec. 3, 1823, at Owego.
X. Lydia Abby', b. June 26, 1827; m. James Forsyth, president
of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; d. Aug. 12, 1876, at
Troy, N. Y.
638. Susan*' Avery (Samuel^, Humphrey*, Samuel^, James^,
Christopher') was b. March 31, 1787; m. Nathan Camp. Thej^
lived at Owego, N. Y. She d. Aug. 4, 1813.
Child of Nathan and Susan (Avery) Camp:
i. Frederick M.'; m. Sarah Piatt.
364 The Groton Avery Clan
639. Isabella^ Avery (SamueP, Humphrey*, Samuel^, James^,
Christopher') was b. June 24, 1789; m. Levi Leonard. He was
b. July 4, 1790. She d. Aug. 20, 1842 ; he d. Aug., 1862.
Children of Levi and Isabella (Avery) Leonard :
i. Susan', m. William B. Wood.
ii. William'.
iii. Mary', died young.
iv. Charles F.', b. Jan. 10, 1830; m. Esther Ann Davenport.
640. Martha*^ Avery {James^, Humphrey^ SamueP, James-,
Christopher') was b. Aug. 22, 1773; m. Feb. 18, 1798, Moses
Benjamin, s. of David and Lucy (Parke) Benjamin. He was b.
July 5, 1774, at Preston. He was a captain in the West India
trade. She d. Sept. 12, 1800, at Norwich. He m. 2d, Jerusha
Avery (No. 643).
Children of Moses and Martha (Avery) Benjamin, b. at
Norwich :
i. Charles', b. Dec. 28, 1798; m. Lucy Harvey; 2d, Olive
Harvey; d. at Georgetown, Demerara, British Guiana,
ii. George', b. July 23, 1800; d. Feb. 20, 1840, at Georgetown;
641. James" Avery (James^, Humphrey*, Samuel"", James^,
Christopher') was b. April 19, 1776 (tombstone) ; m. March 10,
1811, at Preston, Hannah Pride, dau. of Absalom and Huldah
(Brewster) Pride, and a descendant of Elder Brewster. She was
b. July 26, 1791 (tombstone). He d. at Preston, June 13, 1846;
she d. March 28, 1869, at Norwich; both are buried at Brew-
ster's Neck, Preston.
Children of James and Hannah (Pride) Avery, b. at Pres-
Martha Pride', b. May 3, 1812; d. March 26, 1833; unm.
Jerusha', b. July 18, 1815; d. Feb. 21, 1816.
Huldah', b. March 4, 1817.
Francis Smith', b. Sept. 19, 1819.
Jerusha Adelaide', b. Aug. 30, 1823. j,
Mary Esther', b. Nov. 1, 1825. S';
1622. vii. George Benjamin', b. Aug. 19, 1828.
642. Christopher'' Avery (James% Humphrey*, Samuel^,
James-, Christojjher^) was b. Sept. 5, 1778; m. Anna Stanton.
He d. July 28, 1801, at Demerara, British Guiana; she d. Aug.
13, 1808.
The Sixth Generation 365
643. Jerusha" Avery (James^, Humphrey^ Samuel^, James\
ChnstopheV) was b. March 16, 1781; m. Dec. 15, 1801, at Pres-
ton, Moses Benjamin, the widower of her sister, Martha (No.
640). She d. Aug. 9, 1803, at Norwich. He m. two other wives
and d. July 5, 1813, at Norwich.
Child of Moses and Jerusha (Avery) Benjamin, b. at Nor-
wich :
i. Moses', b. Nov. 25, 1802; d. in Demerara, British Guiana;
644. Benjamin" Avery {James^, Humphrey*, Samuel^,.
James-, Christopher') was b. Nov. 16, 1783; m. Annis Patchen,
dau. of Nathan and Elizabeth (Dudley) Patchen.
Children of Benjamin and Annis (Patchen) Avery:
1. Henry James', a physician; d. unm.
1623. ii. Caroline Jerusha'; m. Amos Slawson; one child, Olivia.
1624. iii. Betsy Maria', b. April 1, 1815, at Berlin, N. Y.
iv. Sarah Martha', d. June 4, 1883; unm.
1625. V. Benjamin Franklin', b. Aug. 10, 1819.
645. Henry Clinton'' Avery {James^, Humphrey*, Samuel^,.
James-, Christopher') was b. Nov. 11, 1790; m. Oct. 22, 1815, at
Poquetanuck, Sarah Chapman, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth
(Allyn) Chapman. She was b. April 1, 1796, at Ledyard. He
was a grocer at Norwich. He d. Sept. 9, 1822, at Preston; she
d. July 8, 1884, at Poquetanuck.
Children of Henry Clinton and Sarah (Chapman) Avery, b.
at Poquetannock :
1626. i. Elizabeth Maria', b. June 22, 1817.
ii. John Henry', b. June 16, 1822; d. Oct. 17, 1847, at Po-
quetanuck; unm.
647. Polly Myra*' Avery {WaightstilV', Humphrey*, Sam-
uel^, James-, Christopher') was b. Aug. 24, 1779, in Burke
County, N. C; m. July, 1796, Caleb Poor; 2d, 1823, Jacob
Summey, of Asheville, N. C. She d. Feb. 20, 1857, in Henderson
County, N. C. She was a woman of strong character which she
impressed upon her children and her children's children.
Children of Caleb and Polly Myra (Avery) Poor, b. in
Burke County, N. C:
366 The Groton Avery Clan
i. Edwin', b. 1797; d. 1829.
ii. Polly Osgood', b. 1799; m. John McLean; d. 1881. Their
oldest child, Margaret Adeline", m. Leander Sams Gash.
She d. in 1890. Their oldest child, Thomas Lenoir', m.
Davie Anne Deaver, in 1870. Their son, Robert Lenoir"'
Gash, lives at Brevard, N. C. The youngest child of John
and Polly Osgood (Poor) McLean, Harriet Amanda'", m.
Charles Manson Greer. Their son, G. A. Greer, lives at
Asheville, N. C.
iii. Leah Caroline', b. 1800; m. John Span,
iv. Phoebe', b. 1803; d. 1833.
V. William PROBARr, b. 1806; m. Elizabeth Emeline McCarson;
2d, Sarah Ann Wilson; d. 1889.
vi. Isaac Thomas', b. 1808; d. 1842.
vii. Milton', b. 1812; d. 1828.
648. Elizabeth'^ Avery {WaightstilP, Humphrey^, Samuel^,
James-, Christopher'') was b. Aug., 1782, in Burke County, N. C;
m. about 1802, at Swan Ponds, Burke County, N. C, William
Ballard Lenoir, s. of General William and Ann (Ballard)
Lenoir. He was b. Sept. 1, 1775, in Wilkes County, Tenn. ; d.
Feb. 14, 1852, at Lenoir, Tenn.
Children of William Ballard and Elizabeth (Avery) Lenoir:
i. Albert Sobieski', b. Aug. 30, 1803. in North Carolina; m.
March 2, 1837, in Roane County, Tenn., Catharine Frie-
ling Welcker, dau. of Henry and Elizabeth (Inman)
Welcker. She was b. March 18, 1819, in Roane County.
He d. Nov. 28, 1861; she d. Oct. 15, 1889, in Loudon
County, Tenn. Their oldest daughter, Elizabeth'', m. July
1, 1857, in Roane County, David McKendree Key, s. of the
Rev. John Henry and Mai-garet (Armitage) Key. He
was b. Jan. 27, 1824, at Greenboro, Tenn. He was an
officer in the Confederate ai-my; U. S. senator from
Tenn.; postmaster-general under President Hayes; U. S.
district judge. He d. Feb. 3, 1900, at Chattanooga. Her
address is 511 Poplar St., Chattanooga, Tenn. Her oldest
daughter, Emma", m. William Baker Thompson, lieut. in
the 11th Michigan Vol. Cavalry and the creator of the
U. S. railway postal service; she d. March 30, 1886, at
Chattanooga. No children,
ii. Louisa Caroline", b. 1805; m. Reynolds A. Ramsey; d. Aug.
12, 1841. Their son, Thomas Isaac" Ramsey, m. Jane
Amelia Cunningham Boyd, dau. of William Houston
Boyd. Their address is 222 Utica St., San Antonio, Tex.
The Sixth Generation 367
They have children, Annie", Waight still", and Thomas";
Thomas was b. April 26, 1877; m. Nov. 26, 1907, Edith
Mary Springall.
iii. Isaac Thomas', m. Mary Caroline Hogg; d. Dec. 7, 1875.
iv. Leah Adeline", m. John Y. Smith; d. July 22, 1879.
V. Myra Ann', m. Gen. James H. Reagan; d. March 8, 1879.
vi. William', b. Jan. 20, 1813; d. June 16, 1878; unm.
vii. Waightstill Avery', b. Jan. 19, 1815; m. Isabella Hume;
d. March 6, 1884.
viii. Walter Franklin', b. Nov. 21, 1816; m. Elizabeth God-
dard. She d. Jan. 10, 1855. He m. 2d, July 7, 1857,
Hattie Osborne. He d. Sept. 1, 1878; she d. June 5, 1907.
ix. Eliza Martha', b. Dec. 23, 1818; m. Col. John Martin; d.
March 4, 1894, at Paris, Texas.
X. Benjamin Ballard', b. March 5, 1821, at Lenoir, Tenn. ; m.
Nov. 27, 1855, Henrietta Rutledge Ramsey; she d. May
25, 1864. He m. 2d, Margaret Virginia Siler. He d.
March 13, 1905, at Lenoir, Tenn.
xi. Israel Pickins', b. Sept. 21, 1823; d. Dec. 21, 1876.
xii. Julia Joyce', b. 1826; d. Dec. 18, 1841.
649. Isaac Thomas^ Avery {WaightstiW, Humphrey*, Sam-
uel^, James'-, Christopher^) was b. Sept. 22, 1785, at Swans
Ponds, N. C; m. June 27, 1815, at Belvidere, N. C, Harriet
Eloise Erwin, daii. of Col. William Willoughby and Matilda
(Sharpe) Erwin. She was b. May 3, 1795, at Belvidere. She
was a descendant of Col. William Sharpe of the first congress,
of David Reese who signed the Mecklenberg resolutions (See
Avery's History of the United States and Its People, vol. 5, p.
356), and of others illustrious in North Carolina history. Isaac
Thomas Avery was a fine Latin scholar; a successful farmer,
and the largest raiser of cattle and horses in his section of the
country ; cashier of the Morganton bank ; member of the state
legislature and of the governor's council. He left a large estate.
She d. Aug. 4, 1858; he d. Dec. 31, 1864; both at Swan Ponds.
Children of Isaac Thomas and Harriet Eloise (Erwin)
Avery, b. at Swan Ponds, N. C. :
1627. i. William Waightstill', b. May 25, 1816.
ii. Child', twin to above; died the same day.
iii. Theodore Horatio', b. Sept., 1817; d. Oct. 3, 1822.
1628. iv. Clark Moulton', b. Oct. 3, 1819.
v. Thomas Lenoir', b. March 16, 1821; d. Sept. 23, 1852.
vi. Leah Adelaide', b. Dec. 20, 1822; d. Jan. 20, 1897; unm.
368 The Groton Avery Clan
vii. Matilda Louise^ b. Oct. 4, 1824; d. July 3, 1825.
viii. Child', b. May 8, 1826; d. July 18, 1826.
ix. Marcus', b. Oct. 4, 1827; d. Feb. 22, 1828.
X. Isaac Irwin', b. Dec. 20, 1828; d. July 3, 1863, in the Con-
federate army at the battle of Gettysburg; unm. He
was colonel of the sixth N. C. reg't.
1629. xi. Mary Ann Martha', b. May 25, 1831.
1630. xii. JusTiNA Harriet', b. Sept. 22, 1833.
1631. xiii. Alphonso Calhoun', b. Sept. 11, 1835.
xiv. Laura Myra', b. Nov. 15, 1837.
XV. Edward Dolbeare', b. Sept. 26, 1839; d. Dec. 1, 1848.
1632. xvi. Willoughby Francis', b. May 7, 1843.
650. Selina Louisa "^ Avery {WaightstiW, Humphrey^ Sam-
uel^, James-, Christopher'^) was b. Oct. 27, 1788, at Swan Ponds,
N. C. ; m. about 1807, at Swan Ponds, Thomas Lenoir, s. of
Gen. William and Ann (Ballard) Lenoir, and brother of her
sister Elizabeth's husband. He was b. May 2, 1780, at Fort
Defiance, N. C. He d. Jan. 15, 1861 ; she d. Sept. 21, 1864, both
at Fort Defiance.
Children of Thomas and Selina Louisa (Avery) Lenoir:
i. William Avery', b. June 18, 1808, at Forks of Pigeon, N. C;
m. Jane Keziah Derr; d. May 1, 1862, at Lenoir, N. C.
ii. Ann Eliza', b. March 15, 1811; d. April 26, 1812, at Forks
of Pigeon,
iii. Selina Louisa', b. March 18, 1813, at Forks of Pigeon; m.
Samuel Pickins; d. March 29, 1836, at Greensboro, Ala.
iv. Laura Leah Caroline', b. June 6, 1815, at Forks of Pigeon;
m. Joseph Caldwell Norwood; d. Feb. 3, 1894, in Loudon
County, Tenn.
V. Thomas Isaac', b. Aug. 26, 1817, at Forks of Pigeon; m.
Mary Elizabeth Garrett; d. Jan. 5, 1882, at Forks of
vi. Mary Ann Myra', b. July 21, 1819, at Forks of Pigeon; m.
James Gwyn; d. 1898, at Green Hill, N. C.
vii. Sarah Joyce', b. March 15, 1821, at Forks of Pigeon; d.
Jan. 21, 1899, at Fort Defiance,
viii. Walter Waightstill', b. March 13, 1823, at Fort Defiance;
m. Cornelia Isabelle Christian; d. July 26, 1900, in
Watauga County, N. C.
ix. RuFUS Theodore', b. Dec. 15, 1825, at Fort Defiance; m.
Feb. 18, 1857, at Elkin, N. C, Sarah Leonora Gwyn, dau.
of Richard and Elizabeth (Hunt) Gwyn. She was b.
April 13, 1833, at Elkin. He is a farmer in the Yadkin
The Sixth Generation 369
652. Margaret Stringer'' Avery {Isaac', Humphrey^ Sam-
uel', James-, Christopher^) was b. March 19, 1789, in Warren
County, Va. ; m. March 8, 1820, in Burke County, N. C, John
Murphy, s. of James Murphy; 2d, May 21, 1829, John CoUett;
d. Aug-. 14, 1842.
Children of John and Margaret Stringer (Avery) Murphy:
i. Eliza M;, b. Dec. 20, 1820; m. Thomas George Walton,
ii. Sarah Lauretta', b. May 16, 1822; m. Alexander Francis
Gaston; 2d, William C. Erwin; d. June, 1864.
iii. James Isaac', b. July 22, 1823; d. young,
iv. Harriet Louisa', b. Oct. 13, 1825; m. William Mclntyre
V. John Hugh', b. Feb. 14, 1827; m. Clara Irwin Patton.
Child of John and Marg-aret Stringer (Avery) Collett:
i. Waitstill Avery', b. Jan. 28, 1830; m. Mary Caldwell, dau.
of Gdv. Todd R. Caldwell; d. July 9, 1880.
653. James'' Avery (Isaac'', Humphrey^ SamueV\ James-,
Christopher^) was b. Oct. 25, 1791; m. March 6, 1823, in Burke
County, N. C, Elizabeth Brown, dau. of Daniel and Hannah
(Hollingsv^'orth) Brown. She was b. Oct. 2, 1799, in McDowell
County, N. C. He was a farmer. He d. March 6, 1872 ; she d.
in 1877, both in Burke County.
Children of James and Elizabeth (Brown) Avery, b. in
Burke County :
Margaret Ann', b. Dec. 10, 1823.
Isaac Theodore', b. July 10, 1825.
Hannah Elvira', b. Feb. 22, 1827.
William Brown', b. Nov. 25, 1828.
Mary Matilda', b. Jan. 21, 1832.
Harriet Martha', b. May 31, 1834.
Eliza Murphy', b. May 22, 1836.
viii. Laura Jane', b. Sept. 30, 1838.
ix. Henry Harrison', b. July 15, 1840; d. Aug. 6, 1861, at
Yorktown, Va.; unm.
654. Elizabeth" (or Eliza Elnora) Avery (Isaac-', Hum-
phrey*, SamueV, James-, Christopher^) was b. 1793, in Warwick
County, Va. ; m. April 5, 1825, in North Carolina, James Make-
mie Oneil. He was b. Sept. 22, 1798. He was a wagon-maker
and lived in Burke County, N. C. She d. Dec. 9, 1849 ; he d. Nov.
26, 1861, at Manassas, Va.
370 The Groton Avery Clan
Children of James and Elizabeth (Avery) Oneil, b. in Burke
County, N. C. :
i. Henry Wastee', b. May 15, 1826.
ii. Julius Theodore', b. Dec. 17, 1828. ^
iii. Margaret Ann', b. July 4, 1830; m. Robert R. Mooney; d.
April 19, 1855.
iv. Harriet Eliza', b. Sept. 23, 1832; m. James W. McGalliard;
lives near Morganton, N. C.
V. Isaac Patrick', b. Jan. 5, 1835; m. Mary E. Carper; d.
Aug. 2, 1878, at Salisbury, N. C.
657. WaitstilF Avery {Charles^, Waitstill*, Samuel^, James- ^
Christopher^) ; m. Amy Wheeler. He served in Abel Spicer's
company in 1775; in Jonathan Calkins's company in 1777 {Conn.
Men in the Kev'n, pp. 78, 505). He was lieu't, 5th co., 3d reg't,
Oct., 1785; was made captain, 6th co., 3d reg't, Oct., 1792 {Ms.
State Papers, Hartford) . They lived at East Stockbridge, Mass.,
and later in Bedford Tp., Luzerne County, Penn., where he d.
Nov. 2, 1807, aged 50; she d. Sept. 30, 1844, at West Stock-
bridge, Mass., aged 88.
Children of Waitstill and Amy (Wheeler) Avery:
1641. i. Amy Abigail', b. May 2, 1776.
1642. ii. Rebecca', b. Sept. 23, 1790.
1643. iii. Waitstill', b. Aug. 30, 1796, at Waterford, Conn.
1644. iv. Frederick', b. Feb. 27, 1799, at Waterford.
658. Lucy'' Avery {Charles^, Waitstill*, Samuel^, James-,
Christopher^) ; m. James Strickland, s. of Peter and Sarah
(Williams) Strickland.
Children of James and Lucy (Avery) Strickland:
i. Apphia', m. Abel Brown, s. of Aaron and Rebecca (Avery)
Brown (No. 1642).